HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-11/19/1985FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVtSOR OFFICE ~RVISOR TO~LD MAIN ROAD $0UTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. t197! AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD NOVEMBER 19~ 1985 3:00 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of. November 19, 1985. Approval of the Minutes of the November 7th, 1985 Regular Meeting. Next Meetin~ Date: December 3, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report - Tedeschi - Oct., 1985. 2. Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report - Oct., 1985. 3. Vietnam Veterans of America, Suffolk County Chapter, East End POW/MIA Committee - Report #4, Oct. 15, 1985. 4. Highway Fund Report - October, 1985. 5. Fishers Island Ferry District Budget Report - Oct., 1985. 6. Dimension Cable Services-- month of October, 1985 complaints. 7. Southold Community Development Program - Shellfish Plantings in 1985. 8.Town Trustees Monthly Report - October, 1985. 9. Police Department's Monthly Report - October, 1985 10. Councilmen's Reports. 11. Supervisor's Report. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - NOVEMBER 19, PAGE 2 1985 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: U.S. Army Corps' of Engineers, New York District Application by Beixedon Estate Property Owner c/o John Nickles to dredge with ten years maintenance with beach disposal. ~ Petty's Pond, Southold. Written comments by December 6, 1985. e Long Island Regional Ashfill Board and N.Y.S.D.E.C. Notice of Hearings to be held on Potential Sites for L.I. Regional Ashfill ( 3 potential sites submitted are Yaphank and Moriches in the Town of Brookhaven, and Speonk in the Town of Southampton). Hearing Dates: November 15, 1985 - 9:00 A.M., Mineola November 15, 1985 - 2:00 P.M., Stony Brook November 21, 1985 - 7:30 P.M., Mineola November 25, 1985 - 7:30 P.M., Riverhead e U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District Application of Ludwig Becker to reconstruct a floating pier assembly and dredge with upland disposal. Jockey Creek, Southold. Written comments by December 13, 1985. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by William Boacola, Jr., President Mattituck Inlet Marina to maintenace deredge Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Written Comments by Dec. 6, 1985. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by Howard Shapiro to maintenance dredge and install a platform to existing ramp and main float; also install to finger floats. Written comments by December 6, 1985. III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Mrs. Hilda Flanner Olsen Re: Thank you to Police Officer Frank Rogers for his assistance. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - NOVEMBER 19, 1985 PAGE 3 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3:30 P.M. on November 19th, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall "A LOCAL LAW in relation to the requirement of a parking permit for parking vehicles at beach and recreation facilities". RESOLUTIONS: i/The Southold Town Board declares Thursday, November 21, 1985 as NATIONAL GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT DAY in the Town of Southold. 2/ The Sour'hold Town Board requests the NYS Legislature and the Suffolk County Legislature to take all steps possible to retain the two-payment procedure as mandated by the Suffolk County Tax and to change the date of compliance in other maters, as required by this amendment to a future date. 3S/ Environmental Assessment on the proposed Local Law entitled "A LOCAL LAW in relation to Accessory Apartments in existing dwellings". The Southold Town Board adopts the preliminary budget as the Annual Budget of the Town of Southold for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1986. Public Hearings were held on November 7, 1985 at 3:30 & 7:30 P.M. 5/The Southold Town Board sets a fee of $2~00 (plus .15 tax) for the sale of Chapter 75 entitled "Southold Scavanger Waste Disposal Law"'and $4.00 '(plus .30 tax) for the s~le .of Chapter Al08 entitled, !'Southold Town Highway Specifications". '6~/ The Southold Town Board amends their original resolution, to read" Public Informational Meeting at the Senior/Youth Recreation Center, Peconic Lane, Peconic at 7:30 P.M.on Wednesday~ December 4, 1985 on the "Consolidated Report" Phase I and II, Airport Site Selection/Master Plan Study. The Southold Town Board authorizes the attendance at an all day Planning Forum at the Community College, Selden, sponsored by the Suffolk County Planning Commission. 8/ Authorization to submit an application to the NYS Executive Department, Division for Youth, for project funding for Youth Recreation and the Juvenile Aide Bureau. Transfer of Funds - General Fund Whole Town 1985. 10/Transfer of Funds - General Fund Part ToWn i985. ll JAward the bid for furnishing the Town with a twelve (12) run prefabricated modular kennel system for the Dog Pound. 12~/Transfer of Funds - General Fund Whole Town 1985. ~OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - NOVEMBER 15, 1985 PAGE 4 V. RESOLUTIONS: 13/ 14/ 15/ Transfer of Funds: Fishers Island Ferry District 1985. The Southold Town Board authorizes appointments to fill vacancies within the Fishers Island Ferry District person- nel roster. The Southold Town Board authorizes proposed legislation amending the act creating the Fishers Island Ferry District ( providing the residents of the district a measure of say over possible future use of Ferry District properties) 16/Transfer of funds: Highway Department 1985 Budget. 17~/Grant an extension of Julia E. King's leave-of-absence. 18~/ Authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for ~ pints of Milk for the Southold Town Nutrition Center. 19/Authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of one new Van for the Southold Town Nutrition Program. 20~/ Engage .the services of Encore, Inc. to perform ',The Jungle Book" at the Senior/youth Recreation during the week of February 17-23. 21/Authorize the Southold Seniors Club to hire one bus for a trip to New York City. 22 rant salary increments to Linda J. Cooper and Susan Fossett. 23/ Authorize the Town Clerk to advertise ~r bids ~r the "7th Street Sewer Installation". 24/,-/ Accept the proposal of Duncan, Weinberg & Miller, P.C. to perform a legal feasibility study respecting the formulation of a municipal lectric utility by the Town of Southold. 25~' Decision on the request of Janet Geasa, on behalf of Joseph Crenshaw, for a waiver of the provision of Local Law No. 14 - 1985, 26/Town Board supports proposal for mortgage revenue bonds sponsored by Congressmen Campbell and Heftel. 27~/ Accept the proposal of Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. to conduct the One-Year Monitoring/Operator Assistance Program for the Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility. 28/ 29/ Authorize Supervisor to execute an agreement with the Town of Shelter Island for Southold Town to answer police raido transmissions,etc. Town Board agrees to join in assuming the cost of maintenance of the National Weather Service Transmitter for Easte~Long Island and its surrounding waters. Southold Town Board Agenda - November 19, PAGE 4A 1985 30/,-~Request of Richard J. Cantwell for refund of subdivision application filing fee. 31~/Reappointment of three members of the Southold Town Housing Advisory Committee. 32j,~Appointment of Barbara A. Rudder as Clerk-Typist in the Office of the Board of Assessors. / 33JDecision on the request of Merlon E. Wiggin, on behalf of Joseph and Linda Schoenstein, North Fork Welding, for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. 34J~Decision on the request of J. Parker Wickham for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. / 35~/Decision on the request of Charles R. Cuddy, on behalf of Barbara D. Schriever, for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. / 36~ Decision on the request of A. E. Bouffard, Briden Machine Corp., for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. 371,/~Town Board elects to exercise the option to purchase the agricultural rights in the agricultural lands owned by: ~(A) Latham Farms, Inc. ~(B) Albert Krupski, Jr. ~(C) John C. Tuthill ~'(D) Frank Cichanowicz, III ~(E) John Nierodzik ~/(F) John Simicich, Jr. and Catherine Simicich ~(G) Charles Simmons 38/,~Authorize Supervisor to submit a grant application to the New York State Urban Development Corporation for innovative aquaculture programs. 39~'~'Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for part-time Clerk Typist in the Office of the Board of Appeals. 40JDecision on proposed Local Law No. 17 - 1985, "A Local Law in relation to the requirement of a parking permit for parking vehicles at beach and recreational facilities. 411//Authorize Town Attorney to proceed to order surveys and title searches of lands which are the subject of the option agreement to purchase development rights. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ~GENDA - NOVEMBER 19, PAGE 5 1985 VI FOR DISCUSSION: George Gatta, Director, Town of Islip Economic Development Division Re: Requesting support of the HeftellCampbell proposal lor~mortgage revenue bonds. Wallace Li Duncan, Duncan, Weinberg & Miller, P.C. Re: Proposal to perform a legal feasibility study respecting the formulation of a municipal electric utility by the Town of Southold. 3. Waiver request by Janest Geasa for Josph Crenshaw. e H2M proposal to conduct the One-Year Monitoring/Operation Assistance Program for the Southold Scavanger Waste Treatment Facility. Report by the North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. and possibly set~.up a committee to study the need for a current Dog Census. 6. Jim McMahon, Southold Community Development Agency Re: Proposals for innovative aquaculture programs. e Agreement with the Town of Shelter Island for telephone communications and receipt and dispatch of radio transmissions by the Town of Southold's Police Department Suffolk County Legislator Gregory Blass Re: National Weather Service Transmitter for Eastern Long Island. 9. Waiver request by Parker Wickham. 10/Extension request of Richard J. Cantwell, re: wetlands applica- tion and Long E.I.S. il/Refund of fee for a subdivison application filing fee to Richard J. Cantwell. 12. Housing Advisory Committee resumes. 13. Acquisition of Roads in West Creek Estates: Glenn Road, Shepard Drive and Grissom Lane. 14. Waiver request by Charles R. Cuddy for Barbara D. Schriever. 15. Necessary repairs to the Con~rence room at ~the Senior/Youth Recreation Center. 16. Mattituck Park District ; Pike St. Parking Lot. 17. Sylvia K. Rouse Re: transfer request. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - NOVEMBER 19, PAGE 5A 1985 VI FOR DISCUSSION: 18. Waiver request by Merlon E. Wiggin for Joseph and Linda Schoenstein, North Fork Welding. 19. Salary for'Nutrition Center Cook. 20. Proposed scenic and/or conservation easement of John B. Tuthill. 21. Appointment of a provisional Clerk-Typist in the Office of the Board of Assessors. ~OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - NOVEMBER 19, 1985 PAGE 6 WORK SESSION AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. Walter Krupski, Southold Promotion Bob Webb SEACOM Bob Wojack A.T.& T. Phones Waiver requests (Janet Geasa for Joseph Crenshaw)