HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-08/29/1989FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE {516) 765-1800 FAX NO. (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TO~/N OF $OUTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEWYORK 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Au?just 29, 1989 3:00 P.M. RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the policy that, at scheduled Town Board Meetings, the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. - June 3, 1986 Gall to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of August 29. 1989. Approval of the Minutes of the Town Board Meeting of August 15. Next Meeting Date: September 12, 1989, at 7:30 P.M. 1989. REPORTS: 1. (a) Town Investment Activity Report - Quarter ended March 31. (b) Town Investment Activity Report - Quarter ended June 30. 2. Town Justice Monthly Report - Price - July, 1989. 3, East End Recycling Association Report - August. 1989, Councilmen's Reports. 5, Supervisor's Report. 1989. 1989. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - August 29, 1989 Page 2 I. REPORTS: US Army Corps of Engineers. NY District; Public Notice announcing availability of new Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. Order from Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington. DC 20402 {202-783-3238), $7,50 per copy. Stock #024-010-00-683-8. US Army Corps of Engineers, NY District; Application of Luis Portal to construct a bulkhead and boatslip, dredge with ten years main- tenance with attendant backfill at Jockey Creek, Shelter Island Sound. Written comments by September 13, 1989. III, COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Richard M, Otterstedt. NYS DEC Re: Fishers Island Town Board Meeting 2. Lt. Joseph Grattan. Riverhead Police Department Re: Fishers Island Town Board Meeting IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 3:30 P.M. on August 29. 1989. on "A Local Law in Relation to Vehicles and Traffic," 3:32 P.M. on August 29, 1989, on "A Local Law in Relation to Flood Damage Prevention." 3:35 P,M. on August 29. 1989, on "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning" IFraternal Organizations) SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - August 29, 1989 Page 3 RESOLUTIONS: 1/ (a) Bond resolution - Authorizing the design and construction of a composting facility for Southold Town, (b) Authorize Town Clerk to publish notice of adoption of above Bond resolution. 6/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11,/ is// Authorize 1989 Budget Modification to General Fund - Whole Town. Create four Police Patrolman positions. Accept $68.666.00 performance bond of RHR Realty Corp. Engage the services of Lewis Edson for the purpose of conducting an appraisal. Accept the resignations of several Senior Services employees. Terminate several employees, effective immediately. Determine that amendment to the Vehicle and Traffic Law deleting two stop intersections and correcting "County Highway No. 27" to "County Route [18" shall have no significant effect on the environment. Set 8:00 P.M., Tuesday, September 12, 1989, at Southold Town Hall, for a public hearing on proposed "Local Law in Relation to Vehicles and Traffic." Authorize and direct Supervisor Murphy to execute the Final Application for Federal Assistance Package for the Fishers Island- Elizabeth Field Pavement Evaluation Study. Engage the service of Lewis Edson for the purpose of conduction an appraisal. Grant extension of time to John Eberhardt for the location of a construction trailer at the site of his new home. Authorize and direct Town Clerk to give public notice that the Town Board will be considering proposed amendments to the Community Development Years 13/lU~ Program Budgets at their meetlng on September 12. 1989, 7:30 P,M. Authorize 1989 Budget Modification to the General Fund - Part Town. Authorize and direct Supervisor Murphy to execute a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - AUgust 29. 1989 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS: 16v/ Accept the resignation of Lori A. Mclver. Nutrition Program. 17~' Appoint Douglas Latney as a temporary Cook. Nutrition Program. 18~/ Authorize Venetia McKeighan. Director of Human Services. to advertise for a Cook for the Nutrition Program. 19/ Authorize an advance fee payment to allow Recreation Director Kenneth Reeves to take a nine hour course. 20/ Accept. with regret, the resignation of Sandra Berry. 21~/ Appoint Ceorge M. Glew, Sr. part time gate attendant. 22/ Accept. with regret, the resignation of William F. Mullen, Jr, 23~" Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for Planning Board. 2u, v/ Accept. with regret, the resignation of Robert H. Berntsson. 25v/ Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for Asstistant Town Attorney. 26. Z7~,/ Authorize expenses for Scott Dobriner to continue work on Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. Authorize change order on Exit Truck Scale contract to expand scalehouse. 28. 29/ Set 8:00 P.M.. October 10. 1989. for public hearing on Town Board's motion for zone change to R-t10 on "Norris" property. Set minimum of $20.00 for Landfill Tipping Fee charge. Authorize expenses for Recreation Administrator Reeves to take advanced lifesaving course. 31~0<H Direct bond counsel to prepare bond for Farmland Preservation to be voted on at November 7, 1989, general election. 32~/' Direct Town Clerk to notify Shellfish Permit applicants that Town Creeks are closed to scalloping for the 89/90 scallop season. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - August 29, 1989 Page 4A RESOLUTIONS: 33~/~Accept proposal of Zachary N. Studenroth to conduct research and make application for National Register status for the Old Bay View Schoolhouse, not to exceed $2,500.00 34. Accept dedication of Kimberly Lane and Roxanne Road at "Paradise By The Bay". 351~Cross Sound Ferry named insured for "Cruise to Nowhere". 36 ~ Enactment of Local Law No. 16 - 1989, "A Local Law in Relation to Vehicles and Traffic". 37~,~Enactment of Local Law No. 17 - 1989, "A Local Law in Relation to Flood Damage Prevention". 38~Authorize Supervisor to sign P.B.A. Contract. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - August 29. 1989 Page 5 VI. FOR 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DISCUSSION: Enactment of Local Law No. 16 - 1989. "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning." Resignation of William F. Mullen. Jr.. from Planning Board. Advertise for resumes for member of Planning Board. Resignation of Robert H. Berntsson, Assistant Town Attorney. Report of NYS DEC Bureau of Shellfisherles regarding shoreline pollution source surveys conducted in Southold. Report of Scott Dobriner, Planning Department Summer Intern. Installation of exit truck scale at landfill. Provisional Clerk Typist for Building Department. Request of Linda Kowalski for leave of absence. Norris Property change of zone. Landfill tipping fees. 1990 Beach Season Preparation. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - August 29. 1989 Page 6 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:00 NOON 1:00 P,M. 1:30 P.M. WORK SESSION AGENDA B. Orlwoski & J. Cushman - Planning Board Budget D, Weiner - R.S,V,P, Triangle Consulting - Police Computer System Frank Kujawski - Environmental Consultant G. Strang - Police Dept, Alterations B. Swann. B, Price, J. Cochran - CAST Substance Abuse Program Action on the Minutes John Baglivi - PBA Contract Aurelie Stack - 350th Committee