HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-01/04/1977 0UTHOLD TOWN BOARD ORGANIZATION MEETING AGENDA j~. 4, 1977 1. Approval of minutes of meeting Dec. 21, 1976 2. Date for next meeting and Audit - Jan. ll, 1977 - 3 p.m. 3. R~port of Commlttees's - Supervisor's annual report, building inspector reP°rt, town clerk report and road inspection report by town engineer, Edward Bage 44 Bonds for officials - Fishers Island Town Constables Otis Horn $4,000.00 Alfred R. Grebe, Jr. " Bay Constable William Januick " -- Commiss--ioner - Treasurer P.I. G~rbage & RefUse District - Robert E. Wall $20,000.00 6. 7. 8. 9. Commissioner - Secretary F.I. Garbage & Refuse District W. Gordon~ Ahman Commissioner - Chairman F.I. Gargabe & Refuse District -- Ray~_ond Doyen_ Appointment - Chairmsn of the Bd. of Assessors - Edward ~ox Letter - George B81~msvkn re: Bindihg Arbitration Notification - 2 applications for U.S. grants - both denied 10. 11. Methane gas monitoring - gas wells program 12. Appoi~nents to Town of Southold Conservation Advisory Council 13. Henry Smith Wetland Hearing - application #26 - decision ? 14. Dept. of ~ -- dredging project at Norman E. Klipp Park objection date 1/36/77 ,, ,, -- Greenport Harbor pilin~ - Gordon Miller mooring, pile objection date 1/30/77 15. $ 1,000. O0 $ 9oo.00 Appointment to CAST - Deborah Scott, Greenport Flood Plain Iusurance Meeting, Janu. 12, 1977 at 2 p.m. at Town At%orney's office (Tasker) Request for bond return - Perry's Bight -- sub-division, Orient 16. 17. KAGull Pond 4th Street objection dates D.E.C. David Strong 320' bulkhead and backfill, Mattituck 1/17/77 D.E.C. Mattituck Park District dredging gravel 1/28/77 D.E.C. Goosebay Civic Assoc. dredging 1/26/77 D.E.C. Leander B. Glover, Jr. 'to build home - Cutchogue 1/14/77 DoE.C. Clam transplant for 1977 Bid on tax roll computerization $36,000.00 for 3 years (parity) LAI~IE$ FOR 19~7 Page 2 To~m Attorney Reg. of Vital Statistics Supervisor Town Clerk Town Justice Town Justice Town Justice Town Councilman Town Councilman Receiver of Taxes' Superintendant of Highways Depty.Super~ntendant of Highways Chairman Board Assessors Robert Tasker Judith Terry Albert M. Martocchla Judith Terry Francis T. Doyen Louis M. Demarest Martin Suter James Homart James H. Rich Jr. George Mellas Raymond C. Dean Raymond Jacobs 16,500.00 3,000.00 25,000.00 14,000.00 7,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 8,100.00 19,500.00 900.00 SOLUTION) Approving Salaries and Payments Semi Monthly Effective Jan. 1, 1977 cial Police Officers Stanley Krukowski Leonard Green George W. Hand Jr. Wilfred Grathwohl Charles Jazombek Peter Grattan Sr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. gOLUTION) Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1977 Page 3 ~io Operator - Watchman o Frederick Rackett Lois Cunn!ngham Claude Kumjian Robert C. Reeves - Watchman fectiMe Jan~ 1, 19Z7 - Se_mi Mont__hiy Pa_.yments_ Base 11,905.00 8,705.00 ~10,9§6.00 10,450.00 Long. 595.25 GROSS 12,500.00 8,705.001 10,956.00 10,450.00 rt Time Watchma~ Donald Fisher william Allen Thoman Byrnes Sanford Frlemann -fectiv_e Jan._l, 197--7 - Mo_nthly P_aymentS_ 4.00 Hr. 4.00 Hr. 4.00 Hr. 4.00 Hr. Wardens . Lois Mellas . John Helf fectlve Jan~ 1, -- ay Co~stable · william Janutck ' · Alfred Grebe Jr. .Otis Horn 1977 - Semi Monthly ~aymen~s - Semi Monthly ~ayments Part Time Part Time :ffectlv_e Jan._l, 1977_ - Monthly Payments - Monthly Payments 7,125.00 7,125.00 12,700.00 4,650.00 4,650.00 School ~rossi~t Guards Paur Berg Edward Mahoney Louis A. Gladding Theodore Doriski Edward Klein Nicholas Kouros Stanley Kowalzyk Pauline Nierldzik Virginia Tabor Arthur Sherrard Frank Coyne Jack Lake-i'l~:~zr Monthly ~ayment_s - Effe_ctlve ~an.. 1,_1977 SUPERINTENDANT OF PUBLIC WORKS Raymond C. Dean ~emi Monthly Pa_yments_Effecti__ve 3an~ 1, 19~? Assessors Edward W. Fox Henry F. Moisa Melville A. Kelsey Jr. ~emi Monthly Pa_,vments_- Effe~tlve Ja_n. 1, Zoning Board of Appeals Robert W. Gilllsple Jr. - Chairman F~ed E. Hulse Jr, Robert L. Bergen Charles Grlgonis Jr. Ser§e Doyen Jr. S__emi Monthly Pa_~ments - Effective Ja~. lp 1~?? SALARIES FOR1977 School Southold Mattituck Greenport Cutchogue Mattituck Laurel Fishers Island Peconic Orient New Suffolk Cutchogue Floater Page 4 Sal.per da. 15.00 13.00 15.00 · 13.00 15.00 13.00 8.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 3,000.00 3~ Hr. 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 3,550.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,600.00 ~ohn Wickham - Chairman lenry Raynor ~rederick ~. Gordon ?ames Wall ~rank S. Coyle ;emi Mo_nthly_Pgmen~s - E~fectiv_e Jan~ 1, ~oard of Trustees ~lYah B. Goldsmith - Chairman 'hillip Horton )ouglas Robertson ]eorge'Bird Toseph Hataler ~emi Monthly Payments_- Effe!tive Ja_n. [uildlng Departmen~ loward Terry 3eorge Fisher ~dward Hindermann ~emi Mo__nthly_Payme~ts - ~ffecti_ve Ja~. ~lerks 7aah Richter Jicky E. Kistela ~ary Morse !ulla King ~ylvia Rouse ~rancis Gaddis ~oyce Klipp ~thel Grlgonis Clizabeth Neville .]uriel Brush SALARIES FOR 1977 1977 1, ~977 -- _ -- Base Lon~. 13,812.00 6% 828.72 11,541.00 546.00 10,428.00 + .~c:.. 250.+546.00 spec. L, 1977 Clerk Typist Account Clerk Part Time Clerk Typist Clerk Bd. Assessors Clerk Bd. Assessors Clerk Police Clerk Police Clerk Typist Highway Dep. Town Clerk, Steno.. Planning Board Steno. + 250. spec. Long. 391.00 Long. 468.00 3,550.00 2,600.00 2,600.00' 2,600.00 2,400.00 2,200.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.O0 1,600.00 Grdss 14,641.00 12,~00.00 11,225.00 10,700.00 6,000.00 3.75 Hr. 10,200.00 9150.00 8,900.00 7,300.00 12,285.00' 9~300.00: :lerks. - C0nt' d ~atT Dawsqn ~arbara Ditmanl~ ;arba:a And:ade ;e~i Monthly. Payments _Effectiv_e Jan._l, 197~ ~ Receiver' :di~ Charkow ~eam Rogers ~argaret ~ompsom :arolyn Ad~ ~ ~o~thly P~ent~ Effective ~an. 1~ 1977 ~i~osal Area 'homas ~tlltm. . ohm Goodwlm ;en~ Lath~ ' ' ay Latham '. Ra~ond ~tte ~nald Leden ustod~an SALARIES FOR 1977 Appeals ~ Build. Dept.Steno . Justice Clerk Justice Clerk· 5:45 ~ 47. Lgv...22 . 5.45 + 47. Lgv..22 5.75 + 47. L~v..22 ~.45 + 47. lgv..22 ~age b 6,000.00 '6, ~75.00' 26.00 da. '1 23.00 ~a. 22.00 da. 22.00 da. 5.45 Hr. 5.67 Hr. 5.67 6.10 Hr. 5.67 Hr. 4. ~O-H£. ohn Nierldztk istorian agdallne Goodrich 9,776.00' 2,000.00 Monthly Payments effective Jan. 1, 1977. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ORGANIZATION MEETING AGE~D~ i~ cont' d 1. Highway .and public works'by CSEA contract 2. Police by PBA Contract 3. Depositories. Bank of New York (Greenport) 600,000.00 Chemical Bank (Southold) 500,000.00 North Fork Bank (Mat~ituck) 450,000.00 4. Offical Paper - Suffolk Weekly Times - Feb.. 1, 1977 5. Additional Paper - Long Island Traveler Watchman 6. Highway Superintendant allowe~ ~00.0~-to purchase equipment, tools, snow plows and otheF impl.ements or devices Without prior approval of'Town Board. Period of Jan. 1, 1977 - Dec. ~1, 197] ~age ~ Pa§e 8 nt' d. Agenda 1/4/77 Deputy Supervisor Louis M. Demarest 1/1/77-12/31/77 without compsensation Emergency Preparedness Co-ordinator for the Town.of Southold Albert M. Martocchia 1/1/77-12/31/77 without comp~ensation DeputyEmergency Preparedness Co-ordinator for the Town of Southold William Schriever, Orient 1/1/77-12/31~. without compensation Association of Towns February 1977 Justice -Martin Surer (delegate) Councilm~u - James Hom~U (alt ernate delegate) Comm~ ttee Appointments: Parks &Beaehes Inland Water~ay Police Taxation & Finance Highways Disposal Areas Street Lights Commerce & Industry Personnel Delegate at Large Councilmen Homart & Rich, Justi6e Doyen Judge Demarest and Judge Suter Judge Suter, Judge Doyen and Judge Demarest Judge Demarest and Judge Surer Couhcilman Homart & Rich J~dge Surer and Judge Demarest All members of the Town Board Judge F. Doyen Use of personal car by Town Bd. approval 13~ a mile Goals for 1977 Fins~cial stability we owe $50,000.00 - street lighting 2nd and possible 3rd stage of new street lighting Completion of new Town Hall More sanitation facilities at public beaches Continuation ~ofmicro-filming program Continuation of clam transplant for our baymen Continued'progress on new recreation project at Peconic for senior citizens and youth programs New monitoring system at Town Disposal Area New Joint study on waste water, Village of Greenport and Town of Southold