HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-07/30/1985FRANCIS J, MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFICE ~RVISOR T01~~~LO MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JULY 30~ 1985 3:00 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of July 30, 1985. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 16, 1985 and the Special Meeting of July 18, 1985. Next Meeting Dates: August 7, 1985 at 1:00 P.M., Fishers Island 'August 13, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report - Price - June, 2. Councilmen's Reports. 3. Supervisor's Report. 1985. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: U.S. Dep~-~ent of the Interior, Office of the Secretary Re: Coastal Barrier Resources Act; Section 10 - Report to Congress. Written comments by September 30, 1985. III. COMMUNICATIONS: IV. PUBLIC HEARING: SOD~HOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - JULY 30, 1985 PAGE 2 RESOLUTIONS: l'~/The Southold Town Board authorizes the Recreation Department to engage one bus to provide a senior citizen trip to the Fall Flower Show at Planting Fields Arboretum. 2~/ The Southold Town Board amends their resolution increasing the salary of Lifeguard John Hansen from $4.$5 per hour to $5.00 per hour. 3~/Trailer permit renewal by Frank A. Field Realty, Inc. 4/Environmental assessment on the proposed purchase of one used 4¼ cubic yard Payloader for the Southold Town Landfill. 5/Environmental Assessment on the proposed local law entitled "A LOCAL LAW in relation to the disposal of Scavanger Waste in the Southold Wastewater Disposal District." 6/Pending decision on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to the disposal of Scavanger Waste in the Southold Wastewater Disposal District." 7JEnVironmental Assessment on the Revised Highway Specifications and Standard Sheets of the Town of Southold. 8. Pending decision on the adoption of the revised Highway Specifications and Standard Sheets. 9/The Southold Town Board reSCinds their resolution authorizing the Town Clerk to advertise for "bids on Laurel Lake Recre- ation/Chamber of Commerce Project." lO~Southold Town Board resolution adopting an order authorizing the construction of a building to be used for public restrooms at Founder's ~anding Park, in the Southold Park District, ll~/The Southold Town Board adopts the Bond Resolution to appropriate $50,000 for the construction of a building to be used for a Public Restroom at Founder's Landing Park. 12/The Southold Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for the position of Part-time Clerk-Typist for the Recreation Program. 13~/ The Southold Town Board authorizes Randall Woodard, Consulting Engineer, to attend the demonstration of the Co-Composting Facility. 14¥ The Southold Town Board appoints Jennifer Wilson a Lifeguard. 15/ The Southold Town Board grants Walter Corwin, Building Inspector, his Step II salary increment. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - JULY 30, 1985 PAGE 3 Ve RESOLUTIONS: 16/The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to execute a Revised Grant Application for Federal Assistance Airport Improvement Progrsm, NYS DOT, Federal Aviation Administration for a grant to slurry seal and repaint the runways at Elizabeth Airport, Fishers Island. 17~/Pending decision on "A LOCAL LAW to provide for the regulation of Horses" 1._/~et 3;00 P,M.. Tuesday, Auaust 1~ 1985, Southold Town Hall- hearing o~' ~end~ng-d~¢l~-l-on on "A EOCAL ~AW in relation to parking restrictions, stop intersections and yield intersections." 19/The Southold Town Board authorizes the hiring of buses for a trip to Old Bethpage by the Southold Senior Citizens. 20/ The Southold Town Board authorizes the posting of a 5 mile per..hour speed limit to be posted at Cedar Beach Creek. 21~ The Southold Town Board authorizes the mile per hour speed limit to be posted 22~ The Southold Town Board authorizes the mile per hour speed limit to be posted 2S/The Southold Town Board authorizes the posting of a 5 at Richmond Creek. posting of a 5 at Downs Creek. posting of a 5 mile per hour speed limit to be posted at West Creek. 24/ Trailer permit renewal of John C. Tuthill, 25~/ The Southold Town Board authorizes Commissioner of Public · Works Dean to contract for the rental of a bulldozer for use at the Fishers Island Burn Dump. 26~Pending decision on the Petition of John Costello for ~/the annexation of 48.7 acres to the Village of Greenport,Inc. 27~ Transfer of funds - General Fund Whole Town. 2'8t// Transfer of funds - General Fund Part Town. 29/ Accept, with regret, resignation of Jeanne Hunter, part-time Account Clerk. 30/Grant Mattituck Fire Department permission to use Town roads for parade on August 11, 1985. / 31J Increase bond coverage to $50,000 for Account Clerks. 32/ Grant Northeast Stage Sq00.00 for production of Walt Whitman: Songs .of Ourselves. / 33/EnVironmental Assessment - Thomas E. Samuels Draft Environmental Assessment. SOUTfHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - JULY 30, 1985 PAGE 3(a) 34/ 39J Set 3:30 P.M., Tuesday, August 27, 1985, Southold Town Hall, for public hearing on application of Thomas E. Samuels for a Wetland Permit. Grant East End Arts &HLimanities Council $500.00 for Sixth Annual Douglas Moore Memorial Concert on August 10, 1985. Reject all bids for one (1) used 4-1/4 cubic yard Articulated Payloader. Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for bids for one (I) new 4-1/4 cubic yard Articulated Payloader. Town Board, declares itself lead agency in regard to proposed Local Law entitled. "A Local Law in relation to the Regulation of Floating Homes and Houseboats in the Town of Southold." Set 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 13, 1985, Southold Town Hall, for public hearing on proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to Floating Homes and Houseboats in the Town of Southold." SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - JULY 30, 1985 PAGE 4 VI. FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Val Stype & Sons, Inc. for the bookkeepers. re: additional Bond coverage 2. Southport Development - scoping for Draft EIS Pending decision on the Louis Hodor and Max Staller petition for relief from the Bulk requirements of the Zoning Code (two acre zoning) 4. Request for payment by the Northeast Stage. e Pending Environmental Assessment on the petition of Thomas E. Samuels to;'construct a concrete rip rap wall (revetment) 6. Town of Brookhaven, Councilman Donald W. Zimmer re: Grucci family "A Salute to Long Island, Grucci Style" 7. East End Community Services, Inc. grant. 8. Civil Service list for Planning Aide. 9. Sixth Annual Douglas Moore Memorial Concert request for additional funds. 10. App6intments to the Licensing Review Board. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. WORK SESSION AGENDA Audit of Bills Dimension Cablevision M. Giampietro & A. Blackmore Housing Cormmittee 4:00 P.M. Joint meeting on the Master Plan Review