HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-03/27/1984FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFIC£ RVISmR. TI D MAIN ROAD $0UTHOLD, L.h, N.Y. [1971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MARCH ~.7~ 1984 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 13, 1984 and the Special Meetings of March 21 & 23, 1984. Approval of the March 27, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. Next Meeting Date: April 10, 1984 at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report - Edwards - February, 1984. 2. Fishers Island Shellfish Reseeding Programs - Malinowski. 3. To~n_J~stice Annu~l Report - Tedeschi - 1983. 4. Councilmen's Reports. 5. Supervisor's Report. II. PUBLIC NOTICE: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Peter & James Kreh to construct a timber bulkhead, ramp, float, mooring piles and dredge; James Creek, Southold. Written comments by March 30, 1984. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Renate Riedel to to construct a one family dwelling; Deep Hole Creek, Mattituck. Written comments by March 30, 1984. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MARCH 27, 1984 PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICE: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Wilhelm Franken to construct a one family dwelling and install a septic system; Gull Pond, Greenport. Written comments by April 6, 1984. Department of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engipee~s Re: Request for authorization by Joseph Fischetti to construct a timber pier, cat walk, and floating dock; Arshamoque Pond, Southold. Written comments by April 6, 1984. Department of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engineer.s Re: Request for authorization by Robert Wilson to construct a fixed pier, catwalk, ramp and two floats; West Creek, Southold. Written comments by April 10, 1984. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Anna Pacifico to construct a swimming pool; Southold Bay, Southold. Written comments by April 13, 1984. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Long Island Cares, Inc. Re: Minutes of March 6, 1984'Meeting on Hunger and Nutrition related problems on the North Fork. Roger Bancroft, President, Peconic Bay Estates Property Owners Association, Inc. Re: Suggesting that the Town consider constructing an ice skating rink. 3. J.R. Gilford, President, Laughing Waters Property Owners Association Re: Dredging in Corey Creek. 4. Assemblyman Joseph Sawicki, 'jr. · ~ Re: Pending Legislation to correct the pension of the late Melville Kelsey. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MARCH 27, 1984 PAGE 3 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Robert J. Haskins, Association Re: Master Plan. President, Fishers Island Civic Richard E. Young, Vice President/General Manager Long Island Cablevision Re: March 1st preview showing of the planned expanded programming. 7. Town Justice Raymond W. Edwards Re: Master Plan 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Supervisor Joseph Colby', Town of Oyster Bay Re: Proposed legislation restricting and capping the use of Industrial Development Bonds. Dorothea M. Delehanty, President, Watchdogs Re: Master Plan Mattituck Creek J.H. Graves, Associate Director, The Plum Island Animal Disease Center Re: Support of the Marcy South Transmission Line Joseph R. Carmichael Re: Policing of Parking Lot at Goldsmith's Inlet. Mayor Roy L. Wines, Jr., President, Suffolk County Village Officials Association Re: Resolution against denying zoning powers to new villages. Assemblyman George Hochbrueckner Re: Striped Bass Bill Introduced in Albany East End Arts and Humanities Council Re: Appointment of. Judith Kaufman Weiner as new Executive Director. Councilman Louis Boschetti, Town of Riverhead Re: U.D.C. Aquaculture Project Meeting. Governor Michael S. Dukakis, Massachusettes Re: Copy of the Law "Establishing the Nantucket Islands Land Bank. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MARCH 27, 1984 PAGE ~ III. COMMUNICATIONS: 17. Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, P.C. Re: Captain Kidd Water District 18. Lorraine S. Terry Re: Master Plan 19. Barbara Goldstein, Project Coordinator, Suffolk Community Council, Inc. Re: Meeting on Clearinghouse for Community Residences scheduled for May 1, 1984 at 10:30 A.M. IV. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. 3:30 P.M. on March 27, 1984 at the Southold Town Hall on the wetlands application of Esther and Eric Muehlbauer and Leah K. Indelman for permission to construct a ~ catwalk and floating dock, East Creek, Cutchogue. 2. 3:32 P.M. on March 27, 1984 at the Southold Town Hall on the wetlands application of Enconsultants, Inc. for Paul Kelly for permission to replace timber bulkhead and backfill, Great Peconic Bay, Mattituck. 3:35 P.M. on March 27, 1984 at the Southold Town Hall on the wetlands application of Enconsultants, Inc, for Daniel Silverman and E. Cartnick for permission to construct a dock, catwalk, ramp, two floats and dredge, Wunneweta Pond, Cutchogue. 3:37 P.M. on March 27, 1984 at the Southold Town Hall on the wetlands application of The Land Use Company for Joseph Duggan for permission to construct bulkhead dnd dredge; Dawn Lagoon, Greenport. 3:40 P.M. on March 27, 1984 at the Southold Town Hall on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to the.mooring and anchoring of boats in West Harbor at Fishers Island." SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MARCH 27, 1984 PAGE 5 VJ RESOLUTIONS: I/Authorize the Town Clerk to seek proposals for 4/ The Southold Town Board hereby grants Nicholas Schick a 45 day extension, under Chapter 90, Unsafe Buildings, Code of the Town of Southold. 5~/The Southold Town Board hereby goes on record in support of proposed legislation S.1569 and A.8609 in relation to raising the drinking age in New York State from 19 to 21. 6~/The Southold Town Board hereby grants!permission to the Seniors Club of Southold-Peconic, Inc. to hire one bus at a cost of $150.00. 7/The Southold Town Board hereby grants permission to the Mattituck High School Student Council to use Town Roads on May 12, 1984 at 9:30 A.M. to conduct a "Run for Rodney", (Rodney Bates Leukemia Fund). 8/The Southold Town Board hereby Proclaims the week of April 8 14, 1984 as HELP YOUNG AMERICA WEEK. The Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of James & Peter Kreh to construct a timber bulkhead and dredge; James Creek, Mattituck. 10./ The Southold Town Board hereby amends Resolution No. 8, March 13, 1984, the request of Costello Marine Contracting, Corp. for Howard Stabile, wetlands permit No. 106, extending said permit for a period of 12 months. ll/The Southold Town Board hereby authorizes the purchase of the existing Horizon Communications System, Police Dept., for $3,438.68; and a contract at $103.65 for maintenance. 12/The Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of Stanley Gould for Francis S. Perrone, M.D. to construct a catwalk, ramp and dock; Gids Island, Orient. cleaning the uniforms of members of the Southold Town Police. Department. The Southold Town Board hereby authorizes Police Officers Beth Charters and Robert White to attend a "Seminar on Family Violence and the Adolescent Sexual Of£ender" at Huntington, N.Y.. Trailer permit renewal of Martin Sidor, Oregon Rd, Mattituck. 9/ SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MARCH 27, 1984 PAGE 6 '~ RESOLUTIONS: 13~'/The Southold Town Board hereby sets the following Public Hearings for April 10, 1984 at the Southold Town Hall on the wetland applications of: /3:00 P.M. - Helen B. Case to construct a bulkhead, West Creek, Cutchogue. /3:02 P.M. - Joseph Fischetti to install upland bulkhead, return, fixed dock, ramp and three floating docks; Arshamomaque Pond, Southold. 14~/ The Southold Town Board hereby authorizes the transfer of funds - General Fund Part Town. 15/The Southold Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase and application of Asphalt Road Materials. 16~/ The Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the wetlands application of Matt-A-Mar Marina to install a floating dock, ramp and walkway;Mattituck Creek. / 17 The Southold Town Board hereby amends their Resolution No. 29, March 13, 1984; now to authorize an advance of $778.00(was $578.00) to Community Development Year X. / · 18 The Southold Town Board hereby goes on record urging Suffolk County Department of Public Works to dredge Shinnecock Inlet. the the 19/The Southold Town Board appoints members to the Southold Town Landmark Preservation Committee (3 Members) 20~/ The Southold Town Board hereby accepts the proposal of Steve Geoghegan, Piano Tuner-Technician, for the repair and tuning of the piano at the Senior/Youth Recreation Center. 21/Amend March 23, 1984~ resolution hirin9 Rodney Douglass to March 27, :1984 starting date. 22F/ Hire two part-time custodial workers ~r Police Headquarters and other assignments. Negative Declaration - Muehlbauer/Indleman Wetland Application. Approval of Muehlbauer/Indleman Wetland Application. Negative Declaration - Duggan Wetland Application. Approval of Duggan Wetland Application. 27 doption of Local Law No. 3 - 1984 - Moorl~§s - Fishers Island. 28~/ Amend Resolution No. 22 above - maximum of 20 hours. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MARCH 27, 1984 PAGE ? WORK SESSION AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. Audit of Bills Paul Flagg, Seed Clams Fishers Island Ferry District - Elizabeth Airport Contract Mr. Knauff & Mr. DuPont Stanley Gould Gene Drumm, Peconic Knolls James R. Douglass 3:00 P.M. Regular Meeting