HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-02/28/1989FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA SOUTHO----~TOWN BOARD February 28, 1989 3:00 P.M. TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN ROAD P.O. BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the policy that at scheduled Town Board Meetings the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. - June 3, 1986 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Bills of February 28. 1989. Approval of the Minutes of the Town Board Meeting of February 7. 1989. Next Meeting Date: March 1[[, 1989, at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report - Tedeschi - January, 1989. 2. Town Justice Monthly Report - Edwards - January, 1989. 3. Substance Abuse Coordinator Monthly Report - January, 1989. S.C. Dept. of Labor Economic Indicator Report - February, 1989. 5. NOW Alliance PAC Year End Report - 1988. 6. S.C. Inter-Agency Coordinating Council Minutes - January 11, 1989, and Agenda - February 10, 1989. 7. Single Parent Residence - Progress report, February, 1989. 8. Town Planning Board Monthly Report - January. 1989. · 9. Town Police Department Monthly Report - January. 1999. 10. Annual Financial Report. Tow~ of Southold. 1988. 11. Town Juvenile Aid Bureau Annual Report - 1988, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - February 28, 1989 Page 2 I. REPORTS: 12. Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report ~ Year Ended December 31, 13. Councilmen's Reports. 14. Supervisor's Report. 1988. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Suffolk County Department of Planning; Meeting Notification February 15, 1989, 9:30 A.M., H. Lee Dennison Building, Hauppauge. NY State Department of Environmental Conservation; Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Acquisition of Long Beach Bay Tidal Wetlands in Southold Town. on March 8. 1989. 2:00 P.M. in Southold Town Hall. Southold. New York. Written comments by April 10. 1989. to Robert Drew. Chief Administrative Law Judge. Office of Hearings. NYDEC. Room 409. 50 Wolf Road. Albany. New York 12233-1550. III. C, OMMUNICATIONS.: 1. Cutchogue Free Library; William Peters. President Re: Support from Town budget 2. John Kramer Re: Garbage disposal 3. Suffolk Waste Distillation; Richard Greenfield Re: Waste Dis,tillator System IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - February 28. 1989 Page 3 RESOLUTIONS: 17 Grant application to Zdzislaw Mikolajczyk for renewal of trailer permit. Authorize 1988 Budget modification to Nutrition Fund and General Fund - Whole Town. Authorize 1988 Budget modification to Adult Day Care Fund and General Fund - Whole Town. Authorize 1988 Budget modification to Southold Wastewater Disposal District. 5~//Authorize purchase of six 1989 Chevrolet 4-door sedans. Police. / · 6~/ Determ,ne that the change of zone action applied for by James L. Gray. Sr.. is likely to have a significant effect on the environment and request applicant to prepare a Draft Environmental Impact Statement and require him to defray the cost of reviewing said Statement. / 7jAuthorize advance fee payment for Circus/Magic Show. 8~/ Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for summer 9/ 10 ' 13V/ Lifeguards. Beach Attendants and Water Safety Instructors. Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for spring Tennis Instructor and. Remote Control Car Instructor. Authorize and direct Supervisor Murphy to sign Airport Layout Plan drawings for Elizabeth Field Airport. F.I. Execute applica'tion to the New York State Office for the Aging for a Recreation Program. Authorize 1989 Budget modification to General Fund - Whole Town. Adopt Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU-l. Advertise for bids for the purchase of one Mowing Tractor for the Highway Department. Grant application of Frank Sawicki for renewal of his single family house trailer permit. Engage services of Planner Dayid Emilita to review the Long Environmental Assessment Form with respect to the petition of Thomas Thompson for a change of zone. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - February 28, 1989 Page 4 RESOLUTIONS: 17~/ Direct Town Clerk to transmit change of zone petition of Thomas Thompson to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning, 19/ Accept the resignation of Marion O'Connor as a Senior Day Care worker. Accept the resignation of John Osgood as Nutrition Program worker. EISEP Aide. and Brief Respite Aide. Authorize purchase of sweeper and payloader for Highway Department, Advertise for bids for purchase of one street sweeper. 22// Advertise for bids for purchase of one front end payloader. 23y/ Authorize Board of Commissioners of the F.I, Ferry District to employ the services of Victoria L. Orr as part-time Freight Agent, 2~,~/ Authorize Board of Commissioners of the F,I, Ferry District to adopt Records Retention and Disposition Schedule MU-1. / 25~/ Replace seven pile dolphins at the entrance to Silver Eel Cove. F,I.. N,Y. 26/ Terminate the employment of Bay Constable Alfred P, Schaffer, 271/ Authorize temporary trailer for Joseph and Eileen Santora, 28~'Authorize sale of three Town owned parcels in Orient to the D.E,C. 29v/ Selection of Da~eco for negotiations for construction and operation of a composting facility, 30v/ Authorize temporary trailer for John Eberhardt, 31. Authorize installation of office trailer at the Dog Pound. 32. Accept dedication of Glenn Road and Shepard Drive. 33. Authorize improvements to Glenn Road and Shepard Drive. ppointment of Stephen E. Angell to the Conservation .Advisory Council. 35. Support reinstatement of fund~ for Division of Youth in the 1989-90 New York State proposed budget. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - February 28, 1989 Page 5 ,RES/DLUTIONS: 36~/ Authorize closing four Town roads on Fishers Island for a Fire Department Marathon. 37~/ Set 7:~,5 P.M., Tuesday, March 1~,, 1989, for a public hearing on a proposed "Local Law in Relation to Zoning." VI. FOR DISCUSSION: Application of Joseph and Eileen Santora for permission to locate a single family house trailer. Notice of Public Hearing regarding acquisition of Long Beach Bay Tidal Wetlands by NYS DEC. Notice of Public Hearing of DEC regarding Long Beach Bay Tidal Wetlands Area (See 11-2). ~,. H2M Engineering Report for Proposed Extension of Public Water. 5. Progress Report of Southold Town Tree Committee. 6. Letter from George W. Desmarais, H2M GROUP, requesting approval for additional engineering services for composting project. 7. Proposed resolution selecting composting vendor for negotiations· 8. Application of John Eberhardt for permission to locate a single family house trailer. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - February 28. 1989 Page 6 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A,M. 10:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 12:00 NOON 2:00 P.M. WOR'K SESSION AGENDA Richard Ryan. DEC - EXECUTIVE SESSION J. Schondebare and J. McMahon EXECUTIVE SESSION Tom Cramer - Planning Ray Jacobs - Tree pruning B. Orlowski - Environmental Consultants Bob Harrington - NF Animal Welfare League Barbara Szepatowskl - 1989 Schedule Review of Old Business Ambulance District