HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-10/22/1985 OFFICE RVI-~OR FRANCIS J. MURPHY T~LD SUPERVISOR MAIN ROAD S0UTHOLD, L.I., N.Y* [197! AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OCTOBER 22~ 1985 3:00 P.M. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of October 22, 1985. Approval of the Minutes of October 8, 1985 and Special Meeting of October 15, 1985. Next Meeting Date: November 7, 1985 at 3:00 P.M. (Budget) at 7:30 P.M. (Regular) TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 II. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report - Tedeschi - September, 1985. 2. NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets Bureau of Dog Identification and Control - Municipal Compliance Report. Town Justice Monthly Rep6rt - Price - September, 1985. Policei, Department Monthly Report - September, 1985. Fishers Island Ferry District Report - Aug., Sept· 1985. Highway Fund Monthly Report - September, 1985. Recreation Department's Monthly Report - October 17, 1985. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. Councilmen's Reports. Supervior's Report. PUBLIC NOTICES: 1. US Army Corps of Engineers Re: Public Information Announcement to describe the Department's'nationwide permit program and to list current nationwide permits which are relevant to the repair activities which will be taking place. Southold Town Board Agenda - October 22, Page 2 1985 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Suffolk County Office for the Aging Re: Public Hearing Notice on the plans and programs for 1985. on Wednesday, October 23, 2985 at 2:30 P.M. at the Riverhead County Center. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Helen S. Brush, Mattituck-Cutchogue School District re: Thank you for participating in the forum on local government. Arline Richter Re: Thank you for replacing American Flag at the Triangle Memorial PARK. Joseph R. Caputo, Suffolk County Comptroller Office Re: result of Hurricane Gloria outage of street lights; therefore, deducting outage days from the LILCO bill. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: RESOLUTIONS: 1F/Trailer permit renewal of~ Ange & Barbara Boursiquot, Mattituck. 2~/Trailer permit renewal by George A. McCarthy, Laurel. 3F/Auth0rize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for a prefabricated modular kennel system. 4/Direct the Town Clerk to transmit the proposed ,LOCAL LAW in relation to Accessory Apartments in existing dwellings." to the Southold Planning Board and the Su£folk County fepartment of Planning. Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the proposed local law on accessory apartments. · 6~/Appoin%ments to the Southold Town Economic Advisory Committee(5). Southold Town Board Agenda - October 22, Page 3 1985 RESOLUTIONS: 7~ The Southold Town Board gi~es notice to Bayview Development Corp. that if a D.'EJI.S. is not received by November 22, 1985 the application shall be deemed withdrwn. 8.~/The Southold Town Board gives notice to S. Heagan Bayles that if a D.E.I.S. is not received by November 22, 1985 the application shall be deemed withdrawn. 9&/ Advertise for bids for the sale and removal of scrap metal from the Southold Town Landfill. 10/Advertise for bids for the sale and removal of scrap paper from the Southold Town Landfill. 11~/ Reappointments to the Southold Town Sell-Evaluation (handi- capped) Committee. 12~/ Advertise for bids for the purchase of Police Department uniform clothing. 13~'/Advertise for bids for the purchase of Heating Fuel Oil. 1A~-"Advertise for bids for the purchase of Diesel Fuel. 15~vertise for bids for the purchase of Gasoline. / 16~ Appoint Chief H. Daniel Winters as Town Safety Coordinator. 17~Trailer permit renewal of the First Baptist Church of :' Cutchogue . 18~/The Southold Town Board~approves the petition of Harold and Frederick Reese for relief from the Bulk requirements of the Zoning Code in "Harbor Lights, Section V" 19~/In accordance with the instructions of the Suffolk County Department of Civil Service, the Southold Town Board amends their resolution setting a salary for Mark Zaleski, /Public Safety Dispatcher. 20l/ Authorize Supervisor to execute amended grant application ~r the construction of the Southold Scavenger Waste Pretreatment Facility. 21/,,~ Reject the bid of Region Associates ~r construction of the Laurel Lake Recreation/Chamber of Commerce Project building. 22u'/ Authorize Town Clerk to readvertise ~r bids ~r the Construction of the //Laur~ ;Lake Recreation/Chamber of Commerce Project building. 23~ Set 7:50 P.M., November 7, 1985, Southold Town Hall, ~r public hearing on the Year 12 Federal Community Development Block Grant Funds to be received in 1986. 24~'~Grant Cutchogue Fire Department permission to hold Halloween Parade at 6:00 P.M., October 31, lg85 and use town roads ~r same. Southold Town Board Agenda - October 22, 1985 Page 3(a) 25Y' Town Board declares emergency exists necessitating construction of two new Dog Pound buildings and authorizes Superintendent of Highways Dean to be the general contractor for the construction, Town to purchase all necessary materials for this construction. / 26v//Appoint Helen K. DeVoe as Clerk-Typist in the Building Department, effective November I, 1985,. 27Vx~ Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for proposals for Town Insurance for 1986. 28,~'/Decision on the application of Ruth Enterprises for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14- 1985. 29~//Decision on the application of Garrett A. Strang, on behalf of Walter and /Marilyn Gatz, for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. 30V Decision on the application of Garrett A. Strang, on behalf of Joseph Lizewski, fora waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. / 31[//Decision on the application of Garrett A. Strang, on behalf of 125-127 Main Street Corp., for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. 32~/Decls.on on the application of John C. Tsunis, on behalf of "280 North Road", for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. 331// Decision on the application of Alfred M. Citelli, Jr., DDS, and Vincent M. ,Claps, DDS, for a waiver of the provisions of Local Law No. 14 - 1985. / 34V/ Decision on the application of Robert A. Celic for a waiver of the provisions /of Local Law No. 14- 1985. 351/ Town Board sets November 15, 198~ deadline for receipt of comments from the FAA with respect to the Phase I and II Airport Study. A Southold Town Board Agenda - October 22, Page 4 1985 WORK SESSION AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:00 P.M. (1-3 P.M. Bob Webb, SEACOM Gladys Csajko, Animal Shelter A.T.&T. Computers Planning Board Abigail Wickham, High Point Gerry~!Go~hringer, Z.B.A. discuss waiver applications) VI FOR DISCUSSION: 2. 3. 4. e 10. 11. 12. 13. Advertise for proposals for the Town Insurance Program. Trailer permit application of John B. Sepenoski. Signs requiring special exception applications. Waiver application (re: business moratorium) by Ruth Enterprises. Waiver application (re: business moratorium) by Walter & Mary Gatz. Waiver application (re: business moratorium) by Alfred M. Citelli, Jr. and Vincent M. Claps. Trailer permit application by David S, Hort0n. Waiver application (re: business moratorium) by Dynasty Packing, Inc. Waiver application (re: business moratorium) by Robert A. Celic. Waiver application (re: business moratorium) by 280 North Road. Building Department Officer Coordinator. Town Attorney Tasker re: three parcels of property that the Town is interested in acquiring. Waiver application (re: business moratorium) by Joseph Lizewski.