HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYS Standards for Erosion & Sediment Control August 2005 Page Intentionally Left Blank NEW YORK STATE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Prepared By: NYS Soil and Water Conservation Committee 10B Airline Drive Albany, NY 12235 For: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233 Contributing Agencies: Center for Integrated Waste Management, Cornell University New York State Conservation District Employees Association New York State Department of Environmental Conservation New York City Department of Environmental Protection New York State Department of State New York State Department of Transportation New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service—formerly the Soil Conservation Service General Disclaimer The mention of trade names, products, proprietary processes, or companies does not constitute an endorsement by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. References are used for the purposes of information sources and alternative concepts. This manual is intended for periodic update and thus, sections may be changed or added as criteria for erosion and sediment control evolve. Printed By: For: New York State Empire State Chapter Department Of Environmental Soil and Water Conservation Society Conservation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The New York Standard and Specifications for Erosion and The project team would also like to recognize and thank Sediment Control have been prepared under a joint effort Phil DeGaetano and Robin Warrender, whose team between the New York State Department of Environmental approach and environmental visions created the opportunity Conservation, the New York State Soil and Water for the development of these standards. Conservation Committee, the Cortland County Soil and Water Conservation District, and the Monroe County Soil In addition, the following individuals provided comments and Water Conservation District. Several key individuals in during the public/peer review process: these organizations and consultants comprised the project team and were responsible for the completion of this Andrew B. Fetherston, P.E.; Andrew Labruzzo; Bernard E. document. Schmelz, AICP; Robert Dunn; Chad Kehoe; Daniel D. O’Brien, P.E.; David H. Johnson; Dave Gasper; Donald Kuhn; Edward Wiles; Edwin Polese, P.E.; Ellen Z. Daina Beckstrand, CPESC, Conservation Technician, Harrison; Glen Ballinger; John R. Dergosits, P.E.; John Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District, Lacy; Jim Harringtron; Matthew Brower; Laura Snell; Mary coordinated the compiling of these standards into a E. Ivey; Peter M. Melewski, P.E.; Samuel Gleason; Steven cohesive document, provided the computer support for VanHaren, P.E.; Steven Potter; Walter E. Grajko, P.E.; the input of the standards, charts, and graphs, and Angus Eaton; Walter Artos; Joseph Sorace; James Huston; provided technical review throughout the process. James Harrington; Gary Feinland; John Stawski. Paula Smith, CPESC, CPSWQ, Executive Director, Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District, completed the small residential sites and model ordinance sections, coordinated the photographs, and provided technical review throughout the process . Karen Ervay, Office Manager, Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District, incorporated the peer and public review comments and compiled the final document for publication. Fred Gaffney, Agronomist, prepared the vegetative and soil loss sections of the document and provided technical review throughout the process. John Dickerson, Plant Materials Specialist, USDA- NRCS, assisted in the preparation and review of the biotechnical measures section. David Walowsky, CPESC, Civil Engineering Technician, USDA-NRCS, compiled and prepared the CADD drawings and charts for the standard details. Matt Bakker, Technician, Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District, incorporated the peer and public review comments and compiled the final document for publication. Shohreh Karimipour, P.E., CPESC, Environmental Engineer, NYS DEC, coordinated the DEC, public and peer review process, prepared responsiveness summary, and prepared electronic production of the document. Donald W. Lake Jr., CPESC, CPSWQ, Engineering Specialist, NYS SWCC, coordinated the overall project, prepared technical standards, and provided technical review throughout the process. PREFACE The parent document, “Guidelines for Erosion and It required a stormwater pollution prevention plan to be Sediment Control in Urban Areas of New York State,” was prepared for the specific site. The plan must address originally published by the USDA Soil Conservation erosion and sediment control and stormwater management. Service in 1972 to provide information on minimizing erosion and sediment problems on land undergoing The SPDES permit was revised in January, 2003 to development. These guidelines were used by soil and water incorporate the United States Environmental Protection conservation districts, planning boards, property owners, Agency—National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System land developers, contractors, and consultants. (NPDES) Phase 2 stormwater requirements. This requires construction sites disturbing one or more acres to have an Based upon the experience gained in the use of this erosion and sediment control plan. This document has been document, a committee was formed in 1978 to update this re-written to incorporate the most recent developments in guide. This committee contained specialists and the discipline. representatives from government, academia and the private sector. The purpose of this document is to protect water quality due to construction activity and reduce sediment damage and This committee completed their draft document, “Sediment associated maintenance costs of road ditches, storm sewers, and Erosion Control for Developing Areas,” in May 1980. streams, lakes, and flood control structures. It is distributed Before this document could be finalized, technological by the Empire State Chapter of the Soil and Water advances and increased demand for natural resource Conservation Society and also available on the New York planning due to increased urban pressure on rural areas, State Department of Environmental Conservation caused an additional need for revision and expansion of the stormwater web site. technical chapters. This manual should be used by site developers in preparing In March 1985, work resumed on the guide to expand the their erosion and sediment control plans, and by local standards and specifications to include temporary and municipalities in preparing and implementing their soil permanent structural measures for erosion and water erosion and sediment control programs, reviewing proposed control, update the discipline vocabulary, incorporate the site development plans, establishing or encouraging most recent methods and procedures available, and provide uniformity through standards in applying erosion control local planners and legislators examples of public techniques, and helping developers, private engineers, and administration. That guide was again revised in mid-1991 planners make maximum use of potential development sites to incorporate general updates, a chapter on calculating by proper management of their natural resources. runoff, a chapter on bio-engineering, the addition of temporary and permanent practices and a site specific This manual of standards and specifications was prepared example demonstrating the planning and design process. for and under the direction of, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of A general State Pollution Discharge Elimination System Water. It is issued by the New York State Department of (SPDES) permit for construction activities was approved Environmental Conservation as minimum standards for for New York State by the Environmental Protection erosion and sediment control plans prepared for state Agency on August 1, 1993. That permit was necessary for permits. any construction site that disturbed five or more acres. Page Intentionally Left Blank CONTENTS SECTION 1 …………. INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 …………. EROSION CONTROL PLANNING AND SITE MANAGMENT SECTION 3 ………... VEGETATIVE MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SECTION 4 ………… BIOTECHNICAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SECTION 5 …………. STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SECTION 5A …. ……… STRUCTURAL MEASURES – TEMPORARY SECTION 5B ………….. STRUCTURAL MEASURES – PERMANENT APPENDICES APPENDIX A ………….. REVISED UNIVERSAL SOIL LOSS EQUATION (RUSLE) APPENDIX B …………. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES APPENDIX C ………….. COST ANALYSIS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES APPENDIX D ………..… FERTILIZER LABELS AND PURE LIVE SEED APPENDIX E ………… EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN FOR SMALL HOMESITE CONSTRUCTION APPENDIX F …………. EXAMPLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN APPENDIX G …………. SAMPLE CHECKLIST FOR REVIEWING EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS APPENDIX H …………. CONSTRUCTION SITE INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE SITE LOG BOOK GLOSSARY DIRECTORIES NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE FIELD OFFICES IN NY COUNTY SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT OFFICES IN NY NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION REGIONAL OFFICES, DIVISION OF WATER NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION SUSQUEHANNA RIVER BASIN COMMISSION REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCILS COUNTY CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION OFFICES IN NY Page Intentionally Left Blank SECTION 1—INTRODUCTION CONTENTS Page Purpose…..……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………. 1.1 Scope and Authority…….…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1.1 Erosion and Sediment Hazards Associated with Development……….………………………………………………. 1.1 How to Use This Manual……………………………………………………………………………………………… 1.1 Basic Principles of Erosion and Sediment Control…………………………….……………………………………… 1.3 Section prepared by: Donald W. Lake Jr., P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ Engineering Specialist New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee INTRODUCTION Stream pollution and damages to public facilities and Purpose private homes are examples. Hazards associated with land The purpose of this manual is to provide minimum disturbance include: standards and specifications for meeting criteria set forth by 1. A large increase of soil exposed to erosion from wind the New York State Department of Environmental and water; Conservation (NYS DEC) for stormwater discharges associated with construction activity. The standards and 2. Increased water runoff, soil movement, sediment specifications provide criteria on minimizing erosion and accumulation and peak flows caused by: sediment impacts from construction activity involving soil a. Removal of plant cover; disturbance. They show how to use soil, water, plants, and products to protect the quality of our environment. These b. A decrease in the area of soil which can absorb water standards and specifications were developed in cooperation because of construction of streets, buildings, with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, sidewalks, and parking lots; New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee c. Changes in drainage areas caused by grading (NYSSWCC), NYS DEC and other state and local agencies operations, diversions, and streets; for use by planners, design engineers, developers, contractors, landscape architects, property owners, and d. Changes in volume and duration of water resource managers. Proper use of these standards will concentrations caused by altering steepness, distance, protect the waters of the state from sediment loads during and surface roughness; runoff events. e. Soil compaction by heavy equipment, which can reduce the water intake of soils as much as 90 Scope and Authority percent of the original rate; and, The standards and specifications apply to lands within New f. Prolonged exposure of unprotected sites and York State where housing, industrial, institutional, disturbed areas to poor weather conditions. recreational, or highway construction, and other land disturbances are occurring or imminent. They are statewide 3. Altering the groundwater regime that may adversely in scope and, in some cases, are somewhat generalized due affect drainage systems, slope stability, survival of to variations in climate, topography, geology, soils, and existing vegetation and establishment of new plants; plant requirements. Feasible ways to minimize erosion and 4. Exposing subsurface materials that are too rocky, too sedimentation are varied and complex. Following these acid, or otherwise unfavorable for establishing plants; standards and specifications is presumed to be in compliance with the SPDES general permit for construction 5. Obstructing stream flow with new buildings, dikes, and activities. Alternative methods may be explored on a case land fills; specific basis and shall be discussed with NYS DEC 6. Improper timing and sequencing of construction and regional staff. development activities; and, The Environmental Protection Agency delegated 7. Abandonment of sites before completion of construction. stormwater responsibility for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit to New How to Use This Manual York on October 1, 1992. New York State issued its first General Permit for stormwater discharges from construction The standards and specifications listed in this manual have activities on August 1, 1993. This was issued pursuant to been developed over time to reduce the impact of soil loss Article 17, Titles 7, 8 and Article 70 of Environmental from construction sites to receiving water bodies and Conservation Law. At a minimum, an erosion and sediment adjacent properties. This manual provides designers with control plan must be prepared for any construction activity details on how to plan a site for erosion and sediment that disturbs one or more acres. control and how to select, size, and design specific practices to meet these resource protection objectives. The Erosion and Sediment Hazards Associated appendices at the end of this manual contain additional information as guidance for site plan design and review, with Development construction implementation, and site inspection. Review Many people may be adversely affected by development on and inspection checklists are provided to aid planners and relatively small areas of land. Uncontrolled erosion and designers in meeting the standards requirements. sediment from these areas may cause considerable economic damage to individuals and society in general. August 2005 Page 1.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Appendix C. Cost Analysis of Erosion and Sediment Section 2. Erosion Control Planning and Site ManagementControl Practices This appendix provides historical bid information for This section discusses the objectives of the erosion and most of the practices contained in the manual. Sources sediment control plan. Site and off-site resources are included the NYS Department of Transportation, Monroe identified and incorporated into a six step planning process. County SWCD, and other county soil and water In addition, special considerations for project development conservation districts. This information will allow a and their relationship to the erosion and sediment control designer to prepare cost estimates for specific erosion and plan are discussed. sediment control plans. Section 3. Vegetative Measures for Erosion and Sediment Appendix D. Fertilizer Labels and Pure Live Seed Control This section provides a number of specific vegetative This appendix contains a review on how to read fertilizer standards to meet a variety of project needs. These labels and compute pure live seed with an example for measures are generally looked at first for their low cost and site application. high performance capability in reducing erosion. Appendix E. Erosion Control for Small Residential Sites Section 4. Bio-Technical Measures for Erosion and Within New York State SPDES requirements, many Sediment Control small residential sites have to file for permit coverage. This section describes bio-technical standards that use plant All of these sites will need erosion and sediment control materials to stabilize slopes, road banks, and streambanks. plans. This appendix presents plans for scenarios that can These standards provide environmentally friendly be used by the local authorities and site owners. stabilization measures that may be implemented either Attaching the appropriate plan to the building permit alone, or in combination with structural components . assists the owner with compliance with the provisions of the permit. Section 5. Structural Measures for Erosion and Sediment Control Appendix F. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan—Site Example This section is subdivided into temporary and permanent practices. The temporary practices are generally designed This appendix illustrates the development of the erosion based on the site’s drainage area. The permanent practices and sediment control plan from the proposed grading have detailed design procedures included in the text of the changes to final stabilization. Details of the construction standard. Standards and specifications are included for sequence and practices utilized are described. controlling runoff and sediment. Appendix G. Sample Checklist for Reviewing Erosion and Appendices Sediment Control Plans Appendix A. The Impact of Soil Loss This appendix includes a comprehensive checklist for use by all site plan reviewers (including planning board Soil types at construction sites play a predominant role in members, conservation board members, conservation how the site should be constructed to control erosion. district personnel, engineers, consultants, approval Knowledge of soil properties, particularly when soils are authorities, and others) when reviewing erosion and highly erosive, is essential. This appendix discusses soil sediment control plans for completeness and proper properties and provides a method to compute potential management . soil loss and reduction control depending on slope, area, and protective cover. Appendix H. Construction Site Inspection & Maintenance Site Log Book Appendix B. Performance Evaluation for Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Practices A proper site inspection, whether conducted by local authorities or project staff, is necessary to assess the site This appendix offers a method of evaluating the conditions and the practices implemented. This appendix performance of a practice and is applicable to most of the includes a detailed checklist to assist inspectors in temporary practices found in this manual. This will allow conducting a thorough evaluation of the site when a designer to evaluate an existing condition, or to select a judging the effectiveness of the erosion and sediment specific level of protection higher than that which may be control measures. provided by the standard details. New York Standards and Specifications Page 1.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control BASIC PRINCIPLES OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 1.Soil Erodibility – The vulnerability of a soil to erosion The Erosion and Sedimentation Processes is known as erodibility. The soil structure, texture, and percentage of organic matter influence its erodibility. The The standards, specifications, and planning guidelines presented in this document are intended to be utilized when most erodible soils generally contain high proportions of silt development activities change the natural topography and and very fine sand. The presence of clay or organic matter tends to decrease soil erodibility. Clays are sticky and tend vegetative cover of an area. Erosion and sediment control plans must be designed and constructed to minimize erosion to bind soil particles together. Organic matter helps to and sediment problems associated with soil disturbance. To maintain stable soil structure (aggregates). understand how erosion and sediment rates are increased 2.Vegetative Cover – Vegetation protects soil from the requires an understanding of the processes themselves. erosive forces of raindrop impact and runoff scour in several ways. Vegetation (top growth) shields the soil Soil erosion is the removal of soil by water, wind, ice, or gravity. This document deals primarily with the types of surface from raindrop impact while the root mass holds soil particles in place. Grass buffer strips can be used to filter soil erosion caused by rainfall and surface runoff. sediment from the surface runoff. Grasses also slow the Raindrops strike the soil surface at a velocity of approximately 25-30 feet per second and can cause splash velocity of runoff, and help maintain the infiltration capacity of a soil. The establishment and maintenance of erosion. Raindrop erosion causes particles of soil to be vegetation are the most important factors in minimizing detached from the soil mass and splash into the air. After the soil particles are dislodged, they can be transported by erosion during development. surface runoff, which results when the soil becomes too 3.Topography – Slope length and steepness greatly saturated to absorb falling rain or when the rain falls at an influence both the volume and velocity of surface runoff. intensity greater than the rate at which the water can enter Long slopes deliver more runoff to the base of slopes and the soil. Scouring of the exposed soil surface by runoff can steep slopes increase runoff velocity. Both conditions cause further erosion. Runoff can become concentrated into enhance the potential for erosion to occur. rivulets or well-defined channels up to several inches deep. This advanced stage is called rill erosion. If rills and 4.Climate – Climate also affects erosion potential in an grooves remain unrepaired, they may develop into gullies area. Rainfall characteristics such as frequency, intensity, when more concentrated runoff flows downslope. and duration directly influence the amount of runoff that is generated. As the frequency of rainfall increases, water has Sediment deposition occurs when the rate of surface flow is less chance to drain through the soil between storms. The insufficient for the transport of soil particles. The heavier soil will remain saturated for longer periods of time and particles, such as sand and gravel, transport less readily than stormwater runoff volume may be potentially greater. the lighter silt and clay particles. Previously deposited Therefore, erosion risks are high where rainfall is frequent, sediment may be suspended by runoff from another storm intense, or lengthy. and transported farther downslope. In this way, sediment is carried intermittently downstream from its upland point of 5.Season – Seasonal variation in temperature and rainfall origin. defines periods of high erosion potential during the year. High erosion potential may exist in the spring when the Factors That Influence Erosion surface soil first thaws and the ground underneath remains frozen. A low intensity rainfall may cause substantial The erosion potential of a site is determined by five factors; erosion because the frozen subsoil prevents water soil erodibility, vegetative cover, topography, climate, and infiltration. In addition, the erosion potential increases season. Although the factors are interrelated as during the summer months due to more frequent, high determinants of erosion potential, they are discussed intensity rainfall. separately for easy understanding. August 2005 Page 1.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank SECTION 2 EROSION CONTROL PLANNING AND SITE MANAGEMENT CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures Natural Resource and Watershed Planning……………………………………………………………………………. 2.1 Site Development Plans.……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.1 Predicting Soil Losses…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2.4 Estimating Sediment Yield…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2.4 Professional Certification…………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 2.4 Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinances and Subdivision Regulation………………………………………………. 2.4 Steps in Selection of Control Measures………………………………………………………………………………… 2.5 Planning Flow Charts……………………………………..……………………………………………………………. 2.6 Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix……………………………………………………………………….. 2.9 References Section prepared by: Donald W. Lake Jr., P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ Engineering Specialist New York State Soil &Water Conservation Committee List of Tables Table Title Page 2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix……………………………………………………. 2.9 2.2 Erosion Risk………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.12 List of Figures Figure Title Page 2.1 Planning Flow Chart – Runoff Control……………………………………………………………… 2.6 2.2 Planning Flow Chart – Soil Stabilization…………………………………………………………… 2.7 2.3 Planning Flow Chart – Sediment Control…………………………………………………………… 2.8 EROSION CONTROL PLANNING AND SITE MANAGEMENT state and federal regulations (e.g. wetlands and streams), Natural Resource & Watershed Planning size of proposed tract(s), topography, drainage pattern, geology, hydrology, soils, vegetation and climate need The most effective solutions to erosion and sediment to be assembled. Such information is obtained from on- problems begin with natural resource and watershed site examinations and existing technical reports, maps, planning. This type of planning can guide and control records, and other documented material usually development growth, preventing wasteful and haphazard available from local sources. development. The natural resource planning process integrates ecological (natural resource), economic, and The technical data provides the framework necessary to social considerations to meet private and public needs. This make informed decisions about a sites ultimate use and approach, which emphasizes identifying desired future the types of erosion and sediment controls that will conditions, improves natural resource management, work. Soils information such as detailed soil maps and minimizes conflict, and addresses problems and interpretation sheets may be available in local NRCS opportunities. and SWCD offices and will specifically provide the following soils information: Watershed planning is another useful tool for building a a. Descriptions, erodibility, limitations, and community’s land use plans because watersheds are defined capabilities; by natural hydrology, representing the most logical basis for b. Engineering properties of soils; managing water resources. The resource becomes the focal c. Suitability of the soil as a resource material for point, and planners are able to gain a more complete topsoil, gravel, highway sand, dams and levees; understanding of overall conditions in an area and the d. Site suitability for buildings, roads, winter soil stressors which affect those conditions. disturbance, foundations, septic tank disposal fields, sanitary land fills, vegetation, reservoirs, Regional, county and local planning agencies, Soil and dams, artificial drainage, recreational areas and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD), and the Natural wildlife development. Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) have technical expertise, resource data and information that can assist II. Site Plan Design Steps decision making by local authorities. These decisions should consider reserving quality agricultural areas for 1. Plan the Development to Fit the Site cropland; maintaining the economic viability of agriculture; protecting historical, scenic, and natural beauty areas; Assess the physical characteristics of the site to determine protecting wetlands and stream corridors; providing for how it can be developed with the lowest risk of open spaces and parks; developing attractive residential, environmental damage. Minimize grading by utilizing the institutional and industrial areas; and maintaining existing topography wherever possible. Delineate and floodplains for flood storage, groundwater recharge, water avoid disturbing wetlands, stream corridors and, to the supply source protection, critical habitat preservation, extent practicable, wood lots, steep slopes and other recreation buffer zones, and conservation education uses. environmentally sensitive areas. Minimize impacts by Environmental quality is enhanced when open spaces, maintaining vegetative buffer strips between disturbed parks, recreational areas, ponds, wildlife habitat and other and adjacent areas. Existing woody or state protected areas of public use become integral parts of the plan. These vegetation on a project site should be delineated, retained, areas should be well delineated and protected from damage and protected as required. Planning of streets and lots that may occur from nearby construction. Selections of should relate to site conditions. Streets laid out at right such areas should be based upon soils, vegetation, water, angles to contours often have excessive grades that increase topography, accessibility, wildlife, and aesthetic values. erosion hazards and sedimentation. Site Development Plans 2. Determine Limits of Clearing and Grading As land is subdivided or proposals brought forward for land Decide exactly which areas must be disturbed in order to development, an assessment of suitability of the site for the accommodate the proposed construction. Pay special proposed development needs to be made. attention to critical areas (e.g. steep slopes, highly erodible soils, surface water borders), which must be disturbed. I. Technical Data Requirements Staged clearing and grading is necessary to keep areas of disturbance to less than 5 acres. Features of the site including location, accessibility, present land use, delineation of areas protected by local, August 2005 Page 2.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control 3. Divide the Site into Natural Drainage AreasThe plan should be prepared and presented during the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) process. The Determine how runoff will drain from the site. Natural plan must be designed so that suspended, colloidal, and drainage channels should not be altered or relocated without settleable solids are not discharged in amounts that cause the proper approvals. Pursuant to Article 15 of the substantial visible contrast to natural conditions, or cause Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), a protected deposition or impair the waters for their best (classified) stream and the bed and banks thereof should not be altered uses (6 NYCRR, Part 703.2). or relocated without the approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation. Section 404 of the Clean This means that stream reaches on-site and downstream of Water Act also protects water resources and proposed construction areas shall not have substantial visible contrast disturbances may require approvals from The US Army to natural conditions relative to color, taste, odor, turbidity, Corps of Engineers. and sediment deposition from the reaches upstream of the construction area. Integrated surface and storm drainage systems are an essential part of any planned development. The plan should ESC practices are divided into vegetative and structural clearly specify: location and capacity of diversions and controls. While more details on these practices are debris basins; paved or other types of lined chutes, outlets contained in other sections of this handbook, general and waterways; drop inlets; open or closed drains; stream guidance on vegetative and structural controls is outlined channel protection and bank erosion structures. Consider below. how erosion and sedimentation can be controlled in each small drainage area before looking at the entire site. A. Vegetative Controls—The best way to protect the soil Diversion of surface water away from exposed soils surface and limit erosion is to preserve the existing provides the most economic and effective erosion control vegetative groundcover. Where land disturbance is possible since it is more advantageous to control erosion necessary, temporary seeding or mulching must be at the source than to design controls to trap suspended used on areas which will be exposed for more than sediment. 14 days. Permanent stabilization should be performed as soon as possible after completion of 4. Design The Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Plan grading. ESC plans must contain provisions for permanent stabilization of disturbed areas. Seed Natural resources need to be identified in the planning type, soil amendments, seedbed preparation, mulch, process in order to design an appropriate ESC plan. The and mulch anchoring must be described on the plans. plan must have resource protection at its core and Selection of permanent vegetation will include the emphasize EROSION CONTROL (controlling runoff and following considerations for each plant species: stabilizing soil), first as its main component and sediment control, second as a management practice. The reduction of 1) establishment requirements; soil loss decreases the cost and maintenance of sediment 2) adaptability to site conditions; control practices, reduces the risk of degrading natural 3) aesthetic and natural resource values; resources and improves the overall appearance of the 4) maintenance requirements. construction site. B. Structural Controls—Structural erosion control An ESC plan shows the site’s existing topography, and how practices may be necessary when disturbed areas and when it will be altered. It also shows the ESC measures cannot be promptly stabilized with vegetation. that will be used to reduce sediment pollution and how and Structural practices shall be constructed and when they will be constructed and maintained. The maintained in accordance with the standards and coordination of ESC practices with construction activities is specifications in this manual. Structural practices explained on the plan by a phasing and sequencing may be temporary or permanent. Temporary schedule. practices are removed after site stabilization is completed. Permanent practices, such as In addition to regulatory control, an ESC plan should be diversions, are an integral part of the site design and prepared for all land development and construction activity are left in place. when uncontrolled erosion and sedimentation will be a problem. As a minimum, this includes: a. sites on slopes that exceed 15% or sites in areas of severe erosion potential where such areas have been mapped; b. sites within 100 ft. of a wetland; and/or c. sites within 100 ft. of any watercourse. New York Standards and Specifications Page 2.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control An ESC plan includes: Good construction site management includes the following: 1. Physically mark limits of land disturbance on the site 1. Existing and proposed contours shown at two foot with tape, signs, or orange construction fence, so that intervals or less. Other scales or contour intervals workers can see the areas to be protected. may be favored for special types of land disturbance 2. Divert offsite runoff from highly erodible soils and projects (i.e. plans are often drawn to scales of 1 in. = steep slopes to stable areas. 200 ft. or 1 in. = 500 ft. with contour intervals of 5 to 20 feet). The following scales are recommended for 3. Clear only what is required for immediate use on ESC plans because they facilitate the plan construction activity. Large projects should be review process: 1 in. = 20 ft., 1 in. = 30 ft., 1 in. = 40 cleared and graded as construction progresses. Areas ft., or 1 in. = 50 ft. exceeding two acres in size should not be disturbed without a sequencing plan that requires practices to be 2. Details of temporary and permanent structural and installed and the soil stabilized, as disturbance beyond vegetative measures that will be used to control the two acres continues. Mass clearings and grading erosion and sedimentation for each stage of the project of the entire site should be avoided. from land clearing to the finished stage. Stabilizing land with plant materials or mulches shall be part of a 4. Restabilize disturbed areas as soon as possible after planned development. Retention of existing natural construction is completed. On sites greater than two vegetation in strategic areas is beneficial, desirable, acres, waiting until all disturbed areas are ready for and cost efficient. seeding is unacceptable. Fourteen days shall be the maximum exposure period. Maintenance must be 3. The location of structural ESC measures with standard performed as necessary to ensure continued symbols to facilitate the understanding and review of stabilization. Except as noted below, all sites shall be plans. Symbols should be bold and easily discernible seeded and stabilized with erosion control materials, on the plans. such as straw mulch, jute mesh, or excelsior, including areas where construction has been 4. Dimensional details of proposed ESC facilities as well suspended or sections completed: as calculations used in locating and sizing of sediment basins. a. For active construction areas such as borrow or stockpile areas, roadway improvements and areas 5. Notes regarding temporary ESC facilities which will within 50 ft. of a building under construction, a be converted to permanent stormwater management perimeter sediment control system consisting, for facilities. example, of silt fencing or hay bales, shall be installed and maintained to contain soil. Exposed disturbed 6. A schedule to establish the construction sequence of areas adjacent to a conveyance that provides rapid temporary and permanent practices and their timing offsite discharge of sediment, such as a cut slope at an relative to other construction activities. entrance, shall be covered with plastic or geotextile to prevent soil loss until it can be stabilized. Stabilized 7. An inspection and maintenance schedule for soil ESC construction entrances will be maintained to control facilities which describes maintenance activities to be vehicle tracking material off site. performed. b. On the cut side of roads, ditches shall be stabilized 8. Dewatering practices for the installation of immediately with rock rip-rap or other non-erodible underground utilities. liners (e.g. Rolled Erosion Control Products), or where appropriate, vegetative measures such as sod. A sample ESC checklist is contained in Appendix G. Refer to Section 5 for appropriate considerations. III. Construction of ESCs c. Permanent seeding should optimally be undertaken in the spring from March through May, and in late Effective erosion and sediment control requires good summer and early fall from September to October 15. construction site management. Proper management can During the peak summer months and in the fall after reduce the need for maintenance of structural controls, October 15, when seeding is found to be regrading of severely eroded areas, and reconstruction of impracticable, an appropriate temporary mulch shall controls that were improperly or poorly constructed or be applied. Permanent seeding may be undertaken maintained. Good construction site management also during the summer if plans provide for adequate results in efficient use of manpower, financial savings and watering. Temporary seeding with rye can be utilized improves the overall site appearance. through November. August 2005 Page 2.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control d. All slopes steeper than 3:1 (h:v), or 33.3%, as Soil losses can be predicted for a whole year, part of a year well as perimeter dikes, sediment basins or traps, and or on the basis of rainfall amounts. The Revised Universal embankments shall, upon completion, be Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) is used to estimate soil losses immediately stabilized with sod, seed and anchored on construction sites from sheet and rill erosion. The straw mulch, or other approved stabilization equation uses site-specific rainfall intensity, soil erodibility measures (RECP). Areas outside of the perimeter and slope factors (see Appendix A). Other soil losses, such sediment control system shall not bedisturbed. as gully erosion or wind erosion, are calculated separately. Maintenance shall be performed as necessary to ensure continued stabilization. There are over 430 different soils in New York State. These soils are made up of different percentages of gravel, sand, e. Temporary sediment trapping devices shall not be silt, clay and organic material. Thus, they erode at different removed until permanent stabilization is established rates. Table 2.2 at the end of this section provides a general in all contributory drainage areas. Similarly, characterization of erosion risk based on slope and stabilization shall be established prior to converting associated physical factors. sediment traps/basins into permanent (post- construction) stormwater management practices. Estimating Sediment Yield 5. Where temporary work roads or haul roads cross stream channels, adequate waterway openings shall Sediment yield involves both soil erosion on the site and the be constructed using spans, culverts, washed rock transport mechanism acting to carry the eroded material off backfill, or other acceptable, clean methods that will the site. ensure that road construction and their use do not result in turbidity and sediment downstream. All Where sediment yields from a developing area are needed crossing activities and appurtenances on streams for estimating sediment basin design volumes, the method regulated by Article 15 of the Environmental in Appendix A can be used for determining the amount of Conservation Law shall be in compliance with a the eroded material that will leave the site as sediment. permit issued pursuant to Article 15 of the ECL. Professional Certification 6. Make sure that all contractors and sub-contractors understand the ESC plan and sign the certification CPESC, Inc. administers a program to evaluate individuals statement required by NYSDEC GP. as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC). Such individuals have acquired specific training 7. Designate responsibility for the ESC plan to one and passed an examination in ESC. These individuals are individual. This person shall be named in the Notice generally available for site design and/or implementation of Intent. oversight. In addition, state licensed engineers, landscape architects and soil scientists also provide the technical skills 8. An ESC plan inspection program meeting the required to design plans and inspect construction sites. requirements of the NYSDEC GP, is necessary to determine when ESC measures need maintenance or ESC Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations repair. Pay particular attention to inspections required after rainfall. The inspection program shall ESC Laws and related regulations protect the public welfare also state the completion of identified repair and by saving money on public infrastructure and maintenance, maintenance items. increasing public safety, protecting water supplies (including groundwater), providing flood control protection Predicting Soil Losses and preserving aquatic and riparian wildlife habitat. An ESC law accomplishes this by regulating and controlling Predictions of soil loss is a planning tool. The predictions the design, construction, use, and maintenance of any guide planners on the degree of erosion and sediment development or other activity that disturbs or breaks the control at specific sites. Predicted soil losses also create an topsoil or results in the movement of earth on land. ESC awareness among developers, local governments and others laws consist of permit application and review, and they of the urgent need to install erosion and sediment control typically require an erosion and sediment control plan. measures before, during and after construction activity. Municipalities can ensure successful construction and maintenance of ESC measures by adopting and implementing a law that requires prior review and approval of ESC plans, provides ESC design criteria, and includes an inspection and enforcement procedure. New York Standards and Specifications Page 2.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STEPS IN THE SELECTION AND DESIGN OF CONTROL MEASURES The following text relates to the planning flow charts on shorten it. Any combination of these strategies can be pages 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8. used. If no rainfall except that which falls on the slope has the potential to cause erosion, and if the slope is relatively In the erosion and sediment control process, site designs short, protecting the soil surface is often all that is required must be prepared to address erosion control and then to solve the problem. sediment control. Erosion control is accomplished by controlling runoff and then stabilizing soil. After erosion Step 4: Identify Control Measure Group—Once required control has been planned, sediment control can then be strategies are identified, the planning flow chart leads to the developed. group or groups of control measures that will accomplish one strategy. Control measures within each group have Step 1: Identify Control Methods—Three basic methods similar purpose, scope, application, design, criteria, are used to control soil movement on construction sites: standard plans, and construction specifications. Therefore, runoff control, soil stabilization, and sediment control. any measure within a group may solve the problem in question. CONTROLLING EROSION SHALL BE THE FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE. Runoff control and soil stabilization can be used to control erosion. Controlling erosion is very Step 5: Design Specific Control Measures—The final step effective for small-disturbed areas such as single lots or in erosion and sediment control planning is accomplished small areas of a disturbance. by completing final design. This involves applying any control measure within a group to solve the specific erosion Sediment control may be necessary on large developments and sediment control problem. From descriptions given to where mass grading is planned, where it is harder or the right of each control measure in the ESC planning impractical to control erosion, and where sediment particles matrix (Table 2.1), the one measure which is most are relatively large. A minimum of cost for erosion and economical, practical, efficient, and adaptable to the site sediment control is usually accomplished by using a should be chosen. combination of vegetative and structural erosion control and sedimentation control measures. Step 6: Winter Operations—If construction activities continue during winter , access points should be enlarged Step 2: Identify Resources and Potential Problem Areas—and stabilized to provide for snow stockpiling. In addition, Resources need to be identified prior to initiating an ESC a snow management plan should be prepared with adequate plan. These resources include, but are not limited to, storage and control of meltwater. A minimum 25 foot receiving waters, tributaries to public water supplies, buffer shall be maintained from perimeter controls such as beaches and other concentrated recreational areas, wetlands, silt fence. In high resource protection areas, silt fence shall trees, vegetative buffers, steep slopes and cultural resources. be replaced with perimeter dikes, swales, or other practices Areas where erosion is to be controlled will usually fall into resistant to the forces of snow loads. Keep drainage categories of slopes, graded areas or drainage ways. Slopes structures open and free of snow and ice dams. Inspection include graded rights-of-way, stockpile areas, and all cut or and maintenance are necessary to ensure the function of fill slopes. Graded areas include all stripped areas other these practices during runoff events. than slopes. Drainage ways are areas where concentrations of water flow naturally or artificially, and the potential for Once the specific control measure has been selected, the gully erosion is high. Problem areas where sediment is to plan key symbol given in the flow chart must be placed on be controlled fall into categories of large or small drainage the erosion and sediment control site plan to show where areas. Small areas are usually 1 acre or less while large the control measure will be used. Standardized design, areas are greater than 1 acre. plan, and construction specification sheets must then be completed for each control measure. This completes the Step 3: Identify Required Strategy—The third step in planning for erosion control and soil stabilization as part of erosion and sediment control planning is to follow the the total natural resource plan. planning matrix from the problem area to the strategy that can be taken to solve the problem. Strategies can be used individually or in combination. For example, if there is a cut slope to be protected from erosion, the strategies may be to protect the ground surface, divert water from the slope, or August 2005 Page 2.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 2.1 Planning Flow Chart—Runoff Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 2.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 2.2 Planning Flow Chart—Soil Stabilization August 2005 Page 2.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 2.3 Planning Flow Chart—Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 2.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix Estimated PracticePrimary PurposeSite CharacteristicsDesign LifeAssociated Practices Brush Matting Stabilize soil; prevent Stream bank slopes 5-10 years Rock slope protection, erosion structural streambank protection, subsurface drain Check Dam Control runoff Drainage area 2 Ac. 1 year Lined waterway, rock outlet protection Construction Road Control sediment All construction routes 2 years Dust control, temporary Stabilizationswales, temporary or per- manent seeding Debris Basin Capture sediment Maximum drainage Up to 25 years Sediment basin area = 200 Ac. Diversion Intercept and divert Minimum 10 year 10-25 years Permanent seeding, rock runoff design Q outlet protection, level spreader, sediment basin Dune Stabilization Stabilize sand dunes Sand dune reinforce-5-10 years _____ ment Dust Control Stabilize soil Access points, con-Site specific Stabilized construction struction roads entrance, construction road stabilization Earth Dike Control runoff Drainage area 10 1 year Sediment trap, rock outlet Ac. protection, storm drain inlet Grade Stabilization Prevent erosion Minimum design Q = 10 + years Permanent seeding, rock Structure 10 yr. 24 hr. slope protection struc- tural streambank protec- tion Grassed Waterway Convey runoff Minimum 10 year Min. 10 years Rock outlet protection, design Q vegetated waterways, sediment basin, level spreader Land Grading Stabilize soil Site specific shaping Permanent Topsoiling, subsurface drain, seeding Level Spreader Discharge runoff 10 year Q 30 cfs; 1 year Diversion, grassed water- outlet < 10% way, temporary swales Lined Waterway Convey runoff Minimum design Q = Min. 10 years Rock outlet protection, (rock materials) 10 yr. 24 hr. subsurface drain Mulching Stabilize soil Site specific 1-2 years Permanent seeding, rec- reation area improvement Paved Channel Convey runoff Minimum design Q = Min. 10 years Rock outlet protection, (concrete)10 yr. 24 hr. subsurface drain Paved Flume Convey runoff Minimum design Q = 10 years Rock outlet protection 10 yr. 24 hr. August 2005 Page 2.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 2.1 (cont’d) Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix Estimated PracticePrimary PurposeSite CharacteristicsDesign LifeAssociated Practices Perimeter Dike/Swale Divert runoff Drainage area 5 Ac. 1 year Sediment trap, level spreader, temporary seed- ing Pipe Slope Drain Convey runoff down Drainage area 5 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection slope Portable Sediment Tank Retain sediment 16 times pump dis-2 years Sediment trap, sediment charge basin Protecting Vegetation Preserve existing Site specific 1-10 years Recreation area improve- vegetation ment Recreation Area Protect areas/soils Site specific Permanent Permanent seeding, Improvement mulching, topsoiling Retaining Wall Stabilize soil Site specific con-10+ years Rock slope protection, straintspermanent seeding, sub- surface drain Riprap Slope Protection Stabilize soil, prevent Max. 1:5 to 1 slope 10 years Lined waterway, rock erosion outlet stabilization, struc- tural streambank protec- tion Rock Dam Capture sediment Drainage area 50 3 years Debris basin, sediment Ac. basin Rock Outlet Protection Prevent erosion Rock varies with pipe 10+ years Diversion, grassed water- discharge way, sediment basin, sediment traps Sediment Basin Capture sediment Drainage area 100 3 years Rock outlet protection, Ac. temporary seeding Sediment Traps I. Pipe Outlet Trap sediment Drainage area 5 Ac. 2 years Sediment basin, debris basin II. Grass Outlet Trap sediment Drainage area 5 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection III. Storm Inlet Trap sediment Drainage area 3 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection IV. Swale Trap sediment Drainage area 2 Ac. 1 year Rock outlet protection V. Stone Outlet Trap sediment Drainage area 5 Ac. 2 years Rock outlet protection VI. Riprap Outlet Trap sediment Drainage area 15 2 years Rock outlet protection Ac. Seeding, Temporary Stabilize soil Site specific 1-2 years Surface roughening, top- soiling, sodding Seeding, Permanent Stabilize soil Site specific Permanent Surface roughening, top- soiling, sodding New York Standards and Specifications Page 2.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 2.1 (cont’d) Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix Estimated PracticePrimary PurposeSite CharacteristicsDesign LifeAssociated Practices Silt Fence Control sediment 2:1 slopes maximum 1 year Straw bale dike 50 ft. spacing Sodding Stabilize soil Need quick cover, aes-Permanent Inlet protection, top- thetics soiling, permanent seeding Stabilized Construction Control sediment Access points 2 years Filter fence, construc- Entrancetion road stabilization Storm Drain Inlet Protection I. Excavated Trap sediment Drainage area 1 Ac. 1 year Sediment traps, storm drain diversion II. Filter Fabric Trap sediment Drainage area 1 Ac. 6 months Sediment traps, storm drain diversion III. Stone and Block Trap sediment Drainage area 1 Ac. 6 months Sediment traps, storm drain diversion IV. Curb Trap sediment Drainage area 1 Ac. 6 months Sediment traps, storm drain diversion Straw Bale Dike Control sediment 2:1 slopes maximum 3 months Silt fence 25 ft. spacing Streambank Protection I. Structural Prevent erosion Minimum 10 yr. de-10 years Rock slope protection sign Q; velocity > 6 fps II. Vegetative Prevent erosion Minimum 10 yr. de-10 years Structural streambank sign Q; velocity < 6 fps protection Subsurface Drain Intercept and convey Drainage Coefficient—10 years Rock outlet protec- drainage water 1”tion, land grading, retaining wall Sump Pit Control sediment Site specific 6 months Sediment trap, sedi- ment basin Surface Roughening Stabilize soil Construction slopes Permanent Temporary seeding, permanent seeding, mulching Temporary Access Waterway Crossings I. Temporary Access Prevent sediment 8 ft. centerline piers 2 years Rock slope protection Bridge II. Temporary Access Prevent sediment Minimum 12 in.; 40 ft. 2 years Structural streambank Culvert length protection III. Temporary Access Prevent sediment Stream banks < 4 ft. 1 year Structural streambank Road protection Temporary Storm Drain Divert runoff On site drainage area > 1 year Sediment trap/basin Diversion 50% total Temporary Swale Divert runoff Drainage area 10 Ac. 1 year Sediment traps, storm drain inlets, sediment basin, level spreader August 2005 Page 2.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 2.1 (cont’d) Erosion and Sediment Control Practices Matrix Estimated PracticePrimary PurposeSite CharacteristicsDesign LifeAssociated Practices Topsoiling Provide growing con-Poor site soil charac-Permanent Surface roughening, tem- ditions teristicsporary seeding, perma- nent seeding Turbidity Curtain Control sediment Calm water Generally < 1 Sediment traps, basins month Vegetating Waterways Stabilize soil Site specific Permanent Grassed waterways, per- manent seeding Water Bars Divert runoff Slope areas < 100 ft. 2 years Rock outlet protection, width level spreader Wattling Stabilize soil Maximum 1.5:1 slopes 10 years Diversion, subsurface drain, temporary swale Table 2.2 Erosion Risk Soil Type Slope % and 0-5 5-15 >15 Parameters Gravelly, K< 0.35 Low Low Med Non-cohesive PI= NP, Fines: 0-10% Sandy, K> 0.35 Med High High PI= NP, Fines: 0-30% Silty, K> 0.35 Med High Very High PI= NP, Fines: 50+% Clay, K< 0.35 Low Med High Cohesive PI=7+, Fines: 50+% Despersive Clay High Very High Extreme Soils Note: There are other factors that contribute to erosion, such as slope length and rainfall intensity and duration. Also, even though there may be low erosion risk, there can be a high risk to water quality when the soil disturbance is close to water resources. New York Standards and Specifications Page 2.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control References 1. Northeastern Illinois Soil and Sedimentation Control Steering Committee. October 1981. Procedures and Standards for Urban Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in Illinois. August 2005 Page 2.13 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank SECTION 3 VEGETATIVE MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures Basic Principles of Vegetative Measures used for Erosion and Sediment Control…………………………………. 3.1 Temporary Critical Area Plantings……………………………………... …..……………………………………… 3.3 Permanent Critical Area Plantings………………………………………………………………………………….. 3.5 Recreation Area Improvement……………………..……………………………………………………………….. 3.9 Establishing grasses for lawns, playgrounds, parks, athletic fields, picnic areas, camping areas, passive recreation areas, and similar areas..…………………………………………………...……………. 3.9 Maintaining grasses………………..………..……………………………………………………………… 3.11 Establishing trees, shrubs, and vines…………………………………………………………………………. 3.11 Pruning and thinning…………………..…………………………………………………………………….. 3.13 Protecting trees in heavy use areas………………………………………………...………………...……….. 3.13 Vegetating Waterways…………………...…………………………………………………………………………. 3.23 Topsoiling…………………………...……………………………………………………………………………… 3.27 Mulching………….……………………………………..…………………………………………………………. 3.29 Stabilization with Sod………………………..…………………………………………………………………….. 3.33 Vegetative Stabilization of Sand and Gravel Pits…………………………………………………………………... 3.35 Protecting Vegetation During Construction………………………………………………………………………… 3.37 Vegetating Sand Dunes and Tidal Banks…………………………………………………………………………… 3.39 References Section prepared by: Frederick B. Gaffney, former Conservation Agronomist USDA—Natural Resources Conservation Service, Syracuse, New York and John A. Dickerson, Plant Materials Specialist USDA—Natural Resources Conservation Service, Syracuse, New York List of Tables Table Title Page 3.1 Permanent Critical Area Planting Mixture Recommendations……………………………………. 3.7 3.2 Recreation Turfgrass Seed Mixtures………..………………………………………………………. 3.10 3.3 Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York…...………………………. 3.14 3.4 Susceptibility of Tree Species to Compaction………………………………………………………. 3.21 3.5 Size and Weight of Earth Ball Required to Transplant Wild Stock………………………………… 3.21 3.6 Maximum Permissible Velocities for Selected Seed Mixtures…………………………………….. 3.25 3.7 Guide to Mulch Materials, Rates, and Uses………………………………………………………… 3.30 3.8 Mulch Anchoring Guide…………………………………………………………………………….. 3.31 3.9 Vegetative Treatment Potential for Eroding Tidal Shorelines ……………………………………… 3.42 List of Figures Figure Title Page 3.1 New Tree Planting Procedure……….………………………………………………………………. 3.12 3.2 Rill Maintenance Measures…………….……………………………………………………………. 3.26 3.3 Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation for Dune Building…………………………………… 3.41 3.4 Typical Cross Section Created by a Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation…………………. 3.41 3.5 American Beachgrass Information Sheet ………………………………………………………..… 3.43 3.6 Cordgrass Information Sheet……………………………………………………………………….. 3.44 VEGETATIVE MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Erosion is the gradual wearing away of the land surface as a soil pH. This table is very general, but it is useful for result of uncontrolled wind and water energy. planning. Sedimentation is the result of transport and delivery of eroded soil particles, deposited at some point. Erosion and General lime guidelines (at 100% ENV) sediment control is a complex interaction of soils, Initial Sandy Loams and Silty Clay engineering water management, agronomic and Soil pH Sands Loams Silt Loams Loams horticultural practices. Decisions for resolving erosion 1 T/A of lime conditions, both on site and within the upper watershed, are formulated based on surface and subsurface water, soil 4.5 2.5 6.0 9.5 13.0 material, climatic conditions, and anticipated land use. 4.6-4.7 2.5 6.0 9.0 12.5 Creating a stable slope is necessary prior to vegetating. 4.8-4.9 2.5 5.5 8.5 12.0 Sloughing and slumping are not helpful in establishing a 5.0-5.1 2.0 5.0 7.5 10.5 uniform protective cover. 5.2-5.3 1.5 4.0 6.5 8.5 5.4-5.5 1.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 General planning considerations for vegetating a steep slope 5.6-5.7 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.5 will include evaluating the soil. Factors such as soil texture 5.8-5.9 0.7 1.5 2.5 3.5 and steepness affect the stability of the slope. Texture also influences the permeability and water holding capacity of 6.0-6.1 0.6 1.5 2.0 3.0 the soil. Many slopes are stripped of topsoil during the 6.2-6.3 0.4 1.0 1.5 2.0 construction phase, leaving an infertile, compacted soil 6.~6.5 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.5 surface, void of valuable organic matter. Topsoil must be 6.6-6.7 0.2 0.5 0.7 1.0 reapplied. Overly compacted slopes should be decompacted with appropriate equipment. Soil pH and Lime guidelines are in tons per acre and are based on a plow depth nutrient level are determined by obtaining a representative of 8.0 inches. Correct rate if plowing to a different depth. soil sample for analysis from an accredited lab. REFERENCE: Cornell Cooperative Extension. 2003 Cornell Appropriate plants are selected to meet the final slope and Guide for Integrated Field Crop Management, Pg. 32. soil conditions for the site. Fertilizer is sold with an analysis printed on the tag or bag. Liming material sold in New York varies considerably in The first number is the percent of nitrogen (N), the second several ways. The mineral content (calcium and is phosphorus (P), and the third is potassium (K). Other magnesium) of the limestone may be high or low, the elements are sometimes included and are listed with these fineness or particle sizes vary between suppliers, and the basic three components. For example, a forty pound bag of cost varies greatly. Two types of limestone are sold. The 5-10-5 contains 2 lbs. N, 4 lbs. P (as PO), and 2 lbs. of K most common is limestone high in calcium. Dolomitic 25 (as K0). Select an appropriate analysis to meet the limestone contains magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca). 2 nutrients required for the specific site. Always apply as Limestone sold in NY varies from 0 to 20% Mg while the closely as possible the required amount of fertilizer to meet calcium content of lime varies from 14.7% to 51.5%. the requirements of the site. Adding surplus nitrogen may Particle size determines how rapidly the calcium and cause pollution of drinking water and saltwater ecosystems. magnesium will react with the acid in the soil. The finer the Excessive phosphorus may accelerate the aging process of particle sizes, the quicker the reaction. freshwater ecosystems. Excessive amounts of N and K2O may result in 'burning' the grass and killing it. When purchasing agricultural limestone, one should state on the order that the amount should be adjusted to 100% Water management on and above potentially eroding sites is effective neutralizing value (ENV). This is the way to extremely important. Large watersheds above a site may compare materials as it adjusts for the reactive Ca and Mg require extensive water control measures. Water flow paths and the particle size. The ENV is stated as the ratio needed must be controlled to allow the safe delivery of the water to to convert a limestone recommendation to 100% ENV. an outlet to the side or bottom of the slope. Shallow ditches Thus, if the recommendation is 4 tons/acre of 100% ENV or diversions across the slope and above the area to be lime and the lime being used had an 80% ENV (1/ENV = seeded is an effective method of avoiding wash-out of the 1.25), 4 times 1.25 or 5 tons/acre would be required. seed and soil. Diversions may be constructed at a point where surface runoff water is intercepted and carried away The amount of limestone needed can be estimated by using from the slope and to a safe outlet. On large slopes, the table below. A soil test is the only way to determine the August 2005 Page 3.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control benching may be necessary for bench drains or future maintenance (see standard for Land Grading). Subsurface drainage is frequently included to prevent long term saturated soil conditions and sloughing. Conservation plantings need to effectively hold soil and control erosion, and they should enhance and blend with their surroundings. Mature plant size, form, and appearance must be considered along with their functionality to match the anticipated land use. Basic erosion control is accomplished by providing cover to the soil surface utilizing plants and/or mulch. It is the system of seedbed preparation, soil amendments, plant selection, proper timing of planting, and mulching that will optimize the chances of success. Characteristics of grasses such as low growth, horizontal above and below ground stems, leafy growth, and many fine roots for binding soil particles, make them the primary choice for vegetating slopes. Once the grass type is selected, then appropriate forbs, shrubs, or trees may be added to meet site conditions. The use of appropriate mulches will depend on site criteria and should be carefully evaluated. Although some materials are costly, they may prevent the need for more costly reshaping and reseeding. Selection of proper vegetative materials for site stabilization is critical for environmental success. Species should be selected that are not considered “invasive.” A primary list of invasive plants can be found at the website of the Invasive Plant Council of New York State(http:// www.ipcnys.org).Any species not on this list but considered suspect should be verified at the appropriate regional or local level for acceptance. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY CRITICAL AREA PLANTINGS Criteria Water management practices must be installed as appropriate for site conditions. The area must be rough graded and slopesphysically stable. Large debris and rocks are usually removed. Seedbed must be seeded within 24 hours of disturbance or scarification of the soil surface will be necessary prior to seeding. Fertilizer or lime are not typically used for temporary seedings. IF: Spring or summer or early fall, then seed the area with ryegrass (annual or perennial) at 30 lbs. per acre (Approximately 0.7 lb./1000 sq. ft. or use 1 lb./1000 sq. ft.). Definition IF: Late fall or early winter, then seed Certified ‘Aroostook’ winter rye (cereal rye) at 100 lbs. per acre (2.5 Providing erosion control protection to a critical area for an lbs./1000 sq. ft.). interim period. A critical area is any disturbed, denuded slope subject to erosion. Any seeding method may be used that will provide uniform application of seed to the area and result in relatively good Purpose soil to seed contact. To provide temporary erosion and sediment control. Mulch the area with hay or straw at 2 tons/acre (approx. 90 Temporary control is achieved by covering all bare ground lbs./1000 sq. ft. or 2 bales). Quality of hay or straw mulch areas that exist as a result of construction or a natural event. allowable will be determined based on long term use and visual concerns. Mulch anchoring will be required where Conditions Where Practice Applies wind or areas of concentrated water are of concern. Wood fiber hydromulch or other sprayable products approved for Temporary seedings may be necessary on construction sites erosion control (nylon web or mesh) may be used if applied to protect an area, or section, where final grading is according to manufacturers’ specification. Caution is complete, when preparing for winter work shutdown, or to advised when using nylon or other synthetic products. They provide cover when permanent seedings are likely to fail may be difficult to remove prior to final seeding. due to mid-summer heat and drought. The intent is to provide temporary protective cover during temporary shutdown of construction and/or while waiting for optimal planting time. August 2005 Page 3.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERMANENT CRITICAL AREA PLANTINGS results of a soil test can be obtained to determine fertilizer needs, apply commercial fertilizer at 600 lbs. per acre of 5- 10-10 or equivalent. If manure is used, apply a quantity to meet the nutrients of the above fertilizer. This requires an appropriate manure analysis prior to applying to the site. Do not use manure on sites to be planted with birdsfoot trefoil or in the path of concentrated water flow. Seed mixtures may vary depending on location within the state and time of seeding. Generally, warm season grasses should only be seeded during early spring, April to May. These grasses are primarily used for vegetating excessively drained sands and gravels. See Standard and Specification for Sand and Gravel Mine Reclamation. Other grasses may be seeded any time of the year when the soil is not frozen and is workable. When legumes such as birdsfoot trefoil Definition are included, spring seedings are preferred. See Table 3.1 “Permanent Critical Area Planting Mixture Establishing grasses with other forbs and/or shrubs to Recommendations" for additional seed mixtures. provide perennial vegetative cover on disturbed, denuded, slopes subject to erosion. General Seed Mix: 1 add inoculant immediately prior to seeding Purpose Varietylbs./acrelbs/1000 sq. ft. To reduce erosion and sediment transport. 2 Birdsfoot Empire/Pardee 80.20 Conditions Where Practice Applies 1 trefoil OR Common white Common 80.20 This practice applies to all disturbed areas void of, or 1 clover having insufficient, cover to prevent erosion and sediment transport. See additional standards for special situations PLUS such as sand dunes and sand and gravel pits. Tall fescue KY-31/Rebel 200.45 Criteria PLUS All water control measures will be installed as needed prior Redtop ORCommon 20.05 to final grading and seedbed preparation. Any severely compacted sections will require chiseling or disking to Ryegrass Pennfine/Linn 50.10 provide an adequate rooting zone, to a minimum depth of (perennial) 12”. The seedbed must be prepared to allow good soil to seed contact, with the soil not too soft and not too compact. 2 Mix 4 lbs each of Empire and Pardee OR 4 lbs of Adequate soil moisture must be present to accomplish this. Birdsfoot and 4 lbs white clover per acre. If surface is powder dry or sticky wet, postpone operations until moisture changes to a favorable condition. If seeding Time of Seeding: The optimum timing for the general seed is accomplished within 24 hours of final grading, additional mixture is early spring. Permanent seedings may be made scarification is generally not needed, especially on ditch or any time of year if properly mulched and adequate moisture stream banks. Remove all stones and other debris from the is provided. Late June through early August is not a good surface that are greater than 4 inches, or that will interfere time to seed, but may facilitate covering the land without with future mowing or maintenance. additional disturbance if construction is completed. Portions of the seeding may fail due to drought and heat. Soil amendments should be incorporated into the upper 2 These areas may need reseeding in late summer/fall or the inches of soil when feasible. The soil should be tested to following spring. determine the amounts of amendments needed. Apply ground agricultural limestone to attain a pH of 6.0 in the Method of seeding: Broadcasting, drilling, cultipack type upper 2 inches of soil. If soil must be fertilized before August 2005 Page 3.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control seeding, or hydroseeding are acceptable methods. Proper soil to seed contact is key to successful seedings. Mulching: Mulching is essential to obtain a uniform stand of seeded plants. Optimum benefits of mulching new seedings are obtained with the use of small grain straw applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre, and anchoredwith a netting or tackifier. See the mulch standard and specification for choices and requirements. Irrigation: Watering may be essential to establish a new seeding when a drought condition occurs shortly after a new seeding emerges. Irrigation is a specialized practice and care must be taken not to exceed the application rate for the soil or subsoil. When disconnecting irrigation pipe, be sure pipes are drained in a safe manor, not creating an erosion concern. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.1 Permanent Critical Area Planting Mixture Recommendations Seed mixture Variety Rate in lbs. per acre Rate in lbs. Per 1000 sq. ft. Mix #1 Creeping red fescue Ensylva, Pennlawn, Boreal 10 .25 Perennial ryegrass Pennfine, Linn 10 .25 *This mix is used extensively for shaded areas. Mix #2 Switchgrass Shelter, Pathfinder, Trailblazer, or Blackwell 20 .5 *This rate is in pure live seed, this would be an excellent choice along the upland edge of a wetland to filter runoff and provide wildlife benefits. In areas where erosion may be a problem, a companion seeding of sand lovegrass should be added to provide quick cover at a rate of 2 lbs. per acre (0.05 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.). Mix #3 Switchgrass Shelter, Pathfinder, Trailblazer, or Blackwell 4 .1 Big bluestem Niagara 4 .1 Little bluestem Aldous or Camper 2 .05 Indiangrass Rumsey 4 .1 Coastal panicgrass Atlantic 2 .05 Sideoats grama El Reno or Trailway 2 .05 Wildflower mix .5 .01 *This mix has been successful on sand and gravel plantings. It is very difficult to seed without a warm season grass seeder such as a Truax seed drill. Broadcasting this seed is very difficult due to the fluffy nature of some of the seed, such as bluestems and indiangrass. Mix #4 Switchgrass Shelter, Pathfinder Trailblazer, or Blackwell 10 .25 Coastal panicgrass Atlantic 10 .25 *This mix is salt tolerant, a good choice along the upland edge of tidal areas and roadsides. Mix #5 Saltmeadow cordgrass (Spartina patens)—This grass is used for tidal shoreline protection and tidal marsh restoration. It is planted by vegetative stem divisions. 'Cape' American beachgrass can be planted for sand dune stabilization above the saltmeadow cordgrass zone. Mix #6 Creeping red fescue Ensylva, Pennlawn, Boreal 20 .45 Tall fescue KY 31, Rebel 20 .45 Perennial ryegrass Pennfine, Linn 5 .10 Birdsfoot trefoil Empire, Pardee 10 .45 *General purpose erosion control mix. Not to be used for a turf planting or play grounds. August 2005 Page 3.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECREATION AREA IMPROVEMENT C. Prepare seedbed by loosening soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. D. Lime to a pH of 6.5. E. Fertilize as per soil test or, if soil must be fertilized before results of a soil test can be obtained to determine fertilizer needs, apply commercial fertilizer at 850 pounds of 5-10-10 or equivalent per acre (20 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.) F. Incorporate lime and fertilizer in top 2-4 inches of topsoil. G. Smooth. Remove sticks, foreign matter, and stones over 1 inch in diameter, from the surface. Firm the seedbed. Definition 3. Planting Establishing grasses, legumes, vines, shrubs, trees, or other Use a cultipacker type seeder if possible. Seed to a depth of plants, or selectively reducing stand density and trimming 1/8 to 1/4 inch. If seed is to be broadcast, cultipack or roll woody plants, to improve an area for recreation. after seeding. If hyroseeded, lime and fertilizer may be applied through the seeder, and rolling is not practical. Purpose 4. Mulching To increase the attractiveness and usefulness of recreation Mulch all seedings in accordance with Standard and areas and to protect the soil and plant resources. Specifications for Mulching. Small grain straw is the best material. Conditions Where Practice Applies 5. Seed Mixtures On any area planned for recreation use, lawns, and areas that will be maintained in a closely mowed condition. Select seed mixture for site conditions and intended use fromTable 3.2. Specifications 6. Contact Cornell Cooperative Extension Turf Specialist ESTABLISHING GRASSES (Turfgrass) for suitable varieties. The following applies for playgrounds, parks, athletic When Kentucky bluegrass is used, it is desirable to use two fields, camping areas, picnic areas, passive recreation areas or more varieties in the seeding for disease resistance. such as lawns, and similar areas. Turf-type tall fescues have replaced the old KY31 tall 1. Time of Planting fescues. New varieties have finer leaves and are the most resistant grass to foot traffic. Do not mix it with fine Fall planting is preferred. Seed after August 15. In the textured grasses such as bluegrass and red fescue. spring, plant until May 15. Common ryegrass and redtop, which are relatively short If seeding is done between May 15 and August 15, lived species, provide quick green cover. Improved lawn irrigation may be necessary to ensure a successful seeding. cultivars of perennial ryegrass provide excellent quality turf, but continue to lack winter hardiness. 2. Site Preparation Common white clover can be added to mixtures at the rate A. Install needed water and erosion control measures of 1-2 lbs/acre to help maintain green color during the dry and bring area to be seeded to desired grades. A summer period; however, they will not withstand heavy minimum of 4 in. topsoil is required. traffic. Avoid using around swimming areas as flowers B. See Standard and Specification of Topsoiling. attract bees which can be easily stepped on. August 2005 Page 3.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.2 Recreation Turfgrass Seed Mixture lbs/1,000 Site - Use Species (% by weight) sq. ft. lbs./acre 1. Sunny sites (well, moderately well, and somewhat poorly drained soils) a. Athletic fields and similar areas 80% Kentucky bluegrass blend……………………………………….. 2.4-3.2 105-138 20% perennial ryegrass……………………………………………….. 0.6-0.8 25-37 OR……………………………………………………………………… 3.0-4.0 130-175 (for southern and eastern NY) 50% Kentucky bluegrass………………………………………………. 1.5-2.0 65-88 50% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………… 1.5-2.0 65-87 OR…………………………………………………………………….. 3.0-4.0 130-175 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf…………………………………. 3.4-4.6 150-200 b. General recreation areas and lawns (Medium to high maintenance) 65% Kentucky bluegrass blend………………………………………… 2.0-2.6 85-114 20% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………… 0.6-0.8 26-35 15% fine fescue………………………………………………………… 0.4-0.6 19-26 OR………………………………………………………………………. 3.0-4.0 130-175 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf…………………………………. 3.4-4.6 150-200 2. Sunny droughty sites - general recreation areas and lawns, low maintenance (somewhat excessively to excessively drained soils). Excluding Long Island. 65% fine fescue……………….……………………………………….. 2.6-3.3 114-143 15% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………… 0.6-0.7 26-33 20% Kentucky bluegrass blend………………………………………… 0.8-1.0 35-44 OR………………………………………………………………………. 4.0-5.0 175-220 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf…………………………………. 3.4-4.6 150-200 3. Shady dry sites (well to somewhat poorly drained soils). 65% fine fescue……………….……………………………………….. 2.6-3.3 114-143 15% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………… 0.6-0.7 26-33 20% Kentucky bluegrass blend………………………………………… 0.8-1.0 35-44 OR ………………………………………………………………………. 4.0-5.0 174-220 80% blend of shade-tolerant Kentucky bluegrass……………………… 2.4-3.2 105-138 20% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………… 0.6-0.8 25-37 OR…………………………………………………………………….. 3.0-4.0 130-175 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf…………………………………. 3.4-4.6 150-200 4. Shady wet sites (somewhat poor to poorly drained soils). 70% rough bluegrass………………………………………………….. 1.4-2.1 60-91 30% blend of shade-tolerant Kentucky bluegrass……………………… 0.6-0.9 25-39 OR………………………………………………………………………. 2.0-3.0 85-130 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf…………………………………. 3.4-4.6 150-200 For varieties suitable for specific locations, contact Cornell Cooperative Extension Turf Specialist. Reference: Thurn, M.C., N.W. Hummel, and A.M. Petrovic. Cornell Extension Pub. Info. Bulletin 185 Revised. HomeLawns Establishment and Maintenance. 1994. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control 7. Fertilizing—First Year C. Plant Protection Apply fertilizer as indicated by the soil test three to four Prior to delivery, the trunk, branches, and foliage of the weeks after germination (spring seedlings). If test results plants shall be sprayed with non-toxic antidesicant, have not been obtained, apply 1 pound nitrogen/1,000 applied according to the manufacturers square feet using a complete fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or 4-1-3 recommendations. This does not apply to state nursery ratio. Summer and early fall seedings, apply as above seedlings. unless air temperatures are above 85ºF for an extended D. Planting Time period. Wait for cooler temperatures to fertilize. Late fall/ winter seedings, fertilize in spring. Deciduous trees and shrubs: April 1 to June 1 and October 15 to December 15. 8. Restrict Use Evergreen trees and shrubs: April 1 to June 1 and September 1 to November 15. New seedlings should be protected from use for one full year to allow development of a dense sod with good root E. Spacing structure. Plant all trees and shrubs well back from buildings to MAINTAINING GRASSES allow for mature crown size. The following are guides for planning: 1. Maintain a pH of 6.0 - 7.0. Large trees: 50-60 feet apart 2. Fertilize in late May to early June as follows with Small trees: 20-30 feet apart 10-10-10 analysis fertilizer at the rate of 10 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. Columnar species: 6-8 feet apart and repeat in late August if sod density is not adequate. Hedges: 1-4 feet apart Avoid fertilizing when heat is greater than 85ºF. Top dress Shrubs: For clumps, plan spacing so weak sod annually in the spring, but at least once every 2 to mature shrubs will be touching 3 years. It is recommended to fertilize according to soil test or overlapping by only 1 or 2 feet. analysis, after determining adequate topsoil depth exists. F. Site Preparation 3. Aerate compacted or heavily used areas, like athletic 1) Individual sites for planting seedlings can be fields, annually as soon as soil moisture conditions permit. prepared by scalping the sod away from a four foot Aerate area six to eight times using a spoon or hollow tine square area where the seedling is to be planted. type aerator. Do not use solid spike equipment. 2) All planting beds shall be cultivated to a depth of 4. Reseed bare and thin areas annually with original seed 8 inches, or chemically treated for weed control. mix. Remove objectionable objects that will interfere with ESTABLISHING TREES, SHRUBS, AND VINES maintenance of site. G. Planting 1. Planting nursery stock A. Select species to serve the intended purpose. See 1) Plants shall be located as shown on plans and/or drawings and, where necessary, located on the site by Table 3.3, “Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York.” Where planting stakes, flags or other means. of trees is to be done in recreation areas, use those 2) Prior to planting, remove galvanized wire basket species resistant to compaction listed in Table 3.4, securing root ball, untie and roll down burlap “Susceptibility of Tree Species to Compaction” whenever possible. covering from around the stem. 3) The plants shall be set upright in holes as B. Plant Materials illustrated in Figure 3.1. 1) Plants shall conform to the species, variety, size, 4) All plants shall be thoroughly watered on the number, and conditions as stated in a conservation plan or on a plant list shown on landscape drawings. same day of planting. Plants that have settled shall “American Standard for Nursery Stock,” by American be reset to grade. Association of Nurserymen, shall be used to develop H. Wrapping the plant list for landscape drawings and to check quality of plant materials. Immediately after planting, wrap deciduous tree trunks from the bottom to the first limb with a 4 inch 2) Durable, legible labels with the scientific and common wide bituminous impregnated, insect resistant tape or name and cultivar shall be securely attached to plants, paper manufactured for that purpose. Tie with jute bundles of seedlings, containers, and/or flats. (bag strings) at top and bottom. The wrap should be August 2005 Page 3.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.1 New Tree Planting Procedure New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control 1. Pruning removed per nursery recommendations. A. Remove trees, limbs, and limb stubs to the following I. Mulching widths and heights specified for the intended use. 1 Includes allowance for snow depth and snow load on branches. Mulch the disturbed area around individual trees and B. Remove dead, diseased, or dying limbs that may fall. shrubs with a 2-3” layer of wood chips. Pull wood chips 1 inch away from the base of shrubs to avoid C. Do not remove more than one-third of the live crown fungus development. of a tree in a year. J. Pruning D. Cut limbs flush to the branch bark ridge. After planting, prune to remove injured twigs and E. Use the 3 or 4 cut pruning method on all branches branches. The natural shape of the plant should not over 2 inches in diameter: First cut about one-third be changed. the way through the underside of the limb (about 6- 12 inches from the tree trunk). Then (approximately K. Cleanup and Maintenance an inch further out) make a second cut through the limb from the upper side. When the branch is 1) After all work is complete, all excess soil, peat removed, there is no splintering of the main tree moss, debris, etc., shall be removed from the site. trunk. Remove the stub. If the branch is larger than 2) Water plants two weeks after planting. For two 5-6 inches in diameter, use the four cut system. Cuts years, water plants every two weeks during dry 1 and 2 remain the same and cut 3 should be from the periods, which exceed three weeks without a good underside of the limb, on the outside of the branch soaking rain. Shrubs may require 5 to 10 gallons and collar. Cut 4 should be from the top and in trees, 20 to 30 gallons for each watering. alignment with the 3rd cut. Cut 3 should be 1/4 to 1/3 the way through the limb. This will prevent the 3) Remove trunk wrap one year after planting. bark from peeling down the trunk. Do not paint the cut surface. 2. Transplanting “Wild” Stock Successful transplanting of wild stock will require heavy 2. Thinning equipment and considerable labor as a large weight of soil A. Remove dead, diseased, dying, poorly anchored, or must be moved with the roots. ice damaged trees that pose a hazard to recreationists or that interfere with intended use. A. Select trees and shrubs with good form and full crowns. B. To maintain grass cover in a wooded area, thin B. Transplant only when plants are dormant and soil is according to formula Dx3 (average diameter of the moist. Wrap soil ball with burlap to prevent soil trunk of overstory trees, in inches, times three—the from separating from roots. answer is the spacing between trees to be left, in C. Table 3.5 shows minimum diameter and approximate feet). For example, for trees with average diameter weight of soil ball that must be moved with each size of 6 inches, spacing after thinning should leave trees plant. 18 feet apart on average. Crown cover after thinning D. Plant and maintain as described above for nursery should be about 50 percent. stock. C. Selectively thin as needed to favor those trees that PRUNING AND THINNING are most “resistant” to compaction around their roots. See Table 3.4,“Susceptibility of Tree Species to Cleared Width Each Side Cleared Compaction.”If the soil on the site is naturally well Use of Trail Tread (ft.) Height (ft.) drained, those species in the “intermediate” group TRAILS may also be favored. Hiking 18 PROTECTING TREES IN HEAVY USE AREAS Bicycle 210 The compaction of soil over the roots of trees and shrubs by Motorbike 210 the trampling of recreationists, vehicular traffic, etc., reduces Horse 212 oxygen, water, and nutrient uptake by feeder roots. This 1 weakens and may eventually kill the plants. Table 3.4 rates X-Country Ski Total: 3 - 12 12 the “Susceptibility of Tree Species to Compaction.” 1 Snowmobile Total: 6 - 12 12 Where heavy compaction is anticipated, apply and maintain a PICNIC & CAMPING AREAS 3 to 4 inch layer of undecayed wood chips or 2 inches of No. Campfire/Grill 10 ft. diam. 15+ Locations 2 washed, crushed gravel. August 2005 Page 3.13 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.14 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 (cont’d) Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York 2 1 August 2005 Page 3.15 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 (cont’d) Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York las Fir is an alternate host for the Cooley any other spruce with rado Blue Spruce or Select male, non-root suckering, disease resistant cultivars Douglas Fir in the same landscape design. Doug Thornless, seedless cultivars recommended Note: It is not recommended to combine Colo Spruce Gall Aphid. 12 New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.16 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 (cont’d) Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York 1 August 2005 Page 3.17 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 (cont’d) Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York suckers, do not plant near Pine Barrens ecosystems Spreads rapidly by root suckers Spreads rapidly by root 2 12 New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.18 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 (cont’d) Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York 50’ E,d X X X Co X WC 75’ E,d X X F Co X WC SPRUCE, BLACK HILLS SPRUCE, BLACK August 2005 Page 3.19 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.3 (cont’d) Trees Suitable for Landscape and Conservation Plantings in New York New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.20 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.4 1 Susceptibility of Tree Species to Compaction Resistant: Box elder……………… Willows………………… . Acer negundoSalix spp Green ash…………….. Honey locust…………… Fraxinus pennsylvanicaGleditsia triacanthos Red elm……………….. Eastern cottonwood……. Ulmus rubraPopulus deltoides Hawthornes…………… . Swamp white oak………. Crataegus sppQuercus bicolor Bur oak……………….. Hophornbeam…………… Quercus macrocarpaOstrya virginiana Northern white cedar…. Thuja occidentalis Intermediate: Red maple……………. Sweetgum………………. Acer rubrumLiquidambar styraciflua Silver maple………….. Norway maple…………. Acer saccharinumAcer platanoides Hackberry……………. Shagbark hickory………. Celtis occidentalisCarya ovata Black gum…………… London plane………….. Nyssa sylvaticaPlatanus x hybrida Red oak……………… Pin oak…………………. Quercus rubraQuercus palustris Basswood……………. Tilia americana Susceptible: Sugar maple……………. Austrian Pine…………… Acer saccharumPinus nigra White pine……………… White ash………………. Pinus strobusFraxinus americana Blue spruce…………….. Paper birch…………….. Picea pungensBetula papyrifera White oak……………… Moutain ash……………. Quercus albaSorbus aucuparia Red pine……………….. Japanese maple………… Pinus resinosaAcer palmatum 1 . If a tree species does not appear on the list, insufficient information is available to rate it for this purpose Table 3.5 Size and Weight of Earth Ball Required to Transplant Wild Stock (American Standards for Nursery Stock) August 2005 Page 3.21 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.22 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATING WATERWAYS 1. Liming, fertilizing, and seedbed preparation. A. Lime to pH 6.5. B. The soil should be tested to determine the amounts of amendments needed. If the soil must be fertilized before results of a soil test can be obtained to determine fertilizer needs, apply commercial fertilizer at 1.0 lbs/1,000 sq. ft. of N, PO, and KO. 252 C. Lime and fertilizer shall be mixed thoroughly into the seedbed during preparation. D. Channels, except for paved section, shall have at least 4 inches of topsoil. E. Remove stones and other obstructions that will Definition hinder maintenance. Waterways are a natural or constructed outlet, shaped or 2. Timing of Seeding. graded. They are vegetated as needed for safe transport of runoff water. A. Early spring and late August are best. Purpose B. Temporary cover to protect from erosion is recommended during periods when seedings may To provide for the safe transport of excess surface water fail. from construction sites and urban areas without damage 3. Seed Mixtures: from erosion. Conditions Where Practice Applies Rate per Rate per Mixtures Acre (lbs) 1,000 sq. ft. (lbs) This standard applies to vegetating waterways and similar water carrying structures. A. Birdsfoot trefoil or 0.20 1 ladino clover8 Supplemental measures may be required with this practice. These may include: subsurface drainage to permit the Tall fescue or growth of suitable vegetation and to eliminate wet spots; a smooth bromegrass 200.45 section stabilized with asphalt, stone, or other suitable 2 Redtop20.05 means; or additional storm drains to handle snowmelt or storm runoff. 300.70 OR Retardance factors for determining waterway dimensions are shown in Table 5B.1 and “Maximum Permissible Velocities for Selected Grass and Legume Mixtures,” are 3 B. Kentucky bluegrass250.60 shown in Table 3.6. Creeping red fescue 200.50 Design Criteria Perennial ryegrass 100.20 Waterways or outlets shall be protected against erosion by 551.30 vegetative means as soon after construction as practical. 1 Inoculate with appropriate inoculum immediately prior to seeding. Vegetation must be well established before diversions or Ladino or common white clover may be substituted for birdsfoot other channels are outletted into them. Consideration trefoil and seeded at the same rate. should be given to the use of synthetic products, jute or excelsior matting, other rolled erosion control products, or 2 Perennial ryegrass may be substituted for the redtop but increase sodding of channels to provide erosion protection as soon seeding rate to 5 lbs/acre (0.1 lb/1,000 sq. ft). after construction as possible. It is strongly recommended 3 Use this mixture in areas which are mowed frequently. Common that the center line of the waterway be protected with one of white clover may be added if desired and seeded at 8 lbs/acre (0.2 the above materials to avoid center gullies. lb/1,000 sq. ft.) August 2005 Page 3.23 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control 4. Seeding Select the appropriate seed mixture and apply uniformly over the area. Rolling or cultipacking across the waterway is desirable. Waterway centers or crucial areas may be sodded. Refer to the standard and specification for Stabilization with Sod. Be sure sod is securely anchored using staples or stakes. 5. Mulching. All seeded areas will be mulched. Channels more than 300 feet long, and/or where the slope is 5 percent or more, must have the mulch securely anchored. Refer to the standard and specifications for Mulching for details. 6. Maintenance Fertilize, lime, and mow as needed to maintain dense protective vegetative cover. Waterways shall not be used for roadways. If rills develop in the centerline of a waterway, prompt attention is required to avoid the formation of gullies. Either stone and/or compacted soil fill with excelsior or filter fabric as necessary may be used during the establishment phase. See Figure 3.2, Rill Maintenance Measures. Spacing between rill maintenance barriers shall not exceed 100 feet. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.24 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.6 Maximum Permissible Velocities for Selected Seed Mixtures 1 Permissible Velocity 2 Cover Slope Range Erosion-resistant Soils Easily Eroded Soils (%) (ft. per sec.) (ft. per sec.) 3 K=0.10 - 0.35 K=0.36 - 0.80 Kentucky Bluegrass 0-5 75 Smooth Brome 5-10 64 Tall Fescue Over 10 53 2 Grass Mixtures 0-5 54 Reed Canarygrass 5-10 43 Redtop 4 Alfalfa 0-5 3.5 2.5 Red Fescue 1 Use velocities exceeding 5 feet per second only where good covers and proper maintenance can be obtained. 2 Do not use on slopes steeper than 10 percent except for vegetated side slopes in combination with a stone, concrete, or highly resistant vegetative center section. 3 K is the soil erodibility factor used in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation. Visit Appendix A or consult the appropriate USDA-NRCS technical guide for K values for New York State soils. 4 Do not use on slopes steeper than 5 percent except for vegetated side slopes in combination with a stone, concrete, or highly resistant vegetative center section. 5 Annuals - use on mild slopes or as temporary protection until permanent covers are established. 6 Use on slopes steeper than 5 percent is not recommended. August 2005 Page 3.25 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.2 Rill Maintenance Measures Filter Fabric Section of A-A Fabric A Bottom of Channel Compacted Soil Fill A Stone Section of A-A A Bottom of Channel A New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.26 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TOPSOILING Site Preparation 1. As needed, install erosion control practices such as diversions, channels, sediment traps, and stabilizing measures, or maintain if already installed. 2. Complete rough grading and final grade, allowing for depth of topsoil to be added. 3. Scarify all compact, slowly permeable, medium and fine textured subsoil areas. Scarify at approximately right angles to the slope direction in soil areas that are steeper than 5 percent. Areas that have been overly compacted shall be decompacted to a minimum depth of 12 inches with a deep ripper or chisel plow prior to topsoiling. Definition 4. Remove refuse, woody plant parts, stones over 3 inches in diameter, and other litter. Spreading a specified quality and quantity of topsoil materials on graded or constructed subsoil areas. Topsoil Materials Purpose 1. Topsoil shall have at least 6 percent by weight of fine To provide acceptable plant cover growing conditions, textured stable organic material, and no greater than 20 thereby reducing erosion; to reduce irrigation water needs; percent. Muck soil shall not be considered topsoil. and to reduce the need for nitrogen fertilizer application. 2. Topsoil shall have not less than 20 percent fine textured Conditions Where Practice Applies material (passing the NO. 200 sieve) and not more than 15 percent clay. Topsoil is applied to subsoils that are droughty (low available moisture for plants), stony, slowly permeable, 3. Topsoil treated with soil sterilants or herbicides shall be salty or extremely acid. It is also used to backfill around so identified to the purchaser. shrub and tree transplants. This standard does not apply to wetland soils. 4. Topsoil shall be relatively free of stones over 1 1/2 inches in diameter, trash, noxious weeds such as nut sedge Design Criteria and quackgrass, and will have less than 10 percent gravel. 1. Preserve existing topsoil in place where possible, 5. Topsoil containing soluble salts greater than 500 parts thereby reducing the need for added topsoil. per million shall not be used. 2. Conserve by stockpiling topsoil and friable fine textured subsoils that must be stripped from the excavated site and Application and Grading applied after final grading where vegetation will be established. 1. Topsoil shall be distributed to a uniform depth over the area. It shall not be placed when it is partly frozen, muddy, 3. Refer to USDA Soil Conservation Service (presently or on frozen slopes or over ice, snow, or standing water Natural Resource Conservation Service) soil surveys or soil puddles. interpretation record sheets for further soil texture information for selecting appropriate design topsoil depths. 2. Topsoil placed and graded on slopes steeper than 5 percent shall be promptly fertilized, seeded, mulched, and stabilized by “tracking” with suitable equipment. August 2005 Page 3.27 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control 3. Apply topsoil in the following amounts: Minimum Topsoil Site Conditions Intended Use Depth 1. Deep sand or Mowed lawn 6 in. loamy sand Tall legumes, unmowed 2 in. Tall grass, unmowed 1 in. 2. Deep sandy Mowed lawn 5 in. loam Tall legumes, unmowed 2 in. Tall grass, unmowed none 3. Six inches or Mowed lawn 4 in. more: silt loam, Tall legumes, unmowed 1 in. loam, or silt Tall grass, unmowed 1 in. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.28 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR MULCHING Criteria Site preparation prior to mulching requires the installation of necessary erosion control or water management practices and drainage systems. Slope, grade and smooth the site to fit needs of selected mulch products. Remove all undesirable stones and other debris to meet the needs of the anticipated land use and maintenance required. Apply mulch after soil amendments and planting is accomplished or simultaneously if hydroseeding is used. Definition Select appropriate mulch material and application rate or material needs. Determine local availability. Applying coarse plant residue or chips, or other suitable materials, to cover the soil surface. Select appropriate mulch anchoring material. Purpose NOTE: The best combination for grass/legume establishment is straw (cereal grain) mulch applied at 2 ton/ The primary purpose is to provide initial erosion control acre (90 lbs./1000sq.ft.) and anchored with wood fiber while a seeding or shrub planting is establishing. Mulch mulch (hydromulch) at 500 – 750 lbs./acre (11 – 17 will conserve moisture and modify the surface soil lbs./1000 sq. ft.). The wood fiber mulch must be applied temperature and reduce fluctuation of both. Mulch will through a hydroseeder immediately after mulching. prevent soil surface crusting and aid in weed control. Mulch is also used alone for temporary stabilization in non- growing months. Conditions Where Practice Applies On soils subject to erosion and on new seedings and shrub plantings. Mulch is useful on soils with low infiltration rates by retarding runoff. August 2005 Page 3.29 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.7 Guide to Mulch Materials, Rates, and Uses Subject to wind blowing unless anchored. Designed to tolerate higher velocity water Most commonly used mulching material. with plastic on both sides. Use two sided 2,000 lbs./cu. yd.). Frequently used over Use without additional mulch. Tie down Use without additional mulch. Excellent where subject to traffic. (Approximately Provides the best micro-environment for maintained for more than three months. Apply with hydromulcher. No tie down required. Less erosion control provided around plants and ornamentals. Use 2B Approximately 72 lbs./roll for excelsior for seeding establishment. Tie down as on trails to inhibit Coarser textured mulches may be more effective in reducing weed growth and flow, centerlines of waterways, 60 sq. Use small grain straw where mulch is Used primarily around shrub and tree weed competition. Resistant to wind Excellent mulch for short slopes and as per manufacturers specifications. of concentrated filter fabric for better weed control. plastic for centerline of waterways. per manufacturers specifications. blowing. Decomposes slowly. than 2 tons of hay or straw. Remarks plantings and recreati Good for center line germinating seeds. wind erosion. yds. per roll. water flow. cover about 90% Application Depth of surface 2-7” 1-3” 3” ———— 134-402 cu. yds. 2 tons (100-120 per Acre 405 cu. yds. 10-20 tons 2,000 lbs. 81 rolls bales) —— Most are 6.5 ft. x 3.5 90-100 lbs. 2-3 bales 48” x 50 yds. or 48” per 1000 Sq. Ft. plastic, 48” x 180” 8” x 100” 2-sided 1-sided plastic 500-900 lbs. 3-9 cu. yds. 9 cu. yds. x 75 yds. 50 lbs. ft. Made from natural wood Photodegradable plastic photodegradable plastic net on one or two sides ends/yd., Weft 41 ends/ usually with green dye plain weave. Warp 78 moderately to highly Undyed, unbleached objectionable coarse and dispersing agent excelsior fibers with undesirable seeds & Washed; Size 2B or Interlocking web of Air-dried. Free of Standards yd. 60-90 lbs./roll Air-dried; free of Quality coarse materials Up to 3” pieces, 3A—1 1/2” material netting stable fiber, or combination Wood fiber cellulose Excelsior wood fiber Straw or coconut Jute twisted yarn Gravel, Crushed (partly digested Material Wood chips or Stone or Slag Hay or Straw Mulch wood fibers) Compost shavings mats New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.30 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.8 Mulch Anchoring Guide Anchoring Method Kind of Mulch to or Material be Anchored How to Apply 1. Peg and Twine Hay or straw After mulching, divide areas into blocks approximately 1 sq. yd. in size. Drive 4-6 pegs per block to within 2” to 3” of soil surface. Secure mulch to surface by stretching twine between pegs in criss-cross pattern on each block. Secure twine around each peg with 2 or more tight turns. Drive pegs flush with soil. Driving stakes into ground tightens the twine. 2. Mulch netting Hay or straw Staple the light-weight paper, jute, wood fiber, or plastic nettings to soil surface according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Should be biodegradable. Most products are not suitable for foot traffic. 3. Wood cellulose fiber Hay or straw Apply with hydroseeder immediately after mulching. Use 500 lbs. wood fiber per acre. Some products contain an adhesive material (“tackifier”), possibly advantageous. 4. Mulch anchoring tool Hay or straw Apply mulch and pull a mulch anchoring tool (blunt, straight discs) over mulch as near to the contour as possible. Mulch material should be “tucked” into soil surface about 3”. 5. Tackifier Hay or straw Mix and apply polymeric and gum tackifiers according to manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid application during rain. A 0 24-hour curing period and a soil temperature higher than 45 Fahrenheit are required. August 2005 Page 3.31 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.32 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STABILIZATION WITH SOD unless specified. 5. Sod shall not be harvested or transplanted when moisture content (excessively dry or wet) may adversely affect its survival. 6. Sod shall be harvested, delivered, and installed within a period of 36 hours. Sod not transplanted within this period shall be inspected and approved by the contracting officer or his designated representative prior to its installation. Site Preparation Fertilizer and lime application rates shall be determined by soil tests. Under unusual circumstances where there is insufficient time for a complete soil test and the contracting Definition officer agrees, fertilizer and lime materials may be applied in amounts shown in subsection 2 below. Slope land such Stabilizing silt producing areas by establishing long term as to provide good surface water drainage. Avoid stands of grass with sod. depressions or pockets. Purpose 1. Prior to sodding, the surface shall be smoothed and cleared of all trash, debris, and of all roots, brush, wire, To stabilize the soil; reduce damage from sediment and grade stakes and other objects that would interfere with runoff to downstream areas; enhance natural beauty. planting, fertilizing or maintenance operations. 2.The soil should be tested to determine the amounts of Conditions Where Practice Applies amendments needed. Where the soil is acid or composed of heavy clays, ground limestone shall be spread to raise the On exposed soils that have a potential for causing off site pH to 6.5. If the soil must be fertilized before results of a environmental damage where a quick vegetative cover is soil test can be obtained to determine fertilizer needs, apply desired. Moisture, either applied or natural, is essential to commercial fertilizer at 20 lbs. of 5-10-10 (or equivalent) success. and mix into the top 3 inches of soil with the required lime for every 1,000 square feet. Soil should be moist prior to Design Criteria sodding. Arrange for temporary storage of sod to keep it shaded and cool. 1. Sod shall be bluegrass or a bluegrass/red fescue mixture or a perennial ryegrass for average sites. (CAUTION: Sod Installation Perennial ryegrass has limited cold tolerance and may winter kill.) Use turf type cultivars of tall fescue for shady, 1. For the operation of laying, tamping, and irrigating for droughty, or otherwise more critical areas. For variety any areas, sod shall be completed within eight hours. selection, contact Cornell Cooperative Extension Turf During periods of excessively high temperature, the soil Specialist. shall be lightly moistened immediately prior to laying the sod. 2. Sod shall be machine cut at a uniform soil thickness of 3/4 inch, plus or minus 1/4 inch. Measurement for 2. The first row of sod shall be laid in a straight line with thickness shall exclude top growth and thatch. subsequent rows placed parallel to, and tightly wedged against, each other. Lateral joints shall be staggered to 3. Standard size sections of sod shall be strong enough to promote more uniform growth and strength. Ensure that support their own weight and retain their size and shape sod is not stretched or overlapped and that all joints are when suspended vertically from a firm grasp on the upper butted tight in order to prevent voids which would cause air 10 percent of the section. drying of the roots. On sloping areas where erosion may be a problem, sod shall be laid with the long edges parallel to 4. Sod shall be free of weeds and undesirable coarse weedy the contour and with staggered joints. grasses. Wild native or pasture grass sod shall not be used August 2005 Page 3.33 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control 3. Secure the sod by tamping and pegging, or other otherwise specified. Avoid heavy mowing equipment for approved methods. As sodding is completed in any one several weeks to prevent rutting. section, the entire area shall be rolled or tamped to ensure solid contact of roots with the soil surface. 4. If the soil must be fertilized before results of a soil test can be obtained to determine fertilizer needs, apply 4. Sod shall be watered immediately after rolling or fertilizer three to four weeks after sodding, at a rate of 1 tamping until the underside of the new sod pad and soil pound nitrogen/1,000 sq.ft. Use a complete fertilizer with a surface below the sod are thoroughly wet. Keep sod moist 2-1-1 ratio. for at least two weeks. 5. Weed Control: Target herbicides for weeds present. Consult current Cornell Pest Control Recommendations for Sod Maintenance Commercial Turfgrass Management or consult the local 1. In the absence of adequate rainfall, watering shall be office of Cornell Cooperative Extension. performed daily, or as often as deemed necessary by the inspector, during the first week and in sufficient quantities 6. Disease Control: Consult the local office of the Cornell to maintain moist soil to a depth of 4 inches. Watering Cooperative Extension. should be done in the morning. Avoid excessive watering during applications. Additional References 2. After the first week, sod shall be watered as necessary to 1. Home Lawns, Establishment and Maintenance, CCE maintain adequate moisture and ensure establishment. Information Bulletin 185, Revised November 1994. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 3. The first mowing should not be attempted until sod is firmly rooted. No more than 1/3 of the grass leaf shall be 2. Installing a Sod Lawn. CCE Suffolk County, NY. removed by the initial cutting or subsequent cuttings. Grass Thomas Kowalsick February 1994, Revised January 1999. height shall be maintained between 2 and 3 inches unless www.cce.cornell.edu/counties/suffolk/grownet New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.34 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATING SAND AND GRAVEL BORROW AREAS 3. Surface soil layer shall be sampled from 0-6" in depth. Combine about 15 core samples to represent the site soil conditions. Analyze to determine pH, P and K. 4. Obtain a larger (5-10 lbs.) soil sample to represent the surface soil texture. Analyze for percent fines (particles less than .074 mm or 200 mesh sieve). 5. Apply soil amendments as indicated by soil chemical test. The surface to be seeded shall be limed to a pH of 6.0 using agricultural ground limestone. Fertilize to achieve a moderate level of available phosphorus (PO) 25 and potassium (KO). If the soil must be fertilized 2 before results of a soil test can be obtained to determine fertilizer needs, apply 50 pounds per acre of nitrogen. Definition Incorporation will be accomplished following the seeding. Vegetating inactive borrow areas with sustainable 6. Select the appropriate seed mix based on percent fines herbaceous perennial plants. and time of planting. Purpose a.IF 15 percent fines or less: use the warm season grass mix. If fall planting is necessary, use a To provide appropriate vegetation to stabilize the soil, thus temporary cover to allow planting of the warm preventing wind and water erosion from causing on-site or season grasses in early spring. Two (2) bushels of off-site damages. oats per acre is suggested as this will winter kill and not be competitive when the permanent seeding is To create a more aesthetically pleasing view. made. Another option is small grain straw at two (2) tons per acre. Do not use old hay. To enhance the wildlife habitat for greater diversity. b. Warm Season Grass Table: Condition Where Practice Applies Certified Seed PLS*/Acre Species Variety (lbs.) Sand and gravel borrow areas which have had EITHER the top portion of the soil profile replaced as ‘topsoil’ or Switchgrass Blackwell, 2 overburden with greater than 15 percent fines included, OR Shelter the sand and gravel mined condition remains without Pathfinder, or ‘topsoil’ being replaced resulting in sand and gravel with Trailblazer less than 15 percent fines. Coastal panicgrass Atlantic 2 Design Criteria Big bluestem Niagara 4 1. Depending upon the type of unconsolidated material Little bluestem Aldous or 4 being mined, side slopes shall be graded in accordance Camper with the New York State Mined Land Reclamation Law. Sand bluestem Goldstrike 2 Minimum requirements are: for fine sand, silt, clay the slope shall not exceed 2 horizontal to 1 vertical (26º); for Sand lovegrass Nebraska 27 or 2 coarse sand and gravel the slope shall not exceed 1.5 Bend horizontal to 1 vertical (33º) Total mix (PLS/acre) 16 lbs. 2. Rocks and other debris shall be removed from the site or buried during grading. *Pure Live Seed (PLS) = (% germination x % purity)/100 August 2005 Page 3.35 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control b. A temporary cover of 2 bushels of oats may be Pounds to be seeded = (100 x lbs. of 100% PLS seeded between August 15 and September 15 (oats required)/% PLS of commercial seed being used. will winter kill). This works well preparing for early spring seedings. c.IF greater than 15 percent fines: use a grass/legume mixture, or the warm season grass mix. c. Inoculate legume seed immediately prior to actual seeding. Use 4 times the standard agricultural rates. d. Grass/Legume Table: d. The seed mix must be uniformly broadcast. A Pure Live Seed hydroseeder works well or spread by hand if SpeciesVariety Per Acre (lbs.) necessary. The use of spinner type seeders is Tall fescue KY-31/Rebel 10 difficult due to the lightweight and fluffy seed characteristics of some species. RedtopCommon 2 e. Incorporate the soil amendments and seed. Perennial rye-Pennfine/Linn 5 grass i. “Tracking” an area is using a bulldozer having cleats at least 1 inch in depth. Operation of the Birdsfoot tre-Empire plus 8** dozer shall be perpendicular to the contour and foil* Pardee such that the entire area is covered by the tracks. * legume in seed mixture needs to be inoculated. ** 4 lbs. of each is best. 8 lbs. of either one is good. OR ii. Pulling a cultipacker over the entire site with the OR tines up or no deeper than 1 inch. This option only works if soil moisture is near field capacity. Pure Live Seed SpeciesVariety per Acre (lbs.) 8. Mulching is essential for immediate erosion control and Flatpea* Lathco 10.0 uniform establishment of cool season grasses and legumes on sands and gravels. Use a heavier rate for the Perennial pea* Lancer 2.0 grass/legume seedings of 4000 lbs./ac. Use only small grain straw. Mulching of warm season grasses may not be necessary when runoff and sediment delivery is not Crownvetch* Penngift/10.0 an issue. If erosion control is necessary for warm season Chemung grass sites, mulch with 3000 lbs./ac. of small grain straw Tall fescue KY-31/Rebel 10.0 (not grass hay). On sites where mulch can be avoided, warm season grasses will respond favorably. Total Mix (lbs./acre) 32.0 9. Anchor the mulch by using the bulldozer tracking * legume in seed mixture needs to be inoculated. technique. This may be done simultaneously with seed incorporation. Optional anchoring techniques and 7. Planting instructions: materials are available in the Mulching Standard. a. Planting dates are very critical for warm season 10. Site protection is necessary to avoid wheel and tire grasses. Very early spring (March/April) is best. damage. The success rate decreases notably by the end of May. Fall seedings are not recommended. Grass/ legume mixes may be reliably planted from early spring through June 15. Avoid June 16 through August 15. After August 15, seed anytime until ground freezes. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.36 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROTECTING VEGETATION DURING CONSTRUCTION B. Planning: 1) After engineering plans (plot maps) are prepared, another field review should take place and recommendations made for the vegetation to be saved. Minor adjustments in location of roads, dwellings, and utilities may be needed. Construction on steep slopes, erodible soils, wetlands, and streams should be avoided. Clearing limits should be delineated (See Section 2). 2) Areas to be seeded and planted should be identified. Remaining vegetation should blend with their surroundings and/or provide special Definition function such as a filter strip, buffer zone, or screen. The protection of trees, shrubs, ground cover and other vegetation from damage by construction equipment. 3) Trees and shrubs of special seasonal interest, such as flowering dogwood, red maple, striped maple, Purpose serviceberry, or shadbush, and valuable potential shade trees should be identified and marked for To preserve existing vegetation determined to be important special protective treatment as appropriate. for soil erosion control, water quality protection, shade, screening, buffers, wildlife habitat, wetland protection, and 4) Trees to be cut should be marked on the plans. If other values. timber can be removed for salable products, a forester should be consulted for marketing advice. Condition Where Practice Applies 5) Trees that may become a hazard to people, personal property, or utilities should be removed. On planned construction sites where valued vegetation These include trees that are weak-wooded, exists and needs to be preserved. disease-prone, subject to windthrow, or those that have severely damaged root systems. Design Criteria 6) The vigor of remaining trees may be improved by 1. Planning Considerations a selective thinning. A forester should be consulted for implementing this practice. A. Inventory: 2. Measures to Protect Vegetation 1) Property boundaries, topography, vegetation and soils information should be gathered. Identify A. Limit soil placement over existing tree and shrub potentially high erosion areas, areas with tree roots to a maximum of 3 inches. Soils with loamy windthrow potential, etc. A vegetative cover type texture and good structure should be used. map should be made on a copy of a topographic map which shows other natural and manmade B. Use retaining walls and terraces to protect roots of features. Vegetation that is desirable to preserve trees and shrubs when grades are lowered. Lowered because of its value for screening, shade, critical grades should start no closer than the dripline of the erosion control, endangered species, aesthetics, tree. For narrow-canopied trees and shrubs, the stem etc., should be identified and marked on the map. diameter in inches is converted to feet and doubled, such that a 10 inch tree should be protected to 20 2) Based upon this data, general statements should feet. be prepared about the present condition, potential problem areas, and unique features of the property. August 2005 Page 3.37 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control C. Trenching across tree root systems should be the G. Obstructive and broken branches should be pruned same minimum distance from the trunk, as in “B”. properly. The branch collar on all branches whether Tunnels under root systems for underground utilities living or dead should not be damaged. The 3 or 4 cut should start 18 inches or deeper below the normal method should be used on all branches larger than grounds surface. Tree roots which must be severed two inches at the cut. First cut about one-third the should be cut clean. Backfill material that will be in way through the underside of the limb (about 6-12 contact with the roots should be topsoil or a prepared inches from the tree trunk). Then (approximately an planting soil mixture. inch further out) make a second cut through the limb from the upper side. When the branch is removed, D. Construct sturdy fences, or barriers, of wood, steel, there is no splintering of the main tree trunk. or other protective material around valuable Remove the stub. If the branch is larger than 5-6 vegetation for protection from construction inches in diameter, use the four cut system. Cuts 1 equipment. Place barriers far enough away from and 2 remain the same and cut 3 should be from the trees, but not less than the specifications in "B", so underside of the limb, on the outside of the branch that tall equipment such as backhoes and dump collar. Cut 4 should be from the top and in trucks do not contact tree branches. alignment with the 3rd cut. Cut 3 should be 1/4 to 1/3 the way through the limb. This will prevent the E. Construction limits should be identified and clearly bark from peeling down the trunk. Do not paint the marked to exclude equipment. cut surface. F. Avoid spills of oil/gas and other contaminants. H. Penalties for damage to valuable trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants should be clearly spelled out in the contract. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.38 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VEGETATING SAND DUNES AND TIDAL BANKS guidelines for planting. ‘Cape’ will do well but is very aggressive compared with the Lake Champlain strain. Some people consider ‘Cape’ an invasive plant in these locations. 3) ‘Atlantic’ coastal panicgrass is excellent for back dune areas. Seed at 10 pounds pure live seed per acre. Refer to Vegetative Stabilization of Sand and Gravel Pits for determining the proper amount of pure live seed. 4) Immediately after planting, a sand fence (snow fence) will be built to protect the beachgrass from vehicle and foot traffic. The fence shall surround the planted area at a distance of 15 feet from the Definition planted area. Passageways should be provided to allow pedestrians to cross the planted area at 300 foot intervals. Elevated boardwalks, or dune Establishing and maintaining vegetative cover for coastal cross-overs, are desirable. Move the opening and shoreline protection. boardwalk when beachgrass becomes weak. Purpose B. Where sand dunes must be reconstructed through sand entrapment, and shore conditions allow for sand 1. To stabilize frontal sand dunes and provide for sand deposition, a specialist from Sea Grant or the USDA entrapment for dune building where possible and necessary. Natural Resource Conservation Service shall make the determinations of feasibility. Appropriate 2. To provide for protection of dune vegetation from foot permits for altering shorelines must be obtained prior traffic and vehicles. to beginning work. 3. To stabilize tidal banks and provide for long term 2. Building, Planting, and Maintaining Coastal Sand Dunes protection. Dune stabilization work must start at least one hundred Condition Where Practice Applies (100) feet (horizontal distance) from the mean high tide (MHT) water line as a minimum. Whenever feasible, leave On any coastal shoreline, including the Great Lakes, where room for two or more dune lines for a double layer of vegetation can be expected to effectively stabilize a site. protection. Dunes grow toward the sand supply, which is the ocean or the lake. Specifications A. Building the dune: 1. Sand dunes 1) Vegetatively. A. Where stabilization of existing sand dunes and/or re- establishment of beachgrass is needed. Where blowing sand is available, a simple, relatively inexpensive and successful method 1) Long Island and NYC area, use Certified ‘Cape’ exists for building dunes. It consists of planting American Beachgrass. Planting of frontal dunes American beachgrass strips parallel to the should be accomplished by April 30. Refer to coastline. As the windblown sand moves off the American Beachgrass Information Sheet for beach landward, it drops its load of sand, specific instructions. beginning the natural cycle of dune growth. The row closest to the ocean should be at least 100 2) Lake Champlain and Great Lakes, use the Lake feet (horizontal distance) from the MHT line. Champlain strain or species if adequate planting The plantings will trap most of the windblown material is available. Use American beachgrass August 2005 Page 3.39 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control sand, particularly during the growing season The bottom of the fence should be set about 3 when the grass will continue to grow up through inches into the sand, or a mechanical grader could the newly trapped sand. be used to push some sand against the bottom of fence. 2) Sand Fences (Snow Fence Material). 3) Sand fence plus vegetation - The use of sand fence is effective and the material is readily available. It may be more expensive The combination of these two approaches is more than building dunes vegetatively, but is less effective than either one alone. The sand fence expensive than doing it with machinery. should be placed as discussed above. Bands of Normally it is also much faster than with vegetation should then be planted parallel to the vegetation alone. fence on the landward and seaward side. Each bank of vegetation should be about 20 feet wide To form a barrier dune, erect the sand fences, a and placed 10 to 15 feet from the sand fence. As minimum of 100 feet (horizontal distance) from the sand fills between the two fences, additional the MHT line in two (three or four rows may be fence can be erected or the area between the used where sufficient land area and sand is fences can be planted. Such a combination can available.) parallel lines 30 or 40 feet apart. The trap most of the wind blown sand crossing the fences should be roughly parallel to the water line dune area and produce a much broader based and yet be as nearly as possible at a right angle to dune than either approach alone. See Figure 3.4. the prevailing winds. See Figure 3.3 on page 3.41. Where this is not possible, erect a single 3. Tidal Streams and Estuaries line of fence parallel with the water at least 140 feet from the MHT line and space 30 foot long The procedures to determine the effectiveness potential of perpendicular spurs 40 feet apart along the stabilization of tidal streams and estuaries are found in seaward side to trap lateral drift. Table 3.9. As the fences fill with sand, additional sets of Plants to be used are as follows: fence can be placed over those filled until the barrier dune has reached a protective height. A. Certified ‘Cape’ American beachgrass To widen an old dune, the fencing should be set B. Certified ‘Bayshore’ smooth cordgrass seaward at a distance of 15 feet from the old dune base. C. Certified ‘Avalon’ saltmeadow cordgrass Materials - D. Certified ‘Atlantic’ coastal panicgrass Use standard 4-foot sand (snow) fence. The 4. Coastal panicgrass is primarily used in freshwater tidal fence should be sound and free of decay, broken areas above high tide line. Frequently, it is seeded over wire, and missing or broken slats. top of saltmeadow cordgrass plantings. Wood posts, for fence support should be black 5. Additional Reference locust, red cedar, white cedar, or other wood of equal life and strength. They do not need to be “Best of Beach Vegetation” by W. Curtis Sharp. treated. They should be a minimum of 6 ft. 6 in. Reprints from Parks and Recreation Resources. Volume 1, long and a minimum diameter of 3 inches. Nos. 1, 2, 4 & 5, 7 & 8. Published in January, February, Standard fence post length is usually 7 ft.—8 ft. May/June, July/August 1982. and should be used where possible. Four (4) wire ties should be used to fasten the fence to the wood posts. Weave fence between posts so that every other post will have fence on ocean side of posts. Tie wires should be no smaller than 12 gauge galvanized wire. New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.40 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.3 Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation for Dune Building Figure 3.4 Typical Cross-Section Created by a Combination of Sand Fence and Vegetation August 2005 Page 3.41 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table 3.9 Vegetative Treatment Potential for Eroding Tidal Shorelines New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.42 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.5 American Beachgrass Information Sheet ( Fern) Ammophila breviligulata 2 Adapted from USDA—NRCS Plant Guide Use: Major use is to stabilize moving sand along the maximum erosion control. On very stable areas where wind Atlantic Sea coast and Great Lakes region. It is the best is not a factor, a spacing of 24” x 24” is suitable. An 18” x species for the initial stabilization of frontal dunes. 18” spacing requires 58,500 culms (3 culms/planting unit) per acre, or 1,350 culms per 1,000 square feet. Useful as an erosion control plant on non-dune areas where soils are very sandy and the site conditions make Beachgrass culms must be planted at least 8” deep. This establishment of seeded species very difficult. Also used on prevents plants from drying out, as well as being blown out soils high in salinity such as industrial waste needing by the wind. A tiling or ditching spade is an excellent tool vegetative cover. for opening the planting hole. A two person crew works best in planting on Description: American beachgrass is a leafy, spreading frontal dunes and grass with many stems per clump. It may reach a height of loose sandy areas. two to three feet. The seed head is a spike-like panicle, The culms and roots about ten inches long, and appears in late July or August. must be kept cool Leaves are long and narrow, and may become rolled or and moist before folded as it matures. and during planting. Success of planting One outstanding growth characteristic is the strong will increase if the underground stems (rhizomes) that spread beneath the sand stock is dormant or and give rise to many new plants. Its vigorous growth has made very little enables the plant to withstand heavy deposits of sand and growth. the ability to grow up through deposits. Fertilizer properly Adaptation: American beachgrass is native to the mid-applied is the key to Atlantic coastal region from Maine to North Carolina, and good vigorous the Great Lakes region. It will grow on island sites, high in growth, as coastal sand and/or saline content, provided adequate amounts of sands are rather nitrogen and other nutrients are present. infertile. Fertilize in March or April with Varieties: ‘Cape’ is the most recent variety and was 30 to 40 pounds of developed by the Soil Conservation Service at the Cape inorganic nitrogen AMERICAN BEACHGRASS May Plant Materials Center, Cape May Court House, N.J. per acre until desired ‘Hatteras’ developed by the Agricultural Experiment density is obtained. Station in North Carolina is a variety better adapted to southern climates. Management: Once the stand is well established, the rate of fertilizer applied can be reduced by half, or applied only Source: Both are commercially available vegetatively. when the stand appears to be weakening. Seed not available. Exclude vehicular traffic if possible and provide elevated Establishment: The best time to plant beachgrass is from boardwalks for pedestrians. Pedestrian and vehicular October 1 to April 30. If properly planted, good survival traffic that bends or breaks the culms will seriously damage can be expected at any time during this period, except when the plants and may kill them. Move boardwalks, or dune soil is frozen. Summer plantings are not satisfactory. cross-overs, when beachgrass underneath begins to weaken American beachgrass can be planted either by hand or by and become open, exposing the sand for potential blowing. mechanical equipment designed for this work. The stems of On frontal dunes, any area devoid of protective cover is plants called ‘culms’ are used for planting stock. Two or subject to blowing and eventual ruin. Replanting of three culms are planted per hole. Space plants 18” by 18”, beachgrass stands that become open should be an annual unless wind erosion is severe, then reduce spacing to 12” by operating procedure. 12”. Stagger the plantings in alternate rows to provide August 2005 Page 3.43 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 3.6 Cordgrass Information Sheet Smooth Cordgrass () Spartina alterniflora and Saltmeadow Cordgrass () Spartina patens 2 Adapted from USDA—NRCS Plant Fact Sheets Description: Smooth cordgrass, a long life perennial, is the September and October, are ten to twelve inches long and dominant, most productive marsh plant in the regularly hold twelve to fifteen spikelets, each two to three inches flooded inter-tidal zone along the Atlantic and Gulf coast long. Its primary method of spreading is by vigorous, from Newfoundland to Florida and Texas. Smooth hollow rhizomes. cordgrass grows three to seven feet tall with stems up to 1/2 inch in diameter. The leaves are twelve to twenty inches Saltmeadow cordgrass long, tapering to a point. The seed heads, produced in grows in salt marshes and sandy meadows along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts from Quebec to Florida and Texas. It occupies the area immediately above the inter-tidal zone. Mature plants are grayish green, usually one to three feet tall. The leaf sheath is round; the leaf blade is long and narrow, usually rolled inward giving a wiry appearance; the upper side of the leaf is rough. The seed heads produced in October have spikelets that Spartina patens grow almost at right angles to the rachis or main stem. Saltmeadow cordgrass reproduces rapidly by long, scaly, slender rhizomes. Both smooth and saltmeadow cordgrasses are used by waterfowl as a source of food. Saltmeadow cordgrass is also used by muskrats for housing materials. Uses: Because of their adaptation to brackish water, smooth and saltmeadow cordgrasses occur naturally or can be planted to stabilize eroding shorelines. Planted along the shoreline, the cordgrasses absorb the wave energy and collect the sediment brought in by water. As the sediment is dropped, the band of vegetation expands, pushing the mean high tide away form the tow of the bank, thus reducing the potential for continuous erosion. Establishment of Shoreline Plantings: Smooth cordgrass is planted between the mean low water level and the mean high water level. Saltmeadow cordgrass is planted above Spartina alterniflora New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.44 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control (COASTAL PANICGRASS AND/ OR AMERICAN BEACHGRASS) (SALT MEADOW CORDGRASS) (SMOOTH CORDGRASS) the smooth cordgrass from mean high water to the toe of the used, performance expectations will be less than with the slope. If the distance from the mean high water to the toe of other two methods. Coastal panicgrass can be planted using the slope exceeds 10 feet, American beachgrass should also method one or be seeded. be planted in the upper part of the slope. Typical plantings consist of one row parallel to the Establishment of Plants: There are three types of plant shoreline. Transplants should be midway between the high materials that can be used for planting along the shoreline. and low tide elevations. Plant spacing within the row will One type is seedlings grown in peat pots. Such plants vary according to the size of the transplant materials being should be about 12 inches tall with 3-5 stems per container used and the rate at which full coverage is desired. One before they are large enough for transplanting. The gallon container stock are generally planted at 5’ to 8’ container is planted with the root mass. centers and plugs generally on 2’-3’ centers. Smooth cordgrass typically produces 8’-10’ rhizomes for lateral A second method is to grow the plants in containers which spread in one growing season. If two rows are planted, allow the plants with the root mass to slip out at the time of allow 5’ between rows. The spacing to be used is influenced planting. Their size, etc., are the same as above. The by the severity of the site. On sites that have a potential of advantage of this method is that it eliminates the barrier being washed away, the spacing should be closer. In occasionally created by the peat pots that may produce a protected areas where there is little danger of the planting slight turbulence around the plant and wash it out. being initially destroyed, the spacing can be wider. The hole made in the substrata should fully accommodate the A third type is to harvest culms from natural or cultivated plant roots. Be sure to seal the hole by pressing the soil stands which are then planted directly to the shoreline. If around the roots with your heal. the plants are to be taken from natural stands, they should be growing in sandy substrata. The stands should be open Planting Method/Fertilization: and developing rather than dense and mature. The culms will be ready for digging and transplanting when the top : When planting trade-gallons, transplants Planting Methods growth is six to ten inches tall. Each culm should have a should be planted in a hole. Post-hole diggers, gas drills well developed root. with modified bits, or any other methods of digging are satisfactory. The planting hole should be the same size or Methods one, two and three are equally recommended for only slightly larger than the root-ball and deep enough so smooth cordgrass. Methods one and two are recommended that the top of the root-ball is flush or slightly below for saltmeadow cordgrass. Although method three can be ground. The top of the root-ball should not protrude above August 2005 Page 3.45 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control nor be more than 2” below normal ground. The planting hole should be pinched closed. When using tablets with hole should be tightly closed around the plant to prevent the bare-root plugs, drop the tablet in the planting hole prior to plant from wobbling and plants should remain erect after inserting the plug. planting. Planting should be made between mid Spring and July 1. Planting sites where high wave energy is a problem may The early Spring plantings are more hazardous because of require the addition of a plant anchor. A plant anchor storms and less favorable soil temperatures. Actual dates consists of ¼” steel re-bar bent into a hook (candy-cane are influenced by location. Late Spring plantings are shape) and pushed down into the soil so that the hook lays preferred. across the root-ball, pinning it to the ground. Anchors are generally about 30” in overall length and will add to the Site Suitability: A high percentage of plantings made on cost of the planting. However, anchors are generally tidal shorelines fail due to shoreline conditions, storms, etc. necessary at unusually problematic sites to prevent plants Most shoreline conditions can be identified and their from washing out. likelihood of contributing to success or failure estimated. They are shown in Table 3.9. When planting bare-root plugs, holes need only be approximately 3” in diameter and deep enough to cover the While the procedure outline in Table 3.9 has been tested roots. Any style of tool that will punch a hole this size such against actual plantings, there is no guarantee the outcome as a dibble bar will work. Cupping the roots of the plug in of the planting will be as the guideline suggests. For hand and pushing down into the mud carefully will also instance, unexpected storms could completely eliminate the work in more fluid soils. There are no plant anchors for value of these guidelines and destroy the planting. plugs, and in practice, plugs should not be used at any site where wave energy is a factor. Management of Established Plantings: Plantings should be monitored frequently each year. Plants destroyed or : There is no clear consensus on the washed out should be replanted as quickly as possible. All Fertilization effectiveness of fertilizer when used in saturated and/or debris washed onto the plantings should be immediately anaerobic soils. However, the additional cost of fertilizer is removed to prevent smothering the plants. a small investment given the overall cost involved in vegetative restoration. Sources: Smooth and saltmeadow cordgrasses are available commercially. Because commercial sources are subject to Slow-release fertilizer tablets are commercially available in change, contact your local USDA Natural Resources a range of weights and analyses. Recommended tablet Conservation Service office for sources closest to you. weight should be between 15 and 25 grams and have a ‘Bayshore’ smooth cordgrass, ‘Avalon’ saltmeadow nitrogen content of not less than 15% and not more than cordgrass, and ‘Atlantic’ coastal panicgrass are 30%. When using tablets with trade-gallon plants, push the recommended varieties for Long Island. tablet into the top 3” of the root-ball immediately prior to or immediately after planting the transplant. The resulting New York Standards and Specifications Page 3.46 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control References 1. Sharp, W. C., C. R. Belcher and J. Oyler. Not dated. “Vegetation For Tidal Stabilization in the Mid-Atlantic States.” USDA Soil Conservation Service, Northeast Regional Technical Center, Broomall, PA. 2. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2002. The PLANTS Database, Version 3.5. (http://plants.usda.gov). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490. USA. August 2005 Page 3.47 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank SECTION 4 BIOTECHNICAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONTENTS Page List of Figures Introduction……..……….……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.1 Principles of Biotechnical Slope Protection…………………………………………………………………………… 4.1 Planning Considerations………………………..…………………………………………………………………….. 4.2 Plant Materials…………………..…………………………………...………………………………………………. 4.3 Live Fascines……………………………………..…………………………………………………………………… 4.5 Brush Mattress………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.7 Live Stakes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.9 Brush Layer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.13 Live Cribwall………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4.15 Tree Revetment………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.17 Branchpacking…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.19 Fiber Roll………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.21 References Section prepared by: Donald W. Lake Jr., P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ Engineering Specialist New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee And John A. Dickerson, Plant Materials Specialist USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Syracuse, NY List of Figures Figure Title Page 4.1 Vegetated Rock Gabion Details…………………………………………………………………… 4.4 4.2 Live Fascine Details.………………………………………………….…………………………… 4.6 4.3 Brush Mattress Details..………………..………………………………..………………………… 4.8 4.4 Live Stake Details……………………..…………………………………………………………… 4.10 4.4A Live Stake Construction Specification……………………………………………………………. 4.11 4.5 Brush Layer Details……………………………………………………………………………….. 4.14 4.6 Live Cribwall Details……………………………………………………………………………… 4.16 4.7 Tree Revetment Details...…………………………………………………………………………. 4.18 4.8 Branchpacking Details…………………………………………………………………………….. 4.20 4.9 Fiber Roll Details…………………………………………………………………………………. 4.22 BIOTECHNICAL SLOPE PROTECTION MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL experience erosion on streambanks or sloughs on roadside Introduction slopes that could be controlled with biotechnical protection measures. The low cost and ease of installation is very Biotechnical slope protection is the specialized use of attractive to units of government and highway departments woody plant materials to stabilize soil. As noted in Section looking to maximize their budget dollars. 1, one of the factors that affects erosion is vegetative cover. The more cover soil has, the more protected it is from the Principles of Biotechnical Slope Protection attacking forces of rainfall and runoff. Also working to hold the soil in place is the root mass that vegetation produces. Biotechnical measures generally combine basic Generally a biotechnical slope protection system consists of engineering principles with plant science to create a system both a structural or mechanical element and vegetative of stability for critical areas such as streambanks or elements working together to stabilize a site-specific roadside slopes. These systems may combine structural condition. Structural components are employed to allow measures, such as those detailed in Section 5, with woody establishment of vegetative elements, while at the same plants and shrubs to effect a strengthening of the soil time providing a level of protection for stability. The structure and improved vegetative cover to resist surface vegetative components are not just landscaping plantings erosion. for a structural project; they also perform a functional role in preventing erosion by protecting the surface, while also There are many advantages to biotechnical slope protection stabilizing soil by preventing shallow mass movements. measures: Woody plant materials (usually dormant shrub willow • they are often less expensive to install branches) are placed into the soil in ways that provide an • they do not require specialized skills to install immediate degree of stability to the slope. As the branches • generally, heavy equipment is not required take root and grow, the slope becomes more and more • they are environmentally compatible resistant to failure by shallow mass movements due to: • they provide a natural aesthestic appearance • they provide wildlife habitat and cover 1. Mechanical reinforcement from the root system, • they can be self repairing during and after stress • they use natural/native materials 2. Soil moisture depletion through transpiration and interception, and On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to these measures: 3. Buttressing and soil arching action from embedded stems. • higher risk due to less control with vegetation compared to structural practices The vegetation also tends to prevent surficial (surface or • require higher maintenance attention rainfall) erosion by: • need an establishment period • more sensitive to seasonal changes 1. Binding and restraining soil particles in place, Biotechnical slope protection is actually an old technology. 2. Filtering soil particles from runoff, These techniques have been practiced for centuries in Europe. The Natural Resource Conservation Service used 3. Intercepting raindrops, and promoted this technology in the 1940’s in Vermont on the Winooski River and also in New York on Buffalo 4. Retarding velocity of runoff, and Creek, where plant materials (willows) were used in combination with rock riprap, concrete slabs, pinned rock, 5. Maintaining infiltration. and cellular modules to halt streambank erosion. As the stability improves, native vegetation will volunteer, These biotechnical approaches are being “rediscovered” helping to blend the site into the surroundings. primarily due to their cost effectiveness over more traditional structural measures and for their environmental compatiblity, aesthetics, and wildlife benefits. There are many areas in towns and counties in New York that August 2005 Page 4.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control There are many techniques used in biotechnical work. velocity, capturing sediment, and enhancing conditions for Some of the most common are: colonization of native species. See Figure 4.7. Vegetated Rock Gabions—This is a combination of Branchpacking—This technique alternates live branch vegetation and rock gabions generally used for slope cuttings with tamped backfill to repair small, localized stabilization. Live branch cuttings are layered through the slumps and holes in slopes. The alternating layers of rock gabion structure to anchor in select earthfill. The branches and soil are placed between long posts driven in to cuttings protrude beyond the face of the gabion. The gabion the ground for support. This method is inappropriate for standard is covered in the “standard specifications for areas larger than 4-feet deep or 6-feet wide. See Figure 4.8. retaining walls” in Section 5B. See Figure 4.1 for vegetative details. Fiber Roll—A fiber roll is a coconut fiber, straw, or excelsior woven roll encased in netting of jute, nylon, or burlap used to dissipate energy along bodies of water and Live Fascines—This technique uses bundles of branches which are staked into shallow trenches, then filled with soil. provide a good medium for the introduction of herbaceous They are oriented along the contour and are placed in vegetation. This technique works best where water levels multiple rows to help stabilize a slope. See Standard and are relatively constant. The roll is anchored into the bank Specifications for Live Fascines. and, after suitable backfill is placed behind the roll, herbaceous or woody vegetation can be planted. See Figure Brush Mattress—This method uses hardwood brush 4.9. layered along a streambank as a mattress and anchored in place with a grid of stakes and wire. The toe below the Properly designed structural measures may be necessary to waterline is anchored by rock. This living blanket acts as a help protect the toe or face of a slope against scour or mulch for seedlings and plantings established in the bank. erosion from moving water and against mass-moving of It also prevents erosion of sloped surfaces. See Standards soil. These structures are generally capable of resisting and Specifications for Brush Mattress. much higher lateral earth pressures and higher shear values than vegetation. They can be natural, such as fieldstone, Live Staking—These are large stakes or poles sharpened at rock and timbers; or, they can be artificial like concrete and the bottom end and forced vertically into the soft earth steel. Some structural measures can be a combination like along the waterline, usually about 1 foot apart. Depending gabions, which are wire baskets containing stone. Gabions on the size of the poles and the composition of the can be used as retaining walls, grade stabilization structures streambank, machinery may be required to force them into and slope protection. Many of these types of structures can the ground or to prepare holes for planting. The poles will be planted or vegetated with materials to strengthen the grow forming a very thick barrier to flow. See Figure 4.4 system. See Figure 4.1. and Figure 4.4A. Planning Considerations Brush Layering—This technique is generally used to stabilize slope areas above the flow line of streambanks as There are many facets that need to be considered when well as cut and fill slopes. It involves the use of long designing a biotechnical system for a site: branches that are placed with cut ends into the slope on bulldozed terraces. The tops protrude outside the finished Method – What is the appropriate method for the particular slope. A layer usually includes three layers of brush problem encountered? separated with a thin (3 in.) layer of soil. On this layer a “lift” of 3-5 feet of soil is placed to form the next terrace Materials – What type should be selected? How much is and so forth. See Figure 4.5. needed to do the job? Where can they be obtained? Live Cribwall—This is a combination of vegetation and Schedule – When is the best time to maximize the structural elements generally used along streams where successful rooting or germination of materials? flowing water is a hazard. Layers of logs are alternated with long branches protruding out between them. The logs Equipment – Since this process is somewhat labor are spiked together and anchored into the bank with earthfill intensive, it is necessary to make sure the proper type and behind them to create a wall. The live stems help tie the amount of tools, such as shovels, pick axe, tile spade, logs together and screen the wall. See Figure 4.6. hammers, etc. are available for proper installation of material. Tree Revetment—This method incorporates entire trees (without the root wad) for bank stabilization in areas that Site characteristics – The need for engineering structures are eroded or undercut, but not flashy or in need of heavy will depend on potential hazards, management of site water, maintenance. Trees are overlapped and anchored to the soil conditions, and site access. Aesthetics and follow-up earth for the purpose of absorbing energy and reducing New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control maintenance are also important considerations. Protection slope protection techniques employ them more than any from livestock is mandatory. other group of plants. Two of the tested, proven willow cultivars in the Northeast are: Streambanks – Generally applicable where flows are less • ‘Streamco’ purpleosier willow () Salix purpurea than 6 feet per second and the stream bottom is not subject to degradation and scour. Protection should be carried to • ‘Bankers’ dwarf willow ( – hybrid) Salix cottetii the average high water elevation. ‘Streamco’ and ‘Bankers’ willow are both shrubs. ‘Streamco’ has an ultimate height of 15-20 feet, while ‘Bankers’ is limited to 6-8 feet. Commercial and state Plant Materials nurseries in the Northeast are producing supplies of both Plant materials for biotechnical slope protection may be species. obtained in two basic ways. One method is to locate stands of appropriate species and obtain easements to harvest In addition to willows, redosier dogwood and poplars are materials from these stands for incorporation into the other groups of plants effective for use in biotechnical project. Criteria for selecting native species are: easy systems. Species such as elderberry or forsythia can also be rooting; long, straight, flexible whips; and plentiful supply used to add biodiversity to a site. near the site. All plant materials should be installed on site within 8 hours A second method is to grow and harvest materials from of cutting, unless provisions for proper storage are made. managed production beds that are maintained for Materials should be fresh, dormant, and non-desiccated commercial distribution. This allows selection of cultivars when installed. that have proven performance records and high survival rates. The most popular materials in use today are the shrub willows. Willows have a tremendous ability to sprout roots and stems when in contact with moist soil. Willows are found growing in all parts of the world, so biotechnical August 2005 Page 4.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.1 Vegetated Rock Gabions New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIVE FASCINES Slope Contour Interval 1:1 3’ 1.5:1 3’ 2:1 4’ 2.5:1 4’ 3:1 5’ 3.5:1 5’ 4:1 6’ 6:1 8’ See Figure 4.2 for details. Definition Construction Specifications The placement of groups or bundles of twigs, whips, or branches in shallow trenches, on the contour, on either cut 1. Fascines shall be 4 inches minimum in diameter. or fill slopes. 2. Prior to placing the fascines, the slope shall be smoothed Purpose and graded with obstructions removed. Any structural measures for revetment, drainage, or surface water To stabilize slopes by slowing water movement down the management will be installed first. slope, increasing infiltration, trapping slope sediments, and increasing soil stability with root systems. 3. Working from the bottom of the slope to the top, excavate the fascine trench. Place fascines in trench and Conditions Where Practice Applies anchor with stakes spaced at 24 inches. Cover fascines with soil leaving about 10% exposed to view. Fascines On sloping areas such as road cuts, slumped areas, road shall be overlapped 12 inches minimum in the trench. fills, gullies, and streambanks subject to erosion, seepage, or weathering, which have a low to medium hazard 4. Soil shall be worked into the fascine and compacted by potential should slope failure occur. Slopes must be 1:1 or walking on the fascine being covered. flatter. 5. All disturbed areas should be seeded upon completion of Design Criteria fascine placement. Materials—Shall be a native or nursery grown cultivar that Maintenance is capable of performing the intended function. Regular inspection and maintenance of fascine installations Fascines—Shall be made by forming the bundles 8-15 feet should be conducted especially during the first year of long, 4 inches minimum in diameter, from stems no more establishment. Loose stakes should be reset and settled fill than 1 inch in diameter. areas should be brought back to grade. Prompt corrections Overlap—Fascines should be overlapped at the tapered to gullies, sloughs or other evident problems shall be made. ends a minimum of 1-foot. Vertical Spacing—The spacing of the contours for the fascines is dependent on the degree of erosion or potential erosion at the site. Factors include slope steepness, soil type, drainage, and existing ground cover. The following is a general guide to selecting contour interval: August 2005 Page 4.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.2 Live Fascine New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BRUSH MATTRESS Slope—The maximum slope shall be 1.5:1. Anchoring—The mattress shall be anchored on the slope by a grid of 3-foot stakes driven on 3-foot centers each way. No. 9 wire is then wound between the stakes, which are driven to secure the mattress. The upstream edge of the mattress should be keyed into the bank 2 feet. Materials—The plant materials should be willow and dogwood brush placed as shown in Figure 4.3. Construction Specifications 1. Prepare slope surface by grading to a uniform, smooth surface, clear of obstruction. Slopes should be graded Definition before the brush mattress is installed. A mulch or mattress of brush laid on a slope and fastened 2. The fascine toe should be installed first. Then lay down with stakes and wire. brush beginning at the downstream end of the work. Purpose 3. The butt end of the brush will be placed upstream and plant materials inclined approximately 30 degrees. To protect the soil surface on slopes from erosive forces through the generation of a dense stand of woody 4. The upstream edge of the mattress will be keyed into vegetation. the slope 2 feet. Stakes will be driven throughout the mattress on 3-foot centers each way beginning along Conditions Where Practice Applies the toe of the mattress. Brush mattresses are used primarily on streambanks where 5. No. 9 wire will be attached to the stakes and tightened the velocity is less than 6 feet per second and excessive to secure the mattress. runoff from streamflow has created erosive conditions. This practice can resist temporary inundation, but not scour 6. Slope areas above the mattress will be shaped and or undercutting. seeded. Design Criteria Maintenance Layer Thickness—The brush shall be a minimum of 3 inches thick (excluding top soil layer). Scheduled inspections the first year are necessary to make sure the anchoring system is sound. Broken wire or missing Height—The mattress shall be placed up the bank to the stakes shall be replaced immediately. Any missing toe bankfull elevation. The toe of the mattress should be material missing shall be replaced. located in a fascine trench. August 2005 Page 4.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.3 Brush Mattress New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIVE STAKES 4. Materials harvested on site shall be installed the same day they are prepared. Nursery grown material shall be maintained in a moist condition until installed. 5. Installation Details a. The lengths of live cuttings/live stakes depends upon the application. If through riprap, the length shall extend through the surface of the stone fill. At least half the length shall be inserted into the soil, below the stone fill. b. Minimum 2 to 4 inches and two live buds of the live stake shall be exposed above the stone filling. Definition c. Live stakes shall be cut to a point on the basal end for insertion in the ground. A stake or pole fashioned from live woody material. d. Use a dead blow hammer to drive stakes into the Purpose ground. The hammer head should be filled with shot or sand. A dibble, iron bar, or similar tool shall be To create a living root mat that stabilizes the soil by used to make a pilot hole to prevent damaging the reinforcing and binding soil particles together and by material during installation. contributing to the reduction of excess soil moisture. e. Live cuttings shall be inserted by hand into pilot holes. Conditions Where Practice Applies f. When possible, tamp soil around live stakes. Live stakes are an appropriate technique for repair of small earth slips and slumps that are frequently wet and for g. Care shall be taken not to damage the live stakes stabilizing raw streambanks. This technique is for during installation. Those damaged at the top during relatively uncomplicated site conditions when construction installation shall be trimmed back to undamaged time is limited and an inexpensive vegetative method for condition. stabilization is derived. It is not intended where structural integrity is required nor to resist large, lateral earth Maintenance pressures. Due to the susceptibility of plant materials to the physical Design Criteria constraints of the site, climate conditions, and animal 1. Live stakes shall be 1 - 2 inches in diameter and 2-6 feet populations, it is necessary to inspect installations long, depending on site application. frequently. This is especially important during the first year or two of establishment. Plant materials missing or 2. No leaf buds shall have initiated growth beyond 1/4” and damaged should be replaced as soon as possible. Sloughs the cambium layer shall be moist, green and healthy. or breaks in drainage pattern should be reestablished for the site as quickly as possible to maintain stability. 3. All material shall be maintained in a continuously cool, covered, and moist state prior to use and be in good condition when installed. August 2005 Page 4.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.4 Live Stake New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.4A Live Stake Construction Specifications CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN NOT TO DAMAGE THE LIVE CUTTINGS/LIVE STAKES DURING INSTALLATION. THOSE DAMAGED SHALL BE LEFT IN PLACE AND SUPPLEMENTED WITH AN INTACT LIVE CUTTING/LIVE STAKE. 2. THE LENGTHS OF LIVE CUTTINGS/LIVE STAKES DEPENDS UON THE APPLICATION. THE LENGTH SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THE SURFACE OF THE STONE FILL. AT LEAST HALF THE LENGTH SHALL BE INSERTED INTO THE SOIL, BELOW THE STONE FILL. 3. A PILOT HOLE IS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THAT THE LIVE CUTTING/LIVE STAKE IS NOT DAMAGED WHEN DRIVEN THROUGH THE STONE FILLING. ACCESS SHALL BE MADE THROUGH THE USE OF A DIBBLE BAR, OR SIMILAR TOOL TO WORK AN OPENING THROUGH THE ROCK LAYER. 4. MINIMUM 2” TO 4” AND TWO LIVE BUDS OF THE LIVE CUTTING/LIVE STAKE SHALL BE EXPOSED ABOVE THE STONE FILLING. 5. LIVE CUTTINGS SHALL RANGE FROM 1/2” TO 1” IN DIAMETER AND BE FROM 1’ TO 4’ IN LENGTH. 6. LIVE STAKES SHALL RANGE FROM 1” TO 4” IN DIAMETER AND BE FROM 5’ TO 6’ IN LENGTH. 7. SEE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR SPECIES, SIZE, SPACING, LOCATION, AND FINAL DETERMINATION ON USE OF CUTTINGS OR STAKES. 8. LIVE CUTTINGS/LIVE STAKES SHALL BE CUT TO A POINT ON THE BASAL END FOR INSERTION IN THE GROUND. 9. USE A DEAD BLOW HAMMER TO DRIVE STAKES INTO THE GROUND. THE HAMMER HEAD SHOULD BE FILLED WITH SHOT OR SAND. A DIBBLE, IRON BAR, OR SIMILAR TOOL SHALL BE USED TO MAKE A PILOT HOLE TO PREVENT DAMAGING THE MATERIAL DURING INSTALLATION. 10. LIVE CUTTINGS SHALL BE INSERTED BY HAND INTO PILOT HOLES. 11. WHEN POSSIBLE, TAMP SOIL AROUND LIVE CUTTINGS/LIVE STAKES. 12. ANY LIVE CUTTING/LIVE STAKE THAT IS DAMAGED SHALL BE LEFT IN PLACE AND SUPPLE- MENTED WITH AN INTACT LIVE CUTTING/LIVE STAKE. August 2005 Page 4.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BRUSH LAYER Brush layer cuttings shall be 1/2 to 2 inches in diameter and be from dormant plants. No leaf buds shall have initiated growth beyond 1/4" and the cambium layer shall be moist, green, and healthy. The cuttings shall be long enough to contact the back of the bench with the growing tips protruding out of the slope face. Care shall be taken not to severely damage the live branch cuttings during installation. Damaged cuttings will be replaced prior to backfilling. Starting at the toe of the slope, excavate benches along the contour of the slope. The benches shall range from 2 to 3 feet wide and the surface of the bench shall be angled so the front edge is higher than the back of the bench (See Figure Definition 4.5). The benches shall be spaced according to the previous table, Slope Distance Between Layers (ft). A brush layer is a horizontal row of live branch cuttings placed in soil with other similar rows, spaced a specific Live branch cuttings shall be placed on the bench in a vertical distance apart. crisscross or overlapping configuration in layers 3 - 4 inches thick. Backfill shall be placed on top of the live Purpose branch cuttings and tamped in 6 inch lifts. Small plate compactors may be used to settle the soil. Areas between To stabilize cut and fill slope areas by reinforcing the soil the rows of brush layers shall be stabilized by seeding or with unrooted branch stems, trap debris on slope, dry other appropriate erosion control method. excessively wet sites, and redirect adverse slope seepage by acting as horizontal drains. Maintenance Conditions Where Practice Applies Due to the susceptibility of plant materials to the physical constraints of the site, climate conditions, and animal Generally applicable to stabilize slope areas above the flow populations, it is necessary to inspect installations line of streambanks as well as cut and fill slopes. Brush frequently. This is especially important during the first year layers can be used on slopes up to 2:1 in steepness and 20 or two of establishment. Plant materials missing or feet in height. damaged should be replaced as soon as possible. Sloughs or breaks in drainage pattern should be reestablished for the Design Criteria site as quickly as possible to maintain stability. The spacing requirements for brush layer rows is dependent on the slope steepness and moisture content. Spacing shall conform with the following table. Slope Distance Between Layers (feet) SlopeWet Dry Max Slope H : V SlopeSlopeLength 2 to 2.5:1 3’3’15’ 2.5 to 3.5:1 3’4’15’ 3.5 to 4.0:1 4’5’25’ August 2005 Page 4.13 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.5 Brush Layer New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.14 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIVE CRIBWALL 4. Only untreated logs or timber shall be used in the cribwall. 5. Installation begins with excavating to a stable foundation 2’ - 3’ below the ground elevation at the toe of slope with the back of the excavation (to the slope) slightly deeper than the front. 6. The first course of logs is placed along the front and back of the excavated foundation approximately 4-5 feet apart and parallel to the slope contour. 7. The next course is placed at right angles on top of the previous course to overhang the front and back of the previous logs by 3-6 inches. Definition 8. Each course is placed in the same manner and fastened A hollow box-like structure made with an interlocking to the preceding course to the desired grade. arrangement of untreated logs or timber members spiked together and anchored into the slope. The structure is filled 9. Stone fill is placed in the bottom of the structure up to with suitable earthfill materials and layers of live branch the ground level and up to the base flow in a stream cuttings which root inside the structure and extend into the channel. slope. Purpose 10. Once the cribwall structure reaches the existing ground elevation, live branch cuttings are placed on the stone To protect exposed or eroded streambanks from the erosive fill parallel with the slope contour. forces of flowing water and stabilize the toe of slope to reduce steepness. 11. The cuttings are then covered with select clean fill with a maximum size of 3 inches and not more than 20 Conditions Where Practice Applies percent passing a 200 sieve size. Generally applicable where flows are less than 6 feet per 12. The live branch cuttings shall be placed at each course second and no degradation of the streambed occurs. Can followed by the select fill to the top of the structure reduce steepness and provide stability where space is with the growing tips slightly protruding from the limited and a vertical structure is needed. It is not intended cribwall face. to be used where the integrity of a road or structure is dependant on the cribwall since it is not designed to resist 13. The plant materials shall be kept in a healthy growing large lateral earth pressures. condition by watering. Also see maintenance below. Design Criteria Maintenance 1. The vegetated cribwall structure shall be designed to a Due to the susceptibility of plant materials to the physical height for its intended purpose. constraints of the site, climate conditions, and animal populations, it is necessary to inspect installations 2. Live branch cuttings should be 1/2 to 2 inches in frequently. This is especially important during the first year diameter and long enough to reach from the front of the or two of establishment. Plant materials missing or structure to the undisturbed soil. damaged should be replaced as soon as possible. Sloughs or breaks in drainage pattern should be reestablished for the 3. The structure will be built with a batter of 1 to 12. Large site as quickly as possible to maintain stability. spikes or rebar are required to secure the logs or timbers together (10 inches minimum). August 2005 Page 4.15 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.6 Live Cribwall New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.16 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TREE REVETMENT Design Criteria 1. Trees shall be sound, recently felled spruce or fir of 6" or greater diameter and at least 20 feet in length. 2. Trees are placed initially at the base flow elevation with the butt end upstream. Multiple tree revetments shall be overlapped by 25% of their length, working from downstream to upstream. 3. Each tree shall have their branches trimmed off on the bank side and have two anchors, one near the butt end and the other at 3/4 distance up the trunk. 4. The tree shall be fastened with galvanized cable to the Definition anchors, which will be commercially manufactured earth anchoring systems. The butt end cable shall also be A tree revetment consists of a tree trunk and branches, attached to the stem of the next tree at 3/4 the distance without root wad, cabled to an earth anchor, which is buried from the base, as it is placed to the outside of the in the streambank. previous tree. Purpose 5. Excavate and backfill as necessary to fit the tree revetment to the site. To reduce streambank erosion by absorbing energy and reducing velocity, capturing sediment, and enhancing Maintenance conditions for planting or colonization of native species. Due to the susceptibility of plant materials to the physical Conditions Where Practice Applies constraints of the site, climate conditions, and animal populations, it is necessary to inspect installations This practice is appropriate for streambanks that are eroded frequently. This is especially important during the first year or undercut. It should not be used near bridges or other or two of establishment. Plant materials missing or structures where there is a potential for downstream damage damaged should be replaced as soon as possible. Sloughs if a revetment dislodges. Their use should be limited to or breaks in drainage pattern should be reestablished for the non-flashy streams where the needs for future maintenance site as quickly as possible to maintain stability. are not important. August 2005 Page 4.17 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.7 Tree Revetment New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.18 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BRANCHPACKING Design Criteria 1. The live branch cuttings shall be 1/2 - 2 inches in diameter and long enough to touch the undisturbed soil at the back of the area to be repaired. They should extend 4 - 6 inches beyond the finished backfill grade. 2. Wooden posts should be used to secure the plant material in place. They should be 6 - 8 feet long and 3 - 4 inches in diameter. If lumber is used, it shall be a minimum standard two by four. 3. Wooden posts shall be driven vertically 3 feet deep and placed in a grid pattern 1 - 2 feet apart. Definition 4. Beginning at the bottom of the slip area, 4 - 6 inch layers of live branch cuttings are placed in angled layers, 1.5 to Branchpacking consists of alternate layers of live branch 3 feet apart. Compacted moist soil is placed between the cuttings and tamped backfill to repair small, localized layers (see Figure 4.8). slumps and holes in slopes. Maintenance Purpose Due to the susceptibility of plant materials to the physical The purpose of branchpacking is to provide repair to constraints of the site, climate conditions, and animal existing slopes that have small slips or slumps by filling in populations, it is necessary to inspect installations the failed area with plant materials and soil. frequently. This is especially important during the first year or two of establishment. Plant materials missing or Conditions Where Practice Applies damaged should be replaced as soon as possible. Sloughs or breaks in drainage pattern should be reestablished for the This is an appropriate technique for repairing slip areas that site as quickly as possible to maintain stability. do not exceed 4 feet deep or 6 feet wide. It should not be used as a slope stability measure if structural embankment support is needed. August 2005 Page 4.19 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.8 Branchpacking New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.20 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIBER ROLL Design Criteria 1. The roll is placed in a shallow trench dug below baseflow or in a 4 inch trench on the slope contour and anchored by 2” x 2”, 3-foot long posts driven on each side of the roll (see Figure 4.9). 2. The roll is contained by a 9-gauge non-galvanized wire placed over the roll from post to post. Braided nylon rope (1/8" thick) may be used. 3. The anchor posts shall be spaced laterally 4 feet on center on both sides of the roll, staggered, and driven down to the top of the roll. Definition 4. Soil is placed behind the roll and planted with suitable herbaceous or woody vegetation. If the roll will be A fiber roll is a coir (coconut fiber), straw, or excelsior continuously saturated, wetland plants may be planted woven roll encased in netting of jute, nylon, or burlap. into voids created in the upper surface of the roll. Purpose 5. Where water levels may fall below the bottom edge of the roll, a brush layer of willow should be installed so as To dissipate energy along streambanks, channels, and to lay across the top edge of the roll. bodies of water and reduce sheet flow on slopes. Maintenance Conditions Where Practice Applies Due to the susceptibility of plant materials to the physical Fiber rolls are used where the water surface levels are constraints of the site, climate conditions, and animal relatively constant. Artificially controlled streams for populations, it is necessary to inspect installations hydropower are not good candidates for this technique. The frequently. This is especially important during the first year rolls provide a good medium for the introduction of or two of establishment. Plant materials missing or herbaceous vegetation. Planting in the fiber roll is damaged should be replaced as soon as possible. Sloughs appropriate where the roll will remain continuously wet. or breaks in drainage pattern should be reestablished for the site as quickly as possible to maintain stability. August 2005 Page 4.21 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 4.9 Fiber Roll New York Standards and Specifications Page 4.22 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control References 1. Gray, Donald H. and A.T. Leiser. 1982. Biotechnical Slope Protection and Erosion Control. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. New York. 2. Dickerson, John A. and D.W. Lake, Jr. 1989. ASAE Paper No. 892 654. Cost Effective Biotechnical Slope Protection Trials in New York. 3. Dickerson, John A. and M. Van der Grinten. 1991. ICEA paper Biotechnical Slope Protection Systems on Dry Soils in the Northeast United States. 4. Dickerson, et. al. 1990. ICEA paper. Obtaining Plant Materials for Biotechnical Work. August 2005 Page 4.23 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank SECTION 5 STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONTENTS Page General Introduction…….……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5.1 Standard Symbols…..…….…………………………………………………………………………………………... 5.3 Section 5A……….…………………………………………………………………….. Structural Measures—Temporary Section 5B……….…………………………………………………………………….. Structural Measures—Permanent References Section prepared by: Donald W. Lake Jr., P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ Engineering Specialist New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL minimize the amount of sediment that is produced. In General general, it is advantageous to clear only as much area as is necessary to accommodate construction needs. Grade and Uncontrolled runoff and excess erosion often occurs in stabilize large sites in stages whenever possible. Limiting urban developments, particularly during the construction the amount of disturbed area limits the amount of sediment stage. This erosion forms rills and gullies; washes out that is generated, thus decreasing the amount of roads; scours cut and fill areas; fills road ditches, storm maintenance required on sediment control measures. drains, and streams; and does other damage that is costly to the developers and damaging to land and water users below. Sediment generated during the construction of cut and fill Careful inclusion of proven conservation practices in the slopes can also be minimized through design and grading development plan can prevent or alleviate much of this techniques. When designing either a cut or fill slope, damage and should be a part of every development plan. factors to consider include slope length and steepness, soil type, and upslope drainage area. In general, it is important These practices will usually be a combination of vegetative to leave soil surfaces on disturbed slopes in a roughened and structural measures. They may be temporary and serve condition and to construct a water diversion practice at the only during the construction stage or they may be top of slopes. Rough soil surfaces do not erode as readily permanent in nature and become a part of the completed as smooth soil surfaces. development. Permanent structural practices should be installed as early as possible in the construction stage. This Although design and grading techniques can reduce soil section deals with the more common structural measures erosion, they cannot eliminate it entirely. Therefore, that may be used. Adequate designs, plans, and practices must be installed to prevent offsite sedimentation. specification should be prepared for the measures to be used. A number of measures and specifications are Even though the specific conditions of each site determine included throughout this section. The designer shall what measures are necessary to control erosion and determine those elements to be installed to control erosion sedimentation, some general principles apply to the (Section 2) and follow the criteria included in these selection and placement of sediment control measures. standards and specifications. 1. Prevent clean water from becoming turbid, by Introduction diverting runoff from upslope areas away from disturbed areas. Earth dikes, temporary swales, Structural erosion and sediment control practices have been perimeter dike/swales, or diversions that outlet in classified as either temporary or permanent, according to stable areas can be used in this capacity. how they are used. Temporary structural practices are used during construction to prevent offsite sedimentation. The 2. Remove sediment from turbid water before the water length of time that temporary practices are functional varies leaves the site. The method of sediment removal from project to project, since the sediment control strategy depends upon how the water drains from the site. may change as construction activity progresses. Permanent Concentrated flow must be diverted to a trapping structural practices are used to convey surface water runoff device so that suspended sediment can be deposited. to a safe outlet. Permanent structural practices will remain Dikes or swales that outlet into traps or basins can in place and continue to function after the completion of accomplish this. A storm drain system may be used construction. to convey concentrated sediment laden water only if the system empties into a trap or basin. Otherwise, Regardless of whether the practices are temporary or all storm drain inlets must be protected so that permanent, runoff control measures should be the first items sediment laden water cannot enter the drainage constructed when grading begins, and be completely system before being treated to remove the sediment. functional before downslope land disturbance takes place. Earthen structures such as diversions, dikes, and swales 3. Surface runoff draining in sheet flow must be should be stabilized before being considered functional. controlled and treated before the water leaves the Only after the runoff control structures are operational and site. Straw bale dikes, silt fences, or vegetative sediment control measures are in place, should clearing and buffer strips can be used to treat sheet flow. grading on the rest of the construction site begin. While clearing and grading the site, it is important to August 2005 Page 5.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control All practices designed and implemented must be properly 3. Protect streams from chemicals, fuel, lubricants, maintained in order to remain functional. Sediment sewage, or other pollutants. accumulated in basins and traps must be removed and disposed of in a manner that stabilizes them on the 4. Avoid disposal of fill in floodplains or drainage ways. construction site. This reduces the capacity of these areas to pass flood flows. Other factors should be observed during construction in order to make erosion and sediment control measures more 5. Do not locate sanitary facilities over, or adjacent to, effective in pollution control. waterways, wells, or springs. These are: 6. Locate storage yards and stockpiles where erosion and sediment hazards are slight. Where this is not 1. Sprinkle or apply dust suppressors. Keep dust down possible, apply necessary erosion control practices. to a tolerable limit on construction sites and haul roads. 2. Use temporary bridges or culverts where fording of streams is objectionable. Avoid borrow areas where pollution from this operation is inevitable. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD SYMBOLS August 2005 Page 5.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD SYMBOLS (cont’d) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD SYMBOLS (cont’d) August 2005 Page 5.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD SYMBOLS (cont’d) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 5A TEMPORARY STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONTENTS Page Earth Dike.……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.1 Temporary Swale……….……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5A.3 Perimeter Dike/Swale…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.7 Temporary Storm Drain Diversion…….……………………………………………………………………………… 5A.9 Water Bar……………..………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.11 Level Spreader..……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5A.13 Pipe Slope Drain………………..……………………………………………………………………………………… 5A.15 Straw Bale Dike………...……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5A.17 Silt Fence………………………...…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5A.19 Check Dam…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5A.23 Rock Dam……………...………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.25 Storm Drain Inlet Protection…………..………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.27 Turbidity Curtain…………………...………………………………………………………………………………….. 5A.33 Sediment Trap………………………………………….………………………………………………………………. 5A.35 Portable Sediment Tank….……………………………………………………………………………….……………. 5A.47 Sediment Basin……………………………..………………………………………………………………………….. 5A.49 Stabilized Construction Entrance……………………………………...………………………………………………. 5A.75 Construction Road Stabilization…………………………………………………………………….………………… 5A.77 Temporary Access Waterway Crossing………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.79 Dust Control…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5A.87 Sump Pit………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.89 List of Figures Figure Title Page 5A.1 Earth Dike Details ……………………………………..…………………………………………… 5A.2 5A.2 Temporary Swale Details……………….………………..….……………………………………… 5A.5 5A.3 Perimeter Dike/Swale Details…………………………..…..………………………………………. 5A.8 5A.4 Water Bar Details…………………………………….…………………………………………….. 5A.12 5A.5 Level Spreader Details…………………………………………………………………………….. 5A.14 5A.6 Pipe Slope Drain………….………………………………………………………………………… 5A.16 5A.7 Straw Bale Dike Details………………………………..…………………………………………… 5A.18 5A.8 Silt Fence Details…………………………………………………………………………………… 5A.21 5A.9 Check Dam Details………………………………………………………...………………………. 5A.24 5A.10 Rock Dam Details……………………………………………...…………………………………… 5A.26 5A.11 Excavated Drop Inlet Protection Details..………………………………………………………….. 5A.29 5A.12 Filter Fabric Drop Inlet Protection Details…………………………………………………………. 5A.30 5A.13 Stone and Block Drop Inlet Protection Details……………………………………………………… 5A.31 5A.14 Curb Drop Inlet Protection Details……………………..…………………………………………… 5A.32 5A.15 Turbidity Curtain Details……………….…………………………………………………………… 5A.34 5A.16(1) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-I……………………………………………………………………. 5A.38 5A.16(2) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-I—Construction Specifications….………………………………… 5A.39 5A.17 Grass Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-II...……………………………………………………………….. 5A.40 5A.18 Catch Basin Sediment Trap: ST-III….…..…………………………………………………………. 5A.41 5A.19 Stone Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-IV…...……………….…………………………………………… 5A.42 5A.20(1) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-V.……………..………………………………………………… 5A.43 5A.20(2) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-V– Construction Specifications….…..…………………………. 5A.44 5A.21 Optional Sediment Trap Dewatering Devices……….……………………………………………… 5A.45 5A.22 Portable Sediment Tank…………………………………………………………………………….. 5A.48 5A.23 Sediment Basin Details……………..………………………………………………………………. 5A.57 5A.24(1) Sediment Basin Design Example 1…….…………………………………………………………… 5A.58 5A.24(2) Sediment Basin Design Example 2……………………….………………………………………… 5A.59 5A.25 Riser Inflow Chart……………………..…………………………………………………………… 5A.60 5A.26 Pipe Flow Chart for “n” = 0.025………………………...…………………………………………. 5A.61 5A.27 Pipe Flow Chart for “n” = 0.013…………………….……………………………………………… 5A.62 5A.28 Optional Sediment Basin Dewatering Devices…………………………………………………….. 5A.63 5A.29(1) Concentric Trash Rack and Anti-Vortex Device……………………………………………………. 5A.64 5A.29(2) Concentric Trash Rack and Anti-Vortex Device—Design Table…………………………………… 5A.65 5A.30 Riser Base Details…………………………………………………………………………………… 5A.66 5A.31(1) Anti-Seep Collar Design………………..…………………………………………………………… 5A.67 5A.31(2) Anti-Seep Collar Design Charts………………………….…………………………………………. 5A.68 5A.32 Anti-Seep Collar Design Details…………………….……………………………………………… 5A.69 5A.33(1) Design Data for Earth Spillways …………………………………………………………………… 5A.70 5A.33(2) Design Table for Vegetated Spillways Excavated in Erosion Resistant Soils.……………………. 5A.71 5A.33(3) Design Table for Vegetated Spillways Excavated in Very Erodible Soils………………………… 5A.72 5A.34 Sediment Basin Baffle Details…………………………………………………………………….. 5A.74 5A.35 Stabilized Construction Entrance Details..…………………………………………………………. 5A.76 5A.36 Temporary Access Bridge..………………………………………………………………………… 5A.84 5A.37 Temporary Access Culvert…………………………….…………………………………………… 5A.85 5A.38 Temporary Access Ford………………..…………………………………………………………… 5A.86 5A.39 Sump Pit Details……………………………………………………………………………………. 5A.90 STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EARTH DIKE For drainage areas larger than 10 acres, refer to the Standard and Specifications for Diversion on page 5B.1. Stabilization Stabilization of the dike shall be completed within 7 days of installation in accordance with the standard and specifications for seed and straw mulch or straw mulch only if not in seeding season and flow channel shall be stabilized as per the following criteria: Type of Channel Flow Channel 1 Treatment Grade A (<5 Ac.) B (5-10 Ac) 1 0.5-3.0% Seed & Straw Seed & Straw Mulch Mulch Definition 2 3.1-5.0% Seed & Straw Seed and cover A temporary berm or ridge of compacted soil, located in Mulch with RECP, such a manner as to channel water to a desired location. sod, or lined with plastic or Purpose 2 in. stone The purpose of an earth dike is to direct runoff to a 3 5.1-8.0% Seed and cover Line with 4-8 sediment trapping device, thereby reducing the potential for with RECP, in. stone or, erosion and off site sedimentation. Earth dikes can also be Sod, or Recycled used for diverting clean water away from disturbed areas. line with Concrete 2 plastic or Equivalent Conditions Where Practice Applies 2 in. stone or geotextile Earth dikes are often constructed across disturbed areas and 4 8.1-20% Line with Site Specific around construction sites such as graded parking lots and 4-8 in. stone Engineering subdivisions. The dikes shall remain in place until the or Recycled Design disturbed areas are permanently stabilized. Concrete 2 Equivalent Design Criteria or geotextile See Figure 5A.1 on page 5A.2 for details. 1 In highly erodible soils, as defined by the local approving agency, refer to the next higher slope grade for type of stabilization. 2 Recycled Concrete Equivalent shall be concrete broken into the required General size, and shall contain no steel reinforcement. Dike A Dike B Outlet Drainage Area <5 Ac 5-10 Ac Dike Height 18 in. 36 in. Earth dikes shall have an outlet that functions with a minimum of erosion. Dike Width 24 in. 36 in. Flow Width 4 ft. 6 ft. Runoff shall be conveyed to a sediment trapping device until the drainage area above the dike is adequately Flow Depth in Channel 8 in. 15 in. stabilized. Side Slopes 2:1 or flatter 2:1 or flatter The on-site location may need to be adjusted to meet field Grade 0.5% Min. 0.5% Min. conditions in order to utilize the most suitable outlet. 20% Max. 20% Max. August 2005 Page 5A.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.1 Earth Dike 72 î New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY SWALE Swale A Swale B Drainage Area <5 Ac 5-10 Ac Bottom Width of Flow Channel 4 ft 6 ft Depth of Flow Channel 1 ft 1 ft Side Slopes 2:1 or flatter 2:1 or flatter Grade 0.5% Min. 0.5% Min. 20% Max. 20% Max. For drainage areas larger than 10 acres, refer to the Standard and Specification for Waterways on page 5B.11. Stabilization Definition Stabilization of the swale shall be completed within 7 days of installation in accordance with the appropriate standard and specifications for vegetative stabilization or A temporary excavated drainage way. stabilization with mulch as determined by the time of year. The flow channel shall be stabilized as per the following Purpose criteria: The purpose of a temporary swale is to prevent runoff from Type of Channel Flow Channel entering disturbed areas by intercepting and diverting it to a 1 Treatment Grade A (<5 Ac.) B (5-10 Ac) stabilized outlet or to intercept sediment laden water and divert it to a sediment trapping device. 1 0.5-3.0% Seed & Straw Seed & Straw Mulch Mulch Conditions Where Practice Applies 2 3.1-5.0% Seed & Straw Seed and cover Temporary swales are constructed: Mulch with RECP, Sod, or lined 1. to divert flows from entering a disturbed area. with plastic or 2 in. stone 2. intermittently across disturbed areas to shorten overland flow distances. 3 5.1-8.0% Seed and cover Line with 4-8 with RECP, in. or stone or 3. to direct sediment laden water along the base of Sod, or line Recycled slopes to a trapping device. with plastic Concrete 2 or 2 in. stone Equivalent 4. to transport offsite flows across disturbed areas such or geotextile as rights-of-way. 4 8.1-20% Line with Site Specific Swales collecting runoff from disturbed areas shall remain 4-8 in. stone Engineering in place until the disturbed areas are permanently stabilized. or Recycled Design Concrete Design Criteria 2 Equivalent or geotextile See Figure 5A.2 on page 5A.5 for details. 1 In highly erodible soils, as defined by the local approving agency, refer to the next higher slope grade for type of stabilization. 2 Recycled Concrete Equivalent shall be concrete broken into the required size, and shall contain no steel reinforcement. August 2005 Page 5A.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Outlet Swale shall have an outlet that functions with a minimum of erosion, and dissipates runoff velocity prior to discharge off the site. Runoff shall be conveyed to a sediment trapping device such as a sediment trap or sediment basin until the drainage area above the swale is adequately stabilized. The on-site location may need to be adjusted to meet field conditions in order to utilize the most suitable outlet condition. If a swale is used to divert clean water flows from entering a disturbed area, a sediment trapping device may not be needed. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.2 Temporary Swale August 2005 Page 5A.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PERIMETER DIKE/SWALE Drainage area – Less than 2 acres (for drainage areas larger than 2 acres but less than 10 acres, see earth dike or temporary swale; for drainage areas larger than 10 acres, see standard and specifications for diversion). Height – 18 inches minimum from bottom of swale to top of dike evenly divided between dike height and swale depth. Bottom width of dike – 2 feet minimum. Width of swale – 2 feet minimum. Grade – Dependent upon topography, but shall have positive drainage (sufficient grade to drain) to an Definition adequate outlet. Maximum allowable grade not to exceed 8 percent. A temporary ridge of soil excavated from an adjoining Stabilization – The disturbed area of the dike and swale swale located along the perimeter of the site or disturbed shall be stabilized within 7 days of installation, in area. accordance with the standard and specifications for temporary swales. Purpose Outlet The purpose of a perimeter dike/swale is to prevent off site storm runoff from entering a disturbed area and to prevent 1. Perimeter dike/swale shall have a stabilized outlet. sediment laden storm runoff from leaving the construction site or disturbed area. 2. Diverted runoff from a protected or stabilized upland area shall outlet directly onto an undisturbed Conditions Where Practice Applies stabilized area. Perimeter dike/swale is constructed to divert flows from 3. Diverted runoff from a disturbed or exposed upland entering a disturbed area, or along tops of slopes to prevent area shall be conveyed to a sediment trapping device flows from eroding the slope, or along base of slopes to such as a sediment trap, sediment basin, or to an area direct sediment laden flows to a trapping device. protected by any of these practices. The perimeter dike/swale shall remain in place until the 4. The on-site location may need to be adjusted to disturbed areas are permanently stabilized. meet field conditions in order to utilize the most suitable outlet. Design Criteria See Figure 5A.3 on page 5A.8 for details. The perimeter dike/swale shall not be constructed outside the property lines without obtaining legal easements from affected adjacent property owners. A design is not required for perimeter dike/swale. The following criteria shall be used: August 2005 Page 5A.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.3 Perimeter Dike/Swale New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY STORM DRAIN DIVERSION storm flow from the stub to a sediment trap or basin. This method may be used just above a permanent outfall or prior to connecting into an existing storm drain system. 3. Delay completion of the permanent storm drain outfall and temporarily divert storm flow into a sediment basin or trap. Earth dike, swale or design diversion is used, depending on the drainage area, to direct flow into a sediment basin or trap. The basin or trap should be constructed to one side of the proposed permanent storm drain location whenever possible. 4. Installation of a stormwater management basin early in the construction sequence. Install temporary Definition measures to allow use as a sediment basin. Since these structures are designed to receive storm drain outfalls, diversion should not be necessary. The redirection of a storm drain line or outfall channel so that it may temporarily discharge into a sediment trapping device. Completion and Disposition When the areas contributing sediment to the system have Purpose been stabilized, procedures can be taken to restore the system to its planned use. To prevent sediment laden water from entering a watercourse, public or private property through a storm The following removal and restoration procedure is drain system, or to temporarily provide underground recommended: conveyance of sediment laden water to a sediment trapping device. 1. Flush the storm drain system to remove any accumulated sediment. Conditions Where Practice Applies 2. Remove the sediment control devices, such as traps, One of the following practices or procedures shall be used basins, dikes, swales, etc. whenever the off-site drainage area is less than 50 percent of the on-site drainage area to that system. A special 3. For sites where an inlet was modified, brick shut the exception may be given, at the discretion of the local plan temporary pipe stub and open the permanent outfall approval agency, where site conditions make this procedure pipe. impossible. 4. Establish permanent stabilized outfall channel as Method of Temporary Diversion noted on the plans. 1. Construction of a sediment trap or basin below a 5. Restore the area to grades shown on the plan and permanent storm drain outfall. Temporarily diverts stabilize with vegetative measures. storm flow into the basin or trap constructed below permanent outfall channel. 6. For basins that will be converted to stormwater management, remove the accumulated sediment, open 2. In-line diversion of storm drain at an inlet or the low flow orifice, and seed all disturbed areas to manhole, achieved by installing a pipe stub in the side permanent vegetation. of a manhole or inlet and temporarily blocking the permanent outfall pipe from that structure. A temporary outfall ditch or pipe may be used to convey August 2005 Page 5A.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER BAR Design Criteria Design computations are not required. 1. The design height shall be minimum of 12 inches measured from channel bottom to ridge top. 2. The side slopes shall be 2:1 or flatter, a minimum of 4:1 where vehicles cross. 3. The base width of the ridge shall be six feet minimum. 4. The spacing of the water bars shall be as follows: Slope (%) Spacing (ft) Definition <5 125 5 TO 10 100 A ridge or ridge and channel constructed diagonally across 10 TO 20 75 a sloping road or utility right-of-way that is subject to 20 TO 35 50 erosion. >35 25 Purpose 5. The positive grade of the water bar shall not exceed 2%. A crossing angle of approximately 60 degrees is preferred. To limit the accumulation of erosive velocity of water by diverting surface runoff at pre-designed intervals. 6. Once diverted, water must be conveyed to a stable system (i.e. vegetated swale or storm sewer system). Conditions Where Practice Applies Water bars should have stable outlets, either natural or constructed. Site spacing may need to be adjusted for Where runoff protection is needed to prevent erosion on field conditions to use the most suitable areas for water sloping access right-of-ways or either long, narrow sloping disposal. areas generally less than 100 feet in width. See Figure 5A.4 for details. August 2005 Page 5A.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.4 Water Bar New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LEVEL SPREADER Design Criteria The design capacity shall be determined by estimating the peak flow from the 10-year storm. The drainage area shall be restricted to limit the maximum flows into the spreader to 30 cfs. The level spreader shall have the following minimum dimension: Minimum End Design Flow Entrance Depth Width Length (cfs) Width (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) (ft.) 0-10 10 0.5 3 10 10-20 16 0.6 3 20 20-30 24 0.7 3 30 Definition A transition section 20 feet in length shall be constructed A temporary non-erosive outlet for concentrated runoff, from the width of the diversion or channel to the width of constructed to disperse flow uniformly across a slope. the spreader to ensure uniform outflow. This last transition section will blend the diversion grade to zero grade at the Purpose beginning of the spreader. Construct the level lip in undisturbed soil to a uniform To convert concentrated flow to sheet flow and release it height and zeros grade over the length of the spreader. uniformly over a stabilized area. Protect the lip with an erosion resistant material or mat to prevent erosion and allow vegetation to become established. Conditions Where Practice Applies The outlet area should be a generally smooth, well- Where sediment-free storm runoff can be released in sheet vegetated areas no steeper than 10 percent. flow down a stabilized slope without causing erosion; where a level lip can be constructed without filling; where See Figure 5A.5 on page 5A.14 for details. the area below the level lip is uniform with a slope of 10% or less and the runoff will not re-concentrate after release; and where no traffic will be allowed over spreader. August 2005 Page 5A.13 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.5 Level Spreader New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.14 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PIPE SLOPE DRAIN Outlet The pipe slope drain shall outlet into a sediment trapping device when the drainage area is disturbed. A riprap apron shall be installed below the pipe outlet where water is being discharged into a stabilized area. Construction Specifications 1. The pipe slope drain shall have a slope of 3 percent or steeper. 2. The top of the earth dike over the inlet pipe, and those dikes carrying water to the pipe, shall be at least one (1) foot higher at all points than the top of the inlet Definition pipe. 3. Corrugated plastic pipe or equivalent shall be used with A temporary structure placed from the top of a slope to the watertight connecting bands. bottom of a slope. 4. A flared end section shall be attached to the inlet end of Purpose pipe with a watertight connection. The purpose of the structure is to convey surface runoff 5. The soil around and under the pipe and end section shall down slopes without causing erosion. be hand tamped in 4 in. lifts to the top of the earth dike. Conditions Where Practice Applies 6. Where flexible tubing is used, it shall be the same diameter as the inlet pipe and shall be constructed of a durable material with hold down grommets spaced 10 ft. Pipe slope drains are used where concentrated flow of on centers. surface runoff must be conveyed down a slope in order to prevent erosion. The maximum allowable drainage area 7. The flexible tubing shall be securely fastened to the shall be 3.5 acres. corrugated plastic pipe with metal strapping or watertight connecting collars. Design Criteria 8. The flexible tubing shall be securely anchored to the See Figures 5A.6 on page 5A.16 for details. slope by staking at the grommets provided. General 9. Where a pipe slope drain outlets into a sediment trapping Maximum device, it shall discharge at the riser crest or weir Pipe/Tubing Drainage elevation. Size Diameter (in.) Area (Ac) 10. A riprap apron shall be used below the pipe outlet PSD-12 12 0.5 where clean water is being discharged into a stabilized PSD-18 18 1.5 area. See Figure 7A.6. PSD-21 21 2.5 PSD-24 24 3.5 11. Inspection and any needed maintenance shall be performed after each storm. Inlet The minimum height of the earth dike at the entrance to the pipe slope drain shall be the diameter of the pipe (D) plus 12 inches. August 2005 Page 5A.15 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.6 Pipe Slope Drain New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.16 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRAW BALE DIKE 2. There is no concentration of water in a channel or other drainage way above the barrier. 3. Erosion would occur in the form of sheet erosion. 4. Length of slope above the straw bale dike does not exceed these limits. Constructed Percent Slope Length Slope Slope (ft.) 2:1 50 25 3:1 33 50 4:1 25 75 Where slope gradient changes through the drainage area, steepness refers to the steepest slope section contributing to Definition the straw bale dike. A temporary barrier of straw, or similar material, used to The practice may also be used for a single family lot if the intercept sediment laden runoff from small drainage areas slope is less than 15 percent. The contributing drainage of disturbed soil. areas in this instance shall be less than one quarter of an acre per 100 feet of fence and the length of slope above the Purpose dike shall be less than 200 feet. The purpose of a bale dike is to reduce runoff velocity and Design Criteria effect deposition of the transported sediment load. Straw bale dikes have an estimated design life of three (3) months. The above table is adequate, in general, for a one-inch rainfall event. Larger storms could cause failure of this Conditions Where Practice Applies practice. Use of this practice in sensitive areas for longer than one month should be specifically designed to store The straw bale dike is used where: expected runoff. All bales shall be placed on the contour with cut edge of bale adhering to the ground. See Figure 1. No other practice is feasible. 5A.7 on page 5A.18 or details. August 2005 Page 5A.17 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.7 Straw Bale Dike New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.18 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SILT FENCE 2. Maximum drainage area for overland flow to a silt fence shall not exceed ¼ acre per 100 feet of fence, with maximum ponding depth of 1.5 feet behind the fence; and 3. Erosion would occur in the form of sheet erosion; and 4. There is no concentration of water flowing to the barrier. Design Criteria Design computations are not required for installations of 1 month or less. Longer installation periods should be Definition designed for expected runoff. All silt fences shall be placed as close to the areas as possible, but at least 10 feet from the A temporary barrier of geotextile fabric installed on the toe of a slope to allow for maintenance and roll down. The contours across a slope used to intercept sediment laden area beyond the fence must be undisturbed or stabilized. runoff from small drainage areas of disturbed soil. Sensitive areas to be protected by silt fence may need to be Purpose reinforced by using heavy wire fencing for added support to prevent collapse. The purpose of a silt fence is to reduce runoff velocity and Where ends of filter cloth come together, they shall be effect deposition of transported sediment load. Limits overlapped, folded and stapled to prevent sediment bypass. imposed by ultraviolet stability of the fabric will dictate the A detail of the silt fence shall be shown on the plan. maximum period the silt fence may be used (approximately one year). See Figure 5A.8 on page 5A.21 for details. Criteria for Silt Fence Materials Conditions Where Practice Applies 1. Silt Fence Fabric: The fabric shall meet the A silt fence may be used subject to the following following specifications unless otherwise approved by conditions: the appropriate erosion and sediment control plan approval authority. Such approval shall not constitute statewide acceptance. 1. Maximum allowable slope lengths contributing runoff to a silt fence placed on a slope are: Minimum Slope Maximum Acceptable Steepness Length (ft.) Fabric Properties Value Test Method 2:1 25 3:1 50 Grab Tensile 4:1 75 Strength (lbs) 90 ASTM D1682 5:1 or flatter 100 Elongation at Failure (%) 50 ASTM D1682 August 2005 Page 5A.19 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Mullen Burst Strength (PSI) 190 ASTM D3786 Puncture Strength (lbs) 40 ASTM D751 (modified) Slurry Flow Rate (gal/min/sf) 0.3 Equivalent Opening Size 40-80 US Std Sieve CW-02215 Ultraviolet Radiation Stability (%) 90 ASTM G-26 2. Fence Posts (for fabricated units): The length shall be a minimum of 36 inches long. Wood posts will be of sound quality hardwood with a minimum cross sectional area of 3.0 square inches. Steel posts will be standard T and U section weighing not less than 1.00 pound per linear foot. 3. Wire Fence (for fabricated units): Wire fencing shall be a minimum 14 gage with a maximum 6 in. mesh opening, or as approved. 4. Prefabricated Units: Envirofence, Geofab, or approved equal, may be used in lieu of the above method providing the unit is installed per details shown in Figure 5A.8. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.20 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.8 Silt Fence August 2005 Page 5A.21 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.22 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHECK DAM elevation of the toe of the upstream dam. This spacing is equal to the height of the check dam divided by the channel slope. Therefore: S = h/s Where: S = spacing interval (ft.) h = height of check dam (ft.) s = channel slope (ft./ft.) Example: For a channel with a 4% slope and 2 ft. high stone check Definition dams, they are spaced as follows: Small barriers or dams constructed of stone, bagged sand or S = 2 ft. = 50 ft. gravel, or other durable material across a drainage way. .04 ft/ft. Purpose Stone size: Use a well graded stone matrix 2 to 9 inches in size (NYS – DOT Light Stone Fill meets these To reduce erosion in a drainage channel by restricting the requirements). velocity of flow in the channel. The overflow of the check dams will be stabilized to resist Condition Where Practice Applies erosion that might be caused by the check dam. See Figure 5A.9 on page 5A.24 for details. This practice is used as a temporary or emergency measure to limit erosion by reducing velocities in small open Check dams should be anchored in the channel by a cutoff channels that are degrading or subject to erosion and where trench 1.5 ft. wide and 0.5 ft. deep and lined with filter permanent stabilization is impractical due to short period of fabric to prevent soil migration. usefulness and time constraints of construction. Maintenance Design Criteria The check dams should be inspected after each runoff Drainage Area: Maximum drainage area above the check event. Correct all damage immediately. If significant dam shall not exceed two (2) acres. erosion has occurred between structures, a liner of stone or other suitable material should be installed in that portion of Height: Not greater than 2 feet. Center shall be maintained the channel. 9 inches lower than abutments at natural ground elevation. Remove sediment accumulated behind the dam as needed to Side Slopes: Shall be 2:1 or flatter. allow channel to drain through the stone check dam and prevent large flows from carrying sediment over the dam. Spacing: The check dams shall be spaced as necessary in Replace stones as needed to maintain the design cross the channel so that the crest of the downstream dam is at the section of the structures. August 2005 Page 5A.23 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.9 Check Dam New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.24 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROCK DAM Dam Section: Top Width 5 feet minimum @ crest Side Slopes 2:1 upstream slope 3:1 downstream slope Height 6’ max to spillway crest Length of Crest: The crest length should be designed to carry the 10 yr. peak runoff with a flow depth of 1 foot and 1 foot of freeboard. Rock at the abutments should extend at least 2 feet above the spillway and be at least 2 feet thick. These rock abutments should extend at least one foot above the downstream slope to prevent abutment scour. A rock apron at least 1.5 feet thick should extend downstream from the Definition toe of the dam a distance equal to the height of the dam to protect the outlet area from scour. A rock embankment located to capture sediment. Rock Fill: The rock fill should be well graded, hard, erosion resistant stone with a minimum d size of 9 inches. Purpose 50 A “key trench” lined with geotextile filter fabric should be installed in the soil foundation under the rock fill. The filter To retain sediment on the construction site and prevent fabric must extend from the key trench to the downstream sedimentation in off site water bodies. edge of the apron and abutments to prevent soil movement and piping under the dam. Conditions Where Practice Applies The upstream face of the dam should be covered with a fine The rock dam may be used instead of the standard sediment gravel (NYS-DOT #1 washed stone or equal) a minimum 3 basin with barrel and riser. The rock dam is preferred when feet thick to reduce the drainage rate. it is difficult to construct a stable, earthen embankment and rock materials are readily available. The site should be Trapping Efficiency: To obtain maximum trapping accessible for periodic sediment removal. This rock dam efficiency, design for a long detention period. Usually a should not be located in a perennial stream. The top of the minimum of eight (8) hours before the basin is completely dam will serve as the overflow outlet. The inside of the drained. Maximize the length of travel of sediment laden dam will be faced with smaller stone to reduce the rate of water from the inlet to the drain. Achieve a surface area seepage so a sediment pool forms during runoff events. equal to 0.01 acres per cfs (inflow) based on the 10-year storm. Design Criteria See Figure 5A.10 on page 5A.26 for details. Drainage Area: The drainage area for this off stream Maintenance structure is limited to 50 acres. Check the basin area after each rainfall event. Remove Location: The location of the dam should: sediment and restore original volume when sediment - provide a large area to trap sediment accumulates to one-half the design volume. Check the - intercept runoff from disturbed areas structure for erosion, piping, and rock displacement after - be accessible to remove sediment each significant event and replace immediately. -not interfere with construction activities Remove the structure and any sediment immediately after the construction area has been permanently stabilized. All Storage Volume: The storage volume behind the dam water should be removed from the basin prior to the shall be at least 3,600 cubic feet per acre of drainage area to removal of the rock dam. Sediment should be placed in the dam. This volume is measured one foot below the crest of the dam. designated disposal areas and not allowed to flow into streams or drainage ways during structure removal. August 2005 Page 5A.25 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.10 Rock Dam New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.26 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION Design Criteria Drainage Area – The drainage area for storm drain inlets shall not exceed one acre. The crest elevations of these practices shall provide storage and minimize bypass flow. Type I – Excavated Drop Inlet Protection See details for Excavated Drop Inlet Protection in Figure 5A.11 on page 5A.29. Limit the drainage area to the inlet device to 1 acre. Excavated side slopes shall be no steeper than 2:1. The minimum depth shall be 1 foot and the maximum depth 2 feet as measured from the crest of the inlet structure. Shape Definition the excavated basin to fit conditions with the longest dimension oriented toward the longest inflow area to A temporary, somewhat permeable barrier, installed around provide maximum trap efficiency. The capacity of the inlets in the form of a fence, berm or excavation around an excavated basin should be established to contain 900 cubic opening, trapping water and thereby reducing the sediment feet per acre of disturbed area. Weep holes, protected by content of sediment laden water by settling. fabric and stone, should be provided for draining the temporary pool. Purpose Inspect and clean the excavated basin after every storm. To prevent heavily sediment laden water from entering a Sediment should be removed when 50 percent of the storm drain system through inlets. storage volume is achieved This material should be incorporated into the site in a stabilized manner. Conditions Where Practice Applies Type II – Fabric Drop Inlet Protection This practice shall be used where the drainage area to an See Figure 5A.12 for details on Filter Fabric Drop Inlet inlet is disturbed, it is not possible to temporarily divert the Protection on page 5A.30. storm drain outfall into a trapping device, and watertight blocking of inlets is not advisable. It is not to be used in Limit the drainage area to 1 acre per inlet device. Land area place of sediment trapping devices. This may be used in slope immediately surrounding this device should not conjunction with storm drain diversion to help prevent exceed 1 percent. The maximum height of the fabric above siltation of pipes installed with low slope angle. the inlet crest shall not exceed 1.5 feet unless reinforced. Types of Storm Drain Inlet Practices The top of the barrier should be maintained to allow overflow to drop into the drop inlet and not bypass the inlet There are four (4) specific types of storm drain inlet to unprotected lower areas. Support stakes for fabric shall protection practices that vary according to their function, be a minimum of 3 feet long, spaced a maximum 3 feet location, drainage area, and availability of materials: apart. They should be driven close to the inlet so any overflow drops into the inlet and not on the unprotected I. Excavated Drop Inlet Protection soil. Improved performance and sediment storage volume II. Fabric Drop Inlet Protection can be obtained by excavating the area. III. Stone & Block Drop Inlet Protection IV. Curb Drop Inlet Protection Inspect the fabric barrier after each rain event and make repairs as needed. Remove sediment from the pool area as August 2005 Page 5A.27 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control necessary with care not to undercut or damage the filter A level area 1 foot wide and four inches below the crest will fabric. Upon stabilization of the drainage area, remove all further prevent wash. Stone on the slope toward the inlet materials and unstable sediment and dispose of properly. should be at least 3 inches in size for stability and 1 inch or Bring the adjacent area of the drop inlet to grade, smooth smaller away from the inlet to control flow rate. The and compact and stabilize in the appropriate manner to the elevation of the top of the stone crest must be maintained 6 site.inches lower than the ground elevation down slope from the inlet to ensure that all storm flows pass over the stone into If straw bales are used in lieu of filter fabric, they should be the storm drain and not past the structure. Temporary placed tight with the cut edge adhering to the ground at diking should be used as necessary to prevent bypass flow. least 3 inches below the elevation of the drop inlet. Two anchor stakes per bale shall be driven flush to bale surface. The barrier should be inspected after each rain event and Straw bales will be replaced every 4 months until the area is repairs made where needed. Remove sediment as necessary stabilized. to provide for accurate storage volume for subsequent rains. Upon stabilization of contributing drainage area, remove all materials and any unstable soil and dispose of properly. Type III – Stone and Block Drop Inlet Protection See Figure 5A.13for details on Stone and Block Drop Inlet Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, smooth, compact Protection on page 5A.31. and stabilized in a manner appropriate to the site. Limit the drainage area to 1 acre at the drop inlet. The Type IV – Curb Drop Inlet Protection stone barrier should have a minimum height of 1 foot and a maximum height of 2 feet. Do not use mortar. The height See Figure 5A. 14 for details on Curb Drop Inlet Protection should be limited to prevent excess ponding and bypass on page 5A.32. flow. The drainage area should be limited to 1 acre at the drop Recess the first course of blocks at least 2 inches below the inlet. The wire mesh must be of sufficient strength to crest opening of the storm drain for lateral support. support the filter fabric and stone with the water fully Subsequent courses can be supported laterally if needed by impounded against it. Stone is to be 2 inches in size and placing a 2x4 inch wood stud through the block openings clean. The filter fabric must be of a type approved for this perpendicular to the course. The bottom row should have a purpose with an equivalent opening size (EOS) of 40-85. few blocks oriented so flow can drain through the block to The protective structure will be constructed to extend dewater the basin area. beyond the inlet 2 feet in both directions. Assure that storm flow does not bypass the inlet by installing temporary dikes The stone should be placed just below the top of the blocks (such as sand bags) directing flow into the inlet. Make sure on slopes of 2:1 or flatter. Place hardware cloth of wire that the overflow weir is stable. Traffic safety shall be mesh with ½ inch openings over all block openings to hold integrated with the use of this practice. stone in place. The structure should be inspected after every storm event. As an optional design, the concrete blocks may be omitted Any sediment should be removed and disposed of on the and the entire structure constructed of stone, ringing the site. Any stone missing should be replaced. Check outlet (“doughnut”). The stone should be kept at a 3:1 slope materials for proper anchorage and secure as necessary. toward the inlet to keep it from being washed into the inlet. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.28 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.11 Excavated Drop Inlet Protection August 2005 Page 5A.29 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.12 Filter Fabric Drop Inlet Protection New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.30 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.13 Stone & Block Drop Inlet Protection August 2005 Page 5A.31 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.14 Curb Drop Inlet Protection New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.32 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TURBIDITY CURTAIN possible but not so close as to be disturbed by applicable construction equipment. The height of the curtain shall be 20 percent greater than the depth of the water to allow for water level fluctuations. The area that the turbidity curtain protects shall not contain large culverts or drainage areas that if flows occur behind the curtain would cause a breach or lost contact at the bottom surface. If water depths at the design alignment are minimal, the toe can be anchored in place by staking. See Figure 5A.15 on page 5A.34. Construction Specifications Definition The area of proposed installation of the curtain shall be inspected for obstacles and impediments that could damage A flexible, impenetrable barrier used to trap sediment in the curtain or impair its effectiveness to retain sediment. water bodies. This curtain is weighted at the bottom to All materials shall be removed so they cannot enter the achieve closure while supported at the top through a waterbody. Shallow installations can be made by securing flotation system. the curtain by staking rather than using a flotation system. Supplemental anchors of the turbidity curtain toe shall be Purpose used, as needed, depending on water surface disturbances such as boats and wave action by winds. To prevent the migration of silt from a work site in a water environment into the larger body of water. Maintenance Condition Where Practice Applies The turbidity curtain shall be inspected daily and repaired or replaced immediately. It is not normally necessary to remove sediment deposited behind the curtain; but, when A turbidity curtain is generally used when construction necessary, removal is usually done by hand prior to removal activity occurs within a waterbody or along its shoreline of the barrier. All removed silt is stabilized away from the and is of short duration, generally less than one month. waterbody. The barrier shall be removed by carefully Curtains are used in calm water surfaces. Turbidity pulling it toward the construction site to minimize the curtains are not to be used across flowing watercourses. release of attached sediment. Any floating construction or natural debris shall be immediately removed to prevent Design Criteria damage to the curtain. If the curtain is oriented in a manner that faces the prevailing winds, frequent checks of the The turbidity curtain shall be located beyond the lateral anchorage shall be made. limits of the construction site and firmly anchored in place. The alignment should be set as close to the work area as August 2005 Page 5A.33 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.15 Turbidity Curtain New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.34 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEDIMENT TRAP prior to grading or filling in the drainage area they are to protect. Traps must not be located any closer than 20 feet from a proposed building foundation if the trap is to function during building construction. Locate traps to obtain maximum storage benefit from the terrain and for ease of cleanout and disposal of the trapped sediment. Trap Size The volume of a sediment trap as measured at the elevation of the crest of the outlet shall be at least 3,600 cubic feet per acre of drainage area. The volume of a constructed trap shall be calculated using standard mathematical procedures. The volume of a natural sediment trap may be approximated by the equation: Volume (cu.ft.) = 0.4 x Definition surface area (sq.ft.) x maximum depth (ft.). A temporary sediment control device formed by excavation Trap Cleanout and/or embankment to intercept sediment laden runoff and Sediment shall be removed and the trap restored to the retain the sediment. original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to Purpose ½ of the design depth of the trap. Sediment removed from the trap shall be deposited in a protected area and in such a The purpose of the structure is to intercept sediment-laden manner that it will not erode. runoff and trap the sediment in order to protect drainage Embankment ways, properties, and rights-of-way below the sediment trap from sedimentation. All embankments for sediment traps shall not exceed five (5) feet in height as measured at the low point of the Conditions Where Practice Applies original ground along the centerline of the embankment. Embankments shall have a minimum four (4) foot wide top A sediment trap is usually installed in a drainage way, at a and side slopes of 2:1 or flatter. The embankment shall be storm drain inlet, or other points of collection from a compacted by traversing with equipment while it is being disturbed area. constructed. The embankment shall be stabilized with seed and mulch as soon as it is completed Sediment traps should be used to artificially break up the natural drainage area into smaller sections where a larger The elevation of the top of any dike directing water to any device (sediment basin) would be less effective. sediment trap will equal or exceed the maximum height of the outlet structure along the entire length of the trap. Design Criteria Excavation If any of the design criteria presented here cannot be met, see Standard and Specification for Sediment Basin on page All excavation operations shall be carried out in such a 5A.49. manner that erosion and water pollution shall be minimal. Excavated portions of sediment traps shall have 1:1 or Drainage Area flatter slopes. The drainage area for sediment traps shall be in accordance Outlet with the specific type of sediment trap used (Type I through V). The outlet shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in such a manner that sediment does not leave the trap and that Location erosion at or below the outlet does not occur. Sediment traps shall be located so that they can be installed August 2005 Page 5A.35 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Sediment traps must outlet onto stabilized (preferable connecting band at the top and bottom of the cloth. The undisturbed) ground, into a watercourse, stabilized channel, cloth shall cover an area at least six (6) inches above the or into a storm drain system. Distance between inlet and highest hole and six (6) inches below the lowest hole. The outlet should be maximized to the longest length top of the riser pipe shall not be covered with filter cloth. practicable.The riser shall have a base with sufficient weight to prevent flotation of the riser. Two approved bases are: Trap Details Needed on Erosion and Sediment 1. A concrete base 12 in. thick with the riser embedded Control Plans 9 in. into the concrete base, or Each trap shall be delineated on the plans in such a manner 2. One quarter inch, minimum, thick steel plate that it will not be confused with any other features. Each attached to the riser by a continuous weld around trap on a plan shall indicate all the information necessary to the circumference of the riser to form a watertight properly construct and maintain the structure. If the connection. The plate shall have 2.5 feet of stone, drawings are such that this information cannot be delineated gravel, or earth placed on it to prevent flotation. In on the drawings, then a table shall be developed. If a table either case, each side of the square base is developed, then each trap on a plan shall have a number measurement shall be the riser diameter plus 24 and the numbers shall be consecutive. inches. The following information shall be shown for each trap in a Pipe outlet sediment traps shall be limited to a five (5) acre summary table format on the plans. maximum drainage area. Pipe outlet sediment traps may 1. Trap number be interchangeable in the field with stone outlet or riprap 2. Type of trap sediment traps provided that these sediment traps are 3. Drainage area constructed in accordance with the detail and specifications 4. Storage required for that trap. 5. Storage provided (if applicable) Select pipe diameter from the following table: 6. Outlet length or pipe sizes 7. Storage depth below outlet or cleanout elevation Minimum Sizes 8. Embankment height and elevation (if applicable) Type of Sediment Traps Barrel Riser Maximum 11 DiameterDiameterDrainage Area There are five (5) specific types of sediment traps which (in.)(in.)(ac.) vary according to their function, location, or drainage area. 12 15 1 I. Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap 15 18 2 II. Grass Outlet Sediment Trap 18 21 3 III. Catch Basin Sediment Trap IV. Stone Outlet Sediment Trap 21 24 4 V. Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap 21 27 5 I. Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap 1 Barrel diameter may be same size as riser diameter. A Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by See details for Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap ST-I in Figure embankment or excavation. The outlet for the trap is 5A.16 (1) and 5A.16 (2) on pages 5A.38 and 5A.39. through a perforated riser and a pipe through the embankment. The outlet pipe and riser shall be made of II. Grass Outlet Sediment Trap steel, corrugated metal or other suitable material. The top of the embankment shall be at least 1 ½ feet above the crest A Grass Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by of the riser. The top 2/3 of the riser shall be perforated with excavating the earth to create a holding area. The trap has a one (1) inch nominal diameter holes or slits spaced six (6) discharge point over natural existing grass. The outlet crest inches vertically and horizontally placed in the concave width (feet) shall be equal to four (4) times the drainage portion of the corrugated pipe. area (acres) with a minimum width of four (4) feet. The outlet shall be free of any restrictions to flow. The outlet lip No holes or slits will be allowed within six (6) inches of the must remain undisturbed and level. The volume of this trap top of the horizontal barrel. All pipe connections shall be shall be computed at the elevation of the crest of the outlet. watertight. The riser shall be wrapped with ½ to ¼ inch Grass outlet sediment traps shall be limited to a five (5) acre hardware cloth wire then wrapped with filter cloth with a maximum drainage area. sieve size between #40-80 and secured with strapping or New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.36 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control See details for Grass Outlet Sediment Trap ST-II in Figure shall be through a partially excavated channel lined with 5A.17 on page 5A.40. riprap. This outlet channel shall discharge onto a stabilized area or to a stable watercourse. The riprap outlet sediment III. Catch Basin Sediment Trap trap may be used for drainage areas of up to a maximum of 15 acres. A Catch Basin Sediment Trap consists of a basin formed by excavation on natural ground that discharges through an Design Criteria for Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap opening in a storm drain inlet structure. This opening can 1. The total contributing drainage area (disturbed or either be the inlet opening or a temporary opening made by undisturbed either on or off the developing property) omitting bricks or blocks in the inlet. shall not exceed 15 acres. A yard drain inlet or an inlet in the median strip of a dual 2. The storage needs for this trap shall be computed using highway could use the inlet opening for the type outlet. The 3600 cubic feet of required storage for each acre of trap should be out of the roadway so as not to interfere with drainage area. The storage volume provided can be future compaction or construction. Placing the trap on the figured by computing the volume of storage area opposite side of the opening and diverting water from the available behind the outlet structure up to an elevation roadway to the trap is one means of doing this. Catch basin of one (1) foot below the level weir crest. sediment traps shall be limited to a three (3) acre maximum 3. The maximum height of embankment shall not exceed drainage area. The volume of this trap is measured at the five (5) feet. elevation of the crest of the outlet (invert of the inlet opening). 4. The elevation of the top of any dike directing water to a riprap outlet sediment trap will equal or exceed the See details for Catch Basin Sediment Trap ST-III in Figure minimum elevation of the embankment along the entire 5A.18 on page 5A.41. length of this trap. IV. Stone Outlet Sediment Trap Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap ST-V (for Stone Lined Channel) A Stone Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by an embankment or excavation. The outlet of this trap is Contributing Depth of Length of over a stone section placed on level ground. The minimum Drainage Area Channel (a) Weir (b) length (feet) of the outlet shall be equal to four (4) times the (ac.) (ft.) (ft.) drainage area (acres). 1 1.5 4.0 Required storage shall be 3,600 cubic feet per acre of 2 1.5 5.0 drainage area. 3 1.5 6.0 4 1.5 10.0 The outlet crest (top of stone in weir section) shall be level, 5 1.5 12.0 at least one (1) foot below top of embankment and no more 6 1.5 14.0 than one (1) foot above ground beneath the outlet. Stone 7 1.5 16.0 used in the outlet shall be small riprap (4 in. x 8 in.). To 8 2.0 10.0 provide more efficient trapping effect, a layer of filter cloth 9 2.0 10.0 should be embedded one (1) foot back into the upstream 10 2.0 12.0 face of the outlet stone or a one (1) foot thick layer of two 11 2.0 14.0 (2) inch or finer aggregate shall be placed on the upstream 12 2.0 14.0 face of the outlet. 13 2.0 16.0 14 2.0 16.0 Stone Outlet Sediment Traps may be interchangeable in the 15 2.0 18.0 field with pipe or riprap outlet sediment traps provided they are constructed in accordance with the detail and See details for Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap ST-V on specifications for those traps. Stone outlet sediment traps Figures 5A.20(1) and 5A.20(2) on pages 5A.43 and 5A.44. shall be limited to a five (5) acre maximum drainage area. Optional Dewatering Methods See details for Stone Outlet Sediment Trap ST-IV in Figure Optional dewatering devices may be designed for use with 5A.19 on page 5A.42. sediment traps. Included are two methods, which may be used. See Figure 5A.21 on page 5A.45 for details. V. Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap A Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap consists of a trap formed by an excavation and embankment. The outlet for this trap August 2005 Page 5A.37 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.16(1) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-I New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.38 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.16(2) Pipe Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-I—Construction Specifications August 2005 Page 5A.39 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.17 Grass Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-II New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.40 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.18 Catch Basin Sediment Trap: ST-III August 2005 Page 5A.41 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.19 Stone Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-IV New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.42 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.20(1) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-V August 2005 Page 5A.43 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.202) Riprap Outlet Sediment Trap: ST-V—Construction Specifications New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.44 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.21 Optional Sediment Trap Dewatering Devices August 2005 Page 5A.45 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.46 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PORTABLE SEDIMENT TANK Conditions Where Practice Applies A sediment tank is to be used on sites where excavations are deep, and space is limited, such as urban construction, where direct discharge of sediment laden water to stream and storm drainage systems is to be avoided. Design Criteria Location The sediment tank shall be located for ease of clean-out and disposal of the trapped sediment, and to minimize the interference with construction activities and pedestrian traffic. Definition Tank Size A sediment tank is a compartmented tank container to which sediment laden water is pumped to trap and retain the The following formula should be used in determining the sediment. storage volume of the sediment tank; pump discharge (G.P.M.) x 16 = Cubic Foot Storage. Purpose An example of a typical sediment tank is shown on Figure To trap and retain sediment prior to pumping the water to 5A.22 on page 5A.48. Other container designs can be used drainageways, adjoining properties, and rights-of-way if the storage volume is adequate and approval is obtained below the sediment tank site. from the local approving agency. Commercially manufactured tanks are also available. August 2005 Page 5A.47 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.22 Portable Sediment Tank New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.48 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEDIMENT BASIN Class 1 2 Max. Drainage Area (acres) 100 100 1 Max. Height of Dam (ft.) 10 15 Min. Embankment Top Width 8 10 Embankment Side Slopes 2:1 or 2 ½:1 or Flatter Flatter Anti-Seep Control Required Yes Yes Definition 1 Height is measured from the low point of original ground at the downstream toe of the dam to the top of the dam. A temporary barrier or dam constructed across a drainage way or at other suitable locations to intercept sediment Purpose laden runoff and to trap and retain the sediment. The purpose of a sediment basin is to intercept sediment- Scope laden runoff and reduce the amount of sediment leaving the disturbed area in order to protect drainage ways, properties, This standard applies to the installation of temporary and rights-of-way below the sediment basin. sediment basins on sites where: (a) failure of the structure would not result in loss of life, damage to homes or Conditions Where Practice Applies buildings, or interruption of use or service of public roads or utilities; (b) the drainage area does not exceed 100 acres; A sediment basin is appropriate where physical site and (c) the basin is to be removed within 36 months after conditions or land ownership restrictions preclude the the beginning of construction of the basin. installation of other erosion control measures to adequately control runoff, erosion, and sedimentation. However, it is Permanent (to function more than 36 months) sediment strongly encouraged to use a basin in addition to other ESC basins, or temporary basins exceeding the classification measures if practicable. It may be used below construction requirements for class 1 and 2, or structures that temporarily operations which expose critical areas to soil erosion. The function as a sediment basin but are intended for use as a basin shall be maintained until the disturbed area is permanent pool shall be classified as permanent structures protected against erosion by permanent stabilization. and shall conform to criteria appropriate for permanent structures. These structures shall be designed and Design Criteria constructed to conform to NRCS Standard And Specification No. 378 for Ponds in the National Handbook Compliance with Laws and Regulations of Conservation Practices and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, "Guidelines Design and construction shall comply with state and local for the Design of Dams." The total volume of permanent laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including permits. sediment basins shall equal to or exceed the capacity requirements for temporary basins contained herein. Location Classification of Temporary Sediment Basins The sediment basin should be located to obtain the maximum storage benefit from the terrain and for ease of For the purpose of this standard, temporary sediment basins cleanout of the trapped sediment. It should be located to are classified as follows: minimize interference with construction activities and August 2005 Page 5A.49 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Spillway Design construction of utilities. Whenever possible, sediment basins should be located so that storm drains may outfall or Runoff shall be computed by the method outlined in: be diverted into the basin. Do not locate basins in Chapter 2, Estimating Runoff, Engineering Field Handbook perennial streams. available in the Natural Resources Conservation Service offices or, by TR-55, Urban Hydrology for Small Size and Shape of the Basin Watersheds.Runoff computations shall be based upon the worst soil cover conditions expected to prevail in the The minimum sediment storage volume of the basin, as contributing drainage area during the anticipated measured from the bottom of the basin to the elevation of effective life of the structure. The combined capacities of the crest of the principal spillway shall be at least 3,600 the principal and emergency spillway shall be sufficient to cubic feet per acre draining to the basin. This 3,600 cubic pass the peak rate of runoff from a ten-year frequency feet is equivalent to one inch of sediment per acre of drain- storm. age area. The entire drainage area is used for this computation, rather than the disturbed area above, to 1. Principal spillway: A spillway consisting of a vertical maximize trapping efficiency. The length to width ratio pipe or box type riser joined (watertight connection) to a shall be greater than 2:1, where length is the distance pipe (barrel) which shall extend through the embankment between the inlet and outlet. A wedge shape shall be used and outlet beyond the downstream toe of the fill. The with the inlet located at the narrow end. minimum capacity of the principal spillway shall be 0.2 cfs per acre of drainage area when the water surface is at the Surface Area emergency spillway crest elevation. For those basins with no emergency spillway, the principal spillway shall have Recent studies (Barfield and Clar 1985; Pitt, 2003) indicate the capacity to handle the peak flow from a ten-year that the following relationship between surface area and frequency rainfall event. The minimum size of the barrel peak inflow rate gives a trapping efficiency of 75% for silt shall be 8 inches in diameter. See Figures 5A.25, 5A.26, loam soils, and greater than 90% for loamy sand soils: and 5A.27 on pages 5A.60, 5A.61, and 5A.62 for principal spillway sizes and capacities. A = 0.01 Qp or, A = 0.015x D.A. (whichever is greater) A. Crest elevation: When used in combination where, with an emergency spillway, the crest elevation of the riser shall be a minimum one foot below the elevation of the A = the basin surface area, acres, measured at the service control section of the emergency spillway. spillway crest; and B. Watertight riser and barrel assembly: The riser Qp = the peak inflow rate for the design storm. and all pipe connections shall be completely watertight (The minimum design storm will be a 10 year, 24 hour except for the inlet opening at the top, or a dewatering storm under construction conditions). opening. There shall not have any other holes, leaks, rips, or perforations in the structure. D.A. = contributing drainage area. C. Dewatering the basin: The drawdown volume One half of the design sediment storage volume (67 cubic will be discharged over a 10 hour period. The size of the yards per acre drainage area) shall be in the form of a orifice to provide this control can be approximated as permanent pool, and the remaining half as drawdown follows: volume. 0.5 0.5 A = A x 2h Ao = A x 2h oss Sediment basins shall be cleaned out when the permanent T x Cd x 20,428 therefore, 122,568 pool volume remaining as described above is reduced by 50 where, percent, except in no case shall the sediment level be Ao = surface area of the dewatering orifice permitted to build up higher than one foot below the As = surface area of the basin principal spillway crest. At this elevation, cleanout shall be h = head of water above orifice performed to restore the original design volume to the Cd = coefficient of contraction for an orifice ( 0.6) sediment basin. T = detention time needed to dewater the basin (10 hours) The elevation corresponding to the maximum allowable D. Anti-vortex device and trash rack: An anti- sediment level shall be determined and shall be stated in the vortex device and trash rack shall be securely design data as a distance below the top of the riser and shall installed on top of the riser and shall be the be clearly marked on the riser. concentric type as shown in Figure 5A.29(1) and The basin dimensions necessary to obtain the required basin 5A.29(2) on pages 5A.64 and 5A.65. volume as stated above shall be clearly shown on the plans to facilitate plan review, construction, and inspection. E. Base: The riser shall have a base attached with a New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.50 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control watertight connection and shall have sufficient be watertight. weight to prevent flotation of the riser. Two See Figure 5A.31(1) and 5A.31(2) on pages 5A.67 approved bases for risers ten feet or less in height and 5A.68 for anti-seep collar design and Figure are: 1) a concrete base 18 in. thick with the riser 5A.32 on page 5A.69 for construction details. embedded 9 in. in the base, and 2) a ¼” minimum Seepage diaphragms may be used in lieu of anti-seep thickness steel plate attached to the riser by a collars. They shall be designed in accordance to continuous weld around the circumference of the USDA NRCS Pond Standard 378. riser to form a watertight connection. The plate shall G. Outlet: An outlet shall be provided, including a have 2.5 feet of stone, gravel, or compacted earth means of conveying the discharge in an erosion free placed on it to prevent flotation. In either case, each manner to an existing stable channel. Where side of the square base shall be twice the riser discharge occurs at the property line, drainage diameter. easements will be obtained in accordance with local ordinances. Adequate notes and references will be For risers greater than ten feet high, computations shown on the erosion and sediment control plan. shall be made to design a base which will prevent flotation. The minimum factor of safety shall be 1.20 Protection against scour at the discharge end of the (Downward forces = 1.20 x upward forces). See pipe spillway shall be provided. Measures may Figure 5A.30 on page 5A.66 for details. include basin, riprap, revetment, excavated plunge pools, or other approved methods. See Standard and F. Anti-Seep Collars: Anti-seep collars shall be Specification for Rock Outlet Protection, page 5B.21. installed around all conduits through earth fills of impoundment structures according to the following 2. Emergency Spillways: The entire flow area of the criteria: emergency spillway shall be constructed in undisturbed ground (not fill). The emergency spillway cross-section 1) Collars shall be placed to increase the seepage shall be trapezoidal with a minimum bottom width of length along the conduit by a minimum of 15 eight feet. This spillway channel shall have a straight percent of the pipe length located within the control section of at least 20 feet in length; and a straight saturation zone. outlet section for a minimum distance equal to 25 feet. 2) Collar spacing shall be between 5 and 14 times A. Capacity: The minimum capacity of the the vertical projection of each collar. emergency spillway shall be that required to pass the peak rate of runoff from the 10 year 24-hour 3) All collars shall be placed within the saturation frequency storm, less any reduction due to flow in zone. the pipe spillway. Emergency spillway dimensions may be determined by using the method described in 4) The assumed normal saturation zone (phreatic Figure 5A.33 on page 5A.70. line) shall be determined by projecting a line at a slope of 4 horizontal to 1 vertical from the point B. Velocities: The velocity of flow in the exit where the normal water (riser crest) elevation channel shall not exceed 5 feet per second for touches the upstream slope of the fill to a point vegetated channels. For channels with erosion where this line intersects the invert of the pipe protection other than vegetation, velocities shall be conduit. All fill located within this line may be within the non-erosive range for the type of assumed as saturated. protection used. C. Erosion Protection: Erosion protection shall be When anti-seep collars are used, the equation for provided for by vegetation as prescribed in this revised seepage length becomes: publication or by other suitable means such as riprap, asphalt or concrete. 2(N)(P)=1.15(L) or, s N=(0.075)(L)/P s D. Freeboard: Freeboard is the difference between Where: Ls = Saturated length is length, in feet, of the design high water elevation in the emergency pipe between riser and intersection of spillway and the top of the settled embankment. If phreatic line and pipe invert. there is no emergency spillway, it is the difference between the water surface elevation required to pass N = number of anti-seep collars. the design flow through the pipe and the top of the settled embankment. Freeboard shall be at least one P = vertical projection of collar from pipe, foot. in feet. Embankment Cross-Section 5) All anti-seep collars and their connections shall August 2005 Page 5A.51 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Standards. Chemical applications shall not be applied Class 1 Basins: The minimum top width shall be eight feet. without written approval from the NYSDEC. The side slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1. Safety Class 2 Basins: The minimum top width shall be ten feet. The side slopes shall not be steeper than 2 ½:1. Sediment basins are attractive to children and can be very dangerous. Local ordinances and regulations must be adhered to regarding health and safety. The developer or Entrance of Runoff into Basin owner shall check with local building officials on applicable Points of entrance of surface runoff into excavated sediment safety requirements. If fencing of sediment basins is basins shall be protected to prevent erosion. Considerable required, the location of and type of fence shall be shown care should be given to the major points of inflow into on the plans. basins. In many cases the difference in elevation of the inflow and the bottom of the basin is considerable, thus Construction Specifications creating a potential for sever gullying and sediment generation. Often a riprap drop at major points of inflow Site Preparation would eliminate gullying and sediment generation. Areas under the embankment shall be cleared, grubbed, and Diversions, grade stabilization structures or other water stripped of topsoil to remove trees, vegetation, roots, or control devices shall be installed as necessary to ensure other objectionable material. In order to facilitate cleanout direction of runoff and protect points of entry into the basin. and restoration, the pool area (measured at the top of the Points of entry should be located so as to ensure maximum pipe spillway) will be cleared of all brush, trees, and other travel distance of entering runoff to point of exit (the riser) objectionable materials. from the basin. Cutoff-Trench Disposal A cutoff trench shall be excavated along the centerline of The sediment basin plans shall indicate the method(s) of earth fill embankments. The minimum depth shall be two disposing of the sediment removed from the basin. The feet. The cutoff trench shall extend up both abutments to sediment shall be placed in such a manner that it will not the riser crest elevation. The minimum bottom width shall erode from the site. The sediment shall not be deposited be four feet, but wide enough to permit operation of downstream from the basin, adjacent to a stream or excavation and compaction equipment. The side slopes floodplain. Disposal sites will be covered by an approved shall be no steeper than 1:1. Compaction requirements shall sediment control plan. be the same as those for embankment. The trench shall be dewatered during the back-filling/compaction operations. The sediment basis plans shall also show the method of disposing of the sediment basin after the drainage area is Embankment stabilized, and shall include the stabilization of the sediment basin site. Water contained within the storage areas shall be The fill material shall be taken from approved areas shown removed from the basin by pumping, cutting the top of the on the plans. It shall be clean mineral soil free of roots, riser, or other appropriate method prior to removing or woody vegetation, oversized stones, rocks, or other breaching the embankment. Sediment shall not be allowed objectionable material. Relatively pervious materials such to flush into a stream or drainage way. as sand or gravel (Unified Soil Classes GW, GP, SW & SP) shall not be placed in the embankment. Areas on which fill Chemical Treatment is to be placed shall be scarified prior to placement of fill. Precipitation of sediment is enhanced with the use of The fill material shall contain sufficient moisture so that it specific chemical flocculants that can be applied to the can be formed by hand into a ball without crumbling. If sediment basin in liquid, powder, or solid form. Flocculants water can be squeezed out of a ball, it is too wet for proper include polyacrylimides, aluminum sulfate (alum), and compaction. Fill material shall be placed in six to eight- polyaluminum chloride. Cationic polyelectrolytes have a inch thick continuous layers over the entire length of the greater toxicity to fish and other aquatic organisms than fill. Compaction shall be obtained by routing and hauling anionic polyelectrolytes because they bind to the gills of the construction equipment over the fill so that the entire fish resulting in respiratory failure (Pitt, 2003). surface of each layer of the fill is traversed by at least one wheel or tread track of the equipment or by the use of a Chemical treatment shall not be substituted for proper compactor. The embankment shall be constructed to an erosion and sediment control. To reduce the need for elevation 10 percent higher than the design height to allow flocculants, proper controls include planning, phasing, for settlement. sequencing and practice design in accordance to NY New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.52 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control 2. Sediment shall be removed from the basin when it Pipe Spillway reaches the specified distance below the top of the riser The riser shall be securely attached to the barrel or barrel (shall not exceed 50 percent capacity). This sediment stub by welding the full circumference making a watertight shall be placed in such a manner that it will not erode structural connection. The barrel stub must be attached to from the site. The sediment shall not be deposited the riser at the same percent (angle) of grade as the outlet downstream from the embankment, adjacent to a conduit. The connection between the riser and the riser . stream or floodplain base shall be watertight. All connections between barrel sections must be achieved by approved watertight bank Final Disposal assemblies. The barrel and riser shall be placed on a firm, smooth foundation of impervious soil. Pervious materials When temporary structures have served their intended such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone shall not be used as purpose and the contributing drainage area has been backfill around the pipe or anti-seep collars. The fill properly stabilized, the embankment and resulting sediment material around the pipe spillway shall be placed in four- deposits are to be leveled or otherwise disposed of in inch layers and compacted under and around the pipe to at accordance with the approved sediment control plan. The least the same density as the adjacent embankment. proposed use of a sediment basin site will often dictate final disposition of the basin and any sediment contained therein. A minimum depth of two feet of hand compacted backfill If the site is scheduled for future construction, then the shall be placed over the pipe spillway before crossing it basin material and trapped sediments must be removed, with construction equipment. Steel base plates on risers safely disposed of, and backfilled with a structural fill. shall have at least 2 ½ feet of compacted earth, stone, or When the basin area is to remain open space, the pond may gravel placed over it to prevent flotation. be pumped dry, graded, and back filled. Emergency Spillway Information to be Submitted The emergency spillway shall be installed in undisturbed Sediment basin designs and construction plans submitted ground. The achievement of planned elevations, grades, for review to a local municipality, Soil and Water design width, entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to Conservation District, or other agency shall include the the successful operation of the emergency spillway and following: must be constructed within a tolerance of +/- 0.2 feet. 1. Specific location of the basin. Vegetative Treatment 2. Plan view of the storage basin and emergency Stabilize the embankment and emergency spillway in spillway, showing existing and proposed contours. accordance with the appropriate vegetative standard and specification immediately following construction. In no 3. Cross section of dam, principal spillway, emergency case shall the embankment remain unstabilized for more spillway, and profile of emergency spillway. than seven (7) days. 4. Details of pipe connections, riser to pipe Erosion and Pollution Control connections, riser base, anti-seep control, trash rack cleanout elevation, and anti-vortex device. Construction operations shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion and water pollution will be minimized. 5. Runoff calculations for 1 and 10-year frequency State and local laws shall be complied with concerning storms, if required. pollution abatement. 6. Storage Computation Safety A. Total required B. Total Available State and local requirements shall be met concerning C. Level of sediment at which cleanout shall be fencing and signs, warning the public of hazards of soft required; to be stated as a distance from the riser sediment and floodwater. crest to the sediment surface. Maintenance 7. Calculations showing design of pipe and emergency spillway. 1. Repair all damages caused by soil erosion and construction equipment at or before the end of each Note: Items 5 through 7 above may be submitted using the working day. design data sheet on pages 7A.54 through 7A.59. August 2005 Page 5A.53 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN DATA SHEET Computed by_____________________Date_____________Checked by____________________Date____________ Project________________________________________________________Basin #__________________________ Location__________________________Total Area draining to basin _________________________________Acres BASIN SIZE DESIGN 1. Minimum sediment storage volume = 134 cu. yds. x__________acres of drainage area = ___________cu.yds. 2. a. Cleanout at 50 percent of minimum required volume = ________cu. yds. b. Elevation corresponding to scheduled time to clean out_______________ c. Distance below top of riser___________feet 3. Minimum surface area is larger of 0.01 Q_________or, 0.015 DA = ___________ use ___________acres (1) DESIGN OF SPILLWAYS & ELEVATIONS Runoff 4. Q = ____________________________cfs p(10) (EFH, Ch. 2, TR-55, or Section 4; Attach runoff computation sheet) Pipe Spillway (Q) ps 5. Min. pipe spillway cap., Q = 0.2 x_______ac. Drainage = ________cfs ps Note: If there is no emergency spillway, then req’d Q = Q = ________cfs. psp(10) 6. H = ________ft. Barrel length = ________ft 7. Barrel: Diam. _______inches; Q = (Q)___________x (cor.fac.)________=_________cfs. ps 8. Riser: Diam. _______inches; Length________ft.; h = _________ft. Crest Elev. _____________ 9. Trash Rack: Diam.________inches; H = __________inches Emergency Spillway Design 10. Emergency Spillway Flow, Q = Q - Q = ___________ - ____________ = ___________cfs. espps 11. Width _______ft.; H_________ft Crest elevation ___________; Design High Water Elev. ___________ p Entrance channel slope___________________________% ; Top of Dam Elev. ________________ Exit channel slope ______________________________% ANTI-SEEP COLLAR/ SEEPAGE DIAPHRAGM DESIGN Collars: 12. y = ________ft.; z = _______:1; pipe slope = ________%, L = _______ft. s Use_______collars, ________ - __________inches square; projection = ________ft. Diaphragms: #_________ width_________ ft. height_________ft. DEWATERING ORIFICE SIZING 0.5 13. Ao = A x (2h) s ; h = _____ ft.; therefore use, ________________________ 122,568 = ________sq. ft. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.54 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN DATA SHEET INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF FORM 1. Minimum required sediment storage volume is 134 8. See Pipe Spillway Design Charts, Figures 5A.26 and cubic yards (3600 cubic feet) per acre from each acre of 5A.27 on pages 5A.61 and 5A.62. drainage area. Values larger than 134 cubic yards per acre may be used for greater protection. Compute 9. See Riser Inflow Curves, Figure 5A.25 on page volume using entire drainage area although only part 5A.60. may be disturbed. 10. Compute the orifice size required to dewater the basin 2. The volume of a naturally shaped basin (no excavation over a 10 hour period. in basin) may be approximated by the formula V = (0.4)(A)(d), where V is in cubic feet, A is the surface 11. See Trash Rack and Anti-Vortex Device Design, area of the basin, in square feet, and d is the maximum Figures 5A.29 on pages 5A.64 and 5A.65. depth of the basin, in feet. Volume may be computed from contour information or other suitable methods. 12. Compute Q by subtracting actual flow carried by the es pipe spillway from the total inflow, Q. p 3. If volume of basin is not adequate for required storage, excavate to obtain the required volume. 13. Use appropriate tables to obtain values of H, bottom p width, and actual Q. If no emergency spillway is to es 4. The minimum surface area of the basin pool at the be used, so state, giving reason(s). storage volume elevation will be the larger of the two elevations shown. 14. See Anti-Seep Collar / Seepage Diaphragm Design. 5 USDA-NRCS TR-55 or the NRCS Engineering Field 15. Fill in design elevations. The emergency spillway Handbook, Chapter 2, are the preferred methods for crest must be set no closer to riser crest than value of runoff computation. Runoff curve numbers will be h, which causes pipe spillway to carry the minimum, computed for the drainage area that reflects the required Q. Therefore, the elevation difference maximum construction condition. between spillways shall be equal to the value of h, or one foot, whichever is greater. Design high water is 6. Required minimum discharge from pipe spillway the elevation of the emergency spillway crest plus the equals 0.2 cfs/ac. times total drainage area. (This is value of H, or if there is no emergency spillway, it is p equivalent to a uniform runoff of 5 in. per 24 hours). the elevation of the riser crest plus h required to The pipe shall be designed to carry Q if site conditions handle the 10-year storm. Minimum top of dam p preclude installation of an emergency spillway to elevation requires 1.0 ft. of freeboard above design protect the structure. high water. 7. Determine value of “H” from field conditions; “H” is the interval between the centerline of the outlet pipe and the emergency spillway crest, or if there is no emergency spillway, to the design high water. August 2005 Page 5A.55 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Pipe Spillway Design To use charts for pipe spillway design: Enter chart, Figures 5A.26 and 5A.27 on Pages 5A.61 and 5A.62 with H and required discharge. Find diameter of pipe conduit that provides equal or greater discharge Enter chart, Figure 5A.25 on Page 5A.60 with actual pipe discharge. Read across to select smallest riser that provides discharge within weir flow portion of rating curve. Read down to find corresponding h required. This h must be 1 foot or less. Example: Given: Q (required) = 5.8 cfs, L = 60 ft., H = 9 ft. to centerline of pipe = Free outlet Find: Pipe size, actual Q and size of riser, use corrugated metal pipe, n = 0.025 Q of 12 in. pipe = 5.95 cfs x (correction factor) 1.07 = 6.4 cfs from the Pipe Flow Chart. From Riser Inflow Curves (Figures 5A.25 on page 5A .60), smallest riser = 18 in. (@ h = 0.60). (see Page 5A.58). Design Example #1 Design Example # 2 Snooks Pond is a senior citizen assisted living center under construction. A sediment basin will be utilized as a component of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The Us the same data as example #1, but no emergency spill- Drainage area to the basin is 20 acres, the one year storm peak way is possible ( see Page 7A. 59). discharge is 32 cubic feet per second, and 88 cfs for the 10 year storm based on analysis of the site under maximum con- Notes: structioncondition. Design the sediment basin when the over- 1. Use a 1.0 foot minimum between riser crest and emer- all head (H) is 10 feet and the smooth steel pipe spillway is gency spillway crest, thus riser crest = 1.0 ft. used. An emergency spillway can be constructed on the site. Base the design volumes and elevations on the stage storage 2. To provide 50% of the storage as permanent pool, the curve developed for the natural topography or as excavated dewatering orifice is set at the out elevation. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.56 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.23 Sediment Basin August 2005 Page 5A.57 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.24(1) Sediment Basin Design Example #1 New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.58 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.24(2) Sediment Basin Design Example #2 August 2005 Page 5A.59 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.25 Riser Inflow Chart (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.60 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.26 Pipe Flow Chart; “n” = 0.025 (USDA - NRCS) August 2005 Page 5A.61 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.27 Pipe Flow Chart; “n” = 0.013 (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.62 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.28 Optional Sediment Basin Dewatering Methods August 2005 Page 5A.63 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.29(1) Concentric Trash Rack and Anti-Vortex Device (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.64 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.29(2) Concentric Trash Rack and Anti-Vortex Device Design Table (USDA - NRCS) August 2005 Page 5A.65 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.30 Riser Base Details New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.66 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.31(1) Anti-Seep Collar Design August 2005 Page 5A.67 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.31(2) Anti-Seep Collar Design Charts (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.68 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.32 Anti-Seep Collar Design August 2005 Page 5A.69 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.33(1) Design Data for Earth Spillways New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.70 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.33(2) Design Table for Vegetated Spillways Excavated in Erosion Resistant Soils (side slopes—3 horizontal : 1 vertical) (USDA - NRCS) August 2005 Page 5A.71 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.33(3) Design Table for Vegetated Spillways Excavated in Very Erodible Soils (side slopes—3 horizontal : 1 vertical) (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.72 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Procedure for Determining or Altering Sediment Basin Shape As specified in the Standard and Specification, the pool area The required basin shape may be obtained by proper site at the elevation of the crest of the principal spillway shall selection by excavation or by constructing a baffle in the have a length to width ratio of at least 2.0 to 1. The purpose basin. The purpose of the baffle is to increase the effective of this requirement is to minimize the “short circuiting” flow length from the inflow point to the riser. Baffles (see effect of the sediment laden inflow to the riser and thereby Figure 5A.34 on following page) shall be placed midway increase the effectiveness of the sediment basin. The between the inflow point around the end of the baffle to the purpose of this procedure is to prescribe the parameters, outflow point. Then: procedures, and methods of determining and modifying the shape of the basin. W = A/L and L:W ratio = L/W eeee The length of the flow path (L) is the distance from the Three examples are shown on the following page. Note that point of inflow to the riser (outflow point). The point of for the special case in example C the water is allowed to go inflow is the point that the stream enters the normal pool around both ends of the baffle and the effective length, L = e (pool level at the riser crest elevation). The pool area (A) is L + L. Otherwise, the length to width ratio computations 12 the area of the normal pool. The effective width (W) is are the same as shown above. This special case procedure e found by the equation: for computing L is allowable only when the two flow paths e are equal, i.e., when L = L. A baffle detail is also shown 12 W = A/L and L:W ratio = L/Win Figure 5A.37 on page 5A.72. ee In the event there is more than one inflow point, any inflow point that conveys more than 30 percent of the total peak inflow rate shall meet the length to width ratio criteria. August 2005 Page 5A.73 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.34 Sediment Basin Baffle Details (USDA - NRCS) **Note: Plywood is not very practical, silt fence backed with hay bales is more common. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.74 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Criteria for Geotextile The geotextile shall be woven or nonwoven fabric consisting only of continuous chain polymeric filaments or yarns of polyester. The fabric shall be inert to commonly encountered chemicals, hydro-carbons, mildew, rot resistant, and conform to the fabric properties as shown: 12 Light Duty Heavy Duty Roads Haul Roads Fabric Grade Rough Test 3 Properties Subgrade Graded Method Grab Tensile Strength (lbs) 200 220 ASTM D1682 Elongation at Definition Failure (%) 50 60 ASTM D1682 A stabilized pad of aggregate underlain with geotextile Mullen Brust located at any point where traffic will be entering or leaving Strength (lbs) 190 430 ASTM D3786 a construction site to or from a public right-of-way, street, Puncture alley, sidewalk, or parking area. Strength (lbs) 40 125 ASTM D751 modified Purpose Equivalent 40-80 40-80 US Std Sieve The purpose of stabilized construction entrance is to reduce Opening Size CW-02215 or eliminate the tracking of sediment onto public rights-of- way or streets. Aggregate Depth 6 10 -- 1 Light Duty Road: Area sites that have been graded to subgrade and Conditions Where Practice Applies where most travel would be single axle vehicles and an occasional multi- axle truck. Acceptable materials are Trevira Spunbond 1115, Mirafi A stabilized construction entrance shall be used at all points 100X, Typar 3401, or equivalent. of construction ingress and egress. 2 Heavy Duty Road: Area sites with only rough grading, and where most travel would be multi-axle vehicles. Acceptable materials are Trevira Design Criteria Spunbond 1135, Mirafi 600X, or equivalent. See Figure 5A.35 on page 5A.76 for details. 3 Fabrics not meeting these specifications may be used only when design procedure and supporting documentation are supplied to determine Aggregate Size: Use a matrix of 1-4 inch stone, or aggregate depth and fabric strength. reclaimed or recycled concrete equivalent. Maintenance Thickness: Not less than six (6) inches. The entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will Width: 12-foot minimum but not less than the full width of prevent tracking of sediment onto public rights-of-way or points where ingress or egress occurs. 24-foot minimum if streets. This may require periodic top dressing with there is only one access to the site. additional aggregate. All sediment spilled, dropped, or washed onto public rights-of-way must be removed Length: As required, but not less than 50 feet (except on a immediately. single residence lot where a 30 foot minimum would apply). When necessary, wheels must be cleaned to remove Geotextile: To be placed over the entire area to be covered sediment prior to entrance onto public rights-of-way. with aggregate. Filter cloth will not be required on a single- When washing is required, it shall be done on an area family residence lot. Piping of surface water under entrance stabilized with aggregate, which drains into an approved shall be provided as required. If piping is impossible, a sediment-trapping device. All sediment shall be prevented mountable berm with 5:1 slopes will be permitted. from entering storm drains, ditches, or watercourses. August 2005 Page 5A.75 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.35 Stabilized Construction Entrance New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.76 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION Road Width – 14 foot minimum for one-way traffic or 24 foot minimum for two-way traffic. Side Slope of Road Embankment – 2:1 or flatter. Ditch Capacity – On-site roadside ditch and culvert capacities shall be the 10 yr. peak runoff. Composition – Use a 6-inch layer of NYS DOT sub-base Types 1,2,3, 4 or equivalent as specified in NYS – Standards and Specifications for Highways. Construction Specifications 1. Clear and strip roadbed and parking areas of all Definition vegetation, roots, and other objectionable material. The stabilization of temporary construction access routes, 2. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas as available. on-site vehicle transportation routes, and construction Keep grades sufficient for drainage, but not more than 2 parking areas. to 3 percent. Purpose 3. Provide surface drainage and divert excess runoff to stabilized areas. To control erosion on temporary construction routes and 4. Maintain cut and fill slopes to 2:1 or flatter and parking areas. stabilized with vegetation as soon as grading is accomplished. Condition Where Practice Applies 5. Spread 6-inch layer of sub-base material evenly over the All traffic routes and parking areas for temporary use by full width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. construction traffic. 6. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to Design Criteria prevent offsite sedimentation. Construction roads should be located to reduce erosion Maintenance potential, minimize impact on existing site resources, and maintain operations in a safe manner. Highly erosive soils, Inspect construction roads and parking areas periodically wet or rocky areas, and steep slopes should be avoided. for condition of surface. Topdress with new gravel as Roads should be routed where seasonal water tables are needed. Check ditches for erosion and sedimentation after deeper than 18 inches. Surface runoff and control should be rainfall events. Maintain vegetation in a health, vigorous in accordance with other standards. condition. Areas producing sediment should be treated immediately. Road Grade – A maximum grade of 12% is recommended, although grades up to 15% are possible for short distances. August 2005 Page 5A.77 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.78 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY ACCESS WATERWAY CROSSING control. Structural utility and safety must also be considered when designing temporary access waterway crossings to withstand expected loads. The tree types of standard temporary access waterway crossings are bridges, culverts, and fords. General Requirements 1. In-Stream Excavation : In-Stream excavation shall be limited to only that necessary to allow installation of the standard methods as presented in Subsection “Temporary Access Waterway Crossing Methods.” 2. Elimination of Fish Migration Barriers: Of the three Definition basic methods presented in Subsection “Temporary Access Waterway Crossing Methods,” bridges pose the least potential for creating barriers to aquatic migration. A temporary access waterway crossing is a structure placed The construction of any specific crossing method as across a waterway to provide access for construction presented in Subsection “Temporary Access Waterway purposes for a period of less than one year. Temporary Crossing Methods,” shall not cause a significant water access crossings shall not be utilized to maintain traffic for level difference between the upstream and downstream the general public. water surface elevations. Fish spawning or migration within waterways is from October 1 to April 30 for Purpose water classified for trout and from March 15 to June 15 for other streams. Restrictions imposed by the NYS The purpose of the temporary access waterway crossing is Department of Environmental Conservation during to provide safe, environmentally sound access across a these time periods may apply and must be checked. waterway for construction equipment by establishing minimum standards and specifications for the design, 3. Crossing Alignment: The temporary waterway construction, maintenance, and removal of the structure. crossing shall be at right angles to the stream. Where Temporary access waterway crossing are necessary to approach conditions dictate, the crossing may vary 15 prevent construction equipment from damaging the degrees from a line drawn perpendicular to the waterway, blocking fish migration, and tracking sediment centerline of the stream at the intended crossing and other pollutants into the waterway. This standard and location. specification may represent a channel constriction, thus, the temporary nature of waterway access crossing must be 4. Road Approaches: The centerline of both roadway stressed. They should be planned to be in service for the approaches shall coincide with the crossing alignment shortest practical period of time and removed as soon as centerline for a minimum distance of 50 feet from each their function is completed. bank of the waterway being crossed. If physical or right-of-way restraints preclude the 50 feet minimum, a Conditions Where Practice Applies shorter distance may be provided. All fill materials associated with the roadway approach shall be limited The following standard and specification for temporary to a maximum height of 2 feet above the existing flood access waterway crossings are applicable in non-tidal plain elevation. waterways. These standard and specifications provide designs based on waterway geometry rather than the 5. Surface Water Diverting Structure: A water drainage area contributing to the point of crossing. diverting structure such as a swale shall be constructed (across the roadway on both roadway approaches) 50 The principal consideration for development of the standard feet (maximum) on either side of the waterway and specifications is concern for erosion and sediment August 2005 Page 5A.79 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control crossing. This will prevent roadway surface runoff existing waterway banks. When possible, locate the from directly entering the waterway. The 50 feet is crossing at a point receiving minimal surface runoff. measured from the top of the waterway bank. Design criteria for this diverting structure shall be in 3. Physical site constraints: The physical constraints accordance with the “Standard and Specification” for of a site may preclude the selection of one or more of the individual design standard of choice. If the the standard methods. roadway approach is constructed with a reverse grade away from the waterway, a separate diverting structure 4. Time of year: The time of year may preclude the is not required. selection of one or more of the standard methods due to fish spawning or migration restrictions. 6. Road Width: All crossings shall have one traffic lane. The minimum width shall be 12 feet with a 5. Vehicular loads and traffic patterns: Vehicular maximum width of 20 feet. loads, traffic patterns, and frequency of crossing should be considered in choosing a specific method. 7. Time of Operation: All temporary crossing shall be removed within 14 calendar days after the structure is 6. Maintenance of crossing: The standard methods no longer needed. Unless prior written approval is will require various amounts of maintenance. The obtained, all structures shall be removed within one bridge method should require the least maintenance, year from the date of the installation. whereas the ford method will probably require more intensive maintenance. 8. Materials 7. Removal of the Structure: Ease of removal and A. Aggregate: There shall be no earth or soil subsequent damage to the waterway should be primary materials used for construction within the factors in considering the choice of a standard method. waterway channel. NYS DOT specifications for coarse aggregate designation No. 4 (3/4” to 4”), Temporary Access Bridge (Figure 5A.36 on page 5A.84) also referenced as AASHTO designation No. 1, shall be the minimum acceptable aggregate size for A temporary access bridge is a structure made of wood, temporary crossings. Larger aggregates will be metal, or other materials, which provides access across a allowed. stream or waterway. B. Filter Cloth: Filter cloth is a fabric consisting Considerations of either woven or nonwoven plastic, polypropylene, or nylon used to distribute the load, 1. This is the preferred method for temporary access retain fines, allow increased drainage of the waterway crossings. Normally, bridge construction aggregate and reduce mixing of the aggregate with causes the least disturbance to the waterway bed and the subgrade soil. Filter cloths such as Mirafi, banks when compared to the other access waterway Typar, Adva Filter, Polyfilter X, or approved crossings. equivalent shall be used, as required by the specific method. 2. Most bridges can be quickly removed and reused. 3. Temporary access bridges pose the least chance for Temporary Access Waterway Crossing interference with fish migration when compared to the Methods other temporary access waterway crossings. The following criteria for erosion and sediment control shall 4. Restrictions and Permits: A permit from the New be considered when selecting a specific temporary access York State Department of Environmental waterway crossing standard method: Conservation, Division of Regulatory Affairs, Regional Permit Administrator, will be needed to install and 1. Site aesthetics: Select a standard design method that remove temporary access culverts in streams with a will least disrupt the existing terrain of the stream classification of C(T) and higher. Installation and reach. Consider the effort that will be required to removal may not be permitted during the period of time restore the area after the temporary crossing is from the start of trout spawning until the eggs have removed. hatched. In some instances, restrictions may also be applied to bass spawning waters. 2. Site location: Locate the temporary crossing where there will be the least disturbance to the soils of the New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.80 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Specifications Bridge Maintenance Requirements 1. Restriction: Construction, use, or removal of a 1. Inspection: Periodic inspection shall be performed temporary access bridge will not normally have any by the user to ensure that the bridge, streambed, and time of year restrictions if construction, use, or removal streambanks are maintained and not damaged. does not disturb the stream or its banks. 2. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be performed, as 2. Bridge Placement: A temporary bridge structure needed to ensure that the structure complies with the shall be constructed at or above bank elevation to standard and specifications. This shall include removal prevent the entrapment of floating materials and debris. and disposal of any trapped sediment or debris. Sediment shall be disposed of outside of the floodplain 3. Abutments: Abutments shall be placed parallel to and stabilized. and on stable banks. Bridge Removal and Clean-Up Requirements 4. Bridge Span: Bridges shall be constructed to span the entire channel. If a footing, pier, or bridge support 1. Removal: When the temporary bridge is no longer is constructed within the waterway, a stream-needed, all structures including abutments and other disturbance permit may be required. bridging materials shall be removed within 14 calendar days. In all cases, the bridge materials shall be 5. Stringers: Stringers shall either be logs, saw timber, removed within one year of installation. pre-stressed concrete beams, metal beams, or other approved materials. 2. Final Clean-Up: Final clean-up shall consist of removal of the temporary bridge from the waterway, 6. Deck Material: Decking shall be of sufficient protection of banks from erosion, and removal of all strength to support the anticipated load. All decking construction materials. All removed materials shall be members shall be placed perpendicular to the stringers, stored outside the waterway floodplain. butted tightly, and securely fastened to the stringers. Decking materials must be butted tightly to prevent any 3. Method: Removal of the bridge and clean-up of the soil material tracked onto the bridge from falling into area shall be accomplished without construction the waterway below. equipment working in the waterway channel. 7. Run Planks (optional): Run planking shall be 4. Final Stabilization: All areas disturbed during securely fastened to the length of the span. One run removal shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of plank shall be provided for each track of the equipment that disturbance in accordance with the Standard and wheels. Although run planks are optional, they may be Specifications for Permanent Critical Area Plantings on necessary to properly distribute loads. page 5.5. 8. Curbs or Fenders: Curbs or fenders may be Temporary Access Culvert (Figure 5A.37 on page 5A.85) installed along the outer sides of the deck. Curbs or fenders are an option, which will provide additional A temporary access culvert is a structure consisting of a safety. section(s) of circular pipe, pipe arches, or oval pipes of reinforcing concrete, corrugated metal, or structural plate, 9. Bridge Anchors: Bridges shall be securely anchored which is used to convey flowing water through the crossing. at only one end using steel cable or chain. Anchoring Considerations at only one end will prevent channel obstruction in the event that floodwaters float the bridge. Acceptable 1. Temporary culverts are used where a) the channel is anchors are large trees, large boulders, or driven steel too wide for normal bridge construction, b) anticipated anchors. Anchoring shall be sufficient to prevent the loading may prove unsafe for single span bridges, or c) bridge from floating downstream and possibly causing access is not needed from bank to bank. an obstruction to the flow. 2. This temporary waterway crossing method is 10. Stabilization: All areas disturbed during normally preferred over a ford type of crossing, since installation shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days disturbance to the waterway is only during construction of that disturbance in accordance with the Standard and and removal of the culvert. Specification for Temporary Critical Area Plantings on page 3.3. 3. Temporary culverts can be salvaged and reused. August 2005 Page 5A.81 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Permanent Critical Area Plantings. Construction Specifications 1. Restrictions and Permits: A permit from the New Culvert Maintenance Requirements York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Regulatory Affairs, Regional 1. Inspection: Periodic inspection shall be performed Permit Administrator, will be needed to install and to ensure that the culverts, streambed, and streambanks remove temporary access culverts in streams with a are not damaged, and that sediment is not entering the classification of C(T) and higher. Installation and stream or blocking fish passage or migration. removal may not be permitted during the period of time from the start of trout spawning until the eggs have 2. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be performed, as hatched. In some instances, restrictions may also be needed in a timely manner to ensure that structures are applied to bass spawning waters. in compliance with this standard and specification. This shall include removal and disposal of any trapped 2. Culvert Strength: All culverts shall be strong sediment or debris. Sediment shall be disposed of and enough to support their cross sectional area under stabilized outside the waterway flood plain. maximum expected loads. Culvert Removal and Clean-Up Requirements 3. Culvert Size: The size of the culvert pipe shall be the largest pipe diameter that will fit into the existing 1. Removal: When the crossing has served its channel without major excavation of the waterway purpose, all structures, including culverts, bedding, and channel or without major approach fills. If a channel filter cloth materials shall be removed within 14 width exceeds 3 feet, additional pipes may be used calendar days. In all cases, the culvert materials shall until the cross sectional area of the pipes is greater than be removed within one year of installation. No 60 percent of the cross sectional area of the existing structure shall be removed during the spawning season channel. The minimum size culvert that may be used is (March 15 through June 15). 12-inch diameter pipe. 2. Final Clean-Up: Final clean-up shall consist of 4. Culvert Length: The culvert(s) shall extend a removal of the temporary structure from the waterway, minimum of one foot beyond the upstream and removal of all construction materials, restoration of downstream toe of the aggregate placed around the original stream channel cross section, and protection of culvert. In no case shall the culvert exceed 40 feet in the streambanks from erosion. Removed material shall length. be stored outside of the waterway floodplain. 5. Filter Cloth: Filter cloth shall be placed on the 3. Method: Removal of the structure and clean-up of streambed and streambanks prior to placement of the the area shall be accomplished without construction pipe culvert(s) and aggregate. The filter cloth shall equipment working in the waterway channel. cover the streambed and extend a minimum six inches and a maximum one foot beyond the end of the culvert 4. Final Stabilization: All areas disturbed during and bedding material. Filter cloth reduces settlement culvert removal shall be stabilized within 14 calendar and improves crossing stability. days of the disturbance in accordance with the Standard 6. Culvert Placement: The invert elevation of the for Permanent Critical Area Plantings. culvert shall be installed on the natural streambed grade to minimize interference with fish migration (free Temporary Access Ford(Figure 5A.38 on page 5A.86) passage of fish). A temporary access ford is a shallow structure placed in the bottom of a waterway over which the water flows while still 7. Culvert Protection: The culvert(s) shall be covered allowing traffic to cross the waterway. with a minimum of one foot of aggregate. If multiple culverts are used, they shall be separated by at least 12 Considerations in. of compacted aggregate fill. At the minimum, the bedding and fill material used in the construction of Temporary fords may be used when the streambanks are them temporary access culvert crossings shall conform less than four (4) feet above the invert of the stream, and the with the aggregate requirements cited in the General streambed is armored with naturally occurring bedrock, or Requirements subsection. can be protected with an aggregate layer in conformance with these specifications. 8. Stabilization: All areas disturbed during culvert installation shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of the disturbance in accordance with the Standard for New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.82 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control 10. Ford removal and Clean-Up Requirements Construction Specifications A. Removal: When the temporary structure has 1. Restrictions and Permits: A permit from New York served its purpose, excess material used for this State Department of Environmental Conservation, structure need not be removed. Care should be Division of Regulatory Affairs, Regional Permit taken so that any aggregate left does not create Administrator, will be needed to install, use, and an impoundment or restrict fish passage. remove temporary fords in streams with a classification of C(T) or higher. Installation and removal may not be B. Final Clean-Up: Final clean-up shall consist of permitted during the period of time from the start of removal of excess temporary ford materials trout spawning until the eggs have hatched. In some from the waterway. All materials shall be instances, restrictions may also be applied to bass stored outside the waterway floodplain. spawning waters. C. Method: Clean up shall be accomplished without construction equipment working in the 2. The approaches to the structure shall consist of stream channel. stone pads constructed to comply with the aggregate requirements of the General Requirements subsection. D. Approach Disposition: The approach slopes of the cut banks shall not be backfilled. The entire ford approach (where banks were cut) shall be covered with filter cloth and protected with E. Final Stabilization: All areas disturbed during aggregate to a depth of four (4) inches. ford removal shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days of that disturbance in accordance 3. Fords shall be prohibited when the streambanks are with the Standard and Specifications for four (4) feet or more in height above the invert of the Permanent Critical Area Planting on page 3.3. stream. 4. The approach roads at the cut banks shall be no steeper than 5:1. Spoil material from the banks shall be stored out of the floodplain and stabilized. 5. One layer of filter cloth shall be placed on the streambed, streambanks, and road approaches prior to placing the bedding material on the stream channel or approaches. The filter cloth will be a minimum of six (6) inches and a maximum one foot beyond bedding material. 6. The bedding material shall be course aggregate or gabion mattresses filled with coarse aggregate. 7. Aggregate used in ford construction shall meet the minimum requirements of the General Requirements subsection. 8. All fords shall be constructed to minimize the blockage of stream flow and shall allow free flow over the ford. The placing of any material in the waterway bed will cause some upstream ponding. The depth of this ponding will be equivalent to the depth of the material placed within the stream and therefore should be kept to a minimum height. However, in no case will the bedding material be placed deeper than 12 inches or one-half (1/2) the height of the existing banks whichever is smaller. NOTE: Any temporary access crossing shall conform to 9. Stabilization: All areas disturbed during ford the technical requirements of this Standard and installation shall be stabilized within 14 calendar days Specifications as well as any specific requirement imposed of that disturbance in accordance with the Standard and by the New York State Department of Environmental Specifications for Temporary Critical Area Planting on Conservation. Permits may be required for streambank page 3.3. disturbance. August 2005 Page 5A.83 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.36 Temporary Access Bridge New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.84 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.37 Temporary Access Culvert August 2005 Page 5A.85 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.38 Temporary Access Ford New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.86 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DUST CONTROL Vegetative Cover – For disturbed areas not subject to traffic, vegetation provides the most practical method of dust control (see Section 3). Mulch (including gravel mulch) – Mulch offers a fast effective means of controlling dust. This can also include rolled erosion control blankets. Spray adhesives – These are products generally composed of polymers in a liquid or solid form that are mixed with water to form an emulsion that is sprayed on the soil surface with typical hydroseeding equipment. The mixing ratios and application rates will be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific soils on the site. In no case should the application of these adhesives Definition be made on wet soils or if there is a probability of precipitation within 48 hours of its proposed use. Material The control of dust resulting from land-disturbing activities. Safety Data Sheets will be provided to all applicators and others working with the material. Purpose B. Driving Areas – These areas utilize water, polymer To prevent surface and air movement of dust from disturbed emulsions, and barriers to prevent dust movement from soil surfaces that may cause off-site damage, health hazards, the traffic surface into the air. and traffic safety problems. Sprinkling – The site may be sprayed with water until the Conditions Where Practice Applies surface is wet. This is especially effective on haul roads and access routes. On construction roads, access points, and other disturbed areas subject to surface dust movement and dust blowing Polymer Additives – These polymers are mixed with water where off-site damage may occur if dust is not controlled. and applied to the driving surface by a water truck with a gravity feed drip bar, spray bar or automated distributor Design Criteria truck. The mixing ratios and application rates will be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Incorporation of the emulsion into the soil will be done to Construction operations should be scheduled to the appropriate depth based on expected traffic. Compaction minimize the amount of area disturbed at one time. after incorporation will be by vibratory roller to a minimum Buffer areas of vegetation should be left where practical. of 95%. The prepared surface shall be moist and no Temporary or permanent stabilization measures shall be application of the polymer will be made if there is a installed. No specific design criteria is given; see probability of precipitation within 48 hours of its proposed construction specifications below for common methods of use. Material Safety Data Sheets will be provided to all dust control. applicators working with the material. Water quality must be considered when materials are Barriers – Woven geotextiles can be placed on the driving selected for dust control. Where there is a potential for the surface to effectively reduce dust throw and particle material to wash off to a stream, ingredient information migration on haul roads. Stone can also be used for must be provided to the local permitting authority. construction roads for effective dust control. Construction Specifications Windbreak – A silt fence or similar barrier can control air currents at intervals equal to ten times the barrier height. A. Non-driving Areas – These areas use products Preserve existing wind barrier vegetation as much as and materials applied or placed on soil surfaces to prevent practical. airborne migration of soil particles. August 2005 Page 5A.87 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control All Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans must contain the NYS DEC issued “Conditions for Use” and “Application Instructions” for any polymers used on the site. This information can be obtained from the NYS DEC website. Maintenance Maintain dust control measures through dry weather periods until all disturbed areas are stabilized. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.88 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUMP PIT Design Criteria The number of sump pits and their locations shall be determined by the contractor/engineer. A design is not required, but construction should conform to the general criteria outlined on Figure 7A.39 on page 7A.90. A perforated vertical standpipe is placed in the center of the pit to collect filtered water. Water is then pumped from the center of the pipe to a suitable discharge area. Discharge of water pumped from the standpipe should be to a sediment trap, sediment basin, or stabilized area, such as a filter strip. If water from the sump pit will be pumped directly to a storm drain system, filter cloth (Mirafi 100X, Definition Poly Filter GB, or a filter cloth with an equivalent sieve size between 40-80) should be wrapped around the standpipe to A temporary pit which is constructed to trap and filter water ensure clean water discharge. It is recommended that ¼ to for pumping to a suitable discharge area. ½ inch hardware cloth be wrapped around and secured to the standpipe prior to attaching the filter cloth. This will Purpose increase the rate of water seepage into the standpipe. To remove excessive water from excavations. Conditions Where Practice Applies Sump pits are constructed when water collects during the excavation phase of construction. This practice is particularly useful in urban areas during excavation for building foundations. August 2005 Page 5A.89 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5A.39 Sump Pit New York Standards and Specifications Page 5A.90 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control SECTION 5B PERMANENT STRUCTURAL MEASURES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures Diversion.……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5B.1 Grassed Waterway…….……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5B.11 Lined Waterway or Outlet……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5B.17 Rock Outlet Protection…………..…….……………………………………………………………………………… 5B.21 Grade Stabilization Structure…………………………………………………………………………………………. 5B.31 Paved Flume.....……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5B.33 Structural Streambank Protection.……………………………………………………………………………………… 5B.37 Debris Basin…..………...……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5B.41 Subsurface Drain………………...…………………………………………………………………………………….. 5B.45 Landgrading………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5B.49 Surface Roughening…...………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5B.55 Riprap Slope Protection……………….………………………………………………………………………………. 5B.57 Retaining Walls..…………………...………………………………………………………………………………….. 5B.61 References List of Tables Table Name Page 5B.1 Diversion Maximum Permissible Design Velocities…..…………………………………………… 5B.1 5B.2 Retardance Factors for Various Grasses and Legumes…………………………………………….. 5B.2 5B.3 Riprap Gradations…….……………….………………..….……………………………………… 5B.38 List of Figures Figure Title Page 5B.1 Diversion Details ………………………………….…..…………………………………………… 5B.3 5B.2 Parabolic Diversion Design, without freeboard-1...……..….……………………………………… 5B.4 5B.3 Parabolic Diversion Design, without freeboard-2……..…..………………………………………. 5B.5 5B.4 Parabolic Diversion Design, without freeboard-3..….…………………………………………….. 5B.6 5B.5 Parabolic Diversion Design, without freeboard-4………………………………………………….. 5B.7 5B.6Parabolic Diversion Design, without freeboard-5…………………………………………………. 5B.8 5B.7 Parabolic Diversion Design, without freeboard-6………………………………………………….. 5B.9 5B.8 Typical Waterway Cross Sections……………………..…………………………………………… 5B.13 5B.9 Parabolic Waterway Design Chart………………………………………………………………… 5B.14 5B.10 Grassed Waterway Details……………..…..……………………………...………………………. 5B.15 5B.11 Determining “n” for Riprap Lined Channel Using Depth of Flow………………………………… 5B.20 5B.12 Outlet Protection Design—Minimum Tailwater Condition……………………………………….. 5B.25 5B.13 Outlet Protection Design—Maximum Tailwater Condition………………………………………. 5B.26 5B.14 Riprap Outlet Protection Example (1)………..……………………………………………………… 5B.27 5B.15 Riprap Outlet Protection Example (2)…………………..…………………………………………… 5B.28 5B.16 Riprap Outlet Protection Example (3).….…………………………………………………………… 5B.29 5B.17 Examples of Outlet Structures………………………………………………………………………. 5B.35 5B.18 Paved Flume Details…………………………………………...….………………………………… 5B.36 5B.19 Riprap Streambank Protection Details…………………………………………………………….. 5B.39 5B.20 Structural Streambank Protection Examples………………………………………………………. 5B.40 5B.21 One Year Debris Basin Sediment Capacity………………………………………………………… 5B.44 5B.22 Surface Drain Chart—Corrugated Plastic Drain Tubing…………………………………………… 5B.48 5B.23 Typical Section of Serrated Cut Slope……..……….……………………………………………… 5B.51 5B.24(1) Landgrading Details...…………………………………………………………………………….. 5B.52 5B.24(2) Landgrading Construction Specifications…………………………………………………………. 5B.53 5B.25 Surface Roughening Details………..………………………………………………………………. 5B.56 5B.26 Angle of Repose of Riprap Stones.…….…………………………………………………………… 5B.59 5B.27 Typical Rock Slope Protection Details….……………….………………………………………… 5B.59 5B.28 Retaining Wall Examples……………..…………………………………………………………… 5B.63 5B.29 Segmented Retaining Wall………………………………………………………………………… 5B.64 STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DIVERSION outlet conditions, topography, land use, soil type, length of slope, seep planes (when seepage is a problem), and the development layout. Capacity Peak rates of runoff values used in determining the capacity requirements shall be computed by TR-55, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, or other appropriate methods. The constructed diversion shall have capacity to carry, as a minimum, the peak discharge from a ten-year frequency rainfall event with freeboard of not less than 0.3 feet. Definition Diversions designed to protect homes, schools, industrial buildings, roads, parking lots, and comparable high-risk A drainage way of parabolic or trapezoidal cross-section areas, and those designed to function in connection with with a supporting ridge on the lower side that is constructed other structures, shall have sufficient capacity to carry peak across the slope. runoff expected from a storm frequency consistent with the hazard involved. Purpose Cross Section The purpose of a diversion is to intercept and convey runoff The diversion channel shall be parabolic or trapezoidal in to stable outlets at non-erosive velocities. shape. Parabolic Diversion design charts are provided in Figures 5B.2 through 5B.7 on pages 5B.4 to 5B.9.The Conditions Where Practice Applies diversion shall be designed to have stable side slopes. The side slopes shall not be steeper than 2:1 and shall be flat Diversions are used where: enough to ensure ease of maintenance of the diversion and its protective vegetative cover. 1. Runoff from higher areas has potential for damaging properties, causing erosion, or interfering with, or The ridge shall have a minimum width of four feet at the preventing the establishment of, vegetation on lower design water elevation; a minimum of 0.3 feet freeboard areas. and a reasonable settlement factor shall be provided. 2. Surface and/or shallow subsurface flow is damaging Velocity and Grade sloping upland. The permissible velocity for the specified method of 3. The length of slopes needs to be reduced so that soil stabilization will determine the maximum grade. Maximum loss will be kept to a minimum. permissible velocities of flow for the stated conditions of stabilization shall be as shown in Table 5B.1 on page 5B.2 Diversions are only applicable below stabilized or protected of this standard. areas. Avoid establishment on slopes greater than fifteen percent. Diversions should be used with caution on soils Diversions are not usually applicable below high sediment subject to slippage. Construction of diversions shall be in producing areas unless land treatment practices or structural compliance with state drainage and water laws. measures, designed to prevent damaging accumulations of sediment in the channels, are installed with, or before, the Design Criteria diversions. Location Diversion location shall be determined by considering August 2005 Page 5B.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control operating at design flow. Outlets Each diversion must have an adequate outlet. The outlet Stabilization may be a grassed waterway, vegetated or paved area, grade stabilization structure, stable watercourse, or subsurface Diversions shall be stabilized in accordance with the drain outlet. In all cases, the outlet must convey runoff to a following tables. point where outflow will not cause damage. Vegetated outlets shall be installed before diversion construction, if Construction Specifications needed, to ensure establishment of vegetative cover in the outlet channel. See Figure 5B.1 on page 5B.3 for details. The design elevation of the water surface in the diversion shall not be lower than the design elevation of the water surface in the outlet at their junction when both are Table 5B.1 Diversion Maximum Permissible Design Velocities Permissible Velocity (ft / second) for Selected Soil Texture Retardance and Cover Channel Vegetation Sand, Silt, Sandy loam, C-Kentucky 31 tall fescue and 3.0 silty loam, loamy sand Kentucky bluegrass (ML, SM, SP, SW) 1 D-Annuals Small grain 2.5 (rye, oats, barley, millet) Ryegrass Silty clay loam, C-Kentucky 31 tall fescue 4.0 Sandy clay loam and Kentucky bluegrass (ML-CL, SC) 1 D-Annuals Small grain 3.5 (rye, oats, barley, millet) Ryegrass Clay (CL) C-Kentucky 31 tall fescue 5.0 and Kentucky bluegrass 1 D-Annuals Small grain 4.0 (rye, oats, barley, millet) Ryegrass 1 Annuals—Use only as temporary protection until permanent vegetation is established. Table 5B.2—Retardance Factors for Various Grasses and Legumes RetardanceCoverCondition AReed canarygrass………………………………………………... Excellent stand, tall (average 36 inches) BSmooth bromegrass…………………………………………… Good stand, mowed (average 12 to 15 inches) Tall fescue…………………………………………………….. Good stand, unmowed (average 18 inches) Grass-legume mixture—Timothy, smooth bromegrass, or Or- chard grass with birdsfoot trefoil………………………… Good stand, uncut (average 20 inches) Reed canarygrass………………………………………………. Good stand, mowed (average 12 to 15 inches) Tall fescue, with birdsfoot trefoil or ladino clover…………….. Good stand, uncut (average 18 inches) CRedtop……………………………………………………… Good stand, headed (15 to 20 inches) Grass-legume mixture—summer (Orchard grass, redtop, Annual ryegrass, and ladino or white clover)………………………… Good stand, uncut (6 to 8 inches) Kentucky bluegrass……………………………………………. Good stand, headed (6 to 12 inches) DRed fescue……………………………………………………… Good stand, headed (12 to 18 inches) Grass-legume mixture—fall, spring (Orchard grass, redtop, An- nual ryegrass, and white or ladino clover)………………. Good stand, uncut (4 to 5 inches) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.1 Diversion August 2005 Page 5B.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.2 Parabolic Diversion Design, Without Freeboard-1 (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.3 Parabolic Diversion Design, Without Freeboard-2 (USDA - NRCS) August 2005 Page 5B.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.4 Parabolic Diversion Design, Without Freeboard-3 (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.5 Parabolic Diversion Design, Without Freeboard-4 (USDA - NRCS) August 2005 Page 5B.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.6 Parabolic Diversion Design, Without Freeboard-5 (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.7 Parabolic Diversion Design, Without Freeboard-6 (USDA - NRCS) August 2005 Page 5B.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRASSED WATERWAY center, subsurface drain, or other suitable means since sustained wetness usually prevents adequate vegetative cover. The cross-sectional area of the stone center or subsurface drain size to be provided shall be determined by using a flow rate of 0.1 cfs/acre or by actual measurement of the maximum base flow. Velocity Please see Table 5B.1, Diversion Maximum Permissible Design Velocities, for seed, soil, and velocity variables. Cross Section The design water surface elevation of a grassed waterway receiving water from diversions or other tributary channels Definition shall be equal to or less than the design water surface elevation in the diversion or other tributary channels. A natural or man-made channel of parabolic or trapezoidal cross-section that is below adjacent ground level and is The top width of parabolic waterways shall not exceed 30 stabilized by suitable vegetation. The flow channel is feet and the bottom width of trapezoidal waterways shall normally wide and shallow and conveys the runoff down not exceed 15 feet unless multiple or divided waterways, the slope. stone center, or other means are provided to control meandering of low flows. Purpose Structural Measures The purpose of a grassed waterway is to convey runoff without causing damage by erosion. In cases where grade or erosion problems exist, special control measures may be needed such as lined waterways Conditions Where Practice Applies (5B.17), or grade stabilization measures (5B.31). Where needed, these measures will be supported by adequate Grass waterways are used where added vegetative design computations. For typical cross sections of waterways with riprap sections or stone centers, refer to protection is needed to control erosion resulting from Figure 5B.8 on page 5B.13. concentrated runoff. The design procedures for parabolic and trapezoidal Design Criteria channels are available in the NRCS Engineering Field Handbook; Figure 5B.9 on page 5B.14 also provides a Capacity design chart for parabolic waterway. The minimum capacity shall be that required to confine the Outlets peak rate of runoff expected from a 10-year frequency rainfall event or a higher frequency corresponding to the Each waterway shall have a stable outlet. The outlet may hazard involved. This requirement for confinement may be be another waterway, a stabilized open channel, grade waived on slopes of less than one (1) percent where out-of- stabilization structure, etc. In all cases, the outlet must bank flow will not cause erosion or property damage. discharge in such a manner as not to cause erosion. Outlets shall be constructed and stabilized prior to the operation of Peak rates of runoff values used in determining the capacity the waterway. requirements shall be computed by TR-55, Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, or other appropriate methods. Where there is base flow, it shall be handled by a stone August 2005 Page 5B.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Stabilization Waterways shall be stabilized in accordance with the appropriate vegetative stabilization standard and specifications, and will be dependent on such factors as slope, soil class, etc. Construction Specifications See Figure 5B.10 on page 5B.15 for details. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.8 Typical Waterway Cross Sections August 2005 Page 5B.13 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.9 Parabolic Waterway Design Chart (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.14 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.10 Grassed Waterway August 2005 Page 5B.15 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.16 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LINED WATERWAY OR OUTLET 3. The location is such that damage from use by people or animals precludes use of vegetated waterways or outlets. 4. Soils are highly erosive or other soil and climate conditions preclude using vegetation. 5. High value property or adjacent facilities warrant the extra cost to contain design runoff in a limited space. Design Criteria Capacity Definition 1. The minimum capacity shall be adequate to carry the peak rate of runoff from a 10-year, 24-hour storm. Velocity A waterway or outlet with a lining of concrete, stone, or shall be computed using Manning’s equation with a other permanent material. The lined section extends up the coefficient of roughness “n” as follows: side slopes to the designed depth. The earth above the permanent lining may be vegetated or otherwise protected. Lined Material “n” Concrete (Type): Purpose Trowel Finish 0.015 To provide for the disposal of concentrated runoff without Float Finish 0.019 damage from erosion or flooding, where grassed waterways would be inadequate due to high velocities. Gunite 0.019 Flagstone 0.022 Scope Riprap Determine from Figure 5B.11 on page 5B.19 This standard applies to waterways or outlets with linings of cast-in-place concrete, flagstone mortared in place, rock Gabion 0.030 riprap, gabions, or similar permanent linings. It does not apply to irrigation ditch or canal linings, grassed waterways 2. Riprap gradation and filter (bedding) are generally with stone centers or small lined sections that carry designed in accordance with criteria set forth in the prolonged low flows, or to reinforced concrete channels. National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report The maximum capacity of the waterway flowing at design 108, available from the University Microfilm International, depth shall not exceed 100 cubic feet per second. 300 N. Ree Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48016, Publication No. PB-00839; or the Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. Conditions Where Practice Applies 11, prepared by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads, available th from Federal Highway Administration, 400 7 Street, S.W., This practice applies where the following or similar Washington, D.C. 20590, HNG-31, or the procedure in the conditions exist: USDA-NRCS’s Engineering Field Manual, Chapter 16. 1. Concentrated runoff is such that a lining is required Velocity to control erosion. 1. Maximum design velocity shall be as shown below. 2. Steep grades, wetness, prolonged base flow, Except for short transition sections, flow with a seepage, or piping that would cause erosion. channel gradient within the range of 0.7 to 1.3 of this August 2005 Page 5B.17 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control flow’s critical slope must be avoided unless the channel is straight. Velocities exceeding critical will Related Structures be restricted to straight reaches. Side inlets, drop structures, and energy dissipaters shall Design Flow Depth Maximum Velocity meet the hydraulic and structural requirements of the site. (ft.) (ft./sec.) 0.0 – 0.5 25 Filters or Bedding 0.5 – 1.0 15 Greater than 1.0 10 Filters or bedding to prevent piping, reduce uplift pressure, and collect water will be used as required and will be 2. Waterways or outlets with velocities exceeding designed in accordance with sound engineering principles. critical shall discharge into an energy dissipater to Weep holes and drains should be provided as needed. reduce velocity to less than critical, or to a velocity the downstream soil and vegetative conditions will allow. Concrete Cross Section Concrete used for lining shall be so proportioned that it is plastic enough for thorough consolidation and stiff enough The cross section shall be triangular, parabolic, or to stay in place on side slopes. A dense product will be trapezoidal. Monolithic concrete or gabions may be required. A mix that can be certified as suitable to produce rectangular. a minimum strength of at least 3,000 pounds per square inch will be required. Cement used shall be Portland Cement, Type I, II, IV, or V. Aggregate used shall have a Freeboard maximum diameter of 1 ½ inches. The minimum freeboard for lined waterways or outlets shall be 0.25 feet above design high water in areas where erosion Weep holes should be provided in concrete footings and resistant vegetation cannot be grown adjacent to the paved retaining walls to allow free drainage of water. Pipe used side slopes. No freeboard is required where good for weep holes shall be non-corrosive. vegetation can be grown and is maintained. Mortar Side Slope Mortar used for mortared in-place flagstone shall consist of Steepest permissible side slopes, horizontal to vertical will a mix of cement, sand, and water. Follow directions on the be as follows: bag of mortar for proper mixing of mortar and water. 1. Non-Reinforced Concrete Contraction Joints Hand-placed, formed concrete Height of lining, 1.5 ft or less…………. Vertical Contraction joints in concrete linings, where required, shall Hand placed screened concrete or mortared be formed transversely to a depth of about one third the In-place flagstone thickness of the lining at a uniform spacing in the range of Height of lining, less than 2 ft…………. 1 to 1 10 to 15 feet. Height of lining, more than 2 ft……….. 2 to 1 2. Slip form concrete: Rock Riprap or Flagstone Height of lining, less than 3 ft………… 1 to 1 3. Rock Riprap………………………………. 2 to 1 Stone used for riprap or gabions shall be dense and hard 4. Gabions…………………………………… Vertical enough to withstand exposure to air, water, freezing, and 5. Pre-cast Concrete Sections……………….. Vertical thawing. Flagstone shall be flat for ease of placement and have the strength to resist exposure and breaking. Rock riprap maximum size shall be as follows: Lining Thickness Minimum lining thickness shall be as follows: Velocity, f.p.s. dmax, inches 5.0 6 1. Concrete………………..4 in. (In most problem areas, 8.5 12 shall be 5 in. with welded wire fabric reinforcing.) 10 18 12 24 2. Rock Riprap……1.5 x maximum stone size plus 15 36 thickness of filter or bedding. A complete riprap gradations is provided in Table 5B.4, 3. Flagstone…………..4 in. including mortar bed. page 5B.38. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.18 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control protect freshly placed concrete from extreme (hot or Cutoff Walls cold) temperatures, to ensure proper curing. Cutoff walls shall be used at the beginning and ending of concrete lining. For rock riprap lining, cutoff walls shall be 5. Filter bedding and rock riprap shall be placed to line keyed into the channel bottom and at both ends of the and grade in the manner specified. lining. 6. Construction operation shall be done in such a manner that erosion, air pollution, and water pollution will be minimized and held within legal limits. The completed job shall present a workmanlike Construction Specifications appearance. All disturbed areas shall be vegetated or otherwise protected against soil erosion. 1. The foundation area shall be cleared of trees, stumps, roots, sod, loose rock, or other objectionable material. Maintenance 2. The cross-section shall be excavated to the neat lines and grades as shown on the plans. Over-excavated Pavement or lining should be maintained as built to prevent areas shall be backfilled with moist soil compacted to undermining and deterioration. Existing trees next to the density of the surrounding material. pavements should be removed, as roots can cause uplift damage. 3. No abrupt deviations from design grade or horizontal alignment shall be permitted. Vegetation next to pavement should be maintained in good condition to prevent scouring if the pavement is overtopped. 4. Concrete linings shall be placed to the thickness See Standard and Specifications for Permanent Critical shown on the plans and finished in a workmanlikeArea Seeding on page 3.5. manner. Adequate precautions shall be taken to August 2005 Page 5B.19 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.11 Determining “n” for Riprap Lined Channel using Depth of Flow (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.20 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROCK OUTLET PROTECTION Design Criteria The design of rock outlet protection depends entirely on the location. Pipe outlet at the top of cuts or on slopes steeper than 10 percent, cannot be protected by rock aprons or riprap sections due to re-concentration of flows and high velocities encountered after the flow leaves the apron. Many counties and state agencies have regulations and design procedures already established for dimensions, type and size of materials, and locations where outlet protection is required. Where these requirements exist, they shall be followed. Tailwater Depth Definition The depth of tailwater immediately below the pipe outlet A section of rock protection placed at the outlet end of the must be determined for the design capacity of the pipe. If culverts, conduits, or channels. the tailwater depth is less than half the diameter of the outlet pipe, and the receiving stream is wide enough to Purpose accept divergence of the flow, it shall be classified as a Minimum Tailwater Condition; see Figure 5B.12 on page 5B.25 as an example. If the tailwater depth is greater than The purpose of the rock outlet protection is to reduce the half the pipe diameter and the receiving stream will depth, velocity, and energy of water, such that the flow will continue to confine the flow, it shall be classified as a not erode the receiving downstream reach. Maximum Tailwater Condition; see Figure 5B.13 on page 5B.26 as an example. Pipes which outlet onto flat areas Scope with no defined channel may be assumed to have a Minimum Tailwater Condition; see Figure 5B.12 on page This standard applies to the planning, design, and 5B.25 as an example. construction of rock riprap and gabions for protection of downstream areas. It does not apply to rock lining of Apron Size channels or streams. The apron length and width shall be determined from the Conditions Where Practice Applies curves according to the tailwater conditions: This practice applies where discharge velocities and Minimum Tailwater –Use Figure 5B.12 on page 5B.25 energies at the outlets of culverts, conduits, or channels are Maximum Tailwater – Use Figure 5B.13 on page 5B.26 sufficient to erode the next downstream reach. This applies to: If the pipe discharges directly into a well defined channel, the apron shall extend across the channel bottom and up the 1. Culvert outlets of all types. channel banks to an elevation one foot above the maximum tailwater depth or to the top of the bank, whichever is less. 2. Pipe conduits from all sediment basins, dry storm water ponds, and permanent type ponds. The upstream end of the apron, adjacent to the pipe, shall have a width two (2) times the diameter of the outlet pipe, 3. New channels constructed as outlets for culverts and or conform to pipe end section if used. conduits. August 2005 Page 5B.21 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Bottom Grade density of at least 150 pounds per cubic foot, and does not have any exposed steel or reinforcing bars. The outlet protection apron shall be constructed with no slope along its length. There shall be no overfall at the end Filter of the apron. The elevation of the downstream end of the apron shall be equal to the elevation of the receiving A filter is a layer of material placed between the riprap and channel or adjacent ground. the underlying soil surface to prevent soil movement into and through the riprap. Riprap shall have a filter placed under it in all cases. Alignment The outlet protection apron shall be located so that there are A filter can be of two general forms: a gravel layer or a no bends in the horizontal alignment. plastic filter cloth. The plastic filter cloth can be woven or non-woven monofilament yarns, and shall meet these base requirements: thickness 20-60 mils, grab strength 90-120 Materials lbs; and shall conform to ASTM D-1777 and ASTM D- The outlet protection may be done using rock riprap, 1682. grouted riprap, or gabions. Gravel filter blanket, when used, shall be designed by Riprap shall be composed of a well-graded mixture of stone comparing particle sizes of the overlying material and the size so that 50 percent of the pieces, by weight, shall be base material. Design criteria are available in Standard and larger than the d size determined by using the charts. A Specification for Riprap Slope Protection on page 5B.57. 50 well-graded mixture, as used herein, is defined as a mixture composed primarily of larger stone sizes, but with a Gabions sufficient mixture of other sizes to fill the smaller voids between the stones. The diameter of the largest stone size Gabions shall be made of hexagonal triple twist mesh with in such a mixture shall be 1.5 times the d size. heavily galvanized steel wire. The maximum linear 50 dimension of the mesh opening shall not exceed 4 ½ inches and the area of the mesh opening shall not exceed 10 square Thickness inches. The minimum thickness of the riprap layer shall be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter for d of 15 inches or Gabions shall be fabricated in such a manner that the sides, 50 less; and 1.2 times the maximum stone size for d greater ends, and lid can be assembled at the construction site into a 50 than 15 inches. The following chart lists some examples: rectangular basket of the specified sizes. Gabions shall be of single unit construction and shall be installed according Minimum to manufacturers recommendations. DdBlanket Thickness 50max (inches) (inches) (inches) The area on which the gabion is to be installed shall be graded as shown on the drawings. Foundation conditions 469 shall be the same as for placing rock riprap, and filter cloth 6914 shall be placed under all gabions. Where necessary, key, or tie, the structure into the bank to prevent undermining of the 91420 main gabion structure. 121827 Maintenance 152232 182732 Once a riprap outlet has been installed, the maintenance needs are very low. It should be inspected after high flows 213238 for evidence of scour beneath the riprap or for dislodged 243643 stones. Repairs should be made immediately. Stone Quality Design Procedure Stone for riprap shall consist of field stone or rough unhewn quarry stone. The stone shall be hard and angular and of a 1. Investigate the downstream channel to assure that quality that will not disintegrate on exposure to water or nonerosive velocities can be maintained. weathering. The specific gravity of the individual stones shall be at least 2.5. 2. Determine the tailwater condition at the outlet to establish which curve to use. Recycled concrete equivalent may be used provided it has a 3. Enter the appropriate chart with the design discharge to New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.22 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control determine the riprap size and apron length required. It is ) = 10 + (0.4) Apron width, W = conduit width + (6.4)(L a noted that references to pipe diameters in the charts are (40) = 26 ft. based on full flow. For other than full pipe flow, the Example 3: Open Channel Flow with Discharge to parameters of depth of flow and velocity must be used to Unconfined Section adjust the design discharges. Given: A trapezoidal concrete channel 5 ft. wide with 2:1 4. Calculate apron width at the downstream end if a flare side slopes is flowing 2 ft. deep, Q = 180 cfs (velocity = 10 section is to be employed. fps) and the tailwater surface downstream is 0.8 ft. (minimum tailwater condition). Examples Find: Using similar principles as Example 2, compute Example 1: Pipe Flow (full) with discharge to unconfined equivalent discharge for a 2 foot, using depth as a diameter, section. circular pipe flowing full at 10 feet per second. Given: A circular conduit flowing full. Velocity: 2 Q = 280 cfs, diam. = 66 in., tailwater (surface) is 2 ft. Q = (2ft) x 10 fps = 31.4 cfs above pipe invert (minimum tailwater condition). 4 Find: Read d = 1.2 and apron length (L) = 38 ft. At intersection of the curve, d = 24 in. and Q = 32 cfs, read 50a d = 0.6 ft. 50 Apron width = diam. + L = 5.5 + 38 = 43.5 ft. a Then reading the d = 24 in. curve, read apron length (L) = a Use: d = 15”, d = 22”, blanket thickness = 32” 20 ft. 50max Example 2: Box Flow (partial) with high tailwater Apron width, W = bottom width of channel + L= 5 + 20 = a 25 ft. Given: A box conduit discharging under partial flow conditions. A concrete box 5.5 ft. x 10 ft. flowing 5.0 ft. Example 4: Pipe flow (partial) with discharge to a deep, confined section Q = 600 cfs and tailwater surface is 5 ft. above invert (max. Given: A 48 in. pipe is discharging with a depth of 3 ft. tailwater condition). Q = 100 cfs, and discharge velocity of 10 fps (established from partial flow analysis) to a confined trapezoidal channel Since this is not full pipe and does not directly fit the with a 2 ft. bottom, 2:1 side slopes, n = .04, and grade of nomograph assumptions of Figure 7B.13 substitute depth as 0.6%. the diameter, to find a discharge equal to full pipe flow for that diameter, in this case 60 inches. Calculation of the downstream channel (by Manning’s Equation) indicates a normal depth of 3.1 ft. and normal 2 Since, Q = AV and A = Dvelocity of 3.9 fps. 4 Since the receiving channel is confined, the maximum First, compute velocity: tailwater condition controls. V = (Q/A) = (600/(5) (10)) = 12 fps Find: discharge using previous principles: 2 Then substituting: Q = (3ft) x 10 fps = 71 cfs 4 22 Q = D x V = 3.14 (5 ft) x 12 fps = 236 cfs 4 4 At the intersection of d = 36 in. and Q = 71 cfs, read d = 50 0.3 ft. At the intersection of the curve d = 60 in. and Q = 236 cfs, Reading the d = 36” curve, read apron length (L) = 30 ft. a read d = 0.4 ft. 50 Since the maximum flow depth in this reach is 3.1 ft., that is Then reading the d = 60 in. curve, read apron length (L) = the minimum depth of riprap to be maintained for the entire a 40 ft. length. August 2005 Page 5B.23 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Specifications 1. The subgrade for the filter, riprap, or gabion shall be prepared to the required lines and grades. Any fill required in the subgrade shall be compacted to a density of approximately that of the surrounding undisturbed material. 2. The rock or gravel shall conform to the specified grading limits when installed respectively in the riprap or filter. 3. Filter cloth shall be protected from punching, cutting, or tearing. Any damage other than an occasional small hole shall be repaired by placing another piece of cloth over the damaged part or by completely replacing the cloth. All overlaps, whether for repairs or for joining two pieces of cloth shall be a minimum of one foot. 4. Stone for the riprap or gabion outlets may be placed by equipment. Both shall each be constructed to the full course thickness in one operation and in such a manner as to avoid displacement of underlying materials. The stone for riprap or gabion outlets shall be delivered and placed in a manner that will ensure that it is reasonably homogenous with the smaller stones andspallsfilling the voids between the larger stones. Riprap shall be placed in a manner to prevent damage to the filter blanket or filter cloth. Hand placement will be required to the extent necessary to prevent damage to the permanent works. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.24 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.12 Outlet Protection Design—Minimum Tailwater Condition (Design of Outlet Protection from a Round Pipe Flowing Full, < 0.5D) Minimum Tailwater Condition: T (USDA - NRCS) wo August 2005 Page 5B.25 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.13 Outlet Protection Design—Maximum Tailwater Condition (Design of Outlet Protection from a Round Pipe Flowing Full, 0.5D) Maximum Tailwater Condition: T (USDA - NRCS) wo New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.26 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.14 Riprap Outlet Protection Detail (1) August 2005 Page 5B.27 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.15 Riprap Outlet Protection Detail (2) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.28 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.16 Riprap Outlet Protection Detail (3) August 2005 Page 5B.29 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.30 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADE STABILIZATION STRUCTURE responsibility of the landowner or developer. General Designs and specifications shall be prepared for each structure on an individual job basis depending on its purpose, site conditions, and the basic criteria of the conservation practice with which the structure is planned. Typical structures are as follows: 1. Channel linings of concrete, asphalt, half round metal pipe or other suitable lining materials. These linings should generally be used where channel velocities exceed safe velocities for vegetated channels due to increased grade or a change in channel cross section or Definition where durability of vegetative lining is adversely affected by seasonal changes. Adequate protection will be provided to prevent erosion or scour of both ends of A structure to stabilize the grade or to control head cutting the channel lining. in natural or artificial channels. 2. Overfall structures of concrete, metal, rock riprap, or Scope other suitable material is used to lower water from one elevation to another. These structures are applicable This standard applies to all types of grade stabilization where it is desirable to drop the watercourse elevation structures. It does not apply to storm sewers or their over a very short horizontal distance. Adequate component parts. protection will be provided to prevent erosion or scour upstream, downstream and along sides of overfall Purpose structures. Structures should be located on straight sections of channel with a minimum of 100 feet of Grade stabilization structures are used to reduce or prevent straight channel each way. excessive erosion by reduction of velocities and grade in the watercourse or by providing channel linings or structures 3. Pipe drops of metal pipe with suitable inlet and outlet that can withstand the higher velocities. structures. The inlet structure may consist of a vertical section of pipe or similar material, an embankment, or a Conditions Where Practice Applies combination of both. The outlet structure will provide adequate protection against erosion or scour at the pipe This practice applies to sites where the capability of earth outlet. and vegetative measures is exceeded in the safe handling of water at permissible velocities, where excessive grades or Capacity overfall conditions are encountered, or where water is to be lowered structurally from one elevation to another. These Structures that are designed to operate in conjunction with structures should generally be planned and installed along other erosion control practices shall have, as a minimum, with, or as a part of, other conservation practices in an capacity equal to the bankfull capacity of the channel overall surface water disposal system. delivering water to the structures. The minimum design capacity for structures that are not designed to perform in Design Criteria conjunction with other practices shall be that required to handle the peak rate of flow from a 10-year, 24-hour Compliance with Laws and Regulations frequency storm or bankfull, whichever is greater. Peak rates of runoff used in determining the capacity Design and construction shall be in compliance with state requirements shall be determined by TR-55, Urban and local laws and regulations. Such compliance is the August 2005 Page 5B.31 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Hydrology for Small Watersheds, or other appropriate Seeding, fertilizing, and mulching shall conform to the method. recommendation specification in Section 3. Set the rest of the structure at an elevation that will stabilize Construction operations shall be carried out in such a the grade of the upstream channel. The outlet should be set manner that erosion and air and water pollution will be at an elevation to assure stability. Outlet velocities should minimized. State and local laws concerning pollution be kept within the allowable limits for the receiving stream. abatement shall be complied with at every site. Structural drop spillways need to include a foundation drainage system to reduce hydrostatic loads. Locate emergency bypass areas so that floods in excess of structural capacity enter the channel far enough downstream Structures which involve the retarding of floodwater or the so as not to cause damage to the structure. impoundment of water shall be designed using the criteria set forth in the guidelines for Ponds or Floodwater Maintenance Retarding Structures, whichever is applicable. Once properly installed, the maintenance for the grade Construction Specifications stabilization structure should be minimal. Inspect the structure periodically and after major storm events. Check Structures shall be installed according to lines and grades fill for piping or extreme settlement. Ensure a good shown on the plan. The foundation for structures shall be vegetative cover. Check the channel for scour or debris and cleared of all undesirable materials prior to the installation loss of rock from aprons. Repair or replace failing of the structure. Materials used in construction shall be in structures immediately. conformance with the design frequency and life expectancy of the practice. Earth fill, when used as a part of the structure, shall be placed in 4-inch lifts and hand compacted within 2 feet of the structure. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.32 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAVED FLUME Anchor Lugs – Space anchor lugs a minimum of 10 feet on centers for the length of the flume. They will extend the width of the flume, extend 1 foot into subsoil, be a minimum of 6 inches thick, and be reinforced with #3 reinforcing bars placed on a 6-inch grid. Concrete – Minimum strength of design mix shall be 3000 psi. Concrete thickness shall be a minimum of 6 inches reinforced with #3 reinforcing bars. Mix shall be dense, durable, stiff enough to stay in place on steep slopes, and sufficiently plastic for consolidation. Concrete mix should include an air-entraining admixture to resist freeze-thaw cycles. Cross Section – Flumes shall have minimum depth of 1 Definition foot with 1.5:1 side slopes. Bottom widths shall be based on maximum flow capacity. Chutes will be maintained in a straight alignment because of supercritical flow velocities. A small concrete-lined channel to convey water on a relatively steep slope. Drainage filters – Use a drainage filter with all paved flumes to prevent piping and reduce uplift pressures. Size Purpose of the filter material will be dependent on the soil material the flume is located in. To convey concentrated runoff safely down the face of a cut or fill slope without causing erosion. Inlet Section – Design the inlet to the following minimum dimensions: side walls 2 feet high, length 6 feet, width Condition Where Practice Applies equal to the flume channel bottom, and side slopes the same as the flume channel side slopes. Where concentrated storm runoff must be conveyed down a cut or fill slope as part of a permanent erosion control Outlet Section – Outlets must be protected from erosion. system. Paved flumes serve as stable outlets for diversions, Usually an energy dissipater is used to reduce the high drainage channels, or natural drainageways, that are located chute velocities to lower non-erosive velocities. Rock above relatively steep slopes. Paved flumes should be used riprap should be placed at the end of the dissipater to spread on slopes of 1:5 to 1 or flatter. flow evenly to the receiving channel. Design Criteria See Figure 5B.17 on page 5B.35 for examples of outlet structures. Capacity – Minimum capacity should be the 10-year frequency storm. Freeboard or enough bypass capacity Invert – Precast concrete sections may be used in lieu of should be provided to safeguard the structure from peak cast in place concrete. The sections should be designed at flows expected for the life of the structure. the joint to be overlapped to prevent displacement between sections. Joint sealing compound should be used to prevent Slope – The slope should not be steeper than 1.5:1 (67%). migration of soil through a joint. Cutoff walls and anchor lugs should be cast in the appropriate sections to Cutoff Walls – Install cutoff walls at the beginning and end accommodate the design criteria. of paved flumes. The cutoff should extend a minimum of 18 inches into the soil and across the full width of the flume Small Flumes – Where the drainage area is 10 acres or less, and be 6 inches thick. Cutoff walls should be reinforced the design dimensions for concrete flumes may be selected with #3 reinforcing bars (3/8”) placed on a 6-inch grid in from those shown in the table on the following page: the center of the wall. August 2005 Page 5B.33 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Drainage Area (Acres) 3. Where drainage filters are placed under the structure, the concrete will not be poured on the filter. A plastic liner, a 5 10minimum of 4 mils thick, will be placed to prevent contamination of filter layer. Min Bottom Width 4 8 4. Place concrete for the flume to the thickness shown on Min Inlet Depth (ft) 2 2 the plans and finish according to details. Protect freshly poured concrete from extreme temperatures (hot or cold) Min Channel Depth (ft) 1.3 1.3 and ensure proper curing. Max Channel Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1 5. Form, reinforce, and pour together cutoff walls, anchor lugs and channel linings. Provide traverse joints to control Max Side Slope 1.5:1 1.5:1 cracking at 20-foot intervals. Joints can be formed by using a 1/8 inch thick removable template or by sawing to a minimum depth of 1 inch. Flumes longer than 50 feet shall See Figure 5B.18 on page 5B.36 for details. have preformed expansion joints installed. Construction Specifications 6. Immediately after construction, all disturbed areas will be final graded and seeded. 1. The subgrade shall be constructed to the lines and grades shown on the plans. Remove all unsuitable material and Maintenance replace them if necessary with compacted stable fill materials. Shape subgrade to uniform surface. Where concrete is poured directly on subsoil, maintain it in a moist Inspect flumes after each rainfall until all areas adjoining condition. the flume are permanently stabilized. Repair all damage immediately. Inspect outlet and rock riprap to assure 2. On fill slopes, the soil adjacent to the chute, for a presence and stability. Any missing components should be minimum of 5 feet, must be well compacted. immediately replaced. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.34 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.17 Examples of Outlet Structures August 2005 Page 5B.35 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.18 Paved Flume New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.36 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR STRUCTURAL STREAMBANK PROTECTION • Streambank protection should begin at a stable location and end at a stable point along the bank. • Changes in alignment should not be done without a complete analysis of effects on the rest of the stream system for both environmental and stability effects. • Provisions should be made to maintain and improve fish and wildlife habitat. For example, restoring lost vegetation will provide valuable shade, food, and/or cover. • Ensure that all requirements of state law and all permit requirements of local, state, and federal agencies are met. Definition Construction Specifications Stabilization of eroding streambanks by the use of designed Riprap – Riprap is the most commonly used material to structural measures, such as rock riprap, gabions, pre-cast structurally stabilize a streambank. While riprap will concrete wall units and grid pavers. provide the structural stabilization necessary, the bank can be enhanced with vegetative material to slow the velocity of Purpose water, filter debris, and enhance habitat. See Biotechnical Measures for Erosion and Sediment Control, Section 4, for To protect exposed or eroded streambanks from the erosive more information. forces of flowing water. 1. Bank slope – slopes shall be graded to 2:1 or flatter Condition Where Practice Applies prior to placing bedding, filter fabric, or riprap. 2. Filter – filters should be placed between the base Generally applicable where flow velocities exceed 6 feet bank material and the riprap and meet the per second or where vegetative streambank protection is requirements of criteria listed in the Standards and inappropriate. Necessary where excessive flows have Specifications for Riprap Slope Protection, page created an erosive condition on a streambank. 5B.57. Design Criteria 3. Gradation – The gradation of the riprap is dependent on the velocity expected against the bank for the • Since each channel is unique, measures for structural design conditions. See Table 5B.3 on page 5B.38. streambank should be installed according to a design Once the velocity is known, gradation can be based on specific site conditions. selected from the gradations below. The riprap should extend 2 feet below the channel bottom and • Develop designs according to the following principles: be keyed into the bank both at the upstream end and downstream end of the proposed work or reach. • Make protective measures compatible with other channel modifications planned or being carried out in the channel See Figure 5B.19 on page 5B.39 for details. reaches. Gabions – Design and install gabions according to • Use the design velocity of the peak discharge of the 10- manufacturers recommendations. Since these are year storm or bankfull discharge, whichever is less. rectangular, rock-filled wire baskets, they are somewhat Structural measures should be capable of withstanding flexible in armoring channel bottoms and banks. They can greater flows without serious damage. withstand significantly higher velocities for the size stone they contain due to the basket structure. They also stack • Ensure that the channel bottom is stable or stabilized by vertically to act as a retaining wall for constrained areas. structural means before installing any permanent bank (Figure 5B.20). protection. August 2005 Page 5B.37 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Gabions should not be used in streams that carry a bedload anticipated channel degradation and into the channel bed as that can abrade the wire causing separation and failure. necessary to provide stability. Reinforced Concrete - May be used to armor eroding Modular Pre-Cast Units – Interlocking modular precast sections of streambank by constructing walls, bulk heads, or units of different sizes, shapes, heights, and depths, have bank linings. Provide positive drainage behind these been developed for a wide variety of applications. These structures to relieve uplift pressures. units serve in the same manner as gabions. They provide vertical support in tight areas as well as durability. Many Grid Pavers – Modular concrete units with or without void types are available with textured surfaces. They also act as areas can be used to stabilize streambanks. Units with void gravity retaining walls. They should be designed and areas can allow the establishment of vegetation. These installed in accordance with the manufacturers structures may be obtained in a variety of shapes (Figure recommendations (Figure 5B.20). 5B.20) or they may be formed and poured in place. Maintain design and installation in accordance with All areas disturbed by construction should be stabilized as manufacturers instructions. soon as the structural measures are complete. Revetment – Structural support or armoring to protect an Maintenance embankment from erosion. Riprap and gabions are commonly used. Also used is a hollow fabric mattress with Check stabilized streambank sections after every high-water cells that receive a concrete mixture, (ie. Fabriform). Any event, and make any needed repairs immediately to prevent revetment should be installed to a depth below the any further damage or unraveling of the existing work. Table 5B.3—Riprap Gradations Velocity (ft./s.) Thickness (in.) PERCENT FINER BY WEIGHT Height (ft.) D D D D Layer Wave 105085 100 Class Max Wt. d dWt. d dWt. ddWt. d d oooo (lbs.) (in.) (in.) (lbs.) (in.) (in.)(lbs.) (in.)(in.) (lbs.) (in.) (in.) I188.5 -5545010810013 101501512 II1810-17761701512 34019 155002218 III24122461084602117 92026 211400 3024 IV3614315015121500 3025 3000 39 324500 4736 V48174.8 37020163700 4234 7400 53 4311,000 6049 d = gravel material d = angular rock riprap o Wt = weight in pounds New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.38 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.19 Riprap Streambank Protection August 2005 Page 5B.39 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.20 Structural Streambank Protection Methods New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.40 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEBRIS BASIN Purpose To provide a permanent or temporary means of trapping and storing sediment from eroding areas in order to protect properties or stream channels below the installation from damage by excessive sedimentation and debris. Conditions Where Practice Applies Where physical conditions or land ownership preclude the treatment of the sediment source by the installation of erosion control measures to reduce runoff and erosion. It may also be used as a permanent or temporary measure during grading and development of areas above. If a debris basin is used as a temporary structure, it may be removed Definition once the development is complete and the area is permanently protected against erosion by vegetative or A barrier or dam constructed across a waterway or at other mechanical means. suitable locations to form a basin for catching and storing sediment and other waterborne debris. Design Criteria Scope The capacity of the debris basin to the elevation of the crest of the service spillway is to equal the volume of the This standard covers the installation of debris basins on expected sediment yield from the unprotected portions of sites where: (1) failure of the structure would not result in the drainage area during the planned useful life of the loss of life or interruption of use or service of public structure. The minimum volume of sediment in acre feet utilities; (2) the drainage area does not exceed 200 acres; per year can be determined for various drainage areas under and (3) the water surface area at the crest of the auxiliary construction from curves on Figure 5B.21 on page 5B.44. spillway does not exceed 5 acres. For this purpose of this standard, debris basins are classified according to the NOTE: All Debris Basins will be designed and constructed following table: in accordance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Dam Safety Section, Maximum Maximum Auxiliary Design “Guidelines for Design of Dams,” and all applicable 1 Drainage HeightSpillway Storm permits must be obtained. ClassArea (Ac) of Dam (ft) Required Frequency Spillway Design 2 1205No — 22010Yes50 yrs. Runoff will be computed by the USDA-NRCS, TR-55, or other appropriate method. Runoff computations should be 3200 20Yes100 yrs. based upon the soil cover conditions expected to prevail during the construction period of the development. 1 Height is measured from the low point of original ground at the For Class 2 basins, the combined capacities of the downstream toe to the top of dam. service and auxiliary spillways will be sufficient to pass the peak rate of runoff from a 50-year frequency storm 2 Class 1 basins are to be used only where site conditions are such after adjusting for flood routing. that it is impractical to construct an auxiliary spillway in undisturbed ground. For Class 3 basins, the combined capacities of the service and auxiliary spillways will be sufficient to pass the peak rate of runoff from a 100-year frequency storm. August 2005 Page 5B.41 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control 7. Outlet protection: Protection against scour at the discharge end of the pipe spillway shall be provided. Pipe Spillway Protective measures may include structures of the The pipe spillway will consist of a vertical pipe box type impact basin type, rock riprap, paving, revetment, riser jointed to a conduit, which will extend through the excavation of plunge pool or use of other approved embankment and outlet beyond the downstream toe of the methods. fill. The minimum diameter of the conduit will be 8 inches. Auxiliary Spillway The service spillway system will be perforated to provide for a gradual drawdown after each storm event. The Class 2 and 3 basins: An auxiliary spillway shall be minimum average capacity of the service spillway will be excavated in undisturbed ground whenever site conditions sufficient to discharge 5 inches of runoff from the drainage permit. The auxiliary spillway cross section shall be area in 24 hours (0.21 cfs per acre of drainage area). The trapezoidal with a minimum bottom width of 8 feet. riser of the service spillway shall be a cross-sectional area at least 1.3 times that of the barrel. Class 1 basins: The embankment may be used as an auxiliary spillway. In these cases, the downstream slope of 1. Crest Elevation: The crest elevation of the riser shall the embankment shall be 5:1 or flatter and the embankment be at least 3 feet below the crest elevation of the must be immediately protected against erosion by means embankment. such as sodding, rock riprap, asphalt coating, or other approved methods. 2. Perforated: Metal pipe risers shall be perforated with 1-1/2 inch diameter holes spaced 8 inches vertically 1. Capacity: The minimum capacity of the auxiliary and 10-12 inches horizontally around the pipe. Box spillway shall be that required to pass the peak rate of type risers shall be ported or have some means for runoff from the design storm, less any reduction due complete drainage of the sediment pool within a 5 day to flow in the pipe spillway. period following storm inflows. 2. Velocities: The maximum allowable velocity of flow 3. Anti-vortex device: An anti-vortex device shall be in the exit channel shall be 6 feet per second for installed on the top of the riser. vegetated channels. For channels with erosion protection other than vegetation, velocities shall be in 4. Base: The riser shall have a base attached with a the safe range for the type of protection used. watertight connection. The base shall have sufficient weight to prevent flotation of the riser. 3. Erosion protection: Provide for erosion protection by vegetation or by other suitable means such as rock 5. Trash rack: An approved trash rack shall be firmly riprap, asphalt, concrete, etc. attached to the top of the riser if the pipe spillway conveys 25 percent or more of the peak rate of runoff 4. Freeboard: Freeboard is the difference between the from the design storm. design flow elevation in the auxiliary spillway and the top of the settled embankment. The minimum 6. Anti-seepage measures: Anti-seep collars, or seepage freeboard for Class 2 and Class 3 basins shall be 1 diaphragms, shall be installed around the pipe conduit foot. within the normal saturation zone when any of the following conditions exist: Embankment (Earth Fill) A. The settled height of dam exceeds 15 ft. Class 1 basins: The minimum top width shall be 10 feet. The upstream slope shall be no steeper than 3:1. The B. The conduit is of smooth pipe 8 inches, or larger, downstream slope shall be no steeper than 5:1. in diameter. Class 2 basins: The minimum top width shall be 8 feet. C. The conduit is of corrugated metal pipe 12 inches The combined upstream and downstream side slopes shall in diameter, or larger. not be less than 5:1 with neither slope steeper than 2½:1. The anti-seep collars and their connections to the pipe shall be watertight. The maximum spacing Class 3 basins: The minimum top width shall be 10 feet. shall be approximately 14 times the minimum Side slopes shall be no steeper than 3:1. projection of the collar measured perpendicular to the pipe. In lieu of anti-seep collars, a seepage Embankment (other than Earth Fill) diaphragm can be used whose projections are three times the diameter of the pipe in all directions. Class 1 basins only: The embankment may be constructed New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.42 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control of the following materials: Pipe Spillway 1. Pressure treated timber crib – rock filled 2. Precast reinforced concrete crib – rock filled The riser shall be solidly attached to the barrel and all 3. Gabions connections shall be watertight. The barrel and riser shall be placed on a firm foundation. The fill material around the When the above material is used for the embankment, a pipe spillway will be placed in 4-inch layers and compacted principal spillway is not required; however, the dam shall to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. be pervious to allow for drainage during time of low inflow. Basins constructed of the above materials should be used Auxiliary Spillway (Class 2 and 3 basins) only when the sediment to be trapped is coarse-grained material such as well graded gravel (GW) or poorly graded The auxiliary spillway shall be installed in undisturbed gravel (GP) material (Unified Soil Classification System). earth unless otherwise specified in the plan. The lines and grades must conform to those shown on the plans as nearly as skillful operation of the excavating equipment will Construction Specifications permit. Site Preparation Embankment (other than Earth Fill) Areas under the embankment and any structural works shall The rock used to fill cribbing or gabions will be hard and be cleared, grubbed, and the topsoil stripped to remove durable and of an approved size and gradation. trees, vegetation, roots, and other objectionable material. In order to facilitate cleanout and restoration, the pool area Erosion and Pollution Control will be cleared of all brush and excess trees. Construction operations will be carried out in such a Cutoff Trench manner that erosion and water pollution will be minimized. State and local laws concerning pollution abatement shall A cutoff trench shall be excavated along the centerline of be complied with. dam on earth fill embankments to a depth of at least 1.0 foot into a layer of slowly permeable material. The minimum Safety depth shall be 2 feet. The cutoff trench shall extend up both abutments to the riser crest elevation. The minimum State requirements shall be met concerning fencing and bottom width shall be 4 feet, but wide enough to permit signs warning the public of hazards of soft sediment and operation of compaction equipment. The side slopes shall floodwater. be the same as those for embankment. The trench shall be kept free from standing water during the backfilling Seeding operations. Seeding, fertilizing, and mulching shall conform to the Embankment recommendations in Section 5, Vegetative Measures for Erosion and Sediment Control, of this manual. The fill material shall be taken from approved designated borrow areas. It shall be free of roots, woody vegetation, Final Disposal oversized stones, rocks, or other objectionable material. Areas on which fill is to be placed shall be scarified prior to In the case of temporary structures, when the intended placement of fill. The fill material should contain sufficient purpose has been accomplished and the drainage area moisture so that it can be formed into a ball without properly stabilized, the embankment and resulting silt crumbling. If water can be squeezed out of the ball, it is too deposits are to be leveled, or otherwise disposed of in wet for proper compaction. accordance with the plan. Fill material will be placed in 6 to 9 inch layers and shall be continuous over the entire length of the fill. Compaction will be obtained by routing the hauling equipment over the fill so that the entire surface of the fill is traversed by at least one track width of the equipment, or compaction shall be achieved by the use of a compactor. The embankment shall be constructed to an elevation 10 percent higher than the design height to allow for settlement if compaction is obtained with hauling equipment. If compactors are used for compaction, the overbuild may be reduced to 5 percent. August 2005 Page 5B.43 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.21 One-Year Debris Basin Sediment Capacity (USDA - NRCS) (R value) Example: A 10 acre area under con- struction in an area whose RUSLE R value is 100, requires 1.2 acre-feet for basin sediment capacity. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.44 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUBSURFACE DRAIN Conditions Where Practice Applies Subsurface drains are used in areas having a high water table or where subsurface drainage is required. The soil shall have enough depth and permeability to permit installation of an effective system. This standard does not apply to storm drainage systems or foundation drains. Regulatory restrictions may apply if wetlands are present. An outlet for the drainage system shall be available, either by gravity flow or by pumping. The outlet shall be adequate for the quantity of water to be discharged without causing damage above or below the point of discharge and shall comply with all state and local laws. Definition Design Criteria A conduit, such as tile, pipe, or tubing, installed beneath the The design and installation shall be based on adequate ground surface, which intercepts, collects, and/or conveys surveys and on-site soils investigations. drainage water. Required Capacity of Drains Purpose The required capacity shall be determined by one or more A subsurface drain may serve one or more of the following of the following: purposes: 1. Where sub-surface drainage is to be uniform over an 1. Improve the environment for vegetative growth by area through a systematic pattern of drains, a drainage coefficient of 1 inch to be removed in 24 hours shall regulating the water table and groundwater flow. be used; see Drain Chart, Figure 5B.22 on page 5B.48. 2. Intercept and prevent water movement into a wet area. 2. Where sub-surface drainage is to be by a random 3. Relieve artesian pressures. interceptor system, a minimum inflow rate of 0.5 cfs 4. Remove surface runoff. per 1,000 feet of line shall be used to determine the required capacity. If actual field tests and 5. Provide internal drainage of slopes to improve their measurements of flow amounts are available, they stability and reduce erosion. may be used for determining capacity. 6. Provide internal drainage behind bulkheads, retaining For interceptor subsurface drains on sloping land, walls, etc. increase the inflow rate as follows: 7. Replace existing subsurface drains that are interrupted Land Slope Increase Inflow Rate By or destroyed by construction operations. 2-5 percent 10 percent 8. Provide subsurface drainage for dry storm water 5-12 percent 20 percent management structures. Over 12 percent 30 percent 9. Improve dewatering of sediment in sediment basins. 3. Additional design capacity must be provided if (See Standard and Specification for Sediment Basins surface water is allowed to enter the system. in Section 5A). August 2005 Page 5B.45 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control sand/gravel envelopes. Where necessary to improve the characteristics of flow of groundwater into the conduit, Size of Subsurface Drain more envelope material may be required. The size of subsurface drains shall be determined from the drain chart found on Figures 5B.22 on page 5B.48. All Where county regulations do not allow sand/gravel subsurface drains shall have a nominal diameter, which envelopes, but require a special type and size of envelope equals or exceeds four (4) inches. material, they shall be followed. Envelope material shall be placed to the height of the Depth and Spacing uppermost seepage strata. Behind bulkheads and retaining The minimum depth of cover of subsurface drains shall be walls, it shall go to within twelve inches of the top of the 24 inches where possible. The minimum depth of cover structure. This standard does not cover the design of filter may be reduced to 15 inches where it is not possible to materials where needed. attain the 24 inch depth and where the drain is not subject to equipment loading or frost action. Roots from some types Materials used for envelopes shall not contain materials of vegetation can plug drains, as the drains get closer to the which will cause an accumulation of sediment in the surface. conduit or render the envelope unsuitable for bedding of the conduit. Envelope materials shall consist of either filter The spacing of drain laterals will be dependent on the cloth or sand/gravel material, which shall pass a 1 ½ inch permeability of the soil, the depth of installation of the sieve, 90 to 100 percent shall pass a ¾ inch sieve, and not drains and degree of drainage required. Generally, drains more than 10 percent shall pass a No. 60 sieve. installed 36 inches deep and spaced 50 feet center-to-center will be adequate. For more specific information, see the Filter cloth envelope can be either woven or non-woven New York Drainage Guide (USDA-NRCS).monofilatment yarns and shall have a sieve opening ranging from 40 to 80. The envelope shall be placed in such a manner that once the conduit is installed, it shall completely Minimum Velocity and Grade encase the conduit. The minimum grade for subsurface drains shall be 0.10 percent. Where surface water enters the system a velocity The conduit shall be placed and bedded in a sand/gravel of not less than 2 feet per second shall be used to establish envelope. A minimum of three inches depth of envelope the minimum grades. Provisions shall be made for materials shall be placed on the bottom of a conventional preventing debris or sediment from entering the system by trench. The conduit shall be placed on this and the trench means of filters or collection and periodic removal of completely filled with envelope material to minimum depth sediment from installed traps. of 3 inches above the conduit. Soft or yielding soils under the drain shall be stabilized Materials for Subsurface Drains where required and lines protected from settlement by Acceptable subsurface drain materials include perforated, adding gravel or other suitable material to the trench, by continuous closed joint conduits of polyethylene plastic, placing the conduit on plank or other rigid support, or by concrete, corrugated metal, asbestos cement, bituminized using long sections of perforated or watertight pipe with fiber, polyvinyl chloride, and clay tile. adequate strength to ensure satisfactory subsurface drain performance. The conduit shall meet strength and durability requirements of the site. Use of Heavy Duty Corrugated Plastic Drainage Tubing Heavy duty corrugated drainage tubing shall be specified Loading where rocky or gravelly soils are expected to be The allowable loads on subsurface drain conduits shall be encountered during installation operations. The quality of based on the trench and bedding conditions specified for the tubing will also be specified when cover over this tubing is job. A factor of safety of not less than 1.5 shall be used in expected to exceed 24 inches for 4, 5, 6, or 8 inch tubing. computing the maximum allowable depth of cover for a Larger size tubing designs will be handled on an individual particular type of conduit. job basis. Envelopes and Envelope Materials Auxiliary Structure and Subsurface Drain Protection Envelopes shall be used around subsurface drains for proper The outlet shall be protected against erosion and bedding and to provide better flow into the conduit. Not undermining of the conduit, against damaging periods of less than three inches of envelope material shall be used for submergence, and against entry of rodents or other animals New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.46 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control into the subsurface drain. An animal guard shall be and covered with envelope material. The pipe or installed on the outlet end of the pipe. A swinging animal tubing shall be laid with the perforations down and guard shall be used if surface water enters the pipe. oriented symmetrically about the vertical centerline. Connections will be made with manufactured A continuous 10-foot section of corrugated metal, cast iron, functions comparable in strength with the specified polyvinyl chloride, or steel pipe without perforations shall pipe or tubing unless otherwise specified. The method be used at the outlet end of the line and shall outlet 1.0 foot of placement and bedding shall be as specified on the above the normal elevation of low flow in the outlet ditch or drawing. above mean high tide in tidal areas. No envelope material shall be used around the 10-foot section of pipe. Two-3. Envelope material shall consist of filter cloth or a thirds of the pipe shall be buried in the ditch bank and the sand/gravel (which shall pass the 1 ½ inch sieve, 90 to cantilevered section shall extend to a point above the toe of 100 percent shall pass ¾ inch sieve, and not more than the ditch side slope. If not possible, the side slope shall be 10 percent shall pass the No. 60 sieve). protected from erosion. 4. The upper end of each subsurface drain line shall be Conduits under roadways and embankments shall be capped with a tight fittings cap of the same material as watertight and designed to exclude debris and prevent the conduit or other durable material unless connected sediment from entering the conduit. Lines flowing under to a structure. pressure shall be designed to withstand the resulting pressures and velocity of flow. Surface waterways shall be 5. A continuous 10-foot section of corrugated metal, cast used where feasible. iron, polyvinyl chloride, or steel pipe without perforations shall be used at the outlet end of the line. The upper end of each subsurface drain line shall be capped No envelope material shall be used around the 10-foot with a tight fitting cap of the same material as the conduit or section of the pipe. An animal guard shall be installed other durable material unless connected to a structure. on the outlet end of the pipe. 6. Earth backfill material shall be placed in the trench in Construction Specifications such a manner that displacement of the drain will not occur. 1. Deformed, warped, or otherwise damaged pipe or tubing shall not be used. 7. Where surface water is entering the system, the pipe outlet section of the system shall contain a swing type 2. All subsurface drains shall be laid to a uniform line trash and animal guard. August 2005 Page 5B.47 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.22 Drain Chart—CorrugatedPlastic Drain Tubing (USDA - NRCS) New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.48 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LANDGRADING of these practices. The following shall be incorporated into the plan: 1. Provisions shall be made to safely conduct surface runoff to storm drains, protected outlets, or to stable water courses to ensure that surface runoff will not damage slopes or other graded areas; see standards and specifications for Grassed Waterway, Diversion, Grade Stabilization Structure. 2. Cut and fill slopes that are to be stabilized with grasses shall not be steeper than 2:1. When slopes exceed 2:1, special design and stabilization consideration are required and shall be adequately shown on the plans. (Note: Where the slope is to be Definition mowed, the slope should be no steeper than 3:1, although 4:1 is preferred because of safety factors related to mowing steep slopes.) Reshaping of the existing land surface in accordance with a plan as determined by engineering survey and layout. 3. Reverse slope benches or diversion shall be provided whenever the vertical interval (height) of any 2:1 Purpose slope exceeds 20 feet; for 3:1 slope it shall be increased to 30 feet and for 4:1 to 40 feet. Benches The purpose of a landgrading specification is to provide for shall be located to divide the slope face as equally as erosion control and vegetative establishment on those areas possible and shall convey the water to a stable outlet. where the existing land surface is to be reshaped by grading Soils, seeps, rock outcrops, etc., shall also be taken according to plan. into consideration when designing benches. Design Criteria A. Benches shall be a minimum of six feet wide to provide for ease of maintenance. The grading plan should be based upon the incorporation of building designs and street layouts that fit and utilize B. Benches shall be designed with a reverse slope of existing topography and desirable natural surrounding to 6:1 or flatter to the toe of the upper slope and avoid extreme grade modifications. Information submitted with a minimum of one foot in depth. Bench must provide sufficient topographic surveys and soil gradient to the outlet shall be between 2 percent investigations to determine limitations that must be imposed and 3 percent, unless accompanied by on the grading operation related to slope stability, effect on appropriate design and computations. adjacent properties and drainage patterns, measures for drainage and water removal, and vegetative treatment, etc. C. The flow length within a bench shall not exceed 800 feet unless accompanied by appropriate Many counties have regulations and design procedures design and computations; see Standard and already established for land grading and cut and fill slopes. Specifications for Diversion on page 5B.1 Where these requirements exist, they shall be followed. 4. Surface water shall be diverted from the face of all The plan must show existing and proposed contours of the cut and/or fill slopes by the use of diversions, ditches area(s) to be graded. The plan shall also include practices and swales or conveyed downslope by the use of a for erosion control, slope stabilization, safe disposal of designed structure, except where: runoff water and drainage, such as waterways, lined ditches, reverse slope benches (include grade and cross section), A. The face of the slope is or shall be stabilized and grade stabilization structures, retaining walls, and surface the face of all graded slopes shall be protected and subsurface drains. The plan shall also include phasing from surface runoff until they are stabilized. August 2005 Page 5B.49 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control B. The face of the slope shall not be subject to any 1. All graded or disturbed areas, including slopes, shall be concentrated flows of surface water such as from protected during clearing and construction in accordance natural drainage ways, graded swales, with the erosion and sediment control plan until they are downspouts, etc. adequately stabilized. 2. All erosion and sediment control practices and C. The face of the slope will be protected by special measures shall be constructed, applied and maintained erosion control materials, sod, gravel, riprap, or in accordance with the sediment control plan and the other stabilization method. “New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control.” 5. Cut slopes occurring in ripable rock shall be serrated as shown in Figure 5B.23 on page 5B.51. The 3. Topsoil required for the establishment of vegetation serrations shall be made with conventional shall be stockpiled in amount necessary to complete equipment as the excavation is made. Each step or finished grading of all exposed areas. serration shall be constructed on the contour and will have steps cut at nominal two-foot intervals with 4. Areas to be filled shall be cleared, grubbed, and nominal three-foot horizontal shelves. These steps stripped of topsoil to remove trees, vegetation, roots, or will vary depending on the slope ratio or the cut other objectionable material. slope. The nominal slope line is 1 ½: 1. These steps will weather and act to hold moisture, lime, fertilizer, 5. Areas that are to be topsoiled shall be scarified to a and seed thus producing a much quicker and longer- minimum depth of four inches prior to placement of lived vegetative cover and better slope stabilization. topsoil. Overland flow shall be diverted from the top of all 6. All fills shall be compacted as required to reduce serrated cut slopes and carried to a suitable outlet. erosion, slippage, settlement, subsidence, or other related problems. Fill intended to support buildings, 6. Subsurface drainage shall be provided where structures, and conduits, etc., shall be compacted in necessary to intercept seepage that would otherwise accordance with local requirements or codes. adversely affect slope stability or create excessively wet site conditions. 7. All fill shall be placed and compacted in layers not to exceed 9 inches in thickness. 7. Slopes shall not be created so close to property lines as to endanger adjoining properties without 8. Except for approved landfills or nonstructural fills, fill adequately protecting such properties against material shall be free of frozen particles, brush, roots, sedimentation, erosion, slippage, settlement, sod, or other foreign objectionable materials that would subsidence, or other related damages. interfere with, or prevent, construction of satisfactory fills. 8. Fill material shall be free of brush, rubbish, rocks, 9. Frozen material or soft, mucky or highly compressible logs, stumps, building debris, and other objectionable materials shall not be incorporated into fill slopes or material. It should be free of stones over two (2) structural fills. inches in diameter where compacted by hand or mechanical tampers or over eight (8) inches in 10. Fill shall not be placed on saturated or frozen surfaces. diameter where compacted by rollers or other equipment. Frozen material shall not be placed in 11. All benches shall be kept free of sediment during all the fill nor shall the fill material be placed on a phases of development. frozen foundation. 12. Seeps or springs encountered during construction shall 9. Stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoil shall be shown on be handled in accordance with the Standard and the plans and shall be subject to the provisions of this Specification for Subsurface Drain on page 5B.44 or Standard and Specifications. other approved methods. 13. All graded areas shall be permanently stabilized 10. All disturbed areas shall be stabilized structurally or immediately following finished grading. vegetatively in compliance with the Standard and Specifications for Critical Area Treatment in Section 14. Stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoil areas shall be 3. shown on the plans and shall be subject to the provisions of this Standard and Specifications. Construction Specifications See Figures 5B.23 and 5B.24 for details. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.50 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.23 Typical Section of Serrated Cut Slope August 2005 Page 5B.51 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.24 (1) Landgrading New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.52 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.24 (2) Landgrading —Construction Specifications August 2005 Page 5B.53 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.54 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SURFACE ROUGHENING enough to be ripped with a bulldozer. Slopes of soft rock with some soil are particularly suited to stair-step grading. 3. Make the vertical cut distance less than the horizontal distance, and slightly slope the horizontal position of the “step” to the vertical wall. 4. Do not make vertical cuts more than 2 feet in soft materials or 3 feet in rocky materials. Grooving uses machinery to create a series of ridges and depressions that run perpendicular to the slope following the contour. Groove using any appropriate implement that can be safely operated on the slope, such as disks, tillers, Definition spring harrows, or the teeth of a front-end loader bucket. Do not make the grooves less than 3 inches deep or more Roughening a bare soil surface whether through creating than 15 inches apart. horizontal grooves across a slope, stair-stepping, or tracking with construction equipment. B. Fill Slope, No mowing Purpose 1. Place fill to create slopes with a gradient steeper than 3:1 in lifts 9 inches or less and properly To aid the establishment of vegetative cover from seed, to compacted. Ensure the face of the slope consists reduce runoff velocity and increase infiltration, and to of loose, uncompacted fill 4 to 6 inches deep. Use reduce erosion and provide for trapping of sediment. grooving as described above to roughen the slope, if necessary. Conditions Where Practice Applies 2. Do not blade or scrape the final slope face. All construction slopes require surface roughening to facilitate stabilization with vegetation, particularly slopes C. Cuts/Fills, Mowed Maintenance steeper than 3:1. 1. Make mowed slopes no steeper than 3:1. Design Criteria 2. Roughen these areas to shallow grooves by normal tilling, disking, harrowing, or use of cultipacker- There are many different methods to achieve a roughened seeder. Make the final pass of such tillage soil surface on a slope. No specific design criteria is equipment on the contour. required. However, the selection of the appropriate method depends on the type of slope. Methods include tracking, 3. Make grooves at least 1 inch deep and a maximum grooving, and stair-stepping. Steepness, mowing of 10 inches apart. requirements, and/or a cut or fill slope operation are all factors considered in choosing a roughening method. 4. Excessive roughness is undesirable where mowing is planned. Construction Specifications Tracking should be used primarily in sandy soils to avoid A. Cut Slope, No mowing.undue compaction of the soil surface. Tracking is generally not as effective as the other roughening methods described. 1. Stair-step grade or groove cut slopes with a gradient (It has been used as a method to track down mulch.) steeper than 3:1 (Figure 5B.25). Operate tracked machinery up and down the slope to leave horizontal depressions in the soil. Do not back-blade during 2. Use stair-step grading on any erodible material soft the final grading operation. August 2005 Page 5B.55 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.25 Surface Roughening New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.56 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RIPRAP SLOPE PROTECTION Quality – Stone for riprap should be hard, durable field or quarry materials. They should be angular and not subject to breaking down when exposed to water or weathering. The specific gravity should be at least 2.5. Size – The sizes of stones used for riprap protection are determined by purpose and specific site conditions: 1. Slope Stabilization – Riprap stone for slope stabilization not subject to flowing water or wave action should be sized for the proposed grade. The gradient of the slope to be stabilized should be less than the natural angle of repose of the stone selected. Angles of repose of riprap stones may be estimated from Figure 5B.26. Definition Riprap used for surface stabilization of slopes does not add significant resistance to sliding or slope A layer of stone designed to protect and stabilize areas failure and should not be considered a retaining wall. subject to erosion. Slopes approaching 1.5:1 may require special stability analysis. The inherent stability of the soil must be Purpose satisfactory before riprap is used for surface stabilization. To protect the soil surface from erosive forces and/or improve the stability of soil slopes that are subject to 2. Outlet Protection – Design criteria for sizing stone seepage or have poor soil structure. and determining dimensions of riprap aprons are presented in Standards and Specifications for Rock Conditions Where Practice Applies Outlet Protection. Riprap is used for cut and fill slopes subject to seepage, 3. Streambank Protection – Design criteria for sizing erosion, or weathering, particularly where conditions stone for stability of channel bank are presented in prohibit the establishment of vegetation. Riprap is also Standard and Specifications for Structural Streambank used for channel side slopes and bottoms, streambanks, Protection. grade sills, on shorelines subject to erosion, and at inlets and outlets to culverts, bridges, slope drains, grade Filter Blanket – A filter blanket is a layer of material stabilization structures, and storm drains. placed between the riprap and the underlying soil to prevent soil movement into or through the riprap. A suitable filter Design Criteria may consist of a well-graded gravel or sand-gravel layer or a synthetic filter fabric manufactured for this purpose. The Gradation – Riprap should be a well-graded mixture with design of a gravel filter blanket is based on the ratio of 50% by weight larger than the specified design size. The particle size in the overlying filter material to that of the diameter of the largest stone size in such a mixture should base material in accordance with the criteria below. be 1.5 times the d size with smaller sizes grading down to Multiple layers may be designed to affect a proper filter if 50 1 inch. The designer should select the size or sizes that necessary. equal or exceed that minimum size based on riprap gradations commercially available in the area. A gravel filter blanket should have the following relationship for a stable design: Thickness – The minimum layer thickness should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter, but in no case less than d filter 5 15 6 inches. d base 85 August 2005 Page 5B.57 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control d filterand filter to the required lines and grades shown on the 15 5 < d base 40 plans. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to a 50 density approximating that of the undisturbed material or andoverfill depressions with riprap. Remove brush, trees, stumps, and other objectionable material. Cut the subgrade d filter 40 sufficiently deep so that the finished grade of the riprap will 50 d base be at the elevation of the surrounding area. Channels 50 should be excavated sufficiently to allow placement of the Filter refers to the overlying material while base refers to riprap in a manner such that the finished inside dimensions the underlying material. These relationships must hold and grade of the riprap meet design specifications. between the base and filter and the filter and riprap to Sand and gravel filter blanket – Place the filter blanket prevent migration of material. In some cases, more than immediately after the ground foundation is prepared. For one filter may be needed. Each filter layer should be a gravel, spread filter stone in a uniform layer to the specified minimum of 6 inches thick, unless an acceptable filter depth. Where more than one layer of filter material is used, fabric is used. spread the layers with minimal mixing. A synthetic filter fabric may be used with or in place of Synthetic filter fabric – Place the cloth directly on the gravel filters. The following particle size relationships prepared foundation. Overlap the edges by at least 2 feet, should exist: and space the anchor pins every 3 feet along the overlap. Bury the upper and lower ends of the cloth a minimum of 1. Filter fabric covering a base containing 50% or less by 12 inches below ground. Take precautions not to damage weight of fine particles (#200 sieve size): the cloth by dropping the riprap. If damage occurs, remove the riprap and repair the sheet by adding another layer of a. d85 base (mm) filter fabric with a minimum overlap of 12 inches around EOS*filter fabric (mm) >1 the damaged area. Where large stones are to be placed, a 4- inch layer of fine sand or gravel is recommended to protect b. total open area of filter fabric should not exceed 36% the filter cloth. Filter fabric is not recommended as a filter on slopes steeper than 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. 2. Filter fabric covering other soils: Stone placement – Placement of the riprap should follow a. EOS is no larger than 0.21 mm (#70 sieve size) immediately after placement of the filter. Place riprap so that it forms dense, well-graded mass of stone with a b. total open area of filter fabric should not exceed 10% minimum of voids. The desired distribution of stones throughout the mass may be obtained by selective loading *EOS – Equivalent opening size compared to a U.S. at the quarry and controlled dumping during final standard sieve size. placement. Place riprap to its full thickness in one operation. Do not place riprap by dumping through chutes No filter fabric should have less than 4% open area or an or other methods that cause segregation of stone sizes. Be EOS less than U.S. Standard Sieve #100 (0.15 mm). The careful not to dislodge the underlying base or filter when permeability of the fabric must be greater than that of the placing the stones. soil. The fabric may be made of woven or nonwoven monofilament yarns and should meet the following The toe of the riprap should be keyed into a stable minimum requirements: foundation at its base as shown in Figure 5B.27—Typical Riprap Slope Protection Detail. The toe should be Thickness 20-60 mils excavated to a depth of 2.0 feet. The design thickness of the riprap should extend a minimum of 3 feet horizontally grab strength 90-120 lbs. from the slope. The finished slope should be free of pockets of small stone or clusters of large stones. Hand conform to ASTM D-1682 or ASTM D-177 placing may be necessary to achieve proper distribution of stone sizes to produce a relatively smooth, uniform surface. Filter blankets should always be provided where seepage is The finished grade of the riprap should blend with the significant or where flow velocity and duration of flow or surrounding area. turbulence may cause underlying soil particles to move though the riprap. Maintenance Construction Specifications Riprap should be inspected periodically for scour or dislodged stones. Control weed and brush growth as Subgrade Preparation – Prepare the subgrade for riprap needed. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.58 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.26 Angles of Repose of Riprap Stones (FHWA) Figure 5B.27 Typical Riprap Slope Protection Detail T 3’ 6” Gravel filter min (or geotextile) 2’ min August 2005 Page 5B.59 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.60 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control STANDARD AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RETAINING WALLS Bearing Capacity – A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 should be maintained as the ratio of the ultimate bearing capacity to the designed unit loading. Spread footers and other methods may be used to meet factor requirements. Sliding – A minimum factor of 2.0 should be maintained against sliding. This factor can be reduced to 1.5 when passive pressures on the front of the wall are ignored. Overturning – A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 should be used as the ratio of the resisting moment (that which tends to keep the wall in place) to the overturning moment. Drainage – Unless adequate provisions are made to control both surface and groundwater behind the retaining wall, a Definition substantial increase in active pressures tending to slide or overturn the wall will result. When backfill is sloped down to a retaining wall, surface drainage should be provided. A structural wall constructed and located to prevent soil Drainage systems with adequate outlets should be provided movement. behind retaining walls that are placed in cohesive soils. Drains should be graded or protected by filters so soil Purpose material will not move through the drainfill. To retain soil in place and prevent slope failures and Load systems – Several different loads or combination of movement of material down steep slopes. loads need to be considered when designing a retaining wall. The minimum load is the level backfill that the wall is Conditions Where Practice Applies being constructed to retain. Its unit weight will vary depending on its composition. A retaining wall may be used where site constraints will not allow slope shaping and seeding to stabilize an area. Slope Additional loads such as line loads, surcharge loads, or areas that demonstrate seepage problems or experience slope fills, will add to make the composite design load erosive conditions at the toe can utilize retaining walls to system for the wall. help stabilize these areas. Retaining walls can be built from mortared block or stone, cast-in-place concrete, railroad Construction Specifications ties, gabions, and more recently, precast concrete modular units and segmented walls that form a gravity retaining wall Concrete Walls (see Figure 5B.28 and 5B.29). These precast units allow for ease and quickness of installation while their granular 1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines backfill provides drainage. Selection of materials and type and grades shown on the drawings and removing all of wall should be based on hazard potential, load objectionable material. conditions, soil parameters, groundwater conditions, site constraints, and aesthetics. 2. Subgrade will be compacted and kept moist at least 2 hours prior to placement of concrete. Design Criteria 3. Steel reinforcing will be in accordance with the schedule on the drawings and kept free of rust, scale, The design of any retaining wall structure must address the or dirt. aspects of foundation bearing capacity, sliding, overturning, drainage and loading systems. These are complex systems 4. Exposed edges will be chamfered ¾ inches. and all but the smallest retaining walls should be designed by a licensed engineer. 5. Drainfill will meet the gradations shown on the drawings. August 2005 Page 5B.61 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control 6. Weep holes will be provided as drain outlets as shown 4. Granular fill will be placed behind the segmented wall on the drawings. to provide drainage. It shall be compacted with a plate vibrator. A drainage outlet will be provided as 7. Concrete will be poured and cured in accordance with specified on the construction drawings. American Concrete Institute (ACI) specifications. Gabions Precast Units 1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines 1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines and grades shown on the drawings. and grades shown on the drawings. 2. Subgrade will be compacted and leveled to receive 2. Subgrade will be compacted and trimmed to receive first layer of gabions. The first row will be keyed into the leveling beam. the existing grade at the toe, a minimum of 1.5 feet. 3. Precast units will be placed in accordance with the 3. Gabions will be placed according to the manufacturers manufacturers recommendation. recommendations. 4. Granular fill placed in the precast bins shall be placed 4. Gabions will be filled with stone or crushed rock from in 3-foot lifts, leveled off and compacted with a plate 4 to 8 inches in diameter. vibrator. 5. In corrosive environments, gabion wire should be coated with Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). Segmented Walls 1. Foundation will be prepared by excavating to the lines Maintenance and grades shown on the drawings. Once in place, a retaining wall should require little 2. Sub-grade will be compacted and screeded to form the maintenance. They should be inspected annually for signs base for the first course of wall units. of tipping, clogged drains, or soil subsidence. If such conditions exist, they should be corrected immediately. 3. Units will be placed in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, with each succeeding lift anchored and pinned as specified. New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.62 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.28 Retaining Wall Examples August 2005 Page 5B.63 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure 5B.29 Segmented Retaining Wall New York Standards and Specifications Page 5B.64 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control References 1. Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA. 1992. Engineering Field Handbook. Washington, DC. 2. New York State Department of Transportation. Standards and Specifications. Albany, NY. 3. North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. 1998. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual . 4. Schwab, O., et. al. 1955. Soil and Water Conservation Engineering. Glenn John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 5. Soil Conservation Service, USDA. October 1977. National Handbook of Conservation Practices. Washington, DC. 6. Soil Conservation Service, USDA. September 1987. Drainage Guide for New York State. Syracuse, NY. August 2005 Page 5B.65 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank APPENDIX A REVISED UNIVERSAL SOIL LOSS EQUATION (RUSLE) CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures Introduction……………………………………………………………………...……………………………………. A.1 Why Use RUSLE?……………………………………………………….…..………………………………………… A.1 Soil Erosion Estimates Using Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation For Sheet and Rill Erosion..………………….. A.1 Step-by-Step, How To Use RUSLE……………...…………………………………………………...………………. A.2 Examples …………………………………..………..………………………………………………………………… A.2 References Section prepared by: Frederick B. Gaffney, former Conservation Agronomist USDA—Natural Resources Conservation Service, Syracuse, New York and Donald W. Lake Jr., P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ Engineering Specialist New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee List of Tables Table Title Page A.1 Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York……... A.6 1 A.2 Values for Topographic Factor, LS, for High Ratio of Rill to Interrill Erosion……………………. A.11 A.3 Factors for Converting Soil Losses (Air-Dry) from Tons (T) to Cubic Yards (Cu. Yds.)………….. A.12 1 A.4 El Values of Certain Key Cities in the New York Area………….………………………………… A.13 A.5 Construction Site Mulching C Factors………………………………………………………………..A.14 A.6 Cover Factor C Values for Different Growth Periods for Planted Cover Crops for Erosion Control at Construction Sites ………………………………………………………………………………….A.14 A.7 Cover Factor C Values for Established Plants ………………………………………………………..A.15 A.8 Construction Site P Practice Factors…………………………………………………………………..A.15 List of Figures Figure Title Page A.1 Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index—New York…………………………………………… A.4 A.2 Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index—Long Island……..…………………………………… A.4 A.3 AVERAGE ANNUAL RAINFALL—RUNOFF EROSIVITY FACTOR (R) for the Northeast…. A.5 REVISED UNIVERSAL SOIL LOSS EQUATION (RUSLE) by an appropriate cover or C-value. The benefit of a Introduction diversion ditch can be illustrated by comparing the original The science of predicting soil erosion and sediment delivery LS with the shorter slope length LS created when adding has continued to be refined to reflect the importance of this practice. different factors on soil erosion and runoff. The Revised Equation: A=RK(LS)C P Where: Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) has improved the effects of soil roughness and the effects of local weather on A is the computed soil loss per acre per year in units of the prediction of soil loss and sediment delivery. tons. This quantity may be converted to cubic yards by using conversion factors shown in Table A.3. The importance of estimating erosion and sediment delivery has long been recognized to minimize pollution by R is the rainfall value reflecting the energy factor multiplied sediments and the chemicals carried by soil particles. The by the intensity factor. The R-values for each county are visual effects of erosion include rills and gullies along with provided in Figure A.3. EI is the abbreviation for energy sediment blockages found in culverts or drainage ditches. and intensity and is called the Erosion Index. The energy A well planned, engineered and implemented erosion component is related to the size of the raindrops while the control and/or water management plan will alleviate many intensity is the maximum intensity for a 30-minute interval concerns about construction site erosion and potential and is measured in inches per hour. EI is frequently pollution. illustrated in graphs by showing the percent of EI that occurs within a period of days or months. From the index, Why use RUSLE? one can determine the period when the most intense storms are likely to occur. See Figure A.1 and A.2. RUSLE is a science-based tool that has been improved over the last several years. RUSLE is a computation method K is the soil erodibility factor. The value for the subsoil which may be used for site evaluation and planning condition, usually encountered in construction sites, can be purposes and to aid in the decision process of selecting determined based on soil texture (relative percent of sand, erosion control measures. It provides an estimate of the silt, and clay) or from most county soil surveys, found in severity of erosion. It will also provide quantifiable results the table providing Physical and Chemical Properties of to substantiate the benefits of planned erosion control Soils. However, K values for subsoils are not always measures, such as the advantage of adding a diversion ditch available. If the soil survey does not list a subsoil K for the or mulch. For example, a diversion may shorten the length soil series encountered, use the surface K value unless there of slope used in calculating a LS factor. Also, the is an obvious change from sand or gravel to silt or clay. application of mulch will break raindrop impact and reduce Contact the local SWCD or NRCS office for an appropriate runoff (See discussion of L,S and C factors). K value when in question. Approximated K values for some representative soils on construction sites in NY can be This section provides a method to calculate soil loss. found in Table A.1. Following the step-by-step procedure will provide estimated erosion in ‘tons per acre per year’, which can be converted L is the horizontal length of slope measured in feet. It is the to the more usable measurement, cubic yards of soil. point of origin where water will begin flowing down the slope to the point where concentrated flow begins, such as Other erosion prediction methods such as computer models where water flows into a ditch, or deposition occurs and are also available. Examples are the USDA-NRCS RUSLE water disperses. S is the slope gradient. Slopes may be 2 athttp://fargo.nserl.purdue.edu/rusle2_dataweb/ uniform, concave (flattening toward the lower end) or RUSLE2_Index.htm and USDA-ARS Water Erosion convex (steepening toward the lower end). Table A.2 Prediction Project (WEPP) athttp:// assumes a uniform slope. If the slope is concave, the LS topsoil.nserl.purdue.edu/nserlweb/weppmain/wpslp.html factor will be slightly lower. If convex, then the LS will be slightly higher. These factors are interrelated and the LS Soil Erosion Estimates Using Revised factor can be obtained from Table A.2. This LS table is Universal Soil Loss Equation For Sheet and specific for construction sites with little or no cover. Rill Erosion C is the factor to reflect the planned cover over the soil As mentioned above, soil losses on construction sites can be surface. Most construction sites are void of vegetation and predicted by using the Revised Universal Soil Loss therefore would have a value of one (1). On construction Equation (RUSLE). The equation is as follows: sites where mulch or fabrics are used, the benefit derived A = RK(LS) for bare ground conditions of graded areas of from intercepting the erosive raindrop impact on the soil construction sites. Referring to the examples above, the surface is calculated. For example, the value of two tons of benefit of mulch can be predicted by multiplying the above straw uniformly covering a slope results in a C-value of 0.1. August 2005 Page A.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control (see Tables A.5-A.7 at back of this section) Therefore, LS = 3.11 (Interpolate between 400’ and 600’ at 8%) mulching can substantially reduce the predicted soil loss. A = RK(LS)C = 122 T/ac/yr P is the factor that represents management operations and 50 ac x 122 Tons/ac/yr = 6100 Tons/yr support practices on a construction site. Table A.8 lists P factors for surface conditions on construction sites in Convert to cu yds: 6100 T/yr x 0.87 cu yds /Y = relation to bare soils. 5307 cu yds/yr (0.87 cu yds/T is obtained from Table A.3, silt loam ) Step-by-Step, How to Use RUSLE 2.Compute soil losses from this unprotected surface for a 3 1. Determine the County. Use Figure A.3 to determine the month period (June, July, August). This EI value is R-value. obtained as follows: Refer to the erosion index distribution curve applicable to Syracuse, New York, Figure A.1. The 2. Determine the soil erodibility factor based on the soil EI reading for June 1 is 17% and for September 1 is 76%. series or the texture. Look up the appropriate K-value The percent of average annual index for this period is 76% - for subsoil using Table A.1. 17% or 59%. Since the annual erosion index for this 3. Measure the horizontal length (plan view) of slope (in location is 80, the EI value for the 3 month period is 59% of feet) from the top of the slope to the bottom. The 80 or 47.2. bottom is either a ditch bank (concentration of water) or flatter slope where deposition occurs and water disperses R = 80 C = 1 (actual field measurement). K = 0.49 LS = 3.11 Annual EI (R) = 80 3 month EI = 47.2 4. Determine the percent slope (actual field measurement). 5. Look up LS value in Table A.2. Interpolate if necessary A = (EI)K(LS)C = 72 Tons/ac/3 mo. to use the measured length and percent slope obtained by field measurement. 50 ac x 72 Tons/ac/3 mo. = 3600 Tons/3 mo. 6. Determine the Cover (C) factor—Most construction sites Convert to cu yds: 0.87 cu yds/Tons x 3600 Tons/3 mo. = are void of vegetation and therefore would have a value 3132 cu yds/3 mo of one (1). For values of other cover conditions, such as straw mulch, contact your local SWCD or NRCS office. 3. Compute soil losses for the 1 year out of 5 when the 7. Multiply the R*K*(LS) to obtain soil loss in tons/acre/ rainfall intensity (R) will increase from the normal average year. annual value of 80 to an annual value of 129 (the latter value is from Table A.4). 8. Convert to cubic yards if desired. Refer to the conversion factors based on soil texture (Table A.3). R = 129 (Change R from 80 to 129) K = 0.49 LS = 3.11 C = 1 9. Review the examples that follow for specific field conditions where RUSLE may be useful. A = RK(LS)C Examples A = 129 x 0.49 x 3.11 = 197 Tons/ac/yr The following are examples showing how the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation is used for estimating soil 50ac x 197 Tons/ac/yr = 9850 Tons/yr losses: Convert to cu yds = 0.87 cu yds/Tons x 9850 Tons/yr = Assume Syracuse, New York, as the locale of a 8570 cu yds/yr construction site. The disturbed site is 50 acres in size, with 4. an average gradient of 8% and an average slope length of Compute soil losses for the 1 year out of 20 when the 500 feet. The soil is a Schoharie silt loam with a K value of rainfall intensity (R) will increase from the average annual 0.49 in both the B and C horizons (The K value is obtained R of 80 to an R of 197 (the latter value is from Table A.4). from Table A.1). The LS value is 3.11 and is obtained from Table A.2. R = 197 (Change R from 80 to 197) K = 0.49 1.Compute soil losses from this unprotected surface for a LS = 3.11 C = 1 12 month period. The average annual rainfall erosion A = RK(LS)C = 300 Tons/ac/yr index (R) is 80. 50 ac x 300 Tons/ac/yr = 15,000 Tons/yr Convert to cu yds = 0.87 cu yds/Tons x 15,000 Tons/yr = R = 80 C = 1 13,050 cu yds/yr K = 0.49 New York Standards and Specifications Page A.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Examples (continued)Sediment Yield—MUSLE The Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE), 5. Compute soil losses from the expected magnitude of a single storm that may occur once in 5 years. Looking at developed by Williams and Berndt, 1976, can be used to Table A.4, the expected magnitude, or EI value, is 38. calculate sediment yields from drainage basins to specific locations for selected storm events. EI (R) = 38 C = 1 K = 0.49 The formula is given as: LS = 3.11 0.56 T = 95( V x Qp)x K x LS x C x P A = (EI)K(LS)C = 38 x 0.49 x 3.11 = 58 Tons/ac/yr Where: 50 ac x 58 Tons/ac/yr = 2900 Tons/yr T = sediment yield per storm event in tons Convert to cu yds = 0.87 cu yds/Tons x 1650 Tons/yr = V = volume of runoff per storm event in acre-feet 2523 cu yds/yr Qp = peak flow per storm event in cubic feet per second K, LS, C, and P are RUSLE factors Values for V and Qp are determined from the sites drainage 6. Compute soil losses from the expected magnitude of a single storm that may occur once in 10 years. The EI value analysis. of this storm is 51. (Obtained from Table A.4.) Example EI (R) = 51 C = 1 K = 0.49 Compute the sediment yield volume to a basin from a LS = 3.11 drainage area of 10 acres under construction (all disturbed) for a 2 inch rainfall. A = (EI)K(LS)C = 78 Tons/ac/yr The soil (sandy loam) K = 0.43, LS = 2.34, the volume of 50 ac x 78 Tons/ac/yr = 3900 Tons/yr runoff is 1.5 acre-feet and the peak discharge for the storm is 5 cubic feet per second. Convert to cu yds = 0.87 cu yds/Tons x 3900 Tons/yr = 3393 cu yds/yr 0.56 T = 95(1.5x5)(0.43)(2.34)(1)(1) 7. Compute soil losses from the expected magnitude of a single storm that may occur once in 20 years. The EI value T = 295.4 tons of this storm is 65. (Obtained from Table A.4.) 295.4 tons x 0.70 cy/ton = 206.99 cubic yards EI (R) = 65 C = 1 K = 0.49 LS = 3.11 A = (EI)K(LS)C = 99 Tons/ac/yr 50 ac x 99 Tons/ac/yr = 4950 Tons/yr Convert to cu yds = 0.87 cu yds x 4950 Tons/yr = 4307 cu yds/yr August 2005 Page A.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure A.1 (USDA - NRCS) Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index—New York Figure A.2 (USDA - NRCS) Monthly Percent of Annual Erosion Index—Long Island New York Standards and Specifications Page A.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure A.3 August 2005 Page A.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.1 Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York (For soils not in this table, contact the county Soil & Water Conservation District for appropriate K value.) Depositional Unit Construction Family Textural Class Site 12 and Representative Series HorizonTextureClass K Values I. Glacial Till SANDY SKELETAL Glouster AslLow .17 B & C vglcs Low SANDY w/PAN Essex AslLow Bgls Low .20 Cx glcs Low COARSE LOAMY w/PAN Empeyville AstlMedium BstslMedium .17 Bx vstsl Low Cvstsl Low Mardin Ach sil Low Bch sil-1 Medium .28 Bx & C v ch 1 Medium Paxton Afsl Medium Bgfsl Medium .24 Cx gfsl High Crary AsilMedium Bvfsl High .43 IIBx, Cx, C st fsl Medium COARSE LOAMY w/Bt Madrid Afsl Medium Bt gfsl Medium .28 Cgfsl Medium COARSE LOAM, 20 TO 40” over BEDROCK Lordstown Ach sil Low Bch sil High Cv ch 1 Low .43 RSiltstone or sandstone bedrock 20—40” below surface FINE LOAMY w/Bt Ontario AlMedium .28 Bt gl Medium Cgl Medium New York Standards and Specifications Page A.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.1 (cont’d) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York (For soils not in this table, contact the county Soil & Water Conservation District for appropriate K value.) Depositional Unit Construction Family Textural Class Site 12 and Representative Series HorizonTextureClass K Values I. Glacial Till (cont’d) Cazenovia AsilHigh Bt siclHigh .43 Cgsil Medium Nunda Ap ch sil High B2ch sil High IIB2t gcl Medium .49 IIC gl Medium FINE AsilMedium Hornell BsicHigh Csh sic Medium .43 RShale bedrock 20—40” below surface Remsen AsiclHigh Bt cMedium .43 CcHigh Churchville AsilHigh Bt sicMedium .49 IIC gl Medium COARSE LOAMY, NO PAN Charlton Afsl Low Bfsl High .43 Cgfsl Medium Nellis AlMedium BlHigh .43 Cgl Medium Pittsfield AlMedium Bgfsl Low .43 Cgfsl High COARSE LOAMY/SAND or SANDY SKELETAL Afsl Medium CantonBfsl Very High .64 IIC vgls Low COARSE SILTY w/PAN AsilHigh Canaseraga BsilVery High .49 IIBx & C chHigh August 2005 Page A.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.1 (cont’d) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York (For soils not in this table, contact the county Soil & Water Conservation District for appropriate K value.) Depositional Unit Construction Family Textural Class Site 12 and Representative Series HorizonTextureClass K Values I. Glacial Till (cont’d) LOAMY SKELETAL Manlius Ach sil Medium Bvsh sil Low C fract’d shales Low .28 w/ silty fines RShale bedrock 20-40” below surface FINE LOAMY w/PAN Volusia Ach sil Low Bx ch sil High .43 Cvch l Medium FINE LOAMY, NO PAN Kendaia AsilMedium .28 Bgsil Medium Cgl Medium II. Glacial Outwash and Water Worked Morainic Deposits SANDY SKELETAL Agls Low Hinckley .17 Bgls Low Cgsl Low SANDY Colonie Alfs Medium Bfs Low .24 Cfs Low LOAMY SKELETAL Chenango Agl Low Bvgl Low .24 Cgls Low FINE LOAMY/SANDY or SANDY SKELETAL Palmyra Agl Low Bgl Medium .28 IIC g & s Low LOAMY SKELETAL/CLAYEY Varysburg Agl Low B2t vgl Low IIB2t sicMedium .28 IIC layered High sic, sil sicl New York Standards and Specifications Page A.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.1 (cont’d) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York (For soils not in this table, contact the county Soil & Water Conservation District for appropriate K value.) Depositional Unit Construction Family Textural Class Site 12 and Representative Series HorizonTextureClass K Values II. Glacial Outwash and Water Worked Morainic Deposits (cont’d) COARSE LOAMY AslLow Riverhead BslLow .17 Cs w/ thin Low layers of g COARSE LOAMY/SANDY or SANDY SKELETAL Haven AlHigh .43 BlHigh IIC gsLow III. Lacustrine or Stream Terrace Deposits COARSE SILTY Unadilla AsilHigh .64 BsilVery High CsilVery High COARSE SILTY w/FRAGIPAN Williamson AsilHigh Bx silVery High .64 CsilVery High COARSE SILTY/SANDY or SANDY SKELETAL Allard AsilHigh BsilVery High .64 IIC vgls Low FINE SILTY w/Bt Collamer AsilHigh BtsilHigh .64 CLayers of sl, Very High vfs FINE Schoharie AsiclHigh BtsicMedium .49 CsicHigh VERY FINE Vergennes AcHigh BtcLow .49 CcLow August 2005 Page A.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.1 (cont’d) Approximated K Values for Some Representative Soils on Construction Sites in New York (For soils not in this table, contact the county Soil & Water Conservation District for appropriate K value.) Depositional Unit Construction Family Textural Class Site 12 and Representative Series HorizonTextureClassK Values III. Lacustrine or Stream Terrace Deposits AlfsMedium (cont’d) SANDY o/CLAYEY Blfs Low Claverack IIC sic High 0.43 R COARSE LOAMY o/CLAYEY Elmwood Afsl Medium Bsl Low Csicl High 0.43 1 The thickest B and C horizons in the official series were used in making the K value determinations. 2 Soil texture abbreviations: Gravel………………...…….g Fine sandy loam……….fsl Sandy clay loam………..…...scl Very coarse sand……….…..vcos Very fine sandy loam….vfsl Stoney clay loam……….…...stcl Coarse sand…………….…..cos Gravelly sandy loam…..gs Silty clay………………….…sic Sand…………………….…..s Loam…………………..g Clay……………………….…c Fine sand………………...…fs Gravelly loam………….gl Channery…………………….ch Very fine sand……………...vfs Stoney loam………..….stl Shaly…………………………sh Loamy coarse sand..……….lcos Silt……………………..si Very channery………………..vch Loamy sand………………..ls Silt loam……………….sil Very shaly……………………vsh Loamy fine sand………...…lfs Clay loam……………...cl Sandy loam…………………..sl Silty clay loam………….….sisl New York Standards and Specifications Page A.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.2 (USDA - NRCS) Values for Topographic Factor, LS, 1 for High Ratio of Rill to Interrill Erosion August 2005 Page A.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.3 (USDA - NRCS) Factors for Converting Soil Losses (Air-Dry) from Tons (T) to Cubic Yards (Cu. Yds.) 1 The number in parentheses is the air-dry weight of the soil in pounds per cubic foot. The conversion factors were 33 calculated from these air-dry weights using: soil loss (tons) x (2000 lbs/ton) x (ft/dry density lbs) x (cubic yard/27ft). New York Standards and Specifications Page A.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.4 1 El Values of Certain Key Cities in the New York Area EI Values at Expected Magnitude of a Single Storm 20% and 5% Probability Levels EI Value Normally Exceeded Once in— Probability (EI) 2 Location20%*5%**5 Years10 Years20 Years New York Albany 114 159 38 47 56 Binghamton 106 146 36 47 58 Buffalo 96 139 36 49 61 Geneva 106 152 ——— Marcellus 112 167 38 49 62 Rochester 101 151 38 54 75 Salamanca 106 157 32 40 49 Syracuse 129 197 38 51 65 Pennsylvania Erie181 331 ——— Scranton 140 188 44 53 63 Vermont Burlington 114 178 35 47 58 Connecticut New Haven 222 310 73 96 122 New Jersey Atlantic City 229 311 77 97 117 Marlboro 254 343 85 111 136 Trenton 216 308 76 102 131 * Once each five years ** Once each twenty years 1 From Agricultural Handbook No. 537 2 For additional cities, refer to Agricultural Handbook 537, Tables 17 & 18. August 2005 Page A.13 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.5 Construction Site Mulching C Factors (Data from Wischmeier and Smith 1978, Pitt 2004) 1 Type of Mulch Mulch Rate Land Slope (%) Mulching C Length Limit (ft) (tons per acre) Factor None 0all1.0 n/a Straw or hay, tied down by 1.0 1-5 0.20 200 anchoring and tacking 1.0 6-10 0.20 100 equipment 1.5 1-5 0.12 300 1.5 6-10 0.12 150 2.0 1-5 0.06 400 2.0 6-10 0.06 200 2.0 11-15 0.07 150 2.0 16-20 0.11 100 2.0 21-25 0.14 75 2.0 26-33 0.17 50 2.0 34-50 0.20 35 Wood Chips 7<160.08 75 716-20 0.08 50 12 <160.05 150 12 16-20 0.05 100 12 21-33 0.05 75 25 <160.02 200 25 16-20 0.02 150 25 21-33 0.02 100 25 34-50 0.02 75 1 Maximum slope lengths for which the specified mulch rate is considered effective. If these limits are exceeded, either a higher application rate or mechanical shortening of the effective slope length is required (such as with terracing). Table A.6 Cover Factor C Values for Different Growth Periods for Planted Cover Crops for Erosion Control at Construction Sites (Data from Wischmeier and Smith 1978, Pitt 2004) SBPeriod 1Period 2Period 3aPeriod 3bPeriod 3c (seedbed preparation) (establishment)(development)(maturing crop)(maturing crop)(maturing crop) 1 Crop Canopy 0-10% 10-50% 50-75% 75-80% 75-90% 75-96% Seeding on topsoil, 0.79 0.62 0.42 0.17 0.11 0.06 without mulch Seeding on a desur-1.0 0.75 0.50 0.17 0.11 0.06 faced area, where residual effects of prior vegetation are no longer significant Sod 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 1 Percent canopy cover is the percentage of the land surface that would not be hit by directly falling rain drops because the drops would be intercepted by the plant. It is the portion of the soil surface that would be covered by shadows if the sun were directly overhead. New York Standards and Specifications Page A.14 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table A.7 Cover Factor C Values for Established Plants (data from NRCS NEH Chapter 3 and Wischmeier and Smith 1978) Percentage of surface covered by residue in contact with the soil PercentPlant Type 0%20 4060 80 95+ 1 Cover C factor for grass, grasslike plants, 0Grass0.45 0.20 0.10 0.042 0.013 0.0003 or decaying compacted plant litter C factor for broadleaf herbaceous 0Weeds0.45 0.24 0.15 0.091 0.043 0.011 plants (including most weeds with little lateral root networks), or un- decayed residues Tall weeds or short brush with 25Grass0.36 0.17 0.09 0.038 0.013 0.003 2 average drop height of =20 inches Weeds0.36 0.20 0.13 0.083 0.041 0.011 50Grass0.26 0.13 0.07 0.035 0.012 0.003 Weeds0.26 0.16 0.11 0.076 0.039 0.011 75Grass0.17 0.12 0.09 0.068 0.038 0.011 Weeds0.17 0.12 0.09 0.068 0.038 0.011 Mechanically prepared sites, with 0None 0.94 0.44 0.30 0.20 0.10 Not no live vegetation and no topsoil, given and no litter mixed in. 1 Percent cover is the portion of the total area surface that would be hidden from view by canopy if looking straight downward. 2 Drop height is the average fall height of water drops falling from the canopy to the ground. Table A.8 (USDA-NRCS) Construction Site P Practice Factors Surface Condition P Factor Bare Soil Loose 1.0 Freshly disked or rough irregular surface 0.9 Compact smooth by equipment up and down hill 1.3 Compact smooth by equipment across slope 1.2 Contoured Furrows: Slope (%) Maximum Downslope Length (ft) P Factor 1-2 350 0.6 3-5 250 0.5 6-8 200 0.5 9-12 125 0.6 13-16 75 0.7 17-20 60 0.8 >2050 0.8 Source: USDA-NRCS; HDI, 1987; Wischmeier and Smith, 1978 August 2005 Page A.15 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control References 1. Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning With the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). USDA-Agricultural Research Service Agric. Hdbk. No. 703. Renard, K.G., G. R. Foster, G.A. Weesies, D.K. McCool, and D.C. Yoder. 1997. 2. (data from Wischmeier and Smith 1978) 3. Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Controls: Planning, Design and Performance. R. Pitt, S. Clark, and D. Luke. 2004. New York Standards and Specifications Page A.16 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX B PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FOR TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES CASE 1—Swale A, Average Conditions Background Standard details and drawings for temporary erosion and Given: sediment control practices have been used since the early 1970’s. Many of these details were developed by the Drainage Area = 4.9 acres United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Hydrologic Soil Group = C Conservation Service (SCS), now known as the Natural Runoff Curve Number = 91 Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). These details (C soil disturbed for construction) were incorporated into many state design manuals. These practices included the following: Slope of Swale = 3% Rainfall (P) = 2.5 inches · Earth Dike (This represents NY state’s average 1-year, 24-hour storm) · Temporary Swale · Perimeter Dike/Swale Runoff (Q) = 1.6 inches · Level Spreader Time of Concentration for Runoff (T) = 6 minutes c · Pipe Slope Drain (assumed 0.1 hour, the shortest allowed with TR-55) · Straw Bale Dike · Silt Fence From Section 4, TR-55 Graphical Method, where: What made the use of these details attractive was that they were sized based upon the drainage area, and no extensive I = Initial Abstraction = 0.198" a engineering calculations were needed for design. For Q = Runoff in inches in example, if we needed to design a temporary swale to q = Unit peak discharge in cubic feet per second per square u control the runoff from 8 acres above a disturbed mile construction area by sloping the swale at 3 percent, we A = Drainage area in square miles m would look at page 7A.3and select Swale B, with a channel F = Pond and swamp factor p treatment of seed and straw mulch. The Swale B cross section is a 6-foot bottom width, 1-foot design depth, and Drainage Area = 4.9/640 = 0.00766 sq. mi. 2:1 side slopes. if P = 2.5 inches, then I/P = 0.00, use 0.1 a This selection process is independent of location in New York State as well as the design rainfall amount. As a Q = 1.6 in result, individuals have often wondered what level of protection is actually being provided. Then, from Figure 4.15 (Type 2), q = 1,000 csmlin u Site specific practice design depends on a number of from Equation 4.8 q = (q)(A)(Q)(F) pump variables. These include drainage area, hydrologic soil group, cover, topography, rainfall amount, and intensity or Therefore, q = (1,000)(.00766)(1.6) p distribution. The following evaluation procedure can be used to incorporate these variables into the practice design. q = 12.2 cfs p The procedure can also be used to design temporary practices for site specific storm events. For Swale A, the design cross-section shows a bottom width of 4 feet., design depth of 1 foot, and 2:1 side slopes. Conveyance Evaluation Procedure 2 Therefore, swale area = 6 ft for design depth This method of evaluating the performance of a practice is 2/3 1/2 Compute velocity, V = 1.486 ( A )S applicable to most of the temporary practices. The first n Wp example evaluates the effectiveness of the temporary swale. Where n = .040 for vegetated channels August 2005 Page B.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control A = 6 sq. ft. CASE 3— This site is adjacent to a significant water body Wp = 8.2 ft. (wetted perimeter) in Westchester County. We want to protect the site for the 2-year, 24-hour storm. S = .03 ft/ft (slope) Given: 2/31/2 Therefore, V = 1.486 ( 6 ) (.03) Drainage Area = 10 acres .04 8.2 Hydrologic Soil Group = D soils = 5 feet per second Runoff Curve Number = 94, ("D" under construction) Slope of Swale = 3% Since Q = AV, the swale capacity is Rainfall (P) = 3.5 inches; Ia = 0.128" 2 Q = (6 ft)(5 ft/sec) = 30 cfs or more than Runoff (Q) = 2.8 inches; Type 3 rainfall twice required Assume Time of Concentration for Runoff (T) = 0.1 hour c (most conservative value) A = 10/640 = 0.01563 sq. mi. m CASE 2—Swale B, Average Conditions I/P = 0.128/3.5 = 0.04, therefore use 0.1 a Given: From Figure 4.16 (Type 3), q = 655 CSM u Drainage Area = 10 acres Therefore, qp = (655)(0.01563)(2.8) Hydrologic Soil Group = C Runoff Curve Number = 91, therefore I = 0.198" = 28.7 cfs a Slope of Swale = 3% Rainfall (P) = 2.5 inches From CASE 2, Swale B, we know that the maximum capacity is 43 cfs with a velocity of 5.37 feet per second. Runoff (Q) = 1.6 inches Time of Concentration for Runoff (T) = 0.1 c Our conclusions would indicate that Swale B is adequate for capacity. The velocity is higher and thus a mulch lining Similarly to Case 1, q = 1,000 CSM u should be used to protect the swale from erosion. A = 10/640 = 0.01563 m Storage Evaluation Procedure q = (1,000)(.01563)(1.6) = 25 cfs p Practices such as silt fence, straw bale dikes, and earthen berms are often used on slopes or near the toes of fill slopes For Swale B, the design cross-section has a 6-foot bottom to capture sediment laden runoff. These have failed many width, 1-foot depth, and 2:1 side slopes. times in the field due to poor siting, improper installation, lack of maintenance, and little consideration of the proper 2 Therefore, the area = 8 ft use of the practice. Computing velocity for a swale slope of 3%, As an example of how careful we need to be in using these practices, look at the use of silt fence in the following 2/31/2 V = 1.486 ( 8 ) (.03) typical situations. .04 10.47 V = (37.15)(.836)(.173) = 5.37 ft/sec Since Q = AV, the swale capacity is 2 Q = (8 ft)(5.37 ft/sec) = 43 cfs New York Standards and Specifications Page B.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control CASE 1CASE 2— —At the toe of a 3:1 earthfill Determine level of protection for CASE 1 when fence is moved 10 feet from the toe of slope. Given: 30' high earthfill Hydrologic Soil Group—C When the silt fence is moved 10' away from the 3:1 slope, Therefore, Runoff Curve Number = 91 the design area of storage equals, Typically, the installed height of the silt fence is 30-36". 337.5 sq. ft. + 1,500 sq. ft. = 1,837.5 cu.ft. per 100 feet The maximum design sediment depth behind the silt fence of fence is 50% of its height, or 18" maximum. Since this is the maximum runoff volume that can be For this case, the design sediment area is equal to: controlled, the runoff depth is, 3 A = 1/2bh 1,837.5 ft = 0.193 feet = 2.3 inches 2 9,500 ft From Section 4, Figure 4.1 for a Q = 2.3 inches, and a Curve Number at 91, P is interpreted at 3.2 inches. h 1 Thus, this design configuration can manage to store the b = 18" 3 runoff from a 3.2 inch rainfall event. This method can be used to evaluate the positioning of these A = 1/2 (1.5')(4-5') = 3.375 sq. ft. per linear foot sediment control practices on the contour to hold sediment close to its source. It allows a designer to evaluate an This equals 337.5 cubic feet per 100 feet of fence. existing condition, or to select a specific level of protection higher than that which may be provided by the standard The actual slope surface is approximately 95 feet. For a details. rainfall of 1 inch on this site, the runoff equals 0.4 inches. The total volume of runoff would equal 0.4 inches x 9500 sq. ft. = 317 cu. ft. 12 inches/ft This example shows that the volume required for a 1-inch storm is barely provided, but the location of the fence provides no buffer for material that rolls down the slope nor room for maintenance. The fence should be located at least 10 feet from the toe of the slope. August 2005 Page B.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank APPENDIX C COST ANALYSIS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES CONTENTS Page List of Tables Analyzing Benefits and Costs…………………………………………………………………………………………. C.1 Ascribing Effects to Treatment Measures……………………………………………………………………………… C.1 Pricing Treatment Measures and Benefits………………………………………..……………………………………. C.1 Period of Analysis and Evaluation………………...…………………………………………………………………… C.1 Appraisal of Damages and Treatment Costs…………………………………………………………………………… C.1 Treatment Measures……………..………………...…………………………………………………………………… C.1 Benefit-Cost Analysis……………………..…………………………………………………………………………… C.2 Example………………………….………………...…………………………………………………………………… C.2 Cost Estimate—SITE EXAMPLE……………………………………………………………………………………… C.5 References Section prepared by: Donald W. Lake Jr., P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ Engineering Specialist New York State Soil & Water Conservation Committee List of Tables Table Title Page C.1 Cost Table…………………………………….……………………………………………………. C.3 C.2 Annual Maintenance Cost As Percentage of Installation Cost…………………………………….. C.4 C.3 Cost Estimate—SITE EXAMPLE…………………………………………………………………. C.5 COST ANALYSIS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES normalized prices (based on past prices and trends) should Analyzing Benefits and Costs be used for estimating future values (benefits, operations and maintenance costs and replacement costs) for Benefit-Cost analysis is a technique used to determine permanent type measures only. whether a measure will result in more benefits than it will cost. Period of Analysis and Evaluation For the purposes of making a benefit-cost analysis for erosion and sediment control, the time period associated The period of analysis in years should equal the economic with erosion and sedimentation is considered to extend from life (need for a measure) or the physical life of treatment the first disturbance of the land to the time of establishing measures, whichever is less. The benefits considered over effective erosion control. the evaluation period include those accruing over the period. Ascribing Effects to Treatment Measures The annual costs of permanent measures chargeable to the evaluation period include the amortized installation cost and The generally accepted basis for attributing effects of the future annual operation, maintenance, and replacement treatment measures on a comparable basis is the “with” and cost necessary to provide the benefits over the evaluation “without” approach. This approach compares the expected period. The amortization rate should be based on prevailing difference in damages between what is expected if no local interest rates at the time of installation. control is used and what is expected if a measure is installed. The total difference in expected damage is the Appraisal of Damages and Treatment Costs estimated benefit of the measure. Sediment damages may be related to (1) deposition of Many people are affected by the damages resulting from eroded materials on flood plains, in channels, reservoirs, erosion and sedimentation. Also, communities and residences, utilities, and other properties that require the individuals benefit from its prevention, reduction, or removal and disposition of materials, and the repairing of mitigation. damaged facilities and (2) swamping damage which adversely affects existing features or limits potential Costs will be incurred to: (1) install remedial treatment improvement of land caused by a rise in the ground water measures; or (2) correct damages; or (3) a combination of table or by impairing surface drainage. the two. Sediment resulting from construction sites can be deposited Treatment Measures along a stream and cause individual landowners to pay for its removal. Sediment can also destroy aesthetic values of a Treatment measures on developing sites are frequently stream (clean water vs. turbid water) and adversely impact temporary—generally lasting only one or two construction stream fisheries and micro-organisms. seasons. Benefits and cost for temporary measures can be compared directly using current prices. In municipal and industrial uses where water is pumped directly from a river or reservoir, slugs of sediment Permanent measures are planned to trap sediment and associated with excessive rainfall may pose sever water control erosion and runoff during and beyond the quality problems. Turbidity may be increased, necessitating construction period. The prevention of sediment damages increased treatment, which raises the cost of operations. can be accomplished by either, or both of, two methods: Sediment may also be deposited in storm drains, reducing their ability to control flooding. This increases flood 1. Stabilizing sediment source areas by applying damage and requires the cleanout of sediment from the conservation erosion control measures. storm drain systems. 2. Trapping sediment before it leaves the construction Pricing Treatment Measures and Benefits area (sediment control) Prices applied should reflect values expected to prevail at (Erosion control is often more effective than sediment the time of occurrence. Current prices are used for control at preventing sediment damage. It is highly installation costs of treatment measures. Projected recommended to use both methods to maximize benefits.) August 2005 Page C.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Some of the potential benefits from preventing downstream construction period, sediment delivered to the channel will sediment transport and deposition include: be reduced 90 percent (P). The cost of the measures would be as follows, (no amortization is required since costs and 1. Prevention or reduction in cost of removal and benefits are incurred in a similar one year period): disposition of sediment from properties. 1. Land grading measures………….$2,000 2. Prevention or reduction in damage to property. 2. Temporary sediment basin………$3,000 3. Prevention of water quality impairment. a. Construction………$1,500 Some permanent measures may be retained to provide long- b. Maintenance………$1,000 term benefits. c. Restoration………..$500 For example, a sediment basin may be cleaned out after Total Cost (C)…………...………….$5,000 construction is finished and utilized for aesthetics, recreation, fish, or stormwater management. The “without treatment” condition reveals damages in the form of costs to remove sediment. Benefit (costs saved) are Benefits and costs for permanent measures need to be derived by subtracting the sediment removal costs under the converted by discounting and amortizing to average annual “with treatment” condition. figures for comparison. 1. Without treatment condition Benefit-Cost Analysis 8,000 cu.yd. (S) x $2.00/cu.yd. (Y) = $16,000 (SxY) A simple equation for determining the benefits of 2. With treatment condition controlling sediment is: a. Costs (C) described above = …………...$5,000 B = (SxY) - \[C + (SxY)(1.00-P)\] b. Removal costs for the 10% of sediment that passes through the control measure (measure is 90% Where: B = Benefits in dollars. effective) (SxY)(1.00-P) = (16,000)(1.00 - .90) …$1,600 S = Cubic yards of sediment expected to move off the site if no control measures are applied. (See Section 3). c. Total Cost = $5,000 + $1,600 =………. .$6,600 Y = Cost in dollars per yard to recover and dispose of 3. Benefits sediment that has moved off the site. $16,000—$6,600 = ………………………..$9,400 (B) C = Estimated cost of temporary measures to be ($9,400 is money saved by installing sediment treatment) installed. (See Cost Tables). Using the formula directly, the computations show the same results: P = Estimated effectiveness of proposed measures expressed as a decimal. B = (SxY)-\[c + (SxY)(1.00-P)\] Example B = ($8,000 x 2.00)-\[($5,000 + (8,000 x 2.00)(1.00-0.90)\] B = ($16,000)-($5,000 + 1,600) This example illustrates the methodology of a benefit-cost analysis: B = ($16,000)-($6,600) B = $9,400 Given: A construction site of 78 acres, which without erosion or sediment control measures will yield about 5 acre In this example, the more economical approach would be to feet or 8,000 cubic yards of sediment (S) to the lower end of install treatment measures rather than correct damages at a the site. There is a channel with several culverts located later date. A third alternative would be “do nothing” which below the site and it is assumed all the sediment would be would result in a higher flood damage hazard that would deposited in it. It would be necessary to remove all the need evaluation under a more sophisticated analytical additional sediment in order to maintain the capacity of the model. Also, in this simple example, water quality issues channel and avoid increased hazard to flooding. The cost of (such as habitat loss) were not included even though removing and disposing the sediment is estimated at $2.00 society, in general, does place a value on such issues. per cubic yard (Y). With temporary erosion and sediment control measures, including a sediment basin, in place during the one year New York Standards and Specifications Page C.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Table C.1—Cost Table The cost of implementing erosion and sediment control practices is highly variable and dependent upon many factors including availability and proximity of materials, time of year, prevailing wage rates, and regional cost trends to name a few. It is therefore difficult to develop cost estimates that are applicable statewide and year-round. The cost data contained in this chapter is based on actual bid prices from county and state highway construction projects, and suppliers for the year 2000. The following cost figures are provided to aid project planners in estimating erosion and sediment cost for feasibility studies. The actual dollar amounts are not recommended for use in estimating and bidding construction contracts. It is advisable to check with local suppliers and contractors for this purpose. Erosion and Sediment Control Measures $ Low $ High $ Median VEGETATIVE MEASURES Temporary Seeding 400/ac. 1,020/ac. 550/ac. Permanent Seeding 1,500/ac. 2,690/ac. 2,000/ac. Straw Mulch 660/ac. 1,000/ac. 750/ac. Wood Mulch 23,000/ac. 23,000/ac. Topsoil Stripping 1.60 cu.yd. Topsoil Spreading 20/cu.yd. Sodding 12/sq.yd. RECP Netting 4.00/sq.yd. 4.53/sq.yd. 4.50 sq.yd. Tree Protection 5/ln.ft. BIOTECHNICAL MEASURES Willow Wattles 10/ln.ft. Live Stakes 1.50/ln.ft. Brush Layering 8/ln.ft. RUNOFF CONTROL MEASURES Temporary Swale 2.00/ln.ft. 3.00/ln.ft. 2.50/ln.ft. Rock Check Dam 130/ea. 450/ea. 200/ea. Diversion or Grass Channel 6/ln.ft. 12/ln.ft. 10/ln.ft. Riprap Channel 36.40/cu.yd. 55.00/cu.yd. 45.00/cu.yd. Level Lip Spreader 25/ln.ft. Rock Outlet Structure 1,000/ea. August 2005 Page C.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Table C.1 (cont’d) Cost Table Erosion and Sediment Control Measures $ Low $ High $ Median SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Silt Fence 2.00/ln.ft. 2.68/ln.ft. 2.50/ln.ft. Straw Bale Berm 3.25/ln.ft. 5.00/ln.ft. 4.00/ln.ft. Stabilized Construction Entrance 30/cu.yd. Temporary Sediment Basin 50/cu.yd. Temporary Sediment Trap 600/ea. 2,000/ea. 1,500/ea. Temporary Silt Dike 12/ln.ft. Turbidity Curtain 4/sq.yd. 55/sq.yd. 20/sq.yd. Filter Fabric Inlet Protection 100/ea. Excavated Drop Inlet Protection 500/ea. Temporary Sediment Tank 2,600/ea. Block & Gravel Inlet Protection 500/ea. Table C.2 Annual Maintenance Cost As Percentage of Installation Cost ItemPercentage (%) Seeding 20 Mulch 2 Silt Fence 100 Sediment Trap 20 Sediment Basin 25 Inlet Protection 60 Stabilized Construction Entrance 100 Rock Riprap 10 Grass Channel 10 Temporary Swale 50 Level Lip Spreader 50 Tree Protection 50 Rock Outlet Structure 20 New York Standards and Specifications Page C.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Cost Estimate—SITE EXAMPLE This example illustrates the use of Tables C.1 and C.2 to compute a cost estimate for erosion and sediment control for a site plan. For the site example shown in Appendix F, the following cost estimate table (Table C.3) can be constructed. Unit costs are based on the median value in Table C.1. Since the construction schedule indicates a 9-month period to complete, we will use the annual maintenance figure in Table C.2 for the estimate. It should be noted that many items are permanent practices, such as the rock riprap lined channel, permanent seeding, grass- lined channel, level lip spreader, and the rock outlet structures. Table C.3 Cost Estimate For Site Example in Appendix F TOTAL ESIMATED ITEMQUANTITYUNIT COSTAMOUNT ($)MAINTENANCE ($)COST ($) 1. Stabilized 22.2 cu.yd. $30 cu.yd. 666 666 1,332 Construction Entrance 2. Rock Riprap 350 cu.yd. $45/cu.yd. 15,750 1,575 17,325 3. Seeding 2.5 ac. $2,000/ac. 5,000 1,000 6,000 4. Grass Channel 1,100 ln.ft.. $10/ln.ft. 11,000 1,100 12,100 5. Temporary Swale 900 ln.ft. $2.50/ln.ft. 2,250 1,125 3,375 6. Level Lip Spreader 10 ln.ft. $25/ln.ft. 250 125 375 7. Drop Inlet Protection a. Filter Fabric 1 ea. $100/ea. 100 60 160 b. Block & Gravel 1 ea. $500/ea. 500 300 800 8. Silt Fence 100 ft. 2.50/ln.ft. 250 250 500 9. Tree Protection 80 ln.ft. $5.00/ln.ft. 400 200 600 10. Sediment Trap 1 ea. $1,500/ea. 1,500 300 1,800 11. Sediment Basin 285 cu.yd. $50/cu.yd. 14,250 3,600 17,850 12. Rock Outlet 2 ea. $1,000/ea. 2,000 400 2,400 Structure 64,617 TOTAL August 2005 Page C.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control References 1. Soil Conservation Service, USDA. Oct. 1977. National Handbook for Conservation Practices, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 2. Soil Conservation Service, USDA. July 1984. Engineering Field Manual of Conservation Practices, 4th Printing, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 3. Soil Conservation Service, USDA. June 1986. Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical Release 55, Second Edition, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 4. Soil Conservation Service, USDA. Sept. 1987. Drainage Guide for New York State, Syracuse, N.Y. New York Standards and Specifications Page C.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX D FERTILIZER LABELS AND PURE LIVE SEED August 2005 Page D.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control FERTILZER CALCULATION EXAMPLE EXAMPLE A one-half acre lawn area needs 20 pounds of nitrogen (N) (40 pounds per acre) to achieve vigorous, green growth. The supplier has 10-10-10 in 50 pound bags. How many bags of fertilizer are needed? NOTE: Always apply as closely as possible the required amount of fertilizer to meet the requirements of the site. Adding surplus nitrogen may cause pollution of drinking water and saltwater ecosystems. Excessive phosphorus may accelerate the aging process of freshwater ecosystems. Excessive amounts of N and K2O may result in 'burning' the grass and killing it. ANSWER 10-10-10 has 10% of each N, P2O5, and K2O in the bag. Based on the N needed, 40-lbs/ac divided by 0.1 (10%) = 400 lbs. for one acre. Divide by 2 for ½ acre=200 lbs. of fertilizer or 4-fifty pound bags of 10-10-10 fertilizer. HOW TO CALCULATE PURE LIVE SEED Pure Live Seed, or PLS, refers to the amount of live seed in a lot of bulk seed. The cost of PLS seed is proportionally higher than bulk price. Calculating Pure Live Seed can help you save money and do the best jobs possible. Take a look at the label on a bag of seed. You will find a lot of information such as the type of seed, the supplier, test date and where the seed came from. More importantly, you will see seed purity, and germination percent. To compute pure live seed, multiply the "germination percent" times the "purity" and divide that by "100" to get PURE LIVE SEED. is the percentage of pure seed. A high percentage of pure seed is required for crop seed, but some chaffy grasses (Purity and native plants may have a lower percent purity. A high pure seed percentage will provide the best results. is the percentage of pure seed that will produce normal plants when planted under favorable Germination percentage conditions.) Example: 96% germination x 75% purity = 72% PLS 100 Then divide the "Cost per pound" by "Pure Live Seed" and you will have the cost per pound of the Pure Live Seed. $2.50 per pound = $ 3.47 per Pound of PLS 72% New York Standards and Specifications Page D.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX E EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN FOR SMALL HOMESITE CONSTRUCTION CONTENTS Page List of Figures Definition………..……….……………………………………………………………………………………………. E.1 Purpose………………...……………………………………………………………………………………………… E.1 Criteria…………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………….. E.1 Specifications……………………..…………………………………...………………………………………………. E.1 Small Homesite Minimum Requirements………..…………………………………………………………………… E.1 Small Homesite Examples (with Vegetative Requirements and Compliance Form)………………………………… E.3 Appendix prepared by: Paula Smith, CPESC, CPSWQ Executive Director Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District List of Figures Figure Title Page E.1 Erosion Control Plan Condition 1…………………………………….…………………………… E.3 E.2 Erosion Control Plan Condition 2.……..…………………………………………………………… E.5 E.3 Erosion Control Plan Condition 3……..…………………………………………………………… E.7 E.4 Erosion Control Plan Condition 4...……………………………………………………………….. E.9 E.5 Construction Details for Stabilized Construction Entrance and Silt Fence………………………… E.11 E.6 Construction Details for Straw Bale Dike and Rock Check Dam………………………………….. E.12 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN FOR SMALL HOMESITE CONSTRUCTION · Re-vegetating the site as soon as possible; Definition · Locating soil piles away from roads or waterways; Small homesite erosion and sediment control plans are a · Limiting tracking of mud onto streets by requiring all group of minimum erosion and sediment control practices vehicles to use designated access drives; and management techniques that apply to small homesite · Removing sediment carried off-site by vehicles or storms; construction activity on a single residential lot, in order to · Installing downspout extenders to prevent erosion from prevent polluted discharge. roof runoff; and · Maintaining erosion and sediment practices through Purpose sediment removal, structure replacement, etc. This appendix lays out a series of minimum requirements Specifications for erosion and sediment control, and management practices that may be used to meet these requirements. Use of these Each construction site is different. The owner/developer of templates will help show compliance with the general a small construction site may choose and follow one of the requirements for construction activities that require basic four variations of ESC plans included in this section to stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP). This develop a SWPPP in compliance with the SPDES applies to the construction of small homesites. The owner/ Construction Permit For Stormwater Discharges From developer must complete the relevant conditions (1-4), or Construction Activities. However, because of the general small parcel erosion and sediment control plan included in nature of the following conditions, the plans included in this section, and submit the NOI in order to meet this section may not cover all of the resource protection compliance with the SPDES General Permit for Stormwater needs on a particular site, and this form does not exempt Discharges From Construction Activities. an owner from the responsibility of filing an NOI. Criteria Small Homesite Minimum Requirements: Generally, several types of practices are required on any 1. Stabilized Construction Entrance: one site for effective erosion and sediment control. There To prevent vehicles and equipment from tracking sediment are three broad categories of construction-related practices and mud off-site, apply gravel or crushed rock to the for controlling erosion and sediment on small homesite driveway area and restrict traffic to this one route. This developments: practice will help keep soil from sticking to tires and stop soil from washing off into the street. Carry out periodic 1. Cover practices prevent erosion by protecting the soil inspections and maintenance including washing, top- surface from rainfall and runoff. Prevention of erosion is the dressing with additional stone, reworking, and compaction. most preferable and cost-effective approach. These Plan for periodic street cleaning to remove any sediment practices include: protection of existing vegetation; that may have been tracked off-site. Remove sediment by temporary covering of exposed soil by mulching, matting, shoveling or sweeping and transport to a suitable disposal or covering; and permanent site stabilization by topsoiling, area where it can be stabilized. seeding, and/or sodding. 2. Structural Practices are structural controls that either 2. Stabilization of Denuded Areas: reduce erosion, control runoff, or keep sediment on the Stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as construction site. Examples of these practices include practicable, but in no case more than 14 days after the stabilized construction entrances, filter fences, sediment construction activity has ceased. In frozen ground traps, berms, and check dams. conditions, stabilization measures must be initiated as soon as practicable. Where construction activity on a portion of 3. Management Measures are construction the site is temporarily ceased, and earth-disturbing activities management methods that prevent or reduce erosion will be resumed within twenty-one (21) days, temporary potential and ensure the proper functioning of erosion and stabilization measures need not be initiated on that portion sediment control practices. Careful construction of the site. management can dramatically reduce the costs associated with erosion and sediment problems. Examples of these Stabilize denuded areas by implementing soil covering management measures include: practices (e.g. mulching, matting, sodding). Exposed soils are the most prone to erosion from rainfall and runoff. · Preserving existing trees and grass where possible to Vegetation helps protect the soil from these forces and prevent erosion; provides natural erosion control. Plan construction to limit August 2005 Page E.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control the amount of exposed area, and avoid grading activities sediment over the dam Replace stones as needed to during the rainy season (November through March) as maintain the design cross section of the structures. much as possible. Clearing limits should be clearly marked Sediment removal is crucial to the effectiveness of the and kept as small as possible. Once construction is dam—if not maintained, high flows could cause erosion completed, the site must be permanently stabilized with around the sides of the structures, adding significant topsoiling, seeding and plantings, or sodding if needed. sediment loads downstream. 5. Maintenance: 3. Protection of Adjacent Properties: Maintain erosion and sediment control practices through Keep sediment on-site by using structural and source regular inspection. Regular maintenance is extremely control practices (e.g. vegetative buffer strips, sediment important for the proper operation of structural practices. barriers, soil berms or dikes, etc). See Sections 3, 4, or 5 as After initial groundbreaking, the builder shall conduct site appropriate. Wherever possible, preserve a buffer of inspections at least once every 14 calendar days and within existing vegetation around the site boundary. This will help 24 hours of the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or to decrease runoff velocities and trap sediment suspended in greater. the runoff. Other structural controls such as filter fence or straw bale barriers should also be used to filter runoff and 6. Other Practices: trap sediment on-site. Use additional practices as required by the local plan approval authority to mitigate effects of increased runoff. When excavating basement soils, move the soil to a location This may include providing additional controls to a locally that is, or will be, vegetated, such as in the backyard or side protected stream or resource area, protecting riparian yard area. This will increase the distance eroded soil must corridors (vegetative stream buffers), etc. Individual travel, through vegetation, to reach the storm sewer system. homeowners and/or developers are responsible for Piles should be situated so that sediment does not run into researching additional requirements related to erosion and the street or adjoining yards. Soil piles should be sediment runoff control established by their local temporarily seeded and circled with silt fence until the soil jurisdictions. is either replaced or removed. Backfill basement walls as soon as possible and rough grade the lot. This will eliminate the large soil mounds, which are highly erodible, and prepare the lot for temporary cover. After backfilling, grade or remove excess soil from the site quickly, to eliminate any sediment loss from surplus fill. 4. Concentrated Flow: For constructed drainage ways, or other areas of concentrated flow, install check dams according to the specifications on page E.12 to reduce erosion in the channel. As with other erosion controls, check dams must be inspected regularly. Remove sediment accumulated behind the dam as needed to allow channel to drain through the stone check dam and prevent large flows from carrying New York Standards and Specifications Page E.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure E.1 Erosion Control Plan Condition 1 water quality impacts. ment or as needed to mitigate required by local code enforce-3. Use additional practices as August 2005 Page E.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Condition 1—Vegetative Requirements & Compliance Form Vegetation Requirements: 1.) Site Preparation A. Install needed water and erosion control measures and bring area to be seeded to desired grades using a minimum of 4 in. topsoil. B. Prepare seedbed by loosening soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. C. Lime to a pH of 6.5 E. Fertilize as per soil test or, if fertilizer must be applied before soil test results are received, apply 850 pounds of 5-10-10 or equivalent per acre (20 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.) F. Incorporate lime and fertilizer in top 2-4 inches of topsoil. G. Smooth. Remove all stones over 1 inch in diameter, sticks, and foreign matter from the surface. Firm the seedbed. 2.) Planting—Sunny Location. Use a cultipacker type seeder if possible. Seed to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch. If seed is to be broadcast, cultipack or roll after seeding. If hydroseeded, lime and fertilizer may be applied through the seeder and rolling is not practical. Seed using the following mix and rates: Species (% by weight) lbs/1,000sq. ft lbs./acre 65% Kentucky bluegrass blend……………………………………. .. 2.0-2.6…………………….. 85-114 20% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………. 0.6-0.8…………………….. 26-35 15% fine fescue………………………………………………………. 0.4-0.6……………………. 19-26 Total………………………………………………………………….. 3.0-4.0……………………. 130-175 or, 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf……………………………….. 3.4-4.6……………………. 150-200 3.) When using the cultipacker or broadcast seed method, mulch using small grain straw, applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre; and anchor with a netting or tackifier. Hydroseed applications should include mulch, fertilizer and seed. Common white clover can be added to mixtures at the rate of 1-2 lbs/acre to help maintain green color during the dry summer period, however, they will not withstand heavy traffic. Fertilizing—First year, (spring seedlings) three to four weeks after germination apply 1 pound nitrogen/1,000 square feet using a complete fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or 4-1-3 ratio or as recommended by soil test results. For summer and early fall seedings, apply as above unless air temperatures are above 85ºF for extended period. Wait until heat wave is over to fertilize. For late fall/ winter seedings, fertilize in spring. Restrict use—new seedlings should be protected from use for one full year to allow development of a dense sod with good root structure. Certification Statement Please complete and sign this 2-sided document (with Typical Erosion Control Plan) and attach to BLUEPRINTS and SITE PLAN prior to any earth disturbance. These documents must be kept on site and be available for review as requested by any agent of the NYSDEC. This 2-sided form can be used as a basic stormwater pollution prevention plan, but will not exempt a landowner from filing a Notice of Intent. "I certify under penalty of law that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the ESC plan for the construction site identified in such ESC plan as a condition of authorization to discharge stormwater. I also understand that the operator must comply with the terms and conditions of the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("SPDES") general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities and that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Builder/Contractor (print) Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Fax E-mail New York Standards and Specifications Page E.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure E.2 Erosion Control Plan Condition 2 August 2005 Page E.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Condition 2—Vegetative Requirements & Compliance Form Vegetation Requirements: 1.) Site Preparation A. Install needed water and erosion control measures and bring area to be seeded to desired grades using a minimum of 4 in. topsoil. B. Prepare seedbed by loosening soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. C. Lime to a pH of 6.5 E. Fertilize as per soil test or, if fertilizer must be applied before soil test results are received, apply 850 pounds of 5-10-10 or equivalent per acre (20 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.) F. Incorporate lime and fertilizer in top 2-4 inches of topsoil. G. Smooth. Remove all stones over 1 inch in diameter, sticks, and foreign matter from the surface. Firm the seedbed. 2.) Planting—Sunny Location. Use a cultipacker type seeder if possible. Seed to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch. If seed is to be broadcast, cultipack or roll after seeding. If hydroseeded, lime and fertilizer may be applied through the seeder and rolling is not practical. Seed using the following mix and rates: Species (% by weight) lbs/1,000sq. ft lbs./acre 65% Kentucky bluegrass blend……………………………………. .. 2.0-2.6…………………….. 85-114 20% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………. 0.6-0.8…………………….. 26-35 15% fine fescue………………………………………………………. 0.4-0.6……………………. 19-26 Total………………………………………………………………….. 3.0-4.0……………………. 130-175 or, 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf……………………………….. 3.4-4.6……………………. 150-200 3.) When using the cultipacker or broadcast seed method, mulch using small grain straw, applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre; and anchor with a netting or tackifier. Hydroseed applications should include mulch, fertilizer and seed. Common white clover can be added to mixtures at the rate of 1-2 lbs/acre to help maintain green color during the dry summer period, however, they will not withstand heavy traffic. Fertilizing—First year, (spring seedlings) three to four weeks after germination apply 1 pound nitrogen/1,000 square feet using a complete fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or 4-1-3 ratio or as recommended by soil test results. For summer and early fall seedings, apply as above unless air temperatures are above 85ºF for extended period. Wait until heat wave is over to fertilize. For late fall/ winter seedings, fertilize in spring. Restrict use—new seedlings should be protected from use for one full year to allow development of a dense sod with good root structure. Certification Statement Please complete and sign this 2-sided document (with Typical Erosion Control Plan) and attach to BLUEPRINTS and SITE PLAN prior to any earth disturbance. These documents must be kept on site and be available for review as requested by any agent of the NYSDEC. This 2-sided form can be used as a basic stormwater pollution prevention plan, but will not exempt a landowner from filing a Notice of Intent. "I certify under penalty of law that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the ESC plan for the construction site identified in such ESC plan as a condition of authorization to discharge stormwater. I also understand that the operator must comply with the terms and conditions of the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("SPDES") general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities and that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Builder/Contractor (print) Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Fax E-mail New York Standards and Specifications Page E.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure E.3 Erosion Control Plan Condition 3 August 2005 Page E.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Condition 3—Vegetative Requirements & Compliance Form Vegetation Requirements: 1.) Site Preparation A. Install needed water and erosion control measures and bring area to be seeded to desired grades using a minimum of 4 in. topsoil. B. Prepare seedbed by loosening soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. C. Lime to a pH of 6.5 E. Fertilize as per soil test or, if fertilizer must be applied before soil test results are received, apply 850 pounds of 5-10-10 or equivalent per acre (20 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.) F. Incorporate lime and fertilizer in top 2-4 inches of topsoil. G. Smooth. Remove all stones over 1 inch in diameter, sticks, and foreign matter from the surface. Firm the seedbed. 2.) Planting—Sunny Location. Use a cultipacker type seeder if possible. Seed to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch. If seed is to be broadcast, cultipack or roll after seeding. If hydroseeded, lime and fertilizer may be applied through the seeder and rolling is not practical. Seed using the following mix and rates: Species (% by weight) lbs/1,000sq. ft lbs./acre 65% Kentucky bluegrass blend……………………………………. .. 2.0-2.6…………………….. 85-114 20% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………. 0.6-0.8…………………….. 26-35 15% fine fescue………………………………………………………. 0.4-0.6……………………. 19-26 Total………………………………………………………………….. 3.0-4.0……………………. 130-175 or, 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf……………………………….. 3.4-4.6……………………. 150-200 3.) When using the cultipacker or broadcast seed method, mulch using small grain straw, applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre; and anchor with a netting or tackifier. Hydroseed applications should include mulch, fertilizer and seed. Common white clover can be added to mixtures at the rate of 1-2 lbs/acre to help maintain green color during the dry summer period, however, they will not withstand heavy traffic. Fertilizing—First year, (spring seedlings) three to four weeks after germination apply 1 pound nitrogen/1,000 square feet using a complete fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or 4-1-3 ratio or as recommended by soil test results. For summer and early fall seedings, apply as above unless air temperatures are above 85ºF for extended period. Wait until heat wave is over to fertilize. For late fall/ winter seedings, fertilize in spring. Restrict use—new seedlings should be protected from use for one full year to allow development of a dense sod with good root structure. Certification Statement Please complete and sign this 2-sided document (with Typical Erosion Control Plan) and attach to BLUEPRINTS and SITE PLAN prior to any earth disturbance. These documents must be kept on site and be available for review as requested by any agent of the NYSDEC. This 2-sided form can be used as a basic stormwater pollution prevention plan, but will not exempt a landowner from filing a Notice of Intent. "I certify under penalty of law that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the ESC plan for the construction site identified in such ESC plan as a condition of authorization to discharge stormwater. I also understand that the operator must comply with the terms and conditions of the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("SPDES") general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities and that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Builder/Contractor (print) Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Fax E-mail New York Standards and Specifications Page E.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure E.4 Erosion Control Plan Condition 4 August 2005 Page E.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Condition 4—Vegetative Requirements & Compliance Form Vegetation Requirements: 1.) Site Preparation A. Install needed water and erosion control measures and bring area to be seeded to desired grades using a minimum of 4 in. topsoil. B. Prepare seedbed by loosening soil to a depth of 4-6 inches. C. Lime to a pH of 6.5 E. Fertilize as per soil test or, if fertilizer must be applied before soil test results are received, apply 850 pounds of 5-10-10 or equivalent per acre (20 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.) F. Incorporate lime and fertilizer in top 2-4 inches of topsoil. G. Smooth. Remove all stones over 1 inch in diameter, sticks, and foreign matter from the surface. Firm the seedbed. 2.) Planting—Sunny Location. Use a cultipacker type seeder if possible. Seed to a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch. If seed is to be broadcast, cultipack or roll after seeding. If hydroseeded, lime and fertilizer may be applied through the seeder and rolling is not practical. Seed using the following mix and rates: Species (% by weight) lbs/1,000sq. ft lbs./acre 65% Kentucky bluegrass blend……………………………………. .. 2.0-2.6…………………….. 85-114 20% perennial ryegrass………………………………………………. 0.6-0.8…………………….. 26-35 15% fine fescue………………………………………………………. 0.4-0.6……………………. 19-26 Total………………………………………………………………….. 3.0-4.0……………………. 130-175 or, 100% Tall fescue, Turf-type, fine leaf……………………………….. 3.4-4.6……………………. 150-200 3.) When using the cultipacker or broadcast seed method, mulch using small grain straw, applied at a rate of 2 tons per acre; and anchor with a netting or tackifier. Hydroseed applications should include mulch, fertilizer and seed. Common white clover can be added to mixtures at the rate of 1-2 lbs/acre to help maintain green color during the dry summer period, however, they will not withstand heavy traffic. Fertilizing—First year, (spring seedlings) three to four weeks after germination apply 1 pound nitrogen/1,000 square feet using a complete fertilizer with a 2-1-1 or 4-1-3 ratio or as recommended by soil test results. For summer and early fall seedings, apply as above unless air temperatures are above 85ºF for extended period. Wait until heat wave is over to fertilize. For late fall/ winter seedings, fertilize in spring. Restrict use—new seedlings should be protected from use for one full year to allow development of a dense sod with good root structure. Certification Statement Please complete and sign this 2-sided document (with Typical Erosion Control Plan) and attach to BLUEPRINTS and SITE PLAN prior to any earth disturbance. These documents must be kept on site and be available for review as requested by any agent of the NYSDEC. This 2-sided form can be used as a basic stormwater pollution prevention plan, but will not exempt a landowner from filing a Notice of Intent. "I certify under penalty of law that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the ESC plan for the construction site identified in such ESC plan as a condition of authorization to discharge stormwater. I also understand that the operator must comply with the terms and conditions of the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("SPDES") general permit for stormwater discharges from construction activities and that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Builder/Contractor (print) Signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Fax E-mail New York Standards and Specifications Page E.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure E.5 Construction Details for Stabilized Construction Entrance and Silt Fence August 2005 Page E.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Figure E.6 Construction Details for Straw Bale Dike and Check Dam New York Standards and Specifications Page E.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX F SAMPLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN CONTENTS Page Introduction……...……….……………………………………………………………………………………………. F.1 Narrative………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………… F.2 Planned Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices……………………………………………………………….. F.3 Construction Schedule………………………………………………...………………………………………………. F.5 Maintenance Plan………………………………….…………………………………………………………………… F.6 Vicinity Map………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………. F.6 Site Topographic Map—Exhibit 1…...……………………………………………………………………………….. F.7 Site Development Map—Exhibit 2.………………………………………………………...…………………………. F.8 Site Erosion and Sediment Control Plan—Exhibit 3.…………………………………………………………………. F.9 Drawings and Specifications………...………………………………………………………………………………… F.10 Vegetative Plan…….……………………………………..……………………………………………………………. F.31 This appendix is adapted from the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission by Donald W. Lake Jr., P.E., CPESC, CPSWQ, Engineering Specialist, New York State Soil &Water Conservation Committee EXAMPLE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN Introduction What follows is an example erosion and sedimentation control plan based on one from the files of the State of North Carolina. The site is located in the Piedmont region. The plan was modified to demonstrate the application of a variety of erosion and sedimentation control practices. This example plan was developed in detail for instructive purposes. The specific number of maps, practices, drawings, specifications, and calculations required depends on the size and complexity of the development. The vegetative treatment is from a sample North Carolina plan and no attempt was made to modify the treatment for New York conditions. The designer should select the most practical and effective practices to control erosion and prevent sediment from leaving the site. The plan should be organized and presented in a clear, concise manner. Sufficient design and background information should be included to facilitate review by erosion control personnel. Construction details should be precise and clear for use by an experienced general contractor. An acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan must, at a minimum, contain: 1. brief narrative 2. construction schedule 3. maintenance plan 4. vicinity map 5. site topographic map including soil survey information 6. site development plan 7. erosion and sedimentation control plan drawing¹ 8. detail drawings and specifications 9. vegetative plan Although this example is from North Carolina, its organization, analysis, and detail are appropriate in all locations. The original content of the example was retained for continuity. Regarding practices selected, refer to the flow charts in Section 2 to correlate with the control groups. In the example, the temporary diversion equates to New York’s earth dike. Supporting calculations for these practices are not included to maintain the size of this publication. However, the criteria in each of the practice standards in the appropriate sections, will guide the user in their design. ¹ On large projects, the designer should show the erosion and sediment control plan on separate sheets, reflecting the actual topography at the time the phase starts, and show only existing and final grades for that phase under construction. August 2005 Page F.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Narrative Project Description The purpose of the project is to construct two large commercial buildings with associated paved roads and parking area. Another building will be added in the future. Approximately 6 acres will be disturbed during this construction period. The site is 11.1 acres located in Granville County, 2 miles north of Deal, NC, off Terri Road (see Vicinity Map). Site Description The site has rolling topography with slopes generally 4 to 6%. Slopes steepen to 10 to 20% in the northwest portion of the property where a small, healed-over gully serves as the principal drainageway for the site. The site is now covered with volunteer heavy, woody vegetation, predominately pines, 15 to 20 ft. high. There is no evidence of significant erosion under present site conditions. The old drainage gully indicates severe erosion potential and receives flow from 5 acres of woods off-site. There is one large oak tree, located in the western central portion of the property, and a buffer area, fronting Terri Road, that will be protected during construction. Adjacent Property Land use in the vicinity is commercial/industrial. The land immediately to the west and south has been developed for industrial use. Areas to the north and east are undeveloped and heavily wooded, primarily in volunteer pine. Hocutt Creek, the off-site outlet for runoff discharge, is presently a well stabilized, gently flowing perennial stream. Sediment control measures will be taken to prevent damage to Hocutt Creek. Approximately 5 acres of wooded area to the east contribute runoff into the construction area. Soils The soil in the project area is mapped as Creedmoor sandy loam in B and C slope classes. Creedmoor soils are considered moderately well to somewhat poorly drained with permeability rates greater than 6 inches/hour at the surface, but less than 0.1 inches/hour in the subsoil. The subsurface is pale brownstone loam, 6 inches thick. The subsoil consists of a pale brown and brownish yellow sandy clay loam ranging from light gray clay, 36 inches thick. Below 36 inches is a layer of fine sandy loam to 77 inches. The soil erodibility factor (K value) ranges from 0.20 at the surface to 0.37 in the subsoil. Due to the soil permeability of the subsoil that will be exposed during grading, a surface wetness problem with high runoff is anticipated following significant rainfall events. No groundwater problem is expected. The tight clay in the subsoil will make vegetation difficult to establish. A small amount of topsoil exists on-site and will be stockpiled for use in landscaping. New York Standards and Specifications Page F.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Planned Erosion and Sedimentation Control Practices 1. Sediment Basin: A sediment basin will be constructed in the northwest corner of the property. All water from disturbed areas, about 6 acres, will be directed to the basin before leaving the site (Note: The undisturbed areas to the east and north could have been diverted, but this was not proposed because it would have required clearing to the property line to build the diversion and the required outlet structure). See pages F.10-F.12 for details. 2. Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit: A temporary gravel construction entrance will be installed near the northwest corner of the property. During wet weather it may be necessary to wash vehicle tires at this location. The entrance will be graded so that runoff water will be directed to an inlet protection structure and away from the steep fill area to the north. See page F.12 for specifications. 3. Temporary Block and Gravel Drop Inlet Protection: A temporary block and gravel drop inlet protection will be installed at the drop inlet located on the south side of the construction entrance. Runoff from the device will be directed into the sediment basin (Note: The presence of this device reduces the sediment load on the sediment basin and provides sediment protection for the pipe. In addition, sediment removal at this point is more convenient than from the basin). See page F.13 for specifications. 4. Temporary Diversion: Temporary diversions will be constructed above the 3:1 cut slopes south of Buildings A and B to prevent surface runoff from eroding these banks (Note: Sediment-free water may be diverted away from the project sediment basin). A temporary diversion will be constructed near the middle of the disturbed area to break up this long, potentially erosive slope, should the grading operation be temporarily discontinued. A temporary diversion dike will be constructed along the top edge of the fill slope at the end of each day during the filling operation to protect the fill slope. This temporary diversion will outlet to the existing undisturbed channel near the north edge of the construction site and/or to the temporary inlet protection device at the construction entrance as the fill elevation increases. See page F.14 for specifications. 5. Level Spreader: A level spreader will serve as the outlet for the diversion east of Building A and south of Building B. The area below the spreader is relatively smooth and heavily vegetated with a slope of approximately 4%. See page F.15 for specifications. 6. Tree Preservation and Protection: A minimum 2.0 ft. high protective fence will be erected around a large oak tree at the dripline to prevent damage during construction. Sediment fence materials may be used for this purpose. See page F.16 for specifications. 7. Land Grading: Heavy grading will be required on approximately 6 acres. The flatter slope after grading will reduce the overall erosion potential of the site. The buildings will be located on the higher cut areas, and the access road and open landscaped areas will be located on fill areas. See pages F.16–F.17 for specifications. All cut slopes will be 3:1 or flatter to avoid instability due to wetness, provide fill material, give an open area around the buildings, and allow vegetated slopes to be mowed. Cut slopes will be fine graded immediately after rough grading; the surface will be disked and vegetated according to the Vegetation Plan (pages F.29–F.31). Fill slopes will be 2:1 with fill depths as much as 12 to 15 ft. Fill will be placed in layers not to exceed 9 inches in depth and compacted (Note: Fills of this depth should have detailed compaction specifications in the general construction contract. These specifications are not part of the erosion and sedimentation control plan). August 2005 Page F.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control The fill slope in the north portion of the property is the most vulnerable area to erosion on the site. Temporary diversions will be maintained at the top of this fill slope at all times, and the filling operation will be graded to prevent overflow to the north. Filling will be done as a continuous operation until final grade is reached. The paved road located on the fill will be sloped to the south and will function as a permanent diversion. The area adjacent to the roads and parking area will be graded to conduct runoff to the road culverts. Runoff water from the buildings will be guttered to the vegetated channels. The finished slope face to the north will not be back-bladed. The top 2 to 6 inches will be left in a loose and roughened condition. Plantings will be protected with mulch, as specified in the Vegetation Plan. A minimum 15-ft undisturbed buffer zone will be maintained around the perimeter of the disturbed area (Note: This will reduce water and wind erosion, help contain sediment, reduce dust, and reduce final landscaping costs). 8. Temporary Sediment Trap: A small sediment trap will be constructed at the intersection of the existing road ditch and channel number 3 to protect the road ditch. Approximately 2 acres of disturbed area will drain into this trap. See pages F.18–F.19 for specifications. 9. Sediment Fence: A sediment fence will be constructed around the topsoil stockpile and along the channel berm adjacent to the deep cut area as necessary to prevent sediment from entering the channels. See pages F.19–F.20 for specifications. 10. Grass-Lined Channel: Grass-lined channels with temporary straw-net liners will be constructed around Buildings A and B to collect and convey site water to the project’s sediment basin. See pages F.21–F.23 for specifications. 11. Riprap-Lined and Paved Channels: A riprap channel will be constructed in the old gully along the north side of the property starting in the northwest corner after all other construction is complete. This channel will replace the old gully as the principal outlet from the site. See pages F.24–F.25 for specifications. 12. Construction Road Stabilization: As soon as final grade is reached on the entrance road, the subgrade will be sloped to drain to the south and stabilized with a 6-inch course of NC DOT standard ABC stone. The parking area and its entrance road will also be stabilized with ABC stone to prevent erosion and dust during the construction of the buildings prior to paving. See pages F.25–F.26 for specifications. 13. Outlet Stabilization Structure: A riprap apron will be located at the outlet of the three culverts to prevent scour. See pages F.26–F.27 for specifications. 14. Surface Roughening: The 3:1 cut slopes will be lightly roughened by disking just prior to vegetating, and the surface 4 to 6 inches of the 2:1 fill slopes will be left in a loose condition and grooved on the contour. See page F.28 for specifications. 15. Surface Stabilization: Stabilization of the surface will be accomplished with vegetation and mulch as specified in the vegetation plan. One large oak tree, southwest of Building A, and a buffer area between the parking lot and Terri Road, will be preserved. Roadway and parking lot base courses will be installed as soon as finished grade is reached. 16. Dust Control: Dust control is not expected to be a problem due to the small area of exposure, the undisturbed perimeter of trees around the site, and the relatively short time of exposure (not to exceed 9 months). Should excessive dust be generated, it will be controlled by sprinkling. New York Standards and Specifications Page F.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Construction Schedule 1. Obtain plan approval and other applicable permits. 2. Flag the work limits and mark the oak tree and buffer area for protection. 3. Hold pre-construction conference at least one week prior to starting construction. 4. Install sediment basin as the first construction activity. 5. Install storm drain with block and gravel inlet protection at construction entrance/exit. 6. Install temporary gravel construction entrance/exit. 7. Construct temporary diversions above proposed building sites. Install level spreader and sediment trap and vegetate disturbed areas. 8. Complete site clearing except for the old gully channel in the northwest portion of the site. This area will be cleared during the last construction phase for the installation of the riprap liner. 9. Clear waste disposal area in the northeast corner of property, only as needed. 10. Rough grade site, stockpile topsoil, construct channels, install culverts and outlet protection, and install sediment fence as needed. Maintain diversions along top of fill slope daily. NOTE: A temporary diversion will be constructed across the middle of the graded area to reduce slope length and the bare areas mulched should grading be discontinued for more than 3 weeks. 11. Finish the slopes around buildings as soon as rough grading is complete. Leave the surface slightly roughened and vegetate and mulch immediately. 12. Complete final grading for roads and parking and stabilize with gravel. 13. Complete final grading for buildings. 14. Complete final grading of grounds, topsoil critical areas, and permanently vegetate, landscape, and mulch. 15. Install riprap outlet channel and extend riprap to the pipe outlet under the entrance road. 16. All erosion and sediment control practices will be inspected weekly and after rainfall events. Needed repairs will be made immediately. 17. After the site is stabilized, remove all temporary measures and install permanent vegetation on the disturbed areas. 18. Estimated time before final stabilization—9 months. August 2005 Page F.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Maintenance Plan 1. All erosion and sediment control practices will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff-producing rainfall but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintain all practices as designed and installed for their appropriate phase of the project. 2. The sediment basin will be cleaned out when the level of sediment reaches 2.0 ft below the top of the riser. Gravel will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains properly. 3. Sediment will be removed from the sediment trap and block and gravel inlet protection device when storage capacity has been approximately 50% filled. Gravel will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains properly. 4. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes about 0.5 ft deep at the fence. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. 5. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary, and mulched according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover. Vicinity Map N New York Standards and Specifications Page F.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Site Topographic Map—Exhibit 1 August 2005 Page F.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Site Development Map—Exhibit 2 New York Standards and Specifications Page F.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Site Erosion and Sediment Control Plan—Exhibit 3 August 2005 Page F.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.12 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.13 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.14 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.15 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.16 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.17 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.18 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.19 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.20 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control Flow August 2005 Page F.21 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.22 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.23 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.24 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.25 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.26 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.27 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York Standards and Specifications Page F.28 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.29 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control rotary . in early spring the following year. Mow as desired. New York Standards and Specifications Page F.30 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page F.31 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX G EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project Name _____________________________ Site Location _________________________ Applicant’s Name & Address ___________________________________ ___________________________________ General A narrative statement shall be provided that describes the proposed project nature and purpose; the existing site conditions including topography, vegetation and drainage; adjacent and off-site areas affected by the project; description of the soils on the site and key properties; notations of critical areas such as steep slopes, channels or wetlands; the overall phasing, se- quencing and stabilization plan; total disturbed area and those not to be disturbed. I. Construction Drawings Are the following items shown on the construction drawings: Yes No 1. Vicinity Map with scale and north arrow ____ ____ 2. Legend, scales, N arrow on plan view ____ ____ 3. Existing and proposed topography shown with contours labeled with spots elevations in critical areas ____ ____ 4. Scope of the plan noted in the Title Block ____ ____ 5. Limits of clearing and grading shown ____ ____ 6. Existing vegetation delineated ____ ____ 7. Soil boundaries shown on the plan view ____ ____ 8. Existing drainage patterns, 100 year floodplain and sub-areas shown ____ ____ 9. Existing and proposed development facilities/ improvements shown ____ ____ 10. Location of Erosion and Sediment control practices as phased with construction ____ ____ 11. Phasing plan with 5 acre threshold limits shown ____ ____ 12. Stockpile locations, staging areas and access points clearly defined ____ ____ 13. Street profiles, utility locations, property boundaries and, easement delineations shown ____ ____ August 2005 Page G.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control II. Construction Notes & Details Yes No 1. Specific sequence of operation given for each phase ____ ____ 2. Inspection and maintenance schedule shown for the specific practices ____ ____ 3. Design details show all dimensions and installation details necessary for construction ____ ____ 4. Implementation schedule for E&S practices is provided with removal criteria stated ____ ____ 5. Construction waste management plan incorporated in the notes ____ ____ 6. Site Inspections during construction are noted on the drawings and is in accordance with the General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities ____ ____ III. Erosion & Sediment Control Practices A. General Yes No 1. Practice meets purpose and design criteria ____ ____ 2. Standard details and construction notes are provided ____ ____ 3. Special timing of practice noted if applicable ____ ____ 4. Provisions for traffic crossings shown on the drawings where necessary ____ ____ B. Practices Controlling Runoff Yes No 1. Positive drainage is maintained with contributing drainage area shown ____ ____ 2. Flow grades properly stabilized ____ ____ 3. Adequate outlet or discharge condition stabilized ____ ____ 4. Necessary dimensions, gradations, calculations, and materials shown ____ ____ C. Practices Stabilizing Soil Yes No 1. Seeding rates and areas properly shown on the drawings ____ ____ 2. Mulch materials and rates specified on the drawings ____ ____ 3. Sequencing and timing provisions limit soil exposure to 14 days ____ ____ New York Standards and Specifications Page G.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control C. Practices Stabilizing Soil (cont’d) Yes No 4. Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECP’s) used are specified to location and appropriate weight/tie down ____ ____ 5. All soil seed bed preparation and amendments are specified on the drawings or in the specifications ____ ____ 6. The seeding dates are specified to cover the entire year for both temporary and permanent seedings ____ ____ 7. Maximum created slope is no steeper than 2 foot horizontal to 1 foot vertical with Cut and Fill slopes shown ____ ____ D. Practices Controlling Sediment Yes No 1. Sediment traps/basins are sized in accordance with criteria ____ ____ 2. The contributing drainage area is shown on the grading plan ____ ____ 3. All scaled dimensions and volumes are shown on the plan ____ ____ 4. Maintenance requirements and clean out elevations established for all sediment control practices (50% capacity) ____ ____ 5. All access points of the project are shown to be stabilized ____ ____ 6. Storm drain inlets adequately protected ____ ____ 7. Silt fences are shown on the contour lines with no more than one quarter acre per 100 foot drainage to it ____ ____ 8. Temporary sediment traps being used at locations of future stormwater infiltration facilities ____ ____ August 2005 Page G.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Additional Comments Plan Reviewed By: _____________________________________ Date: ______________ New York Standards and Specifications Page G.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control APPENDIX H STATE POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONSTRUCTION SITE LOG BOOK Table of Contents I. Pre-Construction Meeting Documents a. Preamble to Site Assessment and Inspections b. Operator’s Certification c. Qualified Professional's Credentials & Certification d. Pre-Construction Site Assessment Checklist II. Construction Duration Inspections a. Directions b. Modification to the SWPPP III. Monthly Summary Reports IV. Monitoring, Reporting, and Three-Month Status Reports a. Operator’s Compliance Response Form Properly completing forms such as those contained in Appendix H meet the inspection requirement of NYS- DEC SPDES GP for Construction Activities. Completed forms shall be kept on site at all times and made avail- able to authorities upon request. August 2005 Page H.1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control I. PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING DOCUMENTS Project Name _____________________________________________________________________ Permit No. _____________________________________ Date of Authorization _______________ Name of Operator _________________________________________________________________ Prime Contractor __________________________________________________________________ a. Preamble to Site Assessment and Inspections The Following Information To Be Read By All Person’s Involved in The Construction of Stormwater Re- lated Activities: 1 The Operator agrees to have a qualified professional conduct an assessment of the site prior to the com- 2 mencement of construction and certify in this inspection report that the appropriate erosion and sediment controls described in the SWPPP have been adequately installed or implemented to ensure overall prepared- ness of the site for the commencement of construction. Prior to the commencement of construction, the Operator shall certify in this site logbook that the SWPPP has been prepared in accordance with the State’s standards and meets all Federal, State and local erosion and sediment control requirements. When construction starts, site inspections shall be conducted by the qualified professional at least every 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater (Construction Dura- tion Inspections). The Operator shall maintain a record of all inspection reports in this site logbook. The site logbook shall be maintained on site and be made available to the permitting authorities upon request. The Operator shall post at the site, in a publicly accessible location, a summary of the site inspection activities on a monthly basis (Monthly Summary Report). The operator shall also prepare a written summary of compliance with this general permit at a minimum frequency of every three months (Operator’s Compliance Response Form), while coverage exists. The sum- mary should address the status of achieving each component of the SWPPP. Prior to filing the Notice of Termination or the end of permit term, the Operator shall have a qualified pro- fessional perform a final site inspection. The qualified professional shall certify that the site has undergone 3 final stabilization using either vegetative or structural stabilization methods and that all temporary erosion and sediment controls (such as silt fencing) not needed for long-term erosion control have been removed. In addition, the Operator must identify and certify that all permanent structures described in the SWPPP have been constructed and provide the owner(s) with an operation and maintenance plan that ensures the structure(s) continuously functions as designed. 1 “Qualified Professional means a person knowledgeable in the principles and practice of erosion and sediment controls, such as a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), soil scientist, licensed engineer or someone working under the direction and supervision of a licensed engineer (person must have experience in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control). 2 “Commencement of construction” means the initial removal of vegetation and disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading or excavating activities or other construction activities. 3 “Final stabilization” means that all soil-disturbing activities at the site have been completed and a uniform, perennial vegetative cover with a density of eighty (80) percent has been established or equivalent stabilization measures (such as the use of mulches or geotextiles) have been employed on all unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent struc- tures. New York Standards and Specifications Page H.2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control b. Operators Certification "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. Further, I hereby certify that the SWPPP meets all Federal, State, and local erosion and sediment control requirements. I am aware that false statements made herein are punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law. Name (please print): Title Date: Address: Phone: Email: Signature: ualified Professional's Credentials & Certification c. Q “I hereby certify that I meet the criteria set forth in the General Permit to conduct site inspections for this project and that the appropriate erosion and sediment controls described in the SWPPP and as described in the following Pre-construction Site Assessment Checklist have been adequately installed or implemented, ensuring the overall preparedness of this site for the commencement of construction.” Name (please print): Date: Title Address: Phone: Email: Signature: August 2005 Page H.3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control d. Pre-construction Site Assessment Checklist (NOTE: Provide comments below as necessary) 1. Notice of Intent, SWPPP, and Contractors Certification: Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Has a Notice of Intent been filed with the NYS Department of Conservation? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is the SWPPP on-site? Where?______________________________ \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is the Plan current? What is the latest revision date?______________ \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is a copy of the NOI (with brief description) onsite? Where?______________ \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Have allcontractors involved with stormwater related activities signed a contractor’s certification? 2. Resource Protection Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Are construction limits clearly flagged or fenced? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Important trees and associated rooting zones, on-site septic system absorption fields, existing vegetated areas suitable for filter strips, especially in perimeter areas, have been flagged for protection. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Creek crossings installed prior to land-disturbing activity, including clearing and blasting. 3. Surface Water Protection Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Clean stormwater runoff has been diverted from areas to be disturbed. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Bodies of water located either on site or in the vicinity of the site have been identified and protected. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Appropriate practices to protect on-site or downstream surface water are installed. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Are clearing and grading operations divided into areas <5 acres? 4. Stabilized Construction Entrance Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] A temporary construction entrance to capture mud and debris from construction vehicles before they enter the public highway has been installed. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Other access areas (entrances, construction routes, equipment parking areas) are stabilized immediately as work takes place with gravel or other cover. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Sediment tracked onto public streets is removed or cleaned on a regular basis. 5. Perimeter Sediment Controls Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Silt fence material and installation comply with the standard drawing and specifications. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Silt fences are installed at appropriate spacing intervals \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Sediment/detention basin was installed as first land disturbing activity. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Sediment traps and barriers are installed. 6. Pollution Prevention for Waste and Hazardous Materials Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] The Operator or designated representative has been assigned to implement the spill prevention avoidance and response plan. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] The plan is contained in the SWPPP on page ______ \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Appropriate materials to control spills are onsite. Where? __________________ New York Standards and Specifications Page H.4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control II. CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS a. Directions: Inspection Forms will be filled out during the entire construction phase of the project. Required Elements: (1) On a site map, indicate the extent of all disturbed site areas and drainage pathways. Indicate site areas that are expected to undergo initial disturbance or significant site work within the next 14-day period; (2) Indicate on a site map all areas of the site that have undergone temporary or permanent stabilization; (3) Indicate all disturbed site areas that have not undergone active site work during the previous 14-day period; (4) Inspect all sediment control practices and record the approximate degree of sediment accumulation as a percentage of sediment storage volume (for example, 10 percent, 20 percent, 50 percent); (5) Inspect all erosion and sediment control practices and record all maintenance requirements such as verifying the integrity of barrier or diversion systems (earthen berms or silt fencing) and containment systems (sediment basins and sediment traps). Identify any evidence of rill or gully erosion occurring on slopes and any loss of stabilizing vegetation or seeding/mulching. Document any excessive deposition of sediment or ponding water along barrier or diversion systems. Record the depth of sediment within containment structures, any erosion near outlet and overflow structures, and verify the ability of rock filters around perforated riser pipes to pass water; and (6) Immediately report to the Operator any deficiencies that are identified with the implementation of the SWPPP. August 2005 Page H.5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS Page 1 of ______ SITE PLAN/SKETCH _________________________________________ ____________________________________ Inspector (print name) Date of Inspection ________________________________________ ____________________________________ Qualified Professional (print name) Qualified Professional Signature The above signed acknowledges that, to the best of his/her knowledge, all information provided on the forms is accurate and complete. New York Standards and Specifications Page H.6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS Page 2 of ______ Maintaining Water Quality Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is there an increase in turbidity causing a substantial visible contrast to natural conditions? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is there residue from oil and floating substances, visible oil film, or globules or grease? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] All disturbance is within the limits of the approved plans. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Have receiving lake/bay, stream, and/or wetland been impacted by silt from project? Housekeeping 1. General Site Conditions Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is construction site litter and debris appropriately managed? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Are facilities and equipment necessary for implementation of erosion and sediment control in working order and/or properly maintained? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is construction impacting the adjacent property? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is dust adequately controlled? 2. Temporary Stream Crossing Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Maximum diameter pipes necessary to span creek without dredging are installed. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed non-woven geotextile fabric beneath approaches. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is fill composed of aggregate (no earth or soil)? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Rock on approaches is clean enough to remove mud from vehicles & prevent sediment from entering stream during high flow. Runoff Control Practices 1. Excavation Dewatering Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Upstream and downstream berms (sandbags, inflatable dams, etc.) are installed per plan. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Clean water from upstream pool is being pumped to the downstream pool. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Sediment laden water from work area is being discharged to a silt-trapping device. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Constructed upstream berm with one-foot minimum freeboard. 2. Level Spreader Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed per plan. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Constructed on undisturbed soil, not on fill, receiving only clear, non-sediment laden flow. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Flow sheets out of level spreader without erosion on downstream edge. 3. Interceptor Dikes and Swales Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed per plan with minimum side slopes 2H:1V or flatter. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Stabilized by geotextile fabric, seed, or mulch with no erosion occurring. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Sediment-laden runoff directed to sediment trapping structure August 2005 Page H.7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS Page 3 of ______ Runoff Control Practices (continued) 4. Stone Check Dam Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is channel stable? (flow is not eroding soil underneath or around the structure). \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Check is in good condition (rocks in place and no permanent pools behind the structure). \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Has accumulated sediment been removed?. 5. Rock Outlet Protection Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed per plan. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed concurrently with pipe installation. Soil Stabilization 1. Topsoil and Spoil Stockpiles Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Stockpiles are stabilized with vegetation and/or mulch. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Sediment control is installed at the toe of the slope. 2. Revegetation Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Temporary seedings and mulch have been applied to idle areas. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] 4 inches minimum of topsoil has been applied under permanent seedings Sediment Control Practices 1. Stabilized Construction Entrance Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Stone is clean enough to effectively remove mud from vehicles. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed per standards and specifications? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Does all traffic use the stabilized entrance to enter and leave site? \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Is adequate drainage provided to prevent ponding at entrance? 2. Silt Fence Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed on Contour, 10 feet from toe of slope (not across conveyance channels). \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Joints constructed by wrapping the two ends together for continuous support. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Fabric buried 6 inches minimum. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Posts are stable, fabric is tight and without rips or frayed areas. Sediment accumulation is ___% of design capacity. New York Standards and Specifications Page H.8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS Page 4 of ______ Sediment Control Practices (continued) 3. Storm Drain Inlet Protection (Use for Stone & Block; Filter Fabric; Curb; or, Excavated practices) Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Installed concrete blocks lengthwise so open ends face outward, not upward. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Placed wire screen between No. 3 crushed stone and concrete blocks. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Drainage area is 1acre or less. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Excavated area is 900 cubic feet. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Excavated side slopes should be 2:1. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] 2” x 4” frame is constructed and structurally sound. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Posts 3-foot maximum spacing between posts. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Fabric is embedded 1 to 1.5 feet below ground and secured to frame/posts with staples at max 8- inch spacing. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Posts are stable, fabric is tight and without rips or frayed areas. Sediment accumulation ___% of design capacity. 4. Temporary Sediment Trap Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Outlet structure is constructed per the approved plan or drawing. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Geotextile fabric has been placed beneath rock fill. Sediment accumulation is ___% of design capacity. 5. Temporary Sediment Basin Yes No NA \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Basin and outlet structure constructed per the approved plan. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Basin side slopes are stabilized with seed/mulch. \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] Drainage structure flushed and basin surface restored upon removal of sediment basin facility. Sediment accumulation is ___% of design capacity. Note: Not all erosion and sediment control practices are included in this listing. Add additional pages to this list as required by site specific design. Construction inspection checklists for post-development stormwater management practices can be found in Appendix F of the New York Stormwater Management Design Manual. August 2005 Page H.9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control CONSTRUCTION DURATION INSPECTIONS b. Modifications to the SWPPP (To be completed as described below) The Operator shall amend the SWPPP whenever: 1. There is a significant change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance which may have a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to the waters of the United States and which has not otherwise been addressed in the SWPPP; or 2. The SWPPP proves to be ineffective in: a. Eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants from sources identified in the SWPPP and as required by this permit; or b. Achieving the general objectives of controlling pollutants in stormwater discharges from permitted construction activity; and 3. Additionally, the SWPPP shall be amended to identify any new contractor or subcontractor that will implement any measure of the SWPPP. Modification & Reason: ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ New York Standards and Specifications Page H.10 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control III. Monthly Summary of Site Inspection Activities Today’s Date: Reporting Month: Name of Permitted Facility: Location:Permit Identification #: Name and Telephone Number of Site Inspector: Date of Regular / Rainfall Inspectionbased Inspection Name of Inspector Items of Concern Owner/Operator Certification: "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that false statements made herein are punishable as a class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law." _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Signature of Permittee or Duly Authorized Representative Name of Permittee or Duly Authorized Representative Date Duly authorized representatives must have written authorization, submitted to DEC, to sign any permit documents. August 2005 Page H.11 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank DIRECTORIES CONTENTS Page Natural Resources Conservation Service Field Offices in NY……………………………………………………….. 1 County Soil & Water Conservation District Offices in NY…….…………………………………………………….. 3 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Offices, Division of Water………………… 5 New York City Department of Environmental Protection……………………………………………….…..………. 6 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers………………………………………………………………………….………..…… 6 Delaware River Basin Commission…………………………………………………………………….………..…… 6 Susquehanna River Basin Commission…………………………………………………………………….……..….. 6 Regional Planning Councils……….………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 County Cornell Cooperative Extension Offices in NY...……………………………………………………………… 7 Note: These directories are current as of publication date and are subject to change. Natural Resources Conservation Service Field Offices in NY COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION PHONE Albany Voorheesville Service Center, 24 Martin Road, Voorheesville, NY 12186 518-765-3560 Allegany Belmont Service Center, 5425 County Road 48, Belmont, NY 14813 585-268-5133 Broome Binghamton Service Center, 1163 Upper Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 607-723-1384 Cattaraugus Ellicottville Service Center, 8 Martha Street, Ellicottville, NY 14731 716-699-2375 Cayuga Auburn Service Center, 7413 County House Road, Auburn, NY 13021 315-253-8471 Chautauqua Jamestown Service Center, 3542 Turner Road, Jamestown, NY 14701 716-664-2351 Chemung/ Tioga Waverly Service Center, 109A Chemung Street, Waverly, NY 14892 607-565-2106 Chenango Norwich Service Center, 99 North Broad Street, Norwich, NY 13815 607-334-3231 Clinton/ Essex Plattsburgh Service Center, 6064 State Route 22, Plattsburg, NY 12901 518-561-4616 Columbia/ Greene Ghent Service Center, 1024 State Route 66, Ghent, NY 12075 518-828-4385 Cortland Cortland Service Center, 100 Grange Place, Cortland, NY 13045 607-753-0851 Delaware Walton Service Center, 44 West Street, Walton, NY 13856 607-865-4005 Dutchess/ Putnam/ Westchester Millbrook Service Center, 2715 Route 44, Millbrook, NY 12545 845-677-3952 Erie East Aurora Service Center, 50 Commerce Way, East Aurora, NY 14052 716-652-1400 Franklin Malone Service Center, 151 Finney Boulevard, Malone, NY 12953 518-483-2850 Fulton/ Hamilton Johnstown Service Center, 113 Hales Mills Road, Johnstown, NY 12095 518-762-0077 Genesee Batavia Service Center, 29 Liberty Street, Batavia, NY 14020 585-343-9167 Herkimer Herkimer Service Center, 5653 State Route 5, Herkimer, NY 13350 315-866-2520 Jefferson Watertown Service Center, 21168 State Route 232, Watertown, NY 13601 315-782-7289 Lewis Lowville Service Center, Outer Stowe Street, Lowville, NY 13367 315-376-7021 Livingston Leicester Service Center, 129 Main Street, Leicester, NY 14481 585-382-3221 Madison Morrisville Service Center, Farm & Home Center, Eaton Street, Morrisville, 13408 315-684-3321 Monroe Rochester Service Center, 1200A Scottsville Rd, Suite 160, Rochester, NY 14624 585-473-2120 Montgomery Fultonville Service Center, 4001 ST HWY 5 South, Fultonville, NY 12072 518-853-4015 Nassau/ Suffolk Riverhead Service Center, 423 Griffing Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901 631-727-2315 Niagara Lockport Service Center, 4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094 716-433-6703 Oneida Marcy Service Center, 9025 State Route 49, Marcy, NY 13403 315-736-3316 Onondaga Lafayette Service Center, US Route 11, Lafayette, NY 13084 315-677-3552 Ontario Canandaigua Service Center, 3037 County Road 10, Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-394-5970 Orange/ Rockland Middletown Service Center, 225 Dolson Avenue , Middletown, NY 10940 845-343-1872 Orleans Albion Service Center, 446 West Avenue, Albion, NY 14411 585-589-5320 Oswego Mexico Service Center, 3306 Main Street, Mexico, NY 13114 315-963-0779 Otsego Cooperstown Service Center, 967 County Route 33, Cooperstown, NY 13326 607-547-8131 August 2005 Page 1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Natural Resources Conservation Service Field Offices in NY (cont’d) COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION PHONE Rensselaer Troy Service Center, 61 State St., Troy, NY 12180 518-271-1889 St. Lawrence Canton Service Center, 3 Commerce Lane, Canton, NY 13617 315-386-2401 Saratoga Ballston Spa Service Center, Municipal Ctr., 50 W High St., Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518-885-6300 Schenectady/ Schoharie Cobleskill Service Center, 173 S Grand Street, Cobleskill, NY 12043 518-234-4377 Schuyler/ Tompkins Ithaca Service Center, 903 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-2737 Seneca Seneca Falls Service Center, 12 N Park Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148 315-568-6346 Steuben Bath Service Center, 415 W Morris Street, Bath, NY 14810 607-776-7398 Sullivan Liberty Service Center, 64 Ferndale-Loomis Road, Liberty, NY 12754 845-292-6471 Ulster Highland Service Center, 652 State Route 299, Highland, NY 12528 845-883-7162 Warren/ Washington Greenwich Service Center, 2530 State Route 40, Greenwich, NY 12834 518-692-9940 Wayne Lyons Service Center, 10 Leach Road, Lyons, NY 14489 315-946-9912 Wyoming Warsaw Service Center, 31 Duncan Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 585-786-3118 Yates Penn Yan Service Center, 270 Lake Street, Penn Yan, NY 14527 315-536-4012 New York Standards and Specifications Page 2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control County Soil & Water Conservation District Offices in NY COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION PHONE Albany Box 497, 24 Martin Road, Voorheesville, NY 12186 518-765-7923 Allegany Ag Service Center, 5425 County Road 48, Belmont, NY 14813 585-268-7831 Broome 1163 Upper Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 607-724-9268 Cattaraugus 8 Martha Street, PO Box 1765, Ellicottville, NY 14731 716-699-2326 Cayuga 7413 County House Road, Auburn, NY 13021 315-252-4171 Chautauqua Frank W. Bratt Ag Center, 3542 Turner Road, Jamestown, NY 14701 716-664-2355 Chemung 851 Chemung Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 607-739-2009 Chenango 99 North Broad Street, Norwich, NY 13815 607-334-4632 Clinton 6064 Route 22, Suite 1, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 518-561-4616 Columbia 1024 Route 66, Ghent, NY 12075 518-828-4386 Cortland 100 Grange Place, Room 204, Cortland, NY 13045 607-753-0851 Delaware 44 West Street, Suite 1, Walton, NY 13856 607-865-7161 Dutchess 2715 Route 44, Suite 3, Millbrook, NY 12545 845-677-8011 Erie 50 Commerce Way, East Aurora, NY 14052 716-652-8480 Essex Cornell Cooperative Extension, P.O. Box 407, Westport, NY 12993 518-962-8225 Franklin 151 Finney Boulevard, Malone, NY 12953 518-483-4061 Fulton 113 Hales Mills Road, Johnstown, NY 12095 518-762-0077 Genesee USDA Center, 29 Liberty Street, Suite #3, Batavia, NY 14020 585-343-2362 Greene 907 County Office Building, Cairo, NY 12413 518-622-3620 Hamilton P.O. Box 166, Lake Pleasant, NY 12108 518-548-3991 Herkimer 5653 State Route 5, Herkimer, NY 13350 315-866-2520 Jefferson P.O. Box 838, NYS Route 232, Watertown, NY 13601 315-782-2749 Lewis P.O. Box 9, Lowville, NY 13367 315-376-6122 Livingston 129 Main Street, P.O. Box 152, Leicester, NY 14481 716-382-3214 Madison Farm & Home Center, Eaton Street, P.O. Box 189, Morrisville, NY 13408 315-684-9577 Monroe 1200A Scottsville Road, Suite 160, Rochester, NY 14624 585-473-2120 Montgomery 4001 State Highway 5S, Fultonville, NY 12072 518-853-4015 Nassau 1425 Old Country Rd., Building J, Plainview, NY 11803 516-454-4872 New York City 290 Broadway, 24th floor, New York, NY 10007 212-637-3877 Niagara USDA Service Center, 4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094 716-434-4949 Oneida USDA Service Center, 9025 State Route 49, Room 204, Marcy, NY 13403 315-736-3334 Onondaga 2571 US Route 11, Suite #1, Lafayette, NY 13084 315-677-3851 Ontario 480 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424 585-396-1450 Orange 225 Dolson Avenue, Suite 103, Middletown, NY 10940 845-343-1873 Orleans 446 West Avenue, Albion, NY 14411 585-589-5959 Oswego 3095 State Route 3, Fulton, NY 13069 315-592-9663 Otsego 967 County Highway 33, Cooperstown, NY 13326 607-547-8337 Putnam 841 Fair Street, Carmel, NY 10512 845-878-7918 Rensselaer County Ag. & Life Sciences Building, 61 State Street, Troy, NY 12180 518-271-1740 Rockland 50 Sanitorium Road, Building P, Pomona, NY 10970 845-364-2670 St. Lawrence 3 Commerce Lane, Canton, NY 13617 315-386-3582 August 2005 Page 3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control County Soil & Water Conservation District Offices in NY (cont’d) COUNTY OFFICE LOCATION PHONE Saratoga 50 West High Street, Building #5, Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518-885-6900 Schenectady 24 Hetcheltown Road, Glenville, NY 12302 518-399-6980 Schoharie 173 South Grand Street, Room 11, Cobleskill, NY 12043 518-234-4092 Schuyler Rural Urban Center, P.O. Box 326, 208 Broadway St., Montour Falls, NY 14865 607-535-9650 Seneca 12 North Park Street, Academy Square Building, Seneca Falls, NY 13148 315-568-4366 Steuben USDA Service Center, 415 West Morris Street, Bath, NY 14810 607-776-7398 Suffolk 423 Griffing Avenue, Suite 110, Riverhead, NY 11901 631-727-2315 Sullivan 69 Ferndale-Loomis Road, Liberty, NY 12754 845-292-6552 Tioga 56 Main Street, Owego, NY 13827 607-687-3553 Tompkins 903 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-257-2340 Ulster Times Square Office Park, 652 Route 299, Suite 103, Highland, NY 12528 845-883-7162 Warren 51 Elm Street, Warrensburg, NY 12885 518-623-3119 Washington USDA Service Center, 2530 State Route 40, Greenwich, NY 12834 518-692-9940 Wayne 10 Leach Road, Lyons, NY 14489 315-946-4136 Westchester 432 Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601 914-995-4422 Wyoming 31 Duncan Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 585-786-5070 Yates 417 Liberty Street, Penn Yan, NY 14527 315-536-5188 New York Standards and Specifications Page 4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control August 2005 Page 5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control New York City Department of Environmental Protection East of Hudson Engineering Office, Valhalla 914-773-0343 West of Hudson Engineering Office, Ashokam845-657-5767 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District 410-962-7608 Buffalo District 716-879-4209 Auburn Field Office 315-255-8090 New York District 212-264-0100 Troy Field Office 518-2700589 Philadelphia District 215-656-6728 Pittsburgh District 412-395-7154 Delaware River Basin Commission 609-883-9500 Susquehanna River Basin Commission 717-238-0423 Regional Planning Councils Capital District Regional Planning Commission One Park Place, Suite 102, Albany, NY 12205 518-453-0850 Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board 126 N. Salina Street, Suite 200, Syracuse, NY 13202 315-422-8276 Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council 50 West Main Street, Suite 8107, Rochester, NY 14614 585-454-0190 Herkimer-Onieda Counties Comprehensive Planning Program 321 Main Street, Utica, NY 13501-1229 315-798-5710 Hudson Valley Regional Council 1010 D Street, New Windsor, NY 12553-8474 845-567-9466 Lake Champlain–Lake George Regional Planning and Development Board P.O. Box 765, 310 Canada Street, Lake George, NY 12845 518-668-5773 Mohawk Valley Economic Development District 26 West Main Street, P. O. Box 69, Mohawk, NY 13407-0069 315-866-4671 Southern Tier Central Regional Planning and Development Board 145 Village Square, Painted Post, NY 14870 607-962-5092 Southern Tier East Regional Planning Development Board 375 State Street, Binghamton, NY 13901-2385 607-724-1327 Southern Tier West Regional Planning and Development Board 4039 Route 219, Suite 200, Salamanca, NY 14779 716-945-5301 New York Standards and Specifications Page 6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control County Cornell Cooperative Extension Offices in NY COUNTYOFFICE LOCATIONPHONE Albany PO Box 497, Voorheesville, NY 12186-0497 518-765-3500 Albany Regional 90 State Street, 6th Floor, Suite 600, Albany, NY 12207 518-462-2553 Allegany 5435A County Road 48, Belmont, NY 14813 716-268-7644 Broome 840 Upper Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905-1542 607-772-8953 Cattaraugus 28 Parkside Drive, Suite A, Ellicotville, NY 14731 716-699-2377 Cayuga 248 Grant Avenue, Auburn, NY 13021-0167 315-255-1183 Chautauqua 3542 Turner Road, Jamestown, NY 14701-9608 716-664-9502 Chemung 425 Pennsylvania Avenue, Elmira, NY 14904-1793 607-734-4453 Chenango 99 North Broad Street, Norwich, NY 13815-1386 607-334-5841 Clinton 6064 Route 22, Plattsburgh, NY 12901-9601 518-561-7450 Columbia 479 NYS Route 66, Hudson, NY 12534-9706 518-828-3346 Cortland 60 Central Avenue, Room 105, Cortland, NY 13045-5590 607-753-5077 Delaware PO Box 184, Hamden, NY 13782-0184 607-865-6531 Dutchess Farm and Home Center, 2715 Route 44, Suite 1, Millbrook, NY 12545 845-677-8223 Erie 21 South Grove Street, East Aurora, NY 14052-2398 716-652-5400 Essex PO Box 388, Westport, NY 12993-0388 518-962-4810 Franklin 63 West Main Street, Malone, NY 12953-1817 629-483-7403 Fulton 55 East Main Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 210, Johnstown, NY 12095 518-725-6441 Genesee 420 East Main Street, Batavia, NY 14020-2599 716-343-3040 GreeneHCR3, Box 906, Cairo, NY 12413-9503 518-622-9820 Hamilton Box 7, NYS Route 8, Piseco, NY 12139 518-548-6191 Herkimer 5657 State Route 5, Herkimer, NY 13350-9721 315-866-7920 Jefferson 223 J.B. Wise Place, Watertown, NY 13601-2597 315-788-8450 Lewis PO Box 72, Lowville, NY 13367 315-376-5270 Livingston 158 South Main Street, Mt. Morris, NY 14510-1595 716-658-3250 Madison PO Box 1209, Morrisville, NY 13408-0640 315-684-3001 Monroe 249 Highland Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620 585 461-1000 Montgomery 55 East Main Street, 2nd Floor, Suite 210, Johnstown, NY 12095 518-853-3471 Nassau 1425 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803-5015 516-454-0900 Niagara 4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094 716-433-6731 NYC 16 East 34th Street, 8th Floor, NY, NY 10016-4328 212-340-2900 Oneida 121 Second Street, Oriskany, NY 13424-9799 315-736-3394 Onondaga 220 Herald Place, 2nd Floor, Syracuse, NY 13202-1045 315-424-9485 Ontario 480 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY 14424-1099 716-394-3977 Orange1 Ashley Avenue, Education Ctr. Comm. Campus, Middletown, NY 10940 845-344-1234 Orleans PO Box 150, Albion, NY 14411-0150 716-589-5561 August 2005 Page 7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control County Cornell Cooperative Extension Offices in NY (cont’d) COUNTYOFFICE LOCATIONPHONE Oswego 3288 Main Street, Mexico, NY 13114-3499 315-963-7286 Otsego 123 Lake Street, Cooperstown, NY 13326 607-547-2536 Putnam 10 Geneva Road, Brewster, NY 10509 845-278-6738 Rensselaer 61 State Street, Ag & Life Science Building, Troy, NY 12180 518-272-4210 Rockland PO Box 1000, Thiells, NY 10984 845-429-7085 St. Lawrence 1894 State Highway 68, Canton, NY 13617-1477 315-379-9192 Saratoga50 West High Street, Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518-885-8995 Schenectady Schaffer Heights, 107 Nott Terrace, Suite 301, Schenectady, NY 12308 518-372-1622 Schoharie 41 South Grand Street, Cobleskill, NY 12043 518-234-4303 Schuyler 208 Broadway, Montour Falls, NY 14865 607-535-7161 Seneca PO Box 748, Waterloo, NY 13165 315-539-9252 Steuben3 East Pulteney Square, Bath, NY 14810 607-776-9631 Suffolk 246 Griffing Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901-3086 631-727-7850 Sullivan 69 Ferndale-Loomis Road, Liberty, NY 12754-2903 845-292-6180 Tioga 56 Main Street, Owego, NY 13827-1588 607-687-4020 Tompkins 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850-3555 607-272-2292 Ulster10 Westbrook Lane, Kingston, NY 12401-2928 845-340-3990 Warren 377 Schroon River Rd, Warrensburg, NY 12885-4807 518-623-3291 Washington Lower Main Street, Hudson Falls, NY 12839 518-746-2560 Wayne 1581 NYS Route 88N, Newark, NY 14513-9739 315-331-8415 Westchester 26 Legion Drive, Valhalla, NY 10595 914-285-4630 Wyoming 401 North Main Street, Warsaw, NY 14569 716-786-2251 Yates 110 Court Street, Penn Yan, NY 14527 315-536-5123 New York Standards and Specifications Page 8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control GLOSSARY The list of terms that follows is representative of those used by soil conservationists, soil scientists, engineers, developers, contractors, planners, etc. The terms are in common use in conservation matters. ACCESS ROAD- A road or vehicular travel way BEDLOAD- The sediment that moves by sliding, rolling, constructed to provide needed access to a site. or bounding on or very near the streambed; sediment moved mainly by tractive or gravitational forces or both, but at velocities less than the surrounding flow. ACRE-FOOT- The volume of a substance, such as water, that will cover 1 acre to a depth of 1 foot. B-HORIZON– The layer of soil below the A-horizon, sometimes referred to as the subsoil or zone of AESTHETIC VALUE- The increase in value of a property derived from such intangible factors as its inherent accumulation. attractiveness, its access to attractive views, or its general appeal to the sense of beauty of the owner or purchaser. BENCH MARK (economics)- Data for a specific time period that is used as a base for comparative purposes with comparable data. A-HORIZON- The organic material and leached minerals in the uppermost layer of soil. (engineering) – A point of reference in elevation surveys. AMORTIZATION- To repay a debt in a sequence of equal payments. Part of each payment is used to pay the interest BERM- A shelf that breaks the continuity of a slope. due at the time it is made, and the balance is applied to the reduction of the principal. BLIND- Placement of loose soil around a tile or conduit to prevent damage or misalignment when the trench is ANGLE OF REPOSE- Angle between the horizontal and backfilled. Allows water to flow more freely to the tile. the maximum slope that a soil assumes through natural processes. BLIND DRAIN- A type of drain consisting of an excavated trench refilled with pervious materials, such as ANTECEDENT MOISTURE CONDITION (AMC)- coarse sand, gravel or crushed stone, where water percolates The degree of wetness of a watershed at the beginning of a through the voids and flows toward an outlet. Often storm. referred to as a French drain because of its initial development and widespread use in France. APRON- A floor or lining to protect a surface from erosion; for example, the pavement below chutes, spillways, BLIND INLET- Inlet to a drain in which entrance of water or at the toes of dams. is by percolation rather than open flow channels. ASSESSED VALUE- The value placed on property for BRUSH LAYERING- The embedment of green branches taxation purposes. of shrub or tree species, perpendicular to the slope, on successive horizontal rows or contours. ASSOCIATED COSTS- A term commonly used in water resource development projects. These costs include the BRUSH-MATTING- A blanket, or covering, of hardwood value of goods and services needed over and above project brush fastened down with stakes and wire. costs to make the immediate products or services of a project available for use or sale. cfs.- abbreviation for cubic feet per second. A unit of water flow. BASE FLOW- The stream discharge from groundwater runoff. CAPITAL RECOVERY PERIOD- The period of time required for the net returns from an outlay of capital to BEDDING- The process of laying a drain or other conduit equal the investment. in its trench and tamping earth around the conduit to form its bed. The manner of bedding may be specified to CAPITALIZED COST- The first cost of an asset plus the conform to the earth load and conduit strength. present value of all renewals expected within the planning horizon. August 2005 Page 1 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control CHANNEL – A natural stream that conveys water; a ditch CREST- 1. The top of a dam, dike, spillway, or weir, or or channel excavated for the flow of water. other water barrier or control.. 2. The summit of a wave or peak of a flood. CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT- The improvement of the flow characteristics of a channel by clearing, excavation, CRITICAL SITE- A sediment producing, highly erodible, realignment, lining, or other means in order to increase its or severely eroded area or site. capacity. Sometimes used to connote channel stabilization. CRITICAL VELOCITY- Velocity at which a given CHANNEL STABILIZATION- Erosion prevention and discharge changes from tranquil to rapid flow; that velocity stabilization of velocity distribution in a channel using in open channels for which the specific energy (sum of the jetties, drops, revetments, vegetation, and other measures. depth and velocity head) is a minimum for a given discharge. COMPACTION- To unite firmly; the act or process of becoming compact, usually applied in geology to the CROSS-SECTION- A drawing that shows the features that changing of loose sediments into hard, firm rock. With would be exposed by a vertical cut through a man-made or respect to construction work with soils, engineering natural structure or area. compaction is any process by which the soil grains are rearranged to decrease void space and bring them into CROWN (forestry)- The upper part of a tree, including the closer contact with one another, thereby increasing the branches and foliage. weight of solid material per cubic foot. CUBIC FOOT PER SECOND- Rate of fluid flow at CONDUIT- Any channel intended for the conveyance of which 1 cubic foot of fluid passes a measuring point in 1 water, whether open or closed. second. (Abbr. cfs.) (Syn. Second-foot; CUSEC.) See cfs. CONIFER- A tree belonging to the order of Coniferea, CUT- Portion of land surface or area from which earth has usually evergreen, with cones and needle-shaped or scale- been removed or will be removed by excavation; the depth like leaves and producing wood known commercially as below original ground surface to excavated surface. “soft wood”. CUT-AND-FILL- Process of earth moving by excavating CONSERVATION- The protection and improvement of part of an area and using the excavated material for adjacent natural resources. embankment or fill areas. CONSERVATION DISTRICT- A public organization CUTOFF- 1. Wall, collar, or other structure, such as a created under state enabling law as a special purpose district trench, filled with relatively impervious material intended to to develop and carry out a program of soil, water, and reduce seepage of water through porous strata. related resource conservation, use, and development within its boundaries; usually a subdivision of state government 2. In river hydraulics, the new and shorter channel with a local governing body and always with limited formed either naturally or artificially when a stream authorities. Often called a soil conservation district or a soil cuts through the neck of a band. and water conservation district. DEBRIS DAM- A barrier built across a stream channel to CONTOUR- 1. An imaginary line on the surface of the retain rock, sand, gravel, silt, or other material. earth connecting points of the same elevation. DEBRIS GUARD- Screen or grate at the intake of a 2. A line drawn on a map connecting points of the same channel, draine, or pump structure for the purpose of elevation. preventing debris from entering. CONTOUR INTERVAL- The vertical distance between DECIDUOUS PLANT- A plant that sheds all of its leaves contour lines. every year at a certain season. CONTOUR MAP- A map that shows the shape of the DEGRADATION- To wear down by erosion, especially surface features of the ground by the use of contours. through stream action. CONTOUR WATTLING- The packing of lengths of DEPOSIT- Material left in a new position by a natural bundles of twigs or tree whips into a continuous length, transporting agent, such as water, wind, ice, or gravity, or partially buried across a slope at regular contour intervals by the activity of man. and supported on the downhill side by stakes. New York Standards and Specifications Page 2 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control DESIGN STANDARDS- Standards of construction DRAINAGE AREA- The area draining into a stream at a governing the size, shape, and relationship of spaces in any given point. The area may be of different sizes for surface structure, which will control soil erosion and sedimentation. runoff, subsurface flow and base flow, but generally the surface runoff area is used as the drainage area. See watershed. DESIGN STORM- A given rainfall amount, areal distribution, and time distribution, used to estimate runoff. The rainfall amount is for a given frequency (25-year, 50- DRAINAGE DISTRICT- A cooperative, self-governing year, etc.). public corporation created under state law to finance, construct, operate, and maintain a drainage system involving a group or land holding. DE-SILTING AREA- An area of grass, shrubs, or other vegetation used for inducing deposition of silt and other debris from flowing water, located about a stream, pond, DROP-INLET SPILLWAY- Overfall structure in which field, or other area needing protection from sediment the water drops through a vertical riser connected to a accumulation. See Filter Strip. discharge conduit. DETENTION DAM- A dam constructed for the purpose DROP SPILLWAY- Overfall structure in which the water of temporary storage of stream flow or surface runoff and drops over a vertical wall onto an apron at a lower for releasing the stored water at controlled rates. elevation. DIKE- An embankment to confine or control water, DROP STRUCTURE- A structure for dropping water to a especially one built along the banks of a river to prevent lower level and dissipating surplus energy; a fall. A drop overflow of lowlands; a levee. may be vertical or inclined. DISCHARGE- Rate of flow, specifically fluid flow; a EFFLUENT- 1. The discharge or outflow of water from volume of fluid passing a point unit time, commonly ground or subsurface storage. expressed as cubic feet per second, million gallons per day, 2. The fluids discharged from domestic, industrial, and gallons per minutes, or cubic meters per second. municipal waste collection systems or treatment facilities. DISCHARGE FORMULA (hydraulics)- A formula to calculate rate of flow of fluid in a conduit or through an ERODIBILITY (OF SOIL)- The 'K' value in RUSLE opening. For steady flow discharge, Q=AV, wherein Q is expresses the average long-term soil and soil profile rate of flow, A is cross sectional area, and V is mean response to the erosive powers of rain storms. velocity. Common units are: Q = cubic feet per second, A = square feet, and V = feet per second, respectively. To EROSION- The wearing away of the land surface by calculate the mean velocity, V, for uniform flow in pipes or running water, wind, ice, or other geological agents, open channels, see Manning’s formula. including such processes as gravitational creep. DIVERSION- Channel constructed across the slope for the a. GULLY EROSION- The erosion process whereby purpose of intercepting surface runoff; changing the water accumulates in narrow channels and, over short accustomed course of all or part of the surface water periods, removes the soil from this narrow area to drainage path. See Terrace. considerable depths, ranging from 1 to 2 feet to as much as 75 to 100 feet. DIVERSION TERRACE- Diversions, which differ from terraces in that they consist of individually designed b.RILL EROSION- An erosion process in which channels across a hillside; may be used to protect numerous small channels only a few inches deep are bottomland from hillside runoff or may be needed above a formed; occurs mainly on recently cultivated soils. See terrace system for protection against runoff from an un- Rill. terraced area. They may also divert water out of active c. SHEET EROSION- The removal of a fairly thin, gullies, protect farm buildings from runoff, reduce the uniform layer of soil from the land surface by runoff number of waterways, and are sometimes used in water. connection with strip cropping to shorten the length of slope so that the strips can effectively control erosion. See EROSIVITY (OF SOIL)- The 'R' value in RUSLE Terrace. expresses the interrelationships of the raindrop energy times the 30-minute rainfall intensity. DRAINAGE- The removal of excess surface water or groundwater from land by means of surface or subsurface drains. August 2005 Page 3 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control EUTROPHICATION- A means of aging lakes whereby FUNCTIONAL PLAN- A plan for one element, or closely aquatic plants are abundant and waters are deficient in related elements of a comprehensive plan, for example, oxygen. The process is usually accelerated by enrichment transportation, recreation, and open spaces. Such plans, of of waters with surface runoff containing nitrogen and necessity, should be closely related to the land use plan. phosphorus. Plans that fall short of considering all elements of a comprehensive plan may be considered as functional plans. Thus, resource conservation and development plans and EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ET)- Plant transpiration plus evaporation from the soil. Difficult to determine separately, watershed project plans should be considered as functional therefore used together as a unit for study. plans. FALLOW- Cropland plowed, but not seeded during one or GABION- A galvanized wire basket filled with stone used more growing seasons; cropland left idle may be a normal for structural purposes. When fastened together, gabions part of the cropping system for weed control, water are used as retaining walls, revetments, slope protection and conservation, soil conditioning, etc. similar structures. FILTER STRIP- Strip of permanent vegetation designed GRADE STABILIZATION STRUCTURE- A structure to retard flow of runoff water, causing deposition of for the purpose of stabilizing the grade of a gully or other transported material, thereby reducing sediment flow. See watercourse, thereby preventing further head-cutting or lowering of the channel grade. Desilting Area. FINISHED GRADE- The final grade or elevation of the GRASSED WATERWAY- A natural or constructed ground surface conforming to the approved grading plan. waterway, usually broad and shallow, covered with erosion resistant grasses, used to conduct surface water; can reduce velocity and filter water. FLOOD FRINGE- That portion of the floodplain subject only to shallow inundation and low velocity flow of flooding water. GRAVEL ENVELOPE- Selected aggregate placed around the screened pipe section of well casing or a subsurface drain to facilitate the entry of water into the well or drain. FLOODPLAIN– Normally dry land areas subject to periodic, temporary inundation by stream flow or tidal overflow. Land formed by deposition of sediment by water; GRAVEL FILTER- Graded sand and gravel aggregate alluvial land. placed around a drain or well screen to prevent the movement of fine materials from the aquifer into the drain or well. FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT- The wise use of floodplains so as to reduce human suffering, property damage, and habitat loss resulting from floods and to lessen GRUBBING– The removal of stumps and root material the need for expensive flood control structures, such as from the soil mantle. dams and reservoirs. GULLY- A channel or miniature valley cut by concentrated runoff but through which water commonly flows only FLOODWAY- That portion of the floodplain required to store and discharge floodwaters without causing significant during and immediately after heavy rains or during the damaging, or potentially damaging, increases in flood melting of snow. A gully may be dendritic or branching or heights and velocities. it may be linear, rather long, narrow, and of uniform width. The distinction between gully and rill is one of depth. A gully is sufficiently deep that it would not be obliterated by FREEBOARD (hydraulics)- Vertical distance between the maximum water surface elevation anticipated in design and normal tillage operations, whereas a rill is of lesser depth the top of restraining banks or structures provided to and would be smothered by ordinary tillage or low impact prevent overtopping because of unforeseen conditions. grading. FREQUENCY- An expression or measure of how often a HARDPAN- A hardened soil layer in the lower A or in the hydrologic event of given size or magnitude should, on the B horizon caused by cementation of soil particles with average, be equaled or exceeded. For example, a 50-year organic matter, or with materials such as silica, frequency flood should be equaled or exceeded in size, on sesquioxides, or calcium carbonate. The hardness does not the average, only once in 50 years. In drought or deficiency change appreciably with changes in moisture content, and studies, it usually defines how many years will, on the pieces of the hard layer do not slake in water. average, be equal to or less than a given size or magnitude. New York Standards and Specifications Page 4 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control HIGHWAY EROSION CONTROL- The prevention and HYDROLOGY- The science that deals with the control of erosion in ditches, at cross drains, and on fills and occurrence and movement of water in the atmosphere, upon road banks within a highway right-of-way. Includes the surface, and beneath the land areas of the earth. vegetative practices and structural practices. Rainfall intensities, rainfall interception by trees, effects of crop rotation on runoff, floods, droughts and the flow of springs and wells, are some of the topics studied by a HOOD INLET- Entrance to a closed conduit that has been shaped to induce full flow at minimum water surface hydrologist. elevation. HYDROSEEDING- The dissemination of seed hydraulically in a liquid medium; mulch, lime, and fertilizer HORIZONS, MINERAL SOIL- can be incorporated into the sprayed mixture. A horizons are surface layers IMPERVIOUS SOIL- A soil through which water, air or 1 B horizons are subsoil horizons . They are designated as roots cannot penetrate. No soil is impervious to water and follows: air without significant impact or compaction. B alone indicates some residual transformation or change in place, such as color. IMPOUNDMENT- Generally, an artificial collection or storage of water, as a reservoir, pit, dugout, sump, etc. Bt indicates accumulations of translocated clay. Bx indicates a B horizon with fragipan characteristics INDUSTRIAL PARK- A tract of land, the control and such as firmness, brittleness and high density. administration of which are vested in a single body, suitable 1 for industrial use because of location, topography, proper C horizons are substrata layer ; they consist of mineral zoning, availability of utilities, and accessibility to material like or unlike the material from which the A transportation. & B horizons have formed and have been little affected by soil forming process. They are designated as follows: INFILTRATION- Rainfall minus interception, evaporation, and surface runoff. The part of rainfall that C alone indicates material like the material from enters the soil. which the A & B horizons have formed. INFILTRATION RATE- A soil characteristic determining Cx indicates a C horizon of material like that of the or describing the maximum rate at which water can enter A & B horizons but has the firm, brittle and dense the soil under specified conditions, including the presence characteristics of a fragipan. of an excess of water. 1 Roman numerals are prefixed to the appropriate horizon INITIAL ABSTRACTION (I)- When considering designations such as IIB, IIBt, IIBx, and IIC or IICx when a surface runoff, I is all the rainfall before runoff begins. it is necessary to number a series of layers of unlike or a When considering direct runoff, I consists of interception, contrasting material from the surface downward. a evaporation and the soil-water storage that must be Claverack is an example in which the A & B horizons exhausted before direct runoff may begin. have formed in sand and the underlying material is contrasting silty clay that is indicated as a IIC horizon. INOCULATION (OF SEEDS)- The addition of nitrogen fixing bacteria (inoculant) to legume seeds or to the soil in HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE- In a closed conduit, a line which the seeds are to be planted; the bacteria take free joining the elevations to which water could stand in risers of nitrogen from the air and make it available to the seeds. vertical pipes connected to the conduit at their lower end and open at their upper end. In open channel flow, the hydraulic grade line is the free water surface. INTERCEPTION- Precipitation retained on plant or plant residue surfaces and finally absorbed, evaporated, or sublimated. That which flows down the plant to the ground HYDROGRAPH– A graph showing stage, flow, velocity, is called “stem flow” and not counted as true interception. or other property of water with respect to time. INTERMITTENT STREAM- A stream, or portion of a HYDROLOGIC SOIL COVER COMPLEX- A stream, that flows only in direct response to precipitation. It combination of a hydrologic soil group and a type of cover. receives little or no water from springs and no long term continued supply from melting snow or other sources. The HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP- A group of soils having stream, or channel, is dry for some part of the year, usually the same runoff potential under similar storm and cover during the dry months. conditions. August 2005 Page 5 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control ISO-ERODENT VALUE- A term used to correlate areas PARTICLE SIZE CLASSES FOR FAMILY of equally erosive average annual rainfall. GROUPINGS(as used in the Soil Classification System of the National Cooperative Soil Survey in the United States)- Various particle size classes are applied to arbitrary control LANDSCAPE- All the natural features, such as fields, hills, forests, water, etc., that distinguish one part of the sections that vary according to the depth of the soil, earth’s surface from another part, usually that portion of presence or absence of argillic horizons, depth to paralithic land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single or lithic contacts, fragipans, horizons. No single set of view, including all of its natural characteristics. particle size classes is appropriate as a family grouping for all kinds of soil. The classification tabulated below provides a choice of several particle size classes. LIME, AGRICULTURAL- A soil amendment consisting principally of calcium carbonate, but including magnesium 1. Sandy-Skeletal- More than 35 percent, by volume, carbonate and perhaps other materials, used to furnish coarser that 2 millimeters, with enough fines to fill calcium and magnesium as essential elements for the interstices larger than 1 millimeter; fraction less growth of plants and to neutralize soil acidity. than 2 millimeters is as defined for the sandy class. LINING- A protective covering over all or part of the 2. Loamy-Skeletal- More than 35 percent, by volume, perimeter of a reservoir or a conduit to prevent seepage coarser that 2 millimeters, with enough fines to fill losses, withstand pressure, resist erosion, and reduce interstices larger than 1 millimeter; fraction less friction or otherwise improve conditions of flow. than 2 millimeters is as defined for loamy classes. 3. Sandy- Sands, except very fine sand, and loamy LIVE STAKING– Utilizing vegetative cover for the sands, except loamy very fine sand. control of erosion and shallow sliding by means of willow or poplar cuttings that root easily and grow rapidly under 4a. Coarse-Loamy- With less than 18 percent clay and certain conditions. more than 15 percent coarser than very fine sand (including coarse fragments up to 7.5 centimeters). MANNING’S FORMULA (hydraulics)- A formula used b. Fine-Loamy- With more than 18 percent clay but to predict the velocity of water flow in an open channel or less than 35 percent clay and more than 15 percent pipeline: coarser than very fine sand (including coarse fragments up to 7.5 centimeters). 2/31/2 V=\[(1.486) (r)(s)\]/n c. Coarse-Silty- With less than 18 percent clay and Where: less than 15 percent coarser than very fine sand V= the mean velocity of flow in feet per second; (including coarse fragments up to 7.5 centimeters). d. Fine-Silty- With more than 18 percent clay and r=the hydraulic radius; less than 35 percent clay and less than 15 percent s=the slope of energy gradient or, for assumed coarser than very fine sand (including coarse uniform flow, the slope of the channel in feet per foot; fragments up to 7.5 centimeters). and 5a. Fine- With more than 35 percent clay but less than n=the roughness coefficient or retardance factor of the 60 percent clay. channel lining. b. Very-Fine- With more than 60 percent clay. MUCK SOIL- 1. An organic soil in which the organic PEAK FLOW- The maximum instantaneous flow of water matter is well decomposed (USA usage). from a given storm condition at a specific location. 2. A soil containing 20 to 50 percent organic matter. PEAT- Dark brown residual material produced by the partial decomposition and disintegration of plants that grow MULCH- A natural or artificial layer of plant residue or in wet places. other materials, such as sand or paper, on the soil surface. PERMEABILITY- The quality of a soil horizon that NETTING- Plastic, paper, cotton, or other material used to enables water or air to move through it. Terms used to hold mulch on the soil surface. describe permeability are as follows: very slow, slow, moderately slow, moderate, moderately rapid, rapid, and OUTLET- Point of water disposal from a stream, river, very rapid. lake, tidewater, or artificial drain. New York Standards and Specifications Page 6 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control pH- A numerical measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a SCALPING- Removal of sod or other vegetation in spots soil; neutral soil has a pH of 7; all pH values below 7 are or strips. acid, and all above 7 are alkaline. SCARIFY- To abrade, scratch, or modify the surface; for example, to scratch the impervious seed coat of hard seed or PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT- A zoning classification permitting flexibility of site design by to break the surface of the soil with a narrow-bladed combining building types and uses in ways that would be implement. prohibited by traditional zoning standards. SEDIMENT- Solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, or has been moved PLAT OF SURVEY- A scaled drawing identifying a parcel of real estate, prepared by a registered surveyor, from its site of origin by air, water, gravity, or ice and has including a legal description of the property and the come to rest on the earth’s surface either above or below dimensions of the physical improvements. sea level. RAINFALL INTENSITY- The rate at which rain is falling SEDIMENT BASIN- A basin or pond designed to store a at any given instant, usually expressed in inches per hour. calculated amount of sediment being transported on a site. RECP– Rolled erosion control products. These are SEDIMENT DISCHARGE- The quantity of sediment, manufactured rolls of material used to protect slopes and/or measured in dry weight or by volume, transported through a waterways by resisting flow and aiding vegetation. stream cross-section in a given time. Sediment discharge consists of both suspended load and bedload. RETARDANCE (vegetation)- The characteristic of the vegetative lining of a channel that tends to restrict and SEEDBED- The soil prepared by natural or artificial means impede flow relative to a perfectly smooth channel. to promote the germination of seed and the growth of seedlings. RETURN FLOW- That portion of the water diverted from a stream which finds its way back to the stream channel SEEPAGE- 1. Water escaping through, or emerging from, either as surface or underground flow. the ground along an extensive line or surface, as contrasted with a spring where the water emerges from a localized spot. REVETMENT- Facing of stone or other material, either permanent or temporary, placed along the edge of a stream 2. The process by which water percolates through the to stabilize the bank and to protect it from the erosive action soil. of the stream. 3. (percolation) The slow movement of gravitational RIPARIAN RIGHTS- The rights of an owner whose land water through the soil. abuts water. They differ from state to state and often depend on whether the water is a river, lake or ocean. See SETTLING BASIN- An enlargement in the channel of a Water Rights. stream to permit the settling of debris carried in suspension. RIPRAP- Broken rock, cobbles, or boulders placed on SHRINK-SWELL POTENTIAL- The susceptibility of earth surfaces, such as the face of a dam or the bank of a soil to volume change due to loss or gain in moisture stream, for protection against the action of water (waves); content. also applied to brush or pole mattresses, or brush and stone, or other similar materials used for soil erosion control. SHRUB- A woody perennial plant differing from a perennial herb by its more woody stems and from a tree by RUNOFF- That portion of the precipitation on a drainage its low stature and habit of branching from the base. There area that is discharged from the area in stream channels. is no definite line between herbs and shrubs or between Types include surface runoff, groundwater runoff, or shrubs and trees; all possible intergradations occur. seepage. SIDE SLOPES (engineering)- The slope of the sides of a RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER (CN)- A parameter canal, dam, or embankment. It is customary to name the combining the effects of soils, watershed characteristics, horizontal distance first, as 1.5 to 1, or frequently, 1-1/2:1, and land use. This parameter represents the hydrologic soil meaning a horizontal distance of 1.5 feet to 1 foot vertical. cover complex of the watershed. SITE ANALYSIS- Evaluation of the qualities and drawbacks of a site by comparison with those aspects of RUSLE-Abbreviation for Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation; used to estimate sheet and rill soil loss on other comparable sites. potentially erosive sites. August 2005 Page 7 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN-STRATA CAPACITY- The maximum amount of material A plan which fully indicates the necessary land protection a stream is able to transport. and structural measures, including a schedule of the timing of their installation, which will effectively minimize soil STREAM LOAD- Quantity of solid and dissolved material erosion and sediment yields. carried by a stream. See Sediment Load. SOIL STRUCTURE- The arrangement of primary soil STORMWATER MANAGEMENT- Runoff water safely particles into compound particles or clusters that are conveyed or temporarily stored and released at an allowable separated from adjoining aggregates and have properties rate to minimize erosion and flooding. unlike those of an equal mass of unaggregated soil particles. The principal forms of soil structure are: platy (laminated), STRIPPING- Denuding vacant or untouched land of its prismatic (vertical axis of aggregates longer than present vegetative cover and topsoil. horizontal), columnar (prisms with rounded tops), blocky (angular or subangular), and granular. Structureless soils SUBGRADE- The soil prepared and compacted to support are: (1) single grain (each grain by itself, as in dune sand), a structure or a pavement system. or (2) massive (the particles adhering together without any regular cleavage, as in many claypans and hardpans). SUBSOIL- The B horizons of soils with distinct profiles. In soils with weak profile development, the subsoil can be defined as the soil below the plowed soil (or its equivalent SOIL SURVEY- Survey showing soil type and composition. of surface soil), in which roots normally grow. Although a common term, it cannot be defined accurately. SOIL TEXTURE- The relative proportions of the various soil separates in a soil as described by the classes of soil SUMP- Pit, tank, or reservoir in which water is collected texture shown in Figure 1. The textural classes may be for withdrawal or stored. modified by the addition of suitable adjectives when coarse fragments are present in substantial amounts; for example, SUSPENDED LOAD- The fine sediment kept in gravelly silt loam. (For other modifications, see coarse suspension in a stream because the settling velocity is lower fragments). Sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam are further than the upward velocity of the current. subdivided on the basis of the proportions of the various sand separates present. SWALE-A linear, but flattish depression in the ground surface which conveys drainage water but offers no SPILLWAY- An open or closed channel, or both, used to impediment to traffic, as do ditches or gutters. convey excess water from a reservoir. It may contain gates, either manually or automatically controlled, to regulate the TERRACE- An embankment or combination of an discharge of excess water. embankment and channel constructed across a slope to control erosion by diverting or storing surface runoff instead of permitting it to flow uninterrupted down the SPOIL- Soil or rock material excavated from a canal, basin, or similar construction. slope. Terraces or terrace systems may be classified by their alignment, gradient, outlet, and cross-section. Alignment is parallel or non-parallel. Gradient may be STAGE(hydraulics)- The variable water surface or the water surface elevation above any chosen datum. level, uniformly graded, or variably graded. Grade is often incorporated to permit paralleling the terraces. Outlets may be soil infiltration only, vegetated waterways, tile outlets, or STATE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION combinations of these. Cross-sections may be narrow base, COMMITTEE, COMMISSION, OR BOARD- The state agency established by state soil conservation districts, broad base, bench, steep backslope, flat channel, or channel. enabling legislation to assist with the administration of the provisions of the state soil conservation districts law. The TIME OF CONCENTRATION- Time required for water official title may vary from the above as new, or amended, to flow from the most remote point of a watershed, in a state laws are made. hydraulic sense, to a specific point, usually the outlet. STILLING BASIN- An open structure or excavation at the TIMING SCHEDULE- A construction progress schedule foot of an overfall, chute, drop, or spillway to reduce the showing the proposed dates of commencement and energy of the descending stream. completion of each of the various subdivisions of work as shown and called for in the approved plans and specifications. STREAMBANKS- The usual boundaries, not the flood boundaries, of a stream channel. Right and left banks are named facing downstream. New York Standards and Specifications Page 8 August 2005 For Erosion and Sediment Control TOPOGRAPHIC MAP- A schematic drawing of WATERSHED- The area contributing direct runoff to a prominent landforms indicated by conventional symbols stream. Usually it is assumed that base flow in the stream such as hachures or contour lines. also comes from the same area. However, the ground water watershed may be larger or smaller. TOPSOIL- The uppermost layers of soil containing organic material and suited for plant survival and growth. WATERTABLE- The upper surface of groundwater or that level below which the soil is saturated with water; locus of points in soil water at which the hydraulic pressure is TRAP EFFICIENCY- The capability of a reservoir to trap sediment. equal to atmospheric pressure. TRAVEL TIME- The time for water to travel from one WATERWAY- A natural course or constructed channel for location to another in a watershed. Travel time is a the flow of water. component of time of concentration (T ). c WATTLE- A group or bundle of twigs, whips, or witches. TRIBUTARY- Secondary, or branch of a stream, drain, or other channel that contributes flow to the primary or main WEEP-HOLES(engineering)- Openings, left in retaining channel.walls, aprons, linings, or foundations to permit drainage and reduce pressure. TRM– Turf reinforcement mat. These are typically non- biodegradable mats with depth, which aid in stabilizing ZONING (rural)- A means by which governmental waterways by providing strength to vegetative root systems. authority is used to promote the proper use of land under certain circumstances. This power traditionally resides in the state; and the power to regulate land uses by zoning is UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (engineering)- A classification system based on the usually delegated to minor units of government, such as identification of soils according to their particle size, towns, municipalities, and counties, through an enabling act gradation, plasticity index, and liquid unit. that specifies powers granted and the conditions under which these are to be exercised. UNIT HYDROGRAPH- A discharge hydrograph coming from one inch of direct runoff distributed uniformly over ZONING ORDINANCE- The exercise of police power for the watershed, with the direct runoff generated at a uniform the purpose of carrying out the land use plan of an area. It rate during the given storm duration. A watershed may may also include regulations to effect control of the size and have 1-hour, 2-hour, etc. unit hydrographs. height of buildings, population density, and use of buildings; for example, residential, commercial, industrial, etc. WATER QUALITY STANDARDS- Minimum requirements of purity of water for various uses; for example, water for agricultural use in irrigation systems should not exceed specific levels of sodium bicarbonates, pH, total dissolved salts, etc. WATER RIGHTS- The legal rights to the use of water. They consist of riparian rights and those acquired by appropriation and prescription. Riparian rights are those rights to use and control water by virtue of ownership of the bank or banks. Appropriated rights are those acquired by an individual to the exclusive use of water, based strictly on priority of appropriation and application of the water to beneficial use and without limitation of the place of use to riparian land. Prescribed rights are those to which legal title is acquired by long possession and use without protest of other parties. August 2005 Page 9 New York Standards and Specifications For Erosion and Sediment Control Page Intentionally Left Blank