HomeMy WebLinkAbout2800' · Laurel .4~2/8I '~ ~ G~eat Peconzc .Bay Bl~d. ~ 2 pa~ls~ due to the relocation ~f lot lines, TOW~ OF SOUTHOLD~ ~EW YORK ACTION .OF THE ZON~qG BOARD OF APPEALS Appeal No. 2800 ApplicaticrDated March 11, 1981 ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS O~ THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. Attorney for Mrs. Margaret McGowan Main Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 AppeHant at a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals on was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property ( ) Request for a special exception under .the Zoning Ordinance (X~ Request for a variance to the Zoning Ordinance Art o III ( ) April 2, 1981 Sec. 100-31 appeal gra~ed ( ) be denied pursuant to Article .................... Section .................... Subsection .................... paragraph .................... of the Zoning Ordinance and the decision of the Building I~pector ( ) be reversed ( ) be co~med b~ause Public Hearing: April 2, 1981: Application of Margaret McGowan, 17 Aberdeen Street, Malverne, NY (by Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq.) for a Variance to the Z~Sning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for approval of the insufficient area and width of two parcels due to the relocation of lot lines. Location of property: R-O-W south of Great Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel, NY; bounded north by Connelly, east by Sweeney, Ross, and private right-of-way; south by Johnston, Mormile; west by Alexander. County Tax Map Item Nos. 1000-128-4-11 and 14. (SEE REVERSE SIDE) 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce hardship because practical difficulties or unnecessary (SEE REVERSE SIDE) (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because (SEE REVERSE SIDE) (c) The variance (does) (does not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) change the character of the district because (would not) (SEE REVERSE SIDE) and therefore, it was fuxther determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted ( that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be conf~med ( ) be reversed. ) be dlnied FORM ZB4 ZONING BOARD OF~PPEALS The Board finds and determines as follows: By this Appeal, Appellant seeks a variance to sell off an under- sized lot (tax map lot 14). Lot 14 is owned by the Appellant, Margaret McGowan. Lot 14 is contiguous to a parcel containing a structure and designated as Lot 11 on the tax map. This latter lot has an area of approximately 2,700 square feet. Lot 11 has an area of approximately 13,500 square feet. Lot 11 was owned by J. Harry McGowan, husband of Margaret P. McGowan. Both Lots 11 and 14 as well as tax map lot 10 were acquired by Margaret P. McGowan in 1944. In 1956, Margaret P. McGowan conveyed Lot 11 to her husband, J. Harry McGowan. In 1967, Margaret P. McGowan conveyed Lot 10 to Catherine Hope. The structure on Lot 11 encroaches upon Lot 14. In this Appeal, the Appellant proposes to enlarge Lot 11 in order to eliminate the encroachment. However, Appellant proposes to convey only a strip of land approximately 12 feet in width. This would increase the lot area of Lot 11 by approximately 375 square feet, thus Lot 11 as proposed to be enlarged would have an area of approximately 3,000 square feet or approximately 7½% of the required lot area (40,000 square feet). It is the opinion of this Board that Lot 11 should be increased in size in view of the fact that it is substantially substandard. However, the Board is of the opinion that a larger area of land should be set aside for Lot 11. Accordingly, the Board denies the Appeal, without prejudice, and urges the Appellant to set aside more land for Lot 11 and then reapply to this Board. Motion was made by Mr. Sawicki, seconded by Mr. Douglass, to deny the above appeal without prejudice. Location of property: Right-of-way off the south side of Great Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel; bounded north by Connelly; east by Sweeney, Ross and private right-of-way; south by Johnston, Mormile; west ~by Alexander. County Tax Map Item No. 1000-128-4-11 and 14. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Douglass, Goehringer and Sawicki. Messrs. Grigonis and Doyen abstained from vote. APPROVED I fft, _ -Chairman Board o~/Appeats' P ECEIVED AND FILED BY SOU'fi{OLD TO?,q'; CLERK. McG owan By this Appeal, Appellant seeks a variance to sell off an undersized lot (tax map 14). Lot 14 is owned by the Appellant Margaret P. McGowan. Lot 14 is contiguous to a parcel containing a structure and designated as Lot 11 on the tax map. This latter lot has an area of approximately 2, 700 sq. ft. Lot 11 has an area of approximately 13,500 sq. ft. Lot 11 was owned by J. Harry McGowan the husband of Margaret P. McGowan. Both lot 11 and 14 as well as tax map lot 10 were acquired by Margaret P. McGowan in 1944. In 1956, Margaret P. McGowan conveyed lot 11 to her husband J. Harry McGowan. In 1967, Margaret P. McGowan conveyed lot 10 to Catherine Hope. The structure on lot t~encroaches upon lot In this Appeal, the Appellant proposes to enlarge lot 11 in order to eliminate the encroachment. However, Appellant proposes to convey only a strip of land approximately 12 feet in width. This would increase the lot area of lot 11 by approximately 375 sc+ ft. thus, lot 11 as proposed to be enlarged would have an area of approximately 3, 000 sq. ft. or approximately 7-1/2% of the recruited lot area (40,000 so. ft.) It is the opinion of this Board that Lot 11 should be increased in size in view of the fact that it is substantially substandard. However, the Board is of the opinion that a larger area of land should be set aside for lot 11. Accordingly, the Board denies the Appeal, without prejudice, and urges the Appellants to set aside more land for Lot 11 and then reapply to this Board. (~ARY FLANNER OLSEN COUNSELLOR At LAW P. O. BOX 38 · MAIN ROAD · MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 · RHONE March 20, 1981 Re: McGowan Variance Application Estate of Joseph P. McGowan File # 2968 Gentlemen: / Enclosed herewith please find copy of a letter rece~ee.d from Joseph.. Connelly indicating he has no objection to Mrs. McGowan's~zanance application which I am sending to you for your records. / e%?/ra · Southold Town Zoning Board Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 cc: Mrs. Margaret McGowan MESSAGE REPLY L Joseph Connelly 786 Circle Avenue Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417 Re: Margaret McGowan and the Estate of Joseph P. McGowan File # 2968 Pursuant to your phone request of this afternoon, I am enclosing herewith a copy of Mrs. McGowan~s Petition° and her survey, showing the new proposed division. If you have any~ther questions, please do not hesitat~to c~ntact my office, Enclos/UrJ (2)/ Re: Request of Margaret McGowan jbr Variance £ have no objection for the granting of variance to Margaret McGowan for the purpose of expanding the rear yard, which actually is better defined as side yard of the house on the parcel owned by the Estate of Joseph P. McGowan. This expansion, as represented on your enclosure of 3/13/81, poses no problem as regards my property and I support the purpose and intent of Margaret McGowan's request. D LD HENRY E. RAYNOR, ,Ir., Chairman JAMES WALL BENNETT ORLOWSKI, Jr. GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM. Jr. Nill±ara F. Mullen, Jr. Southold, N.Y. 11971 March 23, 1981 TELEPHONE 765- 1938 Mr. Charles Grigonis, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Grigonis: The matter of the division of two parcels, each with an existing dwelling, with insufficient area and width for property owned by Margaret and Estate of Joseph P. McGowan located at Laurel was reviewed by the board at your request. It was the consensus of the members present that in accordance with Section A106-13A of the Code of the Town of Southold Subdivision of Land Regulations that this does not constitute a subdivision and is to be considered a setoff of land. Yours truly, HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. , CHAIRMAN SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD By Muriel Tolman, Secretary APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN SERGE DOYEN, JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER Joseph H. Sawicki Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN RE}AD- STATE RnAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. llgT1 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 March 16, 1981 Mr. Henry E. Raynor, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 Re: McGowan, Margaret and Estate of Joseph P. Appeal No. 2800 Dear Mr. Raynor: Recently the subject appeal was filed for a variance to permit the division of two parcels, each with an existing dwelling, with insufficient area and width, located on a private right-of-way south of Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. Pursuant to Chapter A106-13 of the Town Code, please provide us with your decision regarding this matter. Also, if it is your deci- sion that this proposal would require processing as a new subdivision, please advise as to whether or not you approve of the project as laid out herein. Yours very truly, CG:lk Enclosure CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR. CHAIRMAN e · ~ ~.~ Ole HEAiUHGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Sonthold, the following matters will be held fo~ public heatings by the Sontbotd Town Board of Ap- peals at the Soutbeld Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on Thursday, April 2, 1981. 7:35 p.m. Applieation of Southold, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. m, Sec. 100-30A(2){d] to construct farm tool shed with insof- ficient rear and side yard setbacks at property located on the North Side of C.R. 48, Soothold; bounded north by Lieblein, east by Aliano, Lath- am and Morris, south by C.R. 48, west by Doroski; County Tax Map Item Ho. 1000- 59-9-28, 8:00 p.m. Application of Dolores Strong, Box 1033, Mattituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. VI, Sec. 100-61, 100.60C, Art. Il, Sec. 100 23flor permission to construct fence in the side, rear and/or front yard areas at 11455 Main Road, Mattituck; bounded north by Van Ryswyk and O'Heil. east by Mileska, south by S.R. 25 (Main Road); west by Burgon; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-142-2-17. 8:10 p.m. Application of Hope Prior Smith, 655 Pine Neck Road, Southold, NY (by R.W. Gillispie, RI as agent) for a Variance to: (a) Hew york Town Law Section 280-A for approval of access, and (b) the Zoning Ordinance, Art. Ill, Sec. 100-31 for approval of insufficient road frontage of two proposed parcels located on the north side of Pine Neck Road, Southold; bounded north by 3ockey Creek and Lademafln, east by Width, south by Kowalski, Pine Neck Road and Kohl, we~..~by Lademann and County Tax Map Item No. 1000-70-5-31. 8:20 p.m. Application of Mary H. Lockwood, 465 Old Harbor Road.-New Suffolk, NY gel; bounded north by Cata- ~ano and Pecenic Bay Blvd.,: ~ }east by Keller, south by Bay, ;~;~ ~p/n" '~r-ar~'''-%est by Pridgen; County Tax DaVid L. 'M~dd, North Road, ~ Map Item No. 1000~128-6- 13.2. 9:15 p~m. Application of Rose Dansker, 300 East 56th Street, Apt. M., New York, NY 10022 (by Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq.) for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. 111, Sec. 100-31 for approval of insufficient area and width of two prepesed parcels located at Wells Road. Peconic, NY; bounded north by Wells Road, west by Groben, south by Richmond Cree~k, east by Krueg~r. County Tax Map Item No. 1000-86-2-10 & 11. 9:30 p.m. Application of Kenneth Brower, by William S. Midgley, Jr. as agent, 200 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. 111, Sec. 100- 31 for permission to construct garage with an insufficient sideyard setback at 495 Fisher- man's Beach Road, Cutch- ague; bounded north by Fish- erman Beach Road, west by Baxter, south by Bay, east by MeKeon. County Tax Map Item No. 1000-111-1-3S. a 9:45 p.m., Application 9f Margaret McGowan, 17 Aber- Gary F. Olsen. Eso. I for a - Variance to the Zoning Ordin- ' once, Art. IlL Sec. 100-31 --.~approva! ot the msumaent_ ~ation of property:. - R-O-W south of Great Peconic .. *~Bay Boulevard, Laurel; bound- ,~;d north t)y ~onnell~, east by ~ht-of-wa¥~ south by John- ston, Mormilel west bv Alex- ~nnder. County Tax Map Item~ ~los. 1000-128-4-11 and 14. Dated: March 12, 1981, for a VarianCe to the Zoning · . BYORDER' 0F ~h~e~ :~ lli, Sec7 100~ THE soUTHoLD TOWN 31 for aPProval of insUfflcie~ 'BOARD OF APPEAL,S .... ~ __.,,. __.~ ~ ....... #~ CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., Chairman iT, 3~19~8! (3) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: ' d STATE OF NEW YORK ~,oed, Southold; bounde ~ ~atl~,~ DeFriest, ~j~.,~, w~s~ y ~ T~ ~tap ~~ ¢: ~ Pat ricio Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the ~]~cof Editor, of THE LONG iS~ND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, i~. C~o;'~2 ~mt~- ,~ :~. ~ppan~e, ~ a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; 17~? ~ · ~ ~ tbe and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, ~. 1~-~1 ~t ~iss~, t~ has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- iu,d ~ one,~o~ ~ar~e w~ as,~cie~t~ut~*i~e ~ man once each week for .......... ~ ............................ weeks ~eth~e~s ~t the ~ut~ ~e of ~ ~ ~,i¢ BOy ~1~, ~u' uccessively, commencing on the .................................... ................ ........ .... Sworn to before me this ...... ...~....~.. ................. day of Notary Public LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town L~w and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, the following matters will be held for public hearings by the Southold Town Board of Ap- peals at the Soathold Town Hall, Main Road, Soathold, NY on Thursday, April 2, 1981: 7:35 p.m. Aoulicatioa of James V. Righter (for Fishers. Island Development Corp.), 58 Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108 for a Speeial Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-30B(8) for permis- sion to create additional em- ployee housing on second floor of Beach Club to match the existing housing on the west end of club, (also known as labor camp), to be located on the south road to the East End of Fishers Island, more par- ticularly designated as County Tax Map Item Nos. 1000-5-2- 7.3, 1000-4-4-12, 1000.1-1-3.6, 1000~1-6-9. 7:50 p.m. Application of David L. Mudd, North Road, Southo]d, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-30A(2)[d] to con- struct farm tool shed with insufficient rear and side yard setbacks at property located on the North Side of C.R. 48, Southold: bounded north by Lieblein, east by Aliano, Lath- am and Morris, south by C.R. 48, west by Doroski; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-59-9-28. 8:00 p.m. Application of Dolores Strong, Box 1033, Mat- tituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. VI, Sec. 100-61, 100-60C, Art. II, Sec. 160-23 for permission to construct fence in the side, rear and/or front yard areas at 11455 Main Road, Matti- tuck; bounded north by Van Ryswyk and O'Neil, east by Mdeska, south by S.R. 25 (Main Road), west by Bur- gnu; County Tax Map Item No. 10~)-142-2-17. 8:10 p.m. Application of Hope Prior Smith, 655 Pine Neck Road, Southold, NY (by R.W. Gillispie, III as agent) for a Variance to: tn) New York Town Law Section 280-A for approval of access, and (b) the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for approval of ,nsufficient road frontage of two proposed parcels located on the north side of Pine Neck Road, Soutbeld; bounded north by Jockey Creek and Lademann, east ~y Width, south by Kowalski,Pine Neck Road and Kohl, west by Lade- mann and Kowalski; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-70-5-31. 8:20 p.m~ Application of Mary H. Lockwood, 465 Old Harbor Road, New Suffolk, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for approval of insufficient area, deoth and/ or rearyardof parcel located at Old Harbor Road, New Suf- folk: bounded north by Ben- bow and Given, east by Cut- chogue Harbor, South by Whe- lan and Mason, wes( by Old Harbor Road; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-117-3-5 and 6. 8:30 p.m. Application of Peconic Corporation, c/o Nor- ris Grain Co., P.O. Box 1058, Ocala, FL 32670 (by Abigail A. Wickham) for a Variance to ~he Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. ~00.30 and 100-31 for per- mission to convert existing barn containing a one-family dwelling by adding a second dwelling tapartr~ent) on sec- ond floor. Location of proper- ty: South side of New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck; bounded north by New Suffolk Avenue, east by Wickham and Bag- shaw, south by Bay, west by Smith, Haberman and Camp Mineola Road; County Tax Map Item No. 1000.115-9-4. 8:45 p.m. Application of George L. Penny, Inc., 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance Art. VIII, Sec. 100-80B(3) for permission to construct storage building in a C-Zone at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattitnck; bounded north by Penny, east by North Fork Oil Heat, south by Sound Ave. and L.I.R.R, west by Parrish; County Tax Map Item No. 104)0-141-3-37 and 38. 8:50 p.m. Applioation of George L. Penny, Inc., 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. VIII, Sec. 100- 81 for permission to construct storage building in a C-Zone with insufficient rear and side yard areas at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck; bounded north by Penny, east by North Fork Oil Heat, south by Sound Ave. and L.IRR., west by Parrish; ,~ounty Tax Map Item No. 1000.141-3-37 & 38. 8:55 p.m. Application of David I. DeFriest, Main Road, Soulhold, NY (by Irving L. Price, Jr., Esq.) for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordi- nance, Art. III, Sec. 100-30B(1) for permission to change use of existing dwelling from one- family to two4amily dwelling use at 51320 Main Road, South- old; bounded north and east by DeFriost, south by Jankow- ski, west by Main Road; Coun- ty Tax Map Item No. 1000-70-2- 4. 9:05 p.m. Application of Victor E. Catalano, 22 Canter- bury Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11787 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for permission to build a one-story garage with Bay Boulevard~ Laurel bounded north by Connelly, ,~a~ Dy ~,we~nev. rinse, and ~Arivate right-of-way, south by onnston, Mormlle~ west b,va lexander. County Tax Man ~ltem Nos. 1000-128-4-ll and ~Jmeo: March 12, 1981. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTROLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN 1TM19-3647 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Lau- rel; bounded north by Catala- no and Peconic Bay Blvd., east by Keller, south by Bay, west by Pridgen; County Tax Map Bern No. 1000-128-6-13.2. 9:15 p.m. Application of Rose Dansker, 300 Easl 56th Street, Apt. M. New York, NY 10022 (by Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq.) for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-3l for approval of insufficient area and width of Iwo proposed parcels located at Wells Road, Peoanic, NY; bounded north by Wells Road, west by Groben, south by Richmond Creek, east by Krueger. County Tax Map Item No. 1000.86-2-10 & 11. 9:30 p.m. Application of Kenneth Brower, by William S. Midgley, Jr. as agent, 2OO Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 10~-31 for permission to construct garage with an insufficient sideyard setback at 495 Fish- erman's Beach Road, Cut- chogue; bounded north by Fisherman Beach Road, west by Baxter, south by Bay, east by McKeon. County Tax Map Item No. 1000-111-1-35. __9:45 O.m. Application of , Margaret McGowan, 17 ^oer- deen Street Malverne, NY (by Gary p'. olsen, ~sq.) tora area and w~dth of two parcels due to the relocation of lot lines. Location of property: R-O-W south of Great Pecon c - r~ insufficient front and side yard setbacks at the south side of ................ ~reenport, in said exed is a printed k Weekly Times ......... weeks LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, the following matters will be held for public hearings by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on Thursday, April 2, 1981: 7:35 p.m. Application of James V. Righter (for Fishers Island Development Corp.), 58 Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108 for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-30B(8) for permission to create additional employee housing on second floor of Beach Club to match the existing housing on the west end of club, (also known as labor camp), to be located on the south road to the East End of Fishers Island, more parti- cularly designated as County Tax Map Item Nos. 1000-5-2-7.3, 1000-4-4-12, 1000-1-1-3.6, 1000-4-6-9. 7:50 p.m. Application of David L. Mudd, North Road, Southold, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. lO0-30A(2)[d] to construct farm tool shed with insufficient rear and side yard setbacks at property located on the North Side of C.R. 48, Southold; bounded north Aliano, Latham and Morris, south by C.R. County Tax Map Item No. 1000-59-9-28. by Lieblein, east by 48, west by Doroski; 8:00 p.m. Application of Dolores Strong, Box 1033, Matti- tuck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. VI, Sec. 100-61, 100-60C, Art. II, Sec. 100,23 for permission to construct fence in the side,"rear and/or front yard areas at 11455 Main Road, Mattituck; bounded north by Van Ryswyk and O'Neil, east by Mileska, south by S.R. 25 (Main Roadl,west by Burgon; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-142-2-17. ov¢~-~ Legal Notice of Hearings 'Page 2 Board of Appeals - April 2, 1981 Meeting Adv. 8:10 p.m. Application of Hope Prior Smith, 655 Pine Neck Road, Southold, NY (by R.W. Gillispie, III as agent) for a Variance to: (a) New York Town Law Section 280-A for approval of access, and (b) the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for approval of insufficient road frontage of two proposed par- cels located on the north side of Pine Neck Road, Southold; bounded north by Jockey Creek and Lademann, east by Width, south by Kowalski, Pine Neck Road and Kohl, west by Lademann and Kowalski; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-70-5-31. 8:20 p.m. Application of Mary H. Lockwood, 465 Old Harbor Road, New Suffolk, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for approval of insufficient area, depth and/or rearyard of parcel located at Old Harbor Road, New Suffolk; bounded north by Benbow and Given, east by Whelan and Mason, west by Old Harbor No. 1000-117-3-5 and 6. by Cutchogue Harbor, south Road; County Tax Map Item 8:30 p.m. Application of Peconic Corporation, c/o Norris Grain Co., P.O. Box 1058, Ocala, FL 32670 (by Abigail A. Wickham, Esq.) for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-30 and lO0-31 for permission to convert existing barn containing a one-family dwelling by adding a second dwelling (apartment) on second floor. Location of property: South side of New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck; bounded north by New Suffolk Avenue, east by. Wickham and Bagshaw, south by Bay, west by Smith, Haberman and Camp Mineola Road; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-115-9~4. 8:45 p.m. Application of George L. Penny, Inc., 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance 'Legal Notice of Hearings Page 3 Board of Appeals - April 2, 1981 Meeting Adv. Art. VIII, Sec. 100-80B(3) for permission to construct storage building in a C-Zone at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck; bounded north by Penny, east by North Fork Oil Heat, south by Sound Ave. and L.I.R.R., west by Parrish; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-141-3-37 and 38. 8:50 p.m. Application of George L. Penny, Inc., 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordi- nance, Art. VIII, Sec. 100-81 for permission to construct storage building in a C-Zone with insufficient rear and side yard areas at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck; bounded north by Penny, east by North Fork Oil Heat, south by Sound Ave. and L.I.R.R., west by Parrish; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-141-3-37 & 38. 8:55 p.m. Southold, NY (by Exception to the Application of David I. DeFriest, Main Road, Irving L. Price, Jr., Esq.) for a Special Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. lO0-30B(1) for permission to change use of existing dwelling to two-family dwelling use at 51320 Main Road, Southold; north and east by DeFriest, south by Jankowski, west by County Tax Map Item No. 1000-70-2-4. from one-family bounded Main Road; 9:05 p.m. Application of Victor E. Catalano, 22 Canter- bury Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11787 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for permission to build a one-story garage with insufficient front and side yard setbacks at the south side ~f Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel; bounded north by Catalano and Peconic Bay Blvd., east by Keller, south by Bay, west by Pridgen; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-128-6-13.2. 9:15 p.m. Application of Rose Dansker, 300 East 56th Street, Apt. M. New York, NY 10022 (by Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq.) £egal Notice of Hearings Page 4 Board of Appeals - Apr. 2, 1981 Regular Meeting for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. lO0-31 for approval of insufficient area and width of two proposed parcels located at Wells Road, Peconic, NY; bounded north by Wells Road, west by Groben, south by Richmond Creek, east by Krueger. County Tax Map Item No. 1000-86-2-10 & ll. 9:30 p.m. Application of Kenneth Brower, by William S. Midgley, Jr. as agent, 200 Skunk Lane, Cutchogue, NY for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for permission to construct garage with an insufficient sideyard setback at 495 Fisherman's Beach Road, Cutchogue; bounded north by Fisherman Beach Road, west by Baxter, south by Bay, east by McKeon. County Tax Map Item No. 1000-111-1-35. 9:45 p.m. Application of Margaret McGowan, 17 Aberdeen Street, Malverne, NY (by Gary F. Olsen, Esq.) for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 for approval of the insufficient area and width of two parcels due to the relocation of lot lines. Location of property: R-O-W south of Great Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel; bounded north by Connelly, east by Sweeney, Ross, and private right-of-way, south by Johnston, Mormile, west by Alexander. County Tax Map Item Nos. 1000-128-4-11 and 14. Dated: March 12, 1981. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN Instructions to newspapers: Please publish once, to wit, Thursday, March 19, 1981 and forward 13 affidavits of publication to: Board of Appeals, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. Copies to: Suffolk Times Monday, 3/16/81 p.m. L.I. Traveler Tues., 3/17/81 a.m. Bulletin Board 3/17/81 3/17/81 to: Mr. James V. Righter Mr. David L. Mudd Mrs. Dolores Strong R.W. Gillispie, III Mrs. Hope Prior Smith Mrs. Hary H. Lockwood Peconic Corporation c/o Norris Grain Co. George L. Penny, Inc., Box 57, Greenport Mr. David I. DeFriest Irving L. Price, Jr., Esq. Mr. Victor E. Catalano Mrs. Rose Dansker Gary Flanner Olsen, Esq. Mr. William S. Midgley, Jr. for K. Brower Mrs. Margaret McGowan Supervisor Town Board members Planning Board Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD- ~TATE: ROAD 25 SFIUTHOLD, I-,I., N.Y. 11973 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN SERGE DOYEN, JR. T." ~, 7, Y T~TH'.LL ROBERT J. DOUGLASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER ou~nY--e-" H. Sawicki N. Y ~'S. NOTICE OF DECLARATION PURSUANT TO ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT Appeal No. 2800. ' ' Application of: Margaret McGowan. Location of Property in Question: R-O-W off Great Peconic Bay Boule- vard, Laurel. County Tax Map Item No. 1000- 128-4-11 and 14, Project Proposed by Appeal Application: Area and width of two proposed parcels. ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATION: Pursuant to Section 617.13 of the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation Act, Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, and Section 44-4 of the Southold Town Code, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board of Appeals has determined that the subject project as proposed herein is hereby classified as a Type II Action not having a significant adverse effect upon the environment for the following reason(s): An Environmental Assessment in the Short Form has been submitted which indicates that no significant adverse effects were likely to occur should this project be implemented as planned. The property in question [X] is not located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; [ ] may be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands but separating the property from the wetland area is a road or other type of barrier labeling this matter outside the jurisdiction of the N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Con- servation and therefore correspondence was not solicited. This declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other department or agency which may also be involved, nor for any other project not covered by the subject appeal applica- tion. Dated: March 12, 1981. By Order of the Southold Town Copies to: Applicant/Agent Board of Appeals Town Clerk Bulletin Board Appeal File JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OY VITAL STATISTICS TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 Southold, L. 1., N. Y. 11971 March 11, 1981 To: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 2800 application of Margaret McGowan and the Estate of Joseph P. McGowan for a variance. Also included are notification to adjoining property owners, notice o£ disapproval from the Building Inspector, short environmental assessment form, and wetland questionnaire. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk JTT/bn Enclosures FOBM NO. ~ TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No ................................................................. Date ~..z_/~ ~7r 19....~,. P'E^SE T^KE NOT,CE that your app,,cot,:dated .......................... .~....~....:: for ~g~-n'r~i'~to consiru~i-....../d ............. ~ ............ '.....at the premises located at .................................... ~/X~...~....~.~.~....~>.....~..u. ........ Street /~I~- ,,da t,~-~ ....... /...~k. ~.. Block ................... ..~.. .................... Lot.../../........~'~.....(...~.. ..................... is refurned herewith and disapproved on the followlng grounds ..... ~..~.~....t~......../~.....~.....,~... ....... ~-.......~...~........~..~...~...~.....~.....~..~:..~.~.c.~. ......... ~.~....:./~ ....... ~..~ .... ~.~....~....~~......~....:~/?.t.....: :....~:~..:.....~.....~.~.. .............. :.:.:.....: ...... Building Inspector (b) I,f order to ansvter the questions in t ho;t EAF it is assumed that the preparer x.till use. currently available information concerning the projec~ and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additiona! studies, research or other iavestlgat£ons ¥;ill be undertaken. (b) If any question has been ons~ered Yes the project may be significant and a completed Environmental Assessment Form is necessary. (c) ~f all questions have been ons~vered No it is likely tha~ this projec¢ is not significant. .. ... (d) EnvironmenJol Assessment .. ~. Will project result in o large physical change to the pro~ect' site Or physically al~er mare than lO acres of~ ~and? ........................ Yes 2. ¥1ill t~ere'be a ma~or change to any unique or -unusual land ~orm ~ound on the sit~? .......... Yes ~ 3. ¥till pro~ect alter or hove a large' efFect'on exis[ing body of ~oter? ........................ ¥~ ~ ND 4. Will project hove a potentially large impact , groundwater quality? Yes 5. ¥1ill project significantly effect dro~nage fla, on adjacent sites? ' Yes X 6. %~ill project affect any threatened or endangered plant or animal species? ........... Yes ~ No 7. Will project result in o'major adverse effect on air quality? - Yes X No 8. Will project have o major effect on visual character of the community or scenic views or ¥istas ~nown to:he imporlont to the community?. 'Yes ~. Will project adversely impact any site or .. s~ructure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency? .......... .~ .... ! .... ...... Yes X N 10. %~ill project have a major effect on exlstihg or future recreational opportunities? ......... Yes X No "11. Will project result in.major traffic problems o~ cause a major effect to ex. isting transportation systems? ....................... Yes X No 12. Will project .regularly cause objectionable odors, noise,' glare, vibration, or electrical . disturbance es a result of ~he project's operation? '' Yes X No 13. %~ill'pr'oject have any impact on public health or.safety? ...................................... Yes X No 14. ¥~ill p~oject affect the existing community by' directly causing a growth in permanent population or more than 5 percegt over a one year period or have a major negative effect on the chara~-~er_of ~he community or neighborhood? . ./..~ ....... ~ .................... .' Yes. X No Gary~!~'lahne~ Olsen -- ~ ' . ~EP~[$ENII~ Mn~aaeet Mc~,owan and Est~ of 7oseph P. ~AIE. March 11~ 1~81 McGowan March 11, 1981 (Today' s Date) To: Re: Southold Town Board of Appeals MainRoad Southold, NY 11971 Appeal Application of Margaret McGowan and Estate of Joseph P. McGowan Location of Property: lqight of Way South of Pecohle Ray Boulevard, Latm el. New york Dear Sirs: In reference to the New York State Tidal Wetlands Land-Use Regulations, 6 NYCRR, Part 661, and Article 25 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law, please be advised that the subject property in the within appeal application: (please check one box) [ ] [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead in very good condition and at least 100 feet in length.* May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead in need of (minor) (major) repairs, and approximately feet in length. [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead less than 100 feet in length. [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; and there is no bulkhead or concrete wall existing on the premises. ~-" [X ] Is not located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands <~' to the best of my knowledge.* [Starred items (*) indicate yo~Br property does · not appear to fall within the jurisdicyion ?~ t/~ N.Y.S.D.E.C.] ~, · ~r~. ~.~ >~:.~;~,,,~.:~-~.~+..~,~,.=._.....~,.~,~,.,....,.: ........ ~r-y ~nner Olsen, ~sq. - ' TOWN OF $OUTHOLD, NLrW' YORK~ APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. DATE..M.~..gh ..~ ]~...~..~..81 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF sOUTHOLD, N. Y. Margaret McGOWan and the Estate ' of ose h P ,.~[cgowan of 17 Aberdeen Street~ 1, (We) .... .~. ...... ~o. ....... , ................................................................................................................ zv Name of Appellant Street and Number ............. i .............. ..M.~.].Y..e.~P...e.,...i ...................... ]..~i...., ......... '..~...e..~.....Y..9.~.]f.. ....... HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality ~tate THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ..................................... DATED ...................................................... WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO ( ) ( ) Nome of Applicant for permit Joseph Po McGowan of New York 1 7 Aberdeen Street, Malverne~ .... Street and Number Municipality State PERMIT TO USE PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY (x) VAR]~KNCE, 1. 'LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY Righ.t..Qf..~e,y..Sg.~th.9;l[~..e~.~f~p.i.e. -]~,.a.y..~.t.Y..d.,.,.ii~..~...z~...t~ NY Street Use District on Zonin~l~'Map Agriculturat/R esidenthal ~.a..~. ~I.a.p.. ~.0.._ .1..0.~ .~.=J. ~.$.=.4 z..1.1.. ~d...1.~.0.0..-. 12 8 -4 - 14 Mop No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) Article III Section 100-31 and Bulk Schedule 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (x) A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( i A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Laws Art 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal Kq~ i'has n°t) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property. Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No ................................. Dated ...................................................................... ( ) (x) ( ) REASON FOR APPEAL A Variance to Section 280,A Subsection 3 A Variance to the Zoning O~dinance is requested for the reason that porto zB! (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because Margaret P. McGowan has entered into a Contract to sell property designated on the Tax Map as 1000-128-4-14. Due to the fact that a house located on the Parcel held by the Estate of J. Harry McGowan encroaches on the Parcel owned by Margaret P: McGowan, the Applicant-s seek to change the property line between the two parcels in order to give more room to the parcel clod by the Estate of J. Harry McGowano The redefined subdivision 1/nes would be as shown on the survey of Roderick ~an Tuyl revised December 22, 1980, which is made a p~rt of this Application. 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because an existing house on"ed by the w'.state of J. Harry McGbwan encroaches on a parcel owned by Margaret P. McGowAn, and the parties are willing to redefine the lot lines wo that there will be no encroamhments. 3 The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because there is presently a house on the Parcel owned by Margaret P. McGowan and a house on the parcel owned by the Estate of J. Harry McGowan. The character of the neighborhood accordingly would not change and the parties simply seek to redefine the subdivision line between the two parcels to give more of a rear ~d to the house on the parcel owned by the Estate of J. Harry McGowan. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss Margaret ~. ~5Gp/W{~/l and the Estate of Jo,s. eph pj l~Go~a~, / Sworn to this ............ 1.1.tl~, ......................... day of....March ....................................... 19111 CHER[E LYNN RUSSELL NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Suffolk County - 52-4703046 p,~ Commission ~xpires March 50, 19~,,~, BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : In the Matter of the Petition of : Margaret McGowan and : the Estate of J. oze~uh P. McGowan : to the Board of Appea]s of t~e'lown ot Southold - - · NOTICE TO: Joseph Connolly Mary June Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnston Henrietta Mormile Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennelly Mary Ross Eugene Belz Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alexander YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request a (Variance) (~l~TJl(ra~-~XcJij]~l~~(the following relief: To ~,~trt~ ?-np,~y ~ ~h insufficient area. width and _ward area. ). 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: North by Connolly and Kennelly: East by Right of Way: Sweeney and South by Johnston, Belz and Mormile; West by Alexander, 3. Th. at the property which is the subject-of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: A gr~cultural/R esidential 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: To divide property with insufficient area, width and yard area, 5. That the provisions of the Southold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under- signed are: Article III; Section 100-31 and Bulk Schedule 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you ma), then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 7. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public bearing must be~ on the matter by the Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five/days pi~or to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Wat,G~man, ne~vspape,~s published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publication of such notices that/you or yot~ rep~lsentative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Margare~t ~_ _c/Q~w~a/~n~he Estate of Dated: March 11. 1981 · Joseph Pf/M~G/o~n~/y/. / e~titioner ~YFlanner Olsen, Esq. ~-~ Post Office Address P.O. Box 38, Main Road Mattituck, New York 11952 NAME Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnston Joseph Connolly "-iv Ir. and Mrs. Thomas Kennelly Eugene Belz Mr. and Mrs. Eric Alexander Henrietta Mormile Mary June Sweeney Mary Ross PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ADDRESS Box 1167 Mattituck, New York 11952 786 Ct~ Avenue Franklin Lakes, New ~ersey 07417 104 Chase Drive '-lV~nhaSset,~ New. York 11030 9509 243rd Street Bellerose, New York 11426 406 East Main Street Riverhead, New York 11901 32 Brevoort Place Rockville Centre, New York 11570 25 Summit Avenue Bronxville, New York 10018 17 Wheeler Place~ Northport, New York 11768 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SS.: Cherie Lynn Russell , residing at (no number) l~ergen Mattituck. New York , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 11 th day of _~?~ch ,19 81 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the re- ve~ side hereof, directed to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite thor r~pective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addres~id persons as shown on the current ~s~sment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notic~ were ~ailed at,he United Stat~ Post rice at Mattituc~ New York that said Notic~ we~ailed~o each of ~id persons by (ce~ified) ~mail. ~ / Russ~l Cherie L~n dayof ~rc~// ,19~ - /~N~ry'PuUlic GARY F~NNER OLSEN ~tc~ Public, ~te c,f New Y~rk No. 52-295~00 ~llfled in Suffolk County gPg \ \ \ \ \ o \ NO ~ 2G LINE Z \ \ eo ® 5 2 7A{c} \ \ SEE SEC NO \ \ \ 1SA(c)