HomeMy WebLinkAbout2774I430 Arrowhead Lane, Peconic 1/22/8I D-construct tennis .court w/insuff, setback fr~ from property line(s), occupying more than 40% of rearyard area, and to construct tennis court in the sideyard area. TOWN OF 8OUTHOLD, NEW YORK ACTION OF THE ZONI~qG BOARD OF APPEALS Appe~No. 2774 Application Dated December 26, ACTION OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To Mr. Bernice Lettieri 48 Cayuga Road Yonkers, NY lO710 DATE .2./.51.8.1... 1980 APpellant at a meetir~ of the Zoning Board of Appeals on J a n u a ry 2 2, 1 g 81 was considered and the action indicated below was taken on your ( ) Request for variance due to lack of access to property ( ) Request for a spec/al exception under the Zoning Ordinance (X) Request foravarianceStotheZoningOrdinence Art. III~ Sec. 100-31 ( ) the appeal and 100-32 1. S~(~,I,~X~F..,~I~X~X~A~.~K)~:~:~:~X.~X~X~:~,,,~~ ( ) be granfed ( ) be dedied pursuant to Article .................... ~ct~n .................... Subs~n .................... paragra~ .................... ~ the Zoning Ordinance and the decis~n ~ the Bufld~g Iuspector ( ) be reversed ( ) be Lco~irmedb~an~e Public Hearing: 8:00 p.m. Application of Bernice ettieri, 1430 Arrowhead Eane, Peconic, NY 11958, for a Variance to ~ Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 and 100-32 for permission to construct tennis court with an insufficient setback from property line(s), occupying more than 40% of rearyard area, and to construct tennis court in the sideyard area at 1430 Arrow- head Lane, Peconic, NY; more particularly designated as County Tax Map Item No. 1000-98-02-10; and bounded north by Abelson; west by Kull; south by Abelson; east by Arrowhead Lane. (SEE REVERSE SIDE) 2. VARIANCE. By resolution of the Board it was determined that (a) Strict application of the Ordinance (would) (would not) produce practical difficulties hardship because (SEE REVERSE SIDE) (b) The hardship created (is) (is not) unique and (would) (would not) be shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in the same use district because (SEE REVERSE SIDE) (c) The variance (does) (dces not) observe the spirit of the Ordinance and (would) change the character of the district because (would not) (SEE REVERSE SIDE) and therefore, it was further determined that the requested variance ( ) be granted that the previous decisions of the Building Inspector ( ) be confirmed ( ) be reversed. ) be denied and ZONING BOARD OF AI~FEALS FORM ZB4 After investigation and Personal inspection, the Board finds as follows: Appellant has appealed to this Board seeking a variance fop permission to construct a tennis court approximately 120' by 60' at the southwesterly corner of the property in question. Existing on the premises is a large two-story framed house with porch. The parcel is approximately 270' by an average of 152.' It is the feeling of the Board that the structure proposed is substantial in comparison with the size of the parcel and would not be within the feasible limits of maximum lot coverage. The Board finds that the relief requested are substantial in relation to the Code requirements; that if the variance is granted a detriment to adjoining properties will be created; that a substantial change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood~ and that the interests of justice will not be served by the granting of the relief requested herein. On motion by Mr. Grigonis, seconded by Mr. Douglass, it was RESOLVED, that Bernice Letti?i, 1430 Arrowhead Lane, Peconic, New York, be denied permission to construct tennis court as proposed in t)~-~-~-~hin application. Location of property: 1430 Arrowhead Lane, Peconic, bounded north and south by Abelson; west by Kull; east by Arrowhead Lane; County Tax Map Item No. 1000-98-02-10. NY; Vote of the Board: Ayes: Messrs. Grigonis, Doyen, Douglass, Goehringer and Sawicki. APPROVED RECEIVED AND Fi= D BY Town Clerk, Town cf Sou:.i:old LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of $outhold, that the following mat~ers will be held for public hearings by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Road, Sonthold, NY on Thursday, January 22, 1981: 7:35 p.m. Application of William C. Mercurio, Nancy J. Rodilosso, and others, c/o Nancy J. Rodilosso, 28 Chest- nut Street, Garden City, NY 11530 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. II1, Sec. 100-31 for approval of insufficient area and width of two proposed parcels at the east side of Bay Avenue, Mattituck, NY; more particul- arly designated as County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-144-4-4 and bounded northeast by James Creek; west by Yanke and others; southwest by Bay Avenue; east by Halligan. 7:50 p.m. Application of Florence A. Evans, 3940 Orch- ard Street, Orient, NY 11957 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. Ill, Sec. 100- 31 for permission to construct dwelling with an insufficient frontyard setback off Brigan- fine Drive. Location of proper- ty: 2355 Anchor Lane (a/k/a 650 Brigantine Drive), South- old; Harbor Lights Subdivision Map No. 4363, Subdivision Lot No. 24; County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-079-04-35. ~ 8:00 p.m. Application of Bernice Lettieri, 1430 Arrow- ~- head Lane~ Peconic. NY 11958 ~or a Variance to ~he Zoning .Ordinance. Art. III. ~c. 100: ,31 and 100-32 for permission to construct tennis court ~ith · an insufficient sntback from ,nronertv lines, occupyin~ , more than 40% of rearyard , area, and construct tennis ~ court in sideyard area at 14.3.0 Arrowhead Lane, Peconic~ NY;. ~more particularly desianated_ . ,~s County Map ID. No. 1000- 98-02-10 and bounded north by ._by Abelson; east by Arrow~ ~head Lane. 8:15 p.m. Application of Charles A. Brautigam, 46 Benson Road, Glen Rock, NJ 07452 (by Richard F. Lark, Esq.) for Variances: (a) to amend a previous decision of this Board made on 9/28/78 in Appeal No. 2471 to permit the construction of an accessory building (garage) with rooms, and (b) to review determin- ations made by the Building Inspector concerning this ac- cessory building which in- cludes a garage with rooms; Art. III, Sec. 100-32. Location of property: West Road, Cutcbogue, NY; more particul- arly designated as County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-110-7-6 and bounded north by West Road; west by Lister and G. Fleet Estate; south by Cntchogue Harb0r~ east by Bicker. Dated: December 29, 1980. BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold. in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- / man once each week for ........................................ weeks successively, commencing on the ....~. .............................. day of ..C.~!~ .......................... J 19.~.~,, Sworn to before me this ? day of ....................... .................................... LEGAI~ NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY G1- VEN, PURSUANT TO Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, that the following matters will be held for public hearings by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Road, Soathold, N.Y., on Thursday, January 22, 1991 7:35 p.m. Application of Wil- liam C. Mercurio, Nancy J. Rodilesso, and others, c/o Nancy J. Redilosso, 2~ Chest- nut Street, Garden City, N.Y., 11530 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, ~,Sec. 100-31 for approval of insufficient area and width of two proposed parcels at the east side of Bay Avenue, Mattituck, N.Y.; more patti- cularly designated as County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-144-4-4 and bounded northeast by James Creek; west by Yanke and others; southwest by Bay Avenue, east by Halligan. 7:50 p.m. Application of Florence A. Evans, 3940 Or- chard Street, Orient, N.Y., 11957 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec~ 10~-31 fOr~p~rmission to construct dwelling~ with an insufficient frontyard setback off Brigantine Drive. Location of property: 2355 Anchor Lane (a/k/a 650 Brigantine Drive), Southold; Harbor Lights Sub- division Map No. 4363, Subdiv- ision Lot No. 24; County Tax Map IDF. No. 1000-070-04-35. 8:00 p.m. Application of Ber- nice Lettieri. I430 Al'ro~e~0' Lane. Peconic. N.Y.. 1195~ for Ordinance~ Art. III~ Sec. 100-31 '-~d~i00-32 for oermtssion construct t~nms ' insuffi'~Ye~n~k from pro- tha~to % of raaryar.~Larea, and eoestruet sj_de_~a~r.d_ ~re&aa t lk4110-~ro~n~, .Peeoa- je, ~N_.Y~al~ctllarLy d~'g~'~ated as .~ounty Tax 1Vfap ID. Nb. 1000-98412-10 and 'boufided n0Ah'~by KapPes; 'Wi~;t bY Kfill~ §6fifb 7ay Abel- ~an~'--~i~east by Arrowhead Lane. 8:15 p.m. Application of son Road, Glen Rock, N.J. 07452 (by Richard F. Lark/ Esq.) for Variances: (a) to this Boardmade on 9/28/78 in Appeal No. 2471 to permit the building(garage) with rooms, and (b) to review determina- tions made by the Building lnspeetar concerning this ac- cessory building which in- Art. III, See. 100-32. Leeation of property: West Road, Cut- ehogue, N.Y.; more particu- larly designated as County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-110-7-6 and bounded north by West Road; west by Lister and G. Fleet Estate; south by Cut- ehogue Harbor; east, by Bicker. Dated: December 29, 19~0 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTROLD TOWN BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CHARLES GRIGONIS,JR. CHAIRMAN IT 4Afl 5592 Jr COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ! STATE OF NEW YORK. ~ ss: ·..D.~.~..J_.d..~.~.~..e.~. ..................... being duly Sworn, says that .. fl).e.. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said county: and ~hat the notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy. has been published in the zaid Suffolk Weekly Times once in eoch week, for . . .o.n.? ..................... weeks successively commencing on the ...~.~ .................... d~¥ of. , .J. annary~..~ Sworn to before me this 8th of ..... .... ................. E EN K DE LEGAL NOTICE OF HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the Provisions of the Amended Code of the Town of Southold, that the following matters will be held for public hearings by the Southold Town Board of Appeals at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, NY on Thursday, January 22, 1981: 7:35 p.m. Application of William C. Rodilosso, and others, c/o Nancy J. Street, Garden City, NY 11530 for a Mercurio, Nancy J. Rodilosso, 28 Chestnut Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, area and width of two Bay Avenue, Mattituck, County Tax Map ID. James Creek; west Sec. lO0-31 for approval of insufficient proposed parcels at the east side of NY; more particularly designated as No. 1000-144-4-4 and bounded northeast by by Yanke and others; southwest by Bay Avenue; east by Halligan. 7:50 p.m. Application of Florence A. Evans, 3940 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. lO0-31 for permission to construct dwelling with an insufficient frontyard setback off Brigantine Drive. Location of property: 2355 Anchor Lane (a/k/a 650 Brigantine Drive), Southold; Harbor Lights Subdivision Map No. 4363, Subdivision Lot No. 24; County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-079-04-35. / 8:00 p.m. Application of Bernice Lettieri, 1430 Arrowhead Lane, Peconic, NY 11958 for a Variance to the Zoning Ordinance, Art. III, Sec. 100-31 and 100-32 for permission to construct tennis court with an insufficient setback from property lines, occupying more than 40% of rearyard area, and construct sideyard area at 1430 Arrowhead Lane, Peconic, NY; more particu- larly designated as County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-98-02-10 and Legal Notice of Hearings Page 2 of 2 Southold Town Board of Appeals Regular Meeting to be Held January 22, 1981 bounded north by Kappes; west by Kull; south by Abelson; east by Arrowhead Lane. 8:15 p.m. Application of Charles A. Brautigam, 46 Benson Road, Glen Rock, NJ 07452 (by Richard F. Lark, Esq.) for Variances: (a) to amend a previous decision of this Board made on 9/28/78 in Appeal No. 2471 to permit the construction of an accessory building (garage) with rooms, and (b) to review determinations made by the Building Inspector concerning this accessory building which includes a garage with rooms; Art. III, Sec. 100-32. ~ Location of property: West Road, Cutchogue, NY; more particularly designated as County Tax Map ID. No. 1000-110-7-6 and bounded north by West Road; west by Lister and G. Fleet Estate; south by Cutchogue Harbor; east by Bicker. Dated: December 29, 1980. BY ORDER OF THE SOUT~OLD TOWN BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CHARLES GRIGONIS, JR., CHAIRMAN Instructions to newspapers: Please publish once, to wit, the week of 2/8/81 and forward four (4) affidavits of publication to: Mrs. Linda Kowalski, Board of Appeals, Town Hall, Southold, NY 11971. (765-1809). Copies mailed on 1/5/81 to: Mrs. Nancy J. Rodilosso, 28 Chestnut St, Garden City, NY 11530 Ms. Florence A. Evans, 3940 Orchard St., Orient, NY 11957 Mrs. Bernice Lettieri, 1430 Arrowhead Lane, Peconic, NY 11958 Richard F. Lark, Esq. for Mr. Charles A. Brautigam, Cutchogue, NY Southold Town Board of Appeals MAIN ROAD-STATE RDAD 25 SOUTHOLD, L.I., N.Y. 11971 TELEPHONE 1516) 765-1809 APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS CHARLES GRIGONIS, .JR., CHAIRMAN SERGE DOYEN, .JR. ROBERT J. DOUGLASS GERARD P. GOEHRINGER doseph H. Saw~ck~ TYPE II ACTION DESIGNATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT UPON THE ENVIRONMENT Pursuant to Section 617.13 of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), Article 8 of the Environmental Conser- vation Law, and Section 44-4 of the Southold Town Code, the South- old Town Board of Appeals has determined the following-described project is classified as a Type II Action, not having significant adverse effects upon the environment. Pursuant to Section 617.5(a) of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, no further determination or procedure is required herein. This declaration should not be considered a determination made for any other depart- ment or agency which may also be involved or any other project not covered by the within application. Applicant has submitted an environmental assessment in the short form which indicates that no adverse effects were likely to occur to the environment. The subject property is not located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands. App]..icant's ~ame: BERNICE LETTIERI. Description of Project: Accessory structure in occupying more than 40% of rearyard area and to be than three feet from property line, Art. III, Sec. Appeal No. 2774. side and rear yard, constructed less 100-32 & 100-31. Date and Place of Public Hearing: Thurs, 1/22/81 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Documents on File: Appeal Application, Notice to adjoining prop- erty owners with mail receipts, Surveys or Sketches of the proposed project, Notice of Disapproval from the Building Inspector, Notice of Hearing, Environmental Assessment in the short form, photocopy of the County Tax Map showing this property and the surrounding area, and other documents as may be required. Person to Contact for Additional Information: Linda Kowalski, Secretary to the Board of Appeals, Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Telephone (516) 765-1809, or 1802 (Building Inspector). Dated: December 29, 1980. By Linda F. Kowalski, Secretary Copies to: Applicant or his agent. Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. Supervisor, Town of Southold. .K JUDITH T. TERRY · TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 December 26, 1980 To: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals From: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk JTT/bn Enclosures Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeal No. 2774 application of Bernice Lettieri for a variance. Also included are notification to adjoining property owners as follows: Richard A. Kull, Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, N.Y. 11958; Nathaniel O. Abelson, 54 E. 91 Street, New York,~.Y. 1002~..~w.~. Judith T. Terry~ v Town Clerk FORM NO, 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL File No ................................................................. Date~.~z.-E.4<(..~..~.,.~< ......... .Z-....~.. ............ , 19.Zc). To '~... ~:~'.~./~.Z C. ~--.....Z~.. ZZT../. 4E../'/~/: ................ .... ,~z..o..... ~,~z~c~..~./rz~ c........Z.~z.-..~ ..... .... ..~.~z~. ~_.x.....~. ~.....:/..c~...~...:.~ ...... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your app!,ic~ation dated ...~.~ ....... ~...?m~... ............... , 19....~.... ' for permit to construct ..~...~-.4~.,/~./...~.....~'.~..~K~/.-_at the premises located at .. ~.~/~4..(..~..~,... ~....,...~... ...................... Street Map .~....~. ?...~.. ............. Block .......... ..~...~...,.~... ..................... Lot ......... , ,~../....~.....; ....................... is returned herewith and disapproved on the follow;ng grounds ..(.~'-?...~z~ ....... ~.....Q ........ ~.~ z......~.~..<..d~.....~..~..r./~./~z~-~ ......... · ~. ;~:...../...~.~..~ ~.......~..~..~.~..... ~.~. f......(..~....,f.~..~.. ~./~....... ~.....~:. ~.¢ ~ ~' -..~, ,~-~ = ~..c. ... ~ ,=~.-......... ~ SHORT ENVIRONN{ENTAL ASSESSI~ENT FORI4 :~ ~NiT~,UCT IONS.. '~ ~ (o) In order to answer ilia questions in this short EAF it is assumed tho{ the preparer will use. currently available information concerning the project and the likely impacts of the action. It is not expected that additional studies, research or other investigations will be undertaken. (b) If any question has been answered Yes the project may be signi£icant and a completed Env£ronmental Assessment Form is necessary. that this (c) If all questions'have been answered No it is likely project is not significant. (dj Ehvironmental Assessment ~. Will project result in o large physical change to the project site or physically alter more than 10 acres of land? ........................ 2. ~'lill there be a major change to any unique or -unusual land form found on the sit&?. ......... . Yes,~No 3. ~'lill project alter or have a large effect on existing body of water?. ,. Yes.~No on groundwater quality? ...................... Yes 5. ~'till project significantly effect drainage flow on adjacent sites? ~. Will project affect any threatened or endangered plant or on~mal species? .......... 7. Will project result in o major adverse effect ' on air quality?; ............. - ...... f ......... .~. 8. Will project have a major effect an'visual character of the community or scenic views or vistas known to:be important to the community?. -Yes,~ No ?. 1./ill project adversely ~mpact any site or .. . structure of historic~ prehistoric or paleontological importance or any site designated as a critical environmental area by a local agency? - '. ...... Yes o la. IVill project have o major effect on existing .NO or future recreational opportunities? ......... Yes~ ll. Will project result in.major traffic problems .... o~ cause a major effect to existing ,, transportation systems? ....................... . . Yes o 12. Will project .regularly cause objectionable odors, noise,' glare, vibration, or electrical . disturbance as a result of the project's operation? · Yes ~ No 13. W±ll project have any impact on public health or.sefety? .................................... Yes o 14. Will p~oject affect the existing community by directly causing a ~rowth in permanent population of more then 5 percept over a one year period or hove a major negative effect on the character of the community or YesW neighborhood? .................................. 15. Is there public controversy concernln~ the · Yes project? ................................. ,Yes. y'No. '. Yes. ~ No yes (No' (Today's Date) To: Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Appeal Application of ~ ~/~/C Location of Property: Dear Sirs: In reference to the New York State Tidal Wetlands Land-Use Regulations, 6 NYCRR, Part 661, and Article 25 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law, please be advised that the subject property in the within appeal application: (please check one box) [ ] May be located within 300 feet o~ tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the w~ter-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead in very good condition and at leas~ 100 feet in length.* May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead in need of (minor) (major) repairs, and approximately feet in length. [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; however, constructed along the water-lying edge of this property is a bulkhead less than 100 feet in length. [ ] May be located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands; and there is no bulkhead or concrete wall existing on the premises. Is not located within 300 feet of tidal wetlands to ~he best of my knowledge.* [Starred items (*) indicate your property does not appear to fall within the jurisdiction of the N.Y.S.D.E.C.] Sincerely yours, TOWN OF $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Name of Appellant Street and Number ..... ........................................................... ........ EREBY ^PP , TO Municipality State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON / / APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO ..................................... DATED ...... ~....~../....?~.....-'ZT.../...~....~.~ ............ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO Name of Applicant for permit Street and Number Municipality State ( /PERMIT TO USE ( ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY ( ) 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY .Z.~..,Z...~.:./~..../~..../~.~'.~:~.C/~...~.-:?~....~......../.....~.....-~...F.;:.. ........... ../..z.'.~.~:¥,~-, c Street Use District on Zoning Map . ..... Map No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordi.nonce.) 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (/ A VARIANCE to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Mop ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack o~ access (State of New York Town Law Chop. 62 Cons. Lows Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal -{~n~) (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respect to this property, Such appeal was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for a variance and was made in Appeal No ................................. Doted ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection (-)(~ A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that ~ /~? (Continue on other side) REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce practical difficulties or unneces- sary HARDSHIP because 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property ahd in this use district because 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because / STATE OF NEW YORK ) /' '-::~~ ~;2~' ,z~c__-~,~, (-) ,~_~) ss / ....... ~~,,(./.~ ...............'..~...~./..:.....r-- COUNTY O~\ ) ~-' 7~ S~nature Sworn to this ................. C~'....C7~. ..........day of......c~...~ .......... 19c~_~ ~Public ~E NOTARY PUBLIC, State Of New NO, S2-8125850, Suffolk CounJ~ Term Expires March 30, BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of to the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold TO: NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Board of Appeals of the Town of Southold to request a (Vai';.,,~) (~) (Special Pcr,-Mt) (the following relief: ~. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to y.~ur~pr~operty ~qd is des- cribed as follows: /' Z/~,.D~ /~/'~'.~'~ ~'~.~./~'%~__.~ ~~ ~.-- -~ ~ 3. That thee pro. p. erty.~ich is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request the following relief: 5. That the provisions of the Southold Town Zoning Code applicable to the relief sought by the under- signed are: 6. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you ma), then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 7, That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Board of Appeals; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times and in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated foi' the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: Petitioner Post Office Address NAME PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICF ADDRESS · Richard A. Kull Indian Neck Lane~ Peconic, N.Y. 11958 Nathaniel O. Abelson 54 E. 91st Street, New York, N.Y. 10028 STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SS.: · /c~.~ L ~ ,~ t C.. ' ' ~. L/L - , being duly sworn, depos'es and says that on the~::l day of ~ ~ --.~ ~, ~(' -,19 ~'/~) , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on th~ ~e- verse side hereof, d~rected to each of the above-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the current asse, sament roll o_f the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Of- fice at ~-~ 'D ~ ( ~ /~/- q. ;that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified (reg~ste"~'red) mail. Sworn to_before me this ~-~ day of ~L.~_~k.~ ,-19 ~-(.,.) , Notary Public ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLt~ NOTARY PUBLI0, State of New YOrk No. S2-812§850, Suffolk C;0an~ Term Expires March 30, I.I 16.3 A (c) SEE SEC.NO 086 LINE 5 7Z7A (c) FOR PARCEL NO. 26 ~4 I-SA(c) 23 t.2A(c) ~ 1.4Nc) ?SOl