HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-07/29/1986FRANCIS J, MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFICE TI RVISOR LD MAINROAD SOUTHO~,L.I.,N.Y. 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JULY 29~ 1986 7:30 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the policy that at scheduled Town Board meetings the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. June 3, 1986. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of July 29, 1986. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 15, 1986. Next Meeting Dates: August 6, 1986 at 1:00 P.M., Fishers Island August 12, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report - Edwards June, 2. East End Counseling Project Report - June 26, 1986. 1986. 3. Audit Report Fishers Island Ferry District - 1985 4. Councilmen's Reports. 5. Supervisor's Report. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Department of the;;Army, NewfYork Dis:trict; Corps of Engineers application by Budd's Pond Marina to construct timber bulk- head, backfill, and wave screen. Budd's Pond. Written comments by August 6, 1986. ~OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD "AGENDA - JULY 29, 1986 PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Times Mirror Cable Television Re: No rate increases in 1986.. New York State Commission on Cable Television regulation regarding rate increases. New York State Department of Transportation Notice of Order expanding the 30 MPR speed in West Mattituck. III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Southold Town Baymen's Association, Inc. Re: Road run-off 2. Orient Association, Helen Proud, President Re: Preserving Orient Point as a "passive park". Suffolk County Office for the Aging, Frank C. Trotta, Director Re: Approval of Plan to award $8,408 for Brief Respite Services for the Town of Southold. IV. PUBLIC HEARING: RE~LUTIONS: 1VSouthold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to enter into a contract with Chief Winters for the terms and conditions of his employment. 2~outhold Town Board authorizes the purchase of a copy machine for the Southold Town Police Department. / 3Y/Highway Department to take the necessary steps to clean and groom the Old Cemetary located in Brown's Hills, Orient. 4/Rescind resolution No. 22, July 1, 1986: transferring funds from Joint Youth Activity Account. AY/Authorize expenditures from the Recreation Activity ee Account. B~ Authorize eXpenditure by the Recreation Department for Ocean trip. 'SOOTHOLD TOWN BOAP,.D "AGENDA - JULY 29, 1986 PAGE 3 RESOLUTIONS: 5/Southold Town Board authorizes Judith T. Terry to be the second signatory on the Town of Southold Recreation Activity Fees Account. 6~ Southold Town Board accepts with regrets the resignation of Janet Staples. 7/Award the bid for one Welding Machine. 8/Set a Public Hearing for 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 12, 1986 at the Southold Town Hall on a proposed "LOCAL LAW in relation to Stop Intersections". 9/Southold Town Board authorizes the advance funds to pay J.R. Home Improvements for work performed at the Laurel Lake/Chamber of Commerce Project. 10~Southold Town Board authorizes Supervisor Murphy to enter into an agreement with the County of Suffolk, Office for the Aging for the operation of the Brief Respite Program. 11~/ Southold Town Board as Home Health Aide. 12/ Southold Town Board as Home Health Aide. l~}~Southold Town Board · Angelo Accardo. accepts the resignation of Marion Gordon accepts the resignation of Faith Tiner authorizes the salary increase for 14~' Transfer of funds - General Fund Part Town Budget 15/Transfer of funds General Fund Whole Town Budget. 16/ Appoint Renee Chituk as a Beach Parking Attendant. 17~Grant permission for use of Southold Town roads £or Crop Wlak. 18~ Appoint Ortud B. Hanus as part-time clerk in Account Department. ! 1~/ Transfer of funds within the Fishers Island Ferry District 1986 budget. 20. Advances funds from General Fund Whole Town to pay $4500. for Community Development Costs to be reimbursed. 21~ Appoint Lori McIver as Health Aide in Adult Day Care Center. 22~/Appoint Marion O.Connon, Roberta Zebroski and May Johnson as Respite Aides in Brief Respire Program. 23VGrants permission for V. McKeighan to advertise for Assistant Cook at Nutrition Program. Southold Town Board Agenda - July 29, 1986 Page 3A ? 24~ ~Authorize Supervisor to sign Suffolk County Consortium Project Description ~ Form for the allocation of additional $29,000 consortium funds to two afford- v able housing projects. 251~Appointment of Venetia McKeighan as Southold Town Director of Senior Services. 261~Recognize and designate Southold Town Geriatric Network and appoint committee members. 27~Application of Alfred W. Steiner for the transfer of his Trailer Permit to Roy J. Schoenhaar. 2Bi'Authorize Commissioner of Public Works Jacobs to exchange sand for clay coming into the Landfill Area by Roscoe King, contractor, on behalf of Harold Reese, Major Subdivision of Hill Crest at Orient. 29k~Town Board sets 8:05 P.M., Tuesday, August 12, 1986, Southold Town as time and place for a public hearing on proposed "Local Law to repeal the Home Improvement Contractors Law of the Town of Southold." 30~/Resolution and Bond Act authorizing the Town of Southold to (A) establish, own and operate a public utility system, (b) acquire the distribution facilities of LILCO at estimated maximum cost of $23,555j000,00 31P/ Resolution providing for the submission of Resolution No. 30 at the General Election to be held on November 4, 1986. 32b~ProViding for the publication of resolution and bond act No. 30 and notice of submission of a proposition thereon at the General Election. 33Y/ Creation of the position of Senior Building Inspector. 341~Town Board declares themselves Lead Agency with respect to proposed j'Local Law to provide for the regulation of public assemblies." 35y Authorize Town Clerk to submit proposed "Local Law to provide for the regulation of public assemblies" to the Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning for recommendations. 36~<~uthorize Town Clerk to submit to the Southold Town Planning Board v/~ and Suffolk County Department of Planning the Town Board's motion to change the zone of the property of John A. Costello, located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Moores Lane and County Route 48, Greenport, from "M" Light Multiple Residence to "A" Residential and Agricultural District. 371Authorize the Supervisor to execute a contract between the Town and North Fork Animal Welfare League, Inc. for their August 1, 1986 through July 31, 1988 contract. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - JULY 29, 1986 PAGE 4 VI. FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Transfer of Trailer Permit from Steiner to Schoenhaar. 2. H2M - permeability test results - clay sample. 3. Corrections to the Police Station Building. 4. Community Development Director Joseph T. Sanseverino letter denying the Town's request to utilize the wood chip grinder on Fishers Island. 5. Refund request by Greenbriar Homes, Inc. 6. Proposals for new carpeting at the Southold Town Hall. 7. Set Hearing on PROPOSED local law to repeal Home Improvement Contractors Law of~Southold Town. 8. Position description of Senior Building Inspector. .~0UTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA JULY 29, 1986 PAGE 5 WORK SESSION AGENDA 8:30 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:45 A.M. 9:50 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. AUDIT OF BILLS Meet at Kenny's Beach Repairs to Police Station (VI-3) W~nters & Jacobs McMahon - New Community Development Funds. Cesspool licenses - Lessard G. Mellas - various items V. McKeighan - Title change SEACOM referendum Bitses & Webb H2M - Solid Waste Report Loesch 2:00 P.M. 2:15 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. Cutchogue Library - Peters Southold Water Advisory Committee - Bear Master Plan - Zoning Interviews for Public Safety Dispatcher (3 interviews) EXECUTIVE SESSION - N.F.A.W.L., Inc. Contract Negotiations