HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC-05/11/2011Peter A. Young, Chairman
Lauren Standish, Secretary
Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd.
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Telephone (631 ) 765-1892
Fax (631 ) 765-6641
Conservation Advisory Council
Town of Southold
Wed., May 11, 2011
4:30 PM
Down's Farm Preserve
Southold T~t,,n Uerk
A meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council was held Wed., May 11,
2011 at Down's Farm Preserve.
Present Were:
Absent was:
Jack McGreevy, Acting-Chairman
Audrey Horton, Member
Doug Hardy, Member
Meaghan Burke, Member
Derek Bossen, Member
Albert Krupski, Jr., Councilman
John Bredemeyer, Trustee
Lauren Standish, Secretary
Residents of New Suffolk, Residents of Southold,
Members of Southold Voice, Greg Rivara-Comell
(Total number of guests - 14)
Peter Young, Chairman
Trustee John Bredemeyer gave a presentation about bacteriological water testing of the
creeks. Residents of New Suffolk, Southold, and several members of Southold Voice were
in attendance for the presentation. (See attached.)
The meeting was called to order at 5:45 by Acting-Chairman Jack McGreevy.
Acting-Chairman Jack McGreevy distributed a coy of a newspaper article regarding
funding for storm damage. (See attached.) Councilman Al Krupski mentioned that FEMA
came through with monies for the restoration of the Town beaches and Soundview Ave.
Jack attended the Trustees regular meeting held on April 20, 2011 and questioned why
Fishers Island had their own regulations for docks and their own mooring code.
Councilman Krupski clarified that Fishers Island doesn't have patent lands. The residents
rely on their boats for access to and from the mainland and their docks have to be
constructed to withstand strong wave action.
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by Audrey Horton, to Approve the Minutes of April 13,
WILLIAM GAILLARD to reconstruct an existing 6'X 43' pile supported dock of which 20 If.
will have grated decking; construct new 10'X 6' pile supported timber dock extension with
electric and water utilities, davit and a ladder; install new 8'X 20' float with associated tie-
off and restraint piles, hinged ramp and ladder.
Located: Bell Hill Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#9-3-5
The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made.
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOVLED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of EAST END SEAPORT AND
MARINE FOUNDATION requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing wood ramp and
platform and raise to new elevation to reduce angle of ramp; remove one single batter
piling and replace with one 2-pile dolphins; install two new 2-pile dolphins; construct a 4'X
9' extension to existing dock; and install new handrail post and rope railing.
Located: Long Bar Lighthouse, Orient. SCTM#132-1-31
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Derek Bossen, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit applications of
JOAN PRAGER to remove the remains the existing stairway and construct new stairway
to beach in-place; and to NOT SUPPORT the applications to construct 100' of new
bulkhead with 1-2 ton rock armor at base; backfill void landward of new bulkhead with
clean trucked in sand fill approx. 90 cy.; vegetate area with Cape American Beachgrass.
Located: 39823 Main Rd., Orient. SCTM#14-2-1.10
Inspected by: Derek Bossen, Doug Hardy
The CAC Supports the application to construct stairs with the Condition the stairs are
constructed with erosion control devices.
The CAC does Not Support the application to construct a new bulkhead because Chapter
275 does not allow for new bulkheads. The CAC recommends the bluff is cut back and
dropped down to a stable angle of repose and construct a revetment. The CAC also
recommends a 15'-20' non-turf buffer planted with native vegetation landward of the top of
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Derek Bossen, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of GARDINER'S BAY
HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge, via
clamshell, the 25'X 930' channel area located within Spring Pond to a depth of -4' below
MLW. The 1000 cy. of resultant dredge matedal to be placed above high water northeast
of the channel inlet along Orient Harbor and used as beach nourishment.
Located: Dredge Area #2 Spring Pond, East Marion. SCTM#37-4-17
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Derek Bossen
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the placement of the dredge spoil
does not interfere with the native tree growth.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of MICHAEL PHILLIPS to
demolish and remove the existing single-family dwelling, swimming pool and
appurtenance, and construct father from the bluff a new two-story, single-family dwelling
and swimming pool, each with a smaller footprint; install a drainage system of leaders,
gutters, and drywells; establish in place of existing lawn along the top of bluff a 15' wide
approx. 1,500 sr. non-turf buffer to be planted with native vegetation; remove existing
sanitary system and install an upgraded sanitary system located entirely landward of the
100' setback; and install a new driveway beyond Chapter 275 jurisdiction.
Located: 1000 Sound Dr., Greenport. SCTM#33-4-3
Inspected by: Derek Bossen, Doug Hardy
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the fence is removed from along the
top of bluff and the drain pipe is removed.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit
applications of WILLIAM TURNBULL to construct a 100 If. timber bulkhead to match the
height of the existing adjacent to the east; construct a 5' bulkhead return at the west end
of the proposed bulkhead; backfill with 125 cy. of clean fill from an upland source and
plant with beachgrass on 12" centers. Remaining portion of site is proposed to be
protected with a single row of 36"- 48" (1,500-2,500 lb.) boulders placed on filter fabric
against the eroded toe of bluff; 69 If. total (inclusive of 5' return at west end). Install a
seasonal snow fence adjacent to the proposed boulders to keep beachgoers from the
neighboring public beach off the boulders.
Located: 54005 North Rd., Southold. SCTM#52-1-1
Inspected by: Meaghan Burke, Jack McGreevy
The CAC does Not Support the applications because Chapter 275 does not allow for new
bulkheads and a bulkhead would direct wave energy onto the Town beach and parking
area. The CAC recommends a revetment designed to absorb wave energy, the area is
planted with Cape American Beachgrass, and the existing vegetation on the bluff is not
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Meaghan Burke, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of JOSEPH BRANTUK to
construct a 4'X 20' ramp onto a 4'X 57' open-grate decked catwalk to a 4'X 69' open-grate
decked fixed dock with a 32'X 12' seasonal aluminum onto a 6'X 20' seasonal float
secured by two 2.5" dia. galvanized steel pipes; and install three 8" dia. mooring piles.
Located: 44632 Main Rd., Southold. SCTM#75-6-7.2
Inspected by: Meaghan Burke, Jack McGreevy
The CAC does Not Support the application because the proposed dock exceeds 1/3
across the width of the creek and extends beyond the existing pier line.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Audrey Horton, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of ANN MARIE MOSCHITTA to
install onto end of existing 4'X 90' fixed dock a seasonal 3'X 20' aluminum ramp and 6'X
20' timber float secured by (2) 8" dia. pilings.
Located: 1800 Broadwaters Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-9-10
Inspected by: Audrey Horton
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition of a 15' non-turf buffer and gutters,
leaders and drywells are installed to contain the roof run-off from the dwelling.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Audrey Horton, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of EUGENE C. BURGER, JR.
to construct first and second-floor additions to the existing single-family dwelling and
proposed porch additions.
Located: 2385 Pine Tree Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#104-3-2
Inspected by: Audrey Horton
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Audrey Horton, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of FOUR-S-PROPERTIES,
LLC to remove existing 30"X 60' fixed dock, 29.5'X 12' seasonal ramp, 6'X 50' and 6'X 20'
seasonal floats, three 1.5" dia. anchor pipes; construct in-place new 4'X 95' fixed dock
with a 32"X 12' seasonal aluminum ramp onto two 6'X 20' seasonal floats secured by
three 8" dia. pilings.
Located: 3490 Vanston Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-5-11
Inspected by: Audrey Horton
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition the dock is shortened and the float is
positioned in a "T" configuration.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Derek Bossen, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of GLENDALOUGH
PROPERTIES, INC. to install 50' of fiber coirlogs and 1440 sf. of erosion control jute
matting on slope, and re-vegetate slope with native plantings.
Located: 5250 Vanston Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-10-14
Inspected by: Audrey Horton
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Derek Bossen, seconded by Jack McGreevy, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of NORTH FORK KIWI, LLC to
install 160 sf. of erosion control jute matting on slope, and re-vegetate slope with native
Located: 5700 Vanston Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-10-13.1
Inspected by: Audrey Horton
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Audrey Horton, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of JAMES & DENISE
MARTIN to demolish the existing single-family dwelling and abandon the sanitary system;
construct new dwelling on pilings and sanitary system with fill; new permeable driveway;
and attached two-car garage.
Located: 2740 Deep Hole Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#123-4-11
Inspected by: Audrey Horton
The CAC does Not Support the application and recommends the proposed dwelling is
relocated in line with the neighboring dwellings.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carded
Moved by Audrey Horton, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of DENISE VOEGEL to
construct a single-family dwelling, sanitary system, driveway and landscape
Located: 1805 Laurel Way, Mattituck. SCTM#121-4-24
Inspected by: Audrey Horton
The CAC Supports the application with the Condition there is proper drainage for the site
and the driveway is pervious.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Doug Hardy, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the applications of NICK POLOGEORGIS to Amend
Wetland Permit #7379 and Coastal Erosion Permit #7379C to replace originally permitted
+/-2' dia. stone, which was undermined and buried by December 2010 blizzard, with up to
+/-3' dia. stone in same location and atop row of buried toe stone to prevent slumping;
construct +/-100 If. vinyl retaining wall (and 17' and 20' returns) in place of permitted,
temporary concrete block retaining wall to be removed; and restore the vegetated berm
lost entirely during the storm with approx. 450 cy. clean sand to be stabilized with jute
matting and planted with Cape American beach grass (12" on center).
Located: 22655 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#135-1-26
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Jack McGreevy, Meaghan Burke
The CAC does Not Support the applications because Chapter 275 does not allow for new
bulkheads. There could be a potential lawsuit by endangering the immediate adjacent
neighbors by allowing returns and the recent landfilling. ^ bulkhead would further intensity
the erosion of the Town beach. This is an example of piecemeal management, which
leads to the endangerment of the neighboring properties. The CAC recommends a
revetment to absorb wave energy and to also lower the property.
As a general recommendation, the CAC suggests an engineered project to address the
erosion in the entire area such as a cofferdam.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Moved by Meaghan Burke, seconded by Derek Bossen, it was
RESOLVED to NOT SUPPORT the applications of DEBBIE GRILLOS to Amend Wetland
Permit #7505 & Coastal Erosion Permit #7505C to include two (2) retums on the
bulkhead; repair the house foundation; and repair the second-story deck and stairs.
Located: 55705 County Rd. 48, Southold. SCTM#44-1-14
Inspected by: Doug Hardy, Meaghan Burke, Jack McGreevy
The CAC does Not Support the addition of returns because of the potential negative
'impact they would have on the neighboring properties. The CAC recommends the steep
slope is addressed on the east side of the property and hay bales and silt fencing are
installed contain the run-off.
Vote of Council: Ayes: All
Motion Carried
Member Audrey Horton will attend the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees
scheduled for Wed., May 18, 2011.
The next meeting of the Conservation Advisory Council has been set for Wed., June 15,
2011 at 4:30 PM at Down's Farm Preserve.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned
at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lauren M. Standish, Secretary
Conservation Advisory Council
JUN 1 6 2011
Soulholtl Town Clerk
Bacteriological Water Testing of Our Creeks
Who is doing what and Where?
John Bredemeyer, Town Trustee
Southold Town Conservation Advisory Committee Meeting May 11, 2011
Bacterial Impairment of our Waters: The Coliform Group
Who are they? What do they do? Are any beneficial?
Escherichia-fecal origin...possible source of highly pathogenic human illness: E. Coli 0157:h7
Enterobacter- not of fecal origin
Klebsiella-not of fecal origin...possible source of human illness
Citrobacter-not of fecal origin
Hafnia-commensal bacteria of fecal origin...opportunistic source of human illness.
Serratia-not of fecal origin...possible source of human illness.
Why we are concerned about Coliform impairment of our waters and
Close bacterial relatives of possible fecal origin that may be highly pathogenic:
Salmonella-theoretically one organism can cause infection...food infections and typhoid fever
Shigella-diarrhoea and opportunistic infections
Vibrio-cholera and other serious infections
Not related of possible fecal origin:
Hepatitis A
The Method:
MPN (Most Probable Number): Lactose + Coliform =gas
Demo and handout.
Agencies with regulatory authority and programs:
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
FDA coordinates the activities of the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation
Commission and provides oversight and guidance for the State Shellfish
Regulatory agencies, which vary from State to State.
USEPA- Clean water act, major funding and laboratory methods
Official Shellfish Regulatory Agency; controls all aspects from growing areas
to harvest areas, limits, labeling licensing and marketing. Criminal
enforcement of shellfish code violators. Bacteriological Laboratory certified
and limited to shellfish purposes at Stony Brook, New York.
Waters are tested for paralytic shellfish poisoning and coliforms.
Regulates Coliform levels in municipal and industrial wastewater discharges.
NYS Ag & Markets:
Responsible for food safety in markets and follow-up on foodbome illness
complaints in wholesale and retail markets. Enforces shellfish record-keeping
Limited laboratory capabilities. Not certified for shellfish.
Suffolk County's Public and Environmental Health Lab (PEHL) is the major
regional facility testing waters for nutrients, pesticides, Coliforms. Funding
from NYSDOH, NYSDEC and USEPA. Not certified for shellfish.
Investigates foodbome illness complaints from retail food service
establishments. Enforces shellfish record-keeping requirements.
Regulates drinking, fresh bathing waters and sewage wastewaters for
Coliforms and marine bathing waters for the Enterococcus group.
Major studies started and or are continuing:: Long Island Regional 208 Study
and continued monitoring of regional subsurface and surface waters, FANS,
NURPS, BTCAMP, Peconic Estuary Program
At the Local Level:
First east end agency to catalog road-run-off areas to Southold Town surface
waters that led to mapping for the Peconic Estuary program. Provides
conservation advice that will improve surface water quality. Future role: MS4
illicit connection detection during routine field assignments.
Southold Town Bay Constables
Enforce Town and NYS shellfish regulations in cooperation with the
NYSDEC. Authority to collect regulatory water samples for NYSDEC. MS4
compliance and illicit connection detection during routine field assignments.
Similar authority to collect regulatory samples for NYSDEC. Future role:
MS4 illicit connection detection during routine field assignments.
New Investigatory Methods, a search for a better indicator:
Bacteroides- associated with the gut of man and animals...not fully researched
yet. One benefit is that they have no known close relatives in the non-fecal
environment and are highly species specific. Methods still limited to human
bacteroides for examination ofwater/wastewater.
DNA-the DNA of bacteria has been found to relate to a particular host animal
or man; i.e. the DNA of a Coliform from a duck is different from the DNA
from the Coliform bacteria from a human. Expensive, experimental and not
yet considered reliable by some agencies. The Comell marine program has
been developing a local library of bacterial DNA which will increase
reliability when used to analyze local waters.
Storm surge could cost II $99B
A study o~IO U.S.\me~ropolL tate prices, Long [s]and's po- services, yesterday ~eleased a moves across ~he ocean and re-
,an areas sho~vs ~t Long Is- tentia] damage represented report detailing potential expo- lease as a powerful rush over
land could be hardest-hit fin~- nearly one-third of the
sure to storm-surge propert~ land when the hurricane ni~,es
cially by hurricane storm- for the 10 metropolitan areas, damage in 10 major urban on ....
shore, CoreLo~c said.
stage floodi~4~' with $99 bil- according to the CoreLogicre- areas aloxl~ ~e Gulf of Mexico "Long Island was found to
lion in potential damage, port. The 10-region tot,al possi- and Atlantic coasts.
~e study looked n~t at the
possible number of lives r. hat
ble damage was calculated at ,,~ ......... have the highest exposure
$300 bil]io~ o.~,,~i~ ~ut~e ts mggerea pti- risk, valued at
would be lost but t~rimarliv at marfl o ' ,.~ u~mon, roi-
CoreLogic, a I~rov' ,~- ~ ~---- y y the high winds and [owed by the Miami-Palm
flooding damage. - - _ ~ ;d,.. ~. ,u ', · .
In part due to high real es- er~, ;.~t,~...: ....... -.~ , wmca caus~ 3~[ter Beach, the s~,.