HomeMy WebLinkAboutLiber F 1837-1885 (Copy of Original) 1 A Copy of Roads , paths and reservations made from the Records of the Town of Southold by Ben- Jamin S. Horton Junr, Joseph Terry, Giles Wells , Eben- ezer W. Case and Sawyer H. Moore , a committee chosen by the inhabitants of the said Town at their Annual Town Meeting in 1827 for that purpose. --------------------- Abraham Whitkear sold to Joshua Hobart a High- way next the oreek and four rods of upland Book A reserved out of said lot, not specified where- page - 90 which Highway is to be in breadth according to the custom of the Town of Southold, and the length of iti is to extend cross the breadth of said lot. ------------------------- A Highway two poles wide laid down by Jeremiah Book B . . . . . . . the Town in lieu of 24 poles of land lying by his house , the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . way leads to the old field------In presence of Goodman Horton (?�. Entered March 1675/6 pr Benj. Young. --------------------------- Page 21 It was ordered at a Town Meeting that a High- way two poles wide should be lying on the north side of Joshua Horton's (?) land, and run from lane to lane. The said Highway pro- cured by Jonathan Horton. Entered by Benj.ff Youngs ---------------------------- These presents testify thatLeut. (? ) Joshua Horton hath purchased of Capt. Jonathan Hor- Book C ton, by way of exchange , qll that part of a Page 18 too pole highway which is bounded by the side May 120 1701of Joshua's land on the north, being in length forty-seven poles and a half-the content whereof is 95 poles ) and bounded on the south by Jeremiah Vail. Entered the year and day above written pr. Benjn. Youngs recorder ------------------------------ Peter Dickinson aged 56 years testifieth being Book C. present with Benjamin Youngs and Mr. John Tut- Page ? hill. Mr Tuthill and?Mr. Youngs what land was 2 left at the watering places in the division of land they laid out-----Mr. Youngs made answer-Six poles of upland round the watering---after a little pause Mr. Tuthill said he remembered it was so. Mr. Tut- hill asked Mr. Youngs if it were recorded. He answered No-but he would do it. Mr. Tuthill urged him to do it and further saith not. June 3d 1704 Sworn before me Thomas Mapes Justice. -------------------- These presents testify that Capt. Jonathan Book C. Horton hath purchased by way of exchange of Page 34 Leut (?) Joshua Horton a certain tract of land --y 129 1701 containing 95 poles situate lying and being next to the two pole way lately exchanged to Capt. Jonathan Horton by Town of Southold- the said 95 roles is to extend in length from Jeremiah Vail's land on the west to the lane or Highway that leadeth from the said Jonathan Horton's house to his north side land on the east. Entered pr. Benj Youngs recorder, the day do year above written. ----------------------------- There is a three poles Highway that runs from the Queens road by the Northeast corner of David Coreys home lands near the dwelling house of Jacob Conklin and so untill it comes to the house of Samuel Conklin and then there is a Book C two poles highway that leads Easterly through Hashamomack the lands of Samuel Conklin and the corner of . . . . . .1712 four score acres and so on the east side of David Coreys land to the Queens road. . . . . . . There is a wa , through the land of Joseph Conc in to the Mill Meadow, that is through gates or bars , for to cart hay or otherwise-- There is also a Highway, two poles wide from the east side of t e ouse of Samuel Conklin to the fresh pond. There is alsoa Hi hwa , from the three poles way near a ouse of Jacob Conklin two poles wide to David Corey's Old Orchard. Entered January 31 17/12 III 13 pr Benj Youngs Town Clerk II I 3 1695 March 18th day Then these Highways following were measured add laid out by Joshua Horton and Benjamin youngs (?) Townsmen, namely a Highway four poles wide beginning at the street (3) at the east end of the Town running into a Highway that is two poles wide, which said two pole highway begins at the easternmost side of John Yates land. Also a Highway three poles wide from the Street against Sim Grovers house, it runs north or northerly between Christopher Youngs land and Book C Mr. Moores land, til it comes to the Highway Page 201 that runs East or Easterly to the old field East End and the water mill. of Town Also a highway from Richard I Benjamin lane running east til it comes into the highway that lies at the eastwardmost side of Benj. Yo. his land, this highway is two poles wide 1695 and is lying the rear of Mr. Herberts , John Calves Neck I Booths Benj Yo: land in the Calves Neck. Also a Highway two poles wide beginning at Riofiard Benjamin lane and from thence it (out of o runs southerly to Dickersons Creek. order ) Also q Highway two poles wide lying on the east side of Benj Yo : land in the Calves Neck, beginning at the head of the Creek there and from thence it runs South or Southerly to the cove that runs up into or about the middle of the Calves Naek. -------------------------- There is a Highway between these North and South lots four poles wide from the entering Book C of the Neck upo# Brushes Hill, it runs Page 241 northerly to the rear of the lot and from thence 1703 to Lieut (here is an erasure) Griffings land at the east end of the neck. Also the former Highway that leads into the said neFF and runneth east to Mr. Budds land is four poles wide and from thence turneth ruuud Captn. Hortons meadow, running over a small point-- land to the going to Cedar Beach. Also there is a Highway that runs from the High- way that is at the South end of the nedk lotts , to the north side of the said stook, by the claypit meadow------- The other cross highway Hogneek runneth from the Highway nwar the head of Rlehard. . . .Benjamins meadow to the land of Joseph Reeve and the meadow. . . . . . . . . . .at the north side of said neck between the. . . . . . lots of Capt . Young and Leot(?) Baily and be- yween the north lots of John Young. Also there is a highway that runs from the last mentioned highway at the southeast corner of Jos- eph Reeve his land which he purchased of Jonathan Mapes, along the said Joseph Reeve his land to the Southwest corner thereof where there is a pgroel of common land against the mouth of Goose Creek between the land of Joseph Reeve and John Alaborn, the end of the lots being on the south of the said common beach, the Beach or water on the North, as by the bounds of each man will plainly show. . . . . . . . .Entered March 18-170 3/4 ------------------------ There is a liberty of a way through Gate or bars ( ;eaving the same shut all along the South- ward side of Joshua Wells his land for the cart- Book C ing of grass from time to time growing on the Page 313 meadow and the ereekthatoh ground lying between Southarbor the Ketcham•s meadow so called and Joshua Horton his qteadow at Pine Neck, and also fence to the same----And there is an open way, two poles wide by the east side of Joseph Brown his lot and so to the northernmost corner of Samuel Hutchinson his land, and then liberty of a eartway through Gate or bars (leaving the same shut ) straight to the head of Goldsmiths spang or oreekthatch and so on the said Creekthateh into the water and so over the common wading place for the per- sons that have oreekthatch there to fetch the same and to fetch wood or timber that groomed upon the Indian field (so called ) . And Also the liberty of a way through gate or bars Prom the said corner of Samuel Hutchinson his land (leaving the same shut as above ) strait to the east end of the Salt pond on the South side of Southarbor neck, and so to the beach by the side of the bay into the Creek, at the mouth of the Creek, for the commoners to fetch their oreekthatch growing in said Creek, with the liberty of the land, near the going into said Creek for the eonvenieney of them to unload and load their oreekthatoh------- And there is also left an o en hi wa two poles wide t e% runs Bout war from the Kings road between the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (edge of page torn) 5 the hollow and so to the meadow late of John Road to the Reeve , and along by the side of the said Spring at Case�adow, to a pareel of land left common at Creek the head of that creek for the convenient Altered below watering of cattle at the spring there, and other privileges for the commoners and so t ' the said two p®le way is to be continued from the said common land between the lots and William Coleman his land to the - Indian lot so called. The Commoners at the request of Capt. Cor- win and William Coleman agreed that the Highway Book C that lays between the said Capt. Corwin from Page 323 the Kings Road to the common land at the head 1726 of the Creek and from thence Southerly between See Above the lands of the said Capt. Corwin and William Coleman, may be altered or moved to lay between the lands of him the said Capt. Corwin and the lands of Zebulon Halliock, formerly John Budd , which said way is two poles wide--provided that Indian Neck the said Capt. Corwin lay a way two poles wide from the said highway at the west side of his said Land and so along the Southward end of his said land where it is now fenced to the said common Land and not otherwise. Entered by Benj. Youngs , Town Clerk ---------------------- There is left an open way two poles wide from Book C the Kings road and along the side of Richard Terrys Page 313 land where he now dwells Southerly and so along Little Hogneck by the East side of Mr. Joshua Wells his land & See P. 18 meadow to Gershon Terry his meadow and then turns where this is easterly by the Southward side of Samuel Youngs his altered lot to Nathaniel Terry and William Wells lotts. ------------------------ AIS 0 there is an open higktw� two poles wide turns out of a Inst mentioned way by a pond of water that is near Joshua Wells his meadow head Little Neck running Southerly near the middle of Little Neck (so called ) between the two tier of lots to William Salmons lot. ALSO we left land to go through gates or bars '4 (leaving the sane shut ) from the last mentioned way to the meadow and then to go easterly and westerly by or near the meadow side for the use of the owners of all oreekthatch and hay and to oart fence for their meadows , and also liberty of the land near to the going into the Creek, for the owners of the Creekthatch to unload and load their Creekthatch : Also a drift way from the said open way going into the said ittle neck through gates or bars leaving the same shut by the Southward part of Richard 6 Terrys land to the fresh meadow so called, and so along near the meadow to the furthermost meadow, for the owners of the said meadow to make and cart their hay and fence. Also a way through gates or bars (leaving the same shut through Gershom Terrys land near the side of his meadow to the common places of going into the creek for the con- venience of all owners of Creekthatch to unload, load and carry away their Creekthatch. And also a way on William Wells his lot through Gates or ars to the meadow of Joseph Reeve for to make and cart the hay and carry fence to the said Book C meadow 7 for the commoners to go conveniently to Page 314 get and cart the Common Creekthatch and the liberty of land near the Commog Creekthatch to unload and load their Creekthatch as they have occasion. Note that Gates or convenient Slip bars mey be set up upon the before mentioned open ways by the consent of those that own the lots of upland, lying within the sane and enclosed thereby which Gates and bars are for the use of the owners of the Creekthatch and meadows as above said all the ways above mentioned in this division through gates or bars are for the uses above mentioned and not other- wise. There is an open way two poles wide and con- tinued Southerly from the two poles way that is mentioned that comes to the Indian Land so called unto Jonathan Horton Junr. his (his ) lot and then runs easterly between the two tier of lots in the Book C 314 Indian Land to William Cox his lot , they away through Gates or bars leaving the same shut to the Southward Indian Neck side of the spang of meadow at the end of the Neck and so upon the beach and along under the cleft to the common place of wading over to South $arbor: And also there is liberty of a way through Gates or bars all round the lower part or bottom of the neck of the Indian Land So called for to get and cart the Creekthatch. . . Also there is a wa through Gates or bars leaving the same shut on t e west side of Johathan Horton his lot to Benjamin Moore his meadow for to get and cart hay and fence. . Book C 314 Note-that gates or bars may be set upon the opwn way in this division by the consent of the owners of the land enclosed Thereby 7 At a meeting of the Commoners in Southold Mardh 8 1726/7 The said commoners in consideration of Six pounds Sixteen shillings current money of New York Book C to them in hand paid by Hezekiah Reeve of the Page 323 said Town , have sold unto the said Hezekiah Reeve 1726 and to his heirs assigns forever all that two poles way lying between the land of Elizabeth Hunter and the land of the said Hezekiah Reeve in the said Town freely to be possessed and enjoyed.--- At the Same meeting of the Commoners the date above written it was voted that Benjamin Case in Considera- Cutehogue tion of his setting and Keeping up a pale fence Pond next to the highway against Cutehogue pond to keep the grounds from washing into the said pond, is to have the liberty and privilege of running his fence into the said pond for the time of ten years and no longer.--- ........................ Note , onger.--------------------------- Note , that Nathaniel Warner Esq and Robert Hemp- stead, two of the commissioners for the better Book C regulating and mending the Highways for the Town Page 330 of Southold being applied to by some of the in- habitants , dwellers on a neck of Sand called and known by the name of Hogneck in said town to cer- tify where the highway is or shall be for the future leading into the above said neck do order as followeth: the fence qs it now standetFby TFe head of the meadow belonging to Freegift Wells called by the name of Cotcheam meadow upon the west end of the said meadow, Shall be the east line and so to extend four poles in breadth west from said fence and turning the corner runs along by said fence easterly and extends four poles in breadth south from said fence , and so upon a straight line Eastward into Hogneck where the bounds are upon the Hogneck South of said highway at the end of John Coreys 1739 ditch and to extend four poled in breadth Northerly along by the ditch and from the east of the ditch upon a straight line until it cometh upon Baushes Hill at about 4(?) feet distance on the north side of John Coreys barn, thence on a straight line to the fence by the head of a spang of meadow over against the house of James Sawyer, and thence to a white oak tree in the lane between the land of Nathaniel Young and James Horton Standing about half a pole within the fence on the south Side of said Highway all which way the said highway it to extend four poles in breadth from said house Northerly, and from said white oak tree to turn near Southeast. . . . . it oometh four pole South from a stump called the south bound of Jacob Corey's lot and from that Stump or bound to run upon a straight line to the South bound or corner of Samuel Reeve's lot, in which way the road or highway runs on the South of the said lane and extends in breadth four poles. . . . . . . Southold Nathaniel Warner 7 May 1739.-- Robert Hempstead ------------------------ It was granted by vote that John Salmon should Book D have liberty to set up a windmill at the point of Page 109 Halliocks Neck and to have half an acre of Land 1688 near the creek on Halliocks Neck adjoining to the land of Mr. Joshua Hobart , and to have the said Halliocks land so long as he shall maintain a good and Neck sufficient mill , there and in case of defect , the land to return to the Towns use again. i. Town Meeting 2d April 1686. --------------------------------- Town Meeting Jany 1700/1 It was voted that Capt. Jonathan Horton shall have all that two pole lane that leadeth from the I ' Book D said Hortons Lane to Tuckers Lane for him the Page 113 said Capt. Horton his heirs and assigns forever, 1701 upon the condition and consideration hereafter mentioned i viz. : that the said Capt. Horton doth lay out and de- liver to the Town for the use of their heirs and Suo- cessors forever all that parcel of Land by the meeting house that is contained within a pole northward from the fence near the west end of said meeting house upon a straight line over to Serjeant John Corwins Hortons Lanelot making the said parcel of Land of an equal breadth Meeting at each end, Abraham Corey being then present refuseth House and to exchange or grant his part of said lane to Capt. Land Horton. ----------- iExchange -------------------------------- It was voted and agreed upon by the major"" part then present that the Hashamomick inhabitants shall have for themselves heirs and successors forever Book D all that highway next to the cleft which leadeth to Page 113 the Oysterpond, that is between the going of the Beach � I1701 on the east side of Toms Creek, and f II v the new frame set up by Joseph Ryder upon con- dition that the said Hashamomuok people their heirs and successors do forever procure provide and main- Hashamomuck tain a Sufficient Highway or Kings road from the east side of the beach by Toms Creek through the Hashamomuck field between the land of Joseph Mapes lsaad'. aorey and Thomas Ryder late deceased; the said Highway is to be upon the land of Joseph Mapes and Isaac Corey on the Southward side of said land until it come near the said Isaac Coreys house and from thence to run upon a stra&ght line to the above said frame set up by the said Joseph Ryder or near to it and if in case the Hashemomuck inhabitants do fence up the said road which they are to provide and maintain they the said inhabitants are hereby obliged to make and keep up two sufficient Gates at ends suitable and convenient both for horsemen and carts to pass.-- Town Meeting of Jany 1700/1 Entered pr. Benj. Youngs , Town Clerk. -------------------- It was voted and agreed upon by the majority of people present that Henry Case Shall have and hold Book D for himself and his heirs and assigns forever all Page 115 that parcel of oommon meadow in hogneck formerly Hogneck laid down by Leut. Jasper Griffing by the side Goose Creek of Goose Creek with what common land is lying 1706 against the said meadow, upon condition and in consideration of a highway two poles and a half wide to be delivered to the Town, from the north end of the west side of the said Henry Case his land (that he now liveth upon) to the northward end of Creekthatoh Pond, which said highway is to remain to the use of the Town and their Suc- cessors forever. (Town Meeting 2 April 1706 ) -------------------------- It was voted that Leut. Griffing shall have so much land in Halliock's Neck as is convenient to set a mill on so long as he the said Leut. Griffing doth Book D. maintain the said rill. Page 115 (1705. 3d April at Town Meeting) Halliock's Neck ------------------------ It was voted that the highway that runs between a certain lot of land laid out by Richard I. Benjamin in Hogneck and Goose Creek leading towards John Alaborns Shall be turned on the east side of said Book D. lot and Barnabas Winds Page 115 gneik 1705 see page io his lot , and so to turn into the said Highway that leadeth to Alaborns aforesaid------ (At Town Meeting 3d April 1705) ------------------------- voted. that good handy gates where it is necessary across the road leading from the public Highway Book D. to Cutchogue Harbor shall be erected by the Owners of t Page 165 the Land, in the room of bars---and that the Com- Cutchogue missioners of Highways Shall say where they think Harbor it is necessary the Gate or Gates shall be.--- (At Town Meeting 1 April 1800 --------------------------- Zt was voted that David Corey Esqr. shall have liberty of setting up two easy swinging gates across the road or Highway the one near his house , Book D. the other near the house of Mr. Benjamin Baily Page 124 or somewhere between kkid Baileys and the wind- Hashamomuokmill, on condition he be obliged to ]jeep the said o le Gates in good and sufficient repair , and to allow the road to run through his lot, between the aforesaid places instead of where the road now is and to keep the road in repair on his own proper cost , provided the Gates lay opeg for the space of Six months every year. (At Town Meeting 7 April 1741 ) ----------------- ----------- Southold December 17th 1694. We the Subscribers interested in a certain piece j of Land being in common called and known by the name of j, Halliock's Neck in the Township of Southold aforesaid 9 upon the real proposal to us made by Mr. Benjamin Book D. L'Hommedieu, Capt. Symon Grover and Joseph Reeves i Page 222 of said Town for the building of a sufficient wind- I Halliocks mill on said Land according to such articles of Neck agreement as have been proposed to satisfaction of both sides, and for the good and benefit of said Town, and for the encouragement of Gentlemen undertakers , Do freely and ausolutely consent and agree for the erecting and setting of said mill on said neck aforesaid without any reservation. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names.--- The agreement for satisfaction to sub- scribers are as followeth (viz) that the undertakers do hereby promise and engage themselves their execu- tors and assigns to build a , P Sufficient windmill for the service of said Town k ( jointly) on such a place of said neck of Land as to the workmen millright shall deem fit and con- venient and to grind the Town's corn before for strangers and to take such toll as shall be es- tablished by the government , And we do hereby oblige ourselves our heirs executors administra- tors and asigns unto the above named Benjamin L'Hommedieu, Symon Grover and Voseph Reeve for & the consideration above said to sell and to let 6 unto them their heirs executors and asigns two acres of Land (*) --on Halliocks neck where the 4 workmen shall aee:.:meet to have and to hold unto the said---- Benjamin L'Hommedieu Symon Grover and Joseph Reeve and their heirs and assigns so long as they or either of them their heirs and assigns shall maintain a sufficient mill as aforesaid. Signed in presence of us-- Benjamin L'Hommedieu Daniel Hobart Simon Grover John Conklin Joseph Reeve Note by the In Book D. page 283. another instrument of the Committee same tenor and effect with the above is recorded, July 1828 with the names of 36 persons annexed. ----------------------- We whose names are hereunto subscribed being a majority of the commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold having been legally called to view the way which leads from Cutchogue through Book E the lands of David Tuthill to Old Cutchogue Harbor Page 60 so called , Do direct, that the said David Tuthill 1818 Shall on or before the first day od December next, e. _ ;: erect good and easy swinging gates on said way where Cutohogue deficient gates and bars have heretofore been. . . . And if the said David Tuthill shall neglect to erect said gates on or before the aforesaid first day of December then we declare Said way to be a publi0 open road. ) Dated 4th November 1818 William H. Pike ) Commrs Barnabas Horton) Highways Recorded 10 Nov 1818 pr. E. W. Case Town Clerk. ---------------------- Permission is granted to Ira Corwin to put up easy swinging Gates across the road leading to Pine Neck Book E. on the west line of his Pine neck Lands , provided the e 60 old gates kept up by Anna Way deceased are taken up ne neck and that the cart or drift.way crossing Pine neck 1822 from the road to Goose Creek Shall be kept open and free from { 12 gates or bars. Given under our hands at Southold 20th May 1822. Entered pr. James Hallioek) Commissioners S. H. Moore T. Clerk Giles Wells ) of March 5, 1828 Rufus Tuthill ) Highways On examination of the above permission, we do grant and allow the same in every particular. Given under our hands at Southold 8th February 1828 Samuel H. Landon) Coms Entered pr. Saml. Hobart ) of S2 H. Moore T. Clerk Micah W? Hallock) Highway March 5-1828 This may certify to whomsoever it may concern that the commissioners of roads in the Town of Southold Book D have laid out a three pole highway through the land Page 246 of Pine neck to the mouth of Jockey Creek, the said Pine neck road is to be a public open highway and is to be four poles or perches wide at the mouth of the creek and continue the same width sixteen poles from the mouth of the said Creek, the remainder of the road three poles wide as above said. The commissioners hate also laid out a drift road or way twenty feet wide beginning at a certain w1kIte oak Tree standing by the road above laid out , marked on two sides by two notches , and thence running to Goose Creek distance eighteen chains . Certified this 25th day of May 1808 Sylvester Lester) Daniel T. Terry ) Commissioners John Corwin ) ----------------------- I'. The Commissioners of Highways in the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York by and at the request of the freeholders of the said Town of Southold have Been(?) widened the Book D. road to the width of three rods it being formerly Page 247 only two rods and a half wide , as appears by the Lane to Town record date July 11th 1732 beginning from Northside the main Country road between the Lands of Samuel Davids and the Land of the heirs of Ichabod Case (deceased ) to the Northside Road--as witness our hands this 24th of October 1811. Entered 13 March 1812 See page (?) pr. Ebenr W. Case , T. Clerk this book Moses L. Case John Hubbard f Samuel Hobart III I , 1.3 This may certify to whomsoever it may concern that we the Commissioners of Highways in the Town of Southold have laid out a three pole Highway through the Lands of Isaiah Benjamin, Benjamin Goldsmith Book D James W Reeve, William H. Pike , Benjamin Reeve Page 250 and Richard Cox to Mattituck Creek, beginning Mattituck from the main country road on the east side of Mill Isaiah Benjamin's farm and running thence Norther- Road ly to a two pole way* that leadeth to Richard Cox6s land, and the Commissioners have farther widened the said two pole way to three poles in width, and extended it to Mattituck Creek,- Given under our hands this Twenty-first day of March , One Thousand eight hundred and twenty-six. Asahel Palmer ) Commissioners James Griffing ) of Micah W. Halliock) Highways Entered 22nd March 1826 pr. Samuel H. Moore Town Clerk *The two pole way mentioned is recorded on page 237 Book D. (see page 171 ------------------------- This may certify to whemsoever it may concern that we the Commissioners of Highway in the Town of Southold have widened the road leading to Oyster- ponds along the South line of the enclosed Lands Book D of Nathaniel Tuthill to include thirty eight rods Page 250 of ground north of where the fence now stands , 1826 thence through the Land of Samuel Tuthill to in- Oysterponds elude Six and a hall rods of land, thence through beach the Land of Robert Clark to include Seven rods of ground, thence through the Land of Jonathan True- man to includethirty-nine rods of ground. Given under our hands this 29th of May 1826. Entered 10 June 1826 Asahel Palmer ) Commissioners Pr. Saml. H. Moore , Town Clerk Micah W. Hallock) of Saml. H. Landon) Highway ----------------------- This may Certify to whomsoever it may concern that we the Commissioners of Highways in the Town of Southold have widened the road along the Land of Israel Case fifty eight rods in length and one rod Book D in width, Samuel H. Landon 81 rods in length and Page 251 1 in width, Augustus Conklin 32 rods in length and North Road one in width Joseph Terry 48 rods in length and 1827 one in ls? see page 1 14 width, Benjamin Case 63 rods in length and one in width , Gordon Case 27 rods in length and one in width , Moses Case 27 rods in length and one in width.- Given under our hands this 3d day of April 1827. Saml. H. Landon ) Commissioners Entered December 27 , 1827 Micah W. Hallock) of Highway pr.Samuel H. Moore Town Clerk ---------------------------- We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold hereby certify that we have laid out a road three poles leading from the main road opposite Book D. Sterling Schoolhouse to Green Hill Landing through Page 251 the Lands of Abimael King, Hazard Racket, William Y Green Hill Brown, Silas Webb , Henry Beebe, and John Jerome.-- Saml. Hobart ) Com Entered pr S. H. Moore Micah W. Hallock) of Town Clerk Saml. H. Landon) Highways Decem 22-1827 --------------------- We the Commissioners for the highways in the County of Suffolk do allow Benjamin Young of Southold in the said County to set up and keep I, Book D a swinging gate upon the highway that leads to Page 235 the Old Field and from thence where the water mill 1718 was , against or by the Northwest corner of :his Gate by land at Saugust Neck as witness our hands.- Capt Terry Joseph Wickham Epenetus Platt ------------------------- May 17 1728-------A highway was laid out and marked from the Kings Highway, to the head of Mattituck Creek or harbor and Ten rods eastward and Ten rods westward from dais Road along the stream (strann) 'y Book D or Shore of said Creek or harbor which road runs or Page 235 lies through part of the Land of Joseph Goldsmith Mattituck and part of the Land of Richard Hudson and through see page 235he Land of Thomas Reeve and is two rods wide until Liber D it comes near the said Creek or Harbor, then wider as the same is marked out---- Witness our hands the day and year above. James Reeve ) Coms of Written.- Joseph Wickham) Highways i �I„ 15 We whose names are underwritten, two of the Sur- veyors of the highways , have removed and altered the way from the east side of Hallocks neck as far or until it come against the house that Jasper Griffing lately dwelt in. - And have Book D laid a way 4 pole wide from the Street through Page 235 the middle of the neck to the cleft and then from Hallocks the said house of Mr. Griffing through the Neck middle of the neck most convenient to the point 1718 or old Landing Place.-- the way from the said house to the Malt house by the waterside to be but two poles wide, and also the way from the said house to the point or old Landing place to be but two poles wide,-- Southold 2 Mardh 1718/9 Entered April 19 1764 Benj . Young by Robert Hempstead Joseph Wickham Town Clerk ----------------------- Southold July 4 1732 We the Commissioners of Highways for the said Town have asserted the Kings high- Book D way from the street up Tuckers lane four poles Page 235 wide or better as it was laid out or left to Tuckers Lane the rear of the home lots and from thence two Between poles as the lane lies until it comes to the EnsignHortons front of the north side lots and from thence Northside 2 rods wide between the land of "filliam Hallock & next west and Ephraim Horton, down to the Northsea or see page Sound, any persons that have occasion to fence across this Lane between the front or rear of the Northsea Lots , have liberty to set up good swinging gates provided they maintain them on their own cost and charge.- Joshua Horton William Salmon Charles Booth ------------- Southold ,duly 10 1732 We the Commissioners for the highways for the said Town have asserted the Kings Highway from the street to William Horton's house to be four rods wide and from thence to remain two rods wide as the lane now lyeth to the front Book D of the Northsea lots and from thence down the Page 236 cross lane to William Salmon's west bound of To Hortons his Northsea lots , and from thence two rods wide Lane on the west side of his line. . . . . . . . . . . .lane 1732 lying in the land of Jonathan Horton and to run d. . . . . . . . . 16 land to a rook lying in or near the line be- tween Jonathan Horton and Salmon marked with H which Rock lyeth about forty two rods distant from William Salmons northwest bound, and from the aforesaid rook straight down through Jon-athan's land to the northernmost part of the marsh at the little pond by the beach, this also to be two rods wide, the Marsh aforesaid to be the west side of the lane and from thence to continue the before mentioned breadth to the seep or sound , any persons that may have occasion to fence across this highway have liberty to put up swinging gates on their own cost and charge.---- Entered Joshua Horton pr. Benj . Youngs William Salmon July 22, 1732. --Town Clerk Charles Booth --------------------- Southold , July 11, 1732 We the Commissioners of the Highways of the said Town have asserted the Kings Highway from Book D the street between Joshua Hortons and Samuel Page 236 Corwin and to run two poles and a half wide North side to the lane between the north and South divis- Coxs Lane ion near Thomas Conklins house and to run from See page thence to Wm. Cox his lane at the front of Hezekiah Reeve his lot and this to be two poles wide being between the two Divisions , the lane aforesaid lying south of the bouUds of the North Division.-- Entered Joshua Horton pr Benj. Yjungs Town Clerk William Salmon July 22, 1732 Charles Booth w - ------------- Southold July 22, 1732 We the Commissioners of the Highways for the said Town have asserted the Kings Highway that lyeth against the front of Joseph Paines land Book D lying in the Indian Field so called and to Page 236 run from Joshua Hortons fence as it now stands Indian Field on the east side of his Indian field lot and to run straight to Joseph Paines east bound, the said way being four rods wide.--- Entered pr Benj . Youngs Joshua Horton Town Clerk William Salmon July 22, 1732 Charles Booth 17 Southold , July 10,1732 We the Commissioners of the Highways for the said Town have asserted the Kings Highway from the south end of the Town Street down Calves neck as follows : beginning at the street at the northermost cherry tree about seven rods above the head of the spring and so four Book D rods wide down to a certain plum tree standing Page 236 at the edge of the bank and from thence all the From Town Land between the bank of upland and the creek Street to until it comes four rods eastward of a white Calves oak tree standing on the edge of the bank, and Neck from thence with a straight line to a white oak 1732 tree marked with H and all the southward of this line to the creek to be highway again, the building yard to be six rods of upland and from the aforesaid tree marked with H running easterly down to the cross lane com- monly called Richard Benjamins lane , the width of this way only extending from the bank of upland and the creek, we also allow that Baniel Booth to put up a swinging gate upon this said way provided that it be to the eastward of Samuel Reeve his land. Entered pr. Benjamin Youngs Town Clerk Joshua Horton July 22 , 1732 William Salmon Charles Booth ------------------------ 25February 1756 Also at the same time Peter Book C Davis and Nathaniel Overton bought all the Page 331 common meadow, creekthatch and Creekthatch From Town Ground from the Spring at the head of the Street to Creek called Dickersons Creek and so extending Calves easterly as far as Jockie House so called in Neck the land of Daniel Booth. -------------------- Southold Sept. 2, 1736 We the Commissioners of the Highways for the said Town at the request of Capt. Barnabs. Wines have laid out a highway. . . . . . his half lot Book D of Land in Cutchogue division where his son Page 237 Barnabs. Wines now dwells to his lot of Land Mattituck lying on the east side of Mattituck Creek as Creek followeth, from about the middle way of the length of the said half lot near a west course See page to a black oak sapling in a hollow in Gershom 13 Terrys land and from thence to a black oak Tree in Daniel Reeve his land and from thence to a Sasafax Tree on the east side of Thomas 18 Reeve his Land and so continuing the same course to a certain hollow near the bars in the line between the said Capt . Wines his lot of Land and the said Thomas Reeve his land , the said highway laid out as aforesaid is in width twenty feet , Witness our hands the date above written.--- Daniel Tuthill Entered Robert Hempstead Sept. 2 , 1736 pr. Benj . Youngs Town Clerk ----------------------- Southold, June 21, 1736 We Commissioners of the highways for the said Town have asserted the Kings Highway through part of Harshamomuck that is to say beginning Harshamomack at the south side of a certain rock called by the name of a white rock which said rock is l in the range or line between Samuel Conklin i Providence Riders land near the Sound and thence running westerly to about four feet north of a certain rock in the range or line between the said Samuel Conklins land and John Conklin Jun. and thence on a Straight line to a Stone get in the ground on a certain Hill about twentyfive poles northeast of David Corey Seqr. thence turning near Southwest and running to the South Side of a certain flat Rock near 41 David Coreys house and butting up to a certain two pole lane coming out of Harshamomaok and i, thence turning short near Northwest and runs near the cleft or bank by the Sound, and so turning westerly in the former highway which leads to the Town aforesaid, in all which way the road runs on the south side of said bound and is in breadth four poles as witness our hand. Daniel Tuthill Robert Hempstead i" II� I � ' I 19 Southold April 6, 1743 We the Commissioners of the Highways for the said Town have asserted a road at the Wading River beginning near the head of the brook running eastw Book D ward South side of John Pettys house across the Page 238 fifty acre lots of William Albertson farm- Wading River We also assert a road on the north side of Great Hogneck lying between Joseph Hortons and Freegift Wells land from the middle road running Hogneck northerly to the road on the north side of the said neck. We also assert the Kings Road from the head of the river to Haliocks neck by marked trees and Stakes on the South side of the said road, the Hallocks north side giving way. Neck We also assert a two pole way lying between Sylvester L'Hommedieu and Joseph Landons land in said Town, running from the Kings Road Southerly to the Land of John Bushow, we also allow the Through said Sylvester L 'Hommedieu to put up a good swing- S L'Hom- ing gate upon his own cost and charge. Keeping medieus the same in good repair so long he shall not J Landons molest any of his neighbors and not longer.-- Land We also assert the Kings Road from the Oyster pond by marked trees and stakes on the South Side of said road , the north side giving way to a certain rock standing on the South side of Kings Rhad Israel Moores land marked with H and from thence four poles across the said road to a certain staxe and from thence on the west side of said road to a red cedar Stake , and from thence to the corner of Mr. Hempsteads land, and from thence to the corner of Syltrester L'Hommedieus land, and from thence to the Street (it ) now stands the east side giving way.-- Entered pr. Jonathn. Horton, Town Clerk Isaac Howell Benjamin Hutchinson -------------------- Southold 15 Apr. 1745 We whose names are underwritten being two of the Commissioners for the Town of Southold for the Book D present year Do assert a highway with bars or a Page 238 Gate of two poles in breadth turning out of the usual way which leads into Hogneck on the north From Hogneck side of the Lands formerly Benjamin Hortons and Road to so running eastward along by the north side of the Pine neck meadows formerly Joshua Hortons, and so running into dine neck.- Entered pr. Robt. Hempstead John Cleves Town Clr. Joseph Wickham Commissioners 20 Southold March 25, 1745` We the Commissioners of Roads for the year 1744 have thought fit to allow for the convenience of Book D enclosing of a certain tract of Land lying in the Page 238 back part of Town to put a fence across the three Gates back several private roads , always provided the owners of Town of the said Land keep good sufficient swinging gates----- the Owners of the Said Lands is Jonathan Horton, John Prince , John Bushow, William Salmon and Israel Moore. -- In witness whereof we have set our hands the day and year above written. Samuel Case John Tuthill Junior ---------------------- Southold 1 April 1746 We whose names are hereunto subscribed being two of the Commissioners for the Highway in the Book D Town of Southold do assert the highway at Oysterponds Page 237 lower neck which leads down to the water side or Bay near the Land and house formerly David Kinds Oysterpond now Richard Youngsda to run down to the Bay be- Lower neck tween the four acres of Land said Richard Youngs Swinging gatehath bought of Stephen Vail and said Stephen Veils allowed in land, that is to say, on the east land of Richard this road in Youngs and the west side of said Stephen Veils Bood D land, that is to say on the land of said Stephen Page 239 in Vail three poles in breadth at least. .-- 1751 Entered pr. Joseph Wickham Robert Hempstead, Town Clerk John Tuthill Jun. 4 April 1746 ------------------------- Southold 19 March 1749/50 The road recorded in this book page 5 and recorded in Town Book G page 313 is altered as follows : We have at the request of said Richard (Terry) Book D altered said way from the south side of said lot Page 239 formerly Samuel Youngs , unto the north side Little Hog thereof until it comes to Mr. Benjamin Babehok Neck his land qnd then turning Southerly, dividing see page said lot in two , that is between Mr. Babcocks land and the land of him the said Richard Terry until it come to a black oak tree, which is the South corner of said way , which tree is the bound of 21 William dells and Benjamin Reeve and him said Richard Terry as witness our hands the dat and year above written. Entered pr. Robt. Hempstead Robert Hempstead 3 April 1750 Town Clerk Solmn. Wells --------------------------- We whose names are hereunto affixed being two of the Commissioners for the Town of Southold having been and at the request of Mr. Ehenezer Soper of Said Town, Agreeable to the act of Book D Assembly in that case made and provided , Laid Page 240 out a Drift way of Sixteen feet and a half wide Drift Way to upon the East Side and on the Land of Mr. Eli- Ebenr. jah Brown of Said Town and near the house of Sopers land him the said Brown where he how dwelleth upon through the other side of the road being the South side Eliza„ tsrown of the Kings Highway begins at said King's High- way and ruAneth Southerly on the east side of said Elijah Brown's Land about four score poles unto a piece of ground belonging to said Eben- ezer Sopers-------As witness our hands this 4 August 1752. Entered 5 August 1752 John Goldsmith pr Robert Hempstead John Conkling T. C12rk ------------------------------ Southold 27 April 1752 We whose names are underwritten, being two of the Commissioners for the Town of Southold , having been called to and viewed the highways called Book D Tuckers Lane up by the pond which is three rods Page 240 and three quarters northerly from Hallock's , Tuckers Lane well to the Southwest corner of the pound, as See Page the pound now Standeth at the West corner of the Town Street, which pound is four length of fence square and from the Southwest corner of said pound , a stake set down there to a stake at the west corner of Bradicks lot by Tuckers Land and from thence Southerly to a Stake near Hallioks fence and from said stake to the north side of Hallioks well from which to the Southwest cor- ner of the pound above said is 3 rods and 3/4, and from said stake by the well to the corner of the street on a straight line. ----- Given under our hands the day and year above written. Entered 27 April 1752 John Goldsmith John Moore • ----------------------------- 22 We whose names are underwritten, being two of the Commissioners for the Township of Southold , do assert the road or Highway on the north side of Hogneck near the house formerly Mr. Alihoons (?) to begin at a Stake at the head of a prong of meadow and so westerly on the north side of the Book D way by the ditch of Robert Burts as it now is Page 240 until it cometh to the corner and to extend Hogneck Southerly two poles in breadth and from the first See Page mentioned stake by the head of the meadow to ex- tend easterly along by the ditch on the front of said Aliboons lot as the ditch now goeth and to extend Southerly two pole in breadth.-- As witnes our hands. -- Entered Pr. Robt. Hempstead Town Clerk 25November 1760 Freegift Wells ) Commissioners Azariah Tuthillo -------------------- Southold, April 8, 1776 Whereas there was formerly a road or highway laid out upon Theophilus Cor- wins land to the north side beach and at public Book D Town meeting held in said Southold the second day Page 241 of this instant April , it was then voted Said North side Way on the beach should be stopt at present,--- beach stopped Accordingly , we the Subscribers being two of the for the Commissioners of the Highway for this present year present. 1776, Do order the road to be stopt up or cease for the present and we further order our Town Clerk to enter Said Road on the Town Book, as Witness our hand. Entered 11 April 1776 James Young ) Nathaniel Conkling) Commissioners of Highway ------------------ 'I The roads recorded on the preceding pages were compied by a committee (see Page 1 ) in 1827 from the several Books of Record in the Town Clerks office into a temporary book for reference , and have from that been truly and correctly aoIJied into this book F.---- The succeeding entries up to April let , 1836 were entered directly in the temporary book and are also herein correct- ly , truly, and faithfully copied by J. Wickham Case , Town Clerk Southold, March 1837 23 Southold April 22nd 1828 We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold do allow John C. Appleby to enclose or shut up so much of the drift or cart way leading to the Indian Land as is en- Indian Neck closed between the east line of Benjamin Penny's estate and the west line of Samuel Davids estate, on condition that he open a two pole way through convenient gates and bars , from the northwest cor- ner of his farm to the northwest corner of the lands of Samuel David's estate. Entered 29 Sept . 1828 pr. Rensselaer Horton, Clerk Samuel Hobart Q r"icah T. Hallock) Commissrs Samuel H. Landon) -------------------------- Southold, March 31, 1829 We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold have extended the old road leading from Hortons Lane , near the corner of Renssel- aer Horton's barn, to three rods in width, and running eatterly through the lands of Rensselaer Northside Horton, Jeremiah Horton, David L. Horton, a gore piece by estimation 2 acres now in possession of Charles Booth Old Lot Iso called) and 'Vidr. Jane Frank's lot to Arshamomoque Road. Samuel Hobart ) Commrs . Samuel H. Landon) Recorded this 31st March, 1829 pr Rensselaer Horton, Town Clerk. ----------------------------- v 24 Road Districts 1828 From the west end of the Town on the South road No. 1 (including one equal half of the crossroad called ;,, •. Aldrich Lane ) to the east line of Jesse Tuthills woods in Mattituck. w1„ From the west end of Town on the North Road (in- No. 2 cluding one equal half of cross road called Aldrich Lane ) to the west line of Land of John r Clark 3rd. Frain the east line of the said Jesse Tuthill 's No. 3 woods to the west line of the land of Elisha Tuthill. From the west line of Elisha Tuthill to Cut- No. 4 chogue Meeting house. ' From Cutchogue Meeting house to the west line No. 5 of the Land of Matthias Davids (including Com Lane and extending to the west line of Johathan Horton's Land on the north road. ) From the west line of Matthias Davids to the No. 6 east line of the Land of Moses L. Case (in- cluding the land down by Deacon William Wells. ) From Moses L. Case 's east line to Albert Gold- smith's house (including Indian Neck Lane, ) and No. 7 the cross road to Horace Overton's. No. 8 From Jonathan Horton's west line on the north road to E. W. Case 's east line on the same. From Jonah Halsey's to South Harbour through No. 9 Hognedk. From Albert Goldsmith's to Lazarus FI. Jennings ' No. 10 west line including Pine Neck , the road leading to Hogneck as far as the south line of Giles Wells Esq. , and the North Road as far as the east line of E. W. Case , together with the cross roads. it From Lazarus H. Jennings ' west line to the east No. 11 line of the Mulford farm, including the creek Coleman's and Harbor lanes. No. 12 From the Mulford farm east line to Joshua Youngs west line. From thence to Oysterpond point with two over- No. 13 seers . Entered 29 September 1828 Samuel Hobart ) Pr. Rensselaer Horton Clk Micah W. Hallock) Comr. Samuel H: Landon) 25 Southold, Match 1830 We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold having been legally called to- gether , have completed an examination of the road leading from the main road to Cutchogue Harbour through the lands of David Tuthill and do declare the same to be a two pole open way Cutchogue from and after the first day of September next. Harbour Said road commencing at the main road and run- ning Southerly along the east line of Henry Landons Land untill it comes to the South east corner of said Henry Landons Land, the east line of said road to be continued thence in a South- easterly direction to a stake by us set up on the west side of a watering place &*?) Thence to a certain stake by us set up near the bridge at dam meadow, thence to the northeast corner of Josiah Albertsons Land salled Shellbank, thence Southerly along the west line of said line of said Land untill it comes to a certain path leading to Old Harbour. Southold February 26th 1830 Rufus Tuthill Jr. ) Recorded by Seth A Tuthill George L. Conklin) Commiss T. Clerk S . H. Landon ) -ioners Entered 10th March 1830 ---------------------- David Tuthill ) On appeal from the Com- VS ) missioners determination The Commissioners ) of the Town of Southold of Highways of ) declaring a road leading the Town of ) from the Main road to Southold ) Cutchogue Harbour through the Landsof David Tuthill to be a two pole way open Dated February 26th 1830 or about that time , We Moses Rolph, Richard Cutchogue Wheeler and John S. Mount three of the Judges Harbour of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of 1830 Suffolk having been called and having convened on this day at the Town of Southold to hear Reversal and determine the above appeal, and the above of named parties also appearing and we having Above reviewed the said road as located by the Said Commissioners a motion was made on behalf of the appellants and assented to by the said Commissioners that the said determination of the said Commissioners be reversed and the same is hereby reversed accordingly. Dated at Southold this 30th day of April 1830. entered and recorded this 30th day of April 1830. Seth H. Tuthill T. Ulk Moses Rolph Richd.Whee}eer John S . Mount 26 .a District No. 8 on the North road is ex- tended from William H. Overtons to the South Road. Joseph Moore )Commissioners Joseph C. Albertson) ---------------------- We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold have set off a New District b No. 14 beginning at the west line of William Salmog 's District Mill Lot--thence to Leander Browns including the Upper Road to Hollow Overtons corner and lanes leading to South Harbour and by Maltbys . June 6 1831 Chandler Palmer Samuel Hobart Recorded June 16th 1831 Commissioners Pr. Giles Wells T. Clk --------------------------- We the undersigned Commissioners of the Town of Southold do grant and give Liberty unto Jonathan G. Horton to fence across and put up a good swinging gate across Hortons Lane between the Houses of Joshua Horton and William Horton Junr. uaLes on Witness our hands this 31st day Hortons Lane of May A. D. 1832 Giles Wells Clk. James Worth Chandler Palmer Commissioners m 27 We the Commissioners of Highways Report that we have laid out a road three rods in width run- ning towards Cox's Mill. . . . . . . . Commencing at Coxe 's Lane , running northerly to the South end of a lot of Land called Cox Lott, then westerly across the South end of Cox Lott , then westerly through Luther Reeves wood Lott and Barnabas W. Howell 's north side Land , also theough Benjamin Goldsmith's Northside , also through the Land of Gershom Terry late deceased , also through David Tuthill 's Northside Land, also through Walter Reeve 's land, also through the Lands of Alvah Horton & Jonathan T. Horton, also through the Land of Joseph Moore and William Wickham as the marks and stakes now stand. Given under our hands this 27th March 1832 Of the above by contract Paid WILLIAM WICKHAM for his land damages the $35 JW Case sum of Thirty Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #0. 00 Paid JOSEPH MOORE for his land and damages the sum of Ten Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Paid ALVAH HORTON for his land and damages the sum of Forty-two Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.00 Paid WALTER REEVE for his Land and damages the Sum of Twenty Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Paid DAVID TUTHILL for his Land and damages the Sum of Forty Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 Paid Gershom Terry for his Land and damages the Sum of Twenty-five Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Paid BENJAMIN GOLDSMITH for his Land and damages the Sum of Fifteen Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Paid BARNABAS W. HOWELL for his Land & damages the Sum of Thirty Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 Paid LUTHER REEVE for his Land and damages the Sum of Thirteen Dollars and fifty cents 13. 50 Paid THE PROPRIETORS OF CANADA, for their Lands and damages the Sum of One hundred & Twenty Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 { Entered Nov 12th 1832 by Giles Wells Town Clerk James North (or Worth ) Chandler Palmer Commissioners of Highways 't 28 We the undersigned three of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the County of Suffolk, to whom the appeal of Wm. Y. Brown, John Clark, Benjamin Goldsmith and others was made against the doings of the Commissioners of Highways at the Town of Southold, in refusing to lay out a high- "'"'' Road from way from the main Street in Green Port westerly Greehport to to the Village of Southold--- And whereas the Mud Lane said appellants have so altered their appeal as 1833. to stop at Mud Land, and we having viewed the said premises and having heard the proofs and allegations of the respective parties , and after due deliberation thereon ' that the said appellants as above named were aggrieved by the dbtermination of the said Commissioners in refusing to lay out the said road.--- We therefore order the decision of the Said Commissioners to be and the same is hereby reversed--- And we do further determine and ad- judge that the prayer of the petitioners in the Said application specified ought to be granted as amended.--- We therefore in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of this State , entitled an act regulating highways and bridges in the Counties"of,:Stlffblk, Queens & Kings , passed the 23d of February 1830, lay out a public road or highway, three rods wide , beginning on the west side of the main Street in Greenport, commencing at the distance of eight feet from the Northeast corner of the Store of Loper & Gorham, running on the South Side of Said i'• highway on a course South Seventy nine degrees west , Twenty chains Fifty-three links to the Land of Bradley S. Wiggins , thence on the same course through the land of said Wiggins Sixteen chains sixty-six links, to lands of Nathaniel Wiggins and William Y. Brown--- thence South Eighty- three and an half degrees west , eight chains sixty-four links to lands of:7Col. Moore-- thence three chains and Twenty links on the same course---- thence South Eighty-five de- grees West nine chains on the lands of Moore & Brown---- thence on Land of said Brown Four chains and thirty links crossing a few feet on the Southeast corner of John Conklins. Jill , 29 Land----- thence on the North side of Wd[. Y. Brown's land South seventy-one and a half degrees west , Twenty-seven chains Ei#hty -three links to Lands of William Albertson----- thence West Nir_e chains and Forty-five links to a red oak tree----Thence South Seventy-seven and an half degrees west , Sim chains Twenty-seven links----thence South Fourty-Pour degrees west Twenty-three chains , Twenty Links , to a highway or Mud lane (so called ) Given under our hands at Southold at the village of Greenport , this 14th day of June , in the year One Thousand and Thirtygthree.---- Recorded 15 June 1833 pr. Jos. Wickham Case David Warner ) Town Clerk Moses Rolph ) Judges Joshua B. Smith) ---------------------------- We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold have sold to Josiah King one and a quarter aors of land lying in the form of a triangle, Land sold and bounded as follows; viz. , North by the three- to rod north road--East by the Land of Josiah King-- Josiah Southwesterly by the cross road. for the sum of King Eighteen Dollars and seventy-five cents. 1834 Southold, 25 March 1834 (Copy of a paper handed Jonah Halsey ) Commrs in by Commrs to me Wm. S . Hobart j of J. Wickham Case Clk. George L. Conklin) Roads 29 March 1834 -------------------- We the Commissionersof Highways for the Town of Southold have sold to David L. Horton three- fourths of an acre of land lying in the form of a Land sold triangle and bounded as follows , VIz, North by to the three rods north road---- East by the crossroad , David L. and Southerly by the lands of said David L. Horton,- Horton for the s-m of Eleven Dollars and Twenty-five cents. 1834 Southold 25 March 1834 Copy of a paper handed in by Commrs. to me. Jonah Halsey ) Commrs J. Wickham Case Glk. George L. Conklin ) Of 29 March 1834 Wm. S . Hobart ) Roads 3U We the Commissioners of roads in the Town of Southold have laid out a four rod Highway commencing at the west line of the Mulford farm so called in Arshamomoque and running Easterly to a certain rock being in the range or line between Lands formerly belonging to Samuel Tonklin and John Conklin Junr.----- And in consideration of the damages sustained Arshamomoque by Joseph C. Albertson, present proprietor of 1834 said farm, we the Commissioners have agreed with the said Joseph C . Albertson that the sum of three hundred and forty-six Dollars shall be the amount of said damage.--- Certified Southold April 1 , 1834 Jonah Halsey )Commissioners George S. Conklin ) of Roads ) Owner of Joseph C . Albertson) said Entered 1 April 1834 ) Farm pr. J. Wickham Caae Town Clerk. A notice of the above agreement was posted on the door of the church where the last Town Meeting was held on Sunday 6 April 1834. J. Wickham Case ------------------------- The road district No. 12 is extended from the east line of the Mulford farm to a mile (?) Post a few rods westerly from the house now occupied by James Vail------- and District No. 11 is so altered as to have for its eastern boundary the above mentioned Mile (or mill) post.-- By order of the Commissioners. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk Entered 21 Nov. 1834 31 Suffolk County SS At a court held the twenty-third of August 1834 (eighteen hundred and thirty-four ) at the house of John Clark Innkeeper iii Southold and at the request of William S. Hobart, Johah Halsey and George L. Conklin, Commissioners of Highway in the Town aforesaid.---Present Henry Landon, Justice. The following persons freeholders , having been duly summoned by John Corwin, a constable of River- head, appeared at jurors to assess the damages in relation to a highway laid out by thre of the judges of the County of Suffolk on the 14th day of June , 1833 , and recorded on pages 28 and 29 of this book. Road from Greenport Daniel Tuthill James Wells to Thomas P. Conkling Isaiah T. Terry Mud lane Hubbard Griffing Jonathan D. Conkling Noah Young Henry T. Penny Nicoll Youngs Joshua L Wells Silas H. Howell Zacharias Hallock of these twelve jurors (all of the Town of Riverhead ) the following six were drawn and sworn : Zacharias Hallock James Wells Noah Youngs Hubbard Griffing Daniel Tuthill Joshua L. Wells The Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold VS Bradley S. Wiggins--Nathl. Wiggins Wm. Y. Brown Jeremiah Moore John Conkling & Wm. Albertson The jurors returned into court a written verdict finding for those per- sons through whose Lands said highway hal been laid out, for damages as follows : see next page. 32 To Bradley S. Wiggins or his heirs for his damages six cents $.06 $.06 To Nathaniel Wiggins for his damages six cents .06 To William Y. Brown for his damages six cents .06 To Jeremiah Moore for his damages six cents .06 paid To John Conkling for his damages six cents .06 Paid To wm. Albertson for his damages Fifty Dollars 50.00 ( Issuing one warrant--writing three Court ( notices Charges ( Swearing Jury--one days attendance ( & certifying verdict of Jury------ 3.20 Six Jurors attending (but not Serving) one day 10. 50 Six Jurors attending & serving one day Op and an half 15. 00 Constabke for summoning jury and one day 's attendance 3.00 Certified by Henry Landon, Justice Entered 30 march 1835 Ji Wickham Case T. Clerk -------------------------- Wr the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold Report that we have laid out a road three rods wide (being an extension From Tuckers of the North Road) commencing at the ,junction Lane to of Tuckers Lane, so called, and the aforesaid Hortons Lane North Road , running thence easterly through the land of Moses C . Cleveland to the westerly line of Joseph Ii. Horton and W*. Horton Junr. and bounded southerly by Land of Samuel S. Vail and northerly by land of the said Moses C . Cleveland---thence running easterly through the Land of the said Joseph H. & Wm. Horton Jr. to the westerly line of Joshua Horton, and bounded southerly by Land of the said Samuel S. Vail and northerly by the Land of the said Joseph H. and WM. Horton junr. thence running easterly through the Land of the said Joshua Horton to the westerly line of Jonathan G. Horton and bounded northerly and southerly by Land of the said ,I IL . 33 Joshua Horton-------thence easterly through the Land of the said Jonathan G. Horton to the lane leading by the house of the said Joshua Horton.---- And they further Report that they have purchased of Wm. Terry a gore of Land commencing 2 rods on the line between said Terry and said Moses C . Cleveland , northerly from the easterly corner of said Tuckers Lane , running thence westerly, about eight rods to a certain stake set up by the said Commissioners in the road fence of the said Wm. Terry. And to Wm. Terry for his Land and damages Paid the Commissioners have agreed to pay the sum of six dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paid To Moses C . Cleveland for his Land and damages the sum of Thirty-five Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.00 Paid To Joseph H. & Wm. Horton Jr. for their Land and damages the Sum of Twenty-two Dollars . . . . . . . . . 22.00 To Joshua Horton for his Land and damages Paid the Sum of Fifty Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 To Jonathan G. Horton for his Land and Paid damages the Sum of Forty Dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 And they further report , that they have purchased a gore of land of Wm. Horton Senr. on the North Paid road about three or four square rods more or less , fronting his house for which they have agreed to pay him the sum of three dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 $15U.77 — Dated Southold 6 April 1835 Jonah Halsey ) Commrs George L. Conklin) of Wm. S . Hobart ) Roeds Entd. 6 App 1835 J. Wockham Case Town Clerk ------------------------- 34 We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold have set off a new road District bounded as followk:--- Easterly by Sterling Creek--- Northerly by a line running from the head of said Creek to the Southeast corner Road Distrdd'tWm. Wines Land--- Thence by the South line of Said Wines Land until it reach his Southwest Greenport corner----Thence in a direct line , until it shall intersect the new road leading from Greenport at Mud Land---- Westerly by a line running Southerly from the junction of the new road and Mud Lane to the bay--& Southerly by the bay. Dated Southold, 24 March 1835 Jonah Halsey )Commrs Wm. S . Hobart ) of Roads Entd. 6 Apl. 1835 J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold do hereby nominate and appoint Daniel Beebe to the office of Overseer of Highways for District No . 10 and Wm. B. Horton Overseer of Highways for District No. 6. Dated Southold 25 Apl. 1835 J. Wickham Case ) Henry Hubbard ) Commrs, of Roads Entd. (True Copy) 25 Apl. 1835 J. W. Case , T. Clerk. 6666 We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold do hereby nominate and appoint Jonathan Trueman to the office of Overseer of Roads for District No. 16.----And Augustus Brown for Overseer of Roads District No. 15. Southold (True Copy ) 27 Apl. 1835 Entd.*2za:Ap1. 1835 J. Wickham Case ) Commrs J. Wickham Case Town Clerk Henry Hubbard ) of Wm. S . Hobart ) Highways 35 ROJQD DISTRICTS The Commissioners of Highways have revised and altered the road districts in the Town of Southold as follows. Commences , at the west end of the Town on the South Road and ends at the ?western extremity of a water- ing place near the foot of the large hill on the No. 1 woodland of Mr. Worth, including one-half of Al- drich Lane.----- Commences , at the west end of the Town on the north road and extends to the west line of the No. 2 Lands of Barnabas B. Horton, including one-half of Aldrich Lane.---- Commences , at the watering place above described on the South road, and at the west line of the Lands of Barnabas B. Horton on the North road, and No. 3 extends to the west line of Elisha Tuthill, in- cluding the road leading to Cox's Mill.---- Commences , at the west line of Elisha Tuthill and No. 4 extendsto Cutchogue Meeting House.----- Commences , at Cutchogue Meeting House and extends to test line of Matthias H. Davids , including No. 5 Cox's Lane and the North road to the east line of Daniel Case.---- Commences , at the west line of Matthias H. Davids and extends to the east line of Moses L. Case No. 6 decd, including the lane leading by Dea. Wm. Wells.- Commences , at the east line of Daniel Case on the South road and extends to the east line of E. W. Case , including the lane leading by Wm. H. Over- No. 7 ton's to the Post road.---- Commences , at the east line of Moses L. Case , dec.d. and extends to the west line of lvm. Sal- No. 8 mon's mill lot , including the lane leading to Indian Neck.---- Cormaences , at the west line of Wm. L. Salmon's mill lot and extends to Thomas R. Glover 's east No. 9 corner, including the upper road to Hallam Overton's corner , and the lanes leading to South Harbour and by Maltby Freeman.----- Commences , at the house occupied by Mr. Bennet near the Run----thence to Hallam Overton's cor- ner , and so through Hogneck, including Pine neck No. 10 Lane. ------ Commences , at the termination of District Nos . 89 9, and 10 and extends to the west; line of Foster Sayre, including Hortons Lane , Tuckers No. 11. Lane , the lane leading by the Bid. Booth's , and the North road from E. W. Case 's east line to the east line of Rensselaer Horton.---- Commences , at Foster Sayre 's west line and ex- No. 12 tends to a Mill post a few rods westerly from the house now occupied by James Vail , including the creek, Coleman & Harbour Lanes , and theNorth road from Rennsr. Horton's east line.--- Commences , at the main Road by the barn: of No. 13 Joseph C. Albertson on the Mulford farm and extends easterly to the east side of Mud Lane , including Mud Lane to its junction with the Post road , and including all roads within said limits South of the Post Road.--- Commences , at a Mill post a few rods westerly No. 14 from the house now occupied by Hames Vail and extends to the west line of Joshua Youngs , in- cluding the road to Greenport until it reaehes the south line of Wm. Wines Esgr.--- Commences at the junction of the new road wit Mud Lane and extends to Sterling Creek having for its northern boundary the South No. 15 line of Wm. Wines Esqr. for its Southern, the bay. Commences , at the west line of Joshua Youngs and extends to Oysterpond point with two Over- No. 16 seers.---- Dated Southold 27 Apl. 1835 J. Wicxnam Case )) Commrs. Henry Hubbard ) of (A True Copy) Wm. S. Hobart ) Highways Entered 28 Apl. 1835 J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. ---------------------------- District No. 16 has been divided;by reference to page 93 it can be seen. 37 We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold have this day opened a certain three rod road laid out by the Commissioners of High- ways on the 6th Apl. 1835 and recorded in the Town Clerk's office (pages 32 & 33 this Book) on the same day commencing at the head of Tuckers Lane and running through and between the Road from Lands of Samuel S . Vail , Moses C. Cleveland, Tuckers Lane Jpseph H. Horton, Joshua Horton and Jonathan G. to Horton to the Lane called Hortons Lane.------ Hortons Lane Dated Southold J. Wickham Case) Cokmrs 10 June 1835 Wm. S . Hobart ) of Entd. 11 June 1835 Highways J. IN. Case, Town Clk. Division of Fences on application of Jonathan G. Horton and Rens- selser Horton for a division of partition fences between themselves and Joshua Horton, We , Fence viewers for the Town of Southold met according to notice at the house of Jonathan G. Horton in Southold on Saturday 27 June, 1835 to hear the allegations of the parties.------ It having ap- peared that one of the parties , though not present had been duly notified, we proceeded to measure the fences between said parties.---- The whole distance from a point two rods in Little pond to Hortons Lane on the lire of division between said parties , we find to be Seventy-seven chains and Seventeen links------ AdjournedSine die Met again on the oremises on Tuesday 30 June , 1835 and divided the hedges and fences as follows.-- To Jonathan G. Horton and Rensselaer Horton we assigned the hedge and fence commencing two rods in the Little Pond so called and extending Southerly Thirty-six chains and Twenty-seven links to a stake placed by us near a black oak tree------36.27 To Joshua Horton we assigned the hedge and fence i t 3S cokmmencing at the stake above named and ex- tending Southerly to the South side of a three rods road (running from Tuckers Lane to Hortons Lame ) , the distance of Thirty-two chains and Thirty -eight links.--- 32.38 To Jonathan G. Horton and Rensselaer Horton we assigned the fence commencing at the south side of the above mentioned road and extending southerly the distance of Two chains and Forty-two links to a stake set up by us.---- 2.42 To Joshua Horton we assigned the fence, commencing at the last mentioned stake and extending around the corner to a stake near an alple tree, the distance being Hour chains and Nine links .---4.9 To Jonathan G. Horton and Rensselaer Horton we assign the fence commencing at the last mentioned bound and extending to Hortons Lane, being in distance One chain and Thirty-three links . --- 1.33 Dated Southold 30 Aune 1835 In the division of the fences between the Lands of the above named parties , we neither appraise the difference in value of any part of said fence or hedges now standing, which have by_ouru:- division pass from one party to the other, nor have we considered the hedges or fences which have by our division passed from one party to the other as belonging to that party to whom we have allotted them- ----- 30 June 1835 J. Wickham Case) Fence Oliver Corey ) Viewers Entd. 3 July 1835 10:oCLK A. M. By J. W. Case Town Clk. #I------------------------ 39 We , Commissioners of Highway for the Town of Southold , have laid out a road three rods wide, co mmencing at the termination of a road laid out by James Worth and Chandler Palmer , Com- missioners in 1832 , at the west line of Wm. Wick- hams north side land, and running thence on a straight line , course (about) South 49 degrees w west to the west line of the Tustan Northside North Road distance 12 chains and 20 links--- thence on the same course to the west line of the manor lands Continued distance 24 chains and 40 links---- thence on the See Page segme course to the west line of the Tuthill 's 27 Northside , distance 15 chains and 25 links.-- thence on the same course through the Lands of Isaiah Lupton to the east line of Barnabas Wines , distance 18 chains and 30 links---- thence through the Lands of Barnabas Wines on the same course , 10 chains , when it will intersect the Mattituck Mill Road (generally so designated) at the right angle in said road, at the southeast corner of John Benjamin's Land. Th a road just laid out as above described is designed to be on a strdight through its whole distance and is to be measured in width three rods , south from certain stakes set up by us every 10 chains the entire length of said road. Dated Southold 6 October 1835 J. Wickham Case )Comms Wm. S . Hobart ) of Highwa)s Entd. 14 Oct. 1835 pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk ----------------------- 40 To Thomas Youngs and Benjamin Brown Esqs. two of his majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Suffolk. ----- We Barnabas Tuthill and Abraham Corey two of the Commissioners of the Highways for Southold being called upon by Daniel Tuthill to lay out a private way for him to his Land , & having viewed the premises and finding he has no con- venient Road to his Land , have laid out a private Road of Twenty foot wide , thro ' the Land of Gideon Private Road Youngs , beginning from the house of the said Daniel for Tuthill & running to a certain walnut tree marked-- ' Daniel Tuthill to a certain stake in the line fence between Gideon Youngs & Jonathan Youngs to a private way which Oysterponds the said Daniel Tuthill has purchased of Jonathan Youngs & William Youngs leading to the highway.--- 1772 The said road leading thro' the said Gideon Youngs Land ,-- the said Daniel Tuthill and we the Com- missioners desire may be assessed by Jury as the Law directs---------Witness , our hands , June 22, 1772. Barnabas Tuthill) Commissioners Abraham Corey ) of the Highways A true copy of a paper handed [¢e by Seth A. Tuthill. ---- Entd. 21 Mar 1836 J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. 41 We Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold have this day gjd out a way three rods wide , com- mencing at the road leading through Cutchogue, and running to Cutchogue Harbour through the Lands of David Tuthill and Sons and the lands of Josiah Al- bertson, as follows :------------------ Beginning at the Post road at a stake set up by us on the line between the Lands of Henry Landon Esq. qnd the lands of David Tuthill Highway or Sons and running on a course South 171 degrees to East, thirty-one chains and Sixty-five links to Cutchogue a stake set up near a locust tree;-- Harbor thence South 51 degrees east, nineteen chains and Fifty links ; ------thence South 14 degrees east 1836 Twenty three chains ;------Thence South 6 degrees west , Seven chains and Forty links ,-----thence South 20 degrees east, Five chains ;---thence South 34 degrees east, Ten chains and Forth links ; Thence South 52 degrees east, Ten chains to the bay or Harbour------------The distance being Seventy-four chains and Fifteen links on the lands of said David Tuthill and Sons ;-- Seven chains and Forty links on the lands of said David Tuthill & Sons , and the lands of Josiah Albertson:---- and on the Lands of Josiah Albert- son Twenty-five chains and Forty links.--------- Bounds have been placed at each of the above described ahgles , and the road is to be measured three rods easterly from said bounds. Southold 31 March 1836 Henry Hubbard Wm. S . Hobart J. Wickham Case Commissioners of Roads Entd. 1 Apl. 1836 (A true Copy ) J. Wickham Case Town Clk. 42 This is to certify that We the undersigned inhabitants of the Town of Southold, do hereby give and grant unto Samuel Hobart , George S . Conklin & Henry H. Terry, Com- missioners of Highways of the said Town of Southold, for the time being and to Union Port their Successors in office a certain piece at of Land three rods in width and one hundred Rocky Point and ninety-six rods in length, extending from the Post Road in the village of Rocky Point to the Bay , to be used by the Inhab- itants of said Town as a Public highway. And we do hereby for ourselves and our heirs release unto the Town of Southold all claim to damages by reason of the haying out and opening of a highway through our lands by order of Said Commissioners of Highways. Dated the--------day of December.-- In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twelfth day of December 1836------------ In Presence of John Wiggins (seal) Saml. Hobart James Wiggins (seal) H. H. Terry T7m. A. Wiggins (seal ) John Jerome (seal ) Isaac Akerly (seal ) e At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at Rocky Point in said Town on the twelfth day of December One thousand eight hundred & thirty-six, all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order :-------It Is Ordered & determined , by the said Commissioners , that a highway be laid out in the said Town of the width of three rods , on the application of John Wiggins , James Wiggins, William H. Wiggins , John Jerome and Isaac Akerly, through whose improved land the said highway is to pass for a part of the distance , the residue of said highway being through Lands enclosed belonging to John Wiggins & William H. Wiggins , but not improved or cultivated----------And the said Commissioners have caused a survey thereof to be made as follows : Union Port The Center line of said highway is to begin at the post road in Rocky Point , in Southold at aforesaid at the end of a ditch being the division line between the Lands of John Wiggins and William Rocky H. Wiggins , directly opposite the line between the Point land of John Jerome and the heirs of Shadrach Moore decd. thence running a Southerly course on said division line , one hundred and ninety-six rods or thereabouts , to the bay separating the Lands of Wm. H. Wiggins from the lands of the before mentioned John Wiggins , James Wiggins , John Jerome & Isaac Akerly. In witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of highways of said Town, have hereunto subscribed their names , this twelfth day of December 1836. Samuel Hobart )Commrs. George L. Conklin) of Henry H. Terry )Highways Entd. 13 March 1837 pr J. Wickham Case Town Clk. 44 SUFFOLK COUNTY SS At a court held on the 5th day of July, eighteen hundred and Thirty-six at the house of Ira B. Tuthill Cutchogue (Southold ) and at the request of Samuel Hobart, Henry H. Terry & George L. Conklin, Commissioners of highways in the Town aforesaid. Present, Henry Landon, Justice. The following persons , freeholders , having been duly Summoned by Daniel T. Wells , a con- stable of Riverhead, appeared as Jurors to assess the damages in relation to a highway laid out Highway by three Commissioners of Highways on the 31 to March 1836, and recorded on Page 41, this book F, Daniel Tuthill Henry T. Penny Cutchogue Thomas P. Conkling James Wells Harbor >10 Isaiah T. Terry ,a 0 Hubbard Griffing ti 0 Jonathan D. Conkling A a) Noah Youngs James Wells w o George Howell tiAsaph Youngs + Silas H. Howell Benju aminF. Wells Q) 0l) 10 Daniel Corwin Daniel Griffing o x 5 Wells Terry John Youngs Nathan Reeve John Z. Luce i Of these twelve Jurors (all of the Town of Riverhead ) the following Six were drawn to serve : James wells. _ . Noah Youngs John Z(7) Luce Daniel Griffing Benjamin F. Wells Asaph Youngs The Commrs of Highways) , of the ) The Jurors returned Town of Southold ) into Court a written VS ) verdict finding for David Tuthill & Sons ) David Tuthill & Sons through whose Lands a part of said highway had been laid out , Six Hundred Dollars , for damages . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600.00 H. Landon bill---court charges . . . . . . . . . . . 5.04 Jurors bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. 00 Constables bill 2.00 6 . 4 Entered pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk 27 .Mar 1837 We the undersigned, Commissioners of Highways , of the Town of Southold, Report , that we have widened the road leading from the Post Road to Oysterpond Harbor, to three rods in width, against the Lands of Augustus Griffing, William D. Cochran, Thomas V. Youngs , Samuel W. Youngs , and William I. Youngs , commencing on the northwest corner of thomas V. Youngs , running Easterly eight links--thence Southerly one hundred and twelve links---- thence westerly Seven links to where the fence now stands , then commencing on the northwestern conger of Augustus Griffings Lands running easterly eight links--- thence southerly four hundred and thirty-three---thence westerly ten links to where Oysterponds the fence now stands. ------Then commencing on 1837 the northwestern corner of Thomas V. Youngs Land running thence easterly eleven links thence southerly one hundred and thirty seven links , thence westerly eleven links to where the fence now stands. Then commencing at the northwest corner of William D. Cochrans Land running easterly 11 links----thence southerly 114 links , thence westerly 11 links to the fence-------Then Commencing at the northeast corner of Samuel W & William I. Youngs Land, running thence westerly 14 links , thence southerly 325 links---- thence easterly 14 links to where the fence now stands. - And we further report that we have paid Augustus Griffing for his Land and damages the sum of fourteen dollars.--- - and to William D. Cochran for his Land and damages six dollars---- and to Samuel W. and William I Youngs twenty-one dollars and seventy-five cents . And to Thoinas V. Youngs for his Land and damages Eleven dollars and twenty-six j cents ------ Given under our Hands this 26th day of November 1836. Samuel Hobart ) Comm, issr. George L. Conklin) of Henry H. Terry ) Highways Entd. pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk Southold 8th April 1837 46 This may certify: That we the undersigners inhabitants of the village of Oysterponds have sold unto Samuel Hobar$, George L. Conkling, and Henry H. Terry, Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Southold , the several pieces and parcels Oysterponds of Land for the purpose of widening the Lane 1836 or road, leading from the Post Road to the Oyster- pond Habbour, for the several sums of money affixed to our respective names together with the ooiitents of the said pieces of Land, opposite to our names, the receipt of which moneywe acknowledge ourselves satisfied for us and our heirs and assigns by signing with our own hands , the said estimate and schedule as follows ; (to wit ) 1836 Nov. 26 Paid. . . . . .A Grigfing ---6 rods 235 at l8/. 14.00 Paid. . . . . .W. D. Cochran-- 2 rods 6-100 at 24/. 6,100 Paid ) . . . Samuel W. Young:; ) William I. Young ) 7-28----do 181.75 Paid . . . . . .Thomas V. Young 1.344 2.411 --------- 11.26 :.3.755 Entd. Pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk Southold 8th Apl. 1837 47 48 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the inn of Augustus Griffing, in the said Town, on the 23rd day of May, mne thousand Eight hundred and Thirty-seven, all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order, upon petition of S. II. Tuthill, A. Griffing, Elisha Mulford , John Perry, Lyndes King, John A. Rackett , Henry Vail , Samuel W. Young, Ezra K. Young, Wdi. S. Hobart , Peter W. Tuthill, Joshua Vail , Caleb Dyer, Jasper Y. Tuthill, Jonathan King, Augustus Brown, Jesse Terry, Chris . M. Tuthill, Thomas P. Tuthill , Barzilla Young, Noah G. Beebe , Daniel V. Beebe , James W. Young, William I. Young, Thomas V. Young, Nathaniel Tuthill , Jr. , Francis V. Young, verified by their oath, and being freeholders of the said Town of Southold, --and We , the said Commissioners, having deliberated on the matter set forth in the said Petition, do order, determine and adjudge that Oysterponds the said Lane or ]Road rxeferred to in the said 1837 petition, ought to be laid out ,opened, altered and widened so as to make the said Lane or Road referred to in the said petition, three rods wide ,- the said Lane or Road referred to in e said petition being a public highway.----- And we do hereby order that the said Lane or Road shall be and the same is hereby laid out opened , altered and widened so as to make the said Lane or Road, three rods wide. The Land taken from the occupants and owners thereof for the purpose of widening, altering and opening said road is described as follows ; to wit-----Beginning at the Main Road on the Land in front of the house of John Brown at a stance set up by the said Commissioners ; running thence Southerly according to the stake that the said Commissioners have set up , and according to the line as laid down on the plot of the said Road , annexed this order, to the Land of William Potter on the division between the Land of said William Potter and 49 Caleb Dyer, to a stake erected by the said Commissioners on the said division Line----taking from the said John Brown 4 rods and 92/100 of Land------- and from Elias Terryl 1 rod 16/100 of Land------ and from Polly Brown 96/100 of It ,rod of Land------ and from John Terry 96/100 of a rod of Land------- and from Henry T. King 1 rod and 25/100 of Land. ---- and from the owners of the Lot on which the windmill stands 1 rod 7/100 of Land. ----- and from Absalom King 3 rods 39/100 of Land------ and from Marvin Holmes 1 rod 48/100 of Land-------and from James Glover 48/100 of a rod of Land------and from Ezra K. Young 41/100 of a rod of Land------and from Caleb Dyer 1 rod 92/100 of Land-----and from the Lot belonging to the Methodist Church 1 rod 34/100 of Land----- and from Samuel Taber 98/100 of a rod of Land-----and from Augustus Griffing 6 rods 23/100 of Land----- and from Thomas V. Young 2 rods 41/100 of Land-----and from William V. Cochran 2 rods of Land----- and from Tilliam Potter 4 rods 9/100 of Land.------- Commencing on the west line of the said Lane or Road as declared by the said Commissioners at a Stake erected by the Said Commissioners on the Land of David Pool , opposite the stake erected by the said Commission- ers on the Land of the said John Brown on the Easterly side of the said Road and running from thence Southerly according to the Stakes of the said Commissioners , and according to the lines laid down on the plot of the said Road , annexed to tnis oraer, to Lne Laid of N. Glover to the northerly line of his Garden, to a stake erected by the said Commissioners .--- Commencing thence at a stake erected by the s,,id Comm- issioners on the southerly side of the Garden of the said Ezekiel N. Glover, and running from thence through the dooryard in front of the said Glovers House to a stake erected by the said Commissioners at a place called the Oysterpond Drain , near the Bay or Harbor, taking from the said David Pool three rods and 80/100 of Land----- and from George Champlin 4 rods 10/100 of Land---- and from Francis Youngs 6 rods 39/100 of Land----- and from John Rackett 4 rods 22/100 of Land----- and from Lewis Tuthill 4o rods 90/100 of Land---- and from Frederick d 50 Taber 9 rods 2/100 of Land---- and from Ezekiel N. Glover 5 rods of Land----- and from Joseph C. Havens 1 rod 92/100 of Land----- and from Thomas L. Youngs 1 rod 88/100 of Land ----- and from Nilliam I. and S . W. Young 7 rods 28/100 of Land- ------and from George Champlin 3 rods 56/100 of Land----- And we do hereby declare that the said Road hereby laid out opened and widened by us the said Commissioners is to be threerods wide.------ In witness whereof the said Commissioners f of Highways have hereto subscribed their names the day and year first above written. --- Saml. Hobart ) Commissioners Chandler Palmer ) of Barnabas Wines ) Highway Entd. 26 May 1837 pr J. Wickham Case Town Clerk 51 "ii,s Tcrry, 1 "d _u ' .. .i . - _. •a - _111 f,_cs oily Brown J j1CC ,: a rod of Tie the Commissioners for the Town of Southold do assert and declare the Road or Highway running from or near the house now occupied by Thomas R. Glover Westerly until it intersects the Kings Highway near the house of Albert Goldsmith, to Lower Road be a Public Highway two rods in width. by Sodom School Saml. Hobart )Commrs . House Chandler Palmer) of Barnabas wines )Highways Southold 8 May 1837 Entd. 3 June 1837 pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clk. -------------- The Commissioners of Highway hereby extend the Road District No. 7 westerly to Cox's Lane.------ Vistrict No. 5 is altered as follows----From the east line of Danl. Case on the north road to the east side of the Cox 's Lane road---- and it shall also hereafter extend northerly from the North Road to the angle in said road in the Canada Northside. . . . . . . . A new District to be known as No. 17 is also hereby formed, having for its eastern boundary the angle of the road in the Canada Northside , and ex- tending westerly till it intersects the Mattituck Mill Road. Chandler Palmer ) Comrs . Saml. Hobart ) of Barnabas Wines ) Highways Dated Southold 8 May 1837 Entd. 3 June 1837 Pr. J. W. Case T. Clk. 52 At a meeting of the Commissiogers of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, at the Inn of Augustus Griffing in the said Town, on the third day of June One thousand Eight hundred and Thirtyseven, all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this Order, upon the petition of S . H. Tuthill , A. Griffing, Elisha Mulford , John Terry, Lyndes King, John A. Rackett, Henry Vail , Samuel W. Young, Ezra K. Young, Wm. S. Hobart , Peter P1. Tuthill, Joshua Vail , Oysterponds Caleb Dyer, Jasper Y. Tuthill, Jonathan Sing, Augustus Brown, Jesse Terry , Chris. M. Tuthill, Thomas Y. Tuthill , 1837 Barzilla Young*, Noah G-� Beebe , Daniel V. Beebe, James W. Young, ',?illiam I. Young, Thomas Y. Young, Nathaniel Tut- hill Jr. , Francis R. Young, verified by their Oath , and being free holders of the said Town of Southold---And we the said Commissioners having deliberated on the matter set forth in the said petition, do order, determine and adjudge that the said Lane or Road referred to in the said petition, ought to be laid out, opened, altered and widened , so as to make the said Lane or Road referred to in the said Petition three rods wide------ The said Lane or Road referred to in the said petition being a Public highway- ------ And we do hereby order that the said Lane or Road shall be and the same is hereby laid out , opened, altered and widened so as to make the said Lane or Road , three rods wide. --- The Rand taken from the occupants and Owners thereof , fo the purpose of widening, altering, and opening said Road is described as follows.--Beginning at the blain Road on the Lands in front of the house of John Brown, at a stake set up by the said Commissioners , running thence Southerly according to the stakes that the said Commissioners have set up , and according Lo the line as laid down on the plot of the said road annexed to this Order, to the Lai dof William Potter , on the division line between the Landso� allia . Potter and ,. Caleb Dyer to a stake erected by the said Commissioners km pm f p. 53 on the said division line-taking from the saddJohn Brown 4 rods 92/100 of Land--and from said Elias Terry, 1 rod 16/100 of Land-- and from Polly Brown 96/100 of a rod of Land-- and from John Terry 96/100 of a rod of Land-- and from Henry T king 1 rod 25/100 of Land--and from the Owner of the Lot on which i the wond mill stands 1 rod 7/100 of Land-- and from Absalom King 3 rods 39/100 of Land--and from Marvin Holmes 1 rod 48/100 i Y of Land-- and from James Glover 48/100 of a rod of Land--and from Ezra K. Young 41/100 of a rod of Land--and from Caleb Dyer 1 rod 92/100 of Land--and fm.,m the Lot belonging to the Methodist p Church 1 rod 34.100 of Land--and from Samuel Taber 98/100 of a rod of Land--and from Augustus Griffing 6 rods 23/100 of Land-- and from Thomas (?) Youngs 2 rods 41/100 of Land--and from William r w D. Cichran 2 rods of Land--and from William Potter 4 rods 9/100 is of Land.-- Commencing on the west line of the said Lane or Road, as 1 declared by the said Commissioners , at a stake erected by the said Commissioners on the Land of David Pool , opposite the stake erected by the said Commissioners on the Land of the said John Brown, on the Easterly side of the said Road , and running from thence Southerly according to the stake of the said Commissioners and according to the line as laid down on the plot of the said road annexed to this order to the Land of Ezekiel N. Glover, to the Nor- therly line of his garden, to a stake erected by the Said Commissioners- --running thence Southerly according tothe Stakes of the said Com- missioners , and according to the line as laid down on the plot of a the said road as hereto annexed, through theGarden and door yard of J the said Ezekiel N. Glover and other Lands , to a stake erected by i the said Commissioners at a place called the oysterpond drain, near the Bay or Harbor--taking from the said David Pool three rods 80/100 of Land (less the deduction of all that Land east of the aforesaid line on which his house stands--and from George Champlin 4 rods 10/ 100 of Land--and from Francis Youngs 6 rods 39/100 of Land--and f rom I i 54 John Rackett 4 rods 22/100 of Land--and from Lewis Tuthill 40 rods 90/100 of Land--and from Frederick Taber 9 rods 2/100 of Land---and from Ezekiel N. Glover 7 rods 4/100 of Land---and from Joseph C. Haven 1 rod 92/lUU of Land and from Thomas L. Youngs 1 rod 88/100 of Land--- and from William I & S. M. Young 7 rods 28/100 of Land--- and from George Champlin 3 rods 56/100 of Land--- And we do hereby declare that the said Road hereby laid out, opened and widened by us the said Commis- sioners is to be three rods wide. In witness whereof, the said Commissioners of Highways , have hereto subscribed their names this 3rd day of June 1837----------- Saml. Hobart ) Commissioners Chandler Palmer) of Highways Barnabas Wines ) Entd. 10 June 1837 Pr J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. M. 4 2� I� a -r 55 Whereas , John Brown, David Pool, David G. Beebe , Lewis Tuthill, David A. Tuthill , Samuel Taber, William Potter , Frederick Taber, George Champlin, Thomas L. Youngs , and E. N. Glover, of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, appealed to Hugh Halsey, John M. Williamson, and Henry Landon three of the Judges of Court of Common Pleas of said " County from two orders and determinations of the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, one dated May 23rd 1837 , and the other dated June 3rd 1837 , copies of which said orders and appeal are hereto annexed---And whereas the said Judges convened at the house of Augustus Griffing in Oysterponds in the said Town of Southold on the eleventh day of pysterponds August 1837. for the purpose of hearing the proofs and 1837 allegations of the parties interested in the said appeal and the said Commissioners of Highways and the said parties a appelants all appeared before the said Judges on the day and at the place last mentioned by themselves or their counsel, and such proceedings were thereupon had that having heard the said proofs and allegations , the said Judges thereupon adjudged and decided, and do adjudge and decide that the said two orders and determinations of the Commissioners of Highways aforesaid be, and the same are hereby reversed. . . . In Witness whereof the said Judges have hereto set their hands , this eleventh day of August , in the year One thousand eight hundred and Thirty Seven. H. Halsey )Judges of the ) Court of John M. Williamson) Common Pleas of Henry Landon ) Suffolk County Entd. 18 Aug. 1837 pr J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. 56 +F At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the ; kF Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk held in the said Town on the ninth day of November instant , all the said ;• Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order: It is ordered and determined by 114 1., the said Commissioners that all that part of the North �{ Road so called , between Tusten and Mill Lane, heretofore laid out by Commissioners of this Town, be altere@ as " follows , to wit , Passing through the Lands of William + . S. Hobart, Jonah Halsey, Joshua Halloek, Silas Moore and North Road others , called the Manor and beginning at the stakes •s Alteration erected by the undersigned Commissioners , on the Easterly of line of the said Manor, running thence westerly to the t 1837 westerly line of said Manor to other stakes erected by the said Commissioners , twenty-four chains thirteen links--- continuing about the same course along the line between f John Tuthill and Jesse Tuthill to the east line of Wood- hull and Hallock's Northside---thence across the South end of the land of Woodhull and Hallock to the East line of r ' Barnabas Wines ' Land--- thence across B,.rnabas Wines ' Land " to a center stake erected by the said Commissioners , on the East line of Isaiah Benjamin's Land---- thence across the Land of the said Isaiah Benjamin 4 chains to a stake erected r.. by the said Commissioners on the Easterly side of Mill Lane , so called , and that the said alteration throughout be of the width of three rods .--- In witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town, have hereto subscribed their names this ninth day of November 1837. M Seth H. Tuthill ) Chandler Palmer) Commissioners ) Ent d. 8 ,Jany 1838 Barnabas Wines ' pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. M t 57 aforesaid about three hundred feet to the North of King Street and running thence easterly to High water mark aforesaid-----Also the Road called Creek Street commencing creek on Fifth Street about three hundred feet to the North of Orchard Street and running thence easterly to High water mark aforesaid----Also the Road called Fourth Street com- 4 Sf k mencing on Orchard Street about two hundred feet from Fifth Street and thence running parallel to Fifth Street to High water mark aforesaid.---Also the Road called 'i. Third Street commencing on Ordhard Street about two hundred feet to the East of South Street and running thence to High water mark aforesaid Southerly.---Also the Road called Second Street commencing on Orchard Street about Two hundred feet to the East of Third Street and running thence Southerly to High water mark aforesaid.- And also the Road called First Street commencing on f�YsT SF Orchard Street about Two hundred feet to the East of Second Street and running thence Soiztherlyt to the place of High water mark aforesaid-----And we the Subscribers do hereby dedicate the above mentioned and described Roads or Streets to the use of the People of the Town of Southold as aforesaid to be used as Public Highways i forever. Witness our hands and Seals this Twenty-sixth day of December Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-seven. In Presence of Ezra Youngs (L. S . ) Silas M. Halloek Abiel Tuthill (L. S. ) Ira B. Tuthill (L.S . ) Entd. 9 Jany 1838 Isaac T. Tuthill (L.S. ) pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. 58 We the subscribers do hereby dedicate the following pareels of Land hereinafter described to the use of the people of the Town of Southold to be used as public highways forever.-- And the said people of the 'Town of Southold and their repre- sentatives are hereby vested with the same authority over the said hereinafter described roads as they now have or may exercise over other Public Highways in said Town.---- The Cutchogue said Streets or Roads are to be three rods wide and not Harbor less----Described as follows , viz: The Road or Street called or Fifth Street commencing at the northwestern extremity of the New Suffolk Farm formerly owned by Benjamin Wells , now called New Suffolk And at that place separating from the Public road heretofore laid out by said Town of Southold---Thence running Southerly through said farm to High water mark, on the margin of Peconic Bay----Also the Road called South Street commencing on said Fifth Street near the South end thereof and running thence easterly to high water mark on said Bay-----Also the Road called Jackson Street commencing on said Fifth Street about three hundred feet to the north of South Street , and running thence easterly to High water mark as aforesaid--- Also the Road called Main Street commencing on said Fifth Street about three hundred feet to the North of Jackson i Street and running thence Easterly totil it reaches a point opposite the present site of a Blacksmith Shop owned by the subscribers , situated at the foot or beginning of a wharf erected by the New Suffolk Wharf Co.----Also the 0 Road called King Street commencing on Fifth Street afore- t--g_ i said about three hundred feet to the North of Main Street , and running thence Easterly to the present place of High water mark aforesaid----Also the Road called Orchard Street commencing on Fifth Street w 59 Matter belonging on Page 59 written by mistake on Page 57 which should have been left blank. . . .R. L. Davison 60 IP f .'j We the Commissioners of Highway for the Town of Southold have this fifteenth day of January 1838 altered all that two Pole highway in Arshamomoque ileading from the house now occupied by James Corwin, r to its intersection with the Road from Green Port , r' at Mud Lane , to the South side of the Land of John fi Jerome & the Northerly side of the 'Lhnd of Thomas Brown, commencing at stakes erected by us a few feet Southerly from the new house of said Jerome , and is Arshamomoque 1837 running thence Easterly, partly on the Land of said Jerome and partly on the Land of Thomas Brown, on nearly a straight course, according to the Stakes set up till it reaches Mud Land, there meeting the ii Road from Greenport.- Said Highway being two poles in width.- In witness whereof we have hereto signed our names , day and year above written. Chandler n er Palmeri` Barnabas Wines )Comrs Seth H. Tuthill) of Highways Entd. 8 Feby 1838 Pr. J. Wickham Case Town Clerk. I'. ji I a� A�L s 6l Suffolk County, SS We the undersigned freeholders of said County , neither residents of the Town of Southold nor of hire to [7illiam S. Hobart, Jonah:.. Halsey, Joshua Hallock Silas Moore and others , owners of a tract of Land , called the Manor, and Isaiah Benjamin, being the Jury summoned , drawn and sworn to assess the damages sustained by the said William S . Hobart , Jonah Halsey, Joshua Hallock, Verdict of Jury Silas Moore and others owners as aforesaid of the said onthe North road Manor , and Isaiah Benjamin, by reason of the Laying out Manor &c and altering of a Road through their enclosed land, in 1838 pursuance of the order of the Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Southold , bearing date the ninth day of No- vember One thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven, after having viewed and examined the premises , deter- mine and assess the said damages of the said William S . Hobart, Jonah Halsey, Joshua Hallock, Silas Moore and others proprietors of the tract of Land called the Manor at Three hundred Dollars , and the damages of the said Isaiah Benjamin at Thirty-five dollars . Given under our hands this 19th day of March A. D. 1838 B. F. Wells ) Silas II. Howell ) Nicholas Hallock) Joshua Cleves )-Jurors Alvah Corwin ) James Wells ) County of Suffolk SS I henry Landon one of the Justices of the peace of the Town of Southold in said County, do cer- tify, that the within or foregoing in the verdict of the Jury summoned by my warrant , and drawn and sworn by me to assess the damages (over ) 62 Sustained by William Hobart , Jonah Halsey, Joshua Hallock, Silas Moore and others , proprietors of said tract of Land called the Manor, and Isaiah Benjamin, by the laying out and altering of the highway mentioned in the Said verdict.----In witness whereof , I have hereunto subscribed my name , this 19th day of March 1838. Henry Landon Justice of the Peace. Names of persons summoned as jurors to assess the damages of the road above mentioned, Viz Nicholas Hallock, Daniel Terry, James Webb , Benin. F. Wells , Danl. Griffing, Silas 13. Howell , Hubbd. Griffing, Israel Fanning, Joshua Cleves , Walter S. Ridmon, Alvah Corw in, John M. Moody. Of the above named the following were drawn and served as Jurors , Viz,Silas H. Howell James Wells Nicholas Hallock Alvah Corwin Joshua Cleves Benin. F. Yells Southold, 19 Mar 1838 Certified by Benjamin LT. Homan Constable Expenses of said Road or highway Damages awarded Manor owners . . . . . . . . . . . . .#300.00 do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .doIsaiah Benjamin. . . . . . 35.00 Jurors Bill. . . . Constables bill. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . 18.00 6.00 Henry Landons bill (court charges ) 3.25 362.�— 63 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, at the house of Alvah Horton, in said Town, on the sixth day of March 1839 , all the said Commissioners having met and delib- erated on the subject embraced in this order, it is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that a highway be laid out in said Town of the width of three rods on the application of John Wickham and others , and by the consult of Alvah Horton, Shubal Corwin, Joshua Tuthill, Walter Reeve , Joseph Moore & Benjamin Horton, through Cutchogue Cross road whose Lands the said Highway is to pass----Beginning on 1839 the North Side of the South or Post road, at certain stakes erected by the sgid Commissioners , one of said Stakes being one and a half rods Easterly, and the other one and a half rods Westerly of the line fence between the Lands of Alvah Horton and Shubal Corwin, running thence Northerly as the Stakes , erected by the said Commissioners now stand , through the said Lands of Alvah Horton and Shubal Corwin, Joshua Tuthill , Walter Reeve , Benjamin Horton and Joseph Moore , to the North Road . In Witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town, have hereunto subscribed their names this sixth day of March 1839. ° Chandler Palmer ) Joseph Penny )Commissioners James Worth ) Entd. 30 Mar 1839 Pr. J. W. Case Town Clerk i 64 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk, at the house of Ira B. Tuthill in said Town, on the Twenty third day of March instant , all the said Commissioners ;A having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order----It is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that a highway be laid out in the said Z � Town of the width of three rods , on the application of Oliver Corey and others , being twelve respectable Cutchogue Cross Road freeholders of the said Town of Southold, not interested 1839 in the Lands through which the said highway is laid out , who upon their oath say that in their opinion the said Highway is necessary, commencing on the North side of °r the Post Road at certain stakes erected by the said {'P r Commissioners , one of which stands one and a half rods Easterly of the line fence between Silas Moore and Josiah Albertson, and the other one and a half IE rods Westerly from said fence---running thence Nor- '.,. therly between the barn of Josiah Albertson and the barn of Silas Moore , through the Lands of the said Josiah Albertson, Silas Moore , and the Lands of 'I' Thomas Tuthill , Ira B. Tuthill , Abiel Tuthill, Augus- tine Fleet, Ezra Youngs , Chapman Davis , Bernabas Terry, Joseph Terry Junior ,Thomas I. Conklin and John Wells , .I as the stakes erected by the said Commissioners now stand, to the North Road.---Said Road being so laid out , lull by the Consent of all the parties except Josiah Albertson j, who does not consent to the laying out of the Same. "u In Witness whereof the undersigned , Commissioners of Highway, of said Town, have hereunto subscribed their e: r names this 23d day of March 1839. Chandler Palmer ) James T7orth )Commis- Joseph Penny )stoners Entd. 30 Mar 1839 Pr. J. W. Case Town Clk s 1�, 65 Te the ^.ommissioners of Hia.hways' of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk , having ascertained that the Public Highway is said 'rbwn, leading from the highway passing by the house of Peter /ail commonly called "Town, Street" to Town Harbor is encroached upon on the T7esterly side thereof, along the lands in the occupation of Ben- jamin Boisseau, by a post and rail fence erected by the present or former occupant thereof, which forms part of the enclosure of said Land ; and having eaused the said highway to be surveyed and having ascertained the westerly outhold bounds and limits thereof to be upon and according to the Order following line , to wit, commencing on the Southerly side for the of said Town Street about eight feet from the corner of )c;moval of said Town Street ?� Highway, as the fende now stands- crlech- running thence in a southerly direction to a certain stake -sent. erected by the said Commissioners , on the line between l�?39 said Roisseau and Ren,jamin "!ells , and that all that narrow piece of land which lies under and between the said post and rail fence and the line above described is a part of the public highway aforesaid. It is therefore ordered by the Commissioners of Highways of said Town, that the said post and rail fence be removed, so that thesaid highway be open and undisturbed , and of the breadth originally intended, which was four rods. Done at a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town of Southold on the 26th day of November A. D. 1889 , all of the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject of this order. Chandler Palmer James '7orth 'Tntd. Dec . 1839 Commissioners Pr. T. "'. Case , Town Clerk. 66 Thereas , many of the highways now open and used in the Town of >outhold have not been made , so far as can be ascertained , a matter of record and disputes and difficul- ties hate � in consecuence arisen, Te therefore , Commission- ers of Highways of said Town in order to secure to the Inhabitants of said Town, the rights and privileges to which they are justly entitled , and to obviate all future misunderstandings and controversy on the subject, do hereby assert and declare the following to be open and public highways , viz : All that two pole highway or Crop Road , in the westerly part of the Town , having at the South end, the Lands of Samuel 'gilliamson on the Fest, the Lands of Tzra Hallock on the '.gest , and running Northerly till it i4tersect the Roads North Road in front of the house of Josiah Ilayo. Re-asserted Also, all that two pole TTighway leading from the Yorth Road until it meets the Lands of the owners of the neck 1839 formerly called "^?apes Neck" and now known as^fox' s Neck. " r Also, all that taro pole highway leading from the South to tTe Dlorth Rond , beginning near the pond called "pain's Pond" and immediately east of the house of Thomas Moore . � Also,all that two pole highway leadine by the house of the Tate Mnitbv Treeman & ^onnecting the road leading to South T?arbor with the road leading to Hog "Teck. Also , all that certain highway two poles wide or more as the fence nor, stands , leading from the highway in the village of Southold to the North Road , having at the Soutb end the Lands of Fzra C. '?tHrry on the Fast, the lands k, ^tore of Tm. II. Tells on the west. Done at a meeting of the commissioners of Highways of the said Town of Southold on the 26th day of November A. p. 1839 , all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject of the declaration. Chandler Palmer James Torth T+'rancis R. Young, Comrs, of Highl,•ray Entered pece. 1839 by J. "7. Case , Town 171erk 67 " e tPie Commissioners of Highways of the mourn of Southold have this day laid out, altered , & widened a certain hiPhray in said mown of Southold as follows : Commencing at the termination of the Present open highway leading towards the Broadwaters Creek , we do hereby extend and open the original way, from a point near the barn of ITilliam P. Horton to the i ran Neck lot of Land formerly the property of Silas Terry, to the : ' 40 width of three rods--thence , instead of following the old way which ran off in an easterly direction, we continued on in a Southeasterly direction as the path & stakes set up by us no,a indicate , till it reaches the woodland of Samuel H. Lan- don--thence said road turns easterly 8, runs upon the Tand of said Nm. F. Horton, by the side of said Landon's Land , till it comes to the line between said Horton's Land & the Tnnd of Tames T. & Richard 17. Davids--thence on nearly the same course on the land of said Horton, by the side of the Tand of the said Davids R- the Tand of "An. FT. Overton, Fr the Land of Daniel Case , deceased , running for a short distance over a small gore of said Daniel -ace 's Land--thence on a:asterly on the Land of said Horton by the side of the Land of Israel Case deceased , and the Land of the heirs of Samuel Davids deceased till it reaches the Bay-- And the said highwmy shall be three rods wide R- be measured one and a half rods each way from the stakes set up by us. Givens under our hands at Southold this 31st day of March 1840. ,Tames North I ^o­imissicners ^,handler Falmer 1 of Francis R. voungl Hiphray entered 21 April 1840 Pr. T. "7CPse Torn Clerk. 68 i i Southold 13 RTay 1840 �F At a meeting of the Commissioners of highways hl &1D-j, Pt the house of Jesse Reeve , We the undersigned do point Tilliam TT. Tells Overseer of Roads district No. 12. u Chandler Palmer R Jesse Reeves dF, Commrs of Highways Gi Fntd. 21 Pray 1840 J. "I". Case Town Clerk. 2 =f; "7e the Commissioners of TTiphrpys of the Town of Southold have this day apreed to extend District No. 3 from the P:Tattituck "ill Road , 'westerly to the west line of Jesse Tuthill on the North Road. l 13 P'Qy 1840 Chandler Palmer Jesse Reeve Comrs. of Highways T!ntered 21 ":Tay 1840 Pr. J . 7 . Case Town Clk. .6i J Y g� 6, i 1r 69 Ata meeting of the Commissioners of hirrhways of the rrbwn of Southold , in the County of Suffolk , at the house of Chandler Palmer in said 'Town on the 14th day of September 1840, all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject i embraced in this order---It is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners , that a Highway be laid out in the said u nlet Fill Town of ^outhold of the width of three rods on the application 1840 of Benjamin T . Young, Hutchinson H. Case , Benjamin TT, calmer, 3nrnabas dells , Tlisha ^,. Case , ^rastqs 7nllock, Joseph Case , Augustus Conklin, Ebenezer m, Case , TSzrn C. terry, Daniel T. 'Terry, Albert S. Case , Rensselaer Horton, Charles Clover, Jr. and others, and by the consent of Joseph TT, goldsmith end C Asahel Palmer, through whose Lands the said highway is to pass , j for the whole distance--And the said Commissioners have caused a survey to be made as follows ; the centre line of said high- way is to begin on the north side of the DTorth Rend one and a half rods westerly of the board fence on the Last Side of the Cate now fastened on a poplar tree , .at the head of the I.ane leadin=- from the South to the North Road--runninn thence about YorthrResterly to another stake near the woods of the said ^.oldsmith--thende more westerly to another stake erected on the Land of sais Asahel Palmer--thence about *Torthwesterly to nnother stake erected on the beach near the Inlet �Till- said stakes having; been erected by s*tid Commissioners and are to be considered as the centre line of said highway. In Witness whereof the unders&gned Commissioners of Highwnys of said Town have hereunto subscribed their names this 14th day of September 1840. Jno Brown } Chandler Palmeri Commissionors Jesse Reeve ) L<ntd. 21 Sept. 1840 Pr. T. " Case Town Clk. 70 `T07 :ALL n77'7 BY 779E, PRESEnTTS. That we Chandler Palmer , .Tohn Brown and Jesse Reeve Commissioners of Highways in and for the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and Stabs of New York in consideration of the sum of Fifty Dollars to us in hand paid Samuel Hutchinson of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State aforesaid, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge have bar gained sold and quit claimed and by these presents do bargain sell and cuitclaim unto said Samuel Hutchinson and to his heirs and assigns forever, all thr riPht, title , estate claim and dema both at law and in enuit.y, and as well in possession as in ex- pectancy of and belonging to, the said Tovrn of Southold, the free holders and inhabitants thereof of in and to all that certain Diel or parcel of Land (part of which consisting of Land under water) situate and being in the said Town of Southold and bounded as followm; to wit, Southerly by the Post Road--^9esterly partly by Land of the said party of the second part, and partly by land Of Thomas Hutchinson-----Northerly partly by land of the s- id ^:r: of the second part and partly by Land of Daniel m, Terry-- Easterly partly by the said Daniel ^. 91erry and partly by :and cf Gustavus Field, containing by estimation two acres be the same more dir less, with all and singular the hereditaments and appur- tenances thereunto belonging, excepting the dwelling house of Daniel Glover and the Blacksmith shop of Gustavus Field which are at present on said premises--the said dwelling house and b] ac smith shop thus excepted are to be wamoved off from the premises within three months from the date of any written notice which the said Samuel Hutchinson shall or may give to them, and they Pre hereby authorized to move such buildings at anv time within three months of the date of such notice , anything herein before said to the contrary notwithstanding. In 7itness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Twenty sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Fortyone. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Chandler Palmer T . Note 'rhe words "and Partly by the Land of Thomas !Tutchin- Jno. Brown T . son" between lines 20 8• 21 from top on first side interlined Tesse Reeve L. S. before signing Franklin 7. Overton Nathan Champlin „ntered on the 1st day o- April 1841 T . llic'rham ^,ase , ^oma ^,lerk 71 72 ">T'_E1RV , the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold did on the sixth day of *larch 1839 lay out a road "Three rods in width leading from the South to the North road , commencing on the line between the Lands of Alvah Horton and Shubal Corwin in Cutchogue as the order of said rIommissi6ners i. on record designated , and whereas it has not been clearly understood what the intention of the said ^,ommissioners was i respecting that portion of said road which passes between the L Lands of Alvah Horton and Joshua Tuthill, norr therefore we the Commissioners for 1839 , in farther explanation of our said } original order do decide and adjudge that the said road after i leaving the bands of the said Shubal Corwin is and was intended to run one and a half rods upon the lands of said Joshua Tut- hill for about the distance of sixty-two rods to a stake in 1 the hollow Southeasterly from the house of said Tuthill , thence '+ Twenty seven rods to another stake standing three rods on the tl Lands of Alvah Horton--and the road is to run from thds last i said stake entirely upon the Lands of said FTorton, until it i comes to the Lands of "'alter Reeve. Dated at Southold , '?arch 9th 1841 1 Chandler Palmer James 17orth Commissioners of Highways (for 1839 and 1841) tl Entered On the 1st day of April 1841 i J. "Wickham Case Town Clerk. i i 73 7e the Co:Amissioners of Highways of the 'Own of Southold do hereby order and determine, that hereafter all the main highway South of, and beginning at the post road near the house of Ira R. Tuthill , and leading thence to ?utchogue Harbor, as also all the several ways and roads dedicated by Fzra Youngs , Abiel Tuthill, Ira B. Tuthill I Isaac T. Tuthill to the people of the Town of Southold, which said ways and roads are particularly described on pages 58 and 59 , Town book E. Record of roads , shall be and constitute a se- arate and distinct district, to be denominated District No. 18. ---And the Road District No. 5. is hereby so altered that it shall not extend South of the Post road. Dated Southold , February 8, 1841 Chandler "almeH oom. issioners Tno. Brown 1 of Tesse Reeve ) 7i7hray ^ntd. 31 7nr 1841 T. 7ickha4 Case Town llerk Southold 15 Vay 1841 At n meeting of the Commissioners of Highways at the Hpuse of Salter ( ?) S Horton--We the Commissioners do appoint William 'Pines 7sn Overseer of Highway District No 14. .John. O.Ireland) Com--isrioners Daniel Beebe ) of Entered Alva 7orton ) Roads On the 17 nay of T"ay 1841 G Salter 7. Korton own Clerk. E F r 7 4' ? t a mee inr• of the Commissioners of highways at the Villa^e of Sreennort December 20, 1841 called by petition to view a certain street called amity Street and to de- clare said street a public highway--The petition describes said highway as follows---beginnin,- at ^Main Street Greenport and leading to Nathaniel Tuthill's wharf to high water mark--"ounded on the North by the lands of Tohn S. Tuthill, James 7'. Ting, Silas Ryan Nathaniel Tuthill and Hiram Bishop---( n the South by the lands of William 7ebb wid( ?) Cinthia Ting 'Tathaniel Tright John An. . . "Je therefore the Commissioners of highways on viewing said street do declare the same a public highnrAy and to be as such recorded. Ttecorded 20 T)ecember 1841 John n. Ireland ) rom of Daniel 3eebe ) Alvq TTorton ) TTighway for 1841 7ntered this 25th da.r of december 1841 Salter TTorton Toia,n Ilerk. 75 I Nathaniel ' Uthill 3d do hereby dedicate the following If parcels of land hereinafter described to the use of the people of the Town of Southold to be used as a public highway forever--And the said people of the Town of i Southold and their representatives are hereby vested with the same authority over the said hereinafter described road as they now have or may exercise over other public highway in said Town. The said road or street is to be three rods wide and not less--described as follows viz: Said street or T t road commences on the Main street leading to the wharf in Green Port having on the north corner the house and lot of John S. Tuthill and on the South corner the i u house and lot of William Webb, and running thence YnBterly to the house of Nathaniel Tuthill until it reaches the Sow wharf commonly called Tuthill's Wharf. And I the subscriber do hereby dedicate the above mentioned and described street or road to the use of the people of the Town of Southold as aforesaid to be used as a public highway forever. Witness my hand this 20th day of March 1842. c Nathaniel Tuthill Fntered this 23d day of March 1843 Luther S. Horton Town Clerk I 76 Ir' At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at Orient in said Town on the 3oth day of MArch 1842, all the commissioner having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in the order--It is ordered and determined by the said commissioners upon the application and by the consent of George Champlin, Samuel Tabor, Francis R. Youngs, John A. Rackett, David G. Peebe , Benjamin B. Terry, David A. Tuthill, Joseph C. Havens N Orient 'Thomas L. Youngs , Eleas Terry, Polly Brown, William S. Hobart Harbor James W. McDermont, Absalom King, Masuin Holmes, James Glover Road Ezra R. Youngs, William Potter and John G. Champlin, through whose lands the alteration hereinafter described is to be made that the highway leading from the Post road to Orient harbor in said Town be altered and widened as follows- to wit- The alteration to begin on the north line of lands Geprge Champlin on the west side of the highway aforesaid four feet west of the present line of said highway, and running a southerly course adross the front of the lot of said Champlin parallel with the present line of said highway fifty seven feet six inches- thence across the front of the lot of Samuel Taber southerly forty-nine feet seven inches four feet in width thence southerly across the front of the lot of Francis R. Youngs one hundred and forty-eight feet nine inches four feet in width. Thence Southerly across the front of the lot of John A. Racket ninety two feet four inches Thence Southerly across the front of the lot of Benjamin B. Terry one hundred and twelve feet three inches- Thence southerly Across the lot of David A. Tuthill six hundred and thirty seven feet to the north line of the lands of Frederick Taber--Commencing again on the nor` line of the lands of Joseph C. Havens four feet west of the present road and running southerly (Across) the front ofsa - Joseph Havens fifty five feet six inches-thence southerly across the front lot of Thomas L. Youngs fifty five 77 feet to the nprth line of Sidney P. Racket the whole distance to be parallel with the present road lmne- and four feet from itwidening said highway on the west side thereof opposite the aforesaid lots the distance of four feet. The alteration to commence again on the north line of the lands of Eleas Terry four feet east of the present east line of the said highway and running flautherly parallel r rith the present line across the front of the said lot of Terry seventy three feet six inches. 'thence southerly across the front of the lot of Polly Brownsixty two feet--thence southerly across the front of the lot of William S. Hobart one hundred and fifty two feet four inches -thence southerly across the front of the lot of James W. McDermont seventy five feet--thence southerly across the front of the lot of Absalom King three hundred and fifteen feet eight inches- thence southerly across the front of the lot of DTarvin Holmes one hundred and seventy seven feet (reserling to the said Holmes the use of his well) Thence southerly across the front of the lot of James Glover fifty seven feet-thence i c southerly across the front of the lot of Ezra R. Youngs fif ty eight feet to the north line of the lands of Caleb Dyer. .Commencing again at the north line of William Potter Your feet east of the present east line of the highway afore- said and running southerly across the front of the lot of 'r said Potter one hundred and twenty nine feet six inches- F, Thence southerly across the front of the lot of John G. Champlin sixty three feet six inches to the north line of 4:: Caleb Byer--the whole distance to be parallel with the present line of the highway aforesaid--and four feet from it widening said highway on the east side thereof opposite said ( . . . ) and lots the distance of four feet. In Witness whereof the Commissioners of Highways of said Town have here- untosubscribed their names this 30th day of J?arch 1843. Daniel Beebe ) Commissioners Entered this 3d day of April of 1843 by Salter S. Horton Jonathan Truman) Highway Town Clerk, 78 1,9e the undersigned Inhabitants of Orient residents on the lane leading from the Post road to the landing or Wharfe-- agree to sell to the Commissioners of highways of the Town of Southold four feet on our respective lots of land for widening said lane at the rate of Three Dollars per Rod. . The same to be recorded and owned by the said Town in the same manner as the present road. . 7he number of feet attached to our names is the amount in feet owned and wished to be sold to said 7bwn Value Length on road 139unre fe ' feet inch $4.06 John AT. Racket 92 4 369 2.51 James Glover 57 0 228 2. 55 Ezra R. Youngs 58 0 232 2. 53 Geo Chnmplin 57 6 230 2. 18 Samuel P. Taber 49 7 198 3.65 David G. Beebe "83 - 332 6.54 T+rnncis B. Youngs 148 9 595 4.94 Benjamin R. 7brr,y 112 3 449 6.70 Tilliam S . Hobart 152 4 609 5.70 William Potter 129 6 518 2.44 Caleb havens 55 5 222 2.79 John G. Champlin 63 6 254 145 5 r,. D. 2.77 Thomas L. Youngs 55 220 7.79 ( !Hell Reserved) Marvin Holmes 177 708 3. 30 James 1:1c Darmit 75 300 3.23 Elias Tarry 73 6 294 2.73 Wid Polly Broom 62 248 66. 41 I certify that the above is a true Copy presented me by the Commissioners of Highways and by me Recorded April 3d 1843 falter 9. Horton 7bwn Clerk r9 We the undersigned do agree to sell to the Commissioners of our Town Four feet on the front of our respective lots on the land running from the Post road to the shore or harbor of Orient at the rate of two Dollars fifty cts per square rod--the same to be recorded by the Town as the present lane or Road/ 1263 square feet 111.50 Absalom King 315.8 2548 d6 23. 18 David A? Tithill 637 34.68 I certify the above a true copy presented me by the Commissioners of highways for Reeording----Entered this 3d April 1843 by me. Salter S. Horton Town Clark. • Y J 80 Whereas Hugh $a4sey Master In Chancery in August 1838 did make or cause to be made a map of the Beebe Estate so a: called at Green Fort and on the 30th August 1838 did sell at public auction said Beebe Estate in lots and parcels according to said map bounding said lots by deed upon cer- ways or Streets which said ways are named and plainly de�- ignated upon the Map of the said Beebe Estate now on file in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk---And whereas there are several other ways and streets in said Village of Greenport not hitherto entered or recorded as open ways or Streets laid down upon said map or running through the land called the Tebb Farm--Now therefore we the subscribed Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold at the request and upon the petition of Hudson Corwin Joshua Fanning & twenty others & also the petition of other inhabitants and freeholders of said Town of Southold, Do hereb order and direct that the said streets or ways before a uded to and hereinafter mentioned and designated be and they are hereby declared to be open and phblie highways--Viz. The street or way called Bridge street running from the highway leading to Greenport 17barf Easterly to the Creek through the centre of Salt Neck Lot so called to be fifty feet wide--Also the street Called Webb Street running westerly from the highway leading to Greenport on the south side of the burying ground to the swamp to be sixty six feet wide. Also the Street Called First Street running Southerly from the highway leading to Greenport w arfe till it strike the northerly line of the Lot of Joshua Fanning to be sixty feet wide. Also the Street called Broad Street runnigg westerly from the highway leading to Greenport Wharfe to the westerly side of the street called Third street to be eighty eight feet wide. Also the Street called Second Street commencinp on the Nort h er y line of the Beebe Estate and running southerly till it strikes the southerly line of the Beebe Estate and to be sixty feet wide. t 81 Also the Street Called Third Street commencing at Broad Street and running to the line of the Estate of Bradley '!Piggin decd. then commencing again on the southerly side of the swamp at the line of said Wiggins decd. and running to the southerly line of the said Beebe Estate to be sixty feet wide. Also the StreetbCalled North Street commencing on the westerly side of Third Street on the line of said Wiggins Decd. and running easterly till it strikes the lots of John Clark and Jeremiah King to be sixty feet wide . Also the Street Called Centre Street commencing at the 9Pestwatd boundary line of the Lands of said 'Higgins Decd. and running Easterly till it strikes the lot of Parker i W. Payne to be sixty feet wide . Also the street called Reeve Street running east from a two pole open way to the bay to e fifty feet wide . Also the way or wtreet as laid down on said Map commencing on the main streeT an6 running west to the west end of John f giarks and Jeremiah Kings lot on North street. Also the Tay or street as laid down on said Map-Commencing on the main str— eet�an runnin7 west to the west end of Parker W. Payne Lot on Centre' street. Also RelF1 r ostreet as laid down on said Map Commencing on Ma n Street and running West to the west side of David D. Webb Lot on South Street. Also the way_er or street as laid down on said map commencing on the sout y s de of the Beebe Estate and (and) running Northerly to the North end of Joshua Fanning' s lot on First Street. ,1 82 Also the way or street as laid down on said map commenci on main street between Lots No . 4 and No. 5 and running Easterly 165 feet toward Lot No. 33 Beebe F'stnte-- Also the way or street as laid down on said map commenci on Plain street between the Lots of Thos. S. Parks and Thomas Corwin and running Fasterly 165 feet. Also the way or street as laid down on said map commencin At the Northerly line of the land of William v. Brown nea . the house of Aaron B. Tuthill and running Northerly to the north line of the Beebe Estate. All the above recited ways , streets or roads being laid out upon the petition and at the renuest of the owners of the adjacent Lands and not to be paid for neither to subject the Town hereafter to any expence whatever in consecuence of their being opened. Dated Southold this 1st day of April 1844 Henry .Tennings) Commissions Daniel Beebe ) of Alva Horton ? Highways Entered May 1st 1844 by Salter S. Horton Town Clerk. 83 At a Meeting of the Commissioners of TTighways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the house of John Clarks in the village of Greenport in the said Town on the twenty-seventh day of February one thousand eight h hundred and forty five--All the said Commissioners having met did deliberate on the subject matter of this Order upon the application of Nathaniel Corwin, John Clark 3d. David D. Webb James H. Reeve , Jonathan B. Parsons, Psalter Havens , Nathaniel Wiggins , Thomas S. Parks, John Andrews, David Miller, George Harris, Joshua Fanning, Ezekiel E. D. Skinner, John B. Wicks , and others residents and Freeholders of said Town for the extension of the highway called Third Street from the South line of the Beebe Estnte as called in the Village of Greenport to the Long Island Railroad Depot--and on the certificate of twelve reputable free- holders of said Town duly sworn as required by the Statutes certifying that the extension of such highway. or street is necessary and proper--And the undersigned having heard all the reasons offered for and against the extension of such highway-----It is Ordered, Determined and certified that said highway on Third Street be laid out and extended pursuant to said application as follows- to wit: commencing at the Southern extremity of Third Street--on the westerly side thereof as already laid out running thence southerly in a straight line with third street as already laid out to the northerly side of the lands of Bradley S. Wbgging deceased--at or near the centre of the Pond or Creek that divides the lands of William Broad William Egenton and James Tuthill and the said lands of Bradley S. Wiggins deceased--there is a South or Southeasterly direction ih a straight line to a certain Lignum vita stake inserted by 84 the said Commissioners at or near the North east corner of Samuel A. Eldridge Victualing House as it now stands thence in a straight line southerly to another Lignuhvitil ,'a stake entered by the said Commissioners by the north line of the Long Island rail road Depot. From the above described western boundary of the hereby ordered continuation of Third Street it is hereby determined and ordered to be extended to the east or easterly of said west line of the street pre- cisely sixty feet so as to make it ,just sixty feet wide the whole distance from the south side of the Beebe Estate tp the Long Island Railroad Depot. In Witness whereof the said Commissioners of Highways hAve hereunto subscribed their names this 27th day of February 1845. Alanson Hallock) Commissioners Daniel Case ) of John B. Youngs ) Highways Entered this 17th day of March 1845 by Salter s. Horton Town Clerk. sJ side o Suffolk County SS TMle the undersigned freeholders of said County neither residents of Southold nor of kin to Richard Cook Guardian of Alfred B. Wiggins or any of the heirs of Bradley Wiggins deceased--being the Jury summoned drawn and sworn to assess the damages sustained by the said Richard Cook as Guardian of the said Alfred B. Wiggins by reason of the laying out and opening and continuing Third Street in the Village of Greenport through the lands late of Bradley S. Wiggins deceased now in the possession of the said Richard Cook Guardian as aforesaid in p (e ) rsuance of the order of the Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Southold bearing date the twenty seventh day of February 1845--after having viewed and examined the premises determine and assess the said damages of the said Richard Cook Guardian of the said Alfred B. Wiggins at Three hundred Dollars. Given under our hands this 6th day of T?arch 1845. James D. Tuthill Horace B. Manwaring Henry Ross John B. Bowditch Archibald R. Havens Caleb Smith Suffolk County Ss. I William Wines one of the Justices of the peace of the Town of Southold in said County do certify that the above is the verdict of the jury summoned by my warrant and drawn and sworn by me to assess the damages sustained by Richard Cook guardian of Alfred B. Wiggins heir of Bradle3t S. Wiggins dead by the laying out of the highway mentioned in the said verdict. in witness whereof I here unto subscribed my name this 7th day of March 1845. William Wines Entered this 17th day of March 1845Justice of the peace by Salter S. Horton, Town Clerk. 86 KNOW all men by these presents that we the undersigned hav sold and quitclaimed to the Town of Southold a piece of land one rod wide on the south side of the North road and bounded southerly on said north road, westerly on the road. and easterly by the road which leads to Inlet Mill for the use of the Town as a highway for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars paid to the Messes. Overton and twelve dollars and fifty cents paid to Mr. Goldsmith , In Witness whereof we have here unto set our hands and sea this fourth day of November 1845. Wm. H. Overton Seal Entered this Franklin H. Overton Se Rd day of February 1846 Salter S. Horton Mustin B. Goldsmith Se Town Clerk ------------------------------- WHEREAS there was an Act of the Gpvernment Council and Representatives of the Colony of New York made in the Rd, year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the Grace of God of England &c. , queen, Oefender of the Faith &c . for the laying out Regulating Olearing and preserving public common highways throughout the said Colony and it thereby enacted that Commissioners to put the said act in Execution according to the true intent and meaning of the same word Nokinated and ap(p)ointed for the Respective Countys in the said Colony VIZ: For the County of Suffo Joseph Peirson and 'Thomas Helm which said Commissioners have laid out and ascertained the public common highway's within the said County of Suffolk as followeth : The highway from Peaconnick River to Southold to be in the usual road from the said River to Mattituck already lain out four poles wide at least. The Trees gene marked on the south Ali 87 side of the road and at Mnttituck the Ilighway to be on the north side of the Pond and so directly leading to the old Road to the Toren of Southold and so through the Street East- ward to and in the lane on the west side of Bnylys house. Arnolds And so Eastward to Cott Amdus Rousethere being allowed a suffic- ient easy swinging gate at the East end of said lane And another Gate near Cott Arnolds Rouse from thence over a little beach to Harshamomooue and so on the North side to the Common on the southside of some little ponds there and so in the usual Road Eastward there being allowed a sufficient easy swinging gate at or near the house of 'Thomas Moore Jun. where the eastern part of the Harshamomoque Lands extend--And from thence EAstward to the Dam at the Oysterpond Reach--And from thence by the lands late of Thomas Emmons leaving the highway four poles wide on the north side of the South Reach and to run clear of the SRlt ponds as it is marked out--thence in the usual Road to Walter Browns and so on the north side of his fence till it comes to the Lane leading to the street and through the street in the usual road to the land of Jeremy Veiles near Plumgut. And so -Sn-the- weat" `...- side of Jeremy Veiles land to the Meadow and so Northward of the meadow to a place called Greenpoint near the Reach which Reach is to be the Common Landing place there--The landing place at the Oysterponds to be and remain at the beach there which beach as far as Abrams Islands westward and the lane of Gideon Youngs Eastward shall be the Common landing place there. The landing place at Southold Town to be and remain from the street near John Paines house Six poles wide in the Common west to the land of Jasper Griffin unto the water side and so to extend to the point of Rallocks Neck , with all the conveniency of landing there and free passage to the wind Mill and also six poles wide by the water side as far as the said Rallocks Neck. The 88 The highway from the Town of Southold to the westward FArms on the Northside to be the usuAl road to Mattituck and so on the North side of the Pond in the way lately marked out to be the us ' road leading to Richard Howells-- And from thence din the usual r the Beach and so on the Beach to the fresh Pond and the place called the Wsding River: Suffolk County I Joseph R. Huntting clerk of the Clerk's Office county of Suffolk Do certify that the foregoing is a true copy or extract from Suffolk County Liber A of Reccords. Vol 2d page 142 dated this first day of August in the year 1831. Attest Joseph R. Huntting(Clerk Entered the 2d of February 1846 By Salter S. Horton Town Clerk 89 DIVISION OF FENCES State of New York) SS County of Suffolk) Town of ,outhold ) Disputes having arisen between Asn Mapes And Claudius Woodhull owners of adjoining lands concerning the proportion to be made and maintained of the following described fenoe. . To Wit: a line of fence between the said parties partly living and partly dead fence in the Town of Southold-- Pursuant to the provisions of Article 4th Title 4th Chapter 11th part 1st of the Revised Statutes of the State of New York the above mentioned matters were submitted to the under- signed David Worth and Oliver Corey fence viewers of said 7bwn And who were in due form of Law chosen by the said parties each of whom chose one. --- Of the said fence viewers the said AsA Mapes having in due form of Law chosen the said Oliver Corey and the said Claudius Woodhull having in like manner chosen the said David Worth and thereupon on the Twenty-fift# day of May instant having examined the premises and then in said town having heard the allegation ! of the parties--The said fence viewers then and there decided the rroportion of said fence above described to be made and i i maintained by the said AsA Mapes--To Wit-- Commencing at a certain stone on the corner of Calvin Hortons garden and running Northerly on the line between the said parties ten chains and forty-seven links to a certain stake. . . Then the said Claudies Woodhull shall make and maintain commencing at the above Named stake sixteen chains fifty-five links to a certain post. ( The above described Is a dead fence) Then the said Asa Mapes shall make F, maintain 61 commencing at the 90 above named post nine chains and forty-eight links part live andpart dead fence to a certain hickory lop , then the said Claudius 'Ncodhull shall make and maintain cor:mencin� at the said hickory lop three chains and thirty two links to a certain stage standinFr there . (Part of which is live and part dead fence, Given under sind fence viewers hands respectively at Southold the aforesaid 2bth day of T..?a,y 1846, Oliver Corey) TFence David Worth ) Viewers -'ntered June 1st 1846 by Thomas Lester -btvn Clerk. 9 l lAr. DIVISION 07 FFMCES S to to of New York) County of Suffolk) SS Town of Southold ) Disputes having arisen between John Hart and William Mapes owners of adjoining meadows concerning the proportion to be maintained and made by them of the following described fence--to wit T,Teadow and swamp being in the Torn of Southold in the parish of Cutehogue and at the head of Williams Creek--pursuant; to the provisions of Article 4 Title 4 Chapter 11th Part 1st of the Revised Statutes of the said State the above mentioned matters were aubmitted to the undersigned David 'Porth & Oliver Corey fence viewers of said 7bwn and who were in due form of law selected by the said party John TIArt, the said William r, Mapes having neglected after eight days notice to make choice of one fence viewer--- Whereupon the undersigned fence viewers on the second day of June instant having examined the premises then and there decided the proportion of said fence above dqperibed to be ,made and maintained by the said john HA rt to be the following to wit --Commencing at a c certain Stone at the South end of the said meadow and fol- lowing the line westerly and northerly four chains Fr, twenty- seven links to a certain oak stake---And the residue of the said fence being meadow and swamp five chains and forty links shall be made and maintained by the said Tilliam '' . !Tapes. Given under said fence viewers hands respectively at Southold the End day of June 1846. Oliver Corey) Fence Viewers David Worth ) ?,n to re d June 10th 1846 by 'Thomas S. Lester To" Clark. 7 92 Southold ) 1 ",TAY 61 1847) Fe the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold have this day agreed to extend Distriet No. 9 from the west line of Tilliam Salmon' s Mill lot to the west line of Jonah HAlsey �r the EAst line of William Salmon deceased on the Highway. A l be r t 'Ili th i l l )Come Albert Albertson } of Entered MAy 7th 1847 by rrhomas Lester John A. Youngs } HiPhways Town Clerk Southold ) MAy 6th 1847? At a meeting of the commissioners of Highways at the home of "'nomas S. Lester , we the do undersigned appoint William 'vinjs Esq. , ovebseer of Road District No. 14. Albert Tuthill ) Coms Albert Albertson ) of John B. Youngs Highways Entered relay 7th 1847 by Thomas S. Lester Town Clerk. Southold ) July 2nd 1847 ) The Commissioners of NighrAys of the 'own of Southold have divided road District, NO. 18 and formed a new district to be known as No. 19. District No. 19 commences at the west line of .Te Youngs on the south side of the road & Fast line of Teremiah King on the North side of the road & extends Pleven Chains and twenty-seven links Hast on the beach from the northeast corner of the Water Mill. District No. 16 Commences on the beach eleven Chains and twenty seven links from the North- east corner of the 'Vater Mill and extends to Orient Point. Albert Albertson) Coma of John B. Youngs ) Highways Entered July 5th 1847 Py 7nomas S. Lester Town Clerk Southold ) July 2nd 1847 ) At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways at the house of John p . Youngs at Orient the undersigned do appoint John Jerome overseer of Highways for District No. 19. Albert Albertson) Commissioners John B. Youngs 1 of Highways Entered Tuly 5th 1847 Per Thomas ;. Lester Town Clerk. 94 Southold ) Mn y 6th 1847 ) "herens a dispute having arisen between William Terry and T'.oses ^1--veland of the ^bwn of Southold concerning a certain line fence dividing tha lands of the above named parties running from the North road westerly about ninety five lengths of fence to a certain Stone wall. 'Ie mutter in dispute was that the above named '9illiam 'Terry claimed the privilege as a right to remove and take away the above described line or partition fence thereby lazing the lands comgon; to this the above named A"oses ^leveland objected. . "hcreapon '7e the nommissicners of 'goads for the '^oxn of `>out.hold being b7 the above named Parties called did on the Sixth day of r°ay One thousand eight hundred and forty seven proceed to view the above specified premises in dispute and after a careful examination of the same did agree and determine that the above named '4illiam 'lorry ought and should maintain the above described line or partition fence separating-, the respective lands of the above named parties. Albert ,lb(,rtson)Ooms. of .Tohn y. "oungs )Fr, ighwnvs 7ntnred Parch 14th , 1848 per 'Thomas 7. Tester Town Ole rk. 95 I, Peter F36oth of the 'Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk for and in consideration of an equivalent in LAnd formerly forming part of the Greenport Road adjoining my homested and also for and in consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid by Albert Albertson and John P. Youngs Commissioners of Highways 1ni,and for the said town of Southold the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have sold and and conveyed/by these presents do sell and convey to the inhabitants of the said ` Own of Southold for the purpose of a Highway all that certain piece or parcel of band situated in the said Tbwn of Southold and bounded as follows to wit Westerly by the road leading from the Country road to Green- port whgrf, Northerly by the Country Road 'TAsterly by Lands of Abimel. King and Southerly running to a point by a stake in the fence on the FrAst Side of the (Ireenpurt road being fifty four Links in front on the Country road and about 'Tighteen rods from thence to the aforesaid stake, being the same prop- erty or intended so to be that was conveyed to me by Abimel King and Vinetta his wife by deed bee-inl> date Twenty ninth day ofMarch Eighteen hundred and Party-eight And I will warrant and defend the said premises in the quiet and peaceful possession of the said inhabitant:, and their successors for ever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the second day of Mn,y One thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. Sealed k Delivered) Peter Booth in the presence of) (Seal) `'„ Samuel Phillips ) Q66 j >+nt,;red May 11th 1848 Per Jonah H. Tuthill Town Clerk f J 96 Southold May 8 th 1848 At a asset-inR of the comissionere of 111ghways at the home of Jonah P. IhGhi11 - w the undersigned do appoint Daniel ". Rogers Ovorsaar of Road ni a trio t oto. Albert Albertson ) ^orminnioners John wiekham Tohn p. Toungs 1 of "tothways 97 Tlhereas , J. Hnvens Case , Daniel Case & Joshua B. Case of Southold , Suffolk County, Tl. Y. are Owners of a certain lot of land coir aencing on the North Road , so- called and running Northerly to Long Island Sound , the said tract of land being woodland on the south end of said tract and cleared or pasture land on the north end of said tract. And whereas Alvah S . Pdulford of said Town is owner of a certain tract of cleared or pa ;turellend formerly owned by Jonathan fiorton of Cutchogue deceased. and 7-hereas the said tract of land owned by Alvah S . mul- ford lies on the east side of the land owned by the parties of the first part. and is bounded Southerly by woodland owned by Richard F. Davids & James TT Davids and the heirs of Benjamin 'jells , formerly of Cutchogue. Now therefore . for the purpose of getting a straight line between the said premises and also for the puspose of erecting bounds or monuments between the said parties to the said lands , R It is mutually agreed between the said parties that a line shall be run commencing from a certain stake and stone on the North road so called. Said locust stake and stone is rt the bound between woodland owned by the aforesaid J. Havens Case , Daniel Case & Joshua B. Case. On the one side and Jonathan Jennings on the other. The line shall be run straight to another locust stake. standing a distance from the sound of from 30 to 50 roads. the said locust stake is bound or monument on the north end of the premises owned by the said parties. The object of the said line is that a bound or monument shall be erected wherever the said line shawl run on the south end of the land of Alvah S . Mulford and the lands of the parties of the first part . In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 5th day of March 1849. Daniel Case Seal Joshua B. Case Seal In presence of J. Havens Seal H. FI. Case A. S. Mulford Seal Entered April 5th 1849 By J. Halsey Tuthill , Tocm Clerk g� At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold cbn the county of Suffolk at the house of William H. Wells in the said Town on the third day of April One thousand eight hundred and forty nine all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order, IT IS ORDERED and deter. mined by the said Commissioners upon the application and Oath of twelve or more freeholders of the Town of Southold and by the consent of David L. Horton, E,,:ra � . Terry, Richard H. , Peter S. & llezekiah Jinnings , through whose lands the alteration hereafter described is to be made that the Highway leading, from the main Country road to the North Road , by the house of Tilliam Prince in said Town, be altered and widened as follows : to wit. commencing on the line between the lands of Elias H. Richmond and Hezekiah Jinnings at a certain stake erected by the Corunissioners three rods westerly of the Easterly side of said road running thence toward the North Road through the several lands of the said Hezekiah Jinnings Ezra C. Terry, Richard L. Peters End David L. Horton, taking off sufficient quantity of land from the several owners thereof to make the said road three rods in width from the East Side of said road as the fence now stadds. And that the alteration be of the width of three rods. In witness whereof the Commissioners of Highways of said Town have hereunto subscribed their names this 3rd day of April 1849. John B. Youngs ) Commissio Albert Albertson ) of John Wickham ) Highways Entered May 30th 1849 per Jonah H. Tuthill Town Clerk 99 This page is skipped on account of a mistake in numbering made by the then Town Clerk. . . . .p. D. F1C 4'f LF, l',e 1.00 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the house of William H. Wilcox at Orient in the said town of Southold on the fourteenth day of April instant all the said Commis- w sionershaving met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order , it is ordered and determined by the said Co iR missioners upon the application of Thomas Tuthill Frederic r Tabor and others , and by the consent of Thomas Tuthill , Frederick Tabor and others----through whose lands the alter ation hereafter described is to be made , that the Highway leading from the Post Road by the house or residence of Augustus Griffin in Orient to its termination on the Bay at or near the Wharf , now or late known as Dyers Wharf , or wheresoever the said road does terminate in said Town be altered as follows , viz. on the east side of said Highway opposite the land of the said Thomas Tuthill-- that there be taken off and from the land of the said Thomas Tuthill forty feet in length and four feet in width--that off and from the lands of the said Frederick Tabor on the west side of said Highway there be taken thir- teen rods in length and four feet in width--that off and is r, from the lands of Frederick Tabor and others--on the west side of said Highway there be taken Eleven rods in length and four feet in width and that the said alteration be M such as to make said Highway two and a half rods in width opposite their respective lands so that the said Highway be two and a half rods in width entire. In witness whereof the Commissioners of Highways of said Town have hereunto subscribed their names this fourteenth day of April 1849. II. H. Case ) Albert Albertson )Commis- John B. Youngd )stoners Entered May 30th 1849 ni µ Per J. Halsey Tuthill , Town Clerk. 101 Town of Southold SS County of Suffolk Whereas a vacancy has occurred in the Office of Overseer of Highways for Road Dis- trict No. 11 of said Town by reason of the resignation of Franklin Tuthill Esq. , --duly elected to said office--Now, therefore , by virtue of the power vested in us by the statute in such case made , We , the undersigned , two of the Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this warrant--Do hereby in order to fill such vacancy, appoint henry Jennings overseer of highways , of and for said road district No. 11 in said town. In witness whereof we have hereto placed our hands this 27th day of December 1850. Albert i,lbertson ) Commissioners of H. H. Case ) Highways Entered Dec . 27 , 1850 by E. Huntting Town Clerk . 102 The Highway leading from East Marion to Orient in the m Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having been widened on the day of the date hereof by H. H. Case , Albert Albertson & Samuel Phillips , Commissioners of Highways for the said Town, on the application of Jtpsalom King, Orange Petty, Marvin Homes , and others , through cert improvedLands of & belonging to us the undersigned , Nathaniel Tuthill, Robert Clark &Jonathan Truman, com- mending east of the water mill at a high post on the beach near the south west corner of the Land of the said Nathan iel Tuthill , so that the northern boundary of said high- way shall run Easterly across the Land of the said Nathani. Tuthill till it intersects the west line of the said Jon- athan Truman at a stake four feet from the present highway thence Easterly through or across the land of the said ion, athan Truman till it strikes the west line of the said Robert Clarks Lot at a distance of thirteen feet from the present Highway; Thence Easterly across the Lot of the sat Robert Clark till it intersects the East line of the said Robert Clark Lot at a distance of sixteen feet and a half from the highway as it now lays ; thence Easterly in a cir- cuitous route by a certain stake Two Hundred and thirty feet till said northern boundary of said Highway shall strike the present Highway at a certain large Post . Now therefore know all Men by these Presents : That we the said Nathaniel.;Tuthill, Robert Clark and Jonathan Truman for value received do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the alteration or widening of said Highway. Witness our Hands and Seals Nathaniel Tuthill his S ' z This 2 day of March 1852 Hobart Clark, his S Entered May 24th 1852 Jonathan Truman his Se by J. Goldsmith, Town Clerk. i 103 Know all men by these presents that we , Joseph T% Goldsmith of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York &. maria his wife do hereby release and convey to the Town of Southold all that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Town of Southold aforesaid commencing on the r � westerly side of the Highway leading to the house of Richard L. 'Peters two feet northerly of the line fence separating the lands bf the parties of the first part from the lands owned or occupied a by Pen,jamin R. Prince running thence westerly on a line parallel � with said line Pence to the hollow lot of the parties of the fust I part to a certain stake counted four hundred and ninety nine feet from the place of beginning; thence northerly to another stake fi ,,, thirty eight feet--thence easterly on a line parallel iith the first line to the said Highway leading to the house of Richard L. Peters five hundred and ten feet--thence alodg the westerly aide of the last mentioned highway to the place of beginning thirty eight feet--then commencing again in the hollow lot at the first staketherein erected two feet northerly of the afore- said line fence and four hundred & ninety feet westerly of the place of the first commencement and thei.ae northerly to the Main TTighxay to a certain stake thirty three feet westerly of the property owned by the T�ethodist Fpiscopal Church or society y. thence easterly along the southerly side of the TIAin Highway to the land of the Methodist Episcopal Church--then Southerly on a line parallel with the first line in the Hollow- lot to a certain *: stake forty feet northerly of the aforesaid line fence between the said Goldsmiths and Prince and thirty three feet F,asterly of the first line in the Hollow Lot three hundred Ar thirty one feet or about. _ fr0 �- � � ( 1.04 The said Joseph H. & Vnria Goldsmith,parties of the first part meaning hereby to convel all their right title and interest to the said land for the purpose of a public Highway and for no other purpose, the some to revert to parties of the first part & their heirs whenever the same shall ise cease to be used as a public Highway and not till then. That >h portion of the Highway running rRst & Nest designed to be thirty Wight feet in width and that portion of the Highway running North and South is designed to be two rods in width and no more , and the said party of the first part hereby to release to the Town of Southold all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening the said Highway through the lands aforesaid. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the 27th day of November one Thousand eight hundred and fifty-two. Sealed and delivered ) Joseph H. Goldsmith ( Beal) in the presence of ) he'' Maria Goldsmith (Seal) Helena M. Goldsmith ) Entered Nov. 27th 1852 by J. Goldsmith, Clerk. 1-10 SURVEY OF LAND On the 19th day of "larch 1853, we James r. Horton Commissioner of Roads , John S. Howel Overseer & .Teremiah G. Tuthill Servaor( ?) met for the purpose of servaing a certain road leading to Indian Neck by Broadwater Creek and the course and distance is as f011Ovrs : Commencing at a point near the barn of 'rillie,m A. Horton Course South 12 Fast 11 chains 53 links , thence South 84 Fast 3 chains 54 links , thence North 64 Fast 3 chains 15 links, thence North 65 Fast 5 chains North 7E Fast 4 " 63 North 89 Fast 3 40 " North 70 Fast 7 60 " North 81 Fast 3 " 59 " South 831 East 1 64 " South 67j East 3 37 " North 73 East 4 09 North 61 Fast 2 23 North 64 Fast 1 " 15 " North 85 P;as t 7 50 TM to High water mark of reconic Ray Signed J G Tuthill James 'q'. Forton Entered April 1st, 1853 7. Goldsmith, Clerk. 3' I i, 406 Order of Commissioners of Highways in relation to TucNers Land and diagram thereof We the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold having been called to consider the propriety of removing an alleged in the highway or land or land of the Town In Tuckers Lane so-called between the land of Thomas S. Lester on the South, and land in possession of Henry Jennings on the north do report That on an examination of Premises a reference to the Town records & An accurate sur- vey by .7, N. Case we have decided that the land upon which the alleged obstruction stands belongs to the Town and tha said obstruction consisting of a house belonging to said Henry Jennings be removed. .And we do further determine and declare , that the boundaries of said Tuckers Lane at or near its junction with the Town Street are as follows : Beginning at a stake by us set up in the door yard of said Thomas S. Lester and running thence North 73 west by the north side of the well of said Lester a strait line till it reaches the angle in said Tuckers Lane--thence crossing said Lane which is three rods wide to an apple tree standi on the land of said Henry Jennings , Thence running south 7 Fast to a stone placed as a bound by us nearly opposite t shed of said Jennings. --thence north 67 east the distance of 81 links to a bound set up by us near the corner of the fence of said Henry Jennings--thence south 10 east to the first mentioned bound in the dooryard of said Thomas S. Lester--the distance of 1 chain 26 links--all which said land within the above recited boundaries, is hereby de- termined and declared by us to belong to the Town of Southold. Dated , Southold June 1852. Albert Albertson) Commission of James F. Horton ) Highways Entered April 5th 1853 by J. Goldsmith Town Clerk ( see Diagram of the next page ) 1. 07 is LQ n, e f II u c-IAC � r �s 1-CA v\-e. a 9-1— i ,I 1 it 1- 07 s U Dingram of roqd & '!'own land , as made and surveyed by me September 185P. T. rickham Case. Entered April 8, 1853 from the original diagram annexed to the order of the Commr. of Highways in relation to Tuckers Lane , filed in the Town Clerks office 5 April 1853 and recorded in the last preceeding page of this book. By Henry Huntting, Town Clerk. !4, t 108 At a meeting of the Vommissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk, at the store of Wells, Albertson and Fithian in said town, on the 27th day of November 1852--all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order-- It is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that Highway be laid out in the said town of the width herein- after mentioned, on the application of Joseph H. Goldsmith and Maria his wife, and by their consent, through whose improved lands the said highway is to pass for most of the distance--the residue of said highway being through land belonging to T. Henry Cochran and lands belonging to the Methodist Episcopal Church or Society of Southold, and with their consent--and the said Commissioners have caused a survey thereof to be made as follows--Commencing on the Westerly side of the Highway leading by the house of Richard L. Peters, two feet Northerly of the line fence separating the land of the said Goldsmiths from the lands owned or occupied by Benjamin K. Prince--running thence Westerly &n a line parallel with said line fence to the Hollow lot of the said Goldsmiths to a certain stake erected four hundred and ninety nine (499) feet from the place of beginning--thence Northerly to another stake erected, thirty eight feet--thence Easterly on a line par- allel with the first line to the said Highway loading by the house of Richard L. Peters , five hundred and ten ( 5101 feet--thence along the westerly side of the last mentioned highway to the place of beginning, thorty-eight Pee t--gheno commencing again in the Hollow lot of the said Goldsmiths at the first stake thetrin erected, two feet Northerly of the aforesaid line fence , and 499 feet westerly of the pla of the first commencement and thence Northerly to the main Highway to a certain stake thirty three ( 33) feet westerly of the property owned by the 1Fethodist Episcopal Church or Society--thence 7asterly alone the Southerly side of the main highway 1,0 9 to the: lands of the Methodist Episcopal Church or Scoie ty-- thence Southerly on a line parallel with the first line in the said Holldw lot to a certain stake forty feet 7ortherly of the aforesaid line fence between the said Goldsmiths and Prince and thirty three feet Fasterly of the first line in the Hollow lot aforesaid, three hundred and twenty one feet, or about--that portion of the highway hereby ordered to be laid out running East and 'Test, to be thirty eight feet in width--and that portion of the said highway running North and South to be two rods in width and no more. In witness whereof, the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said 7bwn have hereunto subscribed their names this 27th day of november 1852. Albert Albertson) SFimuel Phillips ) Commissieners .Tunes P . Horton 1 Entered 8 April 1853 Henry Euntting Town Clerk. ef... . . R: h YF w 110 ' At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the county of Suffolk, at the store of Wells., Albertson and Fithian in the said town, on the 11th day of April 1853, all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order-- It is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners , upon the application and by the consent of Joseph IT. Gold- smith and Maria his wife, through whose lands the said Highway is to pass, that a highway be laid out in the said town, of the width :-f two rods--And the said Commissioners have caused a survey thereof to be made as follows : The centre line of the said highway is to begin at a point on the Southerly side of the MAin Highway, or old Post Road, one rod westerly of the Northwest corner of Daniel Terry' s house lot, and to run thence , Southerly one rod I westerly of the westerly side of said Daniel 7L-rry's lot, or land, on a line parallel with said Terry's west line u to the New Road near the land possessed by Renjamin T. P Prince, and which was laid out by an order of the Commis- sioners of Highways bearing date the 27th day of November 1852. And it is further ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that all that portion of the baid- New Road, lying and being on the westerly side of the two rod road hereby laid out, to the Hollow lot of the said •Joseph H. Fi. Marie Goldsmith to the main Highway, of old Post Road, on the west side of the T?ethodist Meeting House Lot, and forming part of the road embraced in the order of the Commissioners., bearing Date the 27th of November 1852 as aforesaid, is hereby relinquished , by the Commissioners and the interest therein is hereby released by the Town to them, the said Joseph IT. and Maria Goldsmith, their heirs and assigns forever, in consideration of the release by them to the Town of all damages for the two rod road over their lands , hereby laid out: And the said order, bearing date the 27th day of November 1852, I ;00� as aforesaid, so far as it affects the said Joseph F. Goldsmith and his wife , and their heirs , and their lands 1 lying westerly of the new two rod Road , hereby laid out, is hereby ordered and declared nugatory and void; and the same shall revert to, and become , the property of the said Joseph H. & Maria Goldsmith as fully, to all intents And purposes, as though the said order had not been made and their deeds not given. It witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Torn, have hereunto subscribed their names this 11th day of April 1853. James F. Horton ) Commissioners of Charles 0. Horton) Highways Entered the 12th day of April 1853 Henry Huntting, Town Clerk. 1 � We , and each of us , do hereby release to the toren of Southold, all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of a highway through our lands by order of the Commissioners of Highways, bearing; date even herewith. It witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 11th day of April 1853. Sesled and delivered in the presence of J. ti. Goldsmith (Seal) Caroline A. Goldsmith MRria Goldsmith (SeA2) T4'ntered 12 April 1853 by Henry Huntting Town Clerk. 112 1853 Suffolk County) Town of Southold) SS It is hereby ordered and determined by John 0. Ireland James F. Horton and Charles 0. Horton, a. Commissioners of Highways of said Town, that a FTighway, commonly called Third Street, be altered or laid out in said town, upon the application of Levi Preston, commencing on the west side of said road, as it now stands, two feet East of the South-East corner of the house of Jonathan .Jennings deceased , on Third Street, in the village of Greenport, and running on a atraight line Southerly and Easterly with the west side of said street above , or North of said Jennings , as the street now stands , to the land of the Long Island Railroad Company--said road to be sixty feet wide , measuring eastwardly from the west line of said II road. i In witness whereof we , the said Commissioners, have, hereunto subscribed our names this thirtieth day of April 1853. John 0. Ireland ) Commissioners James E. Horton ) of Charles 0. Horton ) Highways Entered 20 May 1853 Henry Huntting Town Clerk. d r' d i 113 At a meeting of the Commdisioners of Highways of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk, at the house of John Shirley in the said town on the fourteenth day of May 1853, all of the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order--It is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners , upon the application of twelve freeholders of said town and by the consent of John Shirley and Bnrnabas Pike , through whose land the high- way hereinafter described is to pass-- That a Highway be laid out in the said town of the width of three Rods, start- ing from the Highway near the Eastward of John Shirley's store running to the Long Island Railroad north ; thence east by said road three rods ; thence south Barnabas Pike 's Land to John 9hirley's land ; thence through John Shirley's land to the highway , and thence west;by said Highway three rods, to the place of beginning. In witness whereof, the Commissioners of Highways of the said 'town have hereunto subscribed their names the four- teenth day of May 1853. John 0. Ireland ) Coma. James B. Horton ) of Charles O. .Horton) Highways Entered 19 July 1853 by Henry Huntting Town Clerk. i 144 At a meeting of the lammirsiona: s of "jnhurrays of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the office of !bells 4 Carpenter in .rennport on the twenty-fifth dad- of February 1854, ail the said Commissioner, havinn met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order , It Es ordored and determined by the said Commissioners , upon the application of twelve freeholders of the said town and by consent of Henry Booth, Executor of the estate of Silas Webb, deceased, through whose land the 7i7hway hereinafter described is to pass , that two Hishways he laid out in the villase of Rreenport, sixty feet in width , commencing; at 7road Street in continuation with Second ' treet to Tebb Street--and also in continuation of 'third Street from Hroad Street to Webb 7treet' In witness whereof the Commissioners of Aphways of the said town have t.ereunto subscribed their names the twenty-fifty day of 7ebruary 1854. John P . Ireland ) Commissioners James 7 . Horton of • Charles C. Horton) 7ighnays entered 27 February 1854 Ry iFenry Huntting;, Tom Clerk. . +54 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the house of Isaac Aekerly's--in the said Town, on the Eighteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four , all the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order, upon the application of Franklin H. Overton, Austin B. Goldsmith, Rensselaer m, Goldsmith , Gordon Case, ?Toles Case , Charles F, Case, Joseph H. Osborne , Augustus Conklin, Davis Goldsmith, Benjamin Goldsmith , Hubbard C. Payne , Austin Haines , William Widening Y. Horton, and Joshua 0 . Salmon, residents in said Town of the Road frog Tuckers and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein, lane to Isaac for the widening or alteration of the Road or Highway here- Ackerly on the North after described, and on the certificate of twelve reputable Road. freeholders of said Town, convened and duly sworn as re- quired by the Statute certifying that they believe and are of the opinion that the said alteration is necessary and ought to be granted or made, it is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners , upon the aforesaid application that the North Road or „highway leading from Tuckers Lane sp called, to Coxes Lane, so called, in said mown, which is now two rods in width , or part of it, be widened or altered according to the following survey, which the Commissioners have caused to be made thereof as follows , to wit, commencing on the .Southerly side of the said North Road and the west line of Isaac Ackerly' s land, running thence Easterly or as the said road runs six chains & 18 links, being 25 links in width at the west end and 22 links at the east end of Isaac Aekerly's land, taking off from the land of the said Ackerly, twenty three rods and 23/100. Continuing on the southerly side of said Highway as it now is 18 links southerly thereof T1s Continued 1854 and running thence Easterly through the land of Daniel Buck- ingham, five chains and forty three links to his Fasterly line , 18 links Southerly on the South side of the present Highway--taking off from the land of the said Daniel Pkek- ingham fifteen rods and 64/100, continuing on the same side of the said highway as it now is, 18 links Southerly, of the South side of the said highway and running thence East- erly through the land of Mathias Davids , six chains 7 fifty three links, to his easterly line, 18 links southerly of the south side of the present highway--taking from the land of t the said Matthias Davids eighteen rods and 81/100--7hence commencing at the corner of Hermitage lane and land of Franklin H. Overton 25 links southerly of the southerly side of the present highway and running thence Easterly through the land of the said Franklin H. Overton seven chains and 15 links, 19 links southerly of the south side of the said high- way as it now is-- Thence Easterly through the lands of James Overton, occupied by Daniel Overton, commencing 19 links +' Southerly of the south side of the said highway to other land IIi of Franklin H. Overton three chains and 47 links southerly of the south side of said highway-- taking off from the land of the said James Overton, whatever quantity of land a straight line will make , Eleven 66/100 rods, so as to have the road as . altered three rods in width opposite his said land--thence r Easterly through the lands of the aforesaid Franklin H. Over- ton commencing 23 links Southerly of the south side of the said highway to the land of Thomas Goldsmith, five chains ; 20 links i Southerly of the south side of the said highway taking off from #1 the land of the said F. H. Overton whatever nuantity of land a straight line will make , so as to have the road as altered three rods in width opposite his said land--Thence Easterly s through the lands of "Thomas Goldsmith, commencing 20 links Southerly of the south side of said highway to land of Austin Haines eleven chains and 92 links--22 links southerly of the south side of said highway ; taking off from the land of the said Thomas Goldsmith forty rods and 5/100-'Thence Easterly through the lands of the said F 117 Continued 1854 "I Austin HAines to the east line of his 'Hoods. 22 links southerly of the south side of laid highway nt the west and eight chains and 37 links , being 19 links Southerly of the south side of the said highway at the east end, taking off from the land of the said Austin Haines twenty seven rods and 35/100. ThenceEasterly through the lands of Betsy Reeve commen- cing 19 links southerly of the south side of the said highway, to her east line 15 links southerly of the south side of said high- way being in length 3 chains and 45 links , taking off from the land op, the said Betsy Reeve nine rods & 38/lnO. i Thence commencing at the west line of Frastus Moore , 15 links southerly of the south side of said highway and 23 links south of the southerly side of said highway at the Fast I end of his land, being in length fourteen chains and twenty- seven links, taking off from the land of the said Frastus Moore forty nine rods and 92/100---Thence commencing at the west line of the land of Henry Tillinghast 23 links Southerly of the south side of said highway-running thence Easterly to his east line 20 links southerly of the south side of said highway, five chains and forty four links , taking off from the land of the said Henry Tillinghast eighteen rods and 71/100. . Thence commencing at the west line of the land of Fran- cis D. Overton, 20 links Southerly of the south side of said highway, running thence Easterly to his east line 24 links =rSoutherly of the south side of said highway four chains and 35 links, taking off from the land of the said Francis D. Overton fifteen rods and 31/100. Thence commencing at the west end or line of the land of ' Daniel H. Goldsdiiah Jun, 24 links Southerly of the south side of said highway 25 links between, and 24 links Southerly of the south side of said highway at the east end, being in length lontinued 1 IIS Continued 1854 seven chains and 58 links--takinn off from the land of the sold Daniel Goldsmith .run. twenty-nine rods and 71/lo0. "lienee co_mmencinp at the west line of the land of ^eorpe Phillips 13 links southerly of the south side of the said highway, running thence 7anterly to the north east corner of his land and southerly side of said highway or ten chnins Fc 24 links, taking aff from the land of the said ^,eorpe Phillips ten rods and 64/100. Thence returning and comTencinp on the Northerly side of said hia-hway on the innd of -illinm A 7orton opposite the east side of Fridge lane so called running thence through the west part of said land of " illiam A FFortcn Thsterly, and the lands of .7onathan Horton to the east line of the said '7m. t'. 'Forton 25 links. northerly of the north side of the said high- way, being in length ten chains k 24 links , taking off from the lands of the said William T. ?Torten and 'onathan Forton thirteen rods and 38/100. 'Thence r mmencinn ni the west line of the land of Tonah 7n1s,y 25 finks Northerly of the 7ortherly .side of said high- way, running thence Tag +erly to his last line four chains T 1 i 81 links , Y5 Link^ Northerly of the 70rtherO side of said highway--Takin- off from the land of t;e sold 'onah TTnlsev nineteen rods and 24/100[ Thence connencinp at the west line of Oyer 9. Phil - lips 2b links `Tnrtherly of the north side am said highway run- ning thence F'asterl_,y to his East line , adjoining -rnnathan 7or- ton, twenty five links northerly of the north side of said highway, five chains and twenty-five links, Takin;n off from the land of the said Dyer ,, . Phillips twenty three rods. "hence commencing on the west Line. of the said 7on- athan Forton, Purchased by him of Thomas 9. Lester , 25 links northerly of the north side of the said highway, running thence easterly to his east line 18 links northerly of the north side of said highway four chains and 90 links , Inking off from the And of the said 7onathan Horton , twenty three rods and 59/100---------------- Carried Over 119: Continued Thence commencing on the west line of the land of Freder- ick Tr. 'perry 18 links northerly of the North side of the said highway, running thence Easterly six chains and 62 links , to a place in his land marked by the Commissioners 28 links northerly of the north side of said highway, run- ning thence Easterly to his east line 14 links northerly of the northerly side of said highway. One chain and 60 links. Taking off from the land of the said Vrederick K. lbrry's twenty nine rods and 74/100. Thence commencing on the west line of another lot of land ! of the aforesaid Dyer S. Philli-s 14 links northerly of the northerly side of said highway running thence to his east li line to the south east corner of said lot on the north side of said highway, coming to a point, 2 chains and 56 links, t taking off from the land of the said Dyer S. Phillips two rods & 87 /100. Thence commencing at a stake near the Fasterl,y line of the lands of James B. Downs and the corner of Tuckers lane , so called, and the north road, about five or six rods to the west on the Southerly side of said North Road or Highway, and running thence Testerl,y over the lands of said .Tames 9. Downs, four chains and sixteen links to a 4 place in his said land marked by the Commissioners 15 links Southerly of the south side of said north Road or Highway- thence westerly over his land one chain and 27 links to �r another place marked by the Commissioners, 18 links Southerly of the south side of said TTighway--thence westerly over his said land 1 chain &: 44 links to another place on his said h land marked by the Commissioners 20 links Southerly of the Southerly side of said Fiighwa,y- thence still westerly over I � his said land two chains and TO links to the south side of said North Road , or to a point--and the said alteration .r makes the said North Road three rods in width. 120 I Continued I In witness whereof the Commissioners of Highways of said 'Town have hereunto subscribed their names this first day of April 1854. James E. Horton ) Commissioners a � Charles 0 . Horton 1 of John 0. Ireland 1 Highways ih Entered this twenty fourth day of April 24th, 1854 ro , By Franklin H. Overton M Town clerk. "r , 'r If i hi I � I ; ji 1 IAF. to I ldm �� 121 Suffolk County ) Ss. Town of Southold) We the subscribers, the jurors drawn summoned and sworn to assess the damages sustained by reason of the alteration of the highway in said town , known as the North Road, made in nursuanee of an order of -Tnmes T4'. Forton, Charles O. Horton and .Tohn 0. Ire- land , Commissioners of tiighwa.ys in and for the town of Southold, bearing date the 18th day of MArch 1854, having viewed the premises, and heard the parties and such witnesses , as were offered before us, do hereby assess the damages aforesaid as follows. To Dyer Phillips for the damages sustained by him in consequence of the alteration of the said highway, the sid of 'Thirteen Dollars 113.00 To Frederick K. `r'err,y for the same the sum of Fifteen dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 To Jonah HAlsey for the same the sum of Ten dollars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 00 To George Phillips for the same the sum of Five dollars and fifty cents 5.50 To Daniel ft. Goldsmith, ditto the sum of Four dollars and fifty cents 4.50 To 7rands T). Overton, ditto the sum of Two dollars and twenty-five cents2.25 To Henry Tillinghast for the same the sum of 1 wo dollars and seventy-five cents 2.?5 To Rras tus Moore for the same the sum of Seven dollars and fifty cents 7 . 50 To Betsy Reeves for the same the sum of One dollar and thirty-five cents 1.35 Continued 122, To James Overton and Daniel Overton for the same, the sum of sevendollars and twenty-five cents 7.25 Witness our hands at r3outhold this 4th day of May 1854. Samuel. Fannin,z, Jun ) George Skidmore ) David T. Marner 1 Jurors Daniel darner , Jun 1 Albert Youngs ) William L. Nal.lock T I certify that the foregoing verdict was rendered by the jury whose names are subscribed thereunto, on the 4tb day of Mpy, 1854. Henry Huntting, .Tustice of the pees Entered by F. H. Overton, Town Clerk. 123' ?'can of Southold ) ) S s County -,f Suffolk) I Whereas John Wickham and Platt m. Gould are the olimers of certain lands adjoining, in the ''bwn of Southold , and a dispute has arisen between them, therefore we , the under- signed fence viewers of said Town do hereby certify that upon the application of the said parties we proceeded to examine the premises and hear the Allegations of the said parties, and that we do determine this said division fence be built as follows, to wit, .hnt the aforesaid John Tickham shall own, keep up , and repair the first partition of Fleven Chains and ninety links , commencing at the Rail Road and running South. And the aforesaid Platt T. Gould shall in like manner own and keep in repair the next Fleven Chains and ninety links con- tinuing south on said line. And the aforesaid 71att T. Could shall own, keep in repair and make the next partition of Twelve chains & sixty links on said line running South, and the aforesaid John Wickham shall make, own and keep in repair the next and last division of said line of fence sontinuing south, containing Twelve chains and sixty links. 'Te furthermore decide that Platt Gould shall pay to John "'ickham the sum of Four dollars and fifty cents for the difference in value of the portions awarded to Flim. Southold, June 10th 1854. Fntered June 15th. John k. Racke tt )Commissioners Charles 0. Forton) and Fence By 7. H. Overton, Town Clerk Viewers 124 Suffolk Co . ) sq. Town of Southold) Whereas a road leading from main St. in Greenport to Jaggers in the same village id said Town of Southold, now used as a public road, was laid out in the year 1832. But not sufficiently described, and has been used for the period of 24 years , for such public highway, but has never been recorded , Now therefore , We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order, do hereby order that said road be ascertained , described and entered on record in the office of the Town Clerk mf said . Town according to a Survey which has been made under our direction as follows: Commencing at main St. in front of John Clarks Hotel, running a westerly direction to the land of the above Jagger , and that the said road is the width of two rods. And 583 feet in length . Southold July 5th, 1854. u James F. Horton ) Commissioners John A. Rackett of Charles 0. Horton ) Highways Tntered July 7th 1854 p lerk By F. TT. Overton, Town C u� hi W_ 1. 25 A hiahwa,y having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by John A. Rackett, Charles 0. Morton and Edward Norton, Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk , on the applica- tion of 'Thomas V. Young, Absalom King, Rarzillai Young and others through a certain piece of land owned by me , Commencing on the street, and occupied as cart Nay or road, leading to the wharf, and leading; easterly to the land of Ta tson Young, between the Methodist Church and house occupied by widow Thomas Tuthill, the same being eight rods long and one and a half rods wide. Now therefore know all men by these presents that I the said '►'nomas V. Younis for value received do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of laying out r' and opening the said highway. ,9itnes-, my hand and seal this seventh day of Sept. 1854 Thomas v. Young w1t`_-=a Entered Sept. 23d. 1854 Ry FrAnklin H. Overton Town Clerk. 126 Suffolk County ) Ss. Toxin of `,outhold) It is h_°reby ordered and determined by Tohn p.. Rackett, ^,harles C . 7orton , and Ylwnrd Forton Commi`?:ione,rs of TQ,tmays of said 'Own, all of sai & Comm- issioners having been My notified to attend and deliber- ate on the subject cf thin order , That a highway be Laid out in said Town upon the nnplication of ^arzillai Youngs Thomas T. voungs , :lbonlo.m trim* and others. Commencing at 'he "ethcdist Church situated in the village of Orient in the street leading from the Post ` load to the 7harf in said village , and leading easterly by the south side of said Church throunh the improved land of ;ilson Vail , "Jatson Young, Benjamin young, `'rederick Tabor, Barzillai Youngs , William Younn, .Tefferson vo .nn, John n . Hackett, Benjamin "frry and Abraham 7in,g, who have consented thereto, the routs( ?) and bounds , courses and distances of said Road according to the curve,y thereof, which the said Commissioners have caused to be made are as follows ; reginning at a released piece of ground ownad by Thomas 7. Youngs , situated between the aforesaid "othodist Churg,: and a hon^e and lot occupied by midow Thomas Tuthill , and now released to the Tovrn the dimen- tions of which are , to wit; Pjah t. rods long ar,d one and a half rods wide , and continuing south sixty nine de- grees cast one chain and forty seven links , youth seventy three degrees east, one chain and fifty seven links ; '€ North eighty four degrees east, twenty two chains and I, forty two links ; ^ouch sixty nine degrees east, twelve chains 127 and twelve links ; South forty six degrees east sixteen chains and fifty seven links, terminating at the meadow lands of Kisiah Youngs and that the said highway be of the width of three rods and is bounded on the South by the lands of Abraham King, John A. Rackett, Fred- erick TAbor, JAmes Y? Youngs, BArzillai Youngs , Gel- ston PAil , and the heirs of 'Biomes Tuthill ; and on the north by the lands of Ren1amin "lsrry, Barzillai Youngs, Tefferson Young, William Young, Watson Young, and Ren Jamin Young, and also by the Methodist Ohurch. In witness whereof we ) john A. Racke tt ) the Commissioners have T -Tames F. Horton ) Commis- hereunto subscribed our ) Charles 0, Horton) sioners ) names this. 11th day Sept. } 1854 } Entered Sept. 30th 1854 By Franklin H. Overton ^"own Clerk. ,h w ., 128 i ,: highway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the, County of Suffolk on the In wl{ application of twelve freeholders through certain improved lands belonging to me. Commencing at the Plain highway and running northerly to the Long Island Rail Road, on a line with the ecst side of the Methodist Church , said line being the west line of the road and thence running easterly par- allel with said Rail Road to the east road.--- Now, therefore , Know all men by these presents that I , the said Isaac R. Howell for value received release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of the said highway. Witness my hand and seal this 7hirt,y first day of January 1855. ""` Isaac R. Hornell. ii . Fntered February 2nd , 1855 fly Franklin H. Overton Town Clerk. } a�u y.. ;:n 129 :County of Suffolk) 1 SS. Town of Southold ) It is hereby ordered and deter- mined by the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold, all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order that a Highway be laid out in said Tbwn. �. Commencing at the main highway in the village of Matti- tuck, the west line thereof to range with the east side of the Methodist Church and thence running Northerly to the Long Island Rail Road, and then running Easterly , parallel with said Rail Road, to the East road, partly 1 through the improved lands of Isaac R. Howell and partly of James Shirley, deceased, who have consented thereto. It is further ordered that the above described line be the west side of the highway, and that the North line be the Rail Road as aforesaid, and that the said highway be of the width of 'Three rods. In witness whereof we , the said Commissioners have hereunto wubscribed our names this thirty-first day of January 1855. lames E. Horton ) Comms. John A. Rackett ) of Charles 0 . Horton) Highways Entered Feb 2nd 1855 By Franklin H. Overton Town Clerk. 130 County of Suffolk) SS Town of Southold ) ' 1 Whereas upon the application of Lewis Tuthill and 7hokas I Youngs , residents of said town of 9 At 6 Southold, and liable to bo assessed to work on the High- way hereinafter described', and on the certification of " twelve reputable freeholders of the town convened , and sworn gfter due .public notice as required by law Certi- f ging that said Highway was necessary and proper Notice in writing was given in due form of law to Henry v. Dyer, James Youngs , Jonathan Latham, Thomas 7. `roungs , T. Lewis Tuthill and Abraham wing, the occupants of the land through which such highway is to run , that; the under- signed Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Southold would attend at the house of J. Lewis Tuthill in said Town on the twenty first day of Mn y 1855 at one o'clock in the afternoon to decide on the application aforesaid. Now therefore it is ordered, and determined, and Certified after hearing all the reasons for and against the same That a public Highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application, whereof a survey has been made , and is as follows , to wit--Beginning, at the w Past termination of Ying Street through the land Of Ab- rnham Ting and .lames Youngs south 84 degrees east, six chains and twelve links--through land of Abraham Ying three chains and forty links--through land of Jonathan Latham three chains and seventy six links--through land of Aenry N. Dyer eight chains and fifty links--through land of Thomas V. Youngs four chains and twenty four links--through land of J. Lewis Tuthill four chains and forty links--and ^in thence by the leased private road of J. Lewis Tuthill south u 131 for,`t,y degrees west to the bay, and the line of said survey . is 'to be the centre of the said Highway, which is to he three 1 w rods in width. g- In witness whereof we have hereunto set our of May 1855. names this 21 day ;h_ John A. Rackett ) Commissioners � P Charles 0. Horton) of Joshua 7. Terry )H Highways Entered June 8th 1855 By J. w. Huntting, . Town Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUFFOLK COUNTY Town of Southold ) SS v \ Whereas a road leading from the Bay and �� 1 (Connecting with the road leading from the wharf) through the lands of Abraham King & Henry E. Dyer in a north east ',v y- direction known as King Street and through the land of Lester Beebe and Henry Haines has been used as a public Highway for rI l;p twenty years, but has never been recorded, Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said town all of the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order , Do hereby order that said road be ascertained , described and entered on record ac- cording to a survey which has been made under our direction , as follows , viz. distance from the aforesaid Bay , to the lands of Abram. T. wing 10 chains & 20 links course North "4. eighty three degrees east, given under our hands and seals € this 28 day of 1855 i Ebtered the 25 December 1855 John S. Hackett )Commissioners by J. PR. Huntting Chas. 0. Horton 1 o Town Clerk Joshua T. Terry ) Highways i i 132 Suffolk County 1 Town of Southold ) SS ,. Whereas a road leading from the wharf on King Street in a southeast direction has been .i used for twenty years as a public highway, but has never been recorded, Now therefore we the undersigned Com- missioners of Highways of said Town, all of the Com- missioners having been duly notified to attend and de- liberate on the subject of this order Do hereby order I that the said road be ascertained , described and an tered on record in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town according to a surgay which has been made under our direction as follows , viz. Distance from the aforesaid wharf or King Street road Ten chains and seventy five • ' r links. Course South 27 deg. Last, that the said road be of sufficient width for teams and carts to pass each other. Given under our hands this 26 day of in the year 1855. ' j John A. Rackett )Commissioners Charles C. Horton of '. i Joshua TM. Terry ) Highways Entered this 26th day of December 1855 r , 3 By T. 7v. Huntting, Town Clerk. i ; i i N a ' ; 1.33 County of Suffolk ) Town of Southold ) SS At a m eting of the Commissioners of Highway of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk held at the house of Joseph ??. Goldsmith in said town, on the seventeenth day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty five , all the Commissioners having met and de- liberated on the subject embraced in this order--It Is Ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that a highway be laid out in the said town of the width of three rods on the application of David Carpenter, Benjamin Wells, Charles Reeve , Israel Peck, E . Huntting, F. H. Smith , M. C . Cleveland, Ezra L. Goldsmith, William v. Fithian, WM. H. 7e13s , Elam P. Horton, Samuel S . Vail, Jeremiah Gold- smith , Thomas Brown, S. J . Beckwith and others, through thenseveral lands of Thomas A. Terry, Charles 0. Horton and Ruth A. his wife, DAniel T. Terry, T7illiam Albertson , Albert Albertson, and lands covered with water over mill creek so called--And the Commissioners have caused a sur- vey to be made , as follows : the centre line of the said highway is to begin nt the gates at the eastern termination of the highway leading to the house of Alfred N. Sandford to a certain stake erected by the Commissioners , and to run thence North 53�1 east, 10 chains and 90 links through the lands of Thomas A. 'Ferry, to the lands of Charles 0. Horton And Ruth his wife , thence on the same course through the lands of said Chas . 0. Horton and Ruth A. his wife 7 chains and 93 links to the lands of Daniel T. Terry, thence on the same course through the lands of the said Daniel T. Terry 4 chains. and 96 links, thence north 66 East 7 chains 28 links, thence north 41 east one chain 21 links, to the lands of the said 134 Charles 0. Horton and Ruth A. his wife , thence north 41 east through lands of said Charles 0. Horton and Ruth A. his wife , 3 chains and 11 links, thence north 58 east, 6 chains , thence North 87 east 1 chain 32 links to unduvuded lands of the said Charles 0. Horton and Ruth A. his wife and "nomas A. Terry, thence through said undivided lands north 87 east 5 chains and 60 links, thence north 692 east 10 chains 40 links, thence north 63?- east 3 chains 37 links to the lands of milliam 41- bertson, thence North 63-� east through lands of the said Tm. Albertson 2 chains 46 links to land of Daniel T. Terry, thence north 63} east, through lands of the said Daniel T. `harry, 3 chains 20 links to the channel or creek, thence acrost( ?) the creek (or lands under water) south 77 east to the lands of Albert Albertson to a stake set up on his land by the Commis- sioners--thence south 89-1 east '6 chains and 42 links over the lands of the said Albert Albertson to another stake set up then-, north 621 east 9 chains 33 links , thence north 44( ?) east 2 chains 79 links, thence north 24 east 5 chains and 4 links, r: � thence north 11�- East -18 chains and 50 ldnks, thence north £8z east 8 chains and 20 links to land of Wm. Albertson, thence north 24 east through lands of the said 4Tilliam Albertson 9 chains and 73 links to the Ashnmomonue road leading to Green- I? port, being for the whole distance one And a half rods on each w side of the said centre line. „r In witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of II Highways of said town have hereto subscrihed their names this yi 17th day of December 1855. Irntered this 18th day James A. Rackett 1 Commissioners of December 1855 Charles 0. Horton 7 of By J. W. Huntting Joshua ". Terry Highways 1. Town Clerk. , {lSlS Y i This Indenture made the twenty-first day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred And fifty five Between Jo- seph L Tuthill of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk 1: and State of New York of the first part and Charles 0. Hortog John A. Rackett And Joshub W, Terry, Commissioners of TTigh Ways of the said Town of Southold of the second part, ^Jit- nesseth , Tent the said party of the first part for And in consideration of the sum of one dollar, to him paid , the re- ceiWt wDereof is hereby Acknowledged, doth hereby grant, bar- gn1n, sell And confirm unto the said parties of the seennd Part and to their successors in office forever , A right of WAy, in And over A certain piece of land beginning about four a ^eed of rods southerly of the dwelling house of the said Joseph L. edof Tuthill , At the terminus of the highway lately laid out by ight said Commissioners through the lands of James W. Youngs, Ray in Abrnh T. King, Jonathan F. LathAm, Thomas V. Youngs, Henry Orient E. Byer and partly through the land of the said Joseph L. Tuthill, running thence to the waters of Orient harbor, said right of way to be free and indisputable to All persons At All times to pass And re-pass on foot, or with horses, oxen, cattle, waggons , carts or other vehicles, -r csrriAge whatsoever, said roght-of-way to be where the said Joseph L. `{ Tuthill shall use as his road to said harbor, the same to i be througb swinging gates of not more than three in number. In witness whereof, I, the said Joseph L. Tuthill have hereunto set my hand and seal the day And year first Above written. Joseph L. Tuthill (Seal) Suffolk Co. SS**On this thirty-first day of March 1856, before me came Joseph L. Tuthill, known to me to be the in- l dividunl described in and who executed the above deed , and Acknowledged that he executed the same• JusticesoR. the Youngs, PeaEntered this first day of April, 1856 by J. W. Huntting, Town Clerk w 136 County of Suffolk ) Town of Southold ) Ss It is hereby ordered and determined by John A. Rackett, Joshup T. Terry and George P. Horton, the Commissioners of High Ways of said Town, all of the said Com- missioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order, that the Highway (on the appli- cation of Daniel Tyler and otherq¢ be and is hereby extended , through the lands of Alfred Weeks, George Cripps, Buel Davis John Clark , Jeremiah Davis , John 0. Ireland, John Leary, and J. C. Chapman, terminating on Front Street. The above homed individuals having consented thereto. The routs, bounds , Courses and distances of 9 said road according to a survey thereof are as follows, viz. Beginning at the southern termination of First Street, run- V ning to Front Street South 11 deg. 95 ' east, Distance eight chains and eighteen links to Front Street. It is further ordered that the said Highway be three rods in width. In Witness whereof, we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this twenty-first day of April 1856. it John A. Rackett )Commissdoners George P. Horton 1 of Highways Fntered this 30th day of April 1856 J. 7 . Huntting +' Town Clerk. .a r Ikr, C:. 137 yi A Highway having been laid out on the day of the , dete hereof by John A. Rackett, Joshua T,4. 'terry, and George P. Horton, Commissioners of High 'Rays of the e town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the app a r plication of David Tylor And others through certain improved lands belonging to me, Commencing At the South- ern termination of First Street in the 7illAge of Green- Dort, running to Front street in said village. Now, therefore Know all men by these presents that I, the said John Clark , for value received , do hereby Release All claims to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of said Highway. Witness my hand And seal this nineteenth day of April 1856 . A. Cohn. John Clark (9eA1) A Highway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by John A. Racket, Joshua 71. Terry and George P. Horton Commissioners of High ( ?) of the torn of Southold In the County of Suffolk on the Applycstion of David Tylor and others, through certain improved lands belonging to me , Commencing at the southern termination of First street in the village of Greenport running to Front street in said villAge , Now therefore , Know All men by these presents that I, the said Buel Davis for value received do hereby Release all claims to damages by reason of the laying out end opening of said Highway. Witness my hand and seAl this i nineteenth day of April 1856 . Buel DAvis (Seel) 13S' A Highway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by John A. Racket, Joshua ^'. 'Karry And George P. Horton, Commissioners of Highways of the Town of South- old in the County of Suffolk, on the application of Datid Tyler and others through certain improved lands belong- ing to me Commencing At the southern termination of First street in the Village of Greenport And running to Front Street in said village , Now therefore Know All men by these presents , that I the said John Leary, for value received do hereby Release All c1Aim to damAges by reason of the laying out and opening of the said highway. Witness my hand And seal this nineteenth day of April A. D. 1856. John Leary (9eA1) 1 The preceeding three Releases J i recorded this 15th day of Allay 1856 by 7. T. Huntting Town Clerk. �p i ' I ' N. h qbl tl • 139 County of Suffolk) Town of Southold ) SS At a meeting of the Commissioners of High- ways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk , held at the home of John Clark in the Village of Greenport in said town on the ?7th day of .lune 1856, All the said Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order, it is ordered and determined by the said Commissioners that the following streets or Highways be laid out in the Village of Greenp(brt in the said town of Southold--Vi7t-- Fourth, Fifth And Sixth Streets each of the width of Sixty (60) feet and Wiggin-Flint- Brown & Clark streets, each of the width of fifty ( 50) feet, on the application of John 0 . Ireland , Darius C . Pratt, C. H . Corwin, Thomas S. Parks, w. T. Wheeler, Ebenezer Clark , Gorge W. Gains, John Clark , Frederick T. Lord, Addison Brown, Orin F . Brown, John C . Champlin, Levi Preston , George T. Lyons and others And with the written consent of Nathaniel Corwin, Sidney L. Griffing And T. Wickham Case , Commissioners in Partition, in the Supreme Court, in the case of Josiah I?eebe and Lorenza his wife vs. peter W. Griffing & Mary P. his wife- Hannah wiggins-Wm. H. 7liggins &, Huldah his wife- Albert B. Wiggins 9, Lydia his wife- Orin J . 'Aiggins and Hannah T. his wife- Sidney S. Tiggins-Abimel King Jennetts his wife Roland T. Swain and Eliza Ann his wife and William T. Truck which said written consent bears date the 12th day of June 1856 . ^he several lots of land Adjoining the said streets, having been sold to the several 1. 40 owners thereof by the said Commissioners as laid out on ".' the map of the Wiggins Estate at Greenport, Long Island, f� �u and which said lots were sold by the said Commissioners, at public auction on the 19th day of May 1856 and w2kich said map , duly sfgned by Nathaniel Corwin, Sidney L. Griffing and J. Wickham Case Commissioners- is on file in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk and is also on file in the office of the Clerk of the Tbwn of Southold, both of which are lithographed maps , and duly exhibited the several streets 1=1d out es directed by this order--the said streets or highways to be end remain forever public highways , as laid out and described on said maps, es reference ( ?) there unto had will more fully describe and At large appear--said maps being en- dorsed"Map of the 'Riggin Tgstete" in said office of the Clerk of the town of Southold. Joshua W. Terry ) j r J { George P. Horton)Commfssioners Of Highways J Entered this 12th day of July, 1856 i by J. 7 . Huntting, Town Clerk. I' i I d i 141 A high way hsving been laid out on the day of the date hereof by John A. Racket, Joshua ^'. Tarry and George P. Horton, the Commissioners of Highways of the toren of Southold in the County of Suffolk od the auoli- cation of David Tyler Jr. And others through certain im- proved lands belonging to me , commencing at Front Street in the village of Greenport And extending northerly to the present termination of First street, in said village , Now therefore , Know 411 men by these presents, that I, the said Albert 'Peeks for value received, do hereby release all claims to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of the said HighwAy. Witness my hand And seal this twenty-first day of May 1856 Albert Peeks (L S) In presence of Lawrence Seaman Recorded this 19th day of July, 1856 142 i County of Sccffolk ) Town of Southold ) At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the said town at the house of :Tose0h H. Gold- smith in Southold village on the seventeenth (17) day of September 1856--all the said Commissioners hmving met and deliberated on the subject matter of this Order-- a It is hereby ordered and determined that the Highway known as Mud Lane leading from the south road by the ' # house of John Conly to the Village of Greenport to the north road leading by the house of Hollaek Conklin to Orient be and the same is hereby set off from the road district Number 13 ( 131 to road district number fourteen ( 14) and that the said 'Mud Lane road shall be hereafter i " t worked and kept in repair by the inhabitants residing in said road district number fourteen ( 141 . 4 q It witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names the day and year aforespid. Joshua ! . Terry ) Commissioners of Geirge P. Horton 1 Highways Recorded this 7th day of September 1856 by J. W. Huntting, Town Clerk. a 14 3 Know all men by these presents that we 'Thomas A. 'ferry Charles 0. Hortonand Ruth A. his wife , of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, in consideration of the sum of thirty six dollars And thirty two cents to as in hand paid by John A. RACket and others , Commis- sioners of Highways of the town of Southold, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge , have bargained sold and nuitclaimed, and by these presents do bargain, sell end nuit claim unto the town of Southold, their successors and assigns forever for the purpose of A highway , all, -ny and each of our right, title , interest, estate , claim and demand, both at law and in enuity, and as well in possession as in expectancy of , in and to all that certain piece or strip of land in Southold, Commencing on the centre line of the highway As laid out by the said Com- missioners at the east line of the woodland of the said Charles 0 . Horton and Ruth A. his wife--running thence south 87 east 5 chains 60 links- thence north 69� east 10 chains 40 links , thenoe north 651 Toast 3 chains 37 links to the lands of William Albertson, the width of the said lands hereby conveyed being three rods , one and a half rods each side of tY,e said centre line , with all a and singular appurtanenees. The town in working or regu- lating the said Highwxy, to construct sluice ways over the said land whenever they may be necessary to drain off the water. And we hereby covenant and agree with the said Town of Southold, that the said lands hereby conveyed are ours in fee--and that we have good right to sell and dispose of the same as aforesaid And that the town of Southold ,Py forever hereafter hold the same for the 144 purpose of a highway unmolested by us , either of us , any or either of our heirs. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the 25th day of Tlarch 1856. Signed and sealed and Thomas A. Terry (Seal) delivered in the presence of Charles 0. Horton (Real) George P. Horton Ruth A. Horton (ReAlI Recorded the 29th day of December 1856 T. T. Huntting, Town Clerk. Know all men by these presents, that we , Charles 0. Hortom of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and Ruth A. I(Xwife of the said Charles 0. TTorton, in considera- tion of the sum of forty nine dollars and thirty cents to us in hand paid by .Tohn A. Racket and others , Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge , have bargained , sold and quit claimed qnd by these presents do bargain, sell and quit claim unto the town of Southold their successors and assigns II forever, for the purpose of a highway, all our and each of our right, title , interest, estate, claim and demand , both At law and in equity, and as well in possession as in ex- pectancy, of in and to all that certain peice or strip of La r Land in Southold, Commencing on the Centre line of the highway as laid out by the Commissioners, at the east line of vhomas A. 79rry' s land and running north 53# Fast to lands of Dannie T. Terry 7 chains and 90 links. Also that other peice or strilb of land, in Southold, Commencing on the said centre line of the Highway aforesaid, at the Fast side of Dannie T. Terry's land running thence north 41 east, 3 chains 11 links , thence north 58 east 6 chains, thence north 87 east 1 chain 32 links to lands of ^,nomas 9. Terry and ours, the width of the said land hereby conveyed (Over) 1. 4 being three rods , one and a half rods each side of the said centre line. The town in working or regulating the highway to construct sluiceways over the last described piece of land wherever they may be necessary to drain off the water. Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and we hereby cov- enant and agree with the said town of Southold that the said lands conveyed are ours in fee and that we have good right to sell and dispose of the same as aforesaid and that the toren may forever hereafter hold the same unmolested by us or our heirs. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the 24th day of March 1856. Sealed and delivered Charles 0. Horton (Seal) in presence of Ruth A. Horton (Seal) George P. Horton Recorded this 19th day of December 1856. J. 7;. Huntting, Town Clerk. 146 Know all men by these presents that I , William Albertson, w of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York. for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and thirty five dollars, to him paid, does hereby release and convey to the town of Southold All that certain peice or parcel of land, situate and being in Southold afore said , Commencing on the Easterly side of the Lands, now undivided, of Charles 0. Horton and Ruth A his wife and Thomas A. Terry and particularly described in the order of Commissioners of Highways dated Dedember 17, 1855 , and filed in .the office of the Clerk of the town of Southold , laying out q road 3 rods wide from ghat is called Town street road to what is called Ashamomooue road, leading to Greenport, To Wit, Thence north 63J East through lands of the said William Albertson 9 chains 46 links to land of Daniel T. '?brry, being 3 rods wide. Also all that cer- tain other piece of land situate in Southold aforesaid at a place called Ashamomooue and particularly described in said order of the Commissioners, To Wit, Commencing at the easterly side or line of the land of Albert Albertson and thence north E8J East 9 chains and 73 links being threer rods wide till it strikes Ashamomoque road aforesaid, and also all the right, title and interest of him the said m the land and stone foundation , illiam Albertson in and to e under water , crossing Mill meek, between the lands of Daniel T. 76 rry &. Albert Albertson, Excepting, nevertheless„ - i two ox-carts of stone, mill shafts and timber lying on or near said foundation. He , the said William Albertson hereby meaning And intending to convey all his right, = title and interest to the said several pardels of land for pubAic the purpose of a highway, three rods wide and for no other purbose. And the same to revert to him and his heirs -I whenever the same shall cease ( Over) 147. ( (his is the second mistake in the numbering of the pages in the original volume. I have included ondthis page all of the matter appearing pages 147 ) to be used as a public highway and not till then. In witness whereof the said i9lilliam Albertson has hereunto set his hand and seal the 22nd day of r,Tarch One thousand eight hundred and fifty six. Sealed and delivered "Tilliam Albertson (SS) in presence of r. rT. Cady Recorded this 25th day of April 1857 T. 1"'. Huntting 'town CJerk. Know all men by these presents that I Thomas A. 'Ferry of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk , in consid- eration of the sum of forty dollars and Eighty eight cents to me in hand paid by Charles 0. Horton and others, Com- missioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge , Have bargained , sold add ouitclaimed , and by these presents do bargain , sell and suit claim unto the Town of Southold their successors ll my rand assigns forever for the purpose of a highway, ight title , and interest estate , claim and demand, both at Law and in eauity, and as well is possession as in expectancy on in and to all that certain piece orstrip theof landatna Southold Commencing at my y ornear the said commissioners certain stake or bound erected by of Highways , running thence North 53-1 East 101 chains and 90 links to land of Charles 0. Horton and Ruth A. his wife , being three rods in width with all and singular the hered- itaments , , , and appurtenances thereto belonging and I hereby covenant and agree with the said Town of Southold that the said lands hereby conveyed are mine in fee and that I have a right to sell and dispose of the same as aforesaid, and that the Town shall hereafter hold the same unmolested by me or my heirs. In witness whereofch have hereunto set my hand and o seal the 24th day f Thomas A. Terry (Seal) Sealed and delivered in presende of George P. Horton Recorded this 25th day of April 1857 . Know all men by these presents that I' Daniel V. Terry of the Town of Southolf in the County of Suffolk, in consider- ation of thirty six dollars and twenty seven cents to me in hand paid by Charles 0. Horton and other Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge have bargained , sold and Quit claimed and by these presents do bargain sell and suit claim unto the Town of Southold their successors and assigns f interest, for the purpose of a highway, all my right, estate, claim and demand both at law and in eouity, of in and to all those two certain pieces pr strips of land in Southold, the first commencing on the centre line of the highway as laid out by the said .^,ommissioners 'at the East line of Charles 0. Norton's dlearedaland running thence 7 North 53J East 4 chains 96 links , thence North 66 Eastchains 28 links--thence 1. 48 north 41 'Past i chain 21 links to other lands of Charles 0. Horton. `The second Commencing on the centre line of the said highway aforesaid at the Easterly line of the land of William Albertson west of Mill Creek channel, running thence 63 � East 3 chains 20 links to the Creek or channel, the width of said lands hereby conveyed being three rods, one and a half rods each side of the said centre line. The Town in making or regulating the highway to construct sluice ways over the said land , wherever they kay be neces- sary to drain the water. With all and singular the here- ditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging, and I hereby r Covenant and agree with the said Town of Southold that the said lands hereby conveyed are my own in fee and that I have good right to sell and dispose of the same as afore- i said, and that the Town shall and may hereafter forever occupy the said premises for a highway without any moles- tation from me my heirs or assigns. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 24th day of T?arch 1856. ` Daniel m. Terry (Seal) Sealed and delivered in the presence of ! eorge P. Horton Recorded this 25th day of April 1857 J. 'r. Huntting , Town ^. lerk. 4' 149 County of Suffolk ) SS Town of Southold ) We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold aforesaid do hereby assert and declare the following to be an open and public highway, and also hereby order the same to be recorded on the Records of roads of the Town as such, V17. - that Certain Tyro pole way known as Coxes Lane , running northwesterly from the highway and termin- ating as an open road upon its meeting the lands of Lewis Goldsmith and Allen Cox, Said highway is bounded westerly by the lands of Irad Downs and Dannie Downs Bethnel Hsllook and Ebenezer 9. Cobb and Easterly by lands of John Glover Thomas Hnilock , the heirs of Abigal Bramble Bethnel Howard R< George Howard. Said road having been used as public Highway for the f last fifty years. ,fitness our hands this 28th day of April 1857. m Joshua 17. Terry ) D1 : George P. Horton ) Commissioners of Highways Ebenezer Clark ) Recorded this 29 day of April 1857 J. '". Huntting, ^own Clerk i 150 Suffolk County ) Town of Southold ) SS Thereas upon the application of Slisha Aldrich a resident in said Town of Southold and liable to be assessed to work on the highway hereinafter described , and on the certificate of twelve reputable freeholders of the town, sworn after due notice as reouired by the Statutes, certifying that the widening of such highway was necessary and proper--and notice having been given to t. the owners or occupants of the land through which such highway is to be laid out or widened that the undersigned Commissioners of TTighwa,ys of the satd- .town of Southold would attend at the house of Elisha Aldrich in said town on the fourth day of April 1857 at 10 o'clock A. ^% to decide on the application aforesaid. NOW Therefore it is ordered and determined and certified after hearing all the reasons for and against the same that the Highway leading from the North road to the south road and beginning on the North road in front of the house of Josiah Mayo and intersecting the South road in front of the house lately owned and occupied by Joseph Williamson shall be and the same is hereby laid out or widened pursuant to said application, so that the said road shall hereafter be of the width of three rods, and of which laying out or widening a survey has been made and is as follows : Beginning on the north road at a stake set up on the land of Tuthill Horton three rods Easterly from the corner of the Orchard of Josiah MRyo and running thence south 25 8 seven chains and ninety-five links on the lands of said Tuthill Horton to a stake set up ; thence S P3i E. three chains and thirty seven links on the land of said ?uthill TTorton, and the same distance on the land of Josiah Mayo , the road for this distance being widened on both sides ; thence 38 E on the land of Josiah Mayo three chains P, seven links ; thence S 384 E on the land of Josiah Mayo sixty-nine links ; thence S ##e E ninety eight links on the land of Jared HAllock and also on the land of Tuthill Horton S 33� E. four chains l 1 i j i 15.1_ i andthirty links ; thence S 25g E on the land of Elisha p i Aldrich twelve chains and thirty links and also on the I land of JAmes Reeve about three chains so as to straigh- ten the road; thence South 26 Y on the west side of the road on the land of Elisha Aldrich Eight chains ; thence S 259- E on the land of Josiah MRyo six chains ; thence S 271 E on land of said Mayo seven chains ; thence South 273- E on on land of said Mayo five chains & thirty six links ; C S thence 273 E on land of Thomas F. Youngs five chains and forty links ; thence S 249- F on land of Ezra Hallock six chains ; thence 5 '269- F 29 chains on the land of said � Hallock • thence S P.9 E on the land of the said Hs l lock four chains and forty links ; thence S 263 E on the land of Samuel Williamson to the South road seven chains , and that the said Highway be herefrom and hereaf ter of the width of three rodw. . In witness whereof We the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this fourth day of April 1857. Joshua '". `!erry ) Commissioners George n. Horton) of Ebenezer Clark ) Highways Recorded this 6th day of April 1857 F ,T. 71. Huntting, ^bwn Clerk. ■ s` e 152 A High--ray having been laid out or widened on the day j. of the date hereof by John A. Racket, George P. Horton e and Joshua Terry, Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of Elisha Aldrich and others through Certain improved lands belonging to me, Commencing at the north road in front of the house of Josiah Mn yo And intersecting the South road in front of the house lately owned and oc- cupied by Joseph Williamson, Now therefore know all men by these presents that I, Tuthill Horton, in con- sideration of forty-six dollars and eighty-seven cents .r.. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , do hereby n " release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out widening &, opening the said highway. Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of April 1857 Tuthill :?orton (Seal) CC F: " A Highway having been laid out or widened on the day of the date hereof by John A. Racket, George P. Morton and J Joshua Terry, Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of W Elisha Aldrich and others through certain improved lands belonging to me, Commencing at the North road in front of the house of Josiah Pelayo, and intersecting the south road in front of the house lately owned and occupied by Joseph Williamson, Now therefore Know all men by these presents; that I , Josiah Mayo in consideration of the sum of fifty-six dollars and six cents the receipt whereof I hereby acknow- ledge , do hereby release all claim to damage by reason L , of the laying out, widening and opening the said highway. 17itness my hand and seal this fourth day of April 1857. Josiah Mayo (Seal) R. �N. 153 A highway having been laid out, or widened on the day of the date hereof by John Racket , George P. Horton and Joshua 71erry, Commissioners of highways of the Town of Southold in the Cpunt,y of Suffolk, on the application of EPlisha Aldrich and others through certain improved lands belonging� to me commencing at the North road in front of the house of Josiah Mayo & intersectAng the South road In front of the house lately owned and occupied by Jos- eph Williamson, Now therefore know all men by these pres- ents that I Jared Hellock , in consideration of the sum of three dollars, the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out, widening and opening the said highway. 'witness my hand and seal this 4th day of April 1857 Jared HAllock (Senl) A highway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by John Racket, George P. Horton and Joshua m�rry, f Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of myself and others through certain improved lands belonging to me , Commencing at the North road in front of the house of Josiah P,4ayo and intersecting the South road in front of the house lately owned and occupied by Joseph Williamson, Now therefore , know all men by these presents that I Flisha Aldrich, in consider- ation of the sum of fifty dollars the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby release all claims to damages by reason of the laying out, widening and opening the said highway. .'witness my hand and seal this fourth day of April 1857 . . . . . rlisha Aladrich (Seal) 151 A highway having been laid out or widened on the day of the date hereof by John A. Racket, George r, Horton and -Toshua Terry, Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of r,lis.ha Aldrich a and others through certain improved lagdw belonging to me , commencing at the North road in front of the house of .To- siah Mayo and intersedting the South road in front of the house lately owned and occupied by Joseph Williamson--Now therefore know all men by these presents , that I , James Reeve , in Consideration of the sum of one cent, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out, widening and opening the said highway. 71 tness my hand and seal this 4th day of April 1857 . JAmes U. Reeve (Seal) A TTighwa,y having been laid out or widened on the day of the date hereof by John A. T?acket, George P. Forton and Joshua Terry, Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application I" Elisha Aldrich and others through certain improved lands j ` belonging to me commencing at the North road in front of the house of Josiah MAyo and intersecting the South road in front of the house lately owned and occupied by Joseph Williamson--Now, therefore know all men by these presents that I , Thomas P. Youngs in consideration of the u sum of fifteen dollars and thirty-seven cents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , do hereby release all claims to damages by reason of the laying out, widening or opening of the said highway. Witness my hand R seal this 4th day of April 1857. . . Thomas P. Youngs (Seal) 155 A highway having been slid out or widened on the day of the date hereof by John Racket, George P. Horton and Joshua Terry, Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of Elisha Aldrich and others through certain improved lands belonging to me , Commencing at the North road in front of the house of Josiah Mayo and intersecting the South road in front of the house lately owned and occupied by Joseph Williamson, Noir, therefore , Know all men by these presents: that I, Szra Hallock , in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty six dollars &. fifty cents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby release all claims to damages by reason of the laying out, widening or opening the said highway. Titness my hand & seal this 4th day of April 1857. T zra Hallock (Seal A highway having been laid out or widened on the day of the date hereof by John Racket, George P. Horton and Joshua Terry, Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk od the application of Elisha Aldrich through certain improved lands belonging to me--Commencing at the North road in front of the house of Josiah MAyo and intersecting the South road in front of the house lately opened and occupied by Joseph 7illiamson, Now, therefore, Know all men by these presents , that I , the c subscriber in consideration of the sum of fourteen dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby release All claims to damages by reason of the laying out, widening or opening the said highway. Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of April 1857 . Samuel "",illiamson (Seal) The preceding eight releases recorded this 8th day of June 1857 by T. W. Huntting, 'own Clerk. 1.56' County of Suffolk ) Town of Southold ) Ss. 'c. Whereas upon the application by petition in due form of law made of John B. Hallock , Bethmel Hallock, Lewis Goldsmith , James R. Hallock, Benjamin G. Hallock, Flisha Aldrich, John F. Aldrich, George 7. Cooper, David A. ?' Cooper, E'. D. Cobb , George W. Howard, Walter F. Terry, John C. Glover, Andrew Horton, Wm. A. Overton, Andrew Cox, George Bramble , Thomas Hallock and John Reeve , reputable free- holders of the said Town of Southold, and sworn, after due notice , as required by law, Certifying that the highway to which reference is had in this said petition and hereinafter described was necessary and proper, and notice having been given to the owners or occupants of the land through which such highway is to be laid out, that the undersigned Com- missioners of highways of the said town, would attend at the house of Joshua 117. Terry, in said town on the 18th day of August 1857 at 9 o 'clock A. M. to decide on the ap- plication aforesaid. .TTOW =RFFORE, it is ordered and de- termined, after hearing all the reasons for and against the same , and all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order, That a highway be laid out in the said town, of the width of three rods , from the end of Coxes lanes, so called , to the water mill on r Mattituck Creek through the several lands of Allen Cox, r Selah Youngs, Walter 'lorry, and lands of the Mattituck PAill >` Co. , of which said laying out, the said Commissioners have A �w caused a survey to be made as follows : Via. , beginning 18.75 links left from north west corner of the said tIill , and running thence through lands of Joshua W. Terry and others, o owners of the said Mill, North 481 west 3.80 chains and North •37 West, one chain, to land of Walter Terry, thence • through the lands of said Walter Terry, South 781 !gest w e 7.70 chains and South 884 West 5.75 chains , and South 241 West 14. 2 chains to land of Capt. Selah Youngs , thence through the lands of the said Selah Youngs South 143 West i 40.50 chains , and South 64 West 5.96 chains to land of Allen Cox, thence 1. 5 i to land of Allen Cox, thence through the lands of said Allen Cox South 862 gest 7 chains and South 23j 'Rest 2.71 chains to Coxes lane before mentioned, the said road being for the whole distance One and a half rods on each side of the Centre line. In witness whereof we , the said Commissioners have hereunto set our hands this 12th day of Sugust 1857. Joshua °T. 'Tbrry ) Commissioners George P. Horton 1 of V.benezer Clark ) Highways Recorded this 18th day of January 1858 By J . "'. Huntting, Town ^,lark. County of Suffolk) Town of Southold ) SS Te the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold have this day agreed to create a new road district in said town to be numbered Twenty (20) Commencing at the P,4Attituek TRAter Mill and extending westerly to the north road near the house of John ( ?) Glover. In witness rhereof we , the said Commissioners have hereunto set our hands this 30 March 1858 Joshua 'T'erry ) Commissioners Ebenezer Clark ) of TTighways Redorded this 2d April 1858 J. 17. Huntting, Town Clerk. i5S Suffolk County ) Town of Southold) SS 'c Whereas a highway known as Richard Be0jamin's lane , and a continuation of the same leading from the x C main road or highway running through Southold to Dickerson's Creek , now used as a highway, was laid our by the Commis- sioners of Highways of said Town more than fifty years ago , but not sufficiently described of record, NOW THEREFORE , we the undersigned Commissioners of highways of said town, all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order , do order that the said road be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Clerk 's office of said Town, according to a survey which has been made under our direction as follows: Commencing at the main road ; near the westerly gate post of Moses C. Cleveland and running thence by the end of the said Cleveland's barn and the line between the said Cleve- u, & the '91d. Magee on a course S 231 E teh chains ; thence S 8 F, forty two links ; thence S 50-1 F four chains 82 links ; thence on the line between said Cleveland and Israel Peck S 501 E 4 ch & 50 links ; thence S 55 E thence on the westerly line of said neck 's woodland seventeen Chains to I?' the Creek known as Jockey Creek or Dickerson's Creek , and we �i further order that the line of said survey as made by J. Wickham Case , Surveyor, be the westerly line of said road and that the said road be of the width of two poles or rods. "F Giaen:�under our hands this ??? day of October !w, a Eighteen hundred and fifty seven. George Horton )Commissioners KEbenezer Clark. Joshua T. Terry 1 of 7ighways Recorded this 30 day of January 1858 g; ii J . '"'. Huntting, Town Clerk. 9: i 159' A TTighway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by the Commissioners of TTighways for the ^'own of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of .Tohn Q. TTallock and others through the lands of Joshua t?, Terry, Luther Rohinson, ??arnnbas !'lines 'alter T . Terry, Selah Youngs and Allen Cox Now "nova* all "len by these presents that I , Allen ^,ox, in consideration of "bcent,y nine dollars and twenty cents the receipt whereof is hereby ackno^rledged , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out of the said highway. Witness my hand and seal this 12 day of August 1857 In Presence of Toshua 7.1. 'Terry Allen Cot (Seal) Recorded this 3rd April 1858 .T. T. Nuntting, Town clerk. r w The then Town clerk made another mistake numbering his pages at this point. On the page h re omitted in order to keep these rages straight are two releases on page numbered 158 in the original! book, one '' of these releases is signed and sealed by "Talter F. 'Ferry Toshun T^(`") "eery Martin T . Robinson Barnabas Mines. 'The other release on the sgme highway is signed and sealed by ^>elah. Youngs, and both of the said Releases were entered in the original Book on April 3, 1858 R 160 'Before J. Lawrence Smith County Judge of Suffolk County In the Putter of the appeal of bioses C'. Cleveland from the Order of the Commissioners of the Highways of the Town of Southold. ''re Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold having kI heretofore made an order in the words and figures follow- 7^ ing, to wit. Suffolk County ) ` To-.m of Sout'-iold 1 SS `r Thereas a highway bn own as Piichard Tenjamin's Lane and a continuation of the same leading from the main road or highway running through Southold to Dickerson' s Creek, now p used as a highway, was laid out by the Commissioners of Figh { ways. of said town more than fifty years ago , but not suf- ficiently described of record. I i Now therefore , we the undersigned , the Commissioners of I i i+ high, ays of said town, all of the said Commissioners having " been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order, do order that said road be ascertained , de- scribed and entered of record in the Clerk' s office of said town according to a survey, which has been made under our direction as follows : Commencing at the main road , near " the westerly-gate-post of Moses C . Cleveland and running jj thence by the end of said Cleveland's barn and to the line j between said Cleveland and the 17id. Magee on a course 23; E , ten chains ; thence S 9 E forty two links ; thence S 50 P four chains eighty-two links ; thence on the line between said Cleveland and Israel Peck s 501 E four chains and fifty links ; thence S 55 F nine chains & sixteen links to the corner of said Peck ' s woodland; thence on the westerly line of said Peck 's woodland S 5 P? 17 chains to the creek known as Jockey Creek or Dickerson' s Creek , and we further order the line of said survey as made by J. Wickham Case , Surveyor , be the westerly dine of said road , and that the said road be of the width of two poles or rods. Given under our hands this 23d day of October 1857 s, George P. Forton ) Ebenezer Clark ) Com. of Highways Y, Joshua 'i�rry ( Over) w .r, 161 And Moses C . Cleveland having appealed from said Order to the County Judge of Suffolk County, which notice of apreal is hereto annexed &, the County Judge having as- signed a time and ^lace for the hearing of said appeal, and given due notice thereof , pursuant to the statute , and having been attended at the Academy in the 7Pillage of South- old on the twenty-second day of April, 1858, the time and place so assigned, and having been attended by said appelant in per- son and by the Commissioners of T,7ighways and by their res- pective counsel, and having heard the proofs and allegations of the parties and considered the same , doth decide as follows : No proof was adduced to show me , that the Commissioners of highways ever laid out as a highway that part of the road referred to in said order called Benjamin' s Lane. `The Com- missioners erred in reciting in said order that it was so laid out. But I consider the error unimportant: because the effect of said order was to declare that said lane is a highway. Sufficient evidence was adduced to satisfy me that 3enjamin' s lane has been used as a highwav for more than 20 years next previous to T,Iarch 21st , 1797 & had been so used from that to the present time Fr of the width of two rods. 'rhe fact that there have been gates and bars on it does not contro- vert the position. Instances of gates on acknowledged high- rec)rd ways, without any evidence of the right to maintain them, are not infrequent in Suffolk County. It Is therefore ordered t that all that part of said order, declaring that said Sichard Benjamin' s lane is a kighway & is now used as such , and as- certaining, describing & entering the same of record, &, the Continuation thereof as described in said order, "Commencing at the main road near the westerly gate-Post of ^'loses C. Cleve- land &. running as described in said order to the corner of Deck 's woodland" of the width of two rods , be and the same is hereby affirmed. ghere was no evidence to show that the highway was laid out or ever run by the westerly line of Peck' s woodland to Jockey Creek. On the contrary all the tdstimony showed that said road was laid out ( or run) and was and is used from the said corner of "eck*s woodland, direct to Jockey Point. It is therefore ordered , that all that part of said 162 order as ascertains , describes and enters of record , said highway as running, from the corner of Peck 's woodland, on the westerly line of said Peck 's woodland to Jockey Creek be , and the same is hereby reversed. i The Commissioners should make a new survey ( blotted out) properly locating and describing last mentioned part of I said highway. July 30 , 1858 J. Lawrence Smith, County Judge i Recorded August 5, 1858 j J. W. FFuntting, Town Clerk, I i i i a i, i i� w, Suffolk County mown of Southold ! ss 4e the commissioners of TTighways of the moan of Southold, having met and deliberated on the subePtif of this order , do hereby order, determine and y that we have this day altered , widened and laid out a highway in the village of orient, in the said Town of Southold, described as follows , Viz. , commencing st a point sixty eight links distant from the house or hotel of Julius T)ver , measuring over the north post of the dooryard gate and running thence S 32 F, seven chains A, forty four links , through and over the several R respective lands of the said Julius Dyer, NTathan ^,hamolain & "nomas IT. Youngs on the easterly side of the said line of survey and through and over the undivided lands & beach of 'nomas V. voungs , Samuel 7Iatson Youngs , PrRzillai Youngs , .Tef- ferson Youngs A, Benjamin "oungs, on the westerly line of survey, & running thence S 13} F three chains a- fifty two links to the lands of TTenry Dyer 9 'Thomas I V, Youngs ( at its junction with another way run- ning easterly) through and over the several and respec- tive lands divided and undivided of the said ''nomas V. Youngs, Samuel Watson Youngs , 9ra7illni Youngs , Jef- ferson voungs &Benjamin Youngs Pr being partly on the way now used in front of the dwelling of Jeremiah Mail Fr Abraham m. King. ,rhe line of survey as above described &, this day made by T . mickham Case , Surveyor , is to be the centre of the said highway, which is to be three rods in width . In witness whereof , we the Commissioners of highways of the said "own of Southold have hereunto subscribed our names this ; nd of Sept. 1858. Recorded Oct. 7 , 1858 George P. ??orton ( Commis- by T, 17. TTuntting John Shirley ( sioners ^own Clerk Fbenezer Clark ( of TTigh- ( ways. i 164 A highway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by George P. Horton, F'benezer rlark and John Shirley, Commissioners of Highways of the Town cf i * Southold in the County of Suffolk , on the application of H. IT. Case and others, and also the oaths of twelve f' freeholders and inhabitants of said twcn that said highway is necessary and should be opened, which said j highway passes through or over lands belonging to us, and commences at the junction of Fox' s Lane , so called , with the North Road leading to P?attituck Creek, and i•• running thenceN. 361 E 12 chains on the line dividing the lands or willism F. Clark P� Sylvester T. Hazard-thence N. 501 F through the lands of Sylvester u, I - Hazard , .Tames T. Fr Richard F. 7)avids , '9m. 7. Corey k wife, Franklin V. Overton and the Estate of Samuel Davids deceased 5 chains 65 links :- thence N. 53i F, t through the lands of the heirs of Daniel Case deceased i- 9 C 85 L: --thence N. 44 , through the lands of 'rheo- bu dore Billard 5 C 63 links : --thence on the same course (N 44 7) through the lands of Thomas Bahr 5 c 03 T,: thence on the same course 1,T. 44 71 through the lands of Isaac 4ckerly 6 Ch 42 L:- thence S. 37 F', through n.„. the lands of Isaac Ackerly and 71m. Harrison rase, one w and a half rods on each, 33 ch to stakes set up: thence S 291 F. 3 ch from the stake set up in said Ackerly woods to a stake set up on the ditEh or div- ision line between said Ackerly 8, Case to the North Road 26 ch 36 1 : said highway to be of the width of three rods. Norr therefore , Know all men by these presents , that we , the subscribers , each one for him- self respectively, hath released , and hereby doth release all claim to damage by reason of the laying +' out and opening the said highway for value received. Fitness our hands & seals this . . . . . . day of June 1858. -- William 858. -- William '”. Clark (seal) Sylvester K. Hazard (S'eal) I r Richard F. Davids (seal) James W. Davids ( seal) mm. IT. Corey (seal) TMnryann A. Corey ( seal) Franklin Ell' H. Overton (seal) James "'. Davids (seal)Richard Davids (seal) for T;state of Samuel Davids deceased. IE Daniel C'ase ( seel ) Joshua R. Case (seal! T . Haven Case ( seal) heirs of Daniel Case deceased Theodore Billard (seal) 'Thomas Baker (seal) Isaac C. Ackerly (seal ) y' T7M. TTarrison Cs-se (seal. � . Recorded this 3rd Deb. 1859 T. 17. Huntting, ITbwn clerk 5 ell "•ai' 165 Suffolk County t mown of Southold) ss It is hereby ordered and determined by Ceorge TTorton, Ebenezer Clark R .Tohn Shirley, Commissioners of TTighway:F of the said "own of ^outhold, that a highway be laid out in the said gown , upon the application of T-T. ?'. Case and others, and also the oaths of twelve freeholders P� inhabitants of said town that said highway is necessary and should be opened , which said highway commences at the junction of Coxe ' s lane , so called , with the PTorth '?oad , leadine to *Tattituck Creek & running thence 17. 361 F 10 chains on the line dividing the lands of William .,. Clark and Sylvester R. Hazard : thence N. 5012- F through the lands of Sylvester R. Hazard, James '". F- Richard -. Davids, wm. F. Corey 9- wife , Franklin TT. Overton, and the estate of Samuel Davids deceased 5 C. 65 1 : thence N. 53� F. through the lands of the heirs of Daniel Case deceased 9 C. 851: thence N. 44 F. through the lands of Theodore Billard 5 ^ er 3 1; Thence N. 44 I'. through the lands of Thomas Baker 5 C 03 l: thence on the same course (PT 44 7) through the lands of Isaac Akerly 6 ch 42 1 : thence S . 37- P. through, the lands of Isaac Akerly and Tm. TTarrison Case one & a half rods on each , 33 ch. to a stake set up : thence S 291,- F 3 ch from the stakes set up in the said Akerly' s woods to a stake set up on the ditch or division line between said Akerl,y A Case , and thence S 37- F . through the lands of P/m. Harrison Case to the north road 26 ch 36 1. It is further ordered that the above de- scribed line of the survey of said road as made by T . Wickham Case , Surveyor, be upon the northerly side thereof from the Commencement till it reaches the lands of ',,an. Harrison Case--then to run in the centre of said Highway for the distance of 33 chains Southerly--then running on the westerly side of said highway from a stake herein- before named, set up in Isaac Akerly' s woods , Southerly 3 ch to a stake in the ditch , taking a gore piece of said Akerly's wood land--and then to follow on its westerly side, the division line between said Isaac Ak- erly and 117m. C, , 166 {„ oI N' it 11 I � I Harrison Case to the North Road , throwing the road chiefly upon the lands of said 7m. Farrison Case for 3 chains opposite the gore piece in said 4kerly's woods , d k entirely upon said Case 's lands , thence southerPy - I to the North Road for the distance of 26 chains & 36 links. ';7r And it is further Ordered that the said above de- scribed highway be of the width of three rods. 4' In witness whereof we the ahtdcComjlissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this 21st day of June �I. 1858. `'eorge P. Forton ) Commissioners John Shirley ) of pp Ebenezer Clark ) Fighways I , . SII •' 19 lwl ly. . r+ Recorded this 26 Feb. 1859 . T. "T. Funtting, Town Clerk l4 i fil j uX �V N� j y y Yil �+�111 MI �N 13 ii 4 y 167: A highway having been laid out or widened on the day of the date hereof by Tibenezer Clark, George T . Horton Pr Tohn Shirley, Commissioners of TTtghways of the 7bwn of Southold, through certain improved lands Pr beaches belonging to us respectively, near the harbor A land- ing at the village of orient, Commencing at a point Sixty 'Tright links distant from the house or hotel of Julia Dyer measuring over the north post of the dooryard gate & running thence S. 321. T Seven chains & forty four links, and thence S,. 131. H. three chains and fifty two links to the lands of Henry Dyer and 7b omas V. Youngs , there intersecting another way running easterly, Now therefore Ynow all men by these presents that we , the subscribers, for value re- ceived , do hereby release all Claims to damages by reason of the laying out, altering or widening the said highway. "'itness our hands R, seals this 2nd day of September 1858 Thomas 'T. rounas ( Beall Samuel 7T. Youngs (seal) Rarzillai Youngs ( seal) 7Tm. '"' voungs ( seal) Samuel 1,. `roungs ( seall Renjamin 14 Youngs ( seall Julia 1". Dyer ( seal) "�m. J. Youngs ( seall ( Recorded this 26 day Deb. 1859 J . T. Huntting 168 ""hereas the road running north from the Vain Road in the"Village of Southold by the house of ?onathan S. Horton is described on the records as being four rods wide till it comes to the house of '"Tilliam Horton, and said house having been removed and the property being now owned by Joseph IT. TTorton, We the Commis- sioners of Highways for the "bwn of Southold, have sgreed ^& hereby agree with the said Joseph TT, Horton that the said four rods road shall extend northerly from the main road forty one rods & twenty-one links ( 10 ch 21 1) till it strikes the land of said Joseph H. Horton in front of his new dwelling house. In witness whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto set our hands this 29 day of March 1859. ,eorge P. TTorton Ebenezer Clark John Shirley I Joseph H. Horton above named do hereby consent Fr agree that the northern boundary of said four rods road shall be and remain as above recited, 29th T4arch 1857 Joseph TT. TTorton s p, w, a ) a w 4ecorded t},is 29 day T-Tarch 1859 T, '-. Huntting, Town . lerk . s 1.69 Town of Southold 1 Suffolk County ) ss "hereas a vacancy has occurred in the office of Overseer of Highways for Road T)istrict TITo. i' 7 of said town by reason of the refusal of T'ubbard C. Paine to serve No:':, 'Therefore by virtue of the power I vested by the statute , we the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said town , do hereby in order to fill said vacancy appoint Rensselaer G. =oldsmith Overseer of Highways of and for sa d road District No. 7 in said town of Southold, John Shirley )Commissioners Ebenezer Clark ) of ^. F. Torth ) Highways G Recorded this 5 ^:Ta,y 1859 J , 1% Huntting, Town Clerk 'rhis agreement made & entered into this 12 day of ,Tuly in the year 1859 , 7etween Jeremiah IT. Rackett F, `7m. Henry King, '.TT 'TTvTF;C7T`TTT that the said .Teremiah 17. Rackett having sold to the said 'nn. TTenry King a certain lot of four acres on the sound, as by reference to a certain deed executed by said J. H. Rackett bearing even date with this instrument will now fully appear, Yow the said Jeremiah TT. Rackett gives and grants to the said Im. Henry King & to his heirs , the right of way through the lands of said Jeremiah H. Rackett to the aforesaid lot of land until such time as the said ^hn. IT Kina, shall obtain a more convenient way. In Titness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day &. ,year above mentioned. In presence of R'enry H. Merry Jeremiah TT. Rackett Recorded this 15 day Jule 1859 ,T , " . 'Tuntting, `T'own Clerk. 17o k . . p I " 'd i. " r i. i w k d a Y g a M� M� 171_ ROAD DISTRICTS The Commissioners of 7ighways have revised And altered o. 1 the road districts in the torn of Southold , as follows : Commences at the west end of the town on the Routh / road , and ends at the '"extern extremity of a watering place near the foot of a large hill on the woodland Of ,-tr, T . worth , including one half of Aldrich Lane . Commendes at the watering place above described on the South road , and at the west line of Rarnabas a. FT.orton on the north road 8- extends to the Past line of the lands of T . 7mith Tuthill including the road lead- ing to Cox's .-Till to the Till Road . Commences at the Fast line of J . Smith Tuthill & extends to the Cutchogue Presbyterian Church, including the 3 road leading from the South to the North roads at Alvah Horton's &. the road by Chancy ^. Tuthill to the R. R. Commences at the Cutchogue Presbyterian Church 8, Fxtends to the west line of Mn tthias H. Davids , including Cox's 'i lane to the Railroad and the road leading to tje home of J. Horton "�erry & the road leading to Cutchogue Depot. Commences at the west line of Matthias TT. Davids and extending to the Fast line of Oliver Goodale , including the lane leading to the flay by . . . . . . . . . . .house. Commences at the Famt Line of Oliver Goodale & extending to the west line of ,jilliam Solmons mill lot including the 1 ane leading to Tndian Neok F- the neconie road to the depot. Commences at the west line of "7i1_liam Solmon's mill lot Fr extends to the run (head of .Tockey -reek) including the TTpner road by Hallam Overton's corner 8, the lane leading to South Uarbor F, by r.!altbv ireemans. a 172 Commences at the Run, thence to 7nllam Overton' s corner &, so through ?a_'ag Neck including rine Neck b Lane . V Commences at the Run & extending to the East Line of Fortons Lane , including Norton's Lane, the North Road from Portons Lane to the Bowery Lane west , Tuckers Lane 0 the Powery so-called. alk'" Commences at the East side of Hortons Lane and � ! extending Fast to Mill Creek Bridge , including i1r .1 , ( 0 the creek road, the road to the Depot, mown Farbor Lane I Fashamomooue road to the Rail Road. Commences at the ?1111" Greek Bridge I extending "^ East to Mud Lane including the Lane leading to the North Road. a; vY' commences at & including Mud Lane Fxtending,Fast to Sterling Creek, halting for its northern boundary Qko q/the South line of ^'!i� liam Tines , including Bridge W ( Street to the Creek for its southern boundary the Bay , including all public roads in the 'Village of greenport. Commences at the west Fnd of the Town, o n the North t" �3 road & extending to the 'Vest line of Rarnabas B. Porton, including one half of Aldrich Lane . ry' M Commences at the house of .Tohn J . Clover & extend- ingeasterly to the Mattitufk 'Vater ?,Rill, Commences at the Mill road & extending Enst to ^,ix's Lane , including the new road laid out in W -(S 1848 from Capt. Clark 's easterly & southerly to the North Rond . ,s wAh' I 17:3 Commences at the Fast side of Cox's We extending Fast to the Boiery ( s0 called ) including the Peconic road from the Rail Road to the Inlet Vill. Commences at the head of 7ortons Lane , extending Easterly to Tlashamomoque Reach bridge & including the road leading from the North Road to the L. I. R. R. Depot Fr the TTashamomoque road to the Rail road . Commences at Hashamomoeue beach "ridge Ar extending easterly to the Fast line of DAvid G. Floyd on the south side of the road, including the road to Greenport untill it reaches the North line of Tilliam lines A Bridge St & the raid leading from the Vain Road to the Sound. Commences at the East line of David G. 7loyd on the south side of the road extending easterly Eleven Chains A twenty seven links on the beach from the north west corner of the water mill . Commences on the beach eleven ch 27 links from the north west corner of the Triter rill extending Fast D to Orient ^oint, including all public roads in Orieht. 7ommences at the main road in Cutcho7ue & extends Southerly to the Pay, includin7 ell public roads in 7ew Suffolk. 'his Order is to take effect on F: after the first Tuesday of April 1860. Dated ^outhold 29 September 1859. Tohn Shirley t Comm. Ebenezer Clark ) of T. ", Torth 1 TTighways Recorded October 1, 1859 ?. 7. TTuntting , Town Clerk a 174 f County of Suffolk) Town of Southold ) p The undersigned Commissioners of Highwayso of the town of Southold , County of Suffolk ( all the w Commissioners being present) having met at the house Of Alfred 7. Sandford in said town , to decide upon j the application of George P. Horton and others , resi- dents of the said town & liable to be assessed for high- wa,y labor there#n, for the alteration of the road on 7• � the lands of Asa Smith, Alfred �'. Sandford & Daniel T. ^%-rry, do order that the line of the said road be , and the same is hereby so altered, as to run from a point R.r l or post on the land of Asa Smith 9- easterly through 4Ifred Sandfords and D. ". Marry' s land to a certain gate on the premises of Stuart T. Terry, thereby making Sp . the road three rods in width. dy. Dated this 24 of October 1859 . John Shirley! !7omm 7�. '"orth ' of Recorded this 28 ",7areh 1860 Ebenezer Clark)T=ighwa.Vs Huntting, Town Clerk. 4 µ ' '"hereas the Commissioners of Ilighways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the 24th day � of October 1859 widened the ??cin Highway in said town , begin- ning on the land of Asa Smith A- running easterly through the lands of the said Asa Smith , Alfred l?. Sandford F- Daniel Terry to a certain gate on the premises of Stuart Terry thereby making the road three rods in width, 7017 77E771"OR7, k) the damages of the said patties aforesaid by reason of the JJ v widening of the said highway are hereby ascertained by the j agreement of the said Asa Smith to be three 50/100 dollars ' Alfred ".'. Sandford twenty dollars , & Daniel Terry ^twelve Dollars ; R- the said ^ommissioners of ?Iighways hereby agree i^ ,? to pap the sums named above . Daniel ". Terry , " . T. Terry 91 ,Alfred "I. Sandford, Asa Smith Tohn Shirley ) T. 7. '"'orth ) Commissioners Ebenezer Clark ) of F?ighways Recorded the 28 "larch 1860 J. '". Auntting , Town ^,1erk. �M 175 Suffolk ^,ounty ) Town of Southold) ss dhs,reas upon the application of 71i,jah "7. Tuthill a- others resident in said ^bv�rn of Southold R,. liable to be assessed to work on the higbways of said Town, and on the certificate of twelve respectable Freeholders of the Town convened and sworn as re- quired by the statutes , certify,*inp that such highway was necessary and proper. Now, therefore it is ordered, determined & cer- tified after hearing all the reasons for and against the same , that a public highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application, whereof a survey has been made &, is as follows , to wit; Commencing on the South ?load on the land of Chauncey 14. Tuthill one and a half ( 1-�I) rods easterly from his west line & thence running north 30? west on the land of the saidChaunce,y 1". Tuthill 48 chains 38 links to the land of rlijah '7. Tuthill taking one and three quarters acres ( 17) A� twelve rods of land ; thence north 301 west on the land of Ti lisha "'. Tuthill 56 chains 21 links to the land of John Frown, thence North 303 west on the land of John Frown 24 chains 71 links to the North Road ( taking three quarters (3/4) of an acre R- 13 rods of land. And the line of said high- way , which is to be three rods in width measuring westerly from the above described line , the westerly line of said highway or road running through the lands of Jesse ?i. & Seth 'DI. Tuthill , Ira Tuthill Jacob "I. Tuthill. In witness whereof the said Commis- sioners have hereunto subscribed their nwnes this 30th day of 'lay 1860. John Shirley ) Commissioners of n 'Forth ?'ighways All the commissioners of highways of the town 176 met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order on ?+ebruar„v 10th Fr May 21st 1860 ^, R, 'x/orth , Commissioner of TTighwa ys. Recorded this 2nd day of June 1860. T. 7. Huntting, Town Clerk. Before the County Judge Of Suffolk Count In the matter of the appeal of ) Chauncey W. Tuthill & John Brown ) from the order of the Commissioners ) Decision made of highways of the town of Southold ) made r.Tay 30, 1860, laying out a ) Sept, 18, 1860 road acrost( ?) their lamed ) Chauncey T. Tuthill R John Brown having anpeated from the determination of the Commissioners of TTighways of the town of Southold made May 30 , 1860 lAying out a highway from the North to the South road through their land , and the County Tudpre havinu assigned the 29th day of Aufust 1860 at 3 o 'clock n, ". on the said highway as the time and place of hearing said appeal & having caused notice thereof to be given to the said Commissioners &, other parties interested & having attended at the said time and place 8- been nttdnded by the said appelents R, their Counsel ? by the said Commissioners Fr, their Counsel &. heard the proofs and allegations of the parties and deliber- ated thereon--It is ordered that the said order of the said Commissioners be and the same is hereby affirmed. Sept. 15 , 1860 J, Lnwrence Smith County Tudge Recorded this 21 September 1860 Ry J. W. Huntting, Town Clerk. 77 I do hereby release to the To•an of Southold all claims to damaees by reason of the laying* out P, opening of a highway through my lands by an order of the Commissioners of highways of said town dated "Tay 30 , 1860. Tn witness whereof T have hereunto set my hand P: seal this first day of June 1860. li jAh 19. Tuthill ( seal) I do hereby relee-,e to the Town of Southold all claim to damages by reason of the laying out P- opening of a highway through our lands by an order of the Com- missioners of highway of said to�,�n dated TTny 30 , 1860. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands �:nd seals this 1st day June 1860. Jesse TT. Tuthill ( seal) Seth "I. Tuthill ( seal) The above two releases recorded this 30 Oct. 1860. T . 'td. TTuntting, Town Clerk Suffolk rounty ) To�-rn of Southold ) SS Te the subscribers , the jurors drawn , summoned P- sworn, to assess the damage for laying out the highway in pursuance of an order of Tohn Shirley, `"heoron R. Worth Pr 7benezer Clark , Seth R. 'Faber , Cor,missioners of uiahways for the town of Southold , bearing date the 30 dev of .Tay 1860 , having viewed the premises P, heard the parties Pr such witnesses as were offered before us, do hereby assess the damages aforesaid as follows , viz. : to John Brown the sum of fifty dollars for the damaFes sustained by him by reason of the laying out the said highway; to Chauncey T. Tuthill the sum ,;f one hundred & ten dollars fprrrthe damdges sustained by him by reason of the laying out the said highway. E In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 8 day of October 1860. of .Tames �l. Skidmore Jas . '3. "brry ) Sheldon , T)oRms ) Jurors navid Oonklin Isaiah "prry ) Thomas. V. Tiallock :u. Suffolk County ) 7bTn of "outhold) I , John ? . Horton, one of the Justices of the Peace of said Town do certify that the foregoing is the verdict of the jury summoned by my summons €r drawn R,, sworn by me to de- termine and assess the damages for the laying out tine highway mentioned in said verdict" liven under my hand this 8 day of October ISI'' 1860. John 7 . TTorton, Justice of Peace ill Recorded this 2 November 1860 ,7. T?unttinr* , "'own Clerk . 1` `I �tl sl. 17� T , Barnabas Pike of the Town of ^outhol.d . County of Suffolk R, State of New York , having laid out I opened n highway through my land , commencing at the highway leading from the ?lain Mond to the steam mill , the said highway is two rods in width , measuring from the Southerly side as the fence now stands & known as Pike Street , dicate to the town of Southold Do hereby release & de forever the above described highway. Tj7V7gq my hand and seal this first day Oct. 1860 Signed and sealed in the presence of .john Shirley Recorded this 2 Nov. 1860 Y. -. yunttinp, Town Clerk . "whereas a highway has been laid out through my land commencing at the North Bond and runninF through to the South Roqd nearly on the eastern line , said right of way to not exceed one rod in width : Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of said way I do hereby release all claim to damage by reason thereof &. consent to its being recorded? Sealed with my seal x dated at Mattituck this 18 day of September 1862. Thomas Reeve (seal) Recorded this 14 Oct. 1863 By J . N. Huntting, mown clerk . Southold 15 aA.pril 1862 The day and ,year above written the Commissioners of y uighways of said town made the following alteration in the F2ond Districts of this town , viz. ; Road District No. 22 Commences at the Oregon School house , thence east to the west line of Isaac Ackerly, including the cross road to the rail road. " No. 15 Commences at the Oregon School house 8 thence west to A:7attituck creek , including the cross roads to the rail road Sc the new road to the Sound. John Shirley ) Commissioners of John S . Corey) FTighways n Recorded 15 :kpril 1862 by J. "r. F{untting, Town clerk. s �I I h; w y, 9 i i R t � I . 3 3 3 �-• c- e ao, � a � f \ gavnnIL d Qol t�i 'iLJI � `' \ • l a A-• c- 3 — o c'ar ey beginning at a Point on the north west 71 links northwesterly from the house of Eli T. Howell P- running thence 1; 301- E' till it strikes the easterly side of Tuckers Lane At a distance of one chain 67 1 it inter- sects the main road coming from the east by the house of Tnna T. Tiuntting, said lane or road to be 3 rods wide , to be measured from the Westerly line above des- cribed. T. 7. ^Asa , Surveyor. Its 18-v The Commissioners of Highways of the ^burn of Southold in the County of Suffolk , all the Commissioners having met at:lthe office of the ITbwn Clerk in the said town to deliberate and decide upon the application of ^.doses r„ Cleveland A others residents of the saidtown and liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the alter- ation of the road known as Tuckers LAne , DO ORDFR that the said road be and the same is hereby so altered as to run as follows ; to wit; The northerly line thereof beginning on the westerly side of the north road at a point distant about seventy ( 70A links westerly from the northwest corner of aIi t". Howell's dwellingr house and running thence south thirty & a half (30AI) degrees Fast, to a point distant lelow or easterly from the centre of the rail road where the said line crosses the said rail road , one chain F, sixty seven ( 1 ch. 67 1. ) thence South seventy five & A half (75�) degrees Fast until it intersects the northerly line of the main road known as town street, which runs easterly from the house of .Tonathan ';'. Huntting, and it is hereby ordered that the northerly line of said town street aforesaid be and ' the same hereby is continued westerly in a direct course as it noir runs to the above point of intersection, which point is westerly of the said Tonathan "'. T?untting's ' house F- nearly opposite. 'The Southerly line of said road to run parallel with & three rods distant from the northerly line as above described, from the north road aforesaid to a point opposite , at right angles to the point where the said northerly line intersects the nor- therly line of Town Street, as aforesaid & thence to continue on the same course , viz. South seventy-five f & a half (75.1) degrees Fast until it strikes the west line of the main road or Town Street which runs south from the said Jonathan W. Huntting's house . 'rhe southerly 1 line of said road as hereby altered passes through the improved land of L3 rnabas "'. Booth , and the northerly I line passes through the improved lands severally of 711 W. Howell , Barnabas H. Booth , Samuel S. frail F, Ton- athan w. Huntting, all of whom have consented thereto , and it further 4 181 ordered that such parts of the present road as are not included in the above description be and the same are hereby discontinued. Dated , Touthold 28 April 1861 Tohn Shirley ) Commissioners Seth P. Taber) of Highways Recorded larch 26, 1862 by T. T. Huntting, Town clerk. 'Whereas the commissioners of 7iehways of the town of Southold in the County of 7uffolk have upon the ap- plication of 4oses 1 . Cleveland & others recently al- tered the Highway in said town known as Tuckers Lane , by widening & straightening the same in the manner set forth and fully described in the order bearing date April 28thy 1861 , signed by John Shirlev 9, Seth B. Taber, two of the said Commissioners and re- corded in the office of the Town Clerk of said town in Book F of the Town Records , entitled "Highways & Bridges" at page 162 on the 26th day of April 1862 , which said alteration passes through a portion of certain improved lands belonging respectively to Barhabas H. Rooth, Jonathan T. Huntting, Samuel S. Vail & Fli N. 7owell , named in said order. °Ion,^, "'herefore , Ynow all men by these Presents , that we , Barnabas II. Pooth, Jonathan Hunttine, Samuel q. Dail Atli 7. 7ocrell aforesaid , for value received , do severally and individually hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the alteration and opening of said highway as described in the said order. In 7itness '!hereof we have ( here ) unto t set our hands & seals this 18V twenty seventh day of May 1862. In presence of ) T. 7. Tooth (seal) T. w Tuntting ( seal) TTenry TTuntting ) 7amuel S. Nail ( sear Fli W. 70well ( seal) Recorded lay 30 , 1662 Ty T. "'. TTuntting, "own Clerk. It is hereby agreed between the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold of the one part IN Ira Tuthill of the other part that the damages sustained by reason of the laying out & opening of a highway through the lands of the said Tra Tuthill on the application of 1 ijah Tuthill and o others by an order of the Commissioners dated the 30th day of May 1860 be fixed and liquidated at the sum of Twenty Dollars and foPty two cents ( 120. 42) . Tfitness our hands this 28th day of u September 1860. T, Ira Tuthill execute this instrument on con- dition the Survey is correct and otherwise it is void. Ira Tuthill. Recorded .Tune 27 , 1862 Ty T 7. 7untting , Town Clerk . 185 Suffolk County ) Town of Southold) SS It is hereby ordered and determined by John Shirley, Tohn 0. Corey Jr. , & Seth T?. 'Taber, Commissioners of TTip;hways for said town that the highway leading from ^reen- port to Southold acrost( ?) ":Till Creek be altered and widened as follows : Co ^mencing ar a stake set up on the lands of Tiichard T% ^onklin, at four sure acres( ?) on the north side of the highway and running thence S 48 T. 3 chains 79 links to a stake set up on four-sure or ( Score) acres at ^Tud Lane ; ^hencestarting from a stake set up opposite mud lane and 3 rods Southerlr from the stake set, up on fourOscore-acres at „oud lane , and running thence S 431 7 a short distance on the highway to the land of Thomas nrown , and thence on the same course on the land of "'nomas grown 7 chains & 44 links to a stake set up ; thence S 37 W 5 chains & 42 links on the land of Thomas Brown set up northerly from and near to his house ; thence South 28,k 77 12 chains 8, 21 links on the land of Thomas Brown to a stake set up on the way that leads to Pipes Neck, Also the said " imissioners have widened and altered the said highway , beginning at a stake set up on the line between Richard T�. 7onklin and .John Conly 3 rods norglt- erl,y of the southerly line of the highway as above laid out 8- widened and running thence near by and in front of the house of said -john ^,ohljr S 281- 7 1 chain 31 links to a stake set up near his 186, well : - thence on and near the land of said John Conley S 2311 W 4 chains to the brook--and thence on land of John Con- ly S 17 T 3 chains 12 links to the road that leads by the house of Daniel R. Rogers. Said highway to be hereafter in its whole length of tho width of three rods : to be measured southerly from the line above described on the lands of Richard B. Conklins ^our-Score-Acres , and northerly from the line above described running through the homestead farm of Thomas Brown. Said alteration and widening of said road as above described taking a triangular piece of land on Tour-Score-kcres and belonging to Richard B. Conklin, containing about 20 rods. And of the land of Thomas Brown one rood 8 27 rods. And of the land of John Conly about 10 rods near his house. Said alteration, laying out A widening being a part of the present or old highway to John Conly ( by his wood land) Thomas Brown and i' Richard B. Conklin. The said Commissioners have caused a survey F- dia- gram of said highway, with the alterations etc . to be made by T. Tickham Case , all which is appended and filed with this order. Dated John Shirley )Commissioners Southold John P. Corey Tr ` of 13 Dec. 1862 Seth B. `caber ) Orhways ''the li4e of Richard B. Conklin is fifteen feet south of the first row of apple trees. Recorded March 3 , 1863. By J. 17. Huntting Town Clerk . i 187 ' hereas the commissioners of highways of the town of Southold in the county of Suffolk have by an order dated the 13 day of December 1862 laid out and widened a highway in said town leadinS to r1reenport and running through the lands of Thomas Rrown as described in our order as follows , viz. : Starting from a stake set up opposite mud lane 3 rods southerly fr m the stake set up on Four-Score-Acres at mud lane on the land of Thomas grown and running thence S. 43j T 7 chains forty links to a stake set up on the land of Thomas Rrown : thence S. 37 T five chains forty two links on the land of 'Thomas Rrown to a stake set up near his house : thence S. 2.31 T 12 12 chains 21 links on the land of Thomas Rrown to a stake set up on the way that leads to Pipes of Neck. ?low Therefore , the damages the said 'Thomas Rrown by reason of the widening of said highway are hereby ascertained by agreement of the said 'Thomas grown F, the said commissioners of TTighwa,y at the sum of one hundred and thirty five dollars save and except the expense of removing the stone wall on the western end. Signed - Thomas Rrown Dated June 12, 1863 coms of Seth Taberohn ey highways John 0 Corey Jr. ) Recorded October 14, 1863 by 7. W. Huntting, Town r,lerk 188 0 � I G I li L 0 . I � IL�, I ! W L V� '�I 1 i, 'IIiN � {e C o Y/I1e V o� y�m�r�s I.�r*��s•-� trl ad Mtl —a O ;y L r EK �b c- CR 189 Suffolk County ) crown of Southold) yl "mereas george ^. TTorton, F'bene7,er "lark and .Toshua ^'. Merry, Commissioners of Highways of ii the Town of Southold , did on the 23 day of October , 1857 make and cause to be recorded an order in rela- tion to a certain way called "Penjamins Lane" in the words following, to wit:-', whereas a highway known as ^r: i Richard Benjemins Lane and a continuation of the same , d leading from the main road or highway, ` running through Southold to Dickersons Creek now used as a highway, was laid out by the Commissioners of TTighwa,ys of said Town more than fifty years ago , but not sufficiently described of record : NOW TTTFRFTORF we the undersigned ' the Commissioners of TTighways of said town , all of the M said Commissioners of Highways having been dgtly noti- fied to attend 8- deliberate on the subject of this order. DO ORDFR that said road be ascertained , de- u scribed and entered of record in the ^,lerk 's office f of the said town , according to a survey which has been made under our discretion, as fol lows : Commencing Pt the main road near the westerly gate-post of T?oses C. Cleveland and running thence by the end of said Clevelands barn and running, there on a line between the said Cleveland and the 1.91d. 7agee on a course S. 23? F ten chains ; thence S 9 F forty two links ; thence S 5012 F 4 chains w 80 links : thence on the line between said Cleveland and Israel Pec'- SW. 503 F 4 chains & fifty links ; thence 190` South 55 F nine chains and sixteen links to the corner of said necks wood-land; thence on the westerly line of said Pecks woodland S. 50 F.-seventeen chains to the creek known , as Jockey Creek or Dickinsons Creek. And we further order that the line of said survey as m made by -T. '"'. Case , Surveyor , be the westerly line of said road , and that the said road be of the width of two poles or rods. Given under our hands this 23rd day of October eighteen hundred and fifty seven. 'recorded this 30 day Ceorge T'. TTorton Oomss of .Tanuary 1858 7benezer Clark of g, J mr. Huntting, 'Town OlerkJoshua ".'. Terry )TTighway And whereas said order was appealed from by Moses C. Cleveland to J. Lawrence Smith , the County Judge of w, Suffolk County, who after a hearing of the parties Fit Southold on the 22nd day of April 1854, made the i ±II following order. "it is therefore further ordered that all that part of said (above recited) order as Nu asc- rtains, describes and enters of record said high- way, as running from the corner of Pecks wood-land on the westerly side of said necks wood-land to Jockey Creek be A- the same is hereby reversed. --The Commis- sioners should make a -new order properly locating and 'u describingsaid last mentioned part of said highway, " And whereas a survey under t,e above order of said T. ;i Lawrence Smith , Fsn. , County Judge , was made by the direction and in the presence of the Commissioners of Highways of the said town on the 21st day of April i 1857 by J. Tickham CAse , Surbeyor. Now therefore r we , the Com I 191' missioners of highways of the said town of Southold having again gone over the survey with Tar. Case and examined the whole premises personally, do in pur- suance of the above recited order of the said County Judge , hereby certify, declare and report that we lay out and designate that part of the highway known as ^Renjamins Lane and the continuation thereof" beginning as 8� running from the corner of Pecks wood- land to Jockey or Dickinsons ^reek according to an accurate survey of the same , as follows : Peginning At the northwesterly corner of necks wood-land and running thence S. 75 F sixty-five links to a stake by us set up :-thence S. 85 F one chain and fifty links to a stake by us set up ; thence S. 54 -7 two chains & forty links to a stake by us set up :- thence S. 611 E three chains to a stake by us set up ; thence S. 55 F one chain and eighty links to a stake by us set up ;- thence S. 64 F two chains to a stake by us set up ; thence S. 521U F. obe chain to a stake by us set up ; thence S. 43j F one chain to a stake by us set up ; thence S. 131 F three chains R- fifty two links to a stake by us set up ; thence R 35 F two chains and fourteen links to a stake by us set up ; thence S. 751. F two chains to a stake by us set up ; thenceN 88 F one chain to a stake by us set up ; thence NT. 75 r one chain to a stake by us set up ; and thence S. 64 P two chains to Jockey Creek or Dickinsons Creek:- and we have caused a diagram of the same to be made and filed in the Town ^lerk 's office with this our order. Given under our hands this 19 day of September 1863. John n. Corey Y Commissioners Recorded this '. . Henry. Rooth 7 19 Sep , 1863 John Shirley 1 of Highways . 192 7 A. 9hereas the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an a. order dated the 12th day of June 1862 laid out and widened a highway in said town, leading to ^,reenport , i and running through the land of John Conley as described in said order as follows , viz. - starting from a stake set up on the line between '?ichard R. 'I'1is Conklin and John Conely and running thence near by ' F, in front of the house of the said Tohn Conley S. 281 7 1 ch F- 31 links to a stake set up near ;y his well : thence on and near the land of the said John Conley S. 231� 7 3 ch 12 links to the brook, and thence on the land of the said John Conley r S 17 T 3 ch 12 links to the road that leads by the II'9N house of Daniel n, Rogers. Now, therefore , the damages of the said John Conley by reason of the widening of said highway are ascertained by agree- ment of the said John Conley ?, the said Commissioners of T.Tighways at the sum of seven dollars. �uu John Shirley ) 7?enry Booth )Com. of John C. CoreyJrl Highways I , received "nvment h i s John a Conley mark Recorded this 10 day of April 1866 by J. T. Fiuntting, Town ",lerk. =reµ I�I 193 Suffolk County ) Town of South ld) 99 It is hereby ordered and determined by John 0. Corey Jr. , Jonathan TT Boisseau and T. Henry voungs the Commissioners of "Tighways of said town , all of said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order, that a highway shall be and the same hereby is laid out in said town, upion the application of Henry Green and others, whereof a survey has been made by J. Toickham Case surveyor, and is as follows , to wit. Beginning at the main highway leading through Cutchogue on the line dividing the lands of Selden B. Case R- Herman B. Goldsmith , and running thence northeasterly along said main highway one rod & thence N 52 W 13 ch 8 75 1 on the land of the said TTerman D. Goldsmith ; thence on the same course 9 ch 8, 97 link on the land of Fzra G. Corey; thence N 50A- "1 2 ch & 76 1 to the northerly part of the door ,yard fence by the house of T. TTorton "erry, on the land of the said J. Tlorton "nrry; thence N 48" W 3 ch 8 80 links to a stake sd,t up on the land of said T, Horton '?erry ; thence N 52 T 11 ch R 68 1. on the land of J--- ^good : thence N 52 710 °ch-.1-, 42L on the land of T. Horton Terry where it strikes the Long Island Rail Road; thence on the same course across the said Rail ROAd ; thence on the same course 10 ch on the land of said T. Horton terry; thence N 55 W 4 ch & 90 L on the land of said J. Horton "erry; thence N 55 W eight chains 8- forty links on the land of Isaac Ackerly and Benj . F. Horton to the north road ; thence southwesterly along the north road 3 r to a stake set up on the land of Wm. Harrison Case ; thence S 53 F 12 ch & 19 L on the lands of said Tm. Harrison Case ; thence on the same course one ch 12 L on the land of Herman n, Goldsmith ; thence on the same course across the Rail Road ; thence on the same course six chains d 11 L on the land of FzrA -�r Corey ; thence on the same course 15 ch do one link on the land of Selden B. Case ; thence 9 481 F three chains 194 and 80 L on the lands of Selden P. Case ; thence S 502 A 2 ch & 70 L on the land of said Selden R. Case ; thence S 52 7 twenty three ch 72 L on the land of said Selden 14 1 B. Case to the main highway; and thence northeasterly two rods along said main highway to the place of begin- ning, making said highway hereby laid out three rods is wide from the main highway to the north road. In witness whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this first day of ',Tay 1866. 1866. John 0 . Corey )Commissioners J. N. Roisseau ) of T. Henry Youngs ) TTighways Recorded this 25 day July, 1866 by J. "". Huntting, ^'own Clerk A highway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by .john 0. Corey -Tr. Jonathan N, Roisseau 8, J. Henry Youngs the Commissioners of Highways of the ^own of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of Henry ^seen Pr others , through certain lands belonging to each of us individually and separately R- not as ten- ants in common, viz, Selden P. Case , TTerman C. ^,olfismith ,Ir Ezra v, CorFay , J. Horton Merry, Joel 'Vood, Isaac kckerly Benjamin . . Horton and ITTilliam TTarrison -ase , commencing at the main Highway, lading through Cutchogue on the line dividing the lands of Selden R. CAse F- Herman C. Goldsmith and running thence Northeasterly along said main highway ,N one rod & thence N 52 TV thirteen ch F 17 1 on the land of the said Herman C. Goldsmith- thence on the same course 9 ch & 97 L on the lands of 'Tzra Y. Corey*-thence N 502 2 ch &. 76 L to the northerly post of the dooryard fence by the house of J. Horton Terry on the land of said J. Horton Terry: - thence N 48; 7 3 ch and 80 L to a stake set up on the land of said T. TTorton Terry:- thence N 52 77 11 ch and 12 L on the lands od said J. Horton Terry: thence I` '4X ' ,,I r �kC. 195 TT 52 7 one ch 68 L on the land of Joel Torth; thence N 52 'IT 10 ch and 42 I, on the land of said T. Horton ?erry wheretit strikes the Long Island Railroad ; thence on the same course across the Rail Road ; thence on the same course 10 ch on the land of said J. Horton `Terry :- thence TT 55 T 4 ch & 90 L on the land of said J. Horton Merry:- thence N 55 T 8 ch and 41 L on the land of Isaac Rekerl,y & B. Hrann Horton to the north road ; thence southwesterky along the north road three rods to a stake set up og the land of 'Rm. Harrison Case : thence 755 'i T 12 ch; andol,4 1, on the land of said 7m. Harrison Case :-thence on the same course one ch and 12 L on the land of Herman T). Coldsmith : - thence S 362 F 10 eh on the land of the said Herman T). Goldsmith ; thence on the same course across the Rail Road: thence on the same course 6 ch and 11 L on the land of Fzra Y. Corey:- thence on the same course 15 ch and one link on the land of Selden T�. Case : - thence S. 482 F 3 ch and 80 T, on the land of the said Selden -�. Case :- thence S 'P02 T 2 ch 8c. 70 L on the land of said Selden R. Case : thence S 52 F, 23 ch & 72 L on the land of said Selden R. Case to the main highway:- and thence Northeasterly two rods along said highway to the place of beginning ; making said Highway hereby laid out three rods wide from the main highway to the north road. Now, therefore know all men by these presents, that we the said Selden 7. ^,ase , Herman T). Goldsmith, Benjamin 7. Horton, Fara Y Corey, J. Horton 'terry, Isaac Ackerly & T". Harrison Case do each for himself , for value received hereby release all claim to damage by reason of the laying out & opening the said Highwav--Titness our hands and seals this 1 May 1866. "-elden u. Case ( seal) Joel Food ( seal) Herman D. goldsmith ( seal) Isaac Ackerly (seall g, 7 . Horton ( seal) J. Horton rrarry ( seal) 'fin. Harrison Case. ( seal) Ezra -. Core,y ( seal ) December 25 1866 7. 17. Huntting, "bwn Clerk. 196 Town of Southold 12 June 1865 i 7e the undersigned , Commissioners of ??ighways of the 'Town of Southold, ^uffolk County hereby certify that we have this day on the petition of Andrew Gildersleeve and others, having viewed the same as by law re wired, 7xtended the road known as Coxes Lane leading to the Mat- tituck 'later 'Till , from the curve on the course of the wood land of Austin Benjamin, through the land of .Andrew Gildersleeve to where and until it intersects the North Road, near to and in front of the house of the said Andrew Gildersleeve , said extension to be of the width of three rods. riven:=under our hands the day and year above written. John C. Corey Jr. )Co.*timissioners J. H. Boisseau ) of ayS r Recorded this 18 day -rich. 1869 J. "% Huntting, Town Clerk . 7hereas the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the 12 day of June 1865 , laid out a highway in said town CorLmencing at the curve at the, corner of Austin Benjamins pN a wood land running north until it intersects the north road , 1 passing through the improved lnnd of Andrew !'ildersleeve, 'a NOW 77FEFORF the damage of the said Andrew Gildersleeve , by reason of the laying out of said highway is hereby ascertained by agreement of the said Andrew Gildersleeve and the said Commissioners of highways at the sum of twenty five dollars. Andrew Gildersleeve John 0. Corey Jr. )Commissioners J. H. Boisseau ) of Highways Dated June In , 1865 Recorded this 18 day —Pebruary 1869 J. ". Huntting, Town Clerk . 19 This is to certify that John Odell of p,jnttituck in the Town of Southold and County of Suffolk & Frances L. Odell his wife , and Tslisha Case of the said Town and County and Elizabeth Case his wiFe , in consideration of One Dollar to them duly paid ' for other causes have laid nut and opened ane do hereby dedicate to the Public use as a Public Highway the road hereinafter described; Extending from the Tlighway leading. to 'he repot at r'atti- tuck on the 77est to the road leading to the residence of FTenry n. 7ickham , on the east, and running through their lands or the lands of some of them. The South margin of the said Road so designated and laid out 8- dedicated to the Public use , Commences at the North west corner of the land of John Odell Fr Frances his wife as the fence now stands. On the east side of the said High,,my leading to the Depot, and runs thence North fifty nine and a half demrees East eleven chains Fs twenty three links , and the said road is to be two rods wide measuring from the said south margin thereof. And they do hereby certify and agree that the said road shall be a Public Highway in every respect to the width of the said 7'wo Rods , and subject to all the uses and privileges of a Public Highway and to be kept open as such and to be repaired Rr kept in order by the T'ublie authorities in the same manner as if it had been duly laid out and of the width prescribed by law. And the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town of Southold do hereby accept the dedication of the said Road or Highway, and they hereby dedlare the same to be an open and Public Highway of the said width of Two rods & to be used and repaired as such. Dated September 1867 . John Odell (L) John 0 Corey )Comms of Frances Leniza Odell(L) J . H. Boisseau ) Highways Llisha 0. Case , ?lisabeth Case I98 Suffolk County SS On the 2 day of October 1867 , before me personally came John Odell and Frances L. His wife , and F'lisha r. Case And Flizabeth his wife , all known to me to be the same in- dividuals described in and who executed the foregoing instru- ment, and severally acknowledged that they executed the same, and the said Frances L. and Elizabeth , in a private exam- ination by me made apart from their respective husbands , ac- knowledged that they executed the same freely and without any fear or compulsion of their said husbands. John ^1 . Horton Justice of the Peace Recorded this 18 rebruary, 1869 ?. W. Huntting, Town ^lerk. This is to c,:rtif,y that ^'homes Hillock of the 'own of Southold and County of Suffolk 9- Christiana zIallock his ,wife in consideration of one Dollar to them duly paid and for other causes , have laid out and opened and dedicated and do herebydedicate to the Public use as a Public Highway t the road hereinafter described, running from the North to the South road a little west of the churches R bury- ing ground in Mattituck, Commencing at the north west cor- ner of the &and of Peter Hazard, and running South 13-,1 F. 4 ch, thence 181 F 6 eh 31 L; thence S 403 F 3 ch 22 L to the South road , and the said road is to be three rods wide measuring from the fence on the east side of said road as it now stands, that being the east margin of the road , and they do hereby consent and agree that the said road shall be a Public ?iighway in every respect, to the width of the said three rods , and subject to all the uses and privileges of a 1 199 Public Highway and to be kept open as such and to be repaired and kept in order by the Public authorities in the same manner as if it had been duly laid out by the Commissioners of Hiphtivays. And the Commissioners of Hi-htiva,ys of the said Town of Southold do hereby accept the dedication of the said road or highway and they hereby declare the same to be an open and ')ublic TTighway of the said width of three r rods and to be repaired as such. Dated Southold "arch 13 , 1868 '!7lomas Tiallock ( sEal Christiana TTallock ( T,) John 0. ^orey -Tr. T. TTenry voung 1 Commissioners Of FTiF.Z]":gva. Suffolk County SS On the 17 day of March 1868 before me personally came Thomas Hallock & Christiana his wife , known to me to be the same indivisuals described in and who ex- ecuted the foregoing instrument and severally acknow- ledge that they executed the same , and the said Chris- tiana on a private examination by me made apart from her husband acknocvleds7ed that she executed the same freely and without any fear or compulsion of her said husband. John n TTorton, Justice of the peace Recorded this 18 day vebruary 1869 T 1". TT unttin£L , To-,m Clerk. 200 Town of Southold SS It is hereby ordered and determined by Jon. B. Terry, John 0. Corey Jr. Benj . F. Wiggins, the Commissioners of 7igh- ways of said town, all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the sub- ject of this order that a highway shall be and is hereby laid out in said town upon the application of Franklin TT. Overton and others. 7hereas a survey has been made by 71m. H. Case , and is as follows ; to wit: Commencing on the last side of TTfe rmitage Lane on the line between Franklin H. Overton and Joshua "J. Smith , thence running N. 491 F 10 eh & 2 links , through land of said Franklin TT.. Over- ton. Thence N. 31 W 6 eh &. 61 L through land of said ,Franklin Tr. Overton and Lewis R. Case. Thence the same course through land of said Franklin TT. Overton 4 eh F- 56 L. '?hence the same course through land of Horace F . ,r Prince 3 ch & 28 L. Thence the same course ( through or ) across the Long Island Railroad 50 links. Thence the same course through land of Caroline P. Vail 1 ch &. 72 L. i.. Thence the same course through land of Lewis R. Case & ti said Caroline P. Vail 6 ch & 68 links to the North road E� &. making the same highway three rods wide its entire length. In witness whereof we the said Commissioners have k G. hereby subscribed our names this fourth day of '"ay 1869. ?i John 0. Corey 1 T. R. Terry ) Com, of Highways B. F. Wiggins 'r 4 P" Recorded Feb. 11, 1870 by T . 1". Huntting Town clerk. l =D 2 (A A highway having been laid out on the day of the date hereof by T. P. 79rry, John 0. Corey Jr. and Benj. F. Tiggins , the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of Franklin H. Overton and others through certain lands belonging to each of us individually and separately and not as tenants in Common. Q wit Franklin 7. Overton Lewis R. rase , Horace F. Prince , Caroline P. Nail , Com- mencing on the east side of EermitaPe Laneon the line between Franklin 7. Overton and Joshua ^ . Smith, thence running N.41 F 10 ch & 2 links through land of Franklin H. Overton ; thence N. 31 w 6 ch & 61 L through land of said Franklin 7. Overton & Lewis R. Case ; thence same course through land of Franklin H. Overton 4 ch & 56 Links ; thence same course through land of Horace F. P Prince 3 ch & 28 links ; thence same course across the L. I . R. P. 50 links ; thence same course through land of Caroline P. Vail 1 ch 72 L. thence same course through land of L. 1. Case R Caroline ". Vail 6 ch 1 68 L to the North Road. Said highway to be three rods wide its entire length. Now therefore Ynow all men by these presents that we the said Franklin H. Overton, Lewis ' . Case , Horace 7 . Prince and Caroline r . Nail each for ourselves & heirs and assigns , for value received in the premises, hereby release all claim for damages by the reason or means of laying out of said highway. Titness our hands K seals this 4th day of My 1869. Witness by S. +. Overton for H. Overton (heS11 It Rob ' t Jefferson L. R. Case ( L S ) '* +1 IT It n 7 7. Prince ( L S ) It $enry ;. Fitz Caroline P. Vail (L S) Recorded this 11 day of February 1870 by T . 1. Huntting, 7bwn Clerk 202 The undersigned , Com-iissioners of Highways of the town of ^>outhold in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners being present , having met at Orient in the said town to de- cide upon the application of Leander 7. `?eebe, , resident of said town, liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for laying out of the road hereinafter described ( twelve reputable freeholders of the said town, according to law, having certified that said highway is necessary F proper, and the said commissioners having caused notice to be given to the occupants through which the road is to run at least three days before the time of meeting , of the time R- place at which they would meet to decide apon the said appli- cation, Do order that a public highway, three rods wide , shall be R- the same is hereby laid out, purs! ant to the d -aid application, the centre whereof is the following de- scribed line , viz. "eginning 190 links west from the "ain Street in Orient leading to the Barbor ( said 190 links being 2i', rods wide road thrown out as a road by the said estete of D. Allen Tuthill to house-lots beyond sold by said Estate ) thence 7 67.30 Test to the west line of said Estate &. through lands thereof , and through lands of reorge R. Beckett, Leander V. Rackett, 19arren R. Deebe and J. i Monroe Daniels 242 links ; thence north 67. 30 west through land of Elisha P. Racket 241 links ; thence South 29 30 T7 340 links to a meadow and through lands of 71lisha ". Racket; thence South �'9 30 ?!est through meadow undivided of Elisha �i P. Racket and the Estnte of D. Allen Tuthill '50 links to the beach- k G I ' 203 road. ( see description next page) Dated , Orient April 1, 1869 T. ?Tenry Youngs 1 Commissioners T. B. ''erry of John 0. Corey .7r. ) FTirhways Recorded this 14th day of February 1870 By T. 7. Huntting, T wn Clerk. Whereas the Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated this first day April, 1869 laid out a highway in said town beginning 190 links west from the main street leading to a the Harbor in Orient (said 190 links being Gf Gz� rods aide road thrown out as a road by the Estate of D. Allen Tuthill to house lots beyond and sold from the Estate ) thence North67 30 '?lest through land of said ?:;state to the west line of said Estate through land of Elishe 9. Racket 241 links ; thence South 29 30 ";est 340 links to a meadow And through land of ?lisha q. Racket; thence Tonth 29 30 west through meadow undivided or Flisha ". Racket, and the Estate of 1. Allen Tuthill 250 links to the beach road which said road of highway passes through the improved and unimproved land of n. Allen Tuthill 's ^state : Now T Therefore the damag of the said D. ,Allen Tuthill !state by reason of the laying out of said highway is hereby assessed , ascertained by assessments of the said Commis- sioners T. Henry Youngs and two Assessors of the Town of Southold Augustus Jerome A Jeremiah TToore at the stem of one hundred and twenty five, dollars. T. Henry Youngs ) John 0 Corey Tr. ! QmTlssioners Dated Orient of Fighways April 1, 1869 Augustus Jerome 1 Teremiah 7 pore 1 Asses-ors Recorded this 14 day of February 1870 by J. w . HunttinF, 'own Clerk. 204 Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the first day of April 1869 laid out a highway in said town beginning 190 L from the ''ain Street in Orient leading to the ?wharf and Harbor ( said 190 links being a V rods wide rosc thrown out as a road by the Estate of T). Allen Tuthill to house8lots beyond and sold by s-id Estatel thence North 67 30 'lest through F., to the west line of said Testate 742 links : thence North 67 30 17est through land of Rlisha S. Racket 241 links ; thence South 29 30 West to a meadow and through land of Elisha S . Racket 340 links ; thence south 29 30 vest through meadow of ,i Elisha S. Racket and D. Allen Tuthill ;state undivided is 350 links to the beach-road ; thence south 29 30 gest to the harbor which said road passes through improved and unimproved lands of 71i;-,ha S Racket; Now `[herefore the damages of the said 7lisha S Racket by reason of the laying out of said road or highway are hereb,i* g y ascertained by r 'r agreement of the said 3 isha 9 Racket and the said Com- k 3^ missioners of highways at the sum of ninety four dollars ? thirty four cents , the receipt of which is hereby i acknowledged. 77_isha Racket Dated 4ug. 1869 Recorded this 14 day "eb . 1870 by T. 177. TTuntting, Town Clerk. r r ( R mistake in numbering in the originalk book makes this 205 page 204. "e .then ^own Clerk numbered two n ges 202. ) Town of ^Touthold SS "he undersigned Commissioners of I?ight^ays of the town of ^,outhold in the County of quffolk having met near the house of Samuel Dickerson in said town to de- cide upon the application of T. T`alsey Cuthill and others , residents of said town and liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the widening of the road hereinafter called and known as Chep Bowery, D0 order that the said road bed is hereby widened as follows ; viz. , Begin-ging at a point on the south side of the North road 12 links from the west line of the Said dBowery road on the land of Ezra L. , and run- ning thence S. 51 B. 6 ch 56 links to a point 9 links from the west line of said Bowery, thence across the L. T . R. R. 75 links , thence from a point 6 links from the west side of said Bowery S 52 E 2 ch 8. 30 links to a point 13 links from the west line of said Bowery, thence across the land of Samuel Dickerson S 47 E P. ch to a point 20 links from the west line of said Bowery; thence S. 44 E 4 ch to a point 9 links from the west line of said Bowery, thence S 42 E 3 ch & 50 links opointpoint onothe west line of said Bowery. rs ad- dition is made upon the East side of said road. Commencing Fit a point on the land of Edward Huntting 14 links from the east line of said Bowery and running N 42 N until it intersects the present F line of said Bowery road and S 42 F 3 ch & 61 Links to a point 14 links from the east line of said Bowery; thence S 40 E 7 ch & 11 links to a point on the Fast line of said Bowery road. PTAking the said Bowery road for the whole distance herein de- scribed three rods wide. ^iven under our hands this twenty-ninth day of 'rahuaryylS70. John 0 . Corey Jr. )Commissioners T. B. 'Terry ) of Highlvays Recorded this 15 day of ^ebruary 1870 av J. 'IT. Huntting , ^own Clerk Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the Co.inty cf Suffolk have by an order dated .Tanunry 29 , 1870 widened a highway in said toam known as the Bowery , Beginning at a point on the south side of the North Road 12 links from the west line of the said Rowery road on the land of Ezra L. ^,olds^ ith and running thence S 51 E 6 ch F. 56 links to a point 9 links from the west line of said Bowery ; thence across the T . I . p. R. 75 links , thence from a point 6 links from the west line of said Bowery S 52 E 2 ch & 30 links to a point 13 links from the west line of said Bowery; thence across the land of Samuel Dickerson S 47 E 2 ch to a point 20 limks from the west line of said Bowery ; thence S 44 F 4 ch to a point 9 links from the west line of said Bowery ; thence S 42 E 3 ch & 50 links to a point in the west line of said Bowery : From this point the addition is made upon the east side of said Bowery, Commencing at a point on the land of Edward ITuntting 14 links from the east line of said Bowery and running N 42 7r until it intersects the present East line of the Bowery and S 42 E 3 ch and 61 links to a point 14 links from the Fast line of said Bowery ; thence S 40 E 7 ch andill links to a point on the east line of said Bowery. Now therefore the damages 206 of the said Ezra (Ioldsmith , Samuel Dickerson and Edward Huntting by reason rf the laying out of said Highway are hereby ascertained by agreement of the said Ezra L. Goldsmith , Samuel Dickerson gr Edward Huntting and the said Commissioners of T71gh7,,ays as follows, Viz. 7b Ezra L. Goldsmith the sum of 42 15/100 dollars to Samuel Dickerson the gum of 15 62/100 dollars to Edward Huntting the sum of 43 18/100 dollars in consideration of which we do hereby release all claims of further damage by reason of the widening of said road. E. I . roldsmith Dated Samuel Dickerson Southold January 31, 1876 Huntting -T. 7. "brry 10ommissioners john 0. Corey .Tr) of '?ighways Recorded this 15 Deb . 1870 '�y J. T'". Huntting, 'own Clerk . 207 The undersigned , "ommissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, (all the Commission- ers having been notified to meet at the time and place appointed) having met at the store of Irad 17. Gildersleeve in Iiattituck to decide upon the application of Isaac R. Howell , a resident of said Town , liable to be assessed for highway labor there- in for the laying out of the road hereinafter described , DO ORDER that a public highway , three rods wide , shall be and the same is hereby laid out , Commencing at North Road on the line between the lands of Henry Reeve and Daniel TT. Tuthill, thence by said line S. &.'0 E 13.47 chains , thence South 392 VP across the land of Henry Reeve 7.39 chains , and by the same course across the land of Isaac R. Howell 8 chains , thence S 112 E upon the land of Isaac B. Howell 9.42 chains and by the same course upon the land of Barna- bas Mines 4 chains , thence upon the land of Barnabas Wines S 15 'E 7.' chains and South 164 E 18 chains , and S 60 E 75 chains & by the last course across the land of Isaac R. Howell one chain, and across the meadow of Barnabas B. Horton one chain and across the bridge 1.75 chains , and across the land of Henry D. 71ickham 3.73 ch, thence upon the land of Henry D. Wickham S 24 ;9 8.04 chains , and S . 29 E. 10.43 chains , thence upon the land of J. Smith Tuthill on the east , and the land of George Freeman and Peter Haz- ard on the west S 31 E 14.85 chains to the Long Island Rail Road , thence across the railroad and upon the land of J. Smith Tuthill on the east and the land of Elisha G. Case and George Bro,,Rm on the west S 25 E 14.23 chains to the highway. John 0 Corey Jr ) Commissioners J. B. Terry ) of Highways Dected i.iattituck Yarch 15, 1868 Recorded Jane 18, 1870 by J. '7. Huntting, Town Clerk. 20S 7lhereas , the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk, by an order dated P,aarch 15, 1868, laid out a highway in said Town in 1%ttituck, Commencing at the North Road on the line between the lands of Henry Reeve and Daniel M. Tuthill , thence by said line S 17 E 13.47 chains ; thence S 39 A across the land of Henry Reeve 7.39 chains , and by the same course across the land of Isaac R. Howell 8.00 chains , thence S Ili E upon the land of Isaac R. Howell 9.42 chains , and by the same course upon the land of Barnabas Clines 4.00 chains , thence upon the land of Barnabas "ines S. 50 E 7 .00 chains & S. 16/ E 11.18 chains and S . 60 E 75 chains and by the last named course across the land of Isaac R. Howe Ll one chain and across the meadow of Barna- bas B. Horton 1 chain and across the bridge 1.75 chains and across the land of Henry D. Wickham 3 .73 chains , thence upon the land of Henry D. 77ickham S . 24 71 8.04 chains & S 29 E 10.43 chains , thence upon the land of I J. Smith Tuthill on the east , and George Freeman & Peter I Hazard on the west S 3121 E 85 chains to the L. I. R. R. , thence across the R. R. and upon the land of J. Smith Tuthill on the east and the land of Elisha G. Case and George Brown on the west S.25 E 14.33 chains to the Highway . Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said highway , we the undersigned do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof . Peter Hazard Henry Reeve Elisha G. Case Daniel i;I. Tuthill Geo. Brown John F. Horton (Eyecutor of Isaac R. Howell Barnabas 'lines I3. B. Horton H. I). Wickham J. Smith Tuthill ,i Recorded this 18 June , 1870 Geo . 17. Freeman by J. 17. Huntting, Town Clerk . 209 Whereas the Commissioners of highways of the town of Southold, County of Suffolk, have by an order dated February 14 , 1870, laid out a highway in said town in Mattituck, beginning on Mill Lane at the south-East corner of the land of Ellsworth Tuthill and running S 5921 W 5.70 chains , thence S 5 E 5.72 chains , thence S 302 W 4.58 chains , thence S . 53 W 3 chains , thence on the land of James Reeve S 5421 W 3.67 chains , thence S 62 W 4 chains , thence on the land of Wm H. Pike S 70 W 8.10 chains , thence og the land of Henry D. Wickham S 7321 W 4.10 chains , thence South 2721 W 8 chains to the junction with the Howell road. Now , Therefore , the damages of the said Ellsworth Tut- hill , James Reeve , .7m. FI. Pike and Henry D. ".Wickham, by r reason of the laying out of said highway , are hereby ascertained by agreement of the above named persons , and the said Commissioners of highways , and is as follows : , viz. , To Ellsworth Tuthill , one dollar ; to James Reeve ($125) one hundred and twenty five dollars ; to Wm. H. Pike and to Henry D. Wickham, two hundred dollars and Bence both sides of the road. In consideration of which we do hereby release all claim to further damage by reason thereof . John 0. Corey ) Commissioners Ellsworth Tuthill J. B. Terry ) of Jacaes Reeve 3. F. "Wiggins ) Highways 7m H. Pike H. D. 1,7ickham Recorded June 18, 1870 J. "T. Huntting, Town Clerk (for the order of Corp. of IIighways laying out the above see next page ) 210 The undersigned Commissioners of highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners being present , having met at the Depot house in Mattituck in the said town , to decide upon the application of Ells- worth Tuthill , a resident of the said town, liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the laying out of the road hereinafter described , twelve reputable free- holders of the said town convened and sworn, after public r notice of six days , at three of the most public places i of the town, according to law, having certified that such highway is necessary and proper , and the said com- missioners having caused notices in writing to be given w to occupants of the land through which the road is to be run at least three days before the time of meeting, of the time and place at which they would meet to decide upon the s , id application. .DO ORDER that a public highway three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out , Commencing on 'Till Lane at the southeast corner of the } land of Ellsworth Tuthill and running S 302 W 8.79 chains , thence S 5 E 5.72 ch. thence S 302 W 4.58 F ch-'ins , thence S 53 17 3 chains , thence on the land of 1' James Reeve S 5421 C7 3.67 chains , thence S 62 W 4 ch, t thence on the land of Wm. H. Pike S 70 W. 8.10 chains , i thence on the land of Henry D. Wickham, S 731 W 4.10 ch. , thence S 271 W 8 chains to the junhtion with the I Howell road. John 0. Corey , Jr. , (Commissioners J. B. Terry " MetEituck B. F. Wiggins ( of Highways Feb . 14 , 1870 . i Recorded this 18 June 1870 J. 7. Huntting, Town Clerk. r 211 The undersigned , Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of S .iffolk, having met at the Town Clerk 's office in the said town to decide upon the applica- tion of David L. Horton , a resident of the said town, liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the widening of the road hereinafter described , twelve reputable free- holders of the said town having convened' and sworn after pub- lic notice of six days at three of the most public places of the town according tm law, having certified that such high- way is necessary and proper; and the said Commissd.oners having given notice , in writing to occupants of the land through which the road is to . run at least three days before the time of meeting of the time and place at which they would meet to decide upon the said application, the damages in consequence of widening said road having been assessed by Augustus Jerome & Jeremiah T.-?oore , Assessors of the said town, and J. B. Terry Commissioner of the first class , Do Order that that part of said Horton Lane hereinafter described , pursuant to the said application be widened making it three rods wide , Beginning at a point on the land of Jonathan G. Horton near the N. 47. corner of an orchard three rods from the west line of the road , and running thence on the land of Jonathan G. Horton S . 122 E. 13.63 chains ; thence S . 122 E. 6.95 chains ; thence S . 132 East 2.69 chains ; thence on the land of William Horton S . 13 � E. 2.51 chains to a point in the present east line of the road ; thence commencing on the west line of the road at the IT. E. corner of the land of Thomas Conway and running thence S . 1311 E 5.20 chains ; thence S . 142 E. 9.96 chamma thence on the land of J. Hazard Horton s 1521 E 3.16 chains near the corner of the shed now standing three rods west from the east side of the road , making it three rods wide from the N. 7. corner of J. G. Horton (land ) orchard to said J. Haz- ard Horton 's shed. John 0 . Corey Jr. (Commissioners January 29 , 1870 J. 7. Terry ( of Highways Recorded June 18, 1870 , J. 71'. ti °.nttinf-, Torn Clerk. 212 MEREAS the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated January 29 , 1870 widened that part of Hortons Lane herein- after described. Viz. : Beginning at a point on the land of Jonathsn G. Horton near the N. 7. corner of an orchard three rods from the west line of the road and running thence on the land of Jonathan G. Horton S 1212 E. 13.63 chains ; thence S . 1212 E. 6.95 chains ; thence S . 134 E. 2.69 chains ; thence on the land of J. William Horton S . 131 E 2.51 chains ; to a point of the present E line of the road ; thence Commencing at a point in the West line of the road at the N. 1. corner of the land of Thomas Conway and running thence S 1312 E 5.20 chains ; thence S 1412 E 9.96 chains ; thence on the land of (JosF) Hazard Horton S 1512 E 3.16 chains near the corner of a certain shed making it three rods wide from the I, W. corner of said Jon. G. Horton Orchard to J. Hazard Hortons shed. Now Therefore the damages of the said Jonathan G. Horton, 7illiam Horton, Thomas Conway & J. Hazard Horton by reason of the widening of said lane as assessed by Augus- tus Jerome & Jeremiah More , Assessors , and J. B. Terry , { first class Cornissioner , is as follows : To Jon. G. Horton li the sura of $168; to Miliam Horton the sur.. of `•17 ; to Thom- as Conway the sum of Q121.96 ; and to J. hazL rd Horton the sum of "Y42.33 . In consideration of which we release all claim tofurther claims to damages by reason thereof . J. G. Horton `,7illiam Horton Thomas Conway Joseph H. Horton J. A. Terry , Witness w. Recorded June 18 , 1£370 i. J. 3. Huntting, Town Clerk. 213 1 , l � I I La �ry I Y) ec-1C I �+?c M r--, eb. I11 � `to r Recorded this 5 rept. 187( T. P'. Huntting, Town Clerk. 213 '7117TRq,JUS a road in the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk leading from the highway to Indian Neck nearly in front of the house of "7m. Henry King and on the southerly end of the lands of Daniel Case &. J. Havens Case , and running to the head of one of the branches of South Harbor creek Known as Spring Lane , has been used as a highway for twenty years , bi,t not recorded. Now Therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said town , all the Commissioners having, been notified to meet at this time at the same Spring Lane , and having so met for the purpose of causing said road to be ascertained described and entered of record in the Town Clerks office , and having caused a survey of the said road to be made , DO ORDER that the said road be and the same is hereby ascer- tained and described according to the following survey : Beginning at the northwesterly corner thereof and running thence North 8122- E 5.79 chains along the southerly line of t the home lands of Jon, Havens Case , and 4. 57 chains along the Southerly line of the home lands of Daniel Case 9n the creek; thence South 21 E 1.32 chains by the creek; thence North 69 7 2. 5 chains and thence South 811 77 8.76 chains by the northerly line of the lands of " illiamson and thence along the Indian Neck road fifty lilks to the place of beginning, a diagram of which said road is here- unto appended. J. Ii. Terry (Co, ieiissioners Dated the 1 day Septeriber 1870 Jen j. 0'riorey (roi' 177- s Recorded this 5 Sept . 187�� J. ". Hl.nttir>g, Town Clerk. 214 '/HEREAS the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the twenty-ninth day of January 1870 altered the highway known as Horton 's Lane in said tonin by widening the same and j making the same three rods wide heginninf* at a point on the lands of Jon. G. Horton near the northwest corner of his i orchard three rods from the west side or line of said high- way & running thence on the land of said Jonathan G. Horton S 121 E 13.65 chFins ; thence South 13} E 6.95 chains ; 1 thence S 134 E 2. 51 chains to a point on the present East line of said road. Thence beginning at a point on the West i line of said road at the north east corner of the land of Thomas Conway and running thence S . 134 E 5.20 chains thence S 14; E 9.96 chains through the land of said Thomas Conway; thence S 15117 E 3.16 chains through the land of Joseph H. Horton to the corner of a certain shed now stand- ing three rods west from the east side of said road making said road three rods wide from the ?d. E. Corner of Jon. G. Morton 's orchard to said Joseph li. Horton 's shed , and which alteration passes through the improved lands of Jonathan G. Horton , Wm. Horton, Thomas Conway & Josh. H. Horton. .NOWi Tiu,'REZORE we the undersigned , the Commissioners of Highways of the first class , and two of the assessors of said town do hereby assess the darna(^e of Jon. G. Horton at x'188. 00 ; of William Horton at 917. ; of Thomas Conway at 9121.90; and the damages of Joseph H. Horton at $42.33 by reason of the altering & widening of said highway. We having been first duly sworn well & truly to determine & assess such damages . Witness our hands this 3 day of I%rch 1870. Jonn . R. Terry, Commissioner of Highw Jeremiah Moore ) Aurustus Jerome ) Assessors Recorded this 5 September 1870 i . "'. Huntting, Town Clerk. i a I, W 21'5 The undersigned Commissioners of Highways pf the T >wn of Southold in the County of Suffolk, All the Commissioners having* been notified to meet at th&stime and place for the purpose. .having met at the house of Martin Goldsmith in said town to decide upon the application of Patrick Con- way , a resident of the said town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the alteration of the road lead- ing from the North Road near the home of I%rtin Goldsmith to the Sound, DO ORDER that the line of the said road be and the same is hereby so altered as to run from a point on the said North Road 1 ch 26 L Southerly from the boundary (line ) between the lands of Jeremiah Goldsmith , late deceased , and the lands of Bridget Burk , and running thence N 392 W along the easterly side of the lands of the said Jeremiah Gold- smith & Bridget Burk through the lands of Jonathan G. Horton the distance of 9 ch 00 L: thence N 42 W along the Easterly side of the lands of said Bridget Burk & touching on the lands of the said Jonathan G. Horton through the lands of the said Jonathan G. Horton the distance of 12 ch 30 L: thence N.31 T! on & through the lands of the said Jonathan G. Horton the distance of 3 ch 75 L: thence N 162 W on and through the land of the said Jonathan G. Horton the distance of 11 eh 00 L: thence N 472 W on & through the land of the said Jonathan G. Horton the distance of 8 ch 00 L: thence N 67 W on and through the land of the said Jonathan G. Horton the distance of 17 ch 82 L to the beach ; thence P. 562 W on & through the land of Patrick. Conway the distance of 8 ch 30 L to the sea or sound. & it is 216 ui further ORDERED that the said road shall be and remain f . of the width of three rods & that such parts of the present road as are not included in the above description be & the same hereby are discontinued. Dated Southold July �5 , 1871 J. B. Terry ) John 0 . Corey Jr. ) Corimissioners B. F. ^iggins ) of Highways m Recorded this 11 Dot. , 1871 J. '''. FIuntting, Town Clerk. BJH'+REAS the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have altered the highway '1 in said town known as the continuation of Horton 's Lane �I. from the Borth Road to the Sound by widening & straightening the same in the manner set forth & fully described in the Order therefor bearing date the 3d day of July, 1871 , signed by John 0 . Corey Jr. , Benjamin F. '�7iggins & Jona. B. Terry , said Com A ssioners of Highways , which said alteration passes through certain unimproved lands belonging to Jon- athan G. Horton, named in said Order. NOW THEREFORE know 11 en b these is that - a m y h e Fresen a I, Jonathan G. Horton afore I'f said for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to me in hand paid by the said Commissidners , Do hereby release all claims t� damages by reason of said alteratibn and widening of said highway as I� t 217 'i L . .� . so�r,a y C- '�. it i s 0 I t j ° q d _ Ash, 4 D i P Or i V.-A4 Lane soaPd 217 Described in said order of the said Commissioners of Highways . Iii witness whereof I lu:ve hereunto set my hand & seal this 28 day of April 1871 . Jonathan G. Horton (LS ) )olivered in presence of H. Howard Huntting Recorded this 12 day October 1871 J. ".7. I:uutti_ng, Town Clerk. It is hereby ordered & determined by John 0. Corey Jr. , Jona . B. Terry & T. Henry Youngs , Cor:uiissioners of Hi€•hways for said town , all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order , That a highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out in sr!id town on the application of Isaac B. Howell ( '?) and others , whereof a survey has been made by 17m. H. Fike , Surveyor , & is as follows : Commencing at the North Road on the line between the lands of Henry Reeve & Daniel D'.. Tuthill thence by the said line S 17 13.49chnins : thence S 39 W. across the land of Henry Reeve 7 .39 ch , and by the same course across the land of Isaac Howell 8.81. ch : thence S 11J Ch upon the land of Isaac H. Howell 9.42 ch: and by the same course upon the lend of Barhabas 7ines 4.06 ch: thence upon the land of Barnabas ;vines S 15 E 7 ch and S 162 E 11.18 ch & S 60 E 75 ch and by the last named course across the land of Isaac R. Howell 1.00 ch: and across the meadow pf 13. 13. Horton 1.00 ch and across the bridge 1.75 ch, and across the land of Henry D. Wickham 3.75 ch; thence upon the land of H. D. Wickham 218 S . 24-1 W 8.04 ch and S 29 E 10.43 ch; thence upon the land of J. Smith Tuthill on the east & the land of George Freeman , Peter Hazard on the west S 38 E 14.85 ch to the Long Islr:nd Railroad ; thence across said R. R. ; thence upon the land of J. Smith Tuthill on the east & the land of Elisha G. Case and George Brown on the west S 25 E 14.23 ch to the highway and includes the private road of Henry D. Wickham leading from said highway to his house as far as the meadow or thereabouts , said road to be of the width of three rods . Dated April 13 , 1868 John 0 Corey Jr. , ) Comr.,issi oners T. Henry Youngs ) of J. B. Terry ) Highways Recorded this 1 day of november 1871 J. 'T. Huntting, Town Clerk A highway having been laid out on the day of the date of this release by John 0. Corey Jr. , Josh. B. Terry & T. Henry Youngs , the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, on the application of Isaac R. Howell & others through certain lands belonging to each one of us individually & separately & not as tenants in common, Viz. :Henry Reeve , Dan'l IT. Tuthill , Isaac R. Howell , Bar- nabas Wines , B. B. Horton, Henry D. Wickham, J. Smith Tut- hill , Geo. Freeman, Peter Hazard, Elisha G. Case & Geo. Brown, which being surveyed is fully described in the order of the Commissioners laying out said road & recorded in the Town Clerk 's Office of said Town of Southold. Now, There- fore , Know All Men By These Presents : That we the said Henry Reeve, Daniel 1% Tuthill , Isaac R. Howell , Barnabas Wines , B. B. Horton, Henry D. Wickham, J. Smith Tuthill , George ' Freeman , Peter Hazard , Elisha G. Case & George Brown each N for i i 219 himself , for value received do hereby release all claim to damage by reason of the laying out and opening of said highway . To all which , by these presents are bind our- selves , our heirs , executors , administrators &. assigns . "'itness our hands 8c seals this 20 day of April 1868. Henry Reeve (L. S . ) Daniel M. Tuthill (L. S . ) John F. Horton Ex of (I . S . ) Isaac R. Howell (L. S . ) Barnabas Tines (L. S . ) Peter Hazard (L. F . ) Henry D. 'Jickham (L. S . ) J. Smith Tuthill (L. S . ) Geo. `7. Freeman (L. S . ) B. �3. Horton (L. S . ) Elisha G. Case (L. ) George Brown (L. ) Recorded this 1 Nov 1371 by J. "'. I.untt ing Town Clerk. k 220 This Indenture made this 12 day of August 1870 between Orvil H. Terry, I.4arcus W. Terry & Charles A. Terry (? ) all of Orient in the town of Southold , County of Suffolk & State of New York of the first part and Jonathsn B. Terry , Benjamin F. Wiggins & John 0. Corey Jr. , Com- missioners of Highways of the town of Southold in said County of the second part . WITNESSETH, that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of i the sud of Twenty Fice Dollars to them in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , have bargained , sold & released & by these presents do bargain , sell & release to the par- ties of the second part & their successors in office a certain piece or parcel of land situate in Orient afore- said , containing one quarter of an acre , on what is called the "Flew Road" near "Broad Hole" bounded Easterly by 1r,nds of the parties of the first part , and on all other sides by the highway, to be used by the Over- seers of highways for the repair of the roads in Road District ITO . lo. To have 8c to hold the aforesaid premises with the appurtenances unto the said parties of the Second part & their successors in ofkiee for the purposes above mentioned forever. In Witness whereof the parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands F: seals the day & year first above (written) mentioned. Signed Sealed 8: delivered in presence of Orvil II. Terry (LS ) Henry It. Terry Marcus B. Brown (LS ) Chas . A. Brown (LS ) Recorded this 1) day November 1871 by J. 7,1. Huntting Town Clerk The above deed acknowledged before Henry Ii. Terry, Justice of the Peace . 221 The undersigned , Cocmiissioners of highways of- the 'Town of Southold County of Suffolk,, having met at the home of Henry Chapman in said town to decide upon application of C. Howell a resident of said torn liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the laying out of the road hereinafter described , DO ORDER that a public highway three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said application, Con;mencing at a point on the land of John '9orth on the South Road in I:Iattituck and running thence 3 1021 E on the land of John ','forth 2. 96 chains , and by the sme course on the land of Henry Chapman 4 ch : thence on the land of Isaac R. Howell deceased S 23 E 13.61 chains : thence S 7 E 10.53 chains : thence on the lands of Joel C. Howell S 3721 E 10.31 chains : thence on the lands of Jos- eph Rafferty by the same course 3.74 chains S 18 E 2.43 chains : thence by the same course on the land of J. Smith Tuthill 10.69 eh. , and by the same course on the beach of Thos . A. Hallock 60 links to the Bay. John 0 . Corey Jr )Cozriissioners J. 13. Perry ) of B. 1'. `,igSin ) IIighway Dated T.?attituck , ?larch 11 , 1871 Recorded "dov. 1, 1871 By J. Huntting Town Llerk. P;hereas the Commissioners of highways of the Tonin of Southold County of Suffolk, have by an order dated March 11 , 1871 , laid out a highway in said toy-m, Commencinf- at a point on the land of John "forth on the South Road in I:Iattituck and running thence S 1021 E on the land of John -forth 2. 90 ch : and by the same course on the land of Henry Chapman 4 chains : thence on the land of Isaac R. Howell deceased S 23 E 13.61 chains : thence S 7 E 10.53 chains : thence on the land of Joel C. Howell 222 S 372 E 10.31 chains : thence on the land of Joseph Raf- ferty by the same course 3.74 chains : thence S 18 E 2.43 chains : thence by the same course on the land of J. Smith Tuthill 10.69 chains : and by the same course on the beach of Thos . C. Hallock 60 links to the Bay . Now therefore bn consideration of the laying out of the said road or highway 7e do hereby release all claim to damage by reason thereof. John Uorth Henry N. Chapman iAbbie A. Howell Ex. Isaac Howell Joel C. Howell Joseph Rafferty J. SWith Tuthill Thos. n. Hallock Recorded Nov. 1 , 1871 by J. 7. Huntting, Town Clerk Town of Southold , County of Suffolk, Piarch 31 , 1870 7e the undersigned , beim; called as fence vieTers to view the division fence between Klbert Beebe & P:°onroe Conk- lin have found an unequal division P: have made a new division as follows : Aeginning on the road , PIr. Beebe to make 2 chains and I7r. Conklin 2 chains & then b chains & 75 links-- then nor. Beebe to make 6 chains & 75 links & then 5 chains & 83 links Pc then 11r. Conklin to make 5 chains & 83 links . Jeremiah PIoore , Assessor B. F. 7iggin, Cora. of Highways Recorded 1 Nov. , 1871 by J. W. Huntting, Town Clerk. 223 it is agreed betraeen the undersigned thpt the East line of the Highway leacling to New Suffolk where it is opposite the east line of the farm formerly of Henry Landon deceased shall be a line commencing at or near the south-west corner of the lot of Julius A. Tuthill south of his house at the center of a locust tree as it now stands a little outside of his enclosure , being the westermost locust tree there , and running a straight line to the centre of the most nort therly post as it now ::taids in the picket fence near the barn of Goldsmith & Tuthill as the surface of the ground-- thence continuing the sane course until it strikes the outer side of the curb-stone on the west side of the store of Goldsmith & Tuthill & continue on the outer side of the curb stone and on the same course therewith to the main country road. The said highway shall be three rods wide measuring at a right angle from said line the whole dis- tance thereof & shall be opened to that width by an ap- propriate order & by removal of fences as soon as can con- veniently be done. The said 51m. H. Case shall receive from the undersigned owners of the land on the east side at the rate of ($500 ) five hundred dollars per acre for all land within the enclosure owned or occupied by him, and for all land belonging to him or his wife north of his gate opposite his barn which may be taken to make said road three rods wide. The firm of Goldsmith &, Tut- hill shall pay to the said 71ra. 11. Case the additional sura of twenty-five dollars for the change in the course of the road at their store as herein specified. The owners of the I 224 ,i n it c: �!':• land on the east side of the said highway shall release to the . said IJPm. H. Case all their interest in any of the land taken or now occupied for said highway lying west of the centre of said highway as herein agreed upon. I ITone of the parties to this agreement undertake to bind j" themselves for Sylvester P. Tuthill & hts refusal to p; throw out his land shall not effect this agreement . Wt. H. Case shall pay one half of the necessary G: survey under this agreement and the owners on the east side , the other half . 'b i Orin T. Goldsmith Dated December 16 , 1871 Jeremiah G. Tuthill �I Austin D. Tuthill Julius A. Tuthill ! ;"m. Harrison Case !I it J. B. Terry )' Commissioners of Highways r J. 0. Corey ) Recorded this 16 December , 1871 By J. '", . Huntting, Town Clerk. i f i Iw It iE 22 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, held in the said town at the intersection of the New Suffolk road with the main road in the village of Cutchogue on the 14 day of October 1871 , all the said Commissioners being present , It was represented to the said Commissioners that the Highway known as the New Suffolk Road had been laid out , but that the description where it adjoined the east line of the farm formerly occupied by Henry Landon deceased was imperfect and the boundaries and lines thereof could not be easily ascertained and therefore the said Com- missioners directed a survey of that part of the said road to be made by J. '7ickham Case , Esq . , ;surveyor. And such survey having been made and the said highway adjoining the land formerly of Henry Landon deceased having been found to be less than three rods wide and being of irreg- ular widths as the same was fenced , another meeting of the said Commissioners was held at the intersection of the said TTew Suffolk Road with the T,ain Road in Cutchogue in the said Town of )outhold on the 16 day of December 1871, for the purpose of designating & describing the west line of the said New Suffolk ROad so far as it ad- joins the east line of the farm formerly of ITenry Landon d deceased , with a view to having the same described and entered of Tgecord pursuant to the Statutes , and due notice of the said meeting having been previously given to the owners and occupants of the land of either side ad- joining that part of the said highway , such owners and occupants also attended before the said Commissioners , and it appeared that the said Highway when originally laid out was upon the land wholly belonging to the occupant east of 226 the east line of the farm then of Henry Landon , and that no part of the said Highway was laid out of land of the said Henry Landon, and that while the line fence on the east line of Henry Landon deceased stood substantially as it did when the said Highway was laid out in 1836 and it was claimed that the fence on the east side of said Highway was set upon the line designated by the Commissioners who laid out the said Highway , but that the said Highway was less than three rods wide. Therefore the owners and occupants of the land on either side of said Highway agreed in writing that the East line of the said Highway leading to I;ew Suffolk, where it is opposite the east line of the farm formerly of Henry Landon deceased shall be a line commencing at or near the southwest corner of the lot of Julius . Tuthill , south of the house , at the centre of a Locust tree as it now stands , a little out side of his enclosure , being the westernmost locust tree there and running a straight line to the centre of the most northerly post as it now stands in the picket fence near the barn of Goldsmith & Tuthill at the surface of the ground, thence continuing the same course until it strikes the outside of the curbstone on the west side of the store of Goldsmith & Tuthill ana continuing on the outer side of the curb stone as they now are on the west side of said store and on the same course therewith to the main Country road , and that the said Highway shall be three rods wide measuring �t a right angle from said line the whole dis- tance thereof , and shall be opened to that width by an appropriate order, and by removal of fences as soon as can conveniently be done. And that "dm. II. Case shall receive from the owners of 227 the land on the east side at the rate of Five hundred dollars per acre for all the land within the enclosure and occupied by him & for all land belonging to him or to his wife north of his gate opposite his farm whicli may be taken to make said road three rods wide ,- the firm of Goldsmith & Tuthill shall pay to the said Wil. L. Case the additional sum of twenty five dollars for the change in the course of the road at their store as herein specified . The owners of the land on the east side of said Highway shall release to the said William F'. Case all their interest in any of the land taken or now occupied for said Highway as herein agreed upon. And the said Commissioners believamg that the said p! alteration was necessary and proper and that the public I convenience would be thereby promoted , approved of the said II agreement and directedLa survey of the sCid Highway as pro- posed to be altered to be made--and such survey having been made and tiie said agreement having*., been complied with-- I'P IS ORDERED, DETEMUFED & CERTIFIED that the said Highway leading to New Suffolk shall be and the same hereby is altered and laid out pursuant to the said agreement , whereof a survey has been made in accordance with said agreement and is as follows : : : : : Coruaencing at the centre of the Locust tree mentioned in the said agreement , thence eunr.ing North six and a half degrees 71est (N 6j N) to the centre of the post mentioned 228 in the said agreeme::t and continuing the same course until it strikes the outer side of the curb-stone mentioned in said agreement at a locust post placed there; thence running North forty-four & a half degrees rest (N 442 P7) fifty links (50 L) to another stake placed on the south margin of the main road. The westerly line of said highway leading to New Suffolk shall cornence at the southerly margin of the ,�Tain Road at a locust stake placed there--thence running South forty four and a half degrees East (S442 E) twenty three and a half links (232L) or fifteen and a half' feet to another locust stake ; thence running south six and a half' degrees East S 62 E) thirty chains & eighty three links (30 ch 831 ) to another locust stake on the boundary line between the lan land occupied by 7illiam H. Case and the land of Austin B. d Tuthill , known as the Tan Vat Lot , the said lines extending so as to make a proper angle with the next course of the said highway leading to New Suffolk. . The lines herein men- tioned being parallel and the said highway being three rods wide between the same , and the lines of the said survey are to be the margins of the rais highway . . the compass courses herein recited and descriptive of the boundary-- lines of the said highwaybeing the true Medidian Courses of the said lines . . . rind it is also further ordered that so much of that part of the old road or highway leading to New Suffolk as is opposite the said land formerly of Henry Landon deceased and is not embraced in the new road as altered , laid out and established by this order shall I �I I„ M 229 cease to be a part of said Highway. In witness whereof the said Commissioners of Highways have hereunto subscribed their names this thirteenth day of January 1872. B. F. Wiggins ) Commissioners J. B. Terry ) of John 0. Corey Jr. ) Highways For diagram of this road see page 230 (next page ) Recorded this 15 January 1872. by J. '.". Huntting, Tovm Clerk. Te , 7m. Harrison Case & Nancy F. Case of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk do hereby release to the Town of Southold all claim to damages by reason of the laying out , altering and opening of a highway known as the New Suffolk Road by which a portion of our lands adjoining said highway has been taken for said highway by order of the Commission- ers of Highways of said town of Southold, Dated the 29th day of January 1872. Sealed and delivered in the "Jm. Harrison Case (LS) presence of7ickham Case Nancy F. Case (LS ) Trhereas the Coruaissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold have altered the ?;ew Suffolk Road adjoining my lot on said road so as to take a narrow strip of land off the front of my said lot & whereas °dm. Harrison Case &. Nancy F. Case have consented that the same quantity of land shall be taken from their land in rear of my lot as was taken from my lot for said highway . .Now Therefore in consideration of the premises & one dollar to me paid , I do hereby release to the town of Southold all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and altering the said Highway over the front of my said lot by order of the Commissioners of Highways of said town. Dated the 13 day of January 1871. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 29 day of January 1872. E Sealed & delivered in presence of Sindey Rice Silvester P. Tuthill (LS ) Recorded this 15 r` 1872 by J. 7. Huntting, Town Clerk. ,b 230 { It li n koV v s azo ms^ / N �nrn { 1Z2-�' Goldsrn,rt� + 1 �tti �lf vJpUN� 'a I1 li N. �.0 110 ! i. i a n `o 0 a 0 o �i6 3 v4. vii l i; V4 13DVncA . Loc.�Sf five@ �1 231 "hereas a road used as a highway in the town of Southold in the jonnty of Suffolk leading from the Old King's Highway, or North Road , to the village of Greenport , be- tween the dwelling houses of Taria Booth and the family of Thos . Davis Goldsmith (tate deceased ) was laid out by the �,orLmissioners of Highways of said torn on the 22nd day of December 1£372 but not sufficiently described . Now therefore the undersigned Comriissioners of Highways of the said town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at the house of Benjamin W. 7iggins in said toren for the purpose of causing said road to be described , ascer- tained and entered of record in the torn clerk's office , and having caused a survey of the said road to be made by Albert- son Case , DO ORDER that the said road by and the same is hereby ascertained & deLcribed according to the said survey , as to those parts of said road not heretofore sufficiently and well described , beginning at a post at the north-west corner of the lot of John Champlin on said road leading to Greenport , and distant from the north east corner of said Greenport road and the fangs highway 7 ch 67L and running thence along and upon the land of said John Champlin and others on a course south 34 east 8 ch 43 L to the north east corner of the land late of n. 7. C . Smith deceosed. When beginning at a point three rods westerly from the last named corner and by the house of Constant Booth and running north 38 degrees W along, the line of said Booth 3 ch 46 L to his upper or north-east corner ; thence N 3012 W 5 ch 65 L to a point opposite the post before mentioned in the north- west corner of John Champlin 's lot, said road as now hereby ascertained and described being three rods wide 232 at the said corner of John Champlin's lot , three rods wide at the point or corner of M. C. Snaith and four rods wide at the upper or north-east corner of Constant Booth . See diagram & survey below. Dated Southold 27 May , 1£371 13. P. 77iggin )Commissioners J. B. Terry ) of John 0 Corey Jr. ) Highways Recorded this 20 March , 1672 by J. 77. Huntting, `sown Clerk. 233 Suffolk County ) Ss Town of Southold) 'Thereas upon the application of Israel Peck , a resi- dent in said town, liable to be assessed to work on the I Highways therein for the laying out of the highway hereinafter described and on the certificate of twelve reputable free- holders of the town convened and duly sworn after due public notice as recuired by the statutes certifying that such high- way was necessary and proper , notice in writing of at least three days was given in due form of law to Henry Huntting, Poses C . Cleveland , and Israel Peck, the occupants and owners of the land through which such highway is to run that the Commissioners of Highways of said town of Southold would attend at the office of Jonathan W. Huntting in said town on the twenty-third day of Tclarch 1872 at 11 o 'clock in the forenoon to decide on the application aforesaid. All the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend said meet- ing for the purpose of deliberating on the matter of such application. Now Therefore , it is ordered and determined and certified by the undersigned JoxnathLn B. Terry & Benjamin P. Wiggin, constituting a majority of the Commis- sioners of Highways of said town of Southold , after hearing all the reasons for and against the same , that a public high- way shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application, whereof a survey has been made and is as follows to wit ,------oruiencinF on the southerly side of the main street in the village of Southold and town aforesaid at the north east corner of the land of bioses C. Cleveland , and run- ning thence S 20 E the same being the true meridian course , on and V 234 along the boundary line between the lands of said bioses C. Cleveland and the said Henry Huntting 14 ch 7 39 L, and continuing on the same course through the lands of Israel Peck 7 ch & 65 L and thence on the same course through the lands of Moses C. Cleveland 8 ch & 6 L and thence on the same eo .Tse through the lands of Israel Peck 13 ch & 59 L to a stake set up on the high water line of Jockey Creek so-called. hnd the line of said stirvey is to be the centre of the said highway which is to be three rods in width.---All which will more fully appear by the diagram of said highway hereto appended , In witness i,,,hereof we , the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this first day of :Ipril 18729 13. F. Wiggin )Coruiissioners J. 13. Terry )of F=ighways Recorded this 2nd day of tipril 1872. By J. W. Huntting, Town Clerk. I 235 X 4� K St EEI_ VZ K "i w � , o , s �, a pc.cltvelak� 79�� 4 6 ¢ r aas- 236 We , Israel Peck , P;Ioses C. Clevela nd & Henry Huntting acknowledge having received from the Commissioners of High- way of the Town of Southold as follows : Viz. , The said Israel Peck the sum of three hundred dollars ($300 ) ; the said :loses Cleveland the sum of three hundred and eighty dollars 0380) ; and the said Henry Huntting the sum of two hundred and three dollars ($203 ) , being the amounts awarded to us severally by Benjamin H. Foster , Martin L. Prince and Benjamin II. Sisson, Commissioners appointed to assess the damage occasioned by the laying out of a highway through our lands by an order of the said Commissioners of Highway dated the first day of April 1872, which highway is described in said order as com- mencing on the southerly side of the T.ain Street in the I village of Southold and Town aforesaid at the north east c=ier of the land of Moses C . Cleveland and running thence south 20 E on and along the boundqry line between the lands of the said Moses C. Cleveland and the said Henry Huntting, and thence on the same course through the landsof the said Israel Peck and other land of the said Moses C . Cleveland to Jockey Creek so-called. Dated Southold Nareh 1 , 1373 I { Koses Cleveland Henry Huntting Israel Peck E Recorded this 11 T,Iarch, 1873 by J. 7. Huntting, Town Clerk. 237 Suffolk County ) SS Town of Southold ) Ne undersigned Jonathan B. Terry and Moses A. Latham Commissioners of Highway of the said town, having been duly notified to meet and deliberate on the subject of this order , at this time and place , and having met at the dwelling house of Jonathan "'. Huntting Esq. , in the said town to decide upon the application of Ellsworth Tuthill a resident of the said town liable to be assessed for highway labor,thetein for the alteration by widening of the highway running from Mattituck Depot to the North Road by adding thereto all that certain piece of land bounded as follows : Commencing at a point on the west side of the highway at the northeast corner of the land of Peter Hazard and running thence north Zhirty-one (31 ) degrees west three chains (3 ) and two(2 ) links , thence north bbirty-five (35) degrees west two (2 ) chains and twenty (20 ) links , thence northerly and easterly by the shore of Pattituck Creek to the highway , thence southerly by the present west line of the highway to the f place of starting. Containing six (6 ) rods more or less , which piece or parcel of land so described belongs to George T". Freeman who has this day given us a release of the said land which release we have this day filed in the office of the clerk of said town, Do order that the said highway be so altered and widened as to include all of the afore described piece of land. And the easterly line of said highway at said place shall remain as it now is and has heretofore been , In witness whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names the 25th 3 238 day of T:Iarch in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seight hundred and seventy-three. i Jonathan 73. Terry ) Commissioners Moses A Latham ) of Highway `"rhereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highway of the torn of ;,outhold in the County of Suffolk to alter the highway running from Mattituck Depot to the North 72oad by adding thereto all that certain piece of land bounded as follows : Commencing at a point on the west line of the Highway at the north east corner of the land of Peter Hazard and running thence north 31 degrees West 3.02 ch, thence north 35 west 2.20 ch^,ins , thence northerly and easterly by the shore of T.Tattituck Creek to the highway , thence southerly by the present west line of the highway to the place of starting, containing 6 rods more or less , Now Therefore , in consideration of the suiA of ten dollars to me paid by the said Comriissioners of Highways I do hereby release all claim to damage by reason thereof. Sealed with my seal and dated this 22nd day of fugust , 1872. George '^. Freeman (LS ) In presence of Ellsworth Tuthill The foregoing release and order recorded this 29th rTarch 18?3. J. '7. Huntting, Town Clerk. 231 I� el a q i i �I i � � s !I m ISI b I, �eoq�e w. F`rteMtlh� � 4 3 t i c Y . V s 'Nl 7a pd o t l -9 6-c y v I y s cJ �r r 0 1 t- h m�S A h-e o r I L„ 240 meridian courses of said line . Witness our hands Dated Southold 25 March 1873 Jonathan B. Terry )Commissioners M. A. Latham )of Hipkiray r, 241_ Suffolk County ) SS Town of Southold ) `"hereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk to alter the highway at Orient in said town which alteration at the eastern end thereof is about a half a mile westerly of the Congregational Church in said village of Orient , and the easterly end of which alteration begins at a point on the northerly side of the present highway (from which said point the Soldiers Monument at said place bears north 88 degrees east ) and which highway when so altered will pass through certain improved lands belonging to us , NOT TI=EFORE Know ;,11 Men By These Presents , that vire , Samuel E. Young and 'tilliam "I. Young, each of the said town , in consideration of the sum of one dollar lawful money of the United States to us in hand paid , the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged do hereby release all claim to danage by reason of the alteration as aforesaid of the said highway . In witness whereof we have herewith set our hands and seals this 28 day of .august . February 18 , 1873 Signed , sealed and delivered Samuel E. Youngs (LS ) in presence of 7illiam ^!. Youngs (LS ) T. 13. Youngs The foregoing release and order of Coranissioner of Highways , Recorded this 29 ?,larch, 1876 by J. "T. Huntting, Town Clerk. 242 County of Suffolk) SS Town of Southold ) The undersigned , Jonathan B. Teryy and hoses i,. Latham, Com- missioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, all of the Commissioners of Highway of the said Town having, been duly notified to meet and deliberate on the subject of this order, at this time and place , having met at the dwelling house of Jonathan ;7. Huntting Esq. , in the said town to decide upon the aptlication of Daniel Y? Hallock, a resident of the said town, liable to be assessed for highway labor theaein for the alteration of the highway at Hog Neck , which highway so altered will pass through the improved lands of Daniel Y. Hallock who has consented to said alteration, DO ORDER that the said highway be and the same is hereby so altered that its northerly side beginning at the centre of the foot of the large willow tree standing in front of the dwelling house now occupied by Ttrs . Esther Terry and ifiss Jerusha Hallock, shall run south sixty (60 ) degrees east 13hirteen (l ) chains and forty (40 ) links to a point about six_ feet northerly of the southwesterly corner of the dooryard of said Daniel V. Hallock: which so altered shall be and remain of the width of three rods through the iliole length of said altera- tion, and it is further ordered that such parts of the present highway between the beg*1nsng and the end of such alteration as are not included in the above description or in and by the said alteration, we hereby discontinue, subject to the per- formance of the covenants entered into and agreed upon by the said Daniel Hallock in a certain release entered by said Daniel Y. Hallock and this day filed in the office of the clerk of said town. The courses above given being the true meridian course of said northerly side of said highway. In witness rah-reof we the said Commissioners 243 have herewith subscribed our names the 25th day of ..!!arch 1873. J. 3. Terry )commissioners of :?. A. Latham) IIighrr!,ys Hog Nook. Ps p. 24.3. 1973. -. �IQ7 i 244 7hereas application has been msde to the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Southold in the County of Suffolk to alter the highway in Hog heck in said town the northerly side of which such highway when so altered shall begin at the centre of the foot of a large willow tree standing in front of the house now occupied by Mrs . Esther Terry and rliss Jerusha Hallock and runs thence in a straight line to a point about 6 feet northerly of the southwesterly corner ofmy dooryard , which highway , when so altered will pass through my im- proved lands . NO7' THEREFORE in consideration of the said alter- ation and of one dollar to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged I do hereby release all claim to d<:mage by reason thereof and I do further agree within six months from this date to make the said highway so altered passable and in a fit condition for travel and until the same shall have been so declared end ac- cepted by the said Commissioners , I will not remove the fence from where it now stands on the northerly side of the present road. In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal the 18 day of I',larch 1873. In presence of Daniel Y. Hallock (LS ) xlbertson Case Recorded this 29 March 1873 by J. "1. Huntting, Town Clerk. N 245 246 The undersigned , Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, all the Commis- sioners having been duly notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose of deliberating on the subject of this order, having met at the dwelling house of Jon- athan 71. Huntting in the said town to decide on the ap- plication of Alfred 7eklts , a resident of the said Town, liable to assessed for highway labor theasin for the alteration of the Main Hog Neck Road between the place where the said road now turns to go in by the house of Ezra G. Beebe and Cedar Beach , DO ORDER that the line of the said road be and the same is hereby altered so as to run from the southerly end of the fence at the head of the road in front of the dwelling house of Gilbert 111. Horton N 25 E through lands of Gilbert 77. Horton and Ezra G. Beebe 12 chains and 88 Links , thence S 82i E through lands of said Beebe and horton 11 ch 39 L, thence S 23 E through lands of said Beebe 80 ch 60 L to the high water marl, of Peconic Bay, the said courses being the true meridian courses of said lines , and the s^id line shall be the centre of the road , which shall remain of the width of two rods and be hereafter an open road , and it is further ordered that such parts of the present road as are not included in the above description be and the same are hereby discontinued.-- Dated 25 March 1873. J. B. Terry )Jorr.iss ioners of f.. Latham ) Highway See diagram on next page 247 r—Newa _ 1i he vF of road p hill 17 d , r li I 17Lav-"nh _N w P r4- It �c SII �Q � V a- II `2 O I I I� li ea b� X41 I� 3 �acK _ ce 248 Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk to alter the main Hog Neck Road between the place where it noir; turns in by house of Ezra G. Beebe to go to Cedar Beach and said Beach so that the said rot) d shall hereafter start from the head of said main Hogneck Road in front of my dwelling house and run northerly in a straight line between the lands of myself and said Ezra BeeAe so far as it goes thence on the same course till it comes to the path now used to go to Cedar Beach, thence along the general course of said path till it comes to Peconic Bay at Cedar Beach, which proposed highway will pass through my improved lands , N071 THEREF07M in consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the said alteration. In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this 24th day of 'ecember , 1872. In Pr�.sence of Gilbert 7. Horton Albertson Case Recorded this 29 March 1873 by J. 7. Huntting, Tol,,m Clerk. 249 . Miereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk to alter the main Hogneck Road between the place where it now turns in by my holjse to go to Cedar Beach and said beach so that the said road shall hereafter start from the head of said main Hogneck Road in front of the dwelling house of Gilbert TV. Horton and run northerly in s straight line on the boundary line between the lands of myself and the said Gilbert W. Horton so far as it goes and then on the main course till it comes to the path now used to go to Cedar Beach, thence along the general course of said path till it comes to Peconic Bay at Cedar Beach, which proposed highway will pass through my improved lands , NOT THEREFORE, in consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby ackonwledged , I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of said alteration. In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this 2nd day of January, 1873. In presence of Ezra G. Beebe (LS ) Albertson Case Recorded this 31st day of Narch 1873 by J. W. Huntting, Town Clerk. 250 This indenture made the loth day of TTarch in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three , between Samuel E? Young and William 7. Young of Orient in the 1 Town of Southold , County of Suffolk and Mate of New York , t parties of the first part , and Jonathan B. Terry and Moses A. Latham, Commissioners of Highways of the said Town , parties of the second part , WITIMtSSETH that the said parties ' of the first part in consideration of the sum of one dollar to them duly paid , before the delivery hereof , have bar- gained and sold, and by these presents do grant and con- vey to the said parties of the second part their suc- cessors in office and assigns forever , all that certain piece or parcel of land situate and lying about one-half a mile west of the Congregational Church in the village of Orient in said town and bounded and described as fol- lows : Beginning at the eatterly end of said piece of land and running thence South 62 West 8 rods , thence north 85 degrees west , 6 rods and 4 links , thence north 60 degrees west 9 rods and 2 links , thence south 66 de- grees east 37 rods . 25i and 4 links to the place of beginning. The said last mentioned course being or intended to be upon the southerly line of the highway as it will run when al- tered as proposed at this place and all the other aforesaid courses heing or intended to be along the foot of the bank as it now stands on the left hand side of the present highway going east :i:ith the appurtenances and all the estate , rights , title and interest what- soever of the said parties of the first part thetein and the said parties of the first part do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said parties of the second part that at the time of the delivery hereof the said parties of the first part are the lawful owners of the premises above granted and seized thereof in fee simple absolute and that they will warrant and defend the said premises in the quiet and peacable possession of the said parties of the second part , their successors in office and assigns forever. In Witness "?hereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the dey and year first above written. Sealed k<. Delivered ?Jilliam 7. Young (his seFl ) in presence of witness John A. Rackett Samuel E. Young (his seal ) 252 State of New York) SS Suffolk County j on this 51st day of I.Iareh in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy three before me personally came Sam- uel D. Young and William "I. Young, to me known to be the same persons described in and who executed the written instrument and acknowledged that they severally executed the same. Henry A. Holmes (his seal ) Notary Public Recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 194 of Deeds , page 423 on the 16th day of April, 1873 at 11 o 'clock A. ?T. and examined--George C. Campbell , Clerk. Recorded this 16th day of June , 1673 3y Albertson Case , Too^,n Clerk. 273 The undersigned, Commissioners of Highway of the Torn of Southold in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend at the hereinafter mentioned time and place and deliberate on the subject of this order, having met at the house of Jonathan W. Hunt- ting Esq. , in the said town to decide upon the applica- tion of Patrick Conway , a resident of the said town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the altera- tion and extension of the highway leading to Horton's Point in the said town between the northeasterly corner of land of Bridget Burk and highwater mark on Long Island Sound , which said highway so altered and extended will pass partly through land now in possession of Ira B. Tuthill , assignee of Jonathan G. Horton, partly through land of Henry Huntting, partly through land of Hezekiah Jennings , and oartly through land of Barnabas K. Booth , and partly through enclosed land of Patrick Conway, who have severally consented in writing thereto, DO ORDER that the westerly line of said highway be and the same is hereby so altered and extended as to run as follows : Beginning at the north easterly corner of land of Bridget Burk and run- ning thence north 58 degrees west 7 chains & 59 links , thence narth 29Hdegrees west 8 chains and 64 links , thence north f43 tY— 254 five and one half degrees west thirteen chains and fifty four links , thence north sixty and one half degrees west seven chains and thirty links (said highway on the above courses and for the above distances passing partly through the land in the possession of Ira B. Tuthill , assignee of Jonathan G. Horton, partly through land of Henry Huntting, partly through land of Hezekiah Jennings , and partly through land of Barnabas IT. Booth) , thence con- tinuing on the last mentioned course 8 chains and 30 links to the highwater mark of Long island Sound , the said highway passing on the last mentioned course through land of Patrick Conway and the said highway so altered and extended shall be of the width of three rods . And it is furtherordered that such part of the present road as are not included in the above description be and the same are hereby to be discontinued whenever the sa id road , so altered and extended, shall be fit for travel in all its parts , the same to be determined by the Com- missioners of Highways of the said town, Dated Southold, 1 April , 1873 J. B. Terry )Corniesioners of Highways IT. A. Latham) Town of Southold Recorded this 21st day of i,pril , 1873 at 12 o 'clock noon. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 255 256 "Whereas , a ,plication has been made to the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suf- folk to alter the highway running to Horton's Point in said town, and the westerly side of which said highway so altered beginning at the northeasterly corner of land of Bridget Burk shall run along the general courses of the westerly boundary line of land now held by me as assignee of Jonathan G. Horton , until it reaches the northerly line of land of Bernabas H. Booth and thence on in a straight line striking the westerly post of the gate vitich stands where the road, goes on to the beach and continuing on till it reaches high water mark on the beach at Long Island Sound , which i,roposed highway thus altered will pass through the land so held by me as aforesaid , NOIN THEREFORE in consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and also of the alteration of said highway as aforesaid , I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof. Sealed with my seal and dated the 19th day of March 1873 . In presence of T. G. Tuthill Ira B. Tuthill , hssiFnee of J. 1,3. Horton (LS ) Recorded this 15th day of September 1873 at one o 'clock in the afternoon. dlbertson Case , Town Clerk. 257 '.VHEREAS , application has been iiade to the Commissioners of the Torn of Southold in the County of Suffolk to alter the highway running to Horton's Point in said town , and the westerly s '_c.e of said highway, so altered , beginning at the northeasterly corner of land of Bridget Burk shall run qlong the general courses of the westerly boundary line of land now in possession of Ira B. Tuthill , as as- signee of Jonathan B Horton until it reaches the north- erly line of land of Barnabas It. Booth and thence on in a strraight line striking the westerly post of the gate which stands where the road now goes on to the beach and continuing on till it reaches highwater mark on the beach at Long Isl_nd Sound , which proposed highway thus altered will 1-ass through my enclosed land. NOF' THERE- FORE in consideration of the laying out of the said high- way and seventy-five dollars , the receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged , said highway being of the width of three rods , I do hereby release all claim to damaged by reason thereof. In 1,7itnees Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of September 1373. In presence of Patrick Conway (LS ) B. H. Booth Recorded this 18th day of September 1873 at 12 o 'clock noon Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 258 7hereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the Bounty of Suffolk to alter the highway running to Horton's Point in said town, and the westerly side of such highway so altered beginning at the northeasterly corner of land of BridE-et Burk shall run along the general courses of the westerly boundary line of land now in possession of Ira B. Tut- hill as assignee of Jonathan B. Horton until it reaches the northerly line of land belonging to Barnabas IT. Booth and thence on in a straight line striking the westerly post of the gate which stands where the road now goes on to the beach and continuing on till it reaches high- water mark on the beach at Long Island Sound, which pro- posed highway thus altered will pass partly through my woodland , NOL7 THERErurti in consideration of the laying out of the said highway thus altered and one dollar to me in hand paid , I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my nE,..0 and seal this 19th day of September 1873. In the - resence of Albertson Case Henry Huntting (LS ) h' Recorded this 19th day of Ue,,tember 1873 at 12 o 'clock noon, Albertson Case , Town Clerk. I� h i. F 259 Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk to alter the highway running to I1orton's Point in said town and the westerly side of which highway so altered beginning at the northeasterly corner of land of Bridget Burk shall run along the general courses of the westerly boundary line of land now in possession of Ira B. Tuthill as assignee of Jonathan B. Horton until it reaches the northerly line of land belonging to me and thence on in a straight line striking the westerly post of the gate which stands where the road now goes on to the beach and continuing on till it reaches highwater mark on the beach at Long Island Sound, which proposed highway thus altered will pass partly through my woodland, N07T THERE- FORE in consideration of the laying out of the highway thus altered and one dollar to me in hand paid , I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of September 1873 . In presence of B. H. Booth (LS ) Albertson Case Recorded this 30th day of September , 1873 at half past eleven o 'clock in the forenoon. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 260 AREAS application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk to alter the highway running to Horton's Point in said town and the westerly line of which said highway so altered beginning at the northeasterly corner of land of Bridget Burk shall run along the general courses of the gesterly boundary line of land now in possession of Ira D. Tuthill as assignee of Jonathan G. Horton, until it reaches the northerly line of land of Barnabas 11. Booth and thence on in a straight line striking the westerly post of the gate which stands where the road now goes on to the beach and continuing on till it reaches high water mark at the Beach on Long Island Sound , which highway thus altered will pass partly through my woodland, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the laying out of the said highway thus altered and one dollar to me in hand paid, I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof. In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 30th day of September 1873. In presence of B. H. Booth Hexekiah Jennings (LS ) Recorded by me this first day of October , 1873 at 6 o 'clock in the afternoon. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 261 ' At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York held at the Town Clerk's Office in said town on the 23rd day of September, 1873 , at 2 o 'clock in the after- noon, all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order , upon the applica- tion of Ellsworth Tuthill and others , residents in said Town and liable to be assessed for work on the highways therein for the laying out of the highway hereafter to be described, and on the certificate of seventeen reputable freeholders of said town convened and duly sworn as re- quired by the Statutes , certifying that such highway is necessary and proper, and notice in writing of at least three days having been given in due form of law to 'Jilliom Wickham, ''lilliam H. Case , John Dowd , Youngs Dillard , Philip 7. Tuthill , Chauncey 'd. Tuthill , Deziah Perkins , Josiah Albertson. Trustees of the Parish of Cutchogue , Wilson Glover, Silas Moore , George Aldrich, Henry L. Fleet , Silas Hor- ton, PSorgan Liorgan, Edward Osborn, William Sterling, Pate Burns , Alanson Hallock, J. HLll Moore , Palmer Wickham , Elizabeth "lickham, Nancy Case , and William `lickham, Oliver R. Corey , John F. Corey , Harvey `?. IIowell , Elijah T. Tuthill , George Youngs , Gottlieb Grathwohl , Seth I,1. Tuthill , James Lupton, Herbert 262 Corey, Charles 7. Horton, Ambrose Gould , Hannah Traia Lupton, Barnabas Wines , and Lorenzo 7. Hudson, occu- pants of the land through which such highway is to run , that the undersigned Commissioners would meet at this time and place to decide on the application aforesaid , and we having heard all reasons for and against laying out such highway , it is ORDERED, DETMPrINED & CERTIFIED that a public highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out pur- suant to said application ,Thereof a survey has been made and is as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point on the east side of Cox Lane eight and one quarter feet southof the south east corner of said lane and the North Road , and running a course across said lane south 46 degrees west to the west side of said lane , thence continuing on said course 9 chains and 43 links across land of Willia— Yiu....e:.. and William H. Case , thence south 37 degrees west 7 chains and 71 links across land of John Dowd , then 4 chains and 24 links across land of Youngs Billard , then 9 chains and 60 links across land late of Ira Tuthill deceased, then 8 chains and 32 links across land of James B. Fanning, then 4 chains and 28 links across land of Wilson Glover and the estate of John 263 S. Hallock, then 6 chains and 10 links across land of Silas P,400re to Depot Lane ; then beginning at a stake set up on the west sideeof said lane distant 14 chains and 16 links from the oentre of the track of the Long Island Railroad where the west side of said lane crosses it , and running thence south 59 degrees west 4 chains and 44 links across land of George Aldrich, then 4 chains and 40 links across land of Henry L. Fleet, then 9 chains and 54 links across land of the Heirs of Sylvester Tut- hill deceased , then 3 chains and 28 links across land of Morgan Morgan , then 11 chains and 6 links across land of Edward Osborn, then 11 chains and 21 links across land of William Sterling to A1vah's Lane , then crossing the said lane on a course south 60 degrees west to a stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 13 chains and 37 links from the centre of the track of the Long Island Railroad , where the west side of said lane crosses it , and continuing on the last mentioned course 7 chains and 49 links across land of Patrick Burns , then 5 chains 264 and 79 links across land of chanson Halloek, then 5 chains and 52 links across land of J. Hull Moore , then 5 chains and 20 links across land of Parnel Wickham, Elizabeth Wickham, Nancy Case and William Wickham, then 11 chains and 15 links across land of John F. Corey and Oliver B. Corey , then 4 chains and 32 links across woodland of Harvey ^1. Howell , then 8 chains and 68 links across the woodland of George Young, then 8 chains and 99 links across improved land of Gottlieb Grathwohl (the north half of the road being for the last two afore mentioned dis- tances through improved lands of Elijah Tuthill ) , then 8 chains and 42 links through improved land of Elijah Tuthill to Elijah's Lane , then crossing the said lane on a course south seventy-three and one half degrees west to a stake set up on the west side of said lane , dis- tant fifteen chains and 91 links from the centre of the t track of the Long Island Railroad, where the west side of said lane crosses it and continuing on the last mentioned course 6 chains and R0- — 2 65 6• 33 4 Wl-neS ti 'i " 44. i� i it c- C� s �- L4" LOT a--41e Zo F Jai W. UIA j N IJ V Vi i Iky3 �l dlQ R a to 44 jkt ° o< tr- ' A-( "t4 Lone - s• �- -� �I I 266 Recorded by me this 22nd day of November 1873 , at 5 o 'olock in the afternoon, Albertson Case , Town Clerk. o C IkA X3.31 9.3ik• �—� u i kdwd.� os 6° " tff M. � !-for ahs 4 Sy Iv. ,p 0 q ldv �h 3 �7 - I; /`�• o ,1.( vote I I JS I r. II' � it r ' ( W So �akA T- s is ri � i. 26T Schedule A The road to begin at the terminus of the North Road on Cox Lane, thence running south 35 degrees west (nearly ) across the cleared land belonging jointly to William Wickham and Wm. H. Case , the woodland of John Dowd, the woodland of Youngs Billard , the woodland belonging to the Estate of Ira Tuthill deceased, the woodland of Mrs. Deziah Perkins , the woodland belonging to the Parish of Cutchogue, the woodland belonging jointly to Wilson Glover and the Estate of John F. Hallock de- ceased , the woodland of Silas Moore, then crossing the road known as Depot Lane and then running south 55 de- grees west (nearly ) across the woodland of George Al- drich, the woodland of Henry L. Fleet , the woodland belonging to the heirs of Firs. Silas Horton deceased, the woodland of Morgan Morgan , the woodland of Edward Osborn, the woodland of William Sterling, then crossing the road known as Alvah's Lane and thence running south 56 degrees west nearly across the cleared land and wood- land of Patrick Burns , the woodland of Alanson Hallock, the woodland of J. Hull Moore , the woodland 268 I. " Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners I !I of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of l` Suffolk to lay out a highway in said town beginning at the terminus of the North Road on Cox Lane and running thence as described in Schedule A hereto ,j annexed, k, which proposed highway will cross our land, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of laying out of said high- way, I do hereby release all claim to damage by reason thereof. t, Dated August 25, 1873 { Witness my hand and seal in presence of Ellsworth Tuthill. Joseph H. Moore (LS) 1 0. B. Corey (LS) Morgan Morgan (LS ) a. William H. Case (LS ) E. M. Osborn (LS ) H. L. Fleet (LS ) Silas Moore (LS) John F. Corey (LS) Hannah I.T. Lupton (LS ) Chauncey W. Tuthill (LS ) C Wm. 71. Sterling (LS ) 6! i John Dowd (LS ) { J. B. Fanning (LS ) I. {{: John Y. Billard (LS ) Philip W. Tuthill (LS ) Josiah Albertson )First Cut. Parish J. G. Tuthill ) (LS ) George Young (LS ) i ni 269 270 belonging jointly to Parnel Wickham, Elizabeth Wickham Nancy Case and William "Wickham, the woodland belonging jointly to Oliver B. Corey and John F. Corey, the woodland of Harvey 17. Howell, the cleared land of Elijah N. Tuthill, then crossing the road known as Elijah's Lane and then running south 70 degrees west (nearly) across the woodland of Seth Sal. Tuthill , the woodland of James Lupton, the woodland belonging to the estate of John 0. Corey deceased , the cleared land of timbrose Gould , the woodland and cleared land of Hannah Maria Lupton, the cleared land of Lorenzo !% Hudson, intersecting the road known as the Long Creek Road, leading to Mattituck Railroad Depot. Filed and recorded by me this first day of December, 1873, at 2 o 'clock in the afternoon. tilbertson Case, Town Clerk 27t Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk to lay out a highway in said town, Beginning at the easterly termination of Orchard Street in the village of Orient and running about south east through the land of Thomas Vincent Young about 8 rods , thence north-easterly through the lands of the said Thomas Vincent Youngs about 40 rods , and then through the several lands of Brazilla Young, Thomas V. Young, William J. Young, Samuel B. Taber, r4srcus B. Brown and George 17. Hallock, to the Bay, which proposed highway will pass through our several lots of enclosed land, NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the laying out of the said highway , we do hereby severally release all claim to damages by reason thereof. Dated and sealed with our seals the 9th day of December, 1873. Smith R. Jones (LS ) Samuel B. Taber (LS ) Barzillai Young (LS ) Filed and recorded by me this second February 1874, at 5 P. II. , Albertson Case , Town Clerk 2 i2 i At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Tom of Southold in the County of Suffolk, at the Town Clerk's Office in said town on the fourth day of December, 1873 , all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order upon the application of John A. Rackett , a resident in said r town, and liable to be assessed to work on the highway therein. for the laying out of the highway hereafter to be described and on the certificate of twenty-two reputable freeholders of said town convened and duly l sworn as required by the Statutes , certifying that such !' highway is necessary and proper, and notice in writing of at least three days having been given in due form of law to Thomas V. Young, Barzillai Young, Nilliam J. Young, Samuel B. Taber, Marcus B. Brown, George ( Hallock, Edward King and Richard King, occupants of E the land through which such highway is to run, that the undersigned Commissioners would meet at this time and place to decide on the application aforesaid. And we having heard all reasons offered for and against laying out such highway, it is ORDERED, Determined and Certified that a public highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid F out pursuant to said application, whereof a surveys has j been made t r G i r 273 . and is as follows , to wit : Beginning at the south-westerly corner of the present southerly termination of Orchard Street and running thence south 391 degrees east , said course being the same as that of Orchard Street at its said termination, one chain and sixty links through land of Edward King and Richard King, and then 2 chains and 63 links through land of Thomas B. Young to a stake set up , thence north 701 degrees east, 11 chains through enclosed land of Thomas V. Young to a stake set up , thence north 84 degrees east , 8 chains and 95 links through the several enclosed meadow lands of Barzillai Young, Thomas V. Young, Smith R. Jones , Samuel B. Tabor, Marcus B. Brown and George W. Hallock to a stake set up , on the line of high water makk of Great Bay, and the line of said survey is to be on the first aforesaid course the westerly line of said highway and then its southerly line of said highway which is to be three rods in width and a diagram of said highway is hereto annexed. Witness our hands this foi:rth day of December 1873. J. B. Terry ) Commissioners M. A. Latham ) of J. 71. Terry ) Highways 274 . Filed and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Town of Southold on the 13 March, 1874 at �3 o 'clock in the afternoon, Albertson Case , Town C lerk. 275 At a special term of the County Court of Suffolk County held at Riverhead in the said County on the 16th day of March 1874. Present : Hon. Henry P. Hedges , County Judge In the matter of the Petition of Joshua 'R. Terry, Moses A. Latham and Jonathan B. Terry, Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold On reading and filing the Petition of Joshua w. Terry, Moses A. Latham and Jonathan B. Terry, Com- missioners of Highway of the Town of Southold, in said County, setting forth the laying out of a high- way in said aTown , beginning at a point on the east side of Cox Lane eight and one-quarter feet south of the south-east earner of said lane and the North Road, and running a course across said lane south 46 degrees west to the west side of said lane , thence continuing on said co .irse 9 chains and 43 links , across land of William Wickham and William II. Case , thence south 37 degrees west 7 chains and 71 links across land of John Dowd , then 4 e1la3ns r 276 and 24 links across land of Youngs Billard, then 9 chains and 60 links across land of late Ira W. Tuthill deceased, then 8 chains and 32 links across land of James B. Fanning, then 4 chains and 28 links across land of Wilson Glover and the Estate of John S. Hallock, then 6 chains and 10 links across land of Silas Moore to Depot Lane; then beginning at a, stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 14 chains and 16 links from the center of the track of the Long Island Railroad where the west side of said lane crosses it and running thence south 59 degrees west, four chains and 44 links , across land of George Aldrich, then 4 chains and 40 links across land of Henry L. Fleet , then 9 chains and 54 links across land of the heirs of Sylvester Tuthill deceased, then 3 chains and 28 links across land of Morgan Morgan, then 11 chains and 6 links across land of Edward Osborn, then 11 chains and 21 links across land of 'Gilliam Sterling to Alvah 's Lane, then crossing the said lane on a course south 60 degrees west , to a stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 13 chains , 37 links from the center of 277 the track of the Long Island Railroad where the west side of said lane crosses it and continuing on, the last mentioned course 7 chains and 49 links across land of Patrick Burns , then 5 chains and 79 links across land of Alanson Hallock , then 5 chains and 52 links across land of J. Hull Moore , then 5 chains ans 20 links across land of Parnel 'Jickham, Elizabeth Wickham, Nancy Case and 67illiam VIickham, then 11 chains and 15 links across land of John P. Corey and Oliver B. Corey, then 4 chains and 32 links across woodland of Harvey 17. Howell , then 8 chains and 68 links across woodland of George Young , then 8 chains and 99 links across improved land of Gottlieb Grathwohl , (the north half of the road being for the last two aforemettioned distances through improved land of Elijah Tuthill) , then 8 chains and 42 links through improved land of Elijah Tuthill to Elijah 's Lane , then crossing the said lane on a course south 73J degrees west to a stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 15 chains 278 and 91 links from the center of the track of the Long Island Railroad where the west side of said lane crosses it and continuing on the last mentioned course 6 chains and 29 links through woodland of Seth W. Tuthill, then 5 chains and 26 links through woodland of James Lupton, then 4 chains and 80 links through woodland of late John 0. Corey deceased , then four chains and 69 links through cleared land of Charles 7. Horton, then 4 chains and 86 links through cleared land of Ambrose B. Gould , then 10 chains and 44 links through cleared and wood- ' U land of Hannah Maria Lupton, then 8, Q7# W, 10 chains and 25 links through cleared land of Barnabas vlines , (the road for said last mentioned distance being on its northern side partly through cleared land of Lorenzo T.R. Hudson) to a point on the east side of Mill Lane distant 29 links south of the intersection of the boun- dary line between said 'Eines and Hudson, with the east side of said lane and the line of said survey is 279 to be the south side of said highway, which is to be three rods in width and praying; the appointment of Commissioners to assess the damages occasioned by the laying out of the said highway so far as the same may be required to be assessed. ORDERED, that J. Halsey Young of the Town of Riverhead, George V. Post , of the Town of Southampton, and Davis C. Osborn of the Town of Shelter Island be and they are hereby appointed such Commissioners whose duty it shall be to take the µ oath of office prescribed by the Constitution and to proceed on receiving at least six days ' notice of the time and place to meet the said Highway Commissioners and take a view of the premises , hear the parties , and such witnesses as may be offered before them, and to administer oaths to such witnesses , and they shall all J meet and act , and they or a majority of them, shall u assess all damages which may be required to be assessed a on the said highway and shall deliver their said as- sessment to the said Commissioners of Highway. Enter this H. P. Hedges , County Judge of Suffolk County. 4 280' Filed March 16 , 1874. Suffolk County) SS Clerk's Office ) I George C. Campbell, Clerk of said County, and Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, in and for said County, the same being a Court of Record, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy order for the appointment of Commissioners to assess damages with the original on file in this office and that it is a ,just and true copy of such original order and the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said County at Riverhead , New York , this 25th day March, 1874. George C. Campbell , Clerk (Suffolk County Seal ) Filed and recorded on the 26th March, 1874 at 1 o 'clock and 30 minutes P. h4. , Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 281 Whereas a highway was laid out in the Town of Southold and County of Suffolk by an order of the Commissioners of Highway of said town, which said highway passed through improved lands of us , Edward King and Richard King, and is described in said order as gollows : Beginning at the south-westerly corner of the present southerly termina- tion of Orchard Street and running thence south 391 de- grees east, said course being the same as that of Or- chard Street at its said termination, I chain and 60 links through land of Edward King and Richard King, and then 2 chains and 63 links through land of Thomas V. Young to a stake set up , thence north 70,12- degrees east 11 chains through enclosed land of Thomas V. Young to a stake set up , thence north 84 degrees east , 8 chains and 95 links through the several enclosed meadow lands of Barzillai Young, Thomas V. Young, Smith R. Jones , Samuel B. Tabor, Marcus B. Brown and George 15. Hallock, to a stake set up on the line of high water mark of Great Bay , and the line of said survey is to be on the first aforesaid course the westerly line of said high- way and then the southerly of said highway , which is to be three rods in width. Now Know All Men By These P i r 282 Presents , that we the said Edward King and Richard King, in consideration of the sum of five dollars to us in hand paid by the said Commissioners , and the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening the said highway. Witness our hands and seals this 16th day of March 1874. In presence of Edwin R. King (LS ) Lester B. Terry Richard King (LS ) Filed and recorded 31 March 1874 at 1 P. IT. Albertson Case, Town Clerk. 283 Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold are about to repair the bridge at Fast Marion in said town and widen the same in such a manner that it would be a public benefit to have the fence on my lot on the northerly side of the h*ghway west of the bridge set in and moved to the north. Now, Therefore , In consideration of one dollar to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners , I hereby agree to set my fence in at the said place so that the same shall run as follows : Beginning at square post standing on the west side of the creek and dis- tant feet north westerly from the north-west corner of the mill and running thence in a straight line to a point on my west line about 5 feet from the north side of the highway , said line running so that if continued it would strike the largest tree now standing on the adjacent lot belonging to the Estate of Barnabas 79. Fournier deceased , the present fence to be moved upon the completion of the repairs to said bridge. 284 it i and all that certain piece of land lying between said line and the north side of the highway to i remain forever open and unenclosed with full and free right in the public to pass and repass over the same . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 16th day of June , 1874 , in Presence of Jam. Henry Young. N H. W. Horton (LS ) !i i; Filed and recorded 16 June , 1874 at 2 A. .,i. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. l I' f. pP E! 1' 4 =t -i w If =t lF 285 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk held at the Town Clerk's Office at Southold in said Town on the 16th day of June , 1874, at 2 o 'clock in the afternoon, all the Commissioners having met and de- liberated on the subject matter of this paper, the following actioi} was taken: Whereas , the highway at Hog Neck in said town where it passes through the lands of Daniel Y. Hallock was altered by an order of said Commissioners bearing date the 25th day of March, 1873, and recorded in Liber F, Page 242 of the Town Records , which said order was not to have full effect and force until the highway so altered should have been declared and accepted by said Com- missioners as passable and in a fit condition for travel. And, whereas , we the Commissioners whose names are hereunto signed , have passed over the said highway so altered and have examined and found t the same passable and in a fit condition for travel, Now, therefore we do hereby declare our judg- ment to that effect and do accept the said highway so altered , hereby allowing the said Hallock to place all his fences upon the line of said altered highway. 286 In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this k6th day of June, 1874. Jonathan B. Terry ) Commissioners of IA. A. Latham ) Highway Filed and recorded 16 June , 1874 at 2 P. M. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. f A i i ii I a i ii RI �I. li. 287 Town of Southold SS The undersigned , Commissioners of Highway, of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk, having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order ; all said Commissioners being present , and having deliberated thereon, do hereby order that the said town, be and the same is hereby divided into Twenty Six Road Districts , as follows ; to wit : District No. 1 shall comprise all that part of the said town, lying easterly of a point on the highway 11 chains and 27 links easterly of the east side of the East Marion Bridge. District No. 2 shall comprise all that part of the said Town lying westerly of a point on the highway 11 chains and 27 links easterly of the east side of the East Marion Bridge, and easterly of J. Brad- ley Rackett 's east line. District No. 3 commences at the east line of J. Brad- ley Rackett , runs west to the west line of the road leading into the village of Greenport, thence south to the northerly line of daid village and includes the road leading to the Sound. District No. 4 commences at the west side of the road leading south into Greenport and runs west to the east side of the bridge on Arshamomoque Beach, C . P. 343 , Mad Lane. District No. 5 commences at the westerly line of the village of Greenport and runs to the west side of Mud Lane. 288 District No. 6 commences at the west side of r".ud Lane and runs west to the east side of Hill Creek Bridge and includes the road leading to the North Road. District No. 7 commences at the east side of Mill Creek Bridge and r .,ns west to the east side of Horton 's Lane and includes Town Harbor Lane , Greenport Lane , so called, and Depot Lane to the Railroad, the road to the creek and the two roads on the corner of which Daniel Terry's Blacksmith Shop stands. District No. S commences at the east side of the Bridge on krshamomoque Beach and runs west to Horton's Lane, thence up Horton's Lane to the Sound and includes Greenport and Depot Lanes as far south as the Railroad. District No. 9 commences at the east side of Horton's Lane on the south road and runs west and south to The Run, and includes Horton's Lane north as far as its intersection on the east with the North Road, the North Road west to the west side of the Bowery Lane , the Jockey Creek Road and Tuckers and Bowery Lane. District No. 10 commences at the Run and runs southerly into Hog Neck as fares the house of Ezra Horton and includes the Pine Neck Road and the cross lane back of the residence of Mrs . Henry Tillinghast. District No. 11 commences at the house of Ezra Horton and runs southerly to the Bay and includes all the roads in Hog 289 Neck. District No. 12 commences at The Run at the head of Tockejr Creek and extends west to the west side of Gilliam Salmon's Mill Lot , including the upper and lower road by 7illow Hill Cemetery, the road to South Harbor and the road by Jasper Freeman's House. District No. 13 commences at the west side of the Bowery Lane and runs west to the east side Cox's Lane and includes the Peconic Lane as far south as the railroad, the road to the Inlet , Bridge Lane as far south as the railroad, and the lane running north past the house of Michael Drum to its northerly ex- tremity. District No. 14 commences at the west line of William Salmon's Mill Lot and runs west to the crest side of Indian Neck Lane and includes the Peconic Lane and the new road in Peconic south of the railroad and Indian Neck and Spring Lanes . District No. 15 commences at the west side of In- dian Neck Lane and runs west to the west side of Bridhe Lane and includes the lane leading by Daniel Buckingham's to the Bay and Bridhe Lane north to the railroad. District No. 16 commences at the west side of Bridge Lane and runs west to the east side of islvah's Lane and includes Cox and Depot Lanes north to the north side of the new road between Cox and ,lvah's 290 Lane and the New Suffolk Road south as far as the southerly line of William Harrison Case. District No. 17 commences at the west side of the lane that runs north by the house of TTichael Drum and runs west to the east line of Boutcher and includes Cox's and Depot Lane as far south as the north side of the new road. District No. 18 commences at the east line of Boutch-er and runs west to the west line of Orin Wiggin and includes Alvah's Lane as far south as the north side of the new road. District No. 19 commences at the southerly line of M lliam Harrison Case on the New Suffolk Road and runs south and includes all the highways in New Suffolk. District No. 20 commences at the east side of -ilvah's Lane and runs west to the east side of P:Till Lane <ind includes Alvah's and Elijah's Lanes as far north as the north side of the new road and the new road between .lvah 's and Hill Lane. District No. 21 commences at the west line of Orin Wiggin's and runs .vest to the nest line of Andrew Gildersleeve and includeslijah's and till Lane as far south as the north side of the New Road. District No. 22 commences at the viest line of i�ndrew Gildersleeve r r 291 and extends west to Mattituck Creek and includes the road leading to the Sound and the Isaac Howell Road to the center of the bridge. District No. 23 commences at the east side of Mill Lane and extends west to the east line of George Benjamin 's and includes the North Road to Michael Haney's east line , Mill Lane as far north as the north side of the New Road, the road by Ellsworth Tuthill's house , the Isaac Howell Road as far north as the center of the bridge , and all other highways in Mattituck. District No. 24 commences at the east line of George Benjamin and runs west to the west end of the Town on the South Road and includes the southerly half of Aldrich Lane. District No. 25 commences at the west end of the Town on the North Road and runs east to the east line of Michael Haney and includes the northerly half of Aldrich Lane. District No. 26 commences at the house of John J. Glover and extends northerly and easterly to Mat- tituck Creek. In witness whereof we have hereto subscribed our names this 6th day of October, 1874. Jonathan B. "Ferry (Commissioners M ' A. Latham ( of H. L. fleet ( Highway Filed and recorded 6 October, 1874 at 6 P. Tvi. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 292 On the 21st day of July, 1874, Silas Horton of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk appealed to me from the Order of the Commissioners of High- way of the said Town , which orders were filed in the Town Clerk's Office of the said Town of Southold on the 25th of March, 1873 , and the 16th day of June 1874 (within contained ) Now therefore, I do hereby appoint David H. Huntting, Thomas F. Bisgood and Samuel P. Osborn, residents of said County of Suf- folk, but not of the Tom of Southold, referees to hear and determine said appeal. Given under my hand this list day of September 1874. H. P. Hedges , County Judge. Filed and recorded 23 November, 1874 at 1 P. M. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. H 293 "I Suffolk County )SS 1Ve David II. Huntting, Thomas F. Bisgood and Samuel P. Osborn, referees in the matter of the appeal r from the orders of the Commissioners of - Highways of the Town of Southold kc and made by Silas Horton kc do solemnly swear and declare that we will faithfully hear and determine the matters referred to us. Sworn to before me this 18th day of November = } 1874 David H. Huntting Thomas F. Bisgood •9F Henry 7. Prince Samuel P. Osborn Notary Public in and for Suffolk, County, Id. Y. Whereas Silas Horton of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, on the 21st day of July, 1874, appealed to the Hon. Henry P. Hedges , County Judge of said County, from the deter- mination of the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town contained in two several orders dated respec- tively the 24th day of t"arch , 1873 , and the 16th day of June , 1874, altering a highway in the said town which highway and alteration are particularly described in the said order of the 24th day of March, 1873 , a certified copy of which is hereunto annexed, and whereas after the expiration of 6o days lifter such determina- tion had been 1II�� 294 filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the said town, the said County Judge, according to the form of the Statute in such case made and provided , appointed us David H. Huntting of the Town of East Hampton, Thomas F. Hisgood of the Town of Southamp- ton, and Samuel P. Osborn of the Town of East Hampton, three disinterested Freeholders who had not been named by the parties interested in the appeal and who are residents of the County, but not of the Town, wherein the road is located as Referees to hear and determine the s4id appeal from the said deter- mination of the said Commissioners which said ap- pointment is hereunto annexed and Notice having been given pursuant to law to the said Commissioners of Highway and to the said appelants , Silas Horton, spedifying the 18th day of November, 1874, as the time and Judd Ts Hotel in the village of Southold in the said Town as the place at which we would con- vene to hear the said appeal , and we having convened at the time and place specified in said notice , and before proceeding to hear said appeal , having duly sworn by an officer authorized to take affidavits to be read in courts of record , to wit Henry U. Prince , a Notary Public in and for said County, faithfully to hear and 29 determine the matters referred to us , have heard the proofs and allegations of the parties and do there- upon order and determine that the said determination of the said Commissioners of Highway be and the same is hereby affirmed. ','fitness our hands and seals this 21st day of November, 1874. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of I. F. Linington, David H. Huntting XLS ) Thomas F. Bisgood (LS ) Samuel P. Osborn (LS ) County of Suffolk) Ss Town of Southold ) The undersigned, Jonathan B. Terry and Moses A. Latham, Commissioners of Highways of the Torn of Southold , all the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town having been duly notified to meet and de- liberate on the subject of this order at this time and place , having met at the dwelling house of Jon- athan W. Huntting, Esq. , in the said Tpwn to decide upon the application of Daniel Y. Hall6ok a resident of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the alteration of the highway in Hogneck , which highway so altered will pass through the improved land of Daniel Y. Hallock who has consented to said alteration, DO ORDER, that the said highway be and the 296 same is hereby so altered that its northerly side F beginning at the center of the foot of the large E �I willow tree standing in front of the dwelling house -t• �! now occupied by Mrs . Esther Terry and Miss Jerusha Hallock, shall run south 60 degrees east , 13 chains �• and 40 links to a point about 6 feet northerly of the -E; south-westerly corner of the dooryard of said Daniel {• Y. Hallock, which highway so altered shall be and remain of the width of three rods through the v8 ole length of said alteration. And it is further ordered rr that tach part of the present highway between the be- 6 f' ginning and the end of such alteration as are not included in th4 above description or in and by the said alteration, are hereby discontinued, subject to 3' the performance of the covenant entered into and agreed upon by the said Daniel Y. Hallock in a certain release executed by said Hallock and this day filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said town. The courses above given being the true Meridian Courses of said northerly side of said highway. In witness whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this 25th day of March, 1873. J. B. Terry ) Commissioners M. A. Latham ) of Highways i 1 1 297 I� 5 {'�,rrrerry r — exs�r fla(lo-K J2 niel J. 4�a &.R Da Ha► -�. d- ano�k 'S. -- AI � r a7i vv it IIi� L I U 2 ✓ I F,p. II j � d UIc W , }� � � fVe � k Suffolk County j Town of Southold ) Ss Town. Clerk's Office ) I do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of an order of the Commissioners of Highway with the original record of the same in this b2fice, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and the whole of said original record. Southold 9 April, 1874, Llbertson Case , Town Clerk. 4 298 F I At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk held at the Town Clerk's Office in Southold in said Town on the r 16th day of June 1874 at 2 o 'clock in the afternoon, all the Commissioners having met and deliberated upon the subject matter of this j paper, the Following action t was taken: Whereas the highway at Hog Neck in said Town , where it passes through the land of Daniel Y. t Hallock, was altered by an order of the said Commis- sioners , bearing date the 25th day of March , 1873 , and recorded in Liber (H) --should be F--Page 242 of the Town Records , which said order was not to have full effect and force until the highway so altered should have been declared and accepted by the said Commissioners as passable and in a fit condition for travel , and whereas , we the Commissioners whose names c I are hereunto signed have passed over the said highway so altered , and have examined and found the same passable and in a fit condition far travel ; Now Therefore we do hereby declare our judgment to that effect and do accept the said highway so altered hereby allowing the said Hallock to place all his fences upon the line of said altered highway. In ':witness "thereof , we have hereunto set our I j hands this 16th 299 day of June , 1874. Jonathan R. Terry) Commissioners ?.T. A. Latham ) of Highway Filed 16 June , 1874 A true Copy, Albertson Case , Town Clerk Recorded 23 November, 1874, at I P. M. , Albertson Case Town Clerk ------------------------------------------------------ At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the Clerk's office of the said Town on the 21st day of December, 1874, all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this order , the consideration of the same having been laid over from a meeting of the Commissioners held on the 29th day of August , 1874, upon the application of John G. Champlin, a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein for the laying out of the highway hereafter to be described, and on the certificate of 23 reputable freeholders of said Town, convened and duly sworn after due public notice 300 as requ(bred by the Statutes , certifying that such high- ways are necessary and proper, and notice in writing o of at least three days having been given in due form of law to John G. Champlin, Elizabeth Goldsmith , Peter De Grief , J. Monroe King, Nathan Kaplin, Stephen Macomber, George Jetter, William P.S. Betts , George 115. Betts , Nathan Champlin, Thomas Hassett, Martin V. Wiggins , Joseph Baker and Adam Strassner, occupants of the land through which such highways are to run, that the undersigned would meet at aforesaid on the 29th day of August , 1874, to decide on the applica- tion aforesaid, and we having heard all reasons of- fered for and against laying out such highways , it is ORDEM, DETEMINED, and CERTIFIED, that public high- ways shall be aznd the same are hereby laid out, pur- suant to said application, whereof a survey has been made and is as follows , to wit: The northerly side of the first of said highways begins on the easterly side of Main Street at the south-westerly corner of land of Fairs. Elizabeth Goldsmith and runs thence north 702 degrees east , 6561 feet to land now or 301 late of Rebecca Beebe , said highway as above described passing through the several improved lands of mrs . Elizabeth Goldsmith, John G. Champlin, Peter De Grief , J. Monroe King and Caroline L. Champlin on its northerly side , and on its southerly side through the several improved lands of Nathan Kaplin, Stephen Macomber, George Jetter, Caroline L. Champlin, and Adeline Z. Knapp. The westerly side of the second of said high- ways begins on the southerly side of the hereinbefore mentioned and described highway at a point distant from the Plain Street 398 feet and runs thence south 324 degrees east, 517 feet to what was formerly the northerly line of land of John A. Monsell, thence south 194 east, 141 feet to Bridge Street, said high- so abobe described , passing on its westerly side##f through the several improved lands of Nathan Kaplin, Caroline Champlin and John D. Champlin, and on its easterly side through the several improved lands of 302 �I Caroline L Champlin, Nathan Kaplin, John G. Champlin and Thomas Hassett, The southerly side of the third of said highways begins on the easterly side of Main Street at the northwesterly corner of land now or late of Adam Strassner and runs thence north 701 degrees east, 746 feet to land now or late of Mrs . Rebecca Beebe, said highway so above described , passing on its southerly side through the several improved lands of John G. Champlin, Martin V. Wiggin, Joseph Baker and Thomas Hassett , and on its northerly Aide through the several improved lands of Adam Strassner, John G. Champlin, Nathan Kaplin and Thomas Hassett , and said highways are already partially thrown open and popularly known, the first as "Knapp Place ," the second as "Sterling Place , " and the third as"Champlin Place ," and the said highways are to be fifty feet in width, and in further explanation of this order , we have caused a diagram of said high- ways to be hereunto annexed. ''fitness our hands this 21st day of December 1874, henry L. Fleet ) Cormtissioners M. A. Latham ) of J. B. Terry ) Highways 303 Recorded 21 December 1874 at 2 :15 P. IT. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 304 :Nhereas , I, Daniel Y. IIe;llock of the Town of Southold In the County of Suffolk and State of New York, a resident of said Town and liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, have this day applied to the Commissioners of Highway of said Town for an altera- tion of the northerly side of the highway at Hog Neck in said Town, where it passes by my dwelling house, so that it will run as follows : The northerly side of said highway to begin at the easterly termination of the northerly side of the highway as altered by two several orders of the Commissioners of Highway of said Town. Recorded in Liber F of the Town Records of the said Town at Pages 242 and 285, respectively ( said point of beginning being about 6 feet northerly of the south-westerly corner of my dooryard ) and runs thence in a straight line easterly to the south- westerly corner of land late of William dells de- ceased, about 263 feet , said highway so altered will pass wholly through my enclosed and improved land and through the lands of no other person and whereas , I did further ask in said application that such parts of the present highway between the begin- ning and end of 305 the alteration so applied for, as lie northerly of the afore described line be discontinued. Now, Therefore , know all men by these presents , that I, the said Daniel Y. H<.11ock, hereby consent to said alteration and release all claim to damages to be occasioned by said alteration, in consideration of the making of such alterations by said Commis- sioners . 771tness my hand and seal this 21st December 1874. In presence of H. G. Howell Daniel Y. Hallock (LS ) Recorded 21st December, 1874 at 2 :50 P. "". Albertson Case , Town Clerk. ----------------------------------------------------- At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, at the Town Clerk's Office in s-.id Town , on the 21st day of December, 1874, all Commissioners having met and de- liberated on the subject matter of this order , upon the application of Daniel Y. Hallock, a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein, for the alteration of the northerly side of the highway c 3n6 . U At Hog Neck in said Town whe.,e it passes by the dwelling house of said Hallock, and having also read and filed in said Town Clerk's Office a con- sent to said alteration and a release of all claims for damages to be occasioned by said al- teration, duly signed and executed by said Hal- lock, who is the sole and only owner of the lands through which such highway so altered as applied for will pass ; ORDERED that the said highway be and the same is hereby so altered that it will run as follows : THE northerly side of said highway to begin at the easterly termination of the northerly side of the highway as altered by ¢ two several orders of the Commissioners of High- way of said Town, recorded in Liber P. of the Town Records of said Town at Pages 242 and 285, respectively, (said point of beginning i being about six feet northerly of the south- westerly corner of the present dooryand fence of said Hallock) , and runs thence south 582 degrees east 263 feet to the southwesterly k corner of land late of William "tells deceased , and it is further ORDERED that such parts of i the present highway r e P 1 L f C t y I. 307 N Ii Vol) IK Aj N 0 @• � � t � n 1 ` r , I o.. n a Q• , a (D N-14 /�v je w Sl" �5 Kv C- 307 between the beginning and end of such alteration as lie northerly of the afore described line are hereby discontinued. dnd in further explanation of this order %,:e have caused a diagram of said highway as above altered to be hereunto annexed. Witness our hands this 21st day of December 1874. J. B. Terry )Cpmmissioners M. A. Lgtham ) of Henry L. Fleet) Highways Recorddd 21 December, 1874 at 2 :40 P. 1% ,;lbertson Case , Town Clerk. 308 Whereas Joshua '7. Terry, Ptoses A. Latham and Jon- athan B. Terry , Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, did by an order dated the 4th day of Decem- ber, 1873 , and recorded in the Clerk's Office of said Town on the 13 March, 1874 at 3 o *cloak in the afternoon, lay out a highway in said Town , on the written applica- tion of John A. Beckett , a resident in said Town , and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein, which highway was described in said order as follows ; Beginning at the soitthtivesterly corner of the present southerly termination of Orchard Street and running thence south 3921 degrees east , said course being the same as that of Orchard Street at its said termina- tion, 1 chain and 60 links , through land of Edward King and Richard King and then 2 chains and 63 lin$s through land of Thomas V. Young to a stake set up , thence north 7021 degrees east 11 chains through enclosed land of Thomas V. Young to a stake set up , thence north 84 degrees east 8 chains and 95 links through the several enclosed meadow lands of Barzi11a1 Young, i I i I 309 Thomas V. Young, Smith R. Jones , Samuel B. Tabor , Marcus B. Brown and George W. Hallock to a stake set up on the line of high water mark of Great Bay and the line of said survey is to be on the first aforesaid course , the westerly lige of said highway, and then the the southerly line of said highway which is to be three rods in width. And whereas , said highway passes through land of George 7. Hallock, Thomas V. Young and i John B. Young, And whereas the said owners at various times during the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy four, did severally by duplicate agree- ment in writing r,ith the said Commissioners of Highway, one of each of such duplicate::agreements being duly filed in the CoerkAs Office of the said Town, ascertain and agree upon the amount of damages occasioned and done to them severally by reason of the la�ring out of said highway, the said amount of several damages being so ascertained and agreed upon as follows , to wit . the damages of the said George 7. Hallock at $72. 00; the damages of the said Thomas V. Young at $100.00; and the damages of the said John B. Young at X100.00; Now therefore , know all men by these presents , that in consideration of the payments to the said several 31.0 owners , by Moses A. Latham, Jonathan R. Terry and Henry L. Fleet , Commissioners of Highways of said Town of the said several sums mentioned and agreed upon as aforesaid , the receipt of which in full is hereby severally acknowledged by each of us , we do hereby severally release all claim to damages by reason of the opening and laying out of the said highway. 971tn4ss our hands and seals this 19yh day of February, 1875. In Presence of T. H. Young Thomas V. Young (LS ) J. Brown Young (L.9 Georgw 71. Hallock (LS ) Recorded and filed this 2nd day of March 1875 at 10 o 'clock in the forenoon, Llbertson Case, Town Clerk. 77hereas Joshua T. Terry , hooses A. Latham and Jon- athan R. Terry , Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk and State of New York , did by an order dated the 23rd day of September, 1873, and recorded in the Clerk's office of said Town on the 22nd day of November , 1873 in Liber F. Page 261 lay out a highway in said Town, which highway was applied for by Ells- worth Tuthill and others , all residents in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the 311 Highways therein and which highway was described in said order as follows : Beginning at a point on the east side of Cox Lane 8j feet south of the south-east corner of said lane and the North Road and running a course across said lane south 46 degrees west to the west side of said lane , thence continuing on said course 9 chains and 43 links across land of 7111iam Wickham and "Tilliam H. Case , thence south 37 degrees gest 7 chains and 71 links across land of John Dowd, then 4 chains and 24 links across land of Youngs Billard, then 9 chains and 60 links across land late of Ira Tuthill de- ceased, then 8 chains and 32 links across land of James B. Fanning, then 4 chains and 28 links across land of "Filson Glover and the Estate of John 2. Hallock, then 6 chains and 10 links across land of Silas Moore to Depot Land, then Beginning at a stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 14 chains and 16 links from the center of the track of the Long Island Railroad, where the west side of said lane crosses it and running thence south 59 degrees west 4 chains 312 and 44 links across land of George Aldrich, then i 4 chains and 40 links across land of Henry L. Fleet , then 9 chains and 54 links across land of the heirs of Sylvester Tuthill deceased, then 3 I chains and 28 links across land of Morgan Morgan, I 1 then 11 chains and 6 links across land of Edward Osborn, then 11 chains and 21 links across land r, of William Sterling to Alvah's Lane ; then crossing the said lane on a course south 60 degrees west to a stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 13 chains and 37 links from the center of the arrack of the Long Island Railroad, where the west side of said lane crosses it , and continuing on the last mentioned course 7 chains and 49 links across land l ,1 of Patrick Burns , then 5 chains and 79 links across f, land of Alanson Hallock, then 5 chains and 52 links across land of J. Hull Moore, then 5 chains and 20 links across land of Parnel Wickham, Elizabeth Wickham, Nancy Case and William Wickham, then 11 chains and 15 links across land of John F. Corey I� and Ili I, 313 Oliver B. Corey, then 4 chains and 32 links across woodland of Harvey IN. Howell , then 8 chains and 68 links across woodland of George Young, then l 8 chains and 99 li#ks across improved land of Gott- libe Grathwohl (the north half of the road being for the last two aforementioned distances through improved land of Elijah Tuthill) then 8 chains 42 links through improved land of Elijah Tuthill to Elijah's Lane; then crossing the said lane on a course south 73a degrees west to a stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 15 chains and 91 links from the center of the tracks of the Long Island Railroad where the west side said lane crosses it and continuing ©n the last mentioned course 6 chains and 29 links through woodland of Seth 17. Tuthill, then 5 chains and 26 links through woodland of James Lupton, then 4 chains and 80 links through woodland of John 0. Corey deceased, then 4 chains and 69 links through cleared land of Charles W. Horton, then 4 chains and �� 31.4 links through cleared land of Ambrose B. Gould, then 10 chains and 44 links through cleared and woodland of Hannah Filaria Lupton, then s 67 2 W 10 chains and 25 links through cleared land of Barnabas Wines (the road for said last mentioned distance being on its northern side partly through cleared ltind of Lorenzo t"J. Hudson) to a point on the east side of Mill Lane distant 29 links south of the intersection of the boundary line between said 'Hines and Hudson, with the east side of said lane ,and the line of said survey os to be the south side of said highway , which is to be 3 rods in width. And whereas said highway passes through land then belonging to Charles 1.9. Horton, Temperance Tuthill, Harvey W. Howell, Lorenzo '"1. Hudson, Susan Glover, George Aldrich and Deborah Aldrich, Ambrese B. Gould, Sophronia B. Corey, Barnabas Mines , Seth I. Tuthill and Jesse 11. Tuthill , Parnel 71ckham, Elizabeth Wickham, Nancy F. Case and lJilliam "Wickham, James Lupton and Gottlieb Grathwohl , all in which the said parties then had alienable and valuable interest , And whereas , the said parties at various times a during the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy four did severally 315 by duplicate agreement in writing with the said Com- missioners of Highways , one of each of such duplicate agreements being duly filed in the Clerk's Office of the said Town, ascertain and agree upon the amount of damages occasioned and done to them severally by reason of the laying out of said highway ; the said amount of several damages being so ascertained and agreed upon as follows , to wit: The damages of the said Charles T. Horton at $50.00; the damages of the said Temperance Tuthill at $30.00; the damages of Harvey W. Howell aforesaid at y6p10.00; the damages of the said Lorenzo 'V. Hudson at $25.00; the damages of the said Susan Glover at $10.00; the damages of the said George Aldrich and Deborah P. Aldrich at 1 cent; the damages of the said Ambrose P. Gould at y,50.00; the damages of the said Sophronia Corey at $25.00; the damages of the said Barnabas Wines at 0100.00; the damages of the said Seth W. Tuthill and Jesse H. Tuthill at $25.00; the damages of the said Parnel Wickham, Elizabeth Wickham, Nancy F. Case , and William Wickham at $15.00; the damages of the said Jqmes Lupton at $25.00; and the damages 316 of the said Gottlieb Grathwohl at 030.00, Now, Therefore , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that in consideration of the payment to us the several parties by Moses A. Latham, Jonathan B. Terry, and Henry L. Fleet, Commissioners of Highway of said Town , of the said several sums mentioned and agreed upon as aforesaid, the receipt of which in full by himself or herself as the case may be is hereby severally gcknowledged by each of us , we do hereby severally release all claim for damages by the reason of the laying out and opening the said highway, and the said Temperance Tuthill does hereby also covenant and agree to and with the said Commissioners of Highway that she will warrant and defend all that certain part of the said highway lying Just west of Depot Land and bounded on the east by land of Henry L. Fleet and on the west by land of Morgan Morgan, and being about nine chain s and 54 links in length in the quiet and peacable possession of said Commissioners of Highway and their successors in office so long as said premises may be required and needed for a highway. And the said George Aldrich and 317 f i ;l � 41 n Deboarah Aldrich do also hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Commissioners of Highways that they will warrant and defend all that certain part of the said highway bounded on the east by Depot Lane and on the west by land of Henry L. Fleet and being about 4 chains and 44 links in length in the 14�J quiet and peacable possession of said Commissioners a" I? of Highway and their successors in office for the I� purposes of a public highway so long as said premises 41 may be needed for such purposes. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our ] hands and seals this 19th day of February 1875. t In presence of " 41 William Harrison Case Idancy F. Case (LS ) Wm. Harrison Case Lorenzo 7. Hudson (LS ) Wqt. Harrison Case Sophronia C. Corey (LS ) Wm. Harrison Case Charles W. Horton (LS) Wm. Harrison Case James Lupton (LS ) Wm. Harrisog Case Jesse H. Tuthill (LS) Wm. Harrison Case H. W. Howell (LS) Wm. Harrison Case Parnel Wickham (LS ) Wm. Harrison Case Elizabeth Wickham (LS ) Wm. Harrison Case Seth W. Tuthill (LS) Feb . 15 S. I. Fleet Susan B. Glover (LS ) Wm. Harrison Case Deborah A. Aldrich (LS ) Wm. Harrison Case George Aldrich (LS ) Wm. Harrison Case 7illiam Wickham (LS ) Feb . 24 S. I. Fleet Gottlieb Grathwohl (IS ) Feb . 25 S. I. Fleet Ambrose B. Gould (LS ) Albertson Case Temperance Tuthill (LS ) 318 Albertson Case Barnabas Mines (LS ) Recorded 8th March , 1875 at 10 o 'clock in the fore- noon, .ilbertson Case , Town Clerk. 7hereas , by an order of Henry P. Hedges , County Judge of the County of Suffolk, in the State of New York,, made on the 16th day of March , 1874, a copy of which order duly certified by the Clerk of the County of Suffolk aforesaid, was filed and recorded in the Town Clerk's office of the Town of Southold, in said County of Suffolk, on the 26th March , 1874, at 1 :30 P. 1% J. Halsey Young of the Town of Riverhead, George 0. Post of the Tom of Southampton, and Davis C. Osborn of the Toot of Shelter Island , all of said j Towns being in said County, were thereby appointed 1 Commissioners whose duty was therein specified to tit: To take the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution of said State of New York, and to proceed on receiving at least six days ' notice of the time and place to meet the Highway Commissioners of said Town of South- old and take a view of theremises , hear the parties P and such witnesses as may be offered before them and to administer oaths to such witnesses and that they the said Commissioners should all meet and act and they or a majority of them should assess 319 all damages which should be required to be assessed on the highway hereinafter described, and should de- liver their assessments to the said Commissioners of Highway; which Highway referred to in said Order was described therein as follows : Beginning at a point on the east side of Cox Lane 81 feet south of the south-east corner of said lane and the North Road, running a course across said lane south 46 degrees west to the west side of said lane, thence continuing on said course 9 chains and 43 links across land of William ',Vickham and ^7m. H. Case, thence south 37 degrees west 7 chains and 71 links across land of John Dowd, then 4 chains and 24 links across land of ' Youngs Billard, then 9 chains and 60 links across land late of Ira Tuthill deceased, then 8 chains and 32 links across land of James B? Fanning, then 4 chains and 28 links across land of Nilson Glover and the Estate of John S. Hallock, then 6 chains and 10 links across land of Silas Moore to Depot Lane ; then beginning at a stake set up on the west side of said lane distant 14 chains and 16 links from the centre e of the track of the Long Island Railroad where the west side of said lane crosses it, and running thence ! south 59 degrees west 4 chains and 320 44 links across land of George Aldrich, then 4 chains and 40 links across land of Henry L. Fleet , then 9 chains and 54 links across land of the Heirs of Sylvester Tuthill deceased , then 3 chains and 28 links across land of Morgan Morgan then 11 chains and 6 links across land of Edward Osborn, then: 11 chains and 21 links across land of William Sterling to Alvah 's Lane; then cross- ing the said lane on a course south 60 degrees west to a stake set up on the west side of said t lane distant 13 chains and 37 links from the center of the track of the Long Island Railroad where the west side of said lane crosses it and continuing on the last mentioned course, 7 chains and 49 links across land of Patrick Burns , then i 5 chains and 79 links across land of Alanson Hallock, then 5 chains and 52 links across land of J. Hull Moore , then 5 chains and 20 links ,i across land of Parnel Wickham, Elizabeth Wick- ham, Nancy Case and William Wickham, then 11 chains and 15 links across land of John F. Corey and Oliver B. Corey, then 4 chains and 32 links across land of Harvey W. Howell, then 8 chains and 68 links across the woodland of George Young, k then 8 chains and 99 links i h E i' l 321 across improved land of Gottlieb Grathwohl (the north half of the road being for the last two afore- mentioned distances through improved land of Elijah Tuthill ) then 8 chains and 42 links through improved land of Elijah Tuthill to F.lijah's Lane ; then cross- ing the said lane on a course south 73� degrees west , to a stake set up on the west side of said lane dis- tant 15 chains and 91 links from the center of the tracks of the Long Island Railroad where the west side of said lane crosses it and continuing on the k iB last mentioned course 6 chains and 29 links through 1 woodland of Seth ?l. Tuthill, then 5 chains and 26 links through woodland of James Lupton, then 4 dbhains and s 80 links through woodland late of John 0 Corey de- ceased , then 4 chains and 69 links through cleared land of Charles N. Horton, then 4 chains and 86 links through cleared land of Ambrose B. Gould , then 10 i. chains and 44 links through cleared and woodland of Hannah Maria Lupton, then south 671 degrees west 10 chains and 25 links through cleared land of Bar- nabas "lines (the road for said last mentioned distance y being on its northern side partly through cleared r. land of Lorenzo "J. Hudson) to a point on the east i side of Mill Lane distant 29 links south of the f D 322 intersection of the boundary line between said Wines and Hudsan with the east side of said lane and the line of said survey is to be the south side of said Highway, which is to be three rods in width. And Y.hereas , the said J. Halsey Young, George 0. Post , and Davis C. Osborn, Commissioners as aforesaid, did on the 28th day of May , 1874, first take the oath of Office prescribed by the Constitution of the State of New York and did then on the same day forthwith meet and act on the matter committed to them at the railroad station at Cut- chogue in said Town, pursuant to a notice from the Commissioners of Highway of said Town of at least j l 6 days and having taken a view of the premises and heard the parties and such witnesses and were of- fered before them, did thereupon determine and as- sess the damages required to be assessed on the said Highway as follows : The damage of Ira H. Tuthill at $8.00 The damage of Patrick Burns at $100.00 . The damage of ylanson Hallock at $15.00 and the Damage of Elijah Tuthill at $1.30, as will appear reference being had to the assessment and report of said Commissioners filed in the Clerk's Office of said To*7n of Southold 29 May, 1874, at 8 A. N.S. Now, therefore , this indenture witnesseth, that the said Ira H. Tuthill, Patrick Burns , Alan- son Hallock and Elijah Tuthill 323. do hereby severally and each for himself acknow- ledge payment in full to himself, by the Com- missioners of Highway of said Town, of the sums diforesaid at which his damage was assessed as afore- said. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Febryary 19 , 1875. In presence of W. H. Case as to A. H. Alanson Hallock (His seal ) ^7. "H. Case as to E. W. T Elijah a. Tuthill (his seal ) S. I. Fleet as to P. B. Patrick Burns (his seal ) Albertson Case as toM Ira Fi. Tuthill (his seal _ ) Recorded 6 July, 1875 at 2 :30 P. Bd. ,lbertson Case , Town Clerk. This Indenture made the 15th day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, between S. Bailey Corey of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, party of the first part , and Jonathan B. Terry, Henry L. Fleet and Nathan- iel B. Skellinger, Commissioners of Highways of the u said Town of Southold, parties of the second part : Whereas the Main Street or Highway in the central part of the village of Southold, in said Town is so graded as the date hereof , that the surface waters ac- cumulating and flowing thereon, do now pass from and leave such highway to 324 flow over the land of the said S . Bailey Corey, which lies adjacent to and on the south side of the said Highway and next west of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and whereas a portion of said waters would I flow by their natural course over other than the said land of the said S . Bailey Corey; and whereas the said Commissioners deem it expedient for the publia j interest and are therefor desirous , that the waters i accumulating on said highway within the limits here- inafter described should pass over said land of S. Bailey Corey; NOW THEREFORE this indenture witnesseth that the said S. Bailey Corey for and in consideration i of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by the j said Commissioners of Highway at or before the an- sealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof he does ' a hereby acknowledge, doth hereby grantor bargain, sell 1 and confirm unto the said Commissioners of Highway and their successorsin office forever a right of way over his the said land to carry off and drain all the surface waters so accummulating and flowing on the said Main Street between the intersection thereof with the westerly side of the street that passes by the Depot of .the Long Island Railroad Company and the westerly line of the lot of land on which St. Pat- rick's Church now stands , all waters accumulating easterly 325 or westerly of the said limits are hereby ex- cluded from the right of way for drainage hereby granted. This grant is made upon the condition that the said parties of the second part shall, within one year from the date hereof, build and for- ever thereafter maintain a good and substantial and sufficient drain across said land of a depth not less than one foot under the surface of the ground and that it shall be so built as to carry off all surface water naturally accumulating on such land and so that no portion of said land may be washed away or undermined; but in case of the erection of any building or other structure over said drain, then the said drain is not to be ob- structed or in any wise injured nor shall any change in its course or manner and material of construc- tion be claimed or enforced by means or because of such erection; and said drain is to run southerly from the Plain Street across said land beginning at the southerly end of the present culvert under the street on a course to be determined by said parties of first and second parts , and Then so de- termined by the erection of said drain, not to be altered without the consent of both of said parties , to have and to, hold the said easement and privileege to the said parties of the second part and their 326 successors in office forever as an appurtenance belonging to the said Main Street and public highway and the said S. Bailey Core*, for him& self and his heirs , the above described right of way or privilege unto the said parties of the second part and their successors in office against himself, the said party of the first part and his heirs , and against all and every person whomsoever, lawfully claiming, or to claim the same, shall and will warrant , and by these presents forever defend. It witness whereof the said party of the first i, part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and u year first above written. Sealed and delivered in S. Bailey Corey (LS) the presence of Albertson Case State of New York ) Ss Suffolk County ) On this 15th day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five , before me personally came S . Bailey Corey, to me known to be the same person described in and who executed the within instrument , and acknowledged that he executed the same. t Albertson Case , !f Notary Public 'i' In and for Suffolk County 327 Recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in L Liber 216 of Deeds , Page 529, on the 21st day of July, 1875, at 4 o 'c P. T'. Geo. C. Cai�pbell, Clerk Recorded on the 14th day of September , h875 at 2 P. 14. , Albertson Case , Town Clerk. This indenture made the second day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five , between the Methodist Episcopal Church of Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, by Ezra Boisseau, Ezra L. Boisseau, Jonathan II. Boisseau, Franklin N. Terry, Benja- min R. Prince , Hezekiah Jennings , Sherburne A. Beckwith, S . Bailey Corey abd Baldwin T. Paine , Trustees of said Church and acting in its behalf the first part , and Jonathan B. Terry, Henry L. Fleet and Nathaniel B., Skellinger, Commissioners of Highway of said Town, parties of the second part , witnesseth, That the said party of the first part has letten, and by these presents does grant , demise , and to farm let unto the said party of the second part a right of way over its lot on which its horse sheds now stand , situate in the village of Southold and 328 Town aforesaid , to carry off and drain all the surface waters accumulating and flowing on the Main Street in said village , between the inter- section thereof with the westerly side of the street that passes by the Depot of the Long Island Railroad Company and the westerly side of the lot of land on which St. Patrick's Church now stands all waters accumulating easterly or westerly of the said limits are hereby excluded from the right of way for drainage hereby granted. This grant is made upon the consideration that the said parties of the second part , shall conduct the water across the said lot so that it shall not in any way interfere with the use of the horse sheds , and the drains under sdLid sheds to be maintained by the parties of the second part , the course of said right of way to begin at the point where the water shall enter said lot from the land of S . Bailey Corey and run thence southerly to its nat- ural outlet on land of Benjamin R. Prince , with the appurtenances for the term of twenty-five years from the. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . . . . one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five , at the yearly rent or sum of 1 cent to be paid in equal yearly payments upon demand made to said Commis- sioners , and it is agreed that if any rent shall be due and unpaid or if default shall be made in any 329` covenants herein contained , then it shall be lawful for the said party of the first part to re-enter the said premises , and to remove all persons there- from, and the said parties of the second part do hereby covenant to pay to the said parties of the first part the said yearly rent as herein specified. And that at the expiration of the said term, the said parties of the second part will quit and sur- render the premises hereby demised in as good state and condition as reasonable use and wear thereof will permit , damages by the elements excepted. And the said party of the first part does coven- ant that the said parties of the second part on pay- ing the said yearly rent and performing the coven- ants aforesaid ,shgll remain peacably and quietly have , hold , and enjoy the said demised premised for th- term aforesc,id. In witness whereof , the said party of the first part hath caused this instrument to be at- tested by the hands and seals of the said Trustees and the parties of the second part have also here- unto set their han,is and seals on the day and year first above written. In the presence of Henry "7. Prince . Bailey Corey (LS ) Ezra Boisseau (LS ) B. T. Payne )LS ) B. R. Prince (LS ) 330 S . :.. Beckwith (LS ) J. H. Boisseau (LS ) Hezekiah Jennings (LS ) E. L. Boisseau (LS ) S . 11. Terry (LS ) J. B. Terry ) (LS ) Commissioners H. L. Fleet ) (LS ) of Highway I:. B. Skellinger) (LS ) State of New York ) SS Suffolk County ) On this second day of August , in the Year of Our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and seventy- five , before me personally came S . Bailey Corey, Ezra Boisseau, Baldwin T. Payne , Benjamin R. Prince , Sherburne L. Beckwith, Jonathan 1I. Bois- seau, Hezekiah Jennings , Ezra L. Boisseau and Franklin N. Terry, to me severally and selectively known to be the persons described in and who ex- ecuted the above lease , who being by me duly sworn did severally depose and say that they resided in the Town of Southold, in said County and each for himself did say that he was a Trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Southold , that he executed the foregoing lease and acknowledged the execution of the same. Henry W. Prince , Notary Public in and for Suffolk County, N. Y. 331 State of New York ) SS Suffolk County J On this 23rd day of October, in the Year One thousand eight hundred and seventy-five , before me personally came Jonathan B. Terry, Henry L. Fleet and Nathaniel B. Skellinger, to me known to be the same persons des- cribed in and and who executed the foregoing instru- ment and severally acknowledged that they executed the same. Henry W. Prince , Notary Public in and for Suffolk County New York Recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office Liber 218 of Deeds , Page 279, on the fifteenth day of Sep- tember 1875, at 8 o 'clock 45 minutes A. It. George C. Campbell , Clerk. Recorded the 23rd day of October, 1875, at 3 o 'clock P. ;:". , Albertson Case , Town Clerk. The undersigned , Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order; all of said Commissioners being present , and having deliberated thereon, DO HEREBY ORDER, that all that portion of said Town now included in Road District Nos . 15 & N. 332 16 be divided into two Road Districts to be numbered as 15 & 16 , to be bounded and described as follows : District No. 15 commences at the west side of Indian Neck Lane and runs west to the east side of Cox Lane and included the lane leading by Daniel Buckingham's to the Bay and Bridge Lane north to the Railroad. District No. 16 commences at the east side o of Cox Lane and runs west to the east side of Alvah's Lane and includes Cox's and Depot Lane to the north side of the New Road, the New Road between Cox's and Alvah's Lanes and the New Suffolk Road south as far as the southerly line of 17illiam Harrison Case. In Witness 'Thereof we have hereunto sub- scribed our names this 23rd day of October , 187 5. J. B. Terry ( Comriissi6ners H. L. Fleet ) of 11. B. Skellinger ( Highway Recorded the 23rd day of October , 1875 at 4 o 'clock P. 1?. , Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 333 Whereas a road used as being a Highway in the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, and generally known as Tuckers Lane , was altered by an order of the Commissioners of Highways of said Town, bearing date 28 April , 1861 , and fled and recorded in the Town Clerk's Office of the said Town in Liber F of the Town Records , Page 182; and Whereas , said Order bears mark of Improper and incorrect alterations , and the diagram attached thereto is dncorrectly recorded so that the said highway is not sufficiently and accurately described in the Town Records ; Now, Therefore , We , the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Towti, having met at the Town Clerk 's Office thereof, for the purpose of causing said Highway to be sufficiently and correctly ascer- tained , described and entered of record in the said Town Clerk's Office , all the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend the said meet- ing for the purpose of deliberating on the subject embraced in this Order , DO HEREBY ORDER, that the said Highway beascertained , described and entered of record. And the said Commissioners do further Order that said Highway be and the same is hereby aseertained of record, as follows : All of the 4 boundaries and descriptive portions of said order B as recorded to stand 334. VIII I and remain as therein expressed , viith the additional description that the intersection of the northerly line of said Tuckers Lane with the northerly line of Tovm Street , so-called , is nearly opposite and in front of the barn of Jonathan 7. Huntting, said highway to conform to the survey, a diagram of which is hereunto annexed. In witness whereof , the s^ id Commissioners have hereunto subscribed their names , the 18th day of March, 1876. Jonathan B. Terry )Comm. of Nathaniel B. Skellinger )Highway Recorded the 18th day of March , 1876 , at 6 P. 1111. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 335 f o \ CO \O \ 14 13 Li � W. 11-vn�n�} tlu�se MAS ry 'r o9 y � �� Ke1 -�s �a n� a lows S�fee7 335 At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk, at the Town Clerk's Office of the said Town, on the first day of July , 1876 , all the Commissioners having been _ duly notified to attend this meeting of the Com- missioners for the purpose of deliberating on the subject of this Order , upon the application of George C. Terry, a resident in said Town , and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein, for the alteration of the road , which runs westerly from Town Harbor Lane , so-called , to the Old Landing Place or point of land , and on the certificate of eleven respectable jurors , convened and duly dworn as re- quired by the Statutes , certifying that such altera- tion is necessary and proper , and notice in writing of at least three days having been given in due form of law to Alfred R. Vail , William II. Vail, and Jonathan R. Terry, occupants of the land through which such road as hereinafter described will pass , That the undersigned, Commissioners , would meet at this time and place , to decide on the application aforesaid , and we having heard all reasons offered for and against altering such highway, it is ordered , determined and certified that the course of the said road be and the same is hereby so altered , pursuant to said application: and a survey of said road so 336 altered has been made and is as follows , to wit : : The southerly line thereof to begin at Town Iiarbor Lane at a point 20j feet southerly of the intersection of the former southerly line of said road with the west line of said lane and run thence south 19j degrees west 435PI feet through improved land of Cilfred R. Vail and Pulliam H. Vail, thence on the same course 714.7 feet through im- proved land of Jonathan A. Terry, thence on the same course to a stake set up on the beach 161 feet , through land used by the public as a landing place or in that connection since the first settlement of the Town and the fee of which if owned by private individuals is in Alfred R. Vail and William II. Vail ; which road , so altered is to be three rods in width. The northerly line of said road so altered entirely passes through improved land of Jonathan B. T Terry, except that 72 feet on its westerly end is through land of Alfred R. Vail and "lilliam I.I. Vail . The said survey is illustrated and shown more fully by the diagram hereto annexed , which is hereby made and declared to be a part of 337 this Order. 'fitness our hand this first day of July 1876. Ezra L. Goldsmith J Commissioners of , f �AReoQ Q , I � N 9 4 � p i I , I , , ,1 L 03 I { a .OF e , Vvhz ` F s 337 this Order . '7itness our hand this first day of July 1876. Ezra L. Goldsmith ) Commissioners of N. R. Ckellinger ) Highway Recorded the first day of July, 1876 , at 4 o 'clock Py Albertson Case, Town Clerk. 338 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, at the Town Clerk 's Office of the said Town, on the 12th day of .,ugust 1876, all the Commissioners having met and deliberated upon the subject matter of this order, upon the application of Seth B. Tabor and others , residents in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the Highways therein, for the alteration of Orchard Street , Orient , by Tid- ening the same at its westerly end where it passes between the land of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the land late of Thomas Tuthill deceased , and also for the alteration of King Street , at Orient, by widening the same at its westerly end, where it ,,asses on its northerly side by lands late of Henry T. King, deceased , and on the certificate of eleven reputable jurors and fbeeholders of said Town, oonveneddand duly sworn as required by the Statutes , certifying that such alterations are necessary and proper; and Esther Tuthill , Ezra Tuthill and Daniel T. Tuthill , woners and inter- ested in the lands through which the said Orchard Street as hereby altered and hereinafter des- cribed will pass , having given their consent in writing to such alterations and Betsy I. King, owner of the land through which the said King Street , as hereby altered and hereinafter described will pass , having given her consent in writing to such alterations and we having heard all reasons 339 offered for and against altering such Highways : IT IS ORDERED, DETEIMISTED and CERTIFIED, that the Southerly line of the said Orchard Street at its westerly end shall be and the same is hereby ordered so that it shall run as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point on the Main Street 43.8 feet northerly of the boundary line between the lots of Ezra A. Tuthill and others , and ;7illiam H. Wilcox, and running thence south 63 degrees east , 114.8 feet through the garden o$ Esther Tuthill, Ezra A. Tuthill and Daniel T. Tut- hill , the said Orchard Street thus altered to be 42.5 feet in width as its intersection with Main Street; and further 1/it is Ordered, Determined and Certified that the northerly line of said King Street at its westerly end shall be and the same is hereby altered so that it shall run as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point on the east side of the street which runs southerly from the wharf and running thence north 85 degrees east 104.8 feet through the garden of Betsy 1,. King; the said King Street thus altered to be 36 feet in width through the whole length of such alteration; and the diagram hereunto annexed showing the said Orchard and King Streets , as hereby altered are hereby made and declared to be a part of this order. 340 In Witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this 12th day of August 1876. Henry L. Fleet, ) Commissioners 11. B. Skellinger ) of E. L. Goldsmith ) Highway ) Recorded the 12th day of August 1876 at 5 otclock p,bl, Albertson Case , Town Clerk. 1 j 341 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, at the Town Clerk's Office in said Town on the 25th day of August 1876 , all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend the said meeting, for the purpose of deliberating on the subject ratter of this order, upon the application of Charles 11. Franklin, a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the Highways therein, for the alteration of the Highway known as Plain Street at Orient, by widening the same at its lower end, and on the certificate of twelve reputable freeholders of said Town, convened and duly sworn after due public notice, as required by the Stat- utes , certifying that such alteration is necessary and proper; and we having heard all reasons offered for and against the alteration of such highway , it is OR- DERED, DETEIMINED and CERTIFIED, that the said Highway be and the same is hereby so altered that the westerly line of said Highway shall run as follows ; Beginning fat a point on the northerly line of the lot of George H. Champlin and ;,lbert M. Champlin (said point of be- ginning being 1.6 feet easterly of the point where the west line of said street as it runs southerly strikes said northerly line and also 7.8 feet westerly of the present intersection of the west line of said street as it runs northerly from the wharf with said northerly line ) and running thence south 2612 342 degrees west 186.6 feet to the north-easterly corner of the butcher shop now standing on said lot of George H2 Champlin, and said line so altered running entirely through enclosed or improved land of said George fI? Champlin and Albert N. Champlin, the said Highway so altered to be 467 feet in width at the northerly end of such alteration. ind the diagram hereunto annexed showing the Main Street as herein altered is hereby made and declared to be a part of this order. In witness whereof , we have hereunto set our hands this 25th day of August , 1876. P. L. Goldsmith ) Commissioners of N. B. Skellinger ) Highv:ays Recorded the 25th day of September ln76 , at 2 :30 P. M. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. a k 343 The undersigned , Commissioners of Highways of t the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having met and deliberated on the subjedt em- braced in this order, all said Commissioners hav- ing been duly notified to attend the said meeting for the purpose of deliberating on the subject matter of this order, do hereby ORDER that the Highway running from the North to the South Roads and commonly known as P.;ud Lane be taken from Road District No. 5 and hereafter be in- cluded in and constitute a part of Road District No. 4. It is also further ORDERED that the westerly boundary of Road District No. 8 be the east side of Horton's Lane and that that portion of Horton's Lane heretofore included in said District No. 8 be included in and form a part of Road District No. 9. In witness whereof , vie have hereunto sub- scribed our names this 18th day of November, 1876 , E. L. Goldsmith )Commissioners of 1 . B. Skellinger ) Highways Recorded the 18th day of November, 1876 at 3 o 'clock P. 1:5. Llbertson Case , Town Clerk. Whereas Ezra L. Goldsmith and IT. B. Skellinger Commissioners of Highways of the Town of South- old in the County of Suffolk and State of New E t York did by prp l d t 344 r, an order dated the first day of July, 1876 and re- corded in the Clerk's Office of said Town of Southold, on the first day of July, 1876, at 4 o 'clock P. P.R. , in Liber F Page 335 alter the road, which runs westerly from Town Harbor Lane, so-called , to the Old Landing Place or point of land which alteration was applied for by George C. Terry, a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the Highways therein, and the description of which road so altered is as follows ; to wit : The Southerly line thereof to begin at Town Har- bor Lane at a point 20-21- feet southerly of the in- tersection of the former southerly line of said road with the west line of said lane and run thence P" south 19' degrees west , 4351 feet through improved land of Alfred R. Vail and William H. Vail , thence on the same course 714.7 feet through improved land of Jonathan B. Terry ; thence on the same course to a stake set up on the beach , 161 feet, through land used by the public as a landing place or in that connection since the first settlerient of the Town and the fee of which , if owned by private individ- uals is in Alfred R. Vail and William II. Vail ; which road so altered is to be three rods in width. 345 the northerly line of said road so altered passes entirely through improved land of Jonathan B. Terry, except that 72 feet on its westerly end is through land of Alfred R. Vail and William H. Vail, and :whereas the said Jonathan B. Terry, on the 12th day of august , 1876 , did by duplicate agreement in writing with the said Commissioners of Highways , one of such duplicate agreements being duly filed in the Clerk's Office of the said Town of Southold, ascertain and agree upon the stun of $100.00 as the amount of dam- ages occasioned and done to him by reason of the al- teration ofsaid road. Now, Therefore , Know All Men By These Presents , that in consideration of the payment to me, the said Jonathan B. Terry , by Ezra L. Goldsmith, N. B. Skel- r linger and Henry L. Fleet, Commissioners of Highway F � of the said Town, of the said sum of $100.00, the re- ceipt of which in full by me is hereby acknowledged , I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the alteration of the said road. In `fitness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of January, 1877. µ In presence of y Albertson Case. Jonathan B. Terry (LS ) Recorded on the 3rd day of FebrVary, 1877 at 3 o 'clock P. M. . . . . . . . . ,lbertson Case , Town Clerk. X46 Whereas Ezra L. Goldsmith and PI. B. Skellinger , Com- missioners of highways of the Town of Southold , in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, did by an order dated the first day of July, 1876, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of said Town of Southold on the j first day of July , 1876, at 4 o 'clock P. M. , in Liber I+', Page 335, alter the road which runs westerly from 8 j Town harbor Lane, so-called , to the Old Landing Place s for point of land , which alteration was applied for by George C. Terry , a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to viork on the highw ays therein, and f a description of which road so altered is as follows , to ait : The southerly line thereof to begin at Town Harbor Lane at a point 2021 feet southerly of the inter- section of the former southerly line of said road with the west line of said Lane and run thence south 19i degrees west 43521 feet through improved land of Alfred ly R. Vail and William H. Vail; thence on the same cou rse 714.7 feet through improved land of Jonathan B. Terry ; �i thence on the sante course to a stake set up on the beach, 161 feet through land used by the public as a t "+ landing place or in thrit connection since the first settlement of the Tovm I'^ 4 347 and the fee of which , if owned by private indiv- ido:a.s iduals is on Alfred R. Vail and William H. Vail ; which road , so altered, is to be three rods in width, the northerly line of said road, so altered, passes entirely through improved land of Jonathan B. Terry , except that 72 feet on its westerly end is through the land of Alfred R. Vail and 7111iam H. Vail. And Whereas , the said Alfred R. Vail and Wil- liam H. Vail, on the 12th day of August , 1876 , did by duplicate agreement in writing with the said Com- missioners of Highway , one of such duplicate agree- ments being duly filed in the Clerk's office of the said Town of Southold, ascertain and agree upon the sum of $75 as the amount of damages occasioned and done to them by reason of the alteration of said road. Now, Therefore , Know All I-Sen By These Presents : ! That in consideration of the payment to us , the said Alfred R. Vail and William II. Vail, by Ezra L. Gold- smith, N. B. Skellinger and Henry L. Fleet, Com- kmissioners of Highways of the said Town, of the sum of $75, the receipt of which in full by us is hereby acknowledged , we do hereby release all claim to dam- ages by reason of the alteration of the said road. In witness whereof , we have hereunto set our hands and seals 348 this 6th day of January, 1877. In presence of Albertson Case blfred R. Vail (IS ) William H. Vail (LS ) i Recorded on the 26th day of February, 1877 at 2 :30 o 'clock P. M. , Albertson Case , Town Clerk. Whereas Henry L. Fleet , N. B. Skellinger and E. L. Goldsmith , Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, did by an order dated the 12th day of August, 1876, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of said Town of Southold on the 12th day of August 1876 at 5 o 'clock P. M. , in Liber F, page 338, alter Orchard Street at Orient by widening the same at its westerly end where it passes between the land of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the land late of Thomas Tuthill, deceased, which ap- plication was applied for by Sety B. Tabor and others , residents of said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein, and the description of which Highway, so altered , is as follows ; to wit : The Southerly line of the said Orchard Street at its westerly end to begin at a point on the Main Street 43.8 feet northerly of the boundary line between the lots of Ezra A. Tuthill and others , and 'Pulliam H. 7ilcox and N i 349 running thence south 63 degrees east , 114.8 feet through the garden of Esther Tuthill, Ezra A. Tut- hill and Daniel T. Tuthill; the said Orchard Street , thus altered , to be 42. 5 feet in width at its intersection with Main Street. And whereas the said Ezra a. Tuthill and Daniel T. Tuthill, on the 10th day of May 1876 , did by duplicate agreement in writing with the said Com- missioners , one of such duplicate agreements being j duly filed in the Clerk's Office of the said Town of Southold, ascertain and agree upon the sum of t50 as the amount of damages occasioned and done to them by reason of the alteration of said road, Now, Therefore , Prow All Plen ny These Pre- sents , that in Consideration of the payment to us , the said Ezra A. Tuthill and Daniel T. Tuthill, by Ezra S. Goldsmith, IT. B. Skellinger and Henry L. i Fleet , Commissioners of Highways of said Town, of the said sum of $50, the receipt of which in full by us iz herewith acknowledged, we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the alteration of said Highway. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 8th day of February, 1877. In presence of E. A. Tuthill (1,S ) 350 George 11. Cleaves D. T. Tuthill (LS ) Filed and -recorded the 26th day of February 1877 ay 2 :30 o 'clock P. T?. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. Whereas , Henry L. Fleet, N. B. Skellinger and F. L. Goldsmith, Commissioners of Highways of t the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York , did by an order dated the 12th day of August, 1876 , and recorded in the Clerk's Office of said Town of Southold on the 12th day of August 1876 at 5 o 'clock P. IT. in Liber F. Page 338, alter Orchard Street at Orient, by widening the same at its westerly end where it passes between the land of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the land late of Thomas Tuthill , deceased , which alteration was applied for by Seth B. Tabor and others , resi- dents in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein, and the descrip- tion of which highway so altered , is as follows , to wit : The southerly line of the said Orchard Street at its westerly end to begin at a point on the Main Street 43.8 feet northerly of the boundary line between the lots of Ezra A. Tut- hill and others , and William II. Wilcox and running thence south 63 degrees east, 114.8 feet through the g arden of Esther Tuthill, Ezra A. Tuthill 3-51 and Daniel T. Tuthill; the said Orchard Street thus altered to be 42.5 feet in width at its intersection with Main Street. And whereas , the said Esther Tuthill , on the 30th day of May, 1876 , did by duplicate agreement in writing with the said Commissioners of Highways , one of such duplicate agreements being duly filed in the Clerk's Office of the said Town of Southold, stip- ulate that upon the removal of the said Commissioners of all the buildings and structures then standing on the lot occupied by her and their being placed on the line of the said highway as altered above and the removal of the fence then standing to the line the highway so altered, the said buildings and fence to be set up in as good condition and state as they then were, such removal to be accomplished before the first day of October, 1876 , and all the costs and expenses thereof to be paid and borne by the said Commissioners , and upon the payment to her , the said Esther Tuthill, by the said Commissioners of the sum of $10 on or before the 10th day of February, 1877 , she would execute a release of all her claims to damages by reason of the alteration of said Highway. Now, Therefore , Know All Men By These Presents, That in consideration of the full perforr,ance by the said Commissioners of all the terms of the said agreement both in the removal of the said buildings , structures and fence , and in the payment to me the said Esther X52 Tuthill , of the sum of $10, the receipt of which in full by me is hereby acknowledged , I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the alter- ation of said Highway. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of February, 1877. In presence of 7. W. Thompson Her Esther Tuthill (X) (LS ) Cross Filed and recorded the 10th day of ITarch , 1877 at 2 :15 P. M. , Albertson Case, Town Clerk 'Whereas , Henry L. Fleet , K. B. Skellinger and E. L. Goldsmith, Commissioners of Highway of the Town of :Southold in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, did by an order dated the 12th day of August , 1876 , and recorded in the Clerk's Office of said Town of Southold on the 12th day of August, 1876 at 5 o 'clock P. IT. , in Liber F, Page 338, alter King Street in Orient by widen- ing the same at its westerly end , where it passes on its northerly side by land late of Henry T. Kingy deceased, which alteration was applied for by Seth B. Tabor and others , residents in said Town and Liable to be assessed to work on the High- ways therein, and the description of c.hich High- way, so altered, is as follows , to wit : The northerly line of the said I 353 King Street at its westerly end to begin at a point on the east side of the street which runs southerly from the Wharf, and runs thence north 85 degrees east, 104.8 feet through the garden of Betsy A. King; the said King Street, thus altered, to be 36 feet in width through the whole length of such alter- ation. And whereas , the said Betsy A. King, on the . . . . . . . . . day of. . . . . . . . did by duplicate agreement in writing with the said Commissioners of Highways, 41 one of such duplicates being duly filed in the Clerk's Office of the said Town of Southold, ascer- tain and agree upon the sum of $$25 as the amount of damages occasioned and done to her by reason of the alteration of said Road. Now, therefore , KT10?I! All Men By These Pre- sents , That in consideration of the payment to me the said Betsy i . King, by Ezra L. Goldsmith, N. B. Skellinger and Henry L. Fleet , Corirnissioners of Highway of the said Town, of the said sur. of 25 the receipt of which in full by me is hereby acknow- ledged, I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the alteration of the said road. In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of February, 1877 . In presence of J. 17. Thompson Betsy i,. King (LS ) 354 Filed and recorded the 10th day of March, 1877 at 2 :15 P. M. Albertson Case, Town Clerk. Whereas E. L. Goldsmith and N. B. Skellinger , Com- missioners of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, did by an order dated the 25th day of August , 1876 , and recorded the 25th day* of September , 1876, at 2 :30 P. .?. , al dier Main Street at Orient, by widening the same at its lower end, which alteration was applied for by Charles T?. Franklin, a resident in said Town and liable to be _assessed to work on the highways therein, and the description of which high- way, so altered is as follows , to wit : The wester- ly line of said Highway beginning at e point on the nomtherly line of the lot of George H. Ghamplin and Albert N. Champlin (said point of beginning being 1.6 feet easterly of the point where the west line I of said street as it runs southerly strikes said northerly line and also 7.8 feet westerly of the I present intersection of the west line of said street I j as it runs northerly from the Wharf with said north- II erly line ) and running thence south 262 degrees west { 186.6 feet to R f f 355 the north-easterly corner of the butcher shop now standing on said lot of George H? Champlin and Albert N. Champlin, said line so altered running entirely through enclosed or improved land of said George H. Champlin and filbert P1. Champlin, and said Highway so altered to be 45.7 feet in width at the northerly end of such alteration. And , whereas , the said George H. Champlin and blbert N. Champlin on the 31st day of August, 1876, did by duplicate agreement in writing with the said Commissioners of Highways, one of such dupli- cate agreements being duly filed in the Clerk's Office of said Town of Southold, ascertain and agree upon the sum of $25, as the amount of damages occas- ioned and done to them by reason of the alteration of said Highway; Now, Therefore , Know All Men By These Presents , That in consideration of the payment to us , the said George H. Champlin and l.lbert Pd. Champlin, by Ezra L. Goldsmith , NT. B. Skellinger and Henry L. Fleet, Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, of the said sum of $25 , the receipt of which in full by us is hereby acknowledged, we do hereby release all claims to damages by reason of the alteration of the said Highway. 356 In witness whereof, we have hereunto set 1 our hands and seals this 12th day of February, 1877. In presence of Eli Thorp George H. Champlin (LS ) a Albert N. Champlin (LS ) 3 Filed and recorded the 10th day of March, 1877 , at 2 :15 P. M. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. A meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk having been held at the Town Clerk's Office in the said Town on the kith day of February, 1878, and said meeting having been adjourned from time to time until the 23rd day of February, 1878, and at said meeting so adjourned all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend the said meeting, and the adjournment thereof for the purpose of deliber- ating on the subject matter of this order, upon the application of I.Sichael Kenny, a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the high- ways therein for the laying out of the highway here- after to be described, and on certificate of ten jurors of said Town convened and duly sworn as re- quired by the Statutes , certifying thwt such highway is necessary and proper , and notice in writing of at least 3 days having been given in due form of law to Idichael Kenny, Eli 17. Howell , Mary Ann Corey, Frank- lin N. Terry, Phineas Fanning, Joseph H. Horton, Martin Goldsmith, David L. Horton, Thomas Conway, William V. Horton, William Horton, Hezekiah Jennings , John B. Swezey, Barnabas H. Booth and '7illiam A. Haynes , occupants and owners of the land through which such highway is 357 to run, that the undersigned Commissioners would meet at the time and place first herein mentioned to decide on the application aforesaid, and we having heard all reasons offered for and against laying out such High- way , it is ORDERED, DETERMINED and CERTIFIED that a public Highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application, whereof a survey has been made and is as follows , The middle of said Highway to begin at a point on the northerly side of the North Road, where the boundary line between the lands of Michael Kenny and Eli 47. Howell intersect, said North Road , and running thence northerly 44 degrees west, on the boundary line between said Kenny and Howell a dis- tance of 10 chains and 25 links against and through the improved lands of said Kennyand a distance of 11 chains and 48 links against and through the improved lands of said Howell, and thence continuing on the same course and on the boundary line between the lands of said Corey, Howell , Kenny, Terry , Horton and Fanning, a distance of 40 chains and 30 links against and through the improved 1%nd of said Corey, a distance of 13 chains and 40 links against and through the improved land of said Kenny, and a distance of 25 chains and 67 links against and through the improved lands of said Terry , Fanning, and Joseph H. Horton, and thence continuing on the same course through improved lands of Martin Goldsmith , David L. Horton, Thomas Conway, Joseph E. Horton, ',Villiam Horton, William V. Horton, John B. Swezey, Barnabas H. Booth, William A. Haynes , and Heaekiah Jennings , a distance of 18 chains to Long island Sound, said road being 68 chains and 55 links in its entire length, and the line of said survey is to be the center of said Highway, which is to be 3 rods in 'i 358. widt#, the said survey being more fully shovm by the diagram hereunto annexed. :Fitness our hands this 23rd day of February, 1878. E. L. Goldsmith ( Commissioners of N. A. Skellinger ) Highway Filed and recorded the 23rd day of Pebruary, 1878 at 4 o 'clock P. 1I. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. -e 1 J1 J y� 0 i 359 � dor is Id n � SavY. � SII MARt-1N G, ldsmIr�e j� it ri C�sre, FN. ry -yy P. �- annin , ;i C l7 rS }`avY Ahh Cor II ohne Y 'i tv 'I weld Ise nrle (load �e Se►+h D — 5. y' W. S. 3y v 364 A Highway having been laid out oxi the 23rd day of February, 1878, by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County ;,f Suffolk, on the application of T"ichael Kenny, through the improved land of me , the said Michael Lenny, and the said sev- erak improved lands of Martin Goldsmith, David L. Hor- ton, Thomas Conway, William V. Horton, Hezekiah Jen- nings , John 13. Swezey, Barnabas H. Booth, William Horton and William ti. Haynes , beginning at a point hn t the northerly side of the North Road, where the bound- ary line of T"ichael Kenny and Eli W. Howell intersect said North Road, and running thence northerly 44 de- grees west: on the boundary line between said Kenney and Howell, a distance of 10 chains and 25 links a- gainst and through the improved- land of said Kenny, and a distance of 11 chains and 48 links against and through the improved land of said Howell, and thence continuing on the same course and on the boundary line between the lands of said Corey, Howell, Kenny, Terry , Horton and Fanning, a distahce of 40 chains and i 30 links agdinst and through the improved land of said Corey a distance of 13 chains and 40 links against and through the improved land of said Kenny, and a distance of 25 chains and 67 links against and through the unimproved land of said Terry, Fanning and Jos- eph H. Horton, and thence continuing on the same course through unimproved lands of Martin Goldsmith, David L. Horton, Thomas Conway 3 6 1_ Joseph H. Horton, William Horton, ,Villiam V. Horton, John B. Swezey, Barnabas H. Booth, William A. Haynes and Hezekiah Jennings, a distance of 18 chains to Long Island Sound , said road being 68 chains and 55 links in its entire length and the line of said sur- vey as above given is to be the centre of said High- way , which is to be 3 rods in width. Know All Men By These Presents , that we , the said L4ichael Kenny, 1Rartin Goldsmith , David L. Horton Thomas Conway, William Horton, William V. Horton, John B. 3wezey, Barnabas H. Booth, William t,. Haynes and Hezekiah Jennings , for value received, do hereby re- lease all claim to damages b reason of the lain g Y laying out and opening of the said Highway. Witness our hands and seals the 25th day of March) 1878. In Presence of William A. Haynes (LS ) w d: S. D. Goldsmith Thomas Conway (LS ) r '3illiam V. Horton (LS ) His Michael (X) Kenny (LS ) Mark John B. Sweezey (LS ) Hezekiah Jennings (LS ) Joseph H. Horton (LS) Martin Goldsmith (LS ) B. H. Booth (LS ) 4� D. L. Horton (LS ) William Horton (LS ) Filed and recorded the 25th day of March , 1878 at 9 o 'clock A. T?. i;lbertson Case , Town Clerk. 362 The undersigned, Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having met at the Town Clerk 's Office in the said Town, to decide upon the application of Daniel C. Brown, a resident of said Town, liable to be assedsed for Highway labor therein, for the al.teration of the road where it crosses Orient Beach, all the said Commissioners being present and having deliberated on the subject of this Order, Do Hereby Order that the northerly line of the said road be and the same is hereby so altered as to run as follows : Beginning at a stake standing at the southeasterly corner of Dam Pond, so-called , and running thence north 61 degrees east 2 chains and 17 links to a stake set up , thence north 63 degrees east 6 chains and 54 links to the west line of the land of Nathaniel B. Skellinger , the said alteration so far as above described, passing through and taking only the a land of James H. McDermott, thence continuing on the same course 6 chains and 98 links through lands owned by Nathaniel B. Skellinger, thence on a curved line as represented and shown by the diagram hereunto an- nexed to the stone wall or fence which runs up to the private cemetery on the farm of said Skellinger. And said diagram is to be taken and is hereby made a part and portion of this Order and it is further ordered that the southerly line of said roaid so altered is to be and run 4 rods from the said northerky line and that such parts of the present road as are not in- cluded in the forgoing description be , and the same are hereby 363 discontinued. Dated the 13th day of April, 1878. Henry L. Fleet ) Conunissioners F. L. Goldsmith ) of N. B. Skellinger ) Highways Filed and recorded the 13th day of April , 1878 at 3 o 'clock P. 11. ,lbertson Case , Town Clerk. The diagram referred to, in the above order on next page. 364 r A Certain Highway having been altered on the 13th day of tpril 1878 ; by the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the ap- plication of Daniel C. Brown through the several im- proved lands of us , Nathaniel B. Skellinger and James H. McDermott, beginning at a stake standing at the south-westerly corner of Dam Pond, so-called , and run- ning thence north 61 degrees east 2 chains and 17 links to a sta':e set up , then north 63 degrees east 6 chains and 54 links to the west line of the land of Nathaniel B. Skellinger, the said alteration so far as above described,"running through and taking only the land of James H. McDermott , thence continuing on the same course 6 chains and 98 links through land owned by Nathaniel B. Skellinger, thence on a curved line to the stone wall or fence which runs up to the private cemetery on the farm of said Skellinger. Know All Iden By These Presents , That in consideration of the payment to us , the said J. H. McDermott and Nathaniel +r B. Skellinger by Henry L. Fleet, Ezra L. Goldsmith `i and Nathaniel B. Skellinger, Commissioners of Highway of said Town, of the following sums of money, to wit: 4 i the sum of $90 to the said Nathaniel '.3. Skellinger and the sum of 040 to the said James H. McDermott , I the receipt of which in full by each of us is hereby ai acknowledged, and we the said J. H. McDermott and i i I 366 ' Nathaniel B. Skellinger , do hereby severally re- lease all claim to damages by reason of the altera- tion of the said Highway. And the said Nathaniel B. Skellinger and James H. D. McDermott do hereby cov- enant and agree to and with the said Commissioners r, of Highway each for himself that he will warrant t and defend all that certain part of the said Highw way so altered which passes through the said land a so described as belonging to him, in the w,nziet and peacable possession of said Commissioners of Highways and their successors in office so lang as said premises may be required and needed for a Highway. s The curved line referred to in said de- scription is fully and truly shown by the diagram recorded in Liber F. of the said Town of Southold on Page 364. ''fitness our hands and seals 14th day of May, 1878. In presence of 11. B. Skellinger (LS ) Jan-es McDermott (LS ) :e JI Filed and recorded the 24th day of my, 1878 at 4 :40 o 'clock i. , Hlbertson Case, Town Clerk. -�I I1. 367 A Highway having been laid out on the 23rd day of February, 1878, by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of TAichael Fenny, through the lands of us, Franklin N. Terry, Joseph H. Horton, Phineas Fanning, Mary Ann Corey , and Eli W. Howell, Beginning at a point on the northerly side of the North Road, where the boundary line between the land of Michael Kenny and Eli 'J. Howell intersect said North Road and running thence northerly 44 degrees west on the boundary line bet,:,een said Kenny and Howell a distance of 10 chains ans 25 links against and through the improved lands of said Kenny and a distance of 3 chains and 48 links against and through the improved lands of said Howell, and thence con- tinuing on the same course and on the boundary line between the land of said Corey, Howell , Kenny, Terry Horton and Fanning, a distance of 40 chains and 30 links against and through the unimproved land of said Corey, a distance of 13 chains and 40 links against and through the improved land of said Kenny, and a distance of 25 chains and 67 links against and through the unimproved land of said Terry, Fanning and Joseph H. Horton, and thence continuing on the sane course through unimproved lands of Martin Goldsmith, David L. Horton, Thomas Conway, i f 368 I� r Joseph H. Horton, jilliam Horton, 71illiam V. Horton I'J John B. Sweezey, Barnabas H. Booth, '.dilliam A. Haynes and Hezekiah Jennings , a distance of 18 chains to Long Island Sound, said road neing 68 chains and 55 links in its entire length; Now Know All Iden By These Presents , That in considera- tion of the payment to us by Henry L. Fleet, Ezra L. Goldsmith and Nathaniel I3. Skellinger , Commis- sioners of Highways of the following sums of money , to wit: the sum of $10 to the said Joseph H. Horton, the sum of $5 to the said Phineas Fanning, the sum of $5 to the said Franklin id. Terry, the sum of $50 to the said Eli W. Howell, and the sum of $97.50 i•. to Mary Ann Corey, the receipt of which several sums , by us is hereby acknowledged, we the said Joseph I. H. Horton, Phineas Fanning, Franklin IT. Terry, Eli W. Howell and Mary Ann Corey, do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the lahing out of said Highway which we or either of us may have. !`fitness our hands and seals the 15th day of May i I ' 1878, i In presence of Franklin P;. Terry (LS ) Salem D. Goldsmith Phineas Fanning (LS ) Joseph H. Horton (LS ) G' Eli W. Howell (LS ) Mary ix. Corey (LS ) ( 4 : Filed and recorded the 24th day of May, 1878 at 4 :40 o 'clock P. i:I. Albertson Case , Town Clerk F� ii ' i 369 7hereas the Highway at Mattituck in the Torm of Southold and County of Suffolk, which runs east and west and lies ,just south of the Long Island Railroad Station is proposed to be altered by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town of Southold so that the same sgall run as follows : The south line thereof to commence at a point on the west line of the highway which runs northerly from the Mattituck Hotel at a point distant 134.3 feet southerly from the center of the tracks of the Long Isl :nd Railroad Company (said distance being measured on the said west line ) And thence running westerly south 59 degrees west , 333 feet to and terminating at the east side of the Highway that runs northerly from the North Road along the west side of the said Hotel property, and the said Point of termination (meaning along the said last mentioned east side ) being 75. 5 feet southerly from the center of the track of the Long Island Rail- road Company, the said Highway, so altered , to be of the width of three rods , and which when so altered will take a strip of land from the northerly side of my garden ; Now, therefore, I do hereby consent that such road be so altered, located, opened , worked and used through my said land or garden; and further, in con- sideration of 1 cent to me in hand I do hereby re- lease all claim to damage which I may or might here- after have by reason of the alteration of said high- way. This consent and release is however subject to and only upon the condition that the Commissioners of Highway of said Town of Southold shall in their Order making the above alteration insert a declara- tion to the effect, that such part of the present road as are not included in the above description be and the same hfter"ouch order of alteration shall 370 be discontinued. 'Nitness my hand this 12th day of June , 1878. In presence of Geo. '?. Betts fIenry A. Dingee (seal ) Filed and recorded the 5th day of September 1878 at 2 :45 P. M. Albertson Case , Town Clerk The Undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having met at the Town Clerk 's Office in the said Town to decide upon the application of George I,. Betts a resident of said Town, liable to be assessed r' for highway labor theiein, for the alteration of the Highway which runs east and west and lies just south of the Long Island Railroad Station at Mattituck, all the said Commissioners being present and having deliberated on the subject embraced in this order , DO HEREBY ORDER That the same be and is hereby altered so as to run as follows : The south line thereof 4 to commence at a point on the west line of the Highway which runs northerly from the Mattituck Bank at a point distant 110)4.3 feet southerly from the center of the tracks of the Long Island Railroad Company (said distance being measured on the said west line ) and thence running i' westerly south 59 degrees west 333 feet to and terminating at the east side of the highway that runs northerly from the North Road along 1„ the west side of the said Hotel property and kh the said point of termination (meaning along the said last mentioned east side ) being 75.5 feet southerly from the center of the tracks of N the Long Island Railroad Company, the said High- way, so altered, to be of the width of three r6ds , and it is further ordered that such parts ' of the present road as are not included in the above description be and the same are hereby discontinued. And the diagram hereunto annexed is to be taken and is hereby made a part and portion of this order. Dated 5 September, 1878 Henry L. Fleet )Commissioners 11. B. Skellinger) of Ir I']. L. Goldsmith ) Highway ,! Filed and recorddd the 5th day of September, 1878 at 2 :45 P. 1.1. Albertson Case, ^+ Tovm Clerk. _ 371 4,4 LD ^/� fiEi -� o •s i a i p ! Cl) c-/ s li c� a t m it � � I ,y N a it s J 4 Q— i o � I � I j0 %M t1. 6 r �. 3 (71 1 372 Southold Town Clerk's Office i The undersigned , Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southpld in the County of Suffolk, having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this i order, all the said Commissioners hav&ng been duly r, notified to attend here for the purpose of deliber- ating thereon. Te , Ezra L. Goldsmith and 11. B. Skellinger, being present , DO ORDER that all that portion of Horton's Lane heretofore included in Road District No. 9 and Lying northerly of the i house of Martin Goldsmith , shall hereafter be in- cluded in and form a part of Road District No . S. In witness whereof , we have hereunto subscribed j our names this 1st day of October, 1878. P. L. Goldsmith ) Commissioners of IT. B. Skellinger ) Highr.ays Filed and recorded the 15th day of October, 1878 at 3 o 'clock P. a. Albertson Case , Town Clerk. i 373 A meeting of the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having been held at the dwelling house of Joseph A. Til- linghast in said Town on the 14th day of April 1879, all the Commissioners having met and delib- erated on the subject of this Order upon the ap- plication of Baldwin T. Payne , a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the High- ways therein, for the laying out of a highway here- inafter to be described, and on the certificate of 12 Jurors of said Town convened and duly sworn after due notice as required by the Statutes , certifying that such highway is necessary and proper and notice in writing of at least three days having been given in due form of law to Edward Tobin, Dora K. Payne , John R. Tillinghast and Joseph A. Tillinghast, owners and occupants of the land through (which) such Highway vrhen laid out as hereinafter described is to run, that the said Commissioners would meet at the time and place first herein mentioned, to decide on the application aforesaid, and We having heard all reasons offered for and against the laying out of the lame, it is ordered, determined and Cer- tified that a Highway be laid out pursuant to said application and the same is hereby laid out , whereof a survey has been made and is as follows , to wit : The westerly line of said Highway to begin at the North Road at a point three rods westerly of the south west corner of the door yard 374 of Phineas Fanning , and run thence north 42 degrees west 27 chains and 86 links through imprved land of Samuel Salata, and 30 chains and 75 links through unimproved land of Dora K. Payne to the south-east corner of land of the Unuted States , thence north 44 degrees west along the east side of land of the United States 6 chains and 75 links to Long Island j Sound, the easterly side of said road will pass i #hrough improved land of Joseph A. Tillinghast and John R. Tillinghast, and the said road being of the width of 3 rods , the said survey is more fully shown by the diagram hereunto annexed , which is here- by declared to be and made a part of this Order . Witness our hands this 14th day of April, 1879 . IT. R. Skellinger ) Cormissioners Henry L. Fleet ) of Lewis R. Case ) Highways Filed and recorded the 16th day of T%y, 1879 at 5 P. TT. Henry :'1. Prince , Town clerk. 375 � on ( �slard So� h � ti k i 'DeY3 1�t.�aJhe I : A 4 I , E V liM � J . rf�m2 rT ��II1h �1dS� a alas C u 3,76- ,7S_ u r, t 376 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the Mattituek House at raattituck in said Town on the 14th day of March, 1879 , all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subjef't matter of this order, upon the application of David l:. Cooper, a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the Highways therein, for the laying out and alteration of the Highways hereinafter more par- ticularly described, and on the certificate of eleven Jurors of said Town, convened and duly sworn after due public notice as required by the Statutes , cer- tifying that the opening and alteration of such Highway as applied for by said David A. Uooper, are necessary and proper, and notices in writing of at least three days having been given in due form of law to Oliver A. Mayo, J. Roger lSayo , Elisha Aldrich, William Robins6n, George W. Cooper, Samuel Howard , David A. Cooper , Sylvester Cooper, Benjamin T.. Hallock, 7inslow Hallock, John K. Hallock Joanna Hallock, 3illiam Ilallock, Margaret Hallock , !, George '.!. Howard, Daniel Downs and Thomas Hallock, owners and occupants of the lands through which such Highways when so laid out and altered as applied for will run, that the undersigned Commissioners would meet at this time and place to decide on the applica- tion aforesaid, and we having heard all reasons offered for and against the laying out and alteration of the said Highways so applied for, IT IS ORDERED, DETER- IM ED and CERYIFIED, That a public Highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out and altered pursuant �'1 377 to said application, whereof a survey has been made and is as fol- lows , to wit : The westerly line of said Highway so altered to begin at a stake set up on the lands of Oliver A. Ifayo, distant 3 rods on a course north 682 degrees ,east, from the west line of Bejmain G. Hallock and runs from said stake north 212 degrees west , 13 chains and 7 links through improved land of Cliver it. Mayo , 10 chains and 75 links through improved lands of J. Roger Mayo, and 30 links through improved lands of Elisha Aldrich, the northerly line of said road then to run from the termination of said westerly line on said lands of Elisha Aldrich north 62 degrees east , 75 links through improved lands of said Elisha Aldrich 9 chains and 90 links through improved lands of Tilliama Robinson, 24 chains and 66 links through improved land of George 7. Cooper, 6 chains and 57 links through improved lands of Samuel Howard, 38 links through improved lands of David A. Sooper, 7 chains and 12 links through improved land of Samuel Howard , and 50 links through improved land of Sylvester Cooper. The road so altered passing on its southerly* side on the last men- tioned course through the several improved lands of Benjamin G. Hallock, George W. Cooper and Samuel Howard , and the woodlands of „ David .. Cooper, the said northerly line to continue and run from its last herein specified termination on the east side of the land of Sylvester Cooper, north 75 degrees east , through i0proved and woodlands of `.7inslow Hallock, John K. Hallock and Joanna Hallock, 14 chains and 75 links and five chains through improved land of Tillard Hallock and Margaret Hallock until_ it intersects the west side of the Mattituck still Road. The said road so described being through the entire length of its first two courses above mentioned an alteration of a former road and through the entire length of the last of said courses so specified being a new road. Then the , westerly line of said Mattituck :Mill Road shall run from said last named point of intersection north 51 degrees west 3 chains and 40 links , said alteration on said last mentioned course crosting im- proved land only of George 1.7. Howard on the easterly line of said road so altered to be taken. Then beginning at a point distant from the said last named point of intersection about 75 links on a course south 52 degrees east , the westerly line of said Mattituck Mill Road shall run south 15 degrees east 11 chains and 46 links through woodlands of '7inslow Hallock, John h. Hallock and Hoanna Hallock, and 1 chain and 84 links through ;oodlands of Sylvester Cooper and Daniel Downs , the easterly side of said road on the last mentioned course passing through improved land of the Heirs of Bethuel Howard , thence south a degree west 11 chains and 81 likks , thence south 16 degrees east 8 chains , thence south 24 j degrees east 19 chains and 30 links to the North Road, the westerly side of said IMattituck Mill Road on the last three mentioned courses will ,ass through improved and woodland of Daniel Downs , and the N easterly side of said road through the said last three courses ' will ';ass entirely through improved lands of Thomas Hallock. The said stattituck Mill Road so surveyed and described as above being an alteration from the former road in width. And all the roads so altered and laid out hereinbefore described and surveyed are J to be of the width of 3 rods . The diagram of the said road so altered and laid out which is hereunto annexed is hereby made and declared by us , the undersigned, to be a part of this order. d Titness our hands this 14th day of starch, 1879. { E. L.Goldsmith ) Commissioners H. L. Fleet ' oP I I1. B. Skellinger ) Highways Filed and recorded this 21st day of stay, 1879 Henry W. Prince , Town Clerk. r q :I^ 378 I I 379 ;i I„ Highways having been laid out, opened and al- tered tered on the 14th day of March, 1879 by the Com- missioners of Highways of the Town of Southold At Iaattituck in the said Tovm of Southold and County of Suffolk, on the application of David A. Cooper, which Highways are described in the said Order of opening and a7.teration as gollows , to wit : (See Description on Page 377 ) 11 11 ' 11 `II III Novi, Know All Men By These Presents , That we , the said Benjamin G. IIallock, hlisha Aldrich, George '7. Cooper, David ,. Cooper, Sylvester Cooper, and George 77. Howard, for value received , do hereby re- J'y lease all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and altering of the said Highi,.ay. p�uj .7itness our several hands and seals the 9th day of June, 1879 380 In Presence of George q,/. Howard (LS ) P_'. E. Howard A. S . Cooper (LS ) D. A. Cooper (LS ) !�. S. Cooper (LS) Sylvester Cooper (LS) G. E. Aldrich (LS) Elisha Aldrich (IS ) Mrs. D. R. Dayton (LS) Benjamin G. Hallock(LS ) C. P. Ackerly (LS ) George 77. Cooper (LS ) Filed and recorded in Town -lerk. 's Office June 26 , 1879 at 10 :20 ii. P.I. Henry '1. Prince Town Clerk. 'E .e i i� 3st Town of Southold A Highway having been laid out of the 14th day of April , 1879 , by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of Baldwin T. Payne, through the land of Joseph A. Tillinghast, John R. Tillinghast , Dora K. Payne and Samuel Salata , the westerly line of said highway to begin at the North Road at a point 3 rods westerly of the south-west corner of the door- yard of Phineas Fanning and run thence north 42 de- grees west 27 chains and 86 links through improved land of Samuel Salata and 30 chains and 75 links through improved land of Dora K. Payne to the south- east corner of land of the United States , thence north 44 degrees west along the east side of land of the United States 6 chains and 75 links to Long Island Sound, the easterly side df said road will pass through improved lands of Joseph A. Tilling- hast and John R. Tillinghast , and the said road being of the width of 3 rods , NOW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS , That in consideration of the payment tp us by Henry L. Fleet, Nathaniel R. Skellinger and Lewis R. Case , Comriissioners of Highways , of the following suns of money, to wit : the sum of $50 to the said Joseph A. Tillinghast, the sum of x$30 to the said John R. Tillinghast , the sum of t20 to the said Dora K. Payne, and the sum of $60 to Samuel Salata; Do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out of said Highway, which we or either of us may have. '7itness our hands and seals the 4th 382 day of February, 1880. In presence of Albertson Case Dora K. Payne (seal ) Samuel Salata (seal ) J. R. Tillinghast (seal ) i Joseph A. Tillinghast (seal ) Filed in Town Clerk's Office this 5th day of February 1880 Henry 7. Prince , Town Clerk. i ii. =i. Il �I W 11 Vi I! `N `i l L;, 383 Town of Southold A Highway having been laid out and altered on the 14th day of March, 1879, by the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk upon the application of David A. Cooper through the lands of Daniel Downs , J. Rogers Mayo, William Robinson, Oliver A. Mayo, Thomas Hallock, Samuel Howard and others , the westerly line of said High- way so altered to begin at a stake set up on the land of Oliver A. Mayo, distant 3 rods on a course north 681 degrees east from the west line of Benja- min G. Hallock and run from said stake north 212 de- grees west 13 chains and 7 links through improved land of Oliver A. Mayo , 10 chains and 75 links through im- proved land of J. Roger Mayo, and 30 links through im- proved land of Elisha Aldrich, the northerly line of said road then to run from the termination of said westerly line on said land of Elisha Aldrich north 62 degrees east 75 links through improved land of said Elisha Aldrich 9 chains and 90 links through improved land of 1illiam Robinson, 24 chains and 6 links through improved land of George gid. Cooper , 6 chains and 57 links through improved land of Samuel Howard , 38 links through improved land of David A. Cooper, 7 chains and 12 links through improved land of Samuel Howard, 50 ,links through im.roved land of Sylvester Cooper, the road so altered passing on its southerly side on the last mentioned course through the several lands of Benjamin G. Hallock George W. Cooper and Samuel Howard , and the woodlands of David A. Cooper, the said northerly line to con- tinue and run from its last herein specified termin- ation on the east side of the land of Sylvester Cooper, north 75 degrees east , through improved and woodland of ?linslow Hallock, John K. Hallock and Joanna Hallock, 14 chains 384 and 75 links , and 5 chains through improved land of Willard Hallock and Margaret Hallock until it intersects the west side of Mattituck Mill Road , the said road so described being through the entire length of its first two courses above mentioned an alteration of a former road and through the entire length of the said courses so specified being a new road. Then the westerly line of said Mattituck Mill Road shall run from scid last named point of intersec- tion north 5z degrees west 3 chains and 40 links , said alteration on said last mentioned course crossing im- proved land only of George "1. Howard on the easterly line of said road so altered to be taken, then be- ginning at a point distant from the said last named point of intersection about 75 links on a course south 5z degrees east , the westerly line of said Mattituck I'M road shall run south 15 degrees east 11 chains and 56 links through woodland of Uinslow Hallock, John K. Hallock and Joanna Hallock, and 1 chain and 84 links through vioodland of Sylvester Co:)per and Daniel Downs , the easterly side of said road on the last mentioned course passing through ie-,proved land of the Heirs of Bethuel Howard , thence south degree west 11 chains and 81 links , thence south 24 degrees east 19 chains and 36 links to the North Road , the westerly side of said Mattituck gill Road on the last three mentioned courses will rass entirely through improved and woodland of Daniel Do;:ms and the easterly side of said road through the said last three courses will pass entirely through improved lands of Thomas Hallock. The said Mattituck Mill Road so surveyed and described as above being an alteration from the former road in width, and all of the road so altered and laid out as hereinbefore described and surveyed are to be of the width of 2 rods and Know All Men By These 385' Presents, That in consideration of the payment to us by Henry L. Fleet, Nathaniel B. Skellinger and Lewis R. Case , Commissioners of Highways of the following sums of money, to wit: the sum of $40 to the said Daniel Downs , the sum of $40 to the said J. Roger Mayo , the sum of $25 to the said William Robinson, the sum of $65 to the said Oliver A. Mayo, the sum of $60 to the said Thomas Hallock, the sum of $40 to the said Samuel Howard , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and alteration of said Highway which we or either of us may have. Witness out hands and seals the 4th day of March 1880, in the presence of Samuel Moore Oliver A. Mayo (LS ) Thomas Hallock (LS ) Samuel Howard (LS) Daniel Downs (LS ) J. Roger Mayo (LS ) 'William S . Robinson (LS ) Filed and recorded the 4th of march, 1880 at 4 :30 P. I.I. Henry W. Prince , Town Clerk i t 386 i Town of Southold A Highway having been laid out and altered on the 14th day of March, 1879 , by the Commissioners of highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suf- folk, upon the application of David A. Cooper, through athe lands of 7inslow Hallock, John K. Hallock, Joanna R Hallock, Millard Hallock and Margaret Hallock, and others , the westerly line of said Highway so altered s to begin at a stake set up on the land of Oliver A. Mayo distant 3 3 rods on a course north 682 degrees 77 east from the west line of land of Benjamin G. Hal- lock and run from said stake north 212 degrees west 13 chains and 7 links through improved land of Oliver I 7 Mayo,10 chains and 75 links through improved land of J. Roger Mayo , and 30 links through improved land of Elisha Aldrich, the northerly line of said road then to run from the termination of said westerly line on said land of Elisha Aldrich north 62 degrees = 1 east 75 links through improved lands of said Elisha 7 Aldrich, 9 chains and 90 links through improved land wl -� of 'Tilliam Robinson, 24 chains and 66 links through im- proved land of George 7. Cooper, 6 chains and 57 links through improved land of Samuel Howard, 38 links through improved land of David A. Cooper, 7 chains and 12 links through improved land of Samuel Howard , and 50 links through improved land of Sylvester Cooper, the road so altered passing on its southerly side on the last V ii„ mentioned course through the several improved lands of Benjamin G. Hallock, George ''!. Cooper and Samuel Howard , and the woodlands of David I. Cooper, the said northerly st line to continue and run from its last herein specified termination q n J _ 387 on the east side of the land of Sylvester Cooper, north 75 degrees east through improved land and woodland of '4inslow Hallock, John K. Hallock and Joanna Hallock, 14 chains and 75 links and 5 chains through improved lands of Willard Hallock and marger- et Hallock until it intersects the west side of the Mattituck Mill Road, the said road so described be- ing through the entire length of its first two courses above mentioned an alteration of a former road and through the entire length of the last of said courses so specified being a neva road, then the wester- ly line of said Mattituck Mill. Road shall run from said last named point of intersection north 51 degrees west 3 chains and 40 links , said alteration on suid last mentioned course crossing improved land only of George W. Howard , on the easterly line of said road so altered to be taken. Then beginning at a point distant from the said last named point of intersection about 75 links on a course south � degrees east , the westerly line of said Mattituck Mill Road shall run south 15 degrees east 11 chains and 56 links through woodland of Winslow Hallock, John K. Hallock and Joanna Hallock, and 1 chain and 84 links through woodland of Sylvester Cooper and Daniel Downs , the easterly side of said road on the last mentioned course passing through im- proved land of the Heirs of Bethuel Howard, thence south z degree west 11 chains and 81 links , thence south 16 degrees east 8 chains , thence south 24 de- grees east 19 chains and 36 links to the North Road, the westerly side of said Mattituck Ilib1 Road on the last three mentioned courses will pass entirely through improved and woodland of Daniel Downs , and the east- erly side of said road through the said 388 last three courses will pass entirely through im- proved land of Thomas Hallock, the said Ilattituck Mill Road, so surveyed ,and described as above being an alteration from the former road in width, and all of the road so altered and laid out as hereinbefore described and surveyed are to be of the width of 3 ° rods. pi Now, KNOW ALL MIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That in consideration of the payment to us by Henry L. Fleet , Nathaniel B. Skellinger and Lewis R. Case, Commis- sioners of Highways of the folowing sums of money, to wit : The sum of $28 to us the said t°lillard Hal- lock and Margaret Hallock, we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and al- teration of said Highway which we or either of us may have, and we do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Commissioners of Highway that we will war- rant and defend all that certain part of the said i' Highway commencing on the east side of the land of ll Winslow Iiallock and others , and running north 75 de- grees east 5 chains through improved land of Wil- lard Hallock and Miargaret Hallock until it inter- sects the west side of the Miattituck Mill Road, in the quiet and peacable possession of said Commis- sioners of Highways and their successors in office , so long as said premises may be required and needed for a Highway; and that in consideration of the payei went of the said Commissioners of Highways of the sum $100 to us the said Joanna Hallock, Winslow Hallock and John K. Hallock, we do hereby release all claim to -r damages by reason of the laying out and alteration of said Highway whish we or either of us may, and we do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Com- missioners of Highway that we will jointly and N�^ _ 3S9 severally warrant and defend all the certain part of the said Highway commencing on the east side of the land of Sylvester Cooper and running north 75 de- grees east through improved land and woodland of said 7inslow Hallock , John K. Hallock and Joanna Hallock 14 chains and 75 links , thence running south 15 de- grees east 11 chains and 56 links through woodland of said Winslow Hallock, John K. Hallock and Joanna Hallock in the quiet and peaceful possession of the said Com- missioners of Highway and their successors in office so long as said premises may be required and needed for a Highway. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the first day of r'.arch, 1880. In Presence of Samuel H. Moore Joanna Hallock (LS ) torJ H : & A. W.-;H. I,. 4Jinslov; Hallock (LS ) T. H. Howell to 7. P. H. .Villard F. Hallock (LS ) (The words ",jointly and severally" interlined on 12th line third page between words "will and warrant" ) Filed the 22nd Ilay, 1880 at 6 :40 P. P". Henry "J. Prince , Town Clerk. i i 390 Southold Town SS The Undersigned , Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this Order, all the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend at the office of Albertson Case, in the village of Southold, for the purpose of delib- erating thereon, and all of the said Commissioners being present , do Order, That all the portions of Horton 's Lane hertofore included in Road District No. 8 and lying northerly of the house of Martin Goldsmith shall hereafter be included in and form a part of Road District No. 9 . Also that all the Highways and roads heretofore included in and known as Road District 18, shall hereafter be in- cluded in and form a part of Road District No. 17, and Also , that all that portion of Road District No. 20 lying west of the west line of land of the Southold Savings Bank, late of Francis Brill shall hereafter be included in and form a part of Road District No. 23. In witness whereof we have hereunto sub- scribed our names this 7th day of October, 1879. Lewis R. Case ) Commissioners H. L. Fleet ) of N. B. Skellinger) Highways Filed and recorded 28th 1!ay, 1800 at 2 :30 P. M. Henry 7. Prince , To-,m Clerk 391 A Highway having been altered on the day of date hereof by the Commissioners of Highways of the Torn of Southold in the County of Suffolk on the application of E. M. Rackett and others , through the improved land of me, Maria AT Hackett , situate in the village of Orient in the Town and County aforesaid, and said alteration cutting off a portion of State Street front of said premises so that the south line thereof running from the south-east dorner of L. V. Beebe 's land to Main Street in a con- tinuation of said Beebe'a line. Now Know All Men By These Presents , That I, the said Maria A. Rackett, for value received , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of alteration and straightening of the said Highway. Witness my hand and seal the 12th day of June, 1880. In Presence of F Lewis R. Case Maria A. Rackett (LS) Filed and recorded this 12th day of November, 1880. Henry 7. Prince , Town Clerk. 392 The undersigned, Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, having met at the dwelling house of Nathaniel B. Skellin- ger in the said Town to decide upon the application of E. M. Rackett and others , residents of said Town, liable to be assessed for Highway labor there- in, for the alteration of the north side of State Street in Orient in said Town against and adjacent to the improved land of Maria I.. Rackett. All the Commissioners having been duly noti- fied to attend this meeting, for the purpose of de- liberating on the subject of this Order, do hereby Order that the northerly line of the said street or Highway be and the same is hereby so altered that the same running easterly from the south- east corner of L. V. Beebe 's land to the road that j i i runs to the wharf shall be a continuation in a straight line and on the same course as the south line said L. V. Beebe's land and that part of the said highway so altered passes through improved land of Maria Rackett. Dated the 12th day of June, 1880. L. R. Case )Commissioners of N. B. Skellinger ) Highway 393 The Undersigned , Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Smffolk, having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this Order, all said Commissioners being present and having deliberated on the subject matter of this Order, do hereby Order that the said Town be and same is hereby divided into Road Districts as follows , to wit : District No. 16 commences at the east side of Cox Lane and runs west to the east side of Alvah's Lane and includes Cox and Depot Lane, north to the north side of the New Road, the New Road between Cox and Alvah's Lane and the New Suffolk Road south as far as the northerly line of Julius B. Tuthill. District No. 17 commences on the North Road at the west side of the lane that runs by the house of Michael Drum, and runs westerly to the east line of John Boutcher and included Cox and Depot Lane as far south as the North side of the New Road. District No. 18 commences at the east side of John Boutcher and runs crest to the west line of Orrin 7iggin and includes !ilvah's Lane as far south as the north side of the New Road. District No. 19 commences at the northerly line of Julius B. Tuthill on the New Suffolk Road and runs south and includes all the highways in New Suffolk. District No. 20 commences at the east side of .,lvah's Lane on the South Road and runs west to the west side of Elijah's Lane and includes the two said lanes . 394. ar far north as the north side of the New Road and the Nev Road between the two said lanes. District No 21 commences at the west line of Orrin "liggin and runs west to the west line of Gndrew Gildersleeve and includes Elijah's and Mill Lane as far south as the New Road and the road that goes by Ellsiworth Tuthill 's house as far wests.estthe east line of Henry Dingee. District No. 23 commences at the west side of Elijah's Lane and runs west to the east line of George Benjamin and includes the T'orth Road to Pilary Jackson's east line, Mill Lane as far north qs the Tiew Road, the New Road between Elijah's and Till Lane , the Isaac Howell Road as far north as the centre of the bridge, the Ellsworth Tuthill Road as far east as the east line of Henry A. Dingee, and all other highways in Mattituck. District T?o. 25 commences at the west end of the Town on the North Road and runs east to the east line of Mary Jack- son and includes the i}ortherly half of Aldrich Lane and the lane that runs between Mayo and Hallock as far north as the land of Uillian Robinson. District No. 26 commences at the house of Daniel Downs and rii_ns northerly and easterly to APattituck Creek and includes the road which runs in front of Cooper 's in its entire length until it turns south at Robin- son's land. And it is further Ordered, That the boun- daries of all other road districts in said Town not above named be and remain the same as if this Order had not been made. 395 In witness whereof we have hereto subscribed our names this fifth day of October, 1880. L. R. Case ) Commissioners H. L. Fleet: ) N. B. Skellinger ) Filed October 5, 1880 Henry W. Prince , Town Clerk. 396 At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk at the house of James R. Foster in the said Town on the first day of June, 1881, all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject matter of this Order, upon the application of Jesse G. Case a resident in said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the highways therein, for the alteration of the said North Road as hereafter to be described, and on the certificate of nine jurors of said Town, convened and duly sworn after due public notice, as required by the Statutes , certifying that such alteration is necessary and proper; And notice in writing of at least three days having been given in due form of law to Moses Lindsay , Albert T. Goldsmith, B. Frank Horton, Azalia Verity, 1Y. Chatfield Buckingham, J. Havens Case, Frank- lin H. Overton, Lewis R. Case , Oliver Goodale and Nancy Davids , occupants or owners of the lands through which such highway so altered is to run, that the undersigned Commissioners would meet at this time and place to decide on the application aforesaid, and we having heard all reasons for and against so altering said highway , it is ORDERED, DETERMINED and CERTIFIED that said public highway shall be and the same is hereby altered pursuant to said application and a survey ( which survey os more fully shown by diagram hereunto annexed ) thereof as so altered has been made and is as follows , to wit : Beginning at a stake on the west, side of 397 Bridge Lane on the land of W. Chatfield Buckingham 3 rods southerly of Mr. Foster 's old ditch on the North Road, the southerly line of said North Road as herein altered runs along the land of said Buck- ingham south 61 degrees west , 6 chains and.64 links to a stake and the land of Moses Lindsay, thence and in the same direction along said Lindsay 's land, .81 links to a stake, thence south 621 degrees west along said Lindsay 's land 3 chains .42 links to a stake , thence south 69 degrees west along said Lind- say*s land 8 chains .20 linkd to a stake and the land Of Albert T. Goldsmith, thence south 63 degrees west along said Goldsmith 's land 12 chains and .34 links to a stake and the land of John Glover, thence south 61 degrees west along the land of said Glover 7 chains .11 links to a stake and the land of W. Harrison Case and the estate of William Wickham deceased, thence in the same direction 6 chains and .19 links along the land last mentioned to a stake on the east side of Cox Lane, the northerly line of said Highway as herein altered being parallel to the said southerly line and 4 rods distant therefrom and extending from a point on James R. Foster's land on the westerly side of a highway extending northerly from Bridge Lane to a point on the land of Lewis R. Case on the easterly side of a highway extending northerly 398 from Cox Lane. Witness our hands this 1st day of June 1881. Lewis R. Case ) Andrew H. �atham ) Commissioners Henry L. Fleet ) Henry W. Prince, Town Clerk i I I I 399 400 Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an Order dated the first day of June, 1881, altered a Gighway in the said Town, so that the southerly line of said Highway as so altered runs through the woodland of me, W. Chatfield Buckingham, as follows : Beginning at a stake on the west side of Bridhe Lane on the land of W. Chatfield Buckingham 3 rods southerly of Mr. Foster's old ditch on the North Road and running thence south 61 degrees west along the land of said Buckingham 6 chains and 64 links to a stake and the land of Moses Lindsay. Now KNOW ALL HIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, the said W. Chatfield Buckingham, for and in consideration of the sum of $8 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highways , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the said alteration of the said Highway. Witness my hand and seal the 15th day of Nov- ember, 1881. William C. Buckingham Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an Odder dated the first day of June , 1881 , altered a highway in the said Town so that the northerly line of said Highway as so altered runs through the woodland of me, J. Havens Case , as follows : Beginning at a point in the line between the land of Lewis R. Case and the land of J. Havens Case, 3 rods northerly from the southerly line of said Highway as so altered, and running thence south 63 degrees west 6 chains and 46 links to the land of Lewis R. Case. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, the said J. Havens Case , for and in consideration of the sum of $8 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highways, do hereby release all claim to damage b reason of the said highway Witness my hand and seal this th day of October, 1881 J. Havens Case 40t Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk, by an Order dated the first day of June , 1881, altered a Highway in the said Town so that the said Highway as so altered and the northerly line thereof runs through the woodland of the Estate of Richard Davids , deceased, as follows : Beginning at a point in the boundary line between the land of the Estate of the said Richard Davids deceased and the land of Oliver Goodale , 3 rods northerly from the southerly line of said highway as so altered and running thence southerly and westerly in a line 3 rods distant from the southerly line of said Highway as so altered , 1 chain and 50 links to the land of Lewis R. Case. Now KNOW ALL IAEId BY THESE PRESENTS , That I, Nancy Davids , Heir at law of Richard Davids deceased, for and in consideration of the sum of $2 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highways , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the said alteration of said Highway. Wirness my Hand and seal this 8th day of October, 1881. Nancy Davids Whereas the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the first day of June , 1881 , altered a highway in the said Town so that the said Highway as altered, and the northeily line thereof runs through the woodland of me , Oliver Goodale, as follows : Beginning at a point on the boundary line between the lands of Franklin H. Overton and the said Oliver Good- ale , 3 rods northerly from the southerly line of said High- way as so altered, and running thence southerly 61 degrees west along the land of said Goodale 1 chain and 50 links to the land of the Estate of Richard Davids deceased. NOW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS , That I, the said Oliver Goodale for and in consideration of the sum of $2 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highway , do hereby release .all claim to damages by reason of the said alter- ation of said Highway. Witness my hand and seal this 8th day of October 1881. Oliver Goodale. 402 Whereas the Commissioners of Highway of the Town of South- old in the County of Suffolk have by an Order dated the first day of June, 1881 altered a Highway in the said Town so that the said Highway as altered and the northerly line thereof ruffs through the woodland of me , Lewis R. Case , as follows : Beginning at a point in the boundary line be- tween the lands of said Case and Azelia Baker three rods northerly from the southerly line of said highway as so altered, and running thence south 69 degrees west along the land of said Lewis R. Case 3 chains and 14 links to the land of J. Havens Case , and again beginning at a point in the boundary line between the land of said Lewis R. Case and the land of the Estate of Richard Davids deceased and three rods northerly from the southerly line of said Highway , as so altered and running thence south 61 de- grees west along said Case 's land 12 chains and 39 links to Cax Lane. NOW IMOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, the said Lewis R. Case, for and in consideration of the sum of $$19 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highway do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the said alteration of said Highway. Witness my hand a and seal this 9th day of November 1881. Lewis R. Case (LS ) Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an Order dated the first day of June 1881, altered a Highway in the said Town, so that the north* erly line of said highway as so altered runs through the improved '- land of me, Azalia Verity, as follows , Beginning at a point on th line between the land of B. Frank Horton and Azalia Verity, three rods northerly from the southerly line of said Highway, as so al- tered, and running thence south 69 degrees west along the land of said Verity 2 chains and 70 links to the land of Lewis R. Case. Now, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, the said Azalia Verity, for and in consideration of the sum of $5 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highways, do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the said alteration of said Highway. Witness my hand an&-seal this 16th day of July, 1881. Azalia Verity (LS) 403 Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an Order dated the first day of June, 1881, altered a Highway in the said Town so that the southerly line of said highway as so altered runs through the improved land of me, Albert T. Goldsmith, as follows : Beginning at a stake on the line between the land of Moses Lindsay and Albert T. Goldsmith, and running thence south 63 degrees west along said Goldsmith's land 12 chains and 34 links to a stake and the land of John Glover. NOW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I? Albert T. Goldsmith, for and in consideration of the sum of $25 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highways , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the said alteration of said Highway. Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of July, 1881. Albert T. Goldsmith (LS ) Whereas , the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an'Order dated the first day of June, 1881, filtered a Highway in the said Town so that the northerly line of the said Highway as so altered runs through the improved land of me, B. Frank Horton, as follows : Begin- ning at a point on the line between the land of James R. Fos- ter and the land of B. Frank Horton, 3 rods northerly from the southerly line of said Highway as so altered, and running thence south 69 degrees west along the land of said B. Frank Horton 3 chains and 37 links to a point on the land of said B. Frank Horton, thence running south 69 degrees west along the land of said Horton 3 chains and 35 links to the land of Azalia Verity. NOW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I. the said B. Frank Horton, for and in consideration of the sum of $10 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highways do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the said al- teration of the said Highway. Witness my hand and seal this 19th day of June , 1881. B. Frank Horton (IS ) 4 0.4 Whereas the Commissioners of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk have by an Order dated the first day of June 1881 altered a Highway in the said Town so that the southerly line r of the said Highway as so altered runs through the improved Y land of me , Moses Lindsay, as follows : Beginning at a stake on the line between the land of W. Chatfield Buckingham and the e land of Moses Lindsay, and running thence south 61 degrees Cwest along the land of said Lindsay 81 links to a stake , thence o south 62J degrees west along said Lindsay 3 chains and 42 links to a stake , thence south 69 degrees west along said Lindsay 's land 8 chains and 20 links to a stake , and the land of Albert i t T. Goldsmith. NOW KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, l the said Moses Lindsay for and in consideration of the sum of C $35 to me in hand paid by the said Commissioners of Highway, do hereby release all claims to damage by reason of the said alteration of said Highway. i Witness my hand and seal 19th day July 1881, Moses Lindsay (LS) Diagram of road betwen Riverhead nad Southold Town 3 Ra a a o a /V) ai a (�o d ra h eat e ,I �. I berg, � . � oy s Mown � � ne �oad h v e 405 Suffolk County j Town of ,Uverhead ) Town of Southold ) In the matter of laying out of a public road along the line between the Towns of Riverhead and Southold: Whereas a certain road running along the line between th.e said Towns of Riverhead and Southold from the Highway leading from the village of Riverhead to the village of Greenport southerly to the Long Island Railroad and between the lands of Bethial Terry and Tilliam Albin, has been continuously ae a public road for more than twenty years last past , Now therefore at a meeting of the Commissioners of the said Town of Riverhead and a majority of the Com- missioners of the said Town of Southold, all the Commis- sioners thereof having been duly notified to attend for the purpose of deliberating on the subject matter of the Order, held at the road in question on the 5th day of June 1882, it is ORDERED, • DETERMINED and CERTIFIED That the said road shall be and the same is hereby laid out as a public Highway, pursuant to the Statutes in such case made and provided, said road being about 2 rods in width as the fences on the side thereof respectively now stand, and the line between the said Towns being the cen- tre thereof, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That the northern half of said road be a highway in the said Town of Riverhead and the southerly half thereof be a Highway in the Town of Southold aforesaid. Ih witness whereof we the undersigned have set our hands to duplicate hereof, of which this is one this 5th day of June , 1882. John P. Terry Sole Commissioner of Highways , Town of Riverhead Lewis R. Case ) C :mmissioners Henry L. Fleet ) of Highways Town of Southold Recorded this 21st day of June 1882 Henry N. Prince , Town Clerk. 406 1874 Release of Owners on Knapp Place , Sterling Place and Champlin Place north of Greenport Certain Highways having been laid out, by the Commis- sioners of Highways of the Town of Southold in the County of Suffolk by an Order dated the 21st day of December, 1874 on the application of John G. Champlin, which said High- ways are described in said Order as follows : to wit : The northerly side of the first of said Highways begins on the easterly side of Main Street at the south-westerly corner of land of Mrs. Elizabeth Goldsmith and runs thence north 172 degrees east:. 6562 feet to land now or late of 1 Rehecca Beebe, said Highway so above described passing through the several improved lands of Mrs.. Elizabeth Gold- smith, John G. Champlin, Peter De Grief, J. Monroe King, and Caroline L. Champlin on its northerly side and on its southerly side through the several improved lands of Nathan Kaplin, Stephen Macomber, George Jetter, Caroline L. Champlin and Adeline S. Knapp, the westerly .side of the second of said Highways begins on the southerly side of the hereinbefore mentioned and described Highway at a point distant from the Main Street 398 feet and runs thence south 324 degrees east 517 feet to what was for- merly the northerly line of lands of John A. Monsell ; thence south 194 degrees east 181 feet to Bridge Street , said Highway so above described passing on its westerly side through the several improved lands of Nathan Kaplin, and John G. Champlin,Caroline L. Champlin p , and on its easterly side through the several improved lands of Car- oline L. Champlin, Nathan Kaplin, John G. Champlin and Thomas Hassett; the southerly side of the third of said Highways begins on the easterly side of Main Street at 407 the northwesterly corner of land now or late of Adam Straussner and runs thence north 701 east 746 feet to land now or late of Rebecca Beebe ; said Highway so above described passing on its southerly side through the sev- eral improved lands of John G. Champlin, Martin V. Wiggin, Joseph Baker and Thomas Hassett , and on its northerly side through the several improved lands of Adam Straussner, John G. Champlin, Nathan Saplin and Thomas Hassett ; and said Highway are already partially thrown open and popular- ly known , the first as Knapp Place , the second as Sterling Place, and the third as Champlin Place; and the said Highways are to be 50 feet in width. Now, Know All Men By These Presents : That we the undersigned owners of land through which the said High- ways pgss or having valuable interests in the same, for value received , do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening the said High- ways. Witness our hands and seals the 21st day of December 1874. Nathan Kaplin (L(S ) John G. Champlin (LS) JOhn A. Monsell (LS) Dennis Mullen (LS) Stephen H. Macomber (LS ) Mary C. Frileling (LS ) Barney Rabbitt (LS ) Joseph Baker (LS ) Carrie L. Champlin (LS ) Peter De Grief (LS ) Martin V. Wiggin (LS ) John Jurog Tellam (?) (LS ) Thomas Hassett (LS ) E. L. Goldsmith (LS ) In Presence of John G. Champlin Filed and recorded this 17th day of April, 1885 at 10 o'clock A. M. William A. Cochran, Town Clerk. 408