HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-02/07/1989FRANCIS J. MURPHY
(516) 765-1800
P.O. BOX 1179
February 7, 1989
7:30 P.M.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby estab-
lishes the policy that at scheduled Town Board Meetings the public attending
shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to
agenda resolutions prior to their enactment and the public will also be
given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to
address the Board on any given topic. - June 3, 1986
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Bills of February 7. 1989.
Approval of the Minutes of the Town Board Meeting of Jam~ary 10. 1989.
Approval of the Minutes of the Town Board Meeting of January 23. 1989,
Next Meeting Date: February 28, 1989, at 3:00 P.M.
Special Presentation - Police Officer HoWard W. Sawicki
Police Officer John E. Clark
1. Substance Abuse Coordinator Monthly Report - December 1988.
2. East End Task Force Committee Meeting Minutes - December 15. 1988,
3. Substance Abuse Coordinator statistical analysis and request for
Times Mirror Cable Television Monthly Report - December 1988.
5. Southold T~wn Recreation Department Monthly Report - January 1989.
6. Town Clerk's Monthly Report - January 1989,
7, Southold Town Building Department Monthly Report - January 1989.
Agenda - February 7, 1989
Page 2
8. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Monthly Report - January 1989.
9. Southold Town Historian Annual Report - 1988.
10. Southold Town Board of Appeals Monthly Report - January 1989.
11. Councilmen's Reports.
12. Supervisor's Report.
US Army Corps of Engineers, NY District; Application of the
Town of Southold to place off-bottom seed clam rafts in Goose
Creek, Shelter Island Sound, Southold. Written comments by
February 22, 1989.
NY State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Steven Dubner to install a well 80' deep
for drip irrigation of nursery stock, said well located on the
north side of County Road 48 between Cox and Bridge Lanes.
Comments no later than February 17, 1989.
NY State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Nell Rego d/b/a Chardonnay Woods to
construct single family homes with decks and pools, said
structures to be greater than 75' from the freshwater wetland
located at Mt. Beulah Avenue/Soundview Avenue. Comments no later
than February 24, 1989.
NY State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Thomas E. Boyle to line a section of
deteriorated seawall, install filter fabric and place sand in
eroded area, and construct a rock revetment; said project located
on the north side of Leeton Drive, Southold. Comments by February
24, 1989.
NY State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of
Complete Application of Village Marina to construct a storage
building requiring a 37' variance from the 75' setback: located on
James Creek, Bay Avenue, Mattituck. Comments by February 24,
US Army Corps of Engineers, NY District; Application of LI Green
Seal Committee to establish artificial scallop habitats on
Northwest Harbor, Gardiners Bay, East Hampton. Written comments
by February 16, 1989.
Agenda - February 7. 1989
Page 3
Joseph Sawicki. New York State Assembly
Copy of letter to Harold Berger. DEC;
Re: Preservation of Hallocks Bay. Orient
2. Al Jahir
Re: Composting trip to Europe
3. ~he..In~rporat~ed. Lqng I slan. d {;hap.t. er., NYS Archaeological Association.
boutnolo, re: Urlent PoeMs incllan ~ul[ure.
8:00 P.M. on February 7. 1989. on "A Local Law in Relation to
Garbage. Rubbish and Refuse."
lv/ Request to County with regard to County tax.
2~x Authorize 1988 Budget modification to F.I. Sewer District.
3J Approve amount for a bond for roads and improvements in the minor
subdivision of Edward and Eileen Deutsch.
4J// Authorize and direct Supervisor to execute agreement between the
Town and the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund.
5V/ Payment from General Fund Whole Town. Programs for the Aging.
61//' Grant application of Frank McBride for renewal of a trailer permit.
7V/ Create position of Work/Study Student.
8V/ Authorize Commissioner of Public Works Raymond L. Jacobs to
install a street light on Pole No. 51L.
9.v/ Accept. with regret, the resignation of Jack H. Thilberg. Jr.
10t// Appoint Brian Weingart as provisional full-time Public Safety
Authorize 1988 Budget modification to the Community Development
Fund and the General Fund Whold Town.
Determine that an additional 30 days is necessary to determine the
adequacy of the DEIS with respect to the petition of DBM Co. for a
change of zone.
Agenda - February 7. 1989
Page 4
13V/ Determine that the DEIS with respect to the petition of DBM Co.
for a change of zone is ~ satisfactory.
Authorize Board of Commissioners of the F.I. Ferry District
to advertise for separate bids.
Authorize an advance fee payment in the amount of $55.00.
Authorize the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for
resurfacing Town Roads on Fishers Island.
Authorize individuals to attend the Annual meeting of the
Association of Towns.
18v~ Appoint Mary Louise Santacroce as provisional Legal Stenographer.
19~thorize placing part-time ~nstructor Laura Carlisle on the
20~/ApPoilntq~/~oayro/_ Georgia Rudder as Secretary for the Waterfront
Revitalization Citizens Advisory Committee,
21 J/ Encourage Suffolk County Legislator Thiele and Assemblyman Behan
to continue their efforts in forming Peconic County,
Authorize 1988 Budget modification to Home Aide Program and
General Fund - Whole Town,
Authorize 1988 Budget modification to Federal Revenue Sharing Fund,
Request NYS DEC to hold off condemnation of Orient property,
Determine that Zoning Amendments to Supplement Local Law No. 1 -
1989 will have no significant effect on the environment.
Transmit "Local Law in Relation to Zoning" to Southold Town
Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning.
Set 8:00 P,M.. Tuesday. March 14. 1989, at Southold Town Hall as
time and place for public hearing on Carr/Wanat change of zone,
Authorize 1988 Budget modification to General Fund - Part Town,
29. 1989 Agreement for services by Certified Court Reporter Mytle
Agenda - February 7. 1989
Page 5
30. 1989 agreement for services by Certified Court Reporter Gall
31JChange title of Venetia McKeighan to Director of Human Services.
32J// Authorize three Building Inspectors to attend Educational
Advertise for resumes for provisional Planner Trainee.
Release bonds of composting firms - Omni Composting Corp. and
Reuter, Inc.
35L-/'Request NYS-DEC to reissue dredging amendment re: Wickham Creek,
and allow dredged disposal site at Wickham Creek.
36[// Authorize individuals to attend New York Land Institute Winter
1989 Programs at Huntington.
37d/ Amend September 6, 1988, resolution relative to amount to be
deposited in lieu of land for park and playground for Wolf Pit Pond
38/ Authorize 1988 Budget modification to General Fund - Whole Town.
39V//,Accept bond estimate amount for Henry Arbeeny subdivision. .
u,0J~LAuthorize Planmng Board to hire consulting firm of Cramer,
"]//Voorhis and Associates to prepare GElS in Laurel Lake vicinity.
~,11/ Extend letter of credit for Harbor V~ew Realty/Bayview Ventures
~2V// Set 8:15 P.M. on March 1~,, 1989, for Public Hearing on DBM Co.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
Set 8:20 P.M. on March 14, 1989, for Public Hearing on DBM Co.
Change of Zone application.
~L~I// Enactment of Local Law No. 2 - 1989- "A Local Law in Relation to
Garbage, Rubbish $ :Refuse".
u,5W/ Direct the Water Advisory Committee to present options in the
development of the Core Watershed Protection Zone.
Agenda - February 7. 1989
Page 6
1. Determination of the Final Environmental Impact Statement -
Southold Municipal Solid Waste/Sludge Composting Facility.
2. Ambulance district in Cutchogue and Southold District areas.
3. Dredging of Southold Town creeks and waterways.
4. Grant permission for Building Inspectors to attend Building
Officials Educational Conference.
5, Town water management policy and Suffolk County Water Authority.
6, Advertising for Planner Trainee.
7. Set date for interviews for Conservation Advisory Council and
Part-time Custodian,
8, See Resolution No. 19.
9, Resume of Patrick Cleary, Environmental Planner.
10, Request of League of Women Voters to place booklet on waste
management in Town Clerks Office to be sold from there.
11. Farmland Committee Member expirations,
12. Possible demonstration of tire shredder,
13. Disposition of old copy machine.
1k~. Tree pruning on Mt. Beulah and Soundview Avenues,
15. Possible drainage on County Road ~,8. Southold.
16. Release security of Reuter. Inc., and Omni Composting Corp,
Agenda - February 7. 1989
Page 7
9:00 A.M.
9:30 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
10:30 A.M.
2:00 P.M.
2:30 P.M.
Work Session Begins - Review of Old Business
Ve McKeighan - Director of Human Services
Luis San Andres - Wolf Pit
J. Fischetti - The Woods at Cutchogue
Frank Kujawski and Henry Smith ~ Trustees
Constance Terry - Hallock Bay