HomeMy WebLinkAbout235 Latham LnDate: 06/26/07 Town Of Southold P,O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt: 477 Transaction(s): 1 1 Permits Reference Subtotal 512a $150.00 Checkfk 477 Total Paid: $15000 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 512a S HER£BY male t~ the ~uperlntendent of Highways of' the Town ~.PPLICATION ! ...... -'-,--~. =~-~:a 'e muent to Chapter 83 of the of Sout,~old for the issL~ance ot ~n .=.T.c~_d~,.,-'~;,_.~... v~_u..t. ..,,,4 ether aoollc~ble laws, Cede of th~ Town of So~thold, Suff~mK _,~._..fl~.-.~.~'.~.'.u~'~aL~:- rF~e al~flc=~nt agr:e~ to ~mp~ wi~ all ,ppiimble laws, or~n~s, ~ a~ ~ula~ohs, and ~ ~Hz~ Insp~ors ~ tokai n~rY inSp~ions ef ~e job ~. 2) Own~ ~ P~is~ Addr~s r~ipt~n'a~ ma~on [s~eet ~r, Hamlet, Cr~s StrUt) ~, (a) Is ¢~mc~o~ I~t¢ ~;t~'TS f~t of ~¢1 ~e~a~f ~ -- ~ OO~ ~O 7) · 11] · Signature ~ Appll~nt ~lnfng p~ ~ publlc'S~ or a~s, a~ gi~ng s de~ll~ de~ fl~ of la--'of ~vatlon. · b) A~ch ali at~r ~es~ per~ and Ij~ns~ for Highway Ex~va~ofl Pe~lt ~ ~e Town Cl~k. Sta~ing Date= C~pletioh ~te, ,. Work Sch~ule: E~tlmated Cost of P~po~ ~ork: ~ ,,. PaD9 1 of 3 ' 42) a} b) d) (Attach ~n~'.urance Company: State whe:her policy of ce~ifl~tlo~ on filb with ~e Highway ~a, :- ~mge r~uir~d ~t~d~ w :he Town: B~IIy tnJu~ snd p~pe~y ~gc: ~300,000/$~00,0g0 5~ily lnJu~, and ~S0,00E pretty dameDe. _Security: a} Surety 13end or ccrt. lfie~ Check Pr°~id~d In'+5~e to~l amount ~ S ,- b) ~lnt~e~e ~nd provide: ',2 y~rs or , for appl[~tlohs and perm~: Beale ~pll~n F~ ....... ~150, 00 Al. /~i~ Conne~iohs ~vations e S20.00 = ~ .. A2. /Addi~al Ex,rations ~me se~l~ Ex~va~S lB' in d~.or less: 0-100 l.f. = St0. oa ' A~dlUo~al C. ~vatio~ le' in d~th to E. U:ili~ Repair ~ls'appli~tlo6 prior ~ Authorl2~tlon Is hereby grant~:l to the Town Clark of [he Tow~ e¢ S~tho~d to IsSue = Highway Ex~¥atlo~ peri,lit 'to: In'accor'dance with th~s'eppllc,l*Jofl, SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS TOWi~j~O~OUTHOLD. N,E~Y YORK Rece~cl by the Town pe~;t Issued Permit 'Ne. Date Note: P~it ~plres one (1} ~ f~m Da~e ' No work to s~ Wight ~ ~u~ ~O[ICe to the ~upertnt~d~t ~ HIghway~- Pe~'mus~ be available for r, la~ 24 2~86 25:.35 03/24/2006 FRI 16:28 FAd 01/03 '06 WED 13:57 FAI 631 785 61~5 $OLF~[OLD TO~'~ Hlghway Department Inspector Applicant To~n Clerk I H.S P E C T O R'.S R E C O R D InspecUon Date Findings {use code] Applicant Noti~od 2nd --(To pcn~it ClerKJ ~REMARK$ CODE lB - Improper barri~.~dcs IL -.Improper lIDhts ST - Sun~n ~ or ~yetlon UTM - Unable te m~u~ (due to ~¢~lling) BUC - 8u~ldln~ under ~n~ WlP - Work in'p~¢~ HFS -' I~r h~dlng for ~n~l s~z of ~vat~n RFR - R~ to repair F~ga 3 of 3 Notification of Request For Emergency Permit EHzabeth 3r~dy Specify: ~ad Emergency 'IT # or Job #: Central ~-~ State Road ~ County Road r~Village Rea ~ Out of Service ~ Temp Service InformaUon Required: 1. Nearest cross street e~a.~_. ~_- 2. Distance to nearest cross street 3. Approx. size of ex=avatlon ~ '..<: y -' .~,. ~/'~ 4. Excavating on: (check one) C--'] Sidewalk F~-'~'~ad [ ]Gra~ 5. Called for Tone & Mark ~ YesC-'-~"~o Case # Eel. # 6. Exact location of splice pit ( Front of houae NOTE"' ,,,I ,'-or[~'orX being pe~c,r,~ed Jn the town of :Srookhaven, D/ease ,'ndic~te :ustomer$ ,~ro~er~y /ine. SPECIAL CONDrTIONS: Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Date: 06/25/07 * * * RECEIPT * * * Transaction(s): 1 I Permits Reference 512 Subtotal $0.00 Cash Total Paid: $0.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 512 , ZUN 20 200? 89:4? FR SUFF SUPPORT GROUP RECEIVED ~,~pL?A.T. IOHIPEPJalT FOR HIGHWAY. EXCAV,AT. IO~ AND REPJ, Z~ JUN 2 5 2]07 - . .... ~rinb~.n~t .f Hlgh~¥, of ~'.T~" Prin~r TY~ [ ~t ~ _ ~.... elf y~. ~ T~n ~ ~ '~ - Ill D-3~ Page, 1 of 3 M~ ~4 2~0~ LE:36 PAG~.04 ,, 5UN 28 2{~? 09:48 FR SUFF SUPPORT GROUP 6316878512 TO 97651750 L/03 '06 ~ 13:$6 ~A~ 63L 786 61~$ SO~t'BU}.O 'LUW~ ~t~ ~. n~t:wa~ uHW~ P.03/05 a} B~IIy InJu~ and p~p~Y ~gc~ ~3Q~Q001$SOO,O~0 8~[1~ ~nJu~, and ~S0, oo~ p~ ~ma?. , ~ln~a~ ~nd provld~; '~ y~ 6P . , Re~eNe~ by the Town Clerk ~ -~'~--' ~ elate: P~t ~plr~ oM (~) y~r from ~e of tss~fl~. . ~ Hl~ys. JUN 20 200? 09:48 FR SUPF SUPPORT GROUP 6~16878512 TO 97651750 03/2~/2006 PR! 16:28 F~L P.04/0S i H see c'r oR, '.~ ,,R £c OR ~ Insp,~on D:~te Flndlr~e Cu~e code) 2nd. Ap~/Icant Not~ed _REMARKS iL -,Im~l~opcr ll~ UTM - U~ble ~ m~U~ (due t~ WlP - Work in'p~mc~ . ,~ zuffld~t) DB Imm ~1'[~ high) t ~ . -- -' P ~ · · - zo~Vat~n RPR - ~ t~ r~lr P~ga 3 of 3 SUN ~0 21~? 09:48 FR SUFF SUPF:gRT GROUP 6~$68785~2 TO 976~$"7'50 P.05/05 Date; Notification of Request For Emergency Permit Suffolk, MUST ~ax :omplatod I~orm -',e; Info~m_~on Requited.' Z. Pl~afl~ m ne~t em~ ~ 4. ~cavatln. on: (ch~ ~e 6. ~a=t I~on ~ ~li~ pit { Fren~ ,=or[work ~eing pe~rmed ~n ~e :own ~ f ~rookhavan, SPECIAl. CONDITION~: t TOTAL PAGE.OS ** JUN 28 200? 09~47 FR SUFF SUPPORT GROUP 6316878512 TO 97651750 P,01/05 (Formerly Bell Atlantic) NORTH OCEAN AV~ PATCHO~UE, NEW yORK 11772 TEIX T~-!,lr-COPIE, R TRANSMISSION WHIClt I~LLOWS I~, ADDI~88ED TO: NAME: LORE'I'FA FAX// 76,5-1750 FROM: NAME: KAREN CAMPAGNOLA DEI'T.' Right of Way Dc-pt. PUO~m ~ (Gl) 68~-8429 FAX #: (6~1) 6gi-8512 NUMBER OF PAGES $ (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) DATE SENT 6/20/07 LORETTA .... HERE IS THE EMI~RGENCY PERMIT,,,,.THE CHECK WILL FOLLOW IN THE MAIL.,, COULD YOU PI.EASE FAX BACK TO ME ONCE IT'S SIGNED,..,.THANK YOU!!! FAX # 687-8512