HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/21/1985FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFICE ~RVI-~OR Tn~LD MAIN ROAD $OUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 AGENDA SOUTNOLD TOWN BOARD MAY .21, 1985 7:30 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of May 21, 1985. Approval of the Minutes of the May 7, 1985 Regular Meeting. Next Meeting Date: June 4th, 1985 at 7:30 P.M. REPORTS: 1. Southold Town Dog Shelter Report - March & April, 2. Highway Fund Report - April, 1985. $. Supervisors's Monthly Budget Report - April, 1985. 1985. 4. Fishers Island Ferry District Monthly Report - April, 1985. 5. Town Justice Monthly Report - Tedeschi - April, 1985. 6. Town Justice Monthly Report - Price - April, 1985. 7. Town Justice Monthly Report - Edwards - April, 1985. 8. Police Department's Monthly Report - April, 1985. 9. H.U.D. Community Development Fund - April, 1985. 10. Councilmen's Monthly Reports. 11. Supervisor's Monthly Report. Southold Town Board Agenda - May 21, 1985 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District Notice of Application by Kearnsport, Ltd, to dredge and construct abulkhead with backfill and piers at Sterling Basin, Greenport. Written comments by May 30, 1985. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by Doris Tornlund to construct a timber retaining wall with 2 returns, Little Creek, Cutchogue. Written comments by May 31, 1985. State of New York Public Service Commission Notice on. motion for rates charges, rules and regulations of Long Island Lighting Company for electric service; the public evidentiary hearing will be held at the Nassau County Executive Building, I West Street, Mineola on Monday, June 10, 1985 at 12:30 P.M.(will continue from day to day as necessary). Board of Elections, County of Suffolk Schedule of the local Registration Days at Southold Town Hall: Wednesday, October 9, 1985, 4:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Saturday, October 12, 1985, 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. III COMMUNICATIONS: 1. William Weinheimer, Coordinator, Income Tax Aide for Seniors. Re: Thank you for the use of the Senior/Youth Recreation Center and an Award Certificate issued by the Association of American Retired Persons. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Hearing re: Local Law on Unsafe Buildings and Collapsed Structures on the structure owned by Adelaide Barr at Peconic. Hearing at 9:30 A.M. on May 21, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall. Southold Town Board Agenda - May 21, 1985 Page 3 V. RESOLUTIONS: l~'~The Southold Town Board allocates $900.00 for the purchase of equipment for the Mattituck Men's Slow Pitch League. 2~he Southold Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a member of the Southold Town Water Advisory Conunittee. 3P/The Southold Town Board accepts, with regrets, the resignation of Rachel C. Duell as a member of the Southold .Town Conservation Advisory Council. 4/Environmental assessment on ~.L6cal Law No.7-1985 entitled "A LOCAL LAW to amend the Zoning Code in relation to dwelling unit density." 5~/~TThe Southold Town Board requests the enactment of Senate ' bill No. 5514 entitled "AN ACT establishing the Southold land preservation bank to preserve, acquire, hold and manage certain real property in the Town of Southold" 6/The Southold Town Board authorizes the release of the performance bonds on the abandoned subdivisions known as "Blue Horizons, Section 1 and 2". 7/The S0uthold Town Board allocates $1,400 for the purchase of equipment for the North Fork Little League. 8/The Southold Town Board grants Linda J. Cooper her Step II salary increment. 9~/The Southold Town Board appoints Beach Parking Attendants for the 1985 Summer Season. 10 he Southold Town Board appoints Lifeguards for the 1985 Summer Season. he Southold Town Board urges the Suffolk County Board of Health to act promptly to adopt Article 7. 12~The Southold Town Board request the State Legislature to adopt legislation to limit public officials liability and/ or mandate carrier's provision thereof. 13~W/The Southold Town Board allocates funds for the use of a bus by the Southold Senior Citizens Club. 14F~he Southold Town Board accepts the bid for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with a Street Sweeper. 15/The Southold Town Board grants Diane M. Schultze her Step II and III salary increments. Southold Town Board Agenda - May 21, 1985 Page 4 RESOLUTIONS: 16/The Southold Town Board allocates $400 for the purchase of equipment for the MattituckWomen's Softball League. 17'/The Southold Town Board authorizes the Town Historian to attend the Archives and Manuscript Workshop at Riverhead.- / 18/Set a Public Hearing at 8:00 P.M. on July 2, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall on the relief petition (2 acre zoning) of Louis Hodor and Max Staller. 19~The Southold Town Board appoints a part-time Account Clerk. 20v~'Town Board authorizes amendment of CSEA contract whereby Memorial Day shall be observed on May 27th rather than May 30th. 21/~Authorize refund of Board of Appeals filing fee to Gary Doroski. Appeal No. 3362. 22t// Town Board to authorize by resolution all moneys allocated, paid, encumbered or contracts, etc. for use of Community Development Funds. Southold Town Board Agenda - May 21, 1985 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS: LAST ORDER OF BUSINESS /The Southold Town Board adjourns this day, out of respect to the memory of CORWIN C. GRATHWOHL, Councilman of the Town of Southold from January 26, 1961 through December 31, 1963. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 2:30 P.M. WORK SESSION AGENDA Local Law Hearing on Barr R. Douglass - Landfill Equipment Chief Winters~S.T.P.D. rules and regulations Review of Master Plan (bring your books) Nick Aliano - Parking restrictions VI. FOR DISCUSSION: 1. C.S.E.A. Benefit Fund. 2. Szepatowki Associates re: Local regulations on "Berms" 3. R.P.P.& W. re: proposed work schedule 4. Proposed letter to Real Estate Brokers regarding For Sale Signs. John F. Raynor, President, ST CSEA Unit Re: Memorial Day Observation. Review of Chapter 44 - 20 - revisions regarding preparation and review of Environmental Impact Statements. Southold Town Board of Appeals re: Recommendation and request to refund filing fee to Gary Doroski.