HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-02/05/1985FRANC S J, MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFIOE ~RVlSOR WIN ROAD $OUTHOLD, L.I.,N.Y. 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD FEBRUARY 5~ 1985 7:30 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the February 5, 1985 Audit of Bills. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of January 22, Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 26, 1985. ~PECIAL RESOLUTION: The Southold Town Board recognizes and congratulates the SOUTHOLD SETTLERS VARSITY TEAM for winning the New York State Class D Soccer Championship for 1984. 1985. REPORTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Assessors Report - Watts - December, 1984. Board of Appeals Annual Report - Goehringer - 1984. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - Terry - January, 1985. Housing Rehabilitation - Client Update - January, 1985. Building Inspectors Monthly Report - Lessard- January, 1985. Planning Board Annual Report - Orlowski - 1984. Town Trustees Annual Report - Smith - 1984. Recommendations regarding Arshamomaque Pond - Bredemeyer. Town Justice Monthly Report - Price - January, 1985. Supervisor's Annual Budget Report - 1984 Supervisor's Monthly Report - January, 1985. Councilmen's Reports. Supervisor's Report. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - FEBRUARY 5, 1985 PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by Strong Marine Center to Construct boat racks, pave road and work areas, and install 4' wide open rock covered shoulders. Written comments by February, 1985. 4e Se Se New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice.of~Complete Application by Howard Shapiro to construct a single f~ly d~elling, deck and 4' wide board walk, Anchor Lane, Southold. Written comments by February 15,~ 1985. New York State Board of Equalization and Assessment Notice of Tentative State Equalization Rate for the 1984 Assement Rate for the Town of Southold - 9.03 East End Arts and Humanities Council Metropolitan Opera Ballet at Riverhead High School March 9, 1985. on New.~Yo~k State Legislative Commission on Solid Waste Management. Notice of Public Hearing on proposed legislation to amend the environmental conservation law to set standards and criteria for the operation of and the control of air emissions from municipal solid waste incinceration facilities. Public Hearing on February 13, 1985 at 10:00 A.M. Albany, N.Y. The Long Island Rail Road Company - Revised Schedules to take affect on February 4, 1985. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Dimension Cable Services Re: Rebuild construction in the Southold area which will cause interruptions in service. Dimension Cable Services Re: Launching new system in the Town of Southold on February 1, 1985 - new system of 25 channels. Richard A. Ehlers, Town Attorney, Town of Riverhead Re: Union Carbide: copy of agreement with Suffolk County and the proposed settlement of the class action suit against same. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - FEBRUARY 5, PAGE 3 1985 III. COMMUNICATIONS: Lois Sauthoff, President, Mattituck Chamber of Commerce Re: Thank yOU for the functional and beautiful parking lot in Mattituck. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 9:30 A.M. on February 5, 1985 at the Southold Town Hall Hearing pursuant to Chapter 90 of the Code of the Town of Southold (unsafe Building & Collapsed Structures) Pasquale Gemma & ux, property on Main Road, Cutchogue. RESOLUT IONS: Pending decision on_the purchase of property, 2.796 acres Lower Road, Southold for the purpose of constructing a recharge basin. Public Hearing was held on Jan. 22, 1985. Trailer permit renewal of John C. Tuthill, Mattituck. Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement between the Town and Suffolk County for a $10,000 Special Delinquency Prevention Program Grant. The Southold Town Board authorizes Officers and employees to attend the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns. 5~/The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to submit a proposal to the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets for an Aquacultural Development Project Grant. 6/Pending decision.on the major subdivision "Blue Horizon" being developed in the cluster concept. 7~/ The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to \ to submit a proposal to the Suffolk County Department of Planning for selected hard clam resource management activities. 8/The Southold Town Board authorizes the hiring of one bus for a trip for the Southold Senior Citizens Club. 9/ The Southold Town Board authorizes the transmittal of proposed Local Law entitled "A LOCAL LAW to amend the Zoning Code in relation to dwelling unit density." SOUTHOLD TOWN' BOARD AGENDA - FEBRUARY 5, PAGE 4 1985 RESOLUTIONS-. 10P/Pending decision on the Sage P.roperty, Section I, being developed in the cluster concept. ll~/Southold Town Board amends their resolution to transfer funds - Highway Department. 12J The Southold Town Board amends their agreement with Special Town Attorney, Francis J. Yakaboski, to increase the per hour compensation. '~I3~~ Th~-Southold Town Board amends their agreement with Special Town Attorney, Richard F. Lark, to increase the per hour compensation. 14/ The"S'°uth01d Town Board amends their agreement with Special Town Attorney, Richard J. Cron, to increase the per hour compensation. 15/The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to enter into an agreement with the Suffolk County Office for the Aging. 16~ The Southold Town Board allocates $100 for the payment fee to the Suffolk County Department of Parks and Recreation for the use of their Showmobile for a performance of the joint High School Jazz Ensembles. 17/The Southold Town Board allocates funds for the repair of two recording resuscitating dummies used by the Southold Town Emergency Instructors, used for CPR courses. 18/The Southold Town Board allocates $100 for the payment fee to the Suffolk County Department of Parks an Recreation for the use of their Showmobile for the Suffolk County American Legion Convention. 19/ The Southold Town Board advertises for resumes for the position of part-time Clerk Typist for the Town. 20~/The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to enter into an agreement with Charles E. Graves for the purpose of negotiating The Civil Service Employees Association, Inc. 21~/Authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for the services of a consultant to apply to the NYS DOT, Federal Aviation Admin- istration to apply for a grant to slurry seal. and repaint the runways at Elizabeth Airport. 22F/The Southold Town Board appoints a temporary Clerk-Typist at the Southold Town Police Headquarters. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - FEBRUARY 5, PAGE 5 1985 V. RESOLUTIONS: 23/ 24¥ 25/ 26/ The Southold Town Board engage the services of a consulting firm to prepare the final grant application to the NYS Department of State for the proposed Southold Town Waterfront Revitalization Grant. The Southold Town Board grant temporary Fire Inspector Robert A. Fisher a salary, increase. The South9ld Town Board proclaims the month of March NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH in the Town of Southold. The Southold Town Board authorizes and approves the Change Order No. I - General Construction and Mechanical Work~. Southold Scavanger Waste Treatment Facility, and additional cost of $1,031.70. 27/The Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to enter into agreement with Maryann Fleischman for consulting services under the Southold Town Youth Services. 28/The Southold Town Board amends their resolution to authorize transfer of funds within the 1984 Federal Revenue Sharing Budget. 29/The Southold Town Board authorizes the three assessors to attend a seminar on Assessment Administration. 30W' Trailer permit renewal of Frank J. McBride. 31/The Southold Town Board approves James McMahon's attendance at a two0day conference on "Affordable Housing" 32F/The Southold Town Board creates two positions for'Police Officer. 33/The Southold Town Board purchases the Vita Stat Blood Pressure Machine. ~'.~ne Southold Town Board decision on considering the possibility o condemnation of properties for airport. 35~Set a Public Hearing On a "LOCAL LAW on a retirement incentive p~ogram for Town employees" 36~ending decision on the Harold Reese and Frederick Reese relief petition from the Bulk requirements of the Zoning Code. 37Fw Decision on the Gemma Unsafe Buildings and Collapsed Structures 38/ Set a Public Hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. 39F/Pending decision on the application by Brewer Yacht Yard at Greenport, Inc. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - FEBRUARY 5, PAGE 6 1985 WORK SESSION AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:00 P.M. AUDIT OF BILLS Nutrition Program Report Unsafe Buildings Hearing Receiver of Taxes Report Town Trustees Report Landfill Report Town Attorney Report Highway Department Report 2:15 P.M. 2:30 P.M. Fred Thiel, Land Bank Edward J. Carpenter, Marine Sciences Research Center Harold Walters, Junkyard Permit FOR DISCUSSION 5. 6. 7. Insertion of vehicle permit application in Town tax bills. Board of Town Trustees Re: Wade and Glover vs. Town Trustees Board of Town Trustees Re: support any research into monitoring and the study of Gonyaulax tamatensis of "red tide" organism. (2:30 Work session) Conservation Advisory Council Re: Request that inspections of walkways not be given to CAC. Aged Exemptions in the Town of Southold Suffolk County Department of Labor Re:~ 1985 Summer Youth Conservation Corps Program Deferred Compensation Plan FOR DISCUSSION - POSSIBLE RESOLUTION 8. The purchase of the Vita Stat Blood Pressure Computer 9. Trailer permit application of Robert Johnsen 10. Reese relief petition 11. Brewer Yacht Yard ( Mr. Natchez will be here at 4:30 P.M.) 12. Determination on the requests for opinions on condemnation letter from Paul S. Puckli.