HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/2011ZONING BOARI) OF APPEALS Tow~ Ha]I Ammx. 5d375 Route 25 P.O~ Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971'0959 Fax (631) 765'9064 Telephone (631) 765'~ 809 TO: FROM: RI:,: DATE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (for Distribution to Supervisor Russell and Town Board Memhers) Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/I)epartment Head COMBINED MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAl) AND NEW APPLICATIONS/FEES REPORT for: May, 2011 June 7, 2011 Requires Immediate Attention: Fishers Is/and/Southold Videoconfcrencing Equipment The ZBA office staff and Board Member ttorning are still working with Lloyd Reisenberg on improving the very poor audio reception of the videoconf'erencing system that the ZBA uses for Special Meetings in which deliberations and voting on draft decisions take place. Il. Board and ()ffice Policies, Practices, and Activities: Accessory Apartments in Accessory Structures /1. ('ode change On May 24,2011 the Town Board passed Resolution No. 2011-4515 changing Code Section 280-4-13B (13)(f) to read "The accessory structure which is to be converted in whole or in part, to permit an accessory apartment shall be in existence and be eligible for or have a valid certificate of occupancy issued prior to January I, 2008." The ZBA thanks the Town Board for following up on our earlier request to clarify the intent of this section of the code. Calculation q?'Livable Floor Area On May 18,2011 the Board of Appeals unanimously approved an interdepartmental form to be used by the Building Department to verify livable floor areas in all Special Exception Permit applications for accessory apartments in accessory structares submitted to the ZBA. l'he form and procedures were developed by the Chairperson in collaboration with Building Department Head Mike Verity. The fbrm xvi]l also serve, when needed, as the equivalent of an informal Notice of Disapproval that will trigger a related area variance application. ~V~ Because the ZBA has the authority to grant area variances related to Special Exception Permit applications, on May 18,2011 the ZBA unaaimouMy adopted the ~bllowiag policy and procedures: "Upon written verification I?om the Building Depamncnt thai ~he livable floor area in a proposed accessory apa~tmen~ in a~ accessoo' strt~cmre is determined to be non.. co/~lbrming and therefbre not allowed by <;ode, ~he Board of Appeals will reqtAre the applica,*t to till o~ an applica6on tbl all area variance stali,g the reasons why relief is necessm*y. The Board will consider the variance request as parl of the SpeciM Exceptio~ application and wi~[ ~ot require the applicant to pay an additional fke. The Special Excep'do[~ and arc, a variance reques'ls will be legMly notk;ed together for a punic hearing by the Office of the Board of Appeals ' On May 24,201 ~ the Town Board unanimously adopted Resolution No. 201 i-, 389 a[lthorizing and approvirlg the ZBA's proposal dated May 17, 2011 as fl.dfilhner~t of the annual four hours training recpArements fbr 2011 iht Board Members. Special Cure,sd Phil Siegel conducted the training seminars in which he covered topics, policies and procedures specifically rdevant and use0A ~k~r fine ZBA~ As a ~bHow up to this ~xce/lent series, the Board plans ~o work with ATA Anda]oro in the near fire,re on usir~g our %eminar outlines and r~otes" as a basis subjects st/ch as the intent and purpose of public hearings, wo~ sessiuns a~d execrative sessions~ deliberations, confidentiality and &afl decisions; the use o{~ conditions in w-Mance and special exceNion decisions; Board condtnct and decorum, and more, Fina~cial/Bndgel/Personad lssues: None at this time Aet, ivities of lhe Board/Accomplishments: ~g~l_~.L~.g~iAN2 Date May 5,2011 Call to Order: 8:30AM A4}ot~rned: 3:32 PM Public t{earin~ Total: ~0 N~mbcr of new applicalions heard: 9 N~m'~ber of (arryovers t¥om previous hearings: 1 Number dosed reservin~ decision lo later date:4 Number dosed sift>jeer to receipt ofaddi6onM b~fi~mmdon: 3 Number ad~otimed to another date: 3 N umber ac~]ourned w/o a da~e: 0 Number of Resolt~tions passed: 13 Number of'decisions made: 0 June 2,201 [ 2 .~h?ecial Meetiu~ Date: May 18,2011 Call to Order: 5:05 PM Adjourned: 6:10PM Number ofdral} findings discussed: 7 Number o£decisions made: 7 Nmnber of Resolutions passed: 10 M293J3g5 attended/initiated by ZBA Chairperson/Det~artment }lead 5/3 .-Assr TA re: various applications betbre the Board 5/3 - I,KW with Vicki Toth and Building Dept. }-lead Mike Verity re: livable tloor area ca}colations for accessory apartments in accessory structures 5/1 0 -- Mike Verity re: new interdepartmental form for livable floor area caL 5/1 0 ~- Assr TA re: varkms applicaions before the Bnard, varim~ces in special exception permits tbr accessory apartments in accessory structures 5/13 I,KW with Member Goehringer~ ATA, Town Engineer., Land Preservation re: Sec, 280-A/Takaposha Road 5/16 ~ Assr TA re: various applications beibre the Board 5/20 -Asst TA re: various applications before the Board Staff Activities Nmnber o fj~eoic_~l~ assisted at the counter: 47 Hours spegL.a..~;_,~sti_n.g: 8 hfs. 41} rains. (,4ssi,s'~ance includes filling o~! new apl2lic~ions, mailings and poxlings, providin~ copies q/decisions, FOIL req~esix crud other materials, and ~,ener~d inq~irie,9 Meeti ng2 a ncn 4~..d._b~x~Z aA 5/3 - Vicki Toth with Chairperson and Building Department Head VL MeN I HLY REPORI ON NEW APPLICATIONS AND FELS Total Apphcat~( ns Rec~.~w,d/hr thc month of May 20I 1: 5 Total Fees Collected in May 201 I: Total lees collecled fbr May 2011 under <2!d~ l~e schedule Ad~ifiona~ reve[me generated thr~mgb fee increases this mo~lh: $950 Leslie Kanes Weisman C hairper,~mgDcpartn~ n~ Head 3