HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-08/27/1985FRANCIS J, MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFIIEIE ~RVISrlR TO__LO MAIN ROAD $OUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AUGUST 27~ 1985 3:00 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of August 27, Approval of the Minutes of August 13, 1985. 1985. ,Next Meeting Date: September 10~ 1985 at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report - Edwards - July, 1985. 2. Board of Town Trustees Monthly Report - July, 1985. 3. Police Department's Monthly Report - July, 1985. 4. Greenport Housing Alliance - Community Development Monitoring. 5. Councilmen's Reports. 6. Supervisor's Report. II. PUBLIC NOTICE: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District Re: Regional General Permit to authorize the construction of: timber piers, decks and mooring piles for non-commercial use in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. New York State Department of Transportation Re: Dredging of a temporary channel to allow a barge to deliver heavy stone fill to Route 25 Revetment at East Marion SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 27, 1985 PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICE: N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Philip J. Ofrias,Jr. to subdivide an 18± acre parcel into 4 lots, Long Creek and Arshamomaque Pond. III. COMMUNICATIONS: U.S. Congressman William Carney Re: Fishers Island Town Board meeting and the airport property on Fishers Island. U.S. Senator D'Amato re: forwarding Supervisor'Murphy's letter on small water systems to the EPA. 3. SUffolk County Legislator Gregory Blass Re: Single Parent Residence Project proposal. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3:50 P.M. on August 27, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall on the application of Thomas E. Samuels for permission to construct a concrete rip rap wall (revetment) on Narrow River Road, on Hallock's Bay, Orient. 7:30 P.M. on August 27, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall on !,A LOCAL LAW to provide for a Moratorium in certain zoning use Districts." RESOLUTIONS: If Environmental assessment on the Southold Town (STOP) Stop Throwing Out Pollutants Program to be held on September 14, 1985 at the Southold Town Landfill Site. / 2F/Environmental Assessment on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to the regulation of Floating Homes and Houseboats in the Town of Southold. 3/ Amendments to the Community Development Year 11 Program. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 27, 1985 PAGE 3 Ve RESOLUTIONS: 4~/Authorize Supervisor Murphy to execute a Grant Amendment/ Increase on the construction of the Scavanger Waste Pre- treatment Facility. 5~/Decision on the relief petition of Hodor/Staller. 6/ Dedication of "Inlet View East" in Mattituck on "Map of Inlet East Estates". 7/Authorize Supervisor Murphy to enter into a maintenance agreement with Mayday Communications for the ECHO-1 Recorder and Magnasync/Moviola Recording equipment at the Southold Town Police Headquarters. 8~The Southold Town Board will consider proposed amendments to the Community Development Year 11 Program at 7:30 P.M. on September 10, 1985. 9~Trailer permit renewal of Zdzislaw Mikolajczyk. 10~/The Southold Town Board appoints abeack, attendant. ll J Authorize Supervisor Murphy to enter into an agreement with Chemical Pollution Control, Inc to provide all technical expertise, equipment and labor necessary to fully carry out the Stop Throwing Out Pollutants (STOP) program day on September 14, 1985. 12~/Authorize Supervisor Murphy to enter an~application to the New York State Division of Youth for a $10,000 grant for a part-time counselor for the Juvenile Aid Bureau/Youth Services Program. 13JAuthorize the refund of the $50 filing fee for a Peddling License to Marisa Lepore. 14~/Authorize the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Telecom Plus for renewal of the Full Service and Maintenance Agreement for the phone system at the Town Hall. 15/Accept the "Instructor" Agreement for the use of the Southold Town Recreation Program. 16~Authorize the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Susanne Wood as a part-time Recreation Instructor. 17~Authorize the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Brad Neefus as a part-time Recreation Instructor. 18~Authorize the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Marie McGlynn as a part-time Recreation Instructor. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 27, PAGE 4 1985 RESOLUTIONS: 19 uthorize the Supervisor to enter into an agreement with Hidden Lake Farms Riding School and Stables as a part-time ~ ,~.~, ~Recreation.~nstructor. ./ 20~Authorize Susan Fossett, Recreation Director, to establish .~ a~ checking account for recreation activity fees.. ,~3~Authorize a start-up deposit in the Recreation Program checking account. 22F/ Allocate $500 to the Fishers Island Peoples Project to repair and paint two floats, tow to the beach, install swimming buoys, and build and install two new ladders for the floats. / 23~Authorize salar~ increases for Police Officers: Joseph A. Conway, Jr, Michael F. Fingerle, and Francis J. Rogers. 24~/Execute an acceptance agreement with US EPA with respect to the grant amendment/increase for the Southold Scavanger Waste Plant Project. 25fEstablish an Economic Advisory Committee to:'the Southold Town Board. 26~tablish the Southold Town Water District Policy with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. 27/Authorize Town Clerk to advertise mr bids mr construction of a building on Town property, Laurel, "Bid on Laurel Lake Recreation/Chamber of Commerce Proiect." 28~ Town Board requests Governor Cuomo: to reconsider the decision to c~ose the Division mr Youth He~iona~ Office in Hauppauge. 29~ to the Planning Board. 304~ Town Board rescinds resolution adopted on March 26, 1985 adopting the Deferred Compensation Plan for the employees of the Town. 31~/ Town Board declares itself lead agency in the matter of the petition of John. A. Costello for a change of zone from "A" to "M", and accepts the Draft ElS and Final Impact Statement submitted in the matter of the petition of John A. Costello for Annexation, with respect to his change of zone petition. 33t~ Authorize Supervisor to execute a New Project Description Form, creating "East End Community Services Project" in the Community Development Year 11 Budget, and establish a budget in the amount of $12,500.00. 30,/Town Board will consider amendments to Community Development Year 11 Program Budget at their 7:30 P.M., September 10th meeting. Authorize reimbursement to Ruth Enterprises for a filing fee overpayment SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA- AUGUST 27, 1985 PAGE ~. 35~' Appointment of Mike Jacobi to the Southold Town Licensing Review Board. 36fAppointment of Mark Zaleski as a Public Safety Dispatcher I, effective October 1, 1985, and receipt of authorization for him to transfer from Southampton Town. SO~THOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - AUGUST 27, 1985 PAGE 5 R_EVISED WORK SESSION AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. : 30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. Audit of Bills Gerald Goerhinger, ZBA Betty Wells - Deferred Compensation SEACOM - Public Referendum 12:15 P.M. 7:00 P.M. Richard Cron - Executive Session Meeting with the Council on Veterans Affairs VI FOR DISCUSSION: SUffolk County Executive Peter F. Cohalan re: NYS Division for Youth's recent decision to close its Long Island Regional Office. Re'imbU~sement of funds to Ruth Enterprise for a 'filing fee overpayment for a site plan application before the Planning Board. John A. Coste!lo Application for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Light Multiple Residence District. 4. Designate funds for the "East End Community Services Project" 5. Appointment to the Southold Town Licensing Review Board. 6. Authorize the transfer and appointment of a Public Safety Dispatcher I. e Groundwater Technology: Pollution & Transport Seminar September 18-20, 1985.