HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-12/02/1986FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA DECEMBER 2, 1986 7:30 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 {5161 765-1939 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the policy that at scheduled Town Board meetings the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. -- June 3, 1986. Call to order. Pledge of Al__legiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of December 2, 1986. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 18, 1986. NEXT MEETING DATE: December 16, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. (a) Fishers Island Ferry District Monthly Report - September. (b) Fishers Island Ferry District Monthly Report - October. 2. Town Clerks Monthly Report - November. 3. Highway Department Monthly Report - October. 4. Councilmen's MonthlY Report. 5. Supervisor's Monthly Report. II. PUBLIC NOTICE: US Army Corps of Engineers, notice to reconstruct bulkhead, place backfill, and fill, Conklin Point, Greenport. Written comments'by December 15, 1986. ' ' US Army Corps of Engineers notice of Corps of Engineers regulatory program reauthorization of the nationwide permit effective January 13, 1986. New York State Department of State is preparing to hold hearings on the Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats in Suffolk and Nassau counties, as part of the preheating process the habitat documentation is available for public review in the Town Clerk's Office. SO~THOLD TOWN BOARD '" ~GENDA - DECEMBER 2, PAGE 2 1986 COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Copy of a letter to Bessie Swarm, Greenport Housing Alliance in regard to a review of the Existing Housing program. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1.~ 8:00 P.M. at the Southold Town Hall on the proposed "Local Law in relation to Board of Appeals Fees." 2. 8:05?P.M. at Southold Town Hall on Zehner formerly "Southport" reconvened from November 18, 1986. "FEIS" RESOLUTIONS: l~Transfer Robin Martin part-time Clerk Typist from the Justice Court to the Building Department effective December 1, 1986. 2~Accepts the bid of Manno Uniform and Security Corp. for furnishing Southold Police Department uniform clothing.fiscal year 3~Authorizes Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement between Howard Reinhart and others for a lease of concrete building for storage for the Highway Dept. 4F/Southold Town Board declare lead agency on the petition of John Costello for a change of zone from "M" to "AHD" on property located at Moores Lane and County Route 48 Greenport. 5~irect the Town Clerk to transmit a petition for change of zoning "M" to "AHD" to the Southold Planning Board and the Suffolk County Planning Department. 6~/Sets 8:00 P.M. Tuesday, December 30, 1986, Southold Town Hall as time and place for a public hearing on Year 13 Federal Community Develdpment Block Funds. 7~/Authorizes Supervisor Murphy to execute a contract between the Town of Southold and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Section 8 Annual Contributions. (Project No. NY36-V152-003) Master Acct. No. NY 1045V 8/Authorises Supervisor Murphy to execute a contract between the Town of Southold and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Section 8 Annual Contributions. (Project No. NY36-V152-006) Master Acct. No. NY1049E. 9f Town Board of Southotd approves amendments to the Town of Southold Land Subdivision Regulations. 10/Southold Town Board set 7:55 P.M., December 16, 1986 at Southold Town Hall as time and place for a Public Hearing on proposed Local Law in relation to fees for Building permit and C.O. fees. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - DECEMBER 2. 1986 yPage 3 Ve RESOULTIONS (Continued) 11/ Expenditure of monies received from the state for repair and improvements of the highway. 12~ Authorizes the transfer of funds within the Fishers Island Ferry District 1986 Budget. 13~- .Authorize the Supervisor to execute an agreement Robert Gilbert and the Town for an easement for highway drainage:i, in Cutchogue. 14/ Authorizes and directs Supervisor Murphy and Deputy Supervisor KuJawski to execute necessary forms: ~ with respect to the contract with European American Bank for the SC Consortium Home Improvement Program and the transfer of funds. · ~ 15JAuthorize' Supervisor to apply to NYS-DEC for NYState funding for a study of erosion problems in~the area along the shoreline of L.I. Sound between Duck Pond Point and H'ortons Point. ;,,:, '= -~ 161/'FAccel~t the bid'of B.P~. Wreckers; 'Etd. '{~o~ purchase of scrap paper from the Landfill for fiscal year :1987. 17'.,/'Deternlin~e amount to be deposited with Town in~ lieu of land for park and playground in'major subdivision of Crowley Estates, Southold. 18F/Determine amount to be deposited with Town in' lieu of land for park and playground in major subdivision of Deborah D. Edson, Cutchogue. , ; 191Y'~Set ThurSday, January 22, :1987, 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. to : 9:00 P.M. for public'hearing on "A Local Law to amend the Southold Town Zoning Code and the Zoning Map inCOrporated thereini to implement, in'whole or in' part, the recommendations of the Master Plan Update prepared by the Planning Board." 20///Exempt public:libraries within~the Town of Southold from payment of the annual charge for supplements to the Code of the Town of Southold. 21v/XAuthorize' Superintendent of Highways Jacobs to apply to the DEC for a permit to stabilize. the shoreline at Kenneys Beach. 221/Authorize the Supervisor to execute a letter of agreement with the Village of Greenport to establish the rate of hook-up to the sewer line by residents of Seventh Street, Greenport. / 23i,/Authorize' residences of Seventh Street, Greenport, which aretncluded in:the income eligible Housing Rehabilitation Program, to have the hook-up charges to the sewer line paid' by Community Development Funds. Sbuthold Town Board Agenda- December 2, 1986 P~age 3A 2~lV~ Authorize' Town Clerk to advertise for an Accountant in the New York Times. 25b/ Rescind Resolution No. 28 of November 18, 1986 with respect to accepting the proposal of Holzmacher, McLendon & Murrell, P.C. for engineering services for the Part 360 application for the Landfill; 26u/' Enactment of Local Law No. 16 - 1986, "A Local Law in Relation to Board Appeals Fees". 27.~J~uuthorize the (Town Clerk to advertise for bids for construction of an office building at the Scavenger Waste Plant. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - DECEMBER 2, 1986 PAGE 4 VI FOR DISCUSSION Accepts the bid of B.P. WRECKERS for tha purchase of all scrap paper from the landfill~and authorizes the Supervisor to execute a contract. Regarding a resolution passed by the Trustees proposing the initiation of a water study of the upmapped F.I. aquifer.. Determination of amount to be deposited in lieu of land for park and playground in the major subdivision of Crowley Estates. Determination of amount to be deposited in lieu of land for park and playground in the major subdivision of Deborah D. Edson 5. Implementation of all or part of the recommendations of the Master Plan Update as prepared by the Planning Board. 6. Recommendation of a pay increase for Arleen Oliver, Trustees OffJ 7. Set up date for interviews for Town Historian. 8. A1 Krupski request to for solution to building a house. Exem~pt all public libraries from payment of annual charges for supplements to the Code of Southold Town. WORK SESSION AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 9:45 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Kenneys Beach Shoreline Erosion Committee Dog Pound Building Contract Eweson Digestor Weidell Landmark Preservation