HomeMy WebLinkAbout1530 Crown Land LnTown Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Date: 06/09/08 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: 21240 Transaction(s): Permits Reference Subtotal 566 $150.00 Check#: 168 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave, 1st FI Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 566 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. peconl¢ Lane pcoor~lc: I~ew York 119S9 ~__~pL. ICAT. ION/PER~.dIT FOR HIGHWAY. EXCAVATION AND REPAIR ord ..... . -,-,- ordnances, code~ ar~l regu]aaon~, --- to COlm?¥ W t~ e,h eppilcaoie [.wD, ..... author~zC~l Inspeclors t~ m~ake] ~e~&~-~ary ]nspm;ons ef ~e job ~. 9) 10) E~tlmated Cost of proposed ~Vortc: · $1gn,ature ~t' ~l~}lcant ~ of la~ of ~vatlon. . b) A~h all ot~r ~e~q permi~ and Ij~ns~ for ' c) ' ~'~e~ by ~ appli~h my ~t mmaen~ before b~n~ efa High~ay Ex~va~ofl Pe~lt ~ ~e Town Cl~k. T~X Map: S~l~ , BIo~ , ~t~ , Work SchCule: ~m~o~ Data P~ - · ~vatlo~ ........................ ' Fa~l]~ InsmilaUafl .................................. Bac~ll' S C~pacti~ ......... , .... ,, .............. t R pla~t .............. Und~ which eu~orl[y is ~e appll~h ~do: . .- r~ . 11] Red, arks: Pag~ 1 of 3 1/03 ',0~ W'~13:Sg FAX 631 785 6145 Insurafle= C~'era~e: (Attach a) Insurance Company: b) Policy I -- c) S~te whe~er ~l[¢y of ce~i~tlon on file' with ~e Highway d) ~ge r~uir~d ~t~d~ W the Town: B~IIy InJu~ and p~pe~y ~gc: $3~0,00O/$Sg0,0a0 E~ily InJu~, and $S0,0a~ pretty damage, _Security: a} Surety Bond or C=~tlfie~ Che~k pr~id~ ln'~e to~l amount ~ $ b) ~lnt~e~e ~nd provld~: 2 y~rs or ~ y~rs for appl~tlo~s and permj~: ~ ....... $150,00 Al. J~ Conn~iohs ~vat~on~ ~ $20.00; $ ,.. A2. /Addi~al Ex~vatlons ~me se~ a 510.00 = $ B. Excava'c;o~s 0-100 I.f. = lB" in d~pth.or less: ~vatio~5 le~ in d~th to ~ ~n d~th; Add[tioh~ E. Ut]Ii~ Repair Ex~v~ons g$~00, ~ S Re~j~ ~me ~e~ice · $~.00 = $ F. Not~ to p~lic'~if;~ pr~f must ~ p~id~ and a~ to Authoriz&tlon Is hereby grmnt-~ to the Town Clerk of the To~rn of S6utho~d to IsSue = Highway Ex~vat~ p~it 'to: In'ac~an~ with ~ts'appli~o~. r W. Herr[s ~/ Race, ecl by the Town Clerk ~ ' ~- Date Date 0-39 Permit c~plres one (1))'car fr~m Dale of [ss~nca. No work to s~ wl~: ~ ~ur ~otce to the ~uperlnt~d~t ~ Htgh~oys- Pe~'mu=t be avaitable for In~p~Uoh. Pa~a 2 Of 3 03/24/2005 FRI 16:28 ?'Ag 01/03 "'05 ~ [3:57 FAX 631 765 6[45 $oLrl'EOLD TO~ cLErK ~ Ei~hwa7 Dep~ ~003 Copy Di~tribuUon.: Highway Department Applicant i~,S p E C T O R'.S R E C O R D InspacUon Date Flndlngs (use code) Applicant Notif;od 2nd ~d --(To ?Cr~it ClerK} REMARKS GODE i8 - Impro~er barri~d~ IL -.Improper UTM - Unable to m~u~ (due to BUC - BullS;n~ under ~n~ WIP - Work DB - 'lmpm~ ~c~;ll' [~ high) RFR - R~ to repair 0-39 Page 3 of 3 RPR 14 1996 15:50 FR TEl 654'7952 P.01/01 Notifirmtion of Request For "Emergency Permit NOTE""' I SPECIAL CONI)n'IONs: TOTAL PAGE.01 **