HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/06/1986t ~ FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR OFFIOE ~RVIBOR TO~OLD MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. [197! AGENDA MAY ~, 1986 7:30 P.M. TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 (516) 765-1939 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of May 6, 1986 Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 22, Next Meeting Date: May 20, 1986 at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. T~wn Trustees Monthly Report - Smith - March, 1986. ~.-~Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report - April, 1986. 3. Town Clerk Monthly - Terry - April, 1986. 4. Szepatowski Associates Monthly Report - April, 1986. 5. Building Inspectors Monthly Report - April, 1986. 6. Councilmen's Reports. 1986. 7. Supervisor's Report. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICE: N.Y.S., Department of Environmental Conservation Public Hearing Notice on the Application on Jack Donnelly to construct a 200 linear foot retaining wall (bulkhead) with a 10-foot return at each end. Back-fill with 350 cubic yards of clean fill to be trucked in from an upland source. Mattituck, May 28, 1986 10:00 A.M. e Department of the Army, New York District, Corps of Engineers. Application by Oyster Point Associates to install floating piers, replace bulkheads, dredge with upland disposal Greenport Harbor Written commehts by May 21, 1986 N.Y.S., Department of Enviromental Conservation Public Hearing Notice Reclassification Hearing Atlantic Ocean - Long Island Sound Drainage Basin. on or about October 21, 1986. III. COMMUNICATIONS: Gregory Blass, Presiding Officer, Suffolk COunty Legislature, thank you for our support in regards to operating and maintain the National Weather Service Transmitter. RESOLUTIONS: 1/Repeal resolution No. 3, adopted September 24, 1985, which established a policy in respect to the establish- ment of water districts in the Town. 2~The Southold Town Board establishes a policy of re- quiring that any new community water system be dedicated without cost to the Suffolk County Water Authority. 3~"Trailer permit renewal by Ange & Barbar Boursiquot Mattituck. 4/Authorizes Police Chief H. Daniel Winters to engage the services of Twin Fork Fence ~ompany to install fencing around the impound area at the Southold Town Police Headquarters, at a cost not to exceed $2,100. 5~ Advertise for resumes for part-time Relief Public Safety Dispatchers for the Southold Town Police Department. .SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 3 6/Authorize Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement between the County of Suffolk and the Town of Southold for the operation of a Home Aide Program for the Elderly. 7~/ Reappoint Marie Helinski as a Bookkeeper for the Adult Day Care Center Program. 8~/ Amend Resolution No. 15 adopted April 8, 1986, changing the title of Elizabeth Poh from Registered Nurse to Home Health Aide for the Alzeheimer's Day Care Center. 9~Accept the proposal for the cleaning of Southold Town Police ~. mont. 10~,Appoint a member of the Southold Town Board of Appeals for a five year term. 11 orize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids in the selling ' of the Morbank Super Beaver Chipper. 12~Accept the proposal of Pirates Cove Marine to refurbish twelve bouy markers and repair the damaged ones. Fishers Island 13~AuthDrize the transfer of funds from Contingent A1910.4 into AssessOrs Equipment A1355.2 to pay for new van. 14'//Accept the bid of Tryac Truck & Equipment for Tractor. 15/Grant permission to David Wesley to use a portion of Oregon Road, Mattituck for the purpose of filming a short film. 16/Authorize Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement between the Town and Myrtle Kiefer, to provide court services. 17F/ Authorize Supervisor Murphy to execute all necessary documents for the dredging of the channel in James Creek. 18~'/Change Order No. 3 Fishers Island Wastewater Treatment Facility. 19 ppoint Alexandra Kendall and Greg Thibodeau,. Eishe~ Island as seasonal employees for mosquito control. 20'~Appoint Eileen Carey as clerk/typist for the Building Department for the summer season. 21/Amend resolution No. 17, changing the rate of pay for Suzanne Walden from $5.00 an hour to $5.50 an hour for the summer seascn. 22~/ Allocate $400.00 from Band Concerts for expenses incurred with Northeast Stage Production of Mark Twain's: Mississippi Mud. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 4 AMENDED RESOLUTIONS: 23.~-_ ~p. poi~% ~a~k Zaleski ~s ~ Traffic_ Warden. , ~.//' . 24F~ Southold Town Board to declare ownership of one Well Craft boat which washed ashore October. 3, .1986. 25~/ Authorizes Board of COmmissioners of the Fishers Ialand Ferry District to enter into an agreement between the Ferry District and Wildred DOucette for the lease of Building No. 240. 26~ Authorize Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement with Stephen MalinOwski to perform Assistant Bay Constable services. 27~'~Set wage scales for Lifeguards and Beach Attendants. 28JAccept the resignation of Violet Reich, Home \ Aide. 29/Accept the dedication of Wendy Drive. 30~Create the "Wendy Drive Road Improvement District". 31~ Transmittal of proposed "LOCAL LAW in relation to Bed and Breakfast Facilities" 32/Rescind resolution authorizing the advertisement for bids for the repair and resurfacing of Traveler Street, Southold. 33~ Advertise for bids for an annual contract to furnish and place asphalt concrete with the Town of Southold. 34/Southold Town Board declares itself lead agency in the change of zone application by Richard Walsh, "A" to "B-l" / 35W/Transmit Change of Zone Application of Richard Walsh to Southold Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning 36~ Set a Public Hearing at 8:00 P.M. on May 20, 1986 on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to fees for the demolition or relocation of buildings" 37~ Set a Public Hearing at 8:05 P.M. on May 20, 1986 on "A LOCAL LAW in relation to Accessory Apartments in existing dwellings" Southold Town Board Agenda -May 6, :1986: PAGE 4(a) V. RESOLUTIONS 381~ Town Board to assume airfare cost for up to three individuals to travel to Fishers Island to give Nutrition Program presentation at Fishers Island Schoo~ Transmit proposed "Local Law to make provision for Affordable Housing for moderate income familieS" to Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning. 40J~Appoint Barbara Strang as a part-time~-~nging stenographer for the Board of Appeals. 41~Application of Howard M. Petersen for a watchman house trailer at his MattitUck Inlet Dryland Marina. 42~/'Execute agreement with Vernon G. Wermelinger to perform Special Bay Constable services for the Town in and about MattitUck Creek. 43~"Accept proposal of Fairweather;-Brown, Architects, to inspect repair work at Senior/Youth Center building repairS. 44fTown Board declames themselve~lead agency with respect to,conStructiOn of new DOg Pound. Authorize Town Clerk to publish reproduction of Dog License: Application. 46~/Authorize Supervisor to execute amendment of 1985 agreement with County of Suffolk for law enforcement of Town ordinances at Cedar Beach. 47~/Authorize SupervisOr to execute 1986'1987 CSEA Employee Benefit Fund contract. 48~'/Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for seasonal Clerk Typists. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENEA - MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 5 WORK SESSION AGENDA 9:00 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. Audit of Bills Marty Garrel - CAC update Joan Richter Re: Payroll Landmark Preservation Committee Howard Peterson - new trailer permit Mr. Meade Fairweather Brown - proposal Youth Center VI. DISCUSSION: 1. Transportaion cost for Suffolk County Cooperative Extension office to Fishers Island. 2. Re: Southold Electric System 3. Southold Town Building Inspectors report on Town Hall inspection. 4. Proposed Local Law for affordable housing. 5. Islip Resource Recovery Agency Re: Solid Waste Mangaement 6. Long Island Association Re: Solid Waste 7. Supervisor LoGrande, Town cf Islip Re: LILCO credits 8. Appointment of part-time evening stenographer for the Board of Appeals 9. Fairweather-~rown proposal for senior/youth recreation building repairs. Contract with special bay constable, Mattituck Creek. New trailer permit request by Howard M. Petersen Schdule interviews for summer research intern. CiaCia property Parcel of land at Bayview 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AGENDA - MAY 6, 1986 PAGE 6 VI. DISCUSSION: 15. Burning permit 16. CSEA Benefit fund contract