HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-01/03/1977 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ORGANIZATION MEETING AGENDA Jan. 3, 1977 1. Call to order 2. Approval of Minutes of Dec. 20, 1977 m~eting 3. Date of next Meeting and Audit 4. Report of Committles - Town Clerk, Building Dept.~ ~£~/ 5. Bonds for officials - Fishers Island Town Constables - Lawrence Horn $4,000~00C Alfred s. GrebeS, "rS S Commissioner - Treasurer F.I. Garbage & Refuse District . Z/ ~3S/gZ3~Dffi~/ Robert E. Wall $20,000.00 Commissioner - Secretary F. I. Garbage & Refuse District- Kenneth L. Edwards $1,000.00 Cormmlssioner - Chairman F.I. Garbage & Refuse Distric~ - ~ 5 &gfM~ Raymond Doyen $1,000.00 Bay Constable - Willi~ Janulck - $~,000.00 7~ J-Z~/~ ~[/. . ~ i-f~Z~ ~4 Custodian of Fishers Island Ferry District Fund - Albert M. mar~occnia $15~000.00 Supervisor - Albert M. Martocchia - $200,000.00 g~ J-~/ Spperlnten~nt of Hig~w~ays - $2,000.00 ~Town Clerk - Judith Terry - $4,000.00 ~5 6. Appointment of Town Attorney Robert Tasker 7. McMann and Price Umbrella Policy ?? 8. Approved Fuel Oil Bid - Low Bidder - Burt'~Reliable wrack price ~3870 + .0268 .4138 9.N.Y.S. Board of Equalization Hearing Re: 1978 AgriculturalProgram 10. Letter from Local CSEA 11. Letter from Board of Assessors Re: Appointment 12. Letter Telethon United Cerebral Palsy 13. D.E.C. Philip L. Babcock application 14. Letter William Schriever 15. Letter Greenport Fire Dept. 16. Letter Minnesota Construction Corp. Re: Construction 17. Co,po of Engineers - George Lauinger-Laurel - Bernard Kaplan-East Marion page 2 18. D.E.C. Baldwin L. Humm - Gull Pond 19. D.E.C. Re: Fish Traps 20. Letter Sam Markel 21. Report - D.O.T. Res Snow 22. Leases - Judges Office - Riverhead Auto Parts 23. Trailer Renewals - George McCarthy, Laurel - Sophie T. Saunders, Laurel - William P. Ruland, Mattituck - Maddie Miles, Mattltuck 24. Closeout N.Y.S. - ANTIREC - $490.28 into B3120.1 Police personal services - Overtime pay 25. Transfers - General Fund - Whole Town,om surplus - Al010.4 - $181.50 - A1220.4 - 185.89 - A1410.4 - 105.86 - A1420.4 - 35.00 - A1620.4 - 80.50 - A1680.4 - 653.18 - A3310.4 - 112.75 lt354.68 Part Town from surplus - B3130.4 - $228.26 - B3130.1 - 185'.78 414.04 26. Transfers- Fishers Island - Repairs to Ferry To Social Security $475.00 27. Transfers - Highway - Item I DRSllO.1 to DR5110.4 - $1,000.00 - It~III Surplus to DM5130.4 - $1,000.00 - Item IV State Retirement DS9010.8 to Item IV Cont. DS5142.4 $200.00 Page 3 SALARIES FOR 1978 1. Town Attorney · 2. Reg. of Vital Statistics 3. Supervisor 4. Tow~ Clerk 5. Town Justice 6. Town Justice 7. Town Justice 8. Town Councilman 9~ Town Councilman 10. Town Councilman 11. Receiver of Taxes 12. Superlntendant of Highways 13. Deputy Super. of Highways 14. Superintendant of Public Works 15. Deputy Supervisor Robert W. Tasker Judith Terry Albert M. Martocchia Judith Terry Francis T. Doyen James Rich Martin Suter James Homan Henry Drum William Pell III George Mellas Raymond C. Dean Raymond Jacobs Raymond C. Dean James Homan (RESOLUTION) Approving Salaries and Payments Semi Monthly Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Special Police Officers 1. Stanley Krukowski 2. Leonard Green 3. George W. Hamd 4. Peter Grattan Sr. 5. Wilfred Grathwohl (RESOLUTION) Monthly Payments Effective Jan 1, 1978 $18, 3 29 16 000.00 000.00 000.00 500.00 7 500.00 10 000.00 16 000.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 9,100.00 22,300.00 18,000.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 $3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. 3.25 Hr. Page 4 SALARIES FOR 1978 Radio Operator - Watchman 1. Frederick Rackett 2. Lois Cunningham 3. Claude KumJlan 4. Robert Reeves - Watchman (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 $12,500.00 9,665.00 11~504.00 10,973.00 Fart Time Watchman 1~ Donald Fisher 2. William Allen 3. T~mas Byrnes 4. Sanford Friemann (RESOLUTION) Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Long. $625.00 Oo~ Wardens 1. Lois Mellas 2. John Helf (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Bay Constable 1. William Januick 2. Alfred Grebe Jr. - Part Time 3. Lawrence Horn - Part Time (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Base $13,335.00 $533.00 - 47° Gross $13.125.00 9~665.00 11,504.00 10~973.00 $4.00 Hr. 4.00 Hr. 4.00 Hr. 4.00 Hr. 8,006.00 8,006.00 Gross 13,868.00 4,882.50 4,882.50 School Crossin~ Guards 1. Paul Berg 2. Edmond Mahoney 3. Louis Gladding 4. Theodore Doroski 5. Edward Klein 6. Nicholas Kouros 7. Stanley Kowalzyk 8~ Pauline Nierodzik 9. Virginia Tabor 10. ~rthur Sherrard 11. Frank Coyne 12. Jack Lake (RESOLUTION) Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Assessors 1. Henry Moisa 2. Charles Watts 3~ Melville Kelsey Jr. - Chairman 4. Melville Kelsey Jr. (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 SAI~RIES FOR 1978 School Southold Mattituck Greenport Cutchogue Mattituck Laurel Fishers Island Peconic Orient New Suffolk Cutchogue (Floater) Page Salary per Day $15.00 13.00 1 extra hr. -17.00 13.00 15.00 13.00 . 8.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 13.00 3.25 per Hr. $15,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 15,000.00 Zonin~ Board of Appeals · i. Robert Gillispie Jr. - Chairman 2. Fred Hulse Jr. 3. Robert Bergen 4. Charles Grigonis Jr. 5. Serge Doyen Jr. (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Plannin~ Board 1~ John Wickham - Chairman 2~ Henry Raynor 3. Frank Coyle 4. Frederick Gordon 5. James Wall (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Board of.Trustees 1. Phillip Horton 2. Joseph Hataier 3. Scott Harris 4. John Nickles 5. Paul Stoutenb~rg~ (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 SALARIES FOR 1978 Page 6 $4,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 $4,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Page 7 SALARIES FOR 1978 Base $10,299.45 $12,899.00 8,400.00 Building Dept% '" 1. George Fisher - Head Inspector 2. Edward Hinderman 3. ? RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Clerks 1. Joan Richter - Supervtsor's Off~e 2. Vicky E. Kistela " " 3. Jean Schneider " " 4. Julia Ring - Assessors Office 5. Sylvia Rouse " " 6. Jack Sherwood " " 7. Frances Gaddis - Police Dept. 8. Joyce Kllpp " " 9. Ethel Grlgonis - Highway Dept. 10. Muriel Brush - Planning Bd. & Trustees 11. Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk Office - 12. M~yDawson 13. Barbara Andrade - Court Clerk $411.98 - 47° $516.00 - 47° Deputy Town Clerk $600.00 14. Jacqu~line Baker " " Part Time - 14 hr. work week (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 $12.705.00 12,681.00 Gross $11,235.00 6,825.00 6,300.00 10,711.43 10,073.70 9,500.00 9,345.00 8~190.00 13,415.00 9,765.00 9,000.00 6,825.00 7,009.00 90.00 per wk Page 8 SALARIES FOR 1978 Tax Receiver Clerks - Part Time 1. Edith Charkow 2. Jean Rogers 3. Margaret Thompson 4. Carolyn Adams (RESOLUTION) Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, Disposal Area 1..Thomas Quillin 2. Donald Leden 3. John Goodwln 4. S. Raymond White 5. Henry Latham 6. Raymond Latham Custodian 1. John Nieridztk Historian i. Magdaline Goodrich - Part Time 1978 (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan. 1, 1978 Base Long. $5.72 $.23 - 470 5.72 .23 - 4?° 5.72 .23 - 4?° 6.04 .36 - 6% Day $24.00 23.00 22.00 22.00 Gross $5.72 Hr. 5.20 Hr. 5.95 Hr. 5.95 Hr. 5.95 Hr. 6.40 Hr. $10,265.00 2,000.00 1. Highway Dept. - By CSEA Contract 2. Police Dept. m By PBA Contract (RESOLUTION) Semi Monthly Payments Effective Jan 1, 1978 Deposit~ries 1. Bank of New York (Greenport) SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ORGANIZATION MEETING AGENDA - Cont'd $600,000.00 2. Chemical Bank (Southold) 3.~North Fork Bank & Trust (Mattituck) $450,000.00 Official Paper 1. Long Island Traveler Watchman - Feb. 1, 1978 2. Additional Paper - Suffolk Weekly Times 5oo,ooo.oo · Page 9 Highway Superintendant allowed $1,500.00 to purchase equipment, Tools, Shoe Plows and other implements or devices without prior approval of Town Board. Period Janl, 1978 - Dec.31, 1978 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ORGANIZATION MEETING AGENDA - Cont'd Page 10 Emergency Preparedness Co-ordinator for the Town of Southold Albert M. Martocchia 1/1/78 to 12/31/78 without comp'ensation Deputy Emergency Preparedness Co-ordinatO~ for the Town of Southold William Schriever, Orient l/l/78 to 12/31/78 without compensation Association Of Towns - February 1978 Justice - Martin Surer (Delegate) Councilman - James Homan (alternate delegate) Committee Appointments= Pa~ks & Beaches Inland Waterways Police Taxation & Finance Highways Disposal Area Street Lights Commerce & Ind. Personnel Delegate at Large Councilman Drum and Homart, Justice Doyen Judge Surer, Councilman Pall Councilman Homan and Drum Councilman Homan and Pell, Judge Suter Judge Surer, Councilman Homart, Judge Doyen Councilman Pall, Judge Suter, Councilman Drum Councilman Homan and Pall, Judge Surer Councilman Drum and Pell All members of the Town Board Use of Employees Personal Car for Town Business with approval 13¢ a mile