HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12656 P 355SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE T~pe of Instrument:: DEED Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 11-0039948 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 10-18297 District: 1000 Deed Amount:: Reco~d: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 068.00 03.00 ZX~ED AND CS~a~ZD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 04/07/2011 10:09:34 AM D00012656 355 Lot: 001.000 Received ~he Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt: Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 10-18297 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF T~E INSTRUMENT TBIS IS NOT A BZLL $20.00 $15.00 $12s.00 $0.00 $30.00 o.oo $22S.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO J~DITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Num, ber of pages , q This dbcument will be public record. Please remove ail Social Security Numbers' 'prier to re~ur'ding. ~EC~DED 2011 ¢lpr O? JUDITH lq, ~-'~LE : CLERK OF ~FOLK C~N~ L D~012656 P DT~ Deed / Mo~gage tnstrainent . De~d / Mortgage Tax Stamp I Recording I Filing Stamps Page t Filing Fee Handling. TP-584 NotatiOn HA-52 17 (County) F~-SZlT.(State) R,P.T,S.A. Comm, o'f Ed, A~ffidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 5. O0 15. O0 Sub Total /'7 g Mortgage Amt 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total . Spec.. tA&L TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ~ Dual County __ Held for ~q~bUaent Transfer Tax . Mansion 'lax Thc pro[act:q~ cover~ by this mortgage is ',or will be improveA by a o~c or two · family dwelling only. .If NO, sc~ appropriate tax claus6 )age #'.~ of this instrument. 4 11 _~01~4902 xooo ~soo o~oo ~ .... ' ' Real Propea ~ ~a. aj : I Consideration Amount $ Agency ~ }' CVF'l~ax Due $ ( r.~.../ , ...... __ -------.~_ _ _ J ~ / I Improved~ · I t~ ~.~ e.< s~ ~o/. ·I ~.'. I ,. I: 'i I 310 center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 I Co Name ~- '-bv~ -- .[Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of thc attache~ ~ .~-: ~. ,4- I TO {SPECIFY TYPE O~ INSTRI.IM~. The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK CO~ NEW YORK. In thc ~G~ made by: BOXE~ 6 THRU 8 MUST. BE TYPED OR PRJ3qTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILI31G. fo'a:() ,CONS0LT YOUR LAWYER 8F_FORE SiGNiNG '1'1418 IN$TRUMENT--THI~ iNSTRUMENT ~40ULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. ~ IN])~ made theo~/~ay of OCTOBER, in the year 2010 BIg~ PISTER A. MOESEL 32 Water's Edge, Rye, NY 10580 party of the fo, st part, and PETER A. MOESE~ and STARR R. MOESEL, husband and wife 32 Water's Edge, Rye, NY 10580 party of the second .pTrt, WI~-~_~TIi, thai the party Of the first pail, in consideration of TEN dollars paid by the patty of the second pa~, does h~mby g~ant and release unto the par~ of the s~coud part, the ha[rs orsuccessom and assigns of the paMy of the second pan fu~ever, ~L that certain plot, piece or pamel of lam:L with the buildings and improvement~ thereon erected, situate., lying and being in the l-hauler, of Puconi~. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, more fully described on auached Schedule A description. Said prernis~ also known as 1450 Salt Marsh Lane, Peconk~, NY 11958. Behag the same premises deeded to Grantor by Deed dated July t4. 1978 and recorded in office of Suffolk County Clerk on July 14, 1978 under Liber D00008461 Pagc 237. TOGE1TIER with all right, title and ingre~t, if any, of the party of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abgtling the above described premises to the center lin~ thereof; TOGI~TRER with the appurtenatr..** and all the estate and rights of the party of ~he Fat part in and to said premises; TO HAVI~ A.ND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of'the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the panT of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first pan has not du~e or suffered anything whereby the said premiss have been encumbered {n any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AJqD the party of the firs~ part, in compliance with Section i3 of Ihe Lieu Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and vriH hold the right to rCr~{v¢ such con~iderat]on as a l~ust fund to be applied f'mt for the purpose of paying the cost of thu impmveanent and will apply the same first to the p,;yment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of thc total of t.he same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the meuse of this indenture sO requLres. IlkT ~ ]arl~REOl~', the party of tho first part has duly execuled this deed the day and year first above vniuen. IN PRE3ENCE OF: ~{~~~ ~,.. ~ S~ of N~w York, County of WESTCHESTER, ss; On th" C:~-/day of OCTOBER in Ih~ y~m 2010, under, good, personally appe~ P£TER A~ MOP-gEL , pc'n;onally known to ~ or proved to mc on cbc basis of satisfa~ory evidence to be ~c indiv~ual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) ~ubscn-bed to the within in,~dment and acknowledged ~o me that he/shdth~y execwted ~e s~rne in his/hedlheir c~padty(ies)~ and ~ by his~her/thcit signa~re(s) e~ tho ins~uman~ thc individual(s), or tho person upon bet'~al~fwhich the individual(s) acted, executed /' PATRtCtA M ~m4WIgK No~ty Pub~ir,, State of New Yed~ Quatilied In Wesm~ma~m ~ _ f Commission F.-43ite~ ~ 31, ~ / ACKNO~G~NT BY SUBSCRIBING WII'~ES~ TAKEN IN NEW YOBK STATE Stat~ of, New York, CounV/of , ss: On Ii~ day of in the year , befov~ m~. the undersigned, a No~ Public in ~d for s~d S~ pe~nally ~ , ~c ~b~bing wim~ to thc ~mgoing i~m~ wi~ whom I ~ p~nMly ~d, wh~ ~g by me duly s~m, did ~ ~d ~y ~ h~ ~sid~s) in (if dl~ pllc~ ol'r~i~ta~ i~ i~ I city, iadade d~ ~ ami strict reacher iran)', ~ be/slr, tthey Imow(s) the individual described in and who executext the foregoing ins~'umca~; d'mz said subscribing witness was p~est~t and saw said execute the sonic; ;md fhat said witn¢~, at tho sarae tin~ s~bs~rlbed his/he~ftheir name(s) ~ a witness thereto ACKNOWLF_J3~MENT TAl~ I~ NEW YORK STATE State orNew York, Coun~ of , ss: On thc day of in thc y~at , b~to~ mc, d~ u~dawlg~ed, personally appeared , per'~mally knovat to m= or provecl to me on the basis of salisfaaory evi.dam~ to be the individual(s~ wbo~e none(s) is (am) sub~dbed to the within Instrument m~d acknowledged to me that he/she/they ex¢ctned thc same in his/hcffthcir capacity(ies), and ~hat by hitCher/their signalure(s) on tho instrument, thc individual(sL or the p~tSOil UOOfl be:'!.nlf ot which the individual(s) acted, cxecu(ccl the ins1~umant. ACKNOWL~.nGEMENT TAKEN OLrFgI~E N~W YORK STATE *State of , County of , ss: *(Or insert District of Coiumbia, Territory, Possession or Fordgn C~) On Thc day of in the year , before undcrslgned personally appcan~ Personally known Io me or proved to me on the basis of satisfecr~ty evidence to be tl~ individual(s) whose name(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within insu~mcm and scknowkxlg~ Io mc Ihat he/she/th~ exe~ut,~ci the same in his/her/their capacity(les), thzl by his~cr/their si~a~ure(s) on the insUument, tl~ individual(s) ~r the p~rson upon behalf of which thc individual(s) a~cel, ex~cut~l the instmmenL and tirol such individual mal~ sue, h eclrpearen~e before thc unc[crsi~mefl in the (ariel the ci~' ~ political subdivision and the stale or country or other ptac~ the acknowledgcmenl was taken). Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenants Title No. MOESEL TO MOESEUMOLSEL OI~TRI BUTED BY YOUR T~TL~ EXPER. TS The Judicial Title Ineumflee Agency LLC 8G0.281.TITLG (848S) FAX: M0-FAX-9395 SECTION: BLOC K: LOT; / COUNTY OR TOWN: Town of Southold, CouP. iT of SuffOlk RETURN BY MAIL TO: 11' PATRICIA S. RAI~I['ER~ ESQ. ] 4 F_.LM PLACE STE. 201 R~ Ky 10~$0 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon ereetecl, siuiate, lying and being at Peconic, Town of 5outahold, Coumy of Suffolk and 5tote of New York, being more. particularly bounded and descn'bccl ~ follows: -BEGINNING at the southwesterly comer tMmmfand at a lSoint formed by the easterly botmdary line of Land now or formerly of C.P.F. Land C~np. and the northerly line of a certain 33 foot wide right of way and which poim of beginning is distant 1036.07 feet from the point of intersection formed by. the northerly boundary line of the lands now'or formerly of Henry Smith and the easterly boundary tine of the {and§ now or formerly of C.P,F. Land Corp, ant[ the westerly and southerly botmdary line of the lands now or formerly of Nelson Axien'measured alon~ the said boundary line of the land now or formerly of C.P.F. Land Corp. and running .the following coarses and distances: North 82 degree~ 20' West 503.2 feet; THENCE North 80 degree 05' West 231.1 feet; and THENCE North 3 [ degrees 20' West 301.77 feet; THENCE RLINNI'NG from said point of beginoing in a general northerly direction and along the said easterly boundary line of the lands now or formerly'of C.P.F. Land Corp. and the westerly line of the premise herein described, North 31 degrees 20' 00" West a distance of 307 feet, more or less, to the mean high water line of the Long Island Sound; THENCE RUNNING in a general easterly direction along said mean high line of the Long Island Sound, North 82 degrees 49' 00" East a distance of 100 feet to land now or formerly' of Hamilton Cochnm and Enid C.D, Coehrat% his wife; RUNNING THENCE in a general southerly direction along the said land, nOw or formerly of Hamilton Cochran and Enid C.D. Cochran. his wife, South 31 degrees 20' 00'~ East a distance of 307 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of said 33 foot wide right of way; THENCE RUNNING in a general westerly direction alot~g the northerly line of said 33 foot wide right of way. South 82 degrees a9' 00" West a distance of 100 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a fight of way 33 feet in width for egress and ingress, to the public hi. way known as North Road, RUNNING along the southerly li~e of premises herein described and the northerly line of said right of way RUNNINNG the following courses and distances: North 82 cL'~grees 49' 00" East 35230 Feet; THENCE North 67 degxees 50' 30" East 263.62 feet;' THENCE North 81 degrees 22' 00" East 355..37 feet TOGETHER with a right of way 20 feet in width leading from the ~id above described fight of way throdgh other land now or formerly of Nelson Axion and continuing through lands of Henry Smith and THENCE ¢.ont'inuing one (1) rod in width along the easterly side of lands of George Stepnoski.. RESERVING, however, to Nelson Axieia, hA heirs and assigns, the right to make any change or alteration that may hereafter be made in the ~irection of location of said location of said above described rights of, way; BEGII~G the same premises conveyed to the party of the fa-st part by deed dated December I I, 1964 and recorded in the Office of The County Clerk, County of Suffolk, in Liber 5669 page 2'77. · ' PLEAS~ T'I~'B OR PRE88 FIRMLY V~-IEN ~ITING ON FORM. ,1~(~~ ~, -7 ~. ,I ~ RP- 52t7 I I (314d~ fl'~ belNI bdaw # aw/II~l~ & OMIaIM~Tw4 Il ~ [] 11'Ym'd/a"emteih'"l / ,{'"J 17. r4m[Mn[n,d~q[k, ldd~u..ubht,nd~l t I I I [ CERTIFICATION I ~ lures d' tnb, inulin enlmM mi Ikh hit n~- mm md ,[:m~Kt itc Ibe InK or mM,' Imm,kd~ d bdleh ~ It a lira tM mMtnI ~~ ~kmm ~ kt tundn .IH nd,ira n I thru _ I NEW YORK STATE COPY