HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-12/21/1982WILLIAM R. PELL III SUPERVISOR OFFICE: TO :RVISOR ILD MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 S01JTtlOLD ?Ol~ BOARD DECEMBER 21t 1982 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the December 21, 1982 Audit of Bills. Approval of the Minutes of the December 7~ 1982 Meeting. D~te of Next Meetings December 28~ 1982 TELEPHONE (516) 785 1800 ($16) 765 1939 RBPORTSs 1. Higtneay Departmentts Monthly Budget Report = November, 1982o 2. Fishers Island Ferz7 District Monthly Budget Report # November~ 1982. 3. To~n Justice Monthly Report - Price - Novembert 1982. 4. To~n Justice Monthly Report = Tedeschi - November~ 1982. 5. Buildin8 Department's Monthly Report - Lessard - November, 1982, 6. To~n Justice Honthly Report - Edvards - November, 1982. 7. Police Department's Monthly Report - Winters - November, 1982o 8. Lon8 Island Cablevision Monthly Report - November, 1982. 9. Councilmen's Reports. 10. Supervisor~s Report. SO~THOLD TOt~ BOARD ,,AG~I)A o DECEMBER 21., 1982 PAGE 2 1. N.Y.S., Dept. of Environmental Conservation Ret Notice of Complete Application by Emanuel Xefos by James Rogers to construct a sundeck to bulkhead~ Orient Harbor, East Nation. III. CO~4~HIC~TIONSt I. William Timm and Associates Res Field Inspection of Senior/Youth Recreation Center. 2. Jerry Goehringer, Chairman South, Id Town Board of Appeals Res Newspaper Notice of legals. Il. William R, Hamilton Res Possible elimination of the Riverhead Mail Center. Kev. William A. Coleman Res Request of landfill. Farm Bureau Perspective Res Hearings on legislation requiring assessors to satisfy minimum qualifications. Suffolk County Executive, Peter F. Cohalan Ret Resolution IR-1939 concerning the Riverhead Court Complex. Paul Stoutenburgh, President Southold Town Trustees Ret Distributing a copy of shellfish ordinance with each permit. Northeast Engineers, P.C. Res North Fork Water Supply Plan, Facucutive Sunsnary and Recommendations. South*Id- Peconic Civic Association, Iuc, Res Possible To~n Code violations. Reeve Lumber & Woodworklns, Co., Inc., Laurence P. Reeve Re~ Placement of proper warnin~ signs at the railroad bridge in Laurel on the Main Road. Kenneth Scheuerman Ret Use of Town Property for the purpose of installing cesspools. ~,SO~THOLD TOb~N BOARD A~ENDA - DECEMBER 21, 1982 PAGE $ IV. HEARINDS~ Public Hearing at $S25 P.M. on December 21, 1982 at the Southold Town Hall on a proposed contract with the Village of Greenport £or the fu~nishinA o£ water for fire protection purposes to the #East-West Greenport Fire Protection District# 2. Publio Hearing at $t30 P.M. on December 21, 1982 at the {outhoid Town Hall on uA Local Law to amend the Zonin~ Code of the Town of Southoldu. 3. Public Hearing at 3s35 P.N. on December 21, 1982 at the Southold Town Hall on UA Local Law in Relation to Permits for gusts to park at Town beaches". Public Hearing at 3s40 P.N. on December 21, 1982 at the Southold Town Hall on UA Local Law to establish a Landmark Preservation Commission and to Prescribe its duties#, .SOUTHOLD TO~N BOARD A~ENDA -._DECEHBER 21, 1982 PAGE 4 ~ V. RESOLUTIONSt 1/Transfer of fundss Highway Department 2~/~thorize P.O. Fitzpatrick to use his 13 days sick leave which were accumulated. 3~/Authorize the Reciever of Taxes to publish the notice required by Section 22 of the Suffolk County Tax Act once in the t~o newspapers published in the Town of Southold. 4~ward the bid for furnishing and deliverin~ one tractor ~tth detachable compost auger and various parts. 5~point Addle Pace School Crossing ~uard and Traffic Warden. 6~/Authorize Supervisor Pall to sign a maintenance agreement with Cestetner Corporation for the duplicator machine at the Police Headquarters. .t 7 .~, Rescind Resolutions creating and reaffimin~ the creation of the position ~/ of "Executive Administrator to the Supervisor and Tmm Board#. b. Create the position of #To~m Board and Zonin~ Administrator#. c. Rescind R~solution appointing Victor O. Lessard to the position of #Executive Administrator to the Supervisor and Tmm Boarde. d. Appoint Victor C. Lessard to the position of Town Building and Zoning Administrator (Changes as per Civil Service requirments and Job titles) 8~end the agreement with Academy Printing Services, Inc. for the printing of Liber D, Voluma III of the Southold Torn Records to extend the completion date to Narch 31, 1983. 9~hoid Town Board names a representative to the Board of Trustees for the establishment of a Black History Nuseum by the Suffolk County Human Rights Commission. 10P/Authorize Supervisor Pelt to enter into an asreenmnt with the Suffolk County Department of Labor for the assisnment of recipients of Public Assistance. 1L~/Trailer permit renewal of Naddie Hilez, Nattitucko 12~'~at a Public H.arin$ at 8,00 P.N. on ~~198~at the Sou,hold To~ Hall on the application of Richard J. Cron for a cha~e of zone from "A~ Residential and ~ricultural Dts~ic~ to "N" Light ~ltiple Residence District, Cutcho~ue. 13~vard the bid for supplyin~ and lnstalli~ fence at t~ T~ D~aiua~e Su~s. SO~THOLD TO, lq BOARD ~ENDA - DECENBER 21~ 1982 PAGE 5 Vo RESOLUTIONS I 14~/Authorize Special Council Richard J. Cron to engage Gerard Suover for the purpose of preparing the necessary appraisals in the Tax Certiorari cases. l§~/~reller permit renewal of William A. Bauer, Peconic. 16~$et a Public Hearin~ at 28§5 P.M. on January 4~ 1982 at the Southold Town Hell on the wetlands applicatiOn of Rnconsultantst Inc. on behalf of Stron~°s Marine Center to install an #I# beam to create a travel-lift slip0 dredge and deposit spoil0 l?~outhold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of Ken Hahn of Tidewater Dock Building Co. om behalf of Boatmeu°s Harbor Narina~ Cutchogue. 18~/~outhold Town Board approves the amount of $400~000 for a performance bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as Hill Crest Estates. 19~outhold Town Board approves the amount of ~340~O00 for a performance bond for roads end improvements in the suvdivision known as Colden View Estates. 20~ose Nill Creek0 between the Long Island Railroad tressel and the 'Nill Creek Bridge ou Rt. 250 Southold for the pe=kod of 21~tborize payment to James McMabou for services rendered as Southold Town C~nity Development Director. 22&~/Authorize transfers within the General Fund b/hole Town Budget 1982. 23~/Authorize transfers within the General Fund Part Town 1982 Budget. · 3~YJTHOLD T~dlq BOARD A~ENDA - DECEMBER 21~ 1982 8{30 A.M. 'gzO0 A.M. 10{00 A.M. 10{15 A.M. 11{00 A.M, 11{30 A.M. 1~$0 P.M. 2{00 P.M, 3~00 P.M. WORK SESSION AGENDA Audit of Bills Wehran Energy Corp. & H. Dombeck, H2M Corp. Rev. Coleman Jori itichmond,'Plum Island Contract James McMahon, Community Development Jody Adams Cleo Tsounis, President Capt. Kidd Civic Assoc. Henry Raynor, Chairman Planulu~ Board $outhold Town Board Meetin~