HomeMy WebLinkAbout19375 Soundview AveDate: 07/25/07 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt~: 495 Transaction(s): 1 1 Permits Reference Subtotal 515 $150.00 Check~: 495 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave, 1st FI Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 515 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Date: 07/17/07 * * * RECEIPT * * * Transaction(e): 1 1 Permits Reference 515 Subtotal $o.oo Cash Total Paid: $0.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N Ocean Ave, 1st FI Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 515 6314470416 ,VERNON 501 N OCEAN 08:45:34 07-17-2007 I /5 (Formerly Bell Atlantic) 501 NORTH OCEAN AVE PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 RECEIVED Southoid Town Clerk THE TELECOPIER TRANSMISSION WHICH FOLLOWS IS ADDRESSED TO: FAX #: 765-1750 FROM: NAME: Tom DEPT.: R/W Dept. PHONE #: 631 687-8555 FAX #: (631) 687-8512 NUMBER OF PAGES 5 (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) DATE SENT 7/17/07 EMERGENCY PERMIT TOM 6314470416 ,VERIZON 501 N OCEAN 08:45:41 07-17-2007 Notification o¢ Request For Emergency Permit '7 215 63144~0/li $, ' ,'" ' '~ 'vE~IzON 561- NOCF. AN TOWN OF ~UTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMEI4,T. Pe~nl¢ Lane p=oonlc: .Hew York 1.19Sa; 08:45:53 07-17-2007 ~RECEIVED 3/5 ~APi~L[.CA.T. iON/PEpJa!T FOR HIGHWAY. F_xCAVAI~ION AND REPAIR~ JUL 1:3 2007 R£fl~ made te ~e ~e~l~t of Hlgh~Ys ~ ~e Town o~l~nc~ ~ ~etlons f~ ~e ~n ~rean ~ ' ' and ~ pe~ 2)~ N~e of Own~ ~ p~is~ · ~9natura a~ ,~k n~ · nbln ~J~(]WI~ I~~ ~.~n ~ r~fi~lp*.~ b) A~ch all at~ ~ pe~mi~ and ll~n~ Tax~: S~ , BI~ ,./ ~t 7 Fa~l]~ lns~Jla~o~ .................................. 7) ~) D-39 Pag~ 1 cfi 3 6314470o416, · , VERIZON 501 N OCEAN 08:46:08 07-17-2007 4/5 ~/03 '05 ~ 13:5~ t~/ 631 YB$ 6L4.5 50U't'UU~,~ '~UW~ ~Ld~ ~- a~--,.~,- .... ' 12) In surefire .Covera~.. a= {Attach a) Insurance Company; pollc~, f , c) S~te whe~er ~llcy ~ ca~j~tto~ on fil~ with ~e Highway ~ge r~ulr~d ~t~d~ ~ the Town: B~lly InJu~ ~nd p~y ~g~ ~3~000/$500,0oo B~il~ [~Ju~, and ~sO, oo~ pretty damage, a] Surety Bond or C=~tlRL~] Che~k provided In'the total =~nt ~ $ b} ~ln~e~e ~nd provide: '2 y~rs or _~ y~ra. for appll~tlohs a~ ~rmi~: ~~n F~ ..... ~lS0,O0~ /Addi~al Ex~a~ons ~me se~l~ ~ ~I0.00 = ~ A2. Excavet;<ms 0~tOO hf. : 1~q in depth.or less: $1o. 88 ' C. Excevatloe~ 1~' i~ d~th to ~ ~ E. __Utili~ Repair ~v~oRs ~OO ~ ~ Authorl/a~Uon Is hereby granted to the Town Clerk of the To,n1 of ~d to Highway Ex~t~ Pa~it 'to: SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS TOW~HOL~, ~W YORK' q -/7 7 R~e~ by the Town C~rk Nqt~: Permit t=<plres one (1) year from Date ef Issuance. Ne work to g1~rt without M ho~ ~otlce to the Superlntende, nt ~f tllghways- Permlt-'mus~ be available fer Page 2 r~f 3 6314470.416 , ~ VERIZON 501 N.OCEAN 01/,83 '05 ~ 13,'57 [~AZ SOUTItOLD TOWN CLE~X 08:46:19 07-17-2007 5/5 i H s p E C T 0 R',.f, RECORD insl~--~m3 Dat= Flndil~s (use ~e) Appll~nt. 14oti~ o~ ----[~'Clcrk! .. R~MARICS CODE ia - Improper barrl~-ad~ IL .Improper 1~3hts UTM - Unable ~ BUC - Bvlld;n~ ~d~ - .Impm~ DB .. In;P~ h~dln~ for final c~; of ~vat~n HFS RFR - R~ to repair Pega 3 of 3 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Date: 08/09/07 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt: 498 Transaction(s): 1 1 Permits Reference Subtotal 517 $170.00 Check~: 498 Total Paid: $170.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave, 1st FI Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 517 , 1, Date: 07/30/07 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Transaction(s): 1 1 Permits Reference 517 Subtotal $o.oo Cash Total Paid: $0.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave, 1st FI Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 517 (~144704'16 ', VERIZON 501 N OCEAN 08:18:08 07-26-2007 (Formerly Bell Atlantic) 501 NORTH OCEAN AVE PATCHOGUE, NEW YORK 11772 THE TELECOPIER TRANSMISSION WHICH FOLLOWS IS ADDRESSED TO: NAME: g. Harris FAX #: 765-1750 FROM: NAME: Tom DEPT.: R]W DepL PHONE #: 631 687-8555 FAX #: (631) 687-8512 NUMBER OF PAGES 5 (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) DATE SENT 7/26/07 EMERGENCY PERMIT THANKS, TOM §3144~0~16 ..... V~RIZON 5~)~ N OCEAN TOWN OF: SQUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. peconlc Lane 08:18:15 07-26-2007 2/5 ApPLICA'I:ION]PERM!T FOR HIGHWAY. EXC~a'VAI~ION AND REPAIR £BY made ta the ~uperintenclent of Hlgh~ys ~p~I~TIDN IS.HE~ . - ' .- ~ ~) '~,.~nt to Chair - ~ - k ~ . ~ ~m~, ...... ~ of ~ To~n of S~t~ld, Suf~ - ~ ..... ~. The ~[l~t ,~¢ o[ Ap~lont " Addre~ Name e ,,,met r,cm ~ ~.,~ Addre~3 O~er ~rad~ L;~n~ No,~ or . JUL 3 0. 2007 b) Amch all ot~ ~s~ ~r~ and lims~ for ~is'pmJ~t, . Highway ~va~ Petit ~ ~e T~n Cr · · .' So,~%~ Town Cler~ ~;) Tax Map: S~tl~ 7) Starting Date: ~p~ 8) Wor~ Sch~Ule ~ FadU~ InsmllaUa~ ................................. ,, ~v~nt R~la~t .............................. - 9) und~ which au~orlt7 10) Eatlmated Cost of · 11) Rem=r k~: P~ga, T of' 3 §314470~116 VERIZON 501 N.OCEAN 08:18:30 07-26-2007 3/5 [/03 '05 WED ~3:5e ~'~,63~ 755 6[45 $OU't'~ULU 'low~ Insuraflee Coverage: (Attach cap7) a) Insurance Company;_ c) ~te whaler ~Ucy of ca~ifl~fl~ on ~1~ with ~e Highway ~a~- d) ~ge r~uir~d ~t~d~ W the Town: B~Ily In~u~ and p~pe~y ~ge~ $ao~a0o/tsg0.0ao 8~ily InJU~, and ~s0,0o~ pretty damage, , Se:urlt~: a} .Surety Bond . , .or Cc~tlfiecl Che~;k total amount ~f $ b) Malntena~:e ~bnd provided: '7. years provld~ In'~J~e Alo or ~ years applications ~nd permi~r:~ ~ ...... ~ ' IServic~ ¢onnectlor~$ e. XaVatlons e SZO. oa = ~ c~[~ ,, -- Ex~va~s lr~ in d~.or le~: ~lOa I.f. = SiC. Ga ' Autherlz~tlO~ Is hereby gnanted t~ the Town Cl~,"k of the To~m of 5~utho~d to l~ue a Highway Exc~vatio~ I~mlt 'to: in'acc~rclanr, e with t.~is'appli~,ltloh. Race,Wool by the Town ¢~erk D-39 Pem~it expires one (1} ycar from Date of Issuance. No work to ~tar~ wlU~o~t ~}xau~ notice to the Superlnt~d~t ~Hlghways- pem~'mus~ be available for Ingp~. ,63144~'d416 --- ~i~RI~.~)N ~1' N OCEAN 01/03 '05 It'~Z) 13:57 FAZ 831 ?'85 61,~S SOUZ~OL~ ~'O~l 08:18:42 07-26-2007'- 4/5 Copy Di=trlbuUo~t,: H I~lhW~y Dep~rt menc i N s p E CT O R J,e, Inspqct~on I~tc RECORD Flndir-3s (use code) Appllc3nt Notif; od (TS ?emit Clcrl<) . . RENLa, RKS CODE UTM - Unable BUC - Bulld;n~ ue~ ~n~ WlP - Work OB 'lmp~ ~[I ' RFR - R~ to repair Paga 3 of 3 ~314470'416 , VERIZON 501 N OCEAN 07- 15 08:18:48 ~cify '~wn Road ~ Emergency Notification of Request For Emergency Permit :~x ~ !631i M7-~512 ~,o-o,,: b.zeor_~B u; Village: ~S~te Rind ~Coun~ R~d ~Village Road Out of Semite ~~ica Lb R 07-26-2007 5/5