HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-03/22/1988FRANCIS J. MURPHY SUPERVISOR TELEPHONE (516) 765-1800 Tow, ;,3oO 51 ,, ROAO SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD March 22, 1988 7:30 P.M. RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the policy that at scheduled Town Board Meetings the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment and the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. - June 3, 1986 Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of March 22, 1988. Approval of the Minutes of the Town Board Meeting of March 8, 1988. Next Meeting Date: April 5, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. Town Justice Monthly Report ~ Edwards - February, 1988. Town Justice Monthly Report - Tedeschi - February, 1988. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Report - February, 1988. 4. Times Mirror Cable Television Report - March 11, 1988. 5. Councilmen's Reports. 6. Supervisor's Report. SOUTHOLD TOWlq BOARD Agenda - March 22, 1988 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by Elizabeth Yaro to construct a single family dwelling, associated sanitary system, and fill. Variance requested. Corey Creek. Written comments by April 1, 1988. Suffolk County Office of the County Executive "Women's Services and Job Opportunities Fair," Wednesday, March 23, noon - 8:00 P.M., Riverhead County Center. US Army Corps of Engineers, NY District Application of Suffolk County Department of Public Works to dredge Gull Pond, ten year maintenance. Written comments by April 11, 1988. US Army Corps of Engineers, NY District Application of Douglas F. Creighton to maintenance dredge with upland disposal at Sterling Basin. Written comments by March 28, 1988. US Army Corps of Engineers, NY District Application of Suffolk County Department of Public Works to dredge Cedar Beach Harbor Inlet, ten year maintenance. Written comments by April 11, 1988. US Army Corps of Engineers, NY District Application of Suffolk County Department of Public Works to dredge Corey Creek, ten year maintenance. Written comments by April 11, 1988. State of New York, Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of Public Hearing on April 11, 1988, at 1:00 P.M. in the Southold Town Hall, on the application of John Xikis to construct a timber bulkhead and backfill, LI Sound. Written comments by April 11, 1988. Department of the Army, NY District Corps of Engineers. Application by Dr. Stanley Keating to install a timber walkway with a ramp and a float in Haywaters Cove, Cutchogue. Written comments by April 5, 1988. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application by Howard Zehner d/b/a/ Young's Marina to rebuild the existing marina and expand it including the construction of new docks, ramps and catwalks and dredge; such dredge being disposed of on upland portions of site. Located at Sage Basin, Shelter Island Sound. Written comments by April 3, 1988. SOUTHOLD TOWlq BOARD Agenda - March 22, 1988 Page 3 II. PUBLIC NOTICES: 10. Association of Towns a). Notice regional meetings with NY State DEC Commissioner Jorling. Long Island: Wednesday, 6, 1988, 1:00-4:30 P.M., Islip Town Hall. b). "Solid Waste Management Seminar for Local Government Elected Officials" on Thursday, May 19, 1988, Turf Inn, Town of Colonie, 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. 11. Suffolk County Executive, Patrick Halpin, Suffolk County Senior Action Mobile Unit visits: 10-2 Greenport Senior Nutrition, Agnes Church, April 18 Southold Town Hall, April 26 April III. COMMUNICATIONS: David M. Sinclair, NY State DEC Re: Availability to make presentation of Community Urban Forestry Award to Town. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 8:00 P.M. on March 22, 1988, on the proposed "LOCAL LAW in Relation to the Regulation and Control of Alarm Systems." 8:02 P.M. on March 22, 1988, on the proposed "LOCAL LAW in Relation to Boats, Docks and Wharves." 8:05 P.M. on March 22, 1988, on the proposed "LOCAL LAW in Relation to Scavenger Wastes." 4. 8:07 P.M. on March 22, 1988, on the proposed "LOCAL LAW in Relation to Wetlands." SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 22, 1988 Page 4 RESOLUTIONS: 1/ Appoint Jack H. Thilberg, Jr., Jennifer Quarty, Kevin Ford and Wayne Sailor as Traffic Control Officers, effective immediately at a salary of $6.50 per hour. 2J Authorization to attend NY State Association of Large Towns meeting with NYS-DEC Commissioner Jorling re Solid Waste crisis, April 12, 1988. 3~/Engage services of Richard F. Lark, Esq. to represent the Town. Renew permit of Gary and Barbara Rutter, Main Road, Mattituck, for extension of trailer permit. Authorize advance fee payment for trip to Westbury Music Fair. 7/ 8/ 10AJ c/ Authorize Supervisor Murphy to execute, on behalf the Town, all necessary documents for dredging in Wunneweta Pond. of Advertise for bids for purchase of Asphalt Road Materials. Advertise for bids for contract to furnish asphalt concrete within Town. Advertise for bids for purchase of Sand Mix Asphalt. Appoint Ruthanne Woodhull as temporary secretary in Office of the Supervisor. Supervisor Murphy appoints Ruthanne Woodhull as Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor. Set salary for Confidential Secretary. 12A/ Authorize 1987 Budget modifications to General Fund - Whole Town. Appoint Joan Ann Schneider as provisional Clerk Typist in the Office of Town Attorney. Create a Clerk Typist position at the Nutrition Center. Transfer Christine Schlachter to Nutrition Center. Town Board set 8:10 P.M., April 5, 1988, Southold Town Hall, for public hearing on proposed "Local Law in Relation to Taxation". SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 22, 1988 Page 5 RESOLUTIONS: 19/ 20/ Authorize the 1987 Budget modifications to the General Fund ~ Part Town. Appoint Helene D. Horne as Clerk Typist in the Office of the Town Clerk. Authorize Cleaves Point Village Condominium Assoc. to extend the existing revetment. Accept, with regret, the resignation of Christina j. Hogan. Environmental determination on the proposed "Local Law in relation to Open Space or Open Area Preservation,,. 21~ Reappointment of Serge J. Doyen, Jr. as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. 22/Reappointment of Bennett Orlowski, Jr. as a member of the 23/ Planning Board. Town Board approves and adopts "Stop Work Order" form to be used by the Building Department. 24/ Decision on the enactment of a "Local Law in relation .to Open Space or Open Area Preservation .,, 25/Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for resumes five members of the Open Space Committee. for Authorize the refund of a building permit fee to Anthony Gambino. Authorize submission of application for matching funds under the Suffolk County Public Water Main Extension Program. Grant permission to First Baptist Church to hold a sunrise service at the Norman E Klipp Marine Park, Greenport. · Authorize advance fee payment for senior citizen bus trip to the Bronx Zoo. 16/Authorize the Board of Commissioners of Fishers Island Ferry District to accept the bid of Thames Shipyard & Repair Co. for drydocking and periodic inspection of the M/V RACE POINT. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 22, 1988 Page 6 RESOLUTIONS: 297 Authorize the Landmark Commission t© place 3o/ advertisement in search of a particular style of house. Appoint Mary Ann Fleischman as a part-time Counselor under the Crime/Drug/Alcohol Program. Appoint Suzanne Walden as a provisional Clerk Typist in the Building Dept. Enactment of Local Law No. 3 - 198~8, "A' Local Law in relation to Boats, Docks & Wharves." Enactment of Local Law No. 4 - 1988, "A Local Law in relation to Scavenger Wastes." Enactment of Local Law No. 5 - 1988, "A Local Law in relation to Wetlands." SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Agenda - March 22, 1988 Page 7 VI. FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Position on Board of Appeals. 2. Position on Planning Board. 3. Application of Carr/Wanat~for change of zone and DEIS. 4. Freedom of Information Act as it pertains to personnel records. 5. Fishers Island Map, for possible inclusion in Master Plan update. 6. National Symposium on Protection of Wetlands from Agricultural Impact. 7. Public Watermain Extension Program, Dept. of Health Services. Appointment to Board of Ethics? Request for refund of building permit fee. Set interviews for Water Advisory Committee. Stop Work Order Forms. Water Main Extensions. Proposed "Local Law in relation to Open Space or Open Area Preservation." 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. WORK SESSION AGENDA 8:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Police Committee Meeting E. Bressler - Gambino refund of bldg. permit. John Clavin - affordable housing, Walsh Park, Fishers Island. 2:00 P.M. Bill Peters ' - Landmark Preservation Committee.