HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-03/14/1989FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO~/N HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 1].79 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD March 1~,, 1989 7:30 P.M. RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby estab- lishes the policy that at scheduled Town Board Meetings the public attend- ing shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. - June 3, 1986 Call to Order. Pledge of .Allegiance. Approval of the Bills of March lit. 1989. Approval of the Minutes of the Town Board Meeting of February 28, 1989. REPORTS: 1. Times 2. Town 3. Town ~. Town 5. Town 6. Town 7. Times 8. 9. Mirror Cable Television changes in service package. Recreation Department Monthly Report - February 1989. Building Inspector Monthly Report - February 1989. Justice Monthly Report - Edwards - February 1989. Justice Monthly Report - Tedeschi - February 1989. Clerk's Monthly Report - February 1989. Mirror Cable Television Monthly Report - January, 1989. ' Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Monthly Report - February 1989. Town Planning Board Monthly Report - February 1989. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 14. 1989 Page 2 I. REPORTS: 10. Police Department Monthly Report - February, 1989. 11. East End Task Force Committee - Minutes of January 1989 Meeting. 12. Town Justice Monthly Report - Price - February, 1989. 13. Councilmen's Reports. 14. Supervisor's Report. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Complete Application of William and Christopher Connors to construct a single family dwelling, sanitary system, retaining wall and bluestone driveway within Freshwater Wetland SO-5. a Class I Wetland; located at West Drive, adjacent to Great Pond, Southold. Comments to Christina Costopoulos, NYS DEC, Bldg. SUNY, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794, by March 24, 1989. 4O N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Complete Application of Brown's Hills Estates. Inc,. to install a well approximately 42 feet deep to increase capacity of existing community water supply system; located on Brown's Hills Road, Orient. Comments to Stephen Mohr. NYS DEC. Bldg. 40 SUNY. Brook. N.Y. 11794. by March 24. 1989. Stony N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Complete Application of Timothy P, Coffey to install a well 40' deep at 44900 Main Road. Southold. Comments to Stephen Mohr. NYS DEC. Bldg, 40 SUNY, Stony Brook. N.Y, 11794. by March 24, 1989, N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Complete Application of William Baxter Jr. and Jane Baxter Goeller to subdivide a 218,874 sq. ft. parcel into two lots, one being 151,301 sq. ft. and the other 67,483 sq. ft.; located on a right of .way extending north from Oregon Road, 1100 feet west of Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. Comments to George W. Hammarth, NYS DEC; Bldg. 40 SUNY, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794, by March 24, 1989. N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Complete Application of Gardiners Bay Estates Homeowners Asso~:~ to maintenance dredge 600 cu. yds. of sand from Canal adjacent to Orient Harbor. Spring Pond. Gardlners Bay Estates Boat Basin, East Marion· Comments to Susan Ackerman. NYS DEC. Bldg. 40 SUNY, Stony Brook. N.Y, 11794. by March 24, 1989. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 14, 1989 Page 3 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Independent Group Home Living Program, Inc.., Notice of assumption of operation responsibility for state-operated intermediate care facility located on Sound Avenue, Mattituck. Comments to Walter W. Stockton, Executive Director, Box 638, 62 Pine Street, East Morlches, N.Y. 11940. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, N.Y. District; application of Joseph Bielawski to establish a shellfish habitat in Great Peconic Bay, Town of Southampton, Suffolk County, N.Y. Written comments by March 27, 1989. Ill. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. George J. Hochbrueckner, U.S. Congress Re: Protection of Peconic Bay IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 7:45 P.M. on March 14, 1989, on "Local Law in Relation to Zoning." 8:00 P.M. on March 14, 1989, on proposal of Carr/Wanat to amend zoning ordinance and map. 8:15 P.M. on March 14, 1989, on Draft Environmental Impact Statement submitted by D.B.M. Co. 8:20 P.M. on March 14, 1989, on proposal of D.B.M. Co. to amend zoning ordinance and map. RESOLUTIONS: 1/ Set 3:30 P.M., Tuesday, March 28, 1989 for a public hearing on a proposed "Local Law in Relation to Wetlands." Terminate the employment~ of Joan Schneider and Allison Stepnoski, as provisional Clerk Typists. Appoint Joan Schneider for a 90 day period and Allison Stepnoski for a 10 day period. Request enactment of Senate bill No. S.2570 in relation-to the amount of annual appropriation by Town for Orient Mosquito District. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 14. 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTIONS: 5J Request enactment of Assembly bill No. A.3813. in relation to amount of annual appropriation by Town for Orient Mosquito District. Authorize increase in the rate of pay for EISEP Aides. Grant permission to Accountant and Account Clerk to attend a seminar. Designate Daniel Latham as designee for reappointment to County Farmland Committee. Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for two for Farmland Committee. Grant application of Martin Sidor for renewal of single family house trailer. 1./ 18,/ 19/ Appoint John Harrison a member of the 350th Anniversary Celebration Committee. Grant permission to Account Clerk to attend Empire Plan Training session. Authorize and direct Supervisor to execute Escrow Agreements between Town. Norstar Bank and Chase Manhattan Bank. Appoint Patricia Smith as EISEP Aide and Brief Respite Aide. Appoint Shirley Darling as Tennis Instructor. Chris Visser as Remote Controlled Car Instructor. Authorize Recreation Director to purchase the 1989 bulk order of sports equipment, Approve Lifeguard and Beach Attendant salary schedule for 1989. 1990. and 1991, Grant permission to Village Commons Health S Racquet Club to hold their annual North Fork Run and Ride Biathlon. Accept the bid of Thomas H. Cannon and Sons. Inc. Appoint Andrew C. Epple, Jr. a full-time Bay Constable, Grant permission to Bay Constable to attend Advanced Marine Law Enforcement Training, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 14, 1989 Page 5 Vo RESOLUTIONS,: 22/ Authorize Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry '~ District to advertise for bids for hardware and software, 234 3o/ installation, and training in accordance with the finalized RFP. Authorize Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to contract with Thames Shipyard and Repair Company, Appoint EIIsworth R. Walden as a part-time Gate Attendant. Grant permission to Sgt, Edward Sidor to attend a Hostage Negotiations seminar, Grant permission to Police Officers to attend an in-service training relative to Tactical Operations. Grant permission to Police Officer Wilson to attend an in-service training for Women in Law Enforcement - A Practical Approach to Tactics. Request enactment of Assembly bill No. 3136 entitled "An Act to amend the highway law. in relation to the purchase of machinery. tools, implements and equipment without a town election in towns within Suffolk County, Resolution of sympathy to the family of Ralph W. Tuthill, Sr. Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for bids for removal and disposal of household hazardous wastes, Accept. with regret, the resignation of Allison M. Stepnoski. Authorize the Commissioner of Public works to install a street light. Authorize attendance at an Affordable Housing for Long Island conference. Authorize 1989 Budget modification to General Fund - Whole Town. Authorize advance fee payment for youth puppet show, Appoint Judith T. Terry as a Marriage Officer in Town of Southold. Reappointment of two members to Landmark Preservation Commission. Reappointment of Richard Ward to Planning Board. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 14. 1989 Page 6 RESOLUTIONS: VI, 1. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. Resolution opposing proposed sales tax on cable television service. Authorize attendance at a Floatable Wastes in the Ocean conference. Authorize Bookkeeper John Cushman to attend the annual Industry Executive Conference by the IBM Corporation. Request to Public Service Commission to exempt municipalities from New York Telephone Pole Attachment Tariff. Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for one member of Board of Appeals. Grant permission to Councilwoman Ollva and Planner Scopaz to attend the APA National Planning Conference. Delay withdrawal from the Empire Plan for 30 days. Enactment of Local Law No. 3 - 1989, A Local Law in Relation to Zoning. · FOR DISCUSSION: Appointments of Landmark Preservation Commission, Board of Appeals and Planning Board. Annual Industry Executive IBM Conference for State and Local Gov~t. Brookhaven Town Code - Tree Preservation. Alarm Law Violations. Preparation for Bicentennial Census, 1990. Proposed resolution opposing sales tax on cable television service. Letter from Irwin M. Scharfield, CSEA. Request of Michael F. Zukas, Knights of Lithuania, for permission to serve beer and wine at June U, th convention. Floatable Wastes in the Ocean seminar. Notice of Incomplete Application for Composting Facility. ~: Affordable Housing Program action to get water and/or-sewer hook-ups for affordable housing projects, Notice of Pole Attachment Tariff by New York Telephone. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 14. 1989 Page 7 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A,M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. WORK SESSION AGENDA Work Session Begins - Action on Minutes Stephen Nostrom - Lymes Disease R. Brown - Town Hall Space Study Ray Jacobs. Dan Winters - Gas tanks Alarm law Alan Kaplan - Self insurance Hoot Sherman. Steven Clark - Water B. Orlowski, W. Mullen - Planning Board