HomeMy WebLinkAbout550 Mt Beulah AveTown Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Date: 10/21/08 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: 29969 Transaction(s): 1 1 Permits Reference Subtotal 589 $150.00 Check~:210 Total Paid: $150.00 Name: Verizon, Communications 501 N. Ocean Ave, 1st Fi Patchogue, NY 11772 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID: 589 'Parallt No.~_~ ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT* Peco nit Lane pcmr~c' ~ew York 1.1958 ,A~pL[.CA-EiON/p£RM!T FOR HIGHWAY. F_XGAVA~IOH AND REPAIR-- O I$ HEEEBY made re.the ~uperintende~t ef H ghays d' ~e Town ~PLI~TI N .... ~ ~', '--~nt to :hair to ~mp~ wi~ all sppli~ble Isw~, or~Mn~s, ~ a~ ~ula~ohe, and ~ pe~ ~Hz~ I~sp~ors ~ ~ke~ ~ry insp~ions ef ~a j~b ~. Print or . '~mc of ApplJ~nt " ' Other T~d~s Li~n~ $)' · $19nature~l' Applicant a) Attach p/or plan sho~lr~g Iocatlm~ ~.j~o~o~iecl ~x.cavatJan ~ r~a~o~ip'm ~lnTn9 p~l~ ~ publlc's~ or ~ of la--'of ~vatlon. . b) A~ch all ot~r ~es~ per~ and li~ns~ far ~is'pmJ~t. ' c} · ~'.~ee~ by ~ aPPN~h ~Y ~t ~mm~ before ~J~n~ of a Highway Extra,oh Pe~it ~ ~e Town Cl~k. . 6] Tax Map: <:ectlon , Block ., Lot 7) Starting Date: ~.-~d~ CeetpletiO~ D~te ~ - 8~ Work Sch~ule: P~ lO) .11) ~p~U. on Fadlity Insmllet~oh ................................. Backfill' s Compzctio~ ...... , ....................... Pavement Replac~'e e~t .............................. Undo' which authority la ~he appllc~T~oh ~ada: Estimated Cost of Frop0secl florl<: ~ Pag~ ! ~f 3 MAR 24 20~6 15:3~ PQGE.~4 Insuratqce CoYote.cie.- (Attach copy) a) ~n~ur~nca Company: b) Pdlcy f c) State wheU'~er parley of certiflc~tlo~l on file' with *,~e H;ghwa¥ d) C~r~ge recluircd ~xtended to [he Town: BeclJiy injury end property clamag=: $3Q0,000/$SO0,0D0 fl,odil~ Injury, and $50,0gE pr~erty damage. Secur;t~: a) Surety Bond or Gcrtlfie~l Check pro¥1d~ Jn'l~e total amount of $ b) Malnte~ar~e B~nd provided: '2 years or ~ years, Fe~s for appllr, atlohs and permitS_': Basic Application Fee: ....... $150,00 Al. IServic~ Connections ex~avatlons e $20.00 = /Additib~a! Excavations same service ~ 510.00 -- $ 0-t0a I.f. = $10.00' C. Excavatlo~s 1~' in d~th to ~ in d~th: I_f. ~ ~.~ ~ ~ D. EX~S 5' In d~ a~d ov~r: AddTtioh~ Bo __Utility Rcpalr Excavations Repalr~ -.-~me 5ervlce I) Not;c~ to publlc'utititie-~ proof must be provid.d and attached to thls'appllc=itloA prior to i~uen~e of permit, Author|zatlo~ Is here. by grant~] to t~e Town Clerk of the ToWn of 54atho~d to Isiu¢ = Highway Exc~vatio~ permit 'to: tn'acoordance with thls'applicatJoh. SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGh'WAYS TO,~Rq~a,F SOUTHOLD, .N~EW YORK I~eter W. Herr;s nato ~ Date P~rm;t Issued /~/~//O ec>~ Permit Date Note: Permit ~xplres one (1) ycar fr~m Date of Issuance. No work to st~r~ without ~8 hour notice to the Superintendent of Highways- Permit-'taus! be available for Ingpect~on. Page 2 of 3 9.I-/03 "0~ WED'*'13:57 FAX 831 785 6145 SOLr/"E[OLD TOWN CLERIC Copy Di~trlbu~-Ioh: Highway Department Applicant I H S P E C T O R '.S R E C O R D Findings (use code) Applicant- Noti~od 2nd ~rd --(T~Per~it ClerK} R.F.M~RKS (;ODE lB - Improi3er barri~..ndr.= UTM - Unable to m~u~ (due to ~c~lllng) BUC - Bulldln~ und~ ~n~ WIP - Work HFS -.l~sp~r b~din~ for final s~t of ~vat~n RFR - R~ to repair Page 3 of 3 M~R 24 20~6 15:36 PAGE.~6