HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/09/1989FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 FAX NO. (516) 765-1823 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD May 9, 1989 7:30 P.M. TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby estab- lishes the policy that, at scheduled Town Board Meetings, the public attend- ing shall be allowed five {5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. - June 3, 1986 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of May 9, 1989. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Town Board Meeting of April 25, 1989. Approval of the Minutes of the Town Board Meeting of April 25, 1989. Next Meetin9 Date: May 23, 1989, at 3:00 P.M. Special Proclamation - George Mellas. Special Proclamation - "Poppy Month.-" REPORTS: 1. 1989 State and Local Government Executive Conference - J. Cushman 2. (a) Building Inspector Monthly Report - April, 1989. lb) Ordinance Inspector Monthly Report - April, 1989. 3. Community Development Monthly Report - March, 1989. Community Development Monthly Report - April, 1989. 5. Southold Town Dog Shelter Report - April, 1989. 6. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - April, 1989. 7. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Monthly Report - April, 1989. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - May 9. 1989 Page 2 REPORTS: 8. Recreation Department Monthly Report - April, 1989. 9. Planning Board Monthly Report - April, 1989. 10. Town Justice Monthly Report - Tedeschi - April, 1989. 11. Town Police Department Monthly Report. 12. Councilmen's Reports. 13. Supervlsor's Report. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: NY State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Complete Application of Fishers Island Country Club to install two new wells approximately 100' for irrigation; said wells located in the fairway 6 area on the golf course. Comments to Stephen Mohr, Bldg. 40, SUNY, Rm. 219, Stony Brook, NY 11794, by May 19, 1989. Department of the Army, NY District, Corps of Engineers; Applica- tion of Donald Brehm to realign existing deck, float and ramp and install timber ramp and float in Dawn Canal, S.I. Sound. Comments by May 16, 1989. NY State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Complete Application of Waiter Fink to construct 135' of bulkhead above mean high water and backfill with clean sand; in Southold. Comments to Marilyn Peterson, Bldg. 40, SUNY, R. 219, Stony Brook, NY 11794. by May 19. 1989. Department of the Army, NY District, Corps of Engineers; Applica- tion of John Dempsey to install timber pier elevated above the grade of the march, a hinged ramp and a float secured by pilings; in Richmond Creek, Peconic. Comments by May 16, 1989. III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Peter D. MacLean. President. Eastern Long Island Hospital Thank you for grant for automatic doors SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - May 9, 1989 Page 3 IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 8:00 P.M.. May 9. 1989. on "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning." Accessory Uses. 8:05 P.M.. May 9. 1989. on "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning." Site Plan. Vo .RESOLUTIONS: 1/ Rescind Resolution No. 53. adopted on April 25. 1989. creating the position of Stenographer. 2/ Authorize Principal Building Inspector Victor Lessard and Senior Building Inspector Curtis Horton to attend the half-day seminar on "State Code Requirements for Accessible Design." Renew application of Ambrose R. Terp for renewal of temporary busi- ness trailer. Grant permission to Principal Building Inspector Victor Lessard and Ordinance Inspector Vincent Wieczorek to attend the NY State Build- ing Officials Conference. 5~Grant permission to the Lioness Club of Mattituck to use Southold Town property behind the Information Center. Route 25. Laurel. Accept the proposal, dated april 21. 1989. from A.R. Lombardi Associates. Inc. Authorize and direct Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement be- tween Suffolk County Department for the Aging and $outhold Town. Request enactment of Assembly Bill No. 3136-A entitled "An Act to amend the highway law, in relation to the purchase of machinery, tools, implements and equipment without a town election in towns within Suffolk County." Accept the proposal of E.F. Kaldor, C.P.A., P.C., to make an audit of the books and records of the Southold Wastewater Disposal District. 10JGrant permission to Cutchogue Fire Department to use Town roads. 11V/~ Set 3:30 P.M., Tuesday, May 23, 1989, for a public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning" (hotel guest unit). SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - May 9. 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTIONS: 12~/ Set 3:32 P,M,, Tuesday, May 23. 1989. for a public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning" ~rooms for conference attendees). 13/ Set 3:35 P.M., Tuesday, May 23, 1989, for a public hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning" (agricultural operations). Amend Resolution No. 3[~, adopted on April 11, 1989. Authorize 1989 Budget modification to General Fund - Part Town. Adopt Investment Policy of the Town of Southold. 17~,~ Accept the bid of Thomas H. Gannon and Sons, Inc. 19/ Accept the bid of Paul Corazzini & Sons. Inc. Cramer, Voorhis & 'Associates Engage the services of Planner ~ to review Lon9 Envi- ronmental Assessment Form re Jem Realty petition for zone change. Transmit Jem Realty petition for zone change to Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning, Cramer, Voorhis & :Associates Engage the services of Planner 4~w4~-Emi.tJ.~ to review Long Envi- ronmental Assessment Form re Emanuel Kontokosta petition for zone change. Transmit Emanuel Kontokosta petition for zone change to Town Plan- ning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning, Request enactment of Senate Bill No. S.4253 re establishment of open space preservation funds. Request enactment of Assembly Bill No, A.6712 re establishment of open space preservation funds. / 25~'~ Authorize employment of one full-time clerical worker and one part- time high school student in the Tax Receiver's Office. 26>/ Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for summer employees, namely Playground Instructors. 27/ Authorize 1989 Bud9et modification to General Fund - Whole Town, / 28/Authorize and direct Supervisor Murphy to submit a grant application. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - May 9. 1989 Page 5 Vo RESOLUTIONS: 29/ Authorize and direct Supervisor Murphy to execute an agreement between the County of Suffolk Executive STOP-DWI Department and the Town. 3o/ / Authorize 1989 Budget modification to the General Fund - Part Town, Authorize the Supervisor to execute agreement with St. Agnes Church for the use of parish hall. Authorize Town officials to attend 1989 Save the Bays Workshops, Authorize Recreation Director to purchase spine boards for Town beaches. Determine amount to be deposited in lieu of land for park and playground on Elijah's Lane Estates. Section 2. Determine amount to be deposited in lieu of land for park and playground on Elijah's Lane Estates. Section 3, / 36~/' Emergency replacement of heating system at Police Headquarters. / 37// Authorize Justice Edwards to make improvements to Fishers Island Justice Office, 38v// Authorize Supervisor to execute Section 8 Housing Voucher Annual Contributions Contract. / 39/ Set salary structure for Scale Operator effective January 1, 1989. / /I0~/ Enactment of Local Law No. 6 - 1989, "A Local Law in Relation to Zoning" (aCcessory & :permitted uses). SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - May 9. 1989 Page 6 VI. FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Proposal of Mattltuck Sanitation to enter into a program to reduce and recycle solid waste at the landfill. 2, 1989 Conference on the State of Our Coastal and Ocean Resources. 3, Eastern Long Island Hospital/Southold Town Educational Forum re Lyme Disease, May 23. 1989, 4, Resolution of TAX-PAC re reduction of County taxes. 5, Self insurance Trust Agreement for claim arbitration board. 6, 1989 Save the Bays Workshops. 7. Spine Board Regulation per Ken Reeves. Recreation Director. 8. Determine amount to be deposited with Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes re subdivision of Elijah's Lane Estates. Section 2, 9. Determine amount to be deposited with Town in lieu of land for park and playground purposes re subdivision of Elijah's Lane Estates. Section 3, 10, Possible meeting with Suffolk County Water Authority, 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. WORK SESSION AGENDA Father Sullivan - Contract Vic Lessard - Cases Tony Noto - Guarantees on municipal solid waste systems EXECUTIVE SESSION - Jean Cochran Labor Relations Report Action on the Minutes