HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-10/04/1983WILLIAM R. PELL Ill SUPERVISOR rll~l~ I I~. I~ TO MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLO, L.I., N.Y. 11971 :RVISOR ILO TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OCTOBER 4~ 1983 Call to Order P.l~ge~o~:Al.legiance ~UO~t~ o~'~B'illsl Approval of the Minutes of the September 20, 1983 Regular Town Board Meeting and Special Meeting September 27, 1983 Next Meeting: October 18, 1983 at 3:00 P,M, I. REPORTS: 1. Audit Report - Fisher Island Ferry District 1981, 1982 2. Highway Department's ~lonthly Report September, 1983 3. Fishers Island Ferry District Monthly Report - September, 1983 4. Town Trustees Monthly Report - Stoutenburgh September, 1983 5. Councilmen's .RePorts 6, Supervisor's Report II. PUBLIC NOTICES: N,Y,S. Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application of Paul Vartanian to construct rip-rap wall offshore, timber launching ramp offshore of existing bulkhead, timber dock, ramp and four floats, Fishers Island. (Written comments by October 14, 1983) SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - OCTOBER 4, PAGE 2 1983 II, PUBLIC NOTICES. 2, U.S. Ret Army Corps of Engineers, N.Y. District Application by Leonard Lane to bulkhead, dredge with 10 year maintenance, platform, ramp and floating pier, Southo[d, (Written comments by 10-23-83) Department of Transportation - Notice of Order (A) 45 MPH Speed limit on RT. 25 from east of Platt Rd. Orient. (B) 40 MPH Speed zone east of Old Route 25, and end east of Platt Rd. Orient, (C) 45 MPH Speed limit on Rt. 25 east side of traffice circle at Main Street and west of Gillette Drive, East Marion. (D) 40 MPH SPeed zone west of Gillette Drive and end east of RM 1697. East Marion. 3. N.Y.S. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Henry Souther Engineering Inc. Re: Fishers Island Sewer District Southwood Property Owners Association (A) Jockey Creek Bridge (B) Buying electric Power from Greenport Power (C) Beach and dumping permits Southold Senior Citizens Club Ret Drinking Water Machine Simone Swan Ret Horton's Point Company N.Y,S. Department of Environmental Ret SPDES Application Leonard & Theresa Blyska! Re: Beaches - Stricter Laws Conservation NYS Department of Labor Ret Notice to Department of Jurisdiction to withhold payment Cutchogue Lioness Club Re: Use of Peconic Recreation Center $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - OCTOBER 4, 1983 PAGE 3 III. COMMUNICATIONS: 9. BOb Graeb Re: Letter commending Chief Winters Ralph & Gladys Milne Re: Electric Utility Business 11. 12. NYS Department of State Re: Change in schedule of the Local Government Forum Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. Re: Engineering Report for proposed Captain Kidd Water District 13. Supervisor Michael A. LoGrande Re: Consortium of Municipal Rate Payers 14. Oysterponds Union Free School District Re: Southold Town Police Department 15. NYS Department of Transportation Re: Rt. 25, East Marion Speed Limits and Pavement Markings 16. NYS Department of Transportation Re: Traffic Control Signal 17. PRC Speas Re: Consultant Agreement Plan Study for Airport Site Selection/Master SOUTHOLD TO!~.! BOARD AGENDA - OCTOBER 4, 1983 PAGE 4 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Public Hearing at 3:00 p.m. on October 4, 1983 on the wetlands application of The Land Use Company, on behalf of Robert Stewart to construct a fixed dock, ramp, and flat on Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Public Hearin9 at.3:02 o.m. on October 4, 1983 on the wetlands application of'Enconsultants, Inc,, on behalf of Leonard Long, to construct bulkhead, ramp, floating dock, end dredge. Budd's Pond, Southold. Public Hearing at 3~05 p.m. on October 4, 1983 on the wetlands application of Enconsultants, Inc., on behalf of John Bertani, for Permission to fill lot with clean sand, construct one-family dwelling, pool, decks, driv~ sanitary system, timber retaining wall, plus returns, timber dock, catwalk, hinged ramp and float. Goose Creek, Southold. Public Hearing at 8:00 p.m. on October 4, 1983 on "A LOCA[ LAW to provide for relief from the bulk requirements of the Zoning Code." Public Hearing at 8:05 p.m. on October 4, 1983 on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to Area and Yard requirements of lots on Subdivision Maps approved prior to May 20, 1983". SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - OCTOBER 4, 1983 ,PAGE 5 V. RESOLUTIONS: ~-~lJSouthold Town hereby goes on supporting mutual [ecord as a verifiable freeze on the testing, production, and deploy- ment of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, as well as a major reduction in nuclear weapons. 2Y/Southold Town Board authorizes the release of performance bond to Steve Tsontakis, developer of Peconic Knolls at Peconic. 3~Trailer permit renewal by Sophie T. Saunders, Peconlc. 4//Southold Town Board proclalm the week of October '2 through October 8, 1983 as Minority Enterprise Development Week. 5~/~(A)'/Accept the bid of Eastern Wholesale Fence ~for furnishing and delivering snow fence, (B~/Accept the bid of Eastern Wholesale Fence for furnlshing and delivering steel T Posts. charge o~ zone 6~a//~nvironmental Assessment on the ~::~'-~:uds application of Alfred E, and Claire Bouffard for a change of zone from "B" Light Business District to "C" Light Industrial Dist[ict. Mattituck. b~ Set 8.15 P.M., November 1, 1983 for Public Hearing - Bouffard. Y~Accept proposal of Briarcliff Sprinkler Systems for winterizing sprinkler system and the spring hookup at Southo]d Town Hall. 81//Set a Public Hearing on November ], 1983 at the Southold Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted by Marine Associates for a Change of Zone from "C" Light Industrial District to "M-l" General Multiple Residence District. New Suffolk. ~9/ James T. Reynolds, as Special Assistant District Appoint Attorney and as Special Council for violation of the ordinances and laws of the Town of Southold. lO~/Transfer of funds Whole Town. ll/South'old Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of The Land Use Company on behalf of Maureen Sullivan to install ramp leading to float. Cedar Beach, Southold. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - OCTOBER 4j PAGE 6 1983 V, RESOLUTIONS: 12//Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of The Land Use Company on behalf of Wilhelm Franken to leaalize a bulkhead, Southold, 13v/Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of Ron Dobert to install a nature walk and a means to launch canoe in existing drainage gutter, Mattituck, ]4//Authorize and direy:~..$upervisor William R, Pellj III to execute am~jt~l~Engineering Services Agreement with Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, P,C, H2M Corp, 15v/Transfer of funds - Highway Department, 16F/Authorize Supervisor William R, Pall, III to execute an agreement with North Fork Bank and Trust for an easement for placement of pre cast sanitary rings in the new Mattituck Parking Area, 17V/Southold Town Board supports Proposition.#1 - Rebl]'ild New York Bond Issue, 18K/Authorize the lease of one new IBM Electronic 85 typewriter for Judge Tedeschi's office, 19~v'The Southold Town Board approves the Southold Town ]Farmland Preservation Bond Act, bKProposition on Farm Preservation Bond for Nov. 8th ballot. 20v/Accept the bid for the construction of a handicapped ramp at entrance to the main hall of the American Legion in Southold, 21~/ Lead Agency - Frank ~ Margaret Rosenberg - Wetland. 22/Lead Agency Frederick Falconer - Wetland. 23~'"Appoint Technical Advisory Committee - Airport Study. 24~ Set 12:30 P.M., October 29, ~983, Fishers Island for public hearing on F. I. F. D. new boat. 25/Proposition - Trustees £our year term. 26~/ Wetland Application of Robert Stewart approved. 27~/ Wetland Application of Leonard Lang approved. 28~/~Wetland Application of John Bertani approved. 29VSet~-3.00 P.M., NoVember 1, 1983 for public hearing on proposed Local Law on Unlicensed Vehicles. -~~Negative Declaration - wetland application - Katherine Farr. 31~/Negative~ Declaration - wetland application - Armando Cappa 32VSetY November 1, 1983, Southold Town Hall, for public hearings on the following wetland applications: P.M. - Armando Cappa