HomeMy WebLinkAboutStanley RdDate: 03/05/07 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt~: 428 Transaction(s): 1 1 Permits Reference Subtotal 492 $232,50 Check~: 428 Total Paid: $232.50 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 492 03/24/2006 FRI 16:27 FAX TOWN OF HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT' Pec~nlc p~c: ~ApPL{CATiON/PERM!T__~OR HIGHWAY, EXCAVAT. ION AND REPAIR . · Su erinte~dent of Hlghemys o~ the Town ~ TO~. of S~t~ld, Suf~k ~.~ d~. The ~fl~nt to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, code~ and regulatlohs, and to per~t~ auth~Hz~ inspe=tors t= ~lak.] tl--rY insp~ions of .e job ~. ~~ &) gu;ideas .klcen~ Ho. Electr~=6'~ I Ic~-~a No.~ s)' a) 7) · 11] Attach pJot pmn snow~r~j . . r ---o and ai-~n~l ad,oiling premlSeS.~r public streets or a,~,~,0 ~ ~ of I-aY~°~Jt' Of ex=~vatlon. · b) Attach all oilier n~ces~arY perl~I~ and lic&nse~ far ~is'pmJ~t. Highway ~va~On Pe~it GIo~, Tax Map: S~I~ Sta~lng Date: ~pteti~ ~ie Work $~ule - p~. Fa~[l~ lns~llefloh ................................. '"' ~v~nt R~la~t., ............................ ' ' Und~ whi~ eu~orlty Is ~e appIl~ ~de:_ Estimated Cost Pag~ I of 3 PAGE.04 M~R 24 2~C6 15:36 03,'24/2006 FR1 18:~8 ~ 1/03 '06 WED 3.3:56 ~AX 631 ?86 61.4 Insureflee Coveraga: (Attach a) Insurance ~ompany;_ c) S~te whe~er ~llcy of ca~ifl~tlo~ on fil~ wJth ~e H;ghway ~a~- dj ~ge r~uircd ~d~ W :~e Town: B~IIy JnJu~ 8nd p~pe~y ~gc: $3Q~Q00/$~O0,000 e~ily tnJu~, and $s0,0a~ pretty damage. a) 5ureW Bond ~r Gc~fi~ Ch~ pr~id~ In ~e to~l ameunt ~ $ ~ y~rs b) ~lnt~a~e ~nd provide: for appl~tlo~s and perm~: ~~n F~ ....... ~50.00 A2. IAddi~al ~xovatlons Ex~va~s lB" in d~.or less: 0-10e hr. = $~a. 0a' C. ~vatio6s le~ in d~th to ~ in d~th; O. EX~S ~' In d~ e~d over: Ad~hio~ Fo Nat;~,~ to pu~>ll¢'utililJe~ preof must be p~ovided and arrayed to this 'applic~tio~ prior to ~s~uanoe of permit,' Aut~qorlzatJOfl Is hereby gra~ to the ToWn Clerk of the Terra Of S6utho~d to Is~.ue a Highway Excevatlo~ pemit 'to: In'accordance with thls'applicaUoh, ~FiNTEHDENT OF HIGHWAYS SOUTHOLt~ NEW YORK I~eter W. Herri~ permit I~sued._~ . Permit'No. Permit expires one (1) year from DaZe of IssUanCe. No work to s~rt without P~S ~muf notice to the Superintendent 0~ Highways- Pem~'mus~ be available for Ingp~fioh. PAGE.05 03/24/2006 FRI 16:25 FAX :)1/03 '06 ~ED 13:67 FA]: 631 765 6141 SOL. HOLD TO~N CL~I~ ~ U03 Highway Department Applicant T~n Clerk 2nd_ ~d IH S,.PE CT OR~'< Insp~ctJon Date RECORD Flndlngs (use~e) Applicant Notif~od RE~ARKS CODE lB ~ Improper barrlad~ IL -.Improper' Ilght~ ~T - Sun~n ~ ~ ~vation UTM - Unable to m~u~ (due to ~c~lling) BUC - Bulld{n~ und~ ~n~ WIP - ~ork DB 'lmp~ ~l[ ' {~ high} (~ HFS -' I~=P~ balding for final =~t of ~wt~n RFR - R~ to repair PAGE.0~ VERlZON - RIGHT OF WAY DIAGRAM NORTI' POINT GRA$$ AR~.A I B~ TOP DR~WA Y , ~ R$a~on For Wo~ Reach number Trench O~ning (Lin. FL) for R~ P ur~se ~ ~ Are po~ Slaked7 Y es No BL~K NO: Name of Road DC S Ireel invoDed: ~;e Cenle< ~ Dislence fr~ Cu~ o~ Properly Linle Io work Pedo;med: Tax Oillrlcl: ~ Type Pavemenl & ~dlh: E~ineec ~ ~~ =hone Date: 05/11/07 Town Of Southold P,O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: 1009 Transaction(s): Permits Reference Subtotal 507a $234.00 Check~: 1009 Total Paid: $234.00 Name: L, IPA 117 Doctors Path Riverhead, NY 11901 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 507a No. T~00683683 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ ,:" ~ ~ ~ R=~£17~D ~ HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 178 Peconic, NewYork 11958 1'~'~ ~ 2007 %~,~ (631)765-3140 APPLICATION / PERMIT FOR HIGHWAY EXCAVATION AND REPAIR APPLICATION IS HEREBY made to the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold for the issuance of an Excavation Permit pursuant to Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable laws, ordinances or regulations for the excavation heroin described. The applicant ag,tees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes and regulations, and to pemtit authorized inspectors to make necessary impecfions of the job site. PrintorT~e 1. LIPA 117 Doctor's Path, Riverhead, NY 1~901 NameofAppIicaat Ad&essofApplicant The Fields @ Mattituck Stanley Road, Mattituck Name of Owner of Premises Address of Owner O~3~ Bell~leNPW/C S~I~m & St~leyN~, guid~ drill 1~' ~18. ~]]~l~. b, ~u~ m~S ~ 1~' W/O ~ ~. ~ ~l~c & ~ ~llt~ ~a~ ~ Work Description and Location (S~eet Number, Ha~et, Cross S~ee0 ~ ~'~v: m ~ ~'lm~ (a) Is com~cfion locamd wi~M 75 feet of tidal wetlands? * Yes No · If yes, other Tom pe~ts may be required. 4. Builder's License No. Plumber's License No. Electrician's License No. Other Trade's License No. -. ~. Signatjare of Applicant / 7 / r Date (a) Attached plot plan showing location of proposed excavation and relationship to adjoining premises or public street or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of excavation. (b) Attach all other necessary permits and licenses for this project. (c) Work covered by this application may not commence before issuance ora Highway Excavation Permit by the Town Clerk. Tax Map No.: Section , Block , Lot Starting Date: Completion Date: Work Schedule: Phase Excavation Facility Installation Backfill & Completion ?avement Replacement Completion Date 9. Under which authority is application being made: 10. Estimated Cost of Proposed Work: $ 11. Remarks: D-39 1 of 3 12. Ins~ahce Coverage: (Attach Copy) (a) Insurance Company: (b) Policy ~,: (c) State whether policy of certification on file with the Highway Department: (d) Coverage required extended to the Town: Bodily injury and property damage: $300,000 / $500,000 Bodily Injury, and $50,000 property damage. 13. Security: (a) Surety Bond or Certified Check provided in the total Amount of $ (b) Maintenance Bond provided: 2 years or 3 years. 14. Fees for Applications and permits: Basic Application Fee $150.00 Al. __/Service Connections excavations @ $20.00 No. A2. /Additional Excavations same service @ $10.00 No. B. Excavations l 8" in depth or less 0-100 i.f. = $10.00; Additional ~ i.f. ~ $0.10 $ $ Excavations 18" in depth to 5' in depth 0-100 i.f. = $30.00; Additional i.e@$0.30 $ q.cz9 Excavations 5' in depth and over 0-100 i.f. = $50.00; Additional i.£@$0.50 $ No. Additional Utility Repair Excavations @ $10.00 Repairs same service ~ $5.00 $ $ TOTALS Notice to public utilities proof must be provided and attached to this application prior to issuance of permit. Authorization is hereby granted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold to issue a Highway Excavation permi~ to: in accordance with this application. SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK Peter W. Hanis Date Received by the Town Clerk Date Permit Issued ~/~ Permit No. ~ 7 NOTE: Permit expires one (1) year from date of issuance. No work to start without 48 hour notice to Superintendent of Highways. Permit must be available for inspection. D-39 2' of 3 · Copy Distribution: Highway Department Engineer (Xvith page 3) Applicant Town Clerk (Original) 1st 2na 4th Inspection Date INSPECTOR'S RECORDS Findings (use code) REMARKS Applicant Notified (To Permit Clerk) CODE IB Improper Barricades IL hap~ oper Lights ST Sunken Trench or Excavation UTM Unable lo Measure (due to backfilling) BUC Building Under Construction WIP Work In Progress DB Improper Backfill (too high, not sufficient) HFS Inspector Holding for Final Settlement of Excavation KFR Ready for Repair D-39 3 of 3 58 PIC: : ~s~o OH W/O T-683679 ORDERS BUDGET TYPE W.O.: RUD ITEM GRID CIR. HO. 094-52 8JA-625 NO. PERMIT YES PRIMARY VOLTS: 15 KV TYPE RED: TAX DIST. 1.~00 NUMBER SERVICE REQ'D. BY - INFORMATION: CND: CCCD: FIELD DUE DATE: ~OMPLETION DATE T~L CO. V. HAGERTY [NGINE:£R EASEMENT R[O'D NO-VERIZON OUTRIGHT CONTR, $ ~ SALES TAX: TOTAL: SALES SUP NO. TEL. CO. 9AF4LS/REF 66058 C.G. [c.o. JOB NO. DIST. LETTER TRANSF. SECD'Y LOAD REG. IS TREE TRIM REQ'D : ATTACHMENT RECORD I OWNERSHIP RECORD ~iN.~'i~L T'aOTT RL~SMT. DA FTI~oM I i~:L~LAC ED TAEL~' O'IWR'~ i~[~,Rp· E.L TEL. E.L TEL. I E,L. TEL, E,L. TO T[L*~E.L* TO ?£L I PROJECT/JOB DATA: NAME: THE FIELDS AT MATTITUCK ADDRESS: STANLEY RD. TOWN: MA'n'ITUCK ZIP: ONTACT: CHRIS DWYER CONTACT TEL.~V.516-779-4776 PREPARED BY: D. DANEK 3-5-07 (DESIGNER SIGNATURE) (DATE) APPROVED BY: SHEET 1 OF 2 NOTES: 1. ALL PRIMARY CABLE TO BE 2/Ci~2ALXLPE 2. ALL SECONDARY CABLE TO BE 3/C3/OAL ClC 3. BUILDER CHOSE OPTION 4-CONNECTION TRENCH-LIPA DISTRIBUTION AND SERVICE TRENCH-BUILDER. 4. LEAD CO-LIPA BUILDER PERFORMANCE OPTION ~4 5. VERIZON OBTAINING EASEMENTS THIS WORK WILL INSTALL 4,722' OF 2/C~/2AL PRIMARY, 3,576' OF 3/C3/0AL ClC SECONDARY, 5 BELOW GRADE TRANSFORMERS, 17 LARGE SPLICE BOXES, 5,062' OF TRENCH BY BUILDER AND 280' CONNECTION TRENCH BY LIPA. THIS WILL PROVIDE UNDERGROUND FACILITIES TO 26 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ON STANLEY RD., MATTITUCK PRIMARY ONE-LINE CIRCUIT 8JA-625 STANLEY RD. 8G~99221 BG~99222 OPEN BG#99225 BG~99224 TOTAL CONNECTED k'VA=375 Pt19 BG~99223 (DESIGN ENGINEER SIGNATURE) (DATE) P#18 ,-; I-2 ./C#2 PTHD I-3" U-GUARD LBF# 12828z J FS 20T ~ SHEET 2 OF 2 ~'~ w ~ o THE FIELDS AT MATFITUCK o,.<~ ~_~>. o ~ o ~ ~ ~ W/O~T-683683 ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ OH W/O T-685679 ~ SUNS~ DR FS 201 ~ 12' '~ LOT21 ~ ~ LOT13 STORM WATER HSE~2530 "~ C 1524 / ..... x ~b~oizo no~ 0-0464 ~ ~-~ ) - / ~,~55 ~ 0-1772 ~ 0-2801 BUS~544 ~ LOT 20 /~ I-~99225 ~ /~ ~ / LOT 12 . ~0~559263 - ~ J/ C-0587 / ~ ~2~¢~ % J II I LOT ~9 HSE~2670 ~ ~ ~ , HSE~4380 ~ kk 75 KVA GRP 169 Date: 07/12/07 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt'8: 1340 Transaction(s): 1 I Permits Reference Subtotal 514 $168.00 Check#: 1340 Total Paid: $168.00 Name: R & R, Construction 282 Line Rd Manorville, NY 11949 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 514 Permit No. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Peconic Lane Peconlc. New York 11958. (631) 76S- 31tl0 APPLICATION/PERMIT FOR HIGHWAY EXCAVATION AND REPAIR APPLICATION IS HEREBY made to the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold for the issuance of an Excavation Permit pursuant to Chapter 83 of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable laws, ordinances or regulations for the excavation herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes and regulations, and to permit authorize~ InSpectors to: ntake~ neceSSary inspections of the job site. Print or Type Name of Applicant Name of Owner of Premises Address Work Description and Location (Street Number, Hamlet, Cross Street) (a) Is construction located wlthih 75 feet of' tidal wetlands? *Yes No '~ *if yes, other Town permitS may be required. 4) Builder's License No. Plumber's License No. Electrician's License No. Other TradeSs License No. ~\1- ~)'7 7~' J37Ct ~ Signatu/e of/AppliCant d l zl 7 ] ~a~e ¢) W~rk ceYer~ h¥ thl~ app~lcatio~ ~y not commence be~r~ Issuance o~ a 6) Tax Map: Section __, Block , Lot 8) Work Schedule: Phase Completion Date Excavation ......................................... Facility Installation ................................. Backfill & Compaction .............................. Pavement Replacement .......................... .. . . 9) Under which authority is the appliCation made: (,IC4~.~'~O,'q 10) Estimated Cost of Proposed Work: $ ~'~.j ~ '~/~ Address ' Insurance Coverage: (Attach copy) a) Insurance Company: b) Policy # c) State whether policy of ca~cati~'~(~fl~le with the Highway Depart- ment: d) Coverage required extended to the Town: Bodily Injury and property damage: $300,000l$500,000 Bodily Injury, and $50,000 property damage. 13) Security.: a) Surety Bond or Certified Check provided in'the total amount of $ b) Maintenance Bond pravldod: 2 years or 3 years lq) Fees for applications and permits: Basic Application Fee ...... Al. /Service Connections excavations {I $20.00 = $ No. /Additional Excavations same service ~ $10.00 = S L A2. B. Excavations 18" in depth or less: 0-100 I.f. = $10.00 ~ i.f. ~ s0.10- $ ~- Additional C. Excavations 18" In depth to 5* in depth: 0-100 I.f. = $30.00 I.f. ~ $0.30 = $ Additional D. ExcavaUons 5' in depth and over: 0-100 I.f. = $50.00 I.f. ~ $0.50 = $ Additional NO. Utility Repair Excavations ~$~10.00 = $ Repairs same service ~ $5.00 = $ Additional Notice to public utilities proof must be provided and attached to this appliCation prior to issuance of Permit. Authorization is hereby granted to the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold to issue a Highway Excavation Permit to: In accordance with this application. SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS TOW~F SOUTHO,L~: NEW YORK I~eter ~! Harris Received by the Town Clark Date Permit Issued ~ - /2 -~ 7 Permit No. -~//~/ Date Note,: Permit expires one (1) year from Data of Issuance. No work to start without a,0 hour notice to the Superintendent of Highways. Permit must be available for inspection. Paae 2 of 3 Copy Distribution: Highway Department Inspector Applicant Town Clerk iN SPECTOR~S RECORD Inspection Date Findings {use code) Applicant Notified Ist 2nd 3rd ~th (To Permit Clerk) REMARKS CODE lB- Improper barricades IL - Improper lights ST - Sunken trench or excavation UTM - Unable to measure (due to backfilling} BUC - Building under Construction WlP - Work In'progress DB -Improper backfill' (too high) (not sufficient) HFS - Inspector holding for final settlement of ex~.avatlon RFR - Ready to repair n-~ Page 3 of 3