HomeMy WebLinkAbout790 Willis Creek DrDate: 04/06/06 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: 305 Transaction(s): 1 Permits Reference Subtotal 438 $150.00 Cash#: 305 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 438 Per~lt No.__ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEP/LRTMENT. ~_~PLICATION/PERM!T FOR HiGHWAy. EXCAVATION AND REPAIR ~on, ~v nH I< "~RF. BY made to.the Superlntende~t of Hlghumys of ~r~' .......... ~ of = ~iioh P~it 'pu~nt to chair 83 oz u,e of ~ld for the ~ss~,~ . .~,b e...~ N~ Yo~, an~ ot~ applique laws. ~ of ~ TO~ of S~t~,o,.au,?- ~1._~_ d~b~. The ~pll~nt o~i~nc~ oe ~atlons f~ ~e ~v~n te mmp~ wi~ all epplidble laws, or~n~s, ~ a~ ~ula~m, and ~ pe~ ~=~ lnsp~ors ~ ~ke~ u~ry {nsp~iOnS ~f ~e job Print or Ty~ ~ . ~mc of Appli~nt ' Addre~ 2]rNama of Owner of ptemi~s Address al~ y~, ot~ Town ~l~ my ~ r~uir~. Other Trades ~ of la--'of ~vatlon. . b) A~ ail et~r ~es~ per~i~ and U~s~ for ~is'p~J~t, High~ay ~vaUofi Petit ~ ~e Town C[~k. · $] Tax Map: Section__ , Block , L~t 7) Starting Date: ~cenpletiOh Date .. 8) Work Schedule: Phase. _Compietlo~ O~ta. Excavatlo~ ......................................... Facility Ins ~al}at~oh ................................. ,,, Pavement Repla~ent .............................. Under which Uu~orlty [~ tho applicdt~or~ made: lo) 113 Estimated Cost of Fr~posecl ~ork: $~ Pag~ I of 3 ' ~2) Inaurofle= Coverage: (Attach co~T) a) Tnsurance ~mpany; c) S~te whe~er ~llcy of comifl=tlon on file' with ~e Highway ~a~- d) ~ge r~uir~d ~t~d~ W the Town: B~lly tnJu~ and p~pe~y ~ge: $3~0,000/$500,000 8~il~ and ~S0, 00R pr~gty damage. 1~ _Seeurlt~: a) Fees for Al. A2. ' Surety Bond or Cc,'tiffed Che~k provld,~-4 ln't. he total amount ~ $ ~lnt~e~e ~nd pravld~: '2 y~rs or appIJ~tlons a~d perm~: Basic ~pIl~n /~i~ Conn~i~s ~vation~ e ~vatio6s I~~ in d~th to ~ in F10I l.f. = ~30.oo __UtlJi~ Repair ~V~oh$ e$~oe, ~di~o~l ' H~t~ to p~Hc'~iGEi~ pr~f must ~ p~id~ and a~ Aut~orllatlon Is hereby granted to the Town Clerk of the ToW;q of S~uthoid to IsSue = HIsIhwa¥ Exc~¥atlofi permit 'to: In'ac~an~ with ~s'appii~Uoh. 5UP~I~TENOENT OF HIGHWAYS TO~N OR ~UTHOL~, ~EW YORK ~ ~eter W. Harris Date Receded by the Town Clerk Date Date Note: P~it ~plras one (1) y~r No work :o s~ wight ~ ~ur notice to the ~uperlnt~d~t ~ Highways- Pe~'mus~ be available D-39 Pa~ 2 of 3 01/03 '06 'i~..'D 13:$? FA.~ §31 76:- 61 $ 0 k~l~O LD TOWN Highway De~ Copy Dictrlbu~loA: H~ghway Department Appli¢=nt i N.S..p E C T OR,.e. R E C O R D Insp~c+Jon Date Findings (use code) Appllcan[ No'zi~ od 2nd ~d REMARKS CODE lEI ~ Impro~er barrio,~dr-~ UTM - Unable to measure (due ta backfilling) BUC - Build:nd under ~onstruct~o~ WIP - Work in'progro~s DB Improper ba~kt'itl' [t~o high) (not sufl%$e~t) HFS -' IIl~e~r holding for final setthu~a~ of m~.cmvat~n RFR - Ready to repair Paga 3 of 3 h1~R 24 200~ 20~16 FR SUi~i~UPPORT GROWP ~3[Ga?E512 TO 9"j~.75~ P.04/04 EMERGENCY PEF~MI.T REC~UEST' Mark dig tocafian .with an X Note: Send revision if addittona~ pits are dug. ** TOT;=L PRGE.04 MAR 24 20~& 15:36 P~GE.03 02/04 24, 2006 501 North Ocean Avenue patchog, u~, New York 11772 Town of Southold P. O. Box Feennit Lane Feconic, New York 119S8 ATTENTION: Ramond L. Jacobs Superlutendcnt of Highways SUILI-ECT: Road opening p~rmit Willhs Creek Dr. Malt~tuck EM~.~GENCY PEI~N41T (06-0203) LOCATION: Dig 4 z 4 splice pit in dirt area along the t/fro Wffiis Creek Drive 1000' s/o l~endow Bench Lane possible missile under Wills Creek Drive. Dear Sir:. I enclose a sketch showing approximately our proposal for providing service facilitie~ at the above voted location in the Town of Southold, I oho enclose our standard permit form, requiring date and signature, The permit i~ standard wheflcvr~ our pole and anchor facilities are located on Town property. There are no charges for the work involved. PleaSe remember to return one signed and dated copy which is e~ential for our records. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation in this matter, If you should have any questions, please feel free to call me on 631-687-g450. B. Brady Mgr. R/W Suffolk Verlzon BB/kc M~R 24 20~6 i5:36 ,MOOR 24 2006 10:16 FR S$SUPPORT G~JDUP 63168785i2 TO 1758 The plan submitted is approved with the understanding that the work is to bc performed subj~t to the conditions of thc permit dated. P.0~/04 Supexinte~dant of ~lighways MAR 24 28~6 15:37 PAGE.OD