HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-04/09/1985FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFIO£ ~ERVI-~OR MAIN ROAD $OUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APRIL 9~ 1985 7:30 P.M. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the April 9th, 1985 Audit of Bills. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 26th, Next Meeting Date: April 23, 1985 at 3:00 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1985. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 1. Building Inspectors Monthly Report - Lessard - March, 1985. 2. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - Terry - March, 1985. 3. Town Trustees' Monthly Report - Smith - March, 1985. 4. Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report - March, 1985. 5. Town Justice Monthly Report - Edwards - March, 1985. 6. Szepatowski Associates Monthly Report - March, 1985. 7. Police Departments Monthly Report - Winters - March, 1985. 8. Councilmen's Reports. 9. Supervisor's Report. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ,AGENDA - APRIL 9, 1985 PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: 1. SOLAR ENERGY CONFRENCE, Saturday, April 13th, 1985 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. athe Mattituck-Cutchogue High School N.Y.S., Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by Suffolk County Dept. of Public Works to dredge the entrance of Mill Creek. Written comments by April 19, 1985. N.Y.S., Department of Environmental Conservation Re: Notice of Complete Application by Briscoe Smith to subdivide 4± acres into 4 lots, Little Hay Harobor, Fishers Island. Written comments by April 19, 1985. Public Notice on the Construction to raise the LIRR bridge over Route 25 at Laurel. Work to commence on April 15,1985 to April 30, 1985. Road detours will be in effect for this period of time. N.Y.S., Dept. of Transportation, Traffic and Safety Division Re: "One Hour" parking restriction for 175± feet on north side of Route 25~ west of Depot Lane, Cutchogue. Southold Town Water Advisory Committee Meeting Re: Water Problems, on Wednesday, April 10th, 1985 at 7:30 P.M., at the Senior/Youth Recreation Center, Peconic Lane, Peconic. 7. N.Y.S., Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by Jean Hartford to construct a garage, Jacobs Lane and Main Bayview Lane, Southold. Written comments by April 19, 1985. 8. N.Y.S. Department of Transportation Re: designation of restricted Highway- State Route 25, at the intersection of County Road 48 a lenght of .20 mi. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Alice Hussie, President, SEACOM Re: the SEACOM committee offers thanks for the positive vote to fund the feasibility study and further offers their cooperation. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ~AGENDA - APRIL 9, 1985 PAGE 3 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, April 9, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted by Elizabeth J. Homan, in connection with her petition for a change of zone from "A" to "C", Main Road, Cutchogue. 2. 8:05 P.M., Tuesday, April 9, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to license fees for junkyards". 3. 8:10 P.M., Tuesday, April 9, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to Dog License Fees." RESOLUTIONS: l~The Southold Town Board grants permission to the Southold Fire Department to use Town roads for their 15th Annual Old Fashioned Parade and Drill on Saturday, July 8, 1985. / 2~ The Southold Town Board grants permission to the Mattituck High School Council to use Town roads on Saturday, May 11, 1985 for the 3.1 mile RUN for H.U.G.S. 3/Pending decision on "A LOCAL LAW to amend the Zoning Code in relation to dwelling unit density." Public Hearing was held on March 12th, 1985. 4~'/Environmental assessment on the petition of Suffolk Cement Precast, Inc. for a Sand and Gravel Pit Permit. 5/The Southold Town Board agrees to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of State in the develop- ment of a Waterfront Revitalization Program. 6~The Southold Town Board grants permission to Maryann Fleischman to attend a two day seminar on Child Abuse and Neglect at Adelphi University. 7F/ The Southold Town Board grants permission to Conservation Advisory Council Members (2) to attend a meeting for the formation of a Citizens Advisory Committee, sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 8¥The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to enter into an agreement with Diane M. Schultze to provide secretarial services to the Southold Town Farmland Preservation Committe. 9/The Southold Town Board respectfully demands that the NYS Legislature immediately adopt legislation which would have the state provide itself or otherwise mandate the provision by insurance carriers of Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance for municipalities and further the State impose a cap as to any claim. ~SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - APRIL 9,1985 PAGE 4 Ve RESOLUTIONS: 10/Environmental assessment on the application of Thomas E. Samuels for a wetlands permit to construct concrete rip rap wall; Narrow River Rd, Orient. ll~Set a Public Hearing at 3:00 P.M. on May 7, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall on the application of Thomas E. Samuels to construct a concrete rip rap wall. 12/ The Southold Town Board appoints a part-time~~ 13/The Southold Town Board approves the reduction in the bond for roads and improvements in the subdivision known as "Grandview Estates" at Orient. 14/The Southold Town Board approves amendments to the Southold Town Land Subdivision Regulations. 15~ The Southold Town Board creates the unsalaried, voluntary position of Coordinator for Veteran's Affairs in the Town of Southold. 16 he Southold Town Board appoints Richard Diehl as Coordinator for Veterans Affairs in the Town of Southold. 17/The Southold Town Board authorizes the release of the perform- ance bond in the amount of $16,000 for roads and improvements eithin the subdivision of "Town Harbor Terrace", Southold. 18/The Town of Southold accepts the proposal for the cleaning of the uniforms of the members of the Southold Town Police Department. 19/The Southold Town Board ~ the bid for supplying the Town with one street sweeper. 20'/ The Southold Town Board appoints Robert Muir as Beach Manager for the 1985 season. 21/The Southold Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of one Springfield Controls Fuel Control Recorder. 22/The Southold Town Board resolves that a parking permit (as per Chapter 65) shall not be requirement in addition to a valid permit issued for Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse ( as per Chapter 48) ( Southold Town Code). 23/The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to execute a supplemental agreement as part of the Suffolk County Revitalization Grant Program - Cross Sound Ferry Economic Development Project, providing for a grant. ,SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - APRIL 9, 1985 PAGE 5 RESOLUTIONS: 24~he Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to enter into an agreement with the Cross Sound Ferry, Inc. whereby they are loaned the sum of $100,000 at an interest rate of 6% for the completion of the Improvements to the Orient Point Ferry Terminal. 25~The Southold Town Board appoints Carol A. Daly as a part-time Driver Messenger for the Southold Town Hall. 26~ The Southold Town Board authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to accept the bid for · drydocking the M/V MUNNATAWKET. 27~_~e Southold Town Board authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to accept the bid for the construction of a new docking facility at New London, Connecticut. 28~The Southold Town Board authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to advertise for bids for repairs and renovations of the brick Cape Cod single family dwelling located at Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island. 29~/Trailer permit renewal of George A. McCarthy; Laurel. 30.a~The Southold Town Board requests the enactment of Senate Bill No. 4724 entitled "AN ACT to amend chapter 246 of the laws of 1916, relating to the extermination of mosquitos and the establishment of districts therefor, in relation to the amount of the annual appropriation by the Town of Southold for the Orient Mosquito District." 30b~The Southold Town Board requests the enactment of ~sembly Bill No. 6633 (companion bill to S.4724) 37/Southo~d Town Board goes on record in support of the Orient Association's ef~rts to have Orient Point become a passive park. 32.a,/Town Board elects to provide the additiOnal pension benefits of Section 375-e, as presently or herea~er amended, and entitled "guaranteed retirement benefits ~r employees of participating empIoyers'L to the Southold Town PBA. 32.bt/Town Board elects Io provide the Career Retirement Plan of Section 375-g of the Retirement and Social Security Law as presently or hereafter amended, ~r employees of participating employers,., to the Southold Town PBA. 32.cV/Town Board elects to provide the benefits of Section 375-i of the Retirement and Social Security Law as presently or hereafter amended, to the Southold Town PBA. 33/"~Appoint Barbara Rudder to replace Linda Taplin as a part-time Clerk-Typist ~r the Board of Appeals. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - APRIL 9, 1985: PAGE 5(a) 34~" Authorize. the sale of Lot 38, Greenport Driving Park, to the Greenport Housing Alliance. 35v'/Trailer permit fo~ Jacqueline B. Moeller. 36~/Town Board goes on record in support of Senate Bill No. 3047 and Assembly Bill No. 888: i*elative to landfills; and Senate Bill:No. 1994 and Assembly Bill:No. 1067 relative to the extractive mining industry. ' 37/Enactment of Local; Law. No. 8 ~ ;.1985~ entitled, "A LoCal. Law in relation tol license fees forl junkYards." " SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - APRIL 9, 1985 PAGE 6 WORK SESSION AGENDA AUDIT OF BILLS 8:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 11:45 A.M. FOR D'ISCUSSION Police Committe Meeting Gerry Goerhinger - Z.B.A. Linnett St. property- Bessie Swan, Beverly Smith Victor Lessard - Building George Wetmore, Dick Haefeli Mr. Aksen - dredging Henry Smith - dredging 1. New York State Conservation Corps. 2. Planning Board - proposed amendments to subdivision fees. 3. Trailer permit application of Jacqueline B. Moiler, Hidden Lake Farm, County Route 48, Southold.