HomeMy WebLinkAbout1760 Crown Land LnDate: 09/11/06 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt~: 381 Transaction(s): 1 I Permits Reference Subtotal 462 $150.00 Check~: 381 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 462 03/24/2006 FRI 16:27 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMEI~ .T · peconio Lane pocord¢: I~e~ York 1.1958 ' ,&ND REPAIR ~Ai~pLtCAltION/P£,RMIT, ,FOR HIGHWAY. E~GAVAT. ION e~n~d~t of High~y~ ~ ~e Town ~da ~.~e Sup . of ~e p~I~T~DN IS HEEE~ ........ ~ ~; uu~nt to ch~r~, ~_~_ ,~ t~ TOW~ of S~t~ld, Suf~k ---: ~f .... ~---~b~. The ~B~t ~Hz~ Insp~ ~ ~ke] ~ry msp~mns T Print or " ~ddre~ . ~mc ~ AP~{~nt ' El~r}~=~'~ Uc~ No._ . . Other T~d~s L;~n~ Ho.~ 5)' :7) '.. _~ . ~..L~4 ex.c~vat~n ~nd rel~tioh~hlp' ~ a) ~nln~ P~ ~ publlc'S~ or a~, --- ~ - ~ of ~ of ~vatlon. . ;. ~. , A~ all ot~r ~es;W per~ and I{~s~ for ~{s'p~J~t. b) * ~ ~- ~ a-~i~ m~ ~t ~mm~ ~fo~ ~ of a : ,*: . Highway ~va~on Pe~n W me ... , Start;ng Date: CompleUoh ~ ,- Estimated Cost of P~po~ Wor~: ~ .... - ,11) F~gg~. I ot' 3 ~/03 '0~ ~1) ~L3:58 FA][ ~31 ?68 6141 'iq) Inauratlee Covoracj.: (Attach c.~:~) a} Ineurance Company: b) Pdlc~ ~ . ' c) S~ie whe~er ~11¢y ~ ce~ifl~tloh off fild wl~ ~e Highway d) ~ge r~uired ~t~d~ W ~e Town: B~lly ~nJU~ and p~p~Y ~ge: $3Q~QOO/$SQO,OOO B~il~ and $sg, og~ p~ damage. . a} 5ure~ 80~ . .~r G=~fi~ Ch~k . to~l amc,unt ~ $ b) ~lnt~e~e ~nd provide: '~ y~ or ~ ymrl, for app~J~tlo~s and permi~: ~ ....... ~150.00 ~IOG I.f, =Sta. OO' Additi~ F. Nc'ti'`& to publlc'utltP.'e~ proof must be pr~Yided and attached to t~l; 'eppilc"St;oh prior to is.~uence of Permit,' Authorl;dtlo~ Is here. by granted to tho Is-;-uc a Highway Exc=vatiGr~ permit 'to: In'accordance with thls'applicat[ol~. Town Cle'k of the ToWn of S~ut}~d to SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGRWAYS ~e~r/W. Berrie ReceNe~ by the Town Cterk Date Note: P~it ~piras one (1) y~r from D~e - ' No work to ~ wight M ~uff notice to the 5uperln~d~t ~ Highways- pe~'mus~ ~ available for Ingp~Uoh. Page 2 of 3 Notification of Request For Emergency Permit Elizabeth Brady Cell Phone: ead ~'~ County Road rvice n'-~Temp Service Spedfy: ~oad ~Emergoncy n---~Village Road I_nfom~atlo~ / ~. Neareat cf~ street 2. Distance to nearest crom~ street /.'~"~ 3. Approx. size of excavation 4. Excavating on: (check elto) 5. Called for Tone & Mar~ 6. ~.~ ,ocat~o. o,,p.ce .it ( F,ont of ho,,a. NOTE'"' ,=~' work being performed in the ~own of Srookhav~.n. please indJcate customers 9roper~ line. d SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ** TOTAL PAGE.02 ** SOL~fEOLD TO~ CLERK Co~y D~ctrlbutlo~: Hlghway Department Applicant T~Wn Clerk ~'d i H Sp E, CT O R,.S R E C OR D Ins~>ectJon Date Findings (use code) Applicant Noti~od RE~L&RKS CODE ia '- Improper barri~d~ IL .Improper IleJ~U ST - Sunken trenr~, m' excaYctio?_ '-Il'ri' · UTM Unable te measure (due to ~ac~ ~ g~ BUC - Bulld;n~ under Constr~ct/oh WIP - Work n'progree; DB ~ .Improper backfl! ' (boo h gh) (not sufflcJe~t) HFS -' IMspea~or ho~difl~ far t~n~l saltier of ~vat~n RFR - R~ to repair Page 3 of 3 P~GE. C6