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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSound Ave Bicycle RacingSouthold Town Board
P.O. Box 1179
Southold NY 11971
D. Kanehl
P.O Box 69
EastMarion NY 11939
June 13, 2011
dUN i 5 20ii
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Sound Avenue has a new traffic hazard...
... bicycle racing.
Southold Town Clerk
On weekends, Sound Avenue's bicycle racing prevents motorists from driving
First, car drivers must swerve into the opposing traffic lane - to avoid bicyclists.
Consequently, this sets up potential head-On collisions between motor vehicles. This
incident happened to me Saturday ~ 4 times.
Secondly, weekend traffic is heavy on our roads. Many car drivers also must
slow down or stop to avoid bike travelers. This creates traffic jams and slow downs.
Sound Avenue has:
dangerous curves
fast moving traffic
flood areas
hidden driveways / intersecting roads
missing or Small shoulders
rough pavement.
Because of these conditions, why are bicycle races permitted here?
Remember, this is a common-sense issue. Our roads, like Sound Avenue, cannot
accommodate bicycle traffic.
l. This road's dangerous curves inhibit drivers from seeing bicycles ahead
of time.
This street's fast moving traffic will definitely hospitalize - or even kill - an
unlucky bicycle rider. Even at 40 mph, the car is a potential death threat to
unwanted shoulder traffic.
Flood areas cause bikers slippage.
The hidden roads prevent oncoming motorists and cyclists from seeing each
Lack of wide shoulders force bikers to into car lanes. Cars then swerve into
the opposite traffic lane. This leads to head-on collisions.
When bikers see rough pavement, they avoid it by going onto the main
roadway. Naturally, this invites a potential accident with on oncoming cars.
Southold Town should step in BEFORE we have any bicycle race fatalities.
Plus, most of these racers don't pay taxes here. We do. We think this
unwelcome racing causes a menace that's worse than the ferry boat traffic we motorists
compete with.
Also, many bikers travel in pairs. This makes the person closest to the car lane to
become a potential fatality - especially where there is little or no road shoulder.
If the 2-wheet racers want to conduct this festivity, they should go to:
a park
This way, their race can be conducted safely.
The bicycle racers' governing body should be fined for creating this traffic
hazard menace. This compromises our constituents' safety when driving.
Thank you,
D. Kanehl