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Town of Southold Annex 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 5/13/2011 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 34941 Date: 5/13/2011 THIS CERTIFIES that the building Location of Property: SCTM #: 473889 Subdivision: RESIDENTIAL NEW CONSTRUCTION 595 Clearwater Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935, Sec/Block/Lot: 118.-2-14.1 Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Builffmg Permit heretofore filed in this officed dated 8/28/2008 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 34152 dated 9/11/2008 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. Thc occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: one family dwelling with covered porches,second floor balconies, terrace, attached three car garage and basement with recreation room, game room and arcade room as applied for. The certificate is issued to Flotteron III, Joseph & Flotteron, Nora (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 3/8/10 R10-07-0076 4/29/11 12442 3/1/10 Perfection Plumbing & Heating r~gn~ Form No. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ~AR 1 0 2010 BLDG. DEPT. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of I% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 1 Date. i/[//(~ [ O, 2~o t ~ (check one) New Construction: Location of Property: Old or Pre-existing Building: Street Hamlet House No. Owner or Owners of Property: Sufiblk County Tax Map No 1000, Sectmn'/~/ Subdivision Filed Map. Lot: Permit No. ~'~>~V I t~ Date of Permit. <1 (1l {c~ ~ Applicant: Health Dept. Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Fee Submitted: $ Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate: x~ (check one) i::." 'App]ica nt: · .:..: R~l/~h In Inspection Date: ?'i:' AppJi~tion No. *' 'i:'; . County Tax Hap No.: SU'FFOLK U RF. AU LECT P,~A.& 40 Nottingham Drive, Middle island. NY Teleph0ne: 631495 8136 · Fax:6319806455 · E-MaihSBEIGSJ~gmail.com MAR 10 BLDG. DEPT. TOWN OF SOUTHO CERTIFICATE OF ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE G&5 El~ctriCal Contractor Certificate No.: 12442 Final Inspection Date: FJar 01, 2010 12442 Building Permit No.: ~,~ This Certificate of J~leCtrical .work-described below, installed by the applicant named alcove, located at the premise of and nog after the final .inspection date above: ' 'i~ Owner: ]Oseph Flotteran ~:'.. Site Location: 175 Cl..arwaters lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 ? Owner's Address (if different): Compliance is limited'to the inspeCtion and compliance of electrical equipment and/or .::':' ;~] Res dential ~ Indoor ?j~ Basement []Sen/ice ,C'~ Shed .:i.i. !~_j". Commemlal {v'~ Outdoor ~ Fimt Floor ~Pool ~ Hoffub ~i~'New [] Renovation ' ~ Second Floor J-q Attic [] Garage ':_~..AdditiOn ~ Sun/ay Other: .. INVENTORY Single ph~ae ~00a Heal ' oll D~ple~ ReCpt :12;~ , Ceiliflg FiXture 42 nip F~turea ~u~ :l~an~l ' AC Blower . Range Re~p! 1 FIOUrescent . S~loke CO Coml~o ... Tl~e electrical work and/or.equipment described above were inspected ~nd appear to be in qompliance ,with local, state and national electrical code requirements and this office, Applicant: G&S EleCtrical Contractor License No.: 578E & 31568oME Inspected By: Roger Richert Date Of Certificate: Mar 09,2010 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P,O.. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-9502 Telephone (631) 765-1802 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN O1* SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATION MAR 1 0 2010 BLDG. DEPT. TOWN OF SOUTHOtD Date: Building Permit No. _~ (Jr I',~ ~ Owner: .~ Plumber: (Please print) (Please print) I certify that the solder used iu the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. {J>lumbers Signature) Sworn to before me this day of v'qx,,,-.Sh , 20\~ Notary Public, %-~kv\~.~ County ALICIA WALKER Notary Public, State of New Yo~ No. 01WA6153064 Qualified in Suflol~ County Commission Expires Sept. 25, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST ,[~ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION ~ FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] RRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PEI~c,.ATION REMARKS: DATE ~'- ~--/~' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION ] FOUNDATION 1ST ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] INSULATION [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FINAL ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ~FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: DATE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ]RRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ [ ] ROUGH PLBG. ~INSULATION [ ] FINAL [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ]FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING ~ FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION REMARKS: , DATE INSPECTOR WEBER 52 NOYACK PATH, ~0 BOX 1374), WAT~ h&L.L, NEW YO~ 11976 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD, GREF:~AWN, ~ YORK, 11740 TB_ 651. 754-5555 FAX 6~1. 261-K)84 November 4, 2008 Town of Southold Building Department PO Box 1179, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE $95 Clearwater Lane, Cutchogue, NY SCTM #1000-118-02-14.1 PERMIT NO. 34152 Building Department: As Architect for the Flotteron Residence, I inspected the poured concrete foundation before backfilling with the following notes: Foundation Inspection #1 (Saturday, November 1, 2008, 2 pm): The concrete foundation walls were poured as detailed on plans with a typical foundation wall height of 9'-0" and a typical thickness of 10". Wall surfaces were generally smooth and free of any voids. The concrete footings measured approximately 22"x 10" with good soil bearing conditions. On the exterior of the foundation wall, all tie holes were adequately parged. Foundation Inspection #2 (Monday, November 3, 2008, 4 pm): The exterior of the foundation walls were dampproofed to the proposed grade line with a continuous coating. The dampproofing extended continuously over the top of the footings. If you require any other information on my review of the foundation wails please contact WEBER 52 NOYACK PA'I~I, ¢0 BOX B74), WATER IvILL, ~ YC~ 11976 · 41 EAST IvIAPLE ROAD, C-:,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-REENLA~I, ~ YORK, 11740 TEL 631 · 754-5555 FAX 681-261-1084 September 5, 2008 Town of Southold Building Department PO Box 1179, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE- BASEMENT 595 CLEARWATER LANE, CUTCHOGUE, NY SCTM #1000-118-02-14.1 Building Department: As Architect for the Flotteron Residence, I can attest to the fact that there will be no sleeping spaces provided in the basement of this house. The rooms labeled "storage" will be used strictly for storage purposes. A copy of this letter is being sent to the Owner to inform him that sleeping spaces in the basement are prohibited unless legal egress is provided. Frederick R. Weber, R.A. WEBER 52 NOYACK PATH, ~0 BOX 1374l, WATI~ IVIL.L, ~ YOi~ 11976 TEL 4lEAST MAPLE ROAD, ~AWN, NEW YORK,/1740 FAX August 31, 2009 Town of Southold Building Department PO Box 1179, Main Road Southold, NY 11971 631 · 754-5555 631 · 261--1084 BLDG. DEPT. RE: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE 595 Clearwater Lane, Cutchogue, NY SCTM #1000-118-02-14.1 Building Department: As architect for the Flotteron Residence, I can verify that the strappin~g for the house structure and the pl.umbing pressure tests for the basement space were satisfactorily performed. ~ -- ~ I am including a copy of the revised structural drawings (S1 & S2), last revised February 5, 2009 which correspond wi~ the completed ~ work. I can also verify that the ~s which have been encased in the exterior trim, were of the size and design called out on the structural drawings. Please contact me with any questions or comments. i e~defitmly yo~ ~ ~ COM3/~STS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. northfork.net/Southold/ Examined Approved Disapproved a/c , 20 Expiration 2o i o BLDG. DEPT. I ~ OF SOtS'HOLD j BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying'? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Plmming Board approval Survey Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact: Phone: ¢1) * ' Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date ,20 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector xvith 4 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining prelnises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application ~nay not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in pan for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector · issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six lnonths. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Depamnent for the issuance of a Building Per,nit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for re~noval or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to adufit authorized inspectors on preinises and in building for necessary inspections.t~ (Signature of applicant or name, if a corporation) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent,(~.~hitect~ngineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Name of owner ofpremises ~, ~W/,4~ ~peff/2.~t.~l · (~} on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. [b~.-Gl~,r~ k.~.~¢,~~ Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: House Number Street H~let County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Subdivision (Name) 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ,_c.ql~Dfia./kJ~ ~g_~ _~,51~-XX, I~T~, b. Intended use and occupancy 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building Repair Removal Demolition 4. Estimated Cost '~'~)141~:2, Fee Addition Alteration Other Work (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, number of dwelling units ,,~r~b~ [1~ dwdling units on each floor If garage, number of cars (7') If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify'tia'ture an~d extent of each type of use. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front "'~ (~ Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Depth Height Height 9. Size of lot: Front 10. Date of Purchase ["L/I~/C)Q- Dimensions of entire new construction: Front Number of Stories Rear tt'k~>t (~--~ Name of Former Owner Depth Rear Number of Stories Rear ~,0~~ Depth 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 14. Names of Owner of premises Name of Architect Name of Contractor 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES__ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES )~ NO Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES__ NO Address ~c~4~ ~q,T, o0~O Phone No~O~') 't!o-- tO40 A.. ,~ ~ .~,~.~re,~r> "hone aoress - - ~ Address t~.~. ~o,,; c},~, Phone No.t~'M')'V/,'~- ~tl, Vl 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES X NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES ~,, NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY 0 . _ ) ~la~t::)f~,~ ~q~ being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S~?..i~ the (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this~ 5,X,~~ day of~L]t0 &'~-l~ 20 O ~' N~ta~ ~blic Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run-off ASSES8MENT FORM PROPER~Y LOCATION: S.C.T.M. #: Distric! Section Block Lol THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS MAY F. EQUINE THE SUBMISSION OF STORM-WATER1 GRADINGt DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL CERTIFIED BY A DESIGN PR~OFEs$1ONAL IH THE ~TATE OF NE1N Item Number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (NOTE: A Check Mark (~) for each Question is Required for a Complete Application) Will this Project Retain All Ston~-Waler Run-Off Generated by a Two (2") Inch Rainfall on Site? (This item will include all run-off crealed by sfte clearing and/or conslmction activities as well as all Site Improvements and the permanent creation of impervious surfaces,) Does the Site Plan and/or Survey Show All Proposed Drainage Structures Indicating Size & Location? This ftem shall include all Proposed Grade Changes and Slopes Controlling Surface WaterFIowl Will this Project Require any Land Fill!ng, Grading or Excavation where there is a change Io Ihe Nalural Existing Grade Involving more than 200 Cubic Yards of Material within any Pamel? Will this Applicalion Require Land Disturbing Activilies Encompassing an A~ea in Excess of Five Thousand (5,000) Square Feel of Ground Sudace? Is there a Nalural Waler Course Running Ihrough tile Site? Is this Project within the Truslees jurisdiclion or within One Hundred (100') feet of a Welland or Beach? Will there be Site preparation on Existing Grade Slopes which Exceed Fifteen (15) feet of Vertical Rise to One Hundred (100') of Horizontal Dislance? Will Driveways, Parking Areas or other Impervious Sudaces be Sloped lo Direct Storm-Water Run-Off into and/or in the direction of a Town dghl-ol-way? Will this Projecl Require the Placemem of Material, Removal of Vegelation and/or the Construction ot any Ilem Wilhin Ihe Town Right-of-Way or Road Shoulder Area? (This item will NOT include the Installation of Driveway Aprons.) Will this Project Require Site Preparalion wilhin Ihe One Hundred (100) Year Floodplain of any Watercourse? Yes glo NOTE: If Any Answer to Questions One through Nine is Answered with a Check Mark in the Box, a Storm-Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is Required and Must be Submitted for Review Prior to Issuance of Any Building Pemtifl EXEM PTION~ Ye__s . Does this project meet the minimum standards for classification as an Agricultural Project? Note: If You Answered Yes to Ihis Question, a Storm-Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan is NOT Requlredl -- -- STATE OF NEVV YORK, COUNTY OF ....~ ......... SS That I ............................. ~~ ....................... beh~g duly sworn, deposes ~d says d~at h~she is fl~e app~cm~t for Pennik i, ................................ ............................................................................................................. O~er and/or represen~five of fl~e Owner of Owner's, ~d is duty au~odzed to perform or have performed ~e s~d work m~d to ................................ ...... ,o .X FORM - 06~07 OWNER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I~OPERTY S RECORD CARD DISTRICT- SUB. ACREAGE TYPE OF BUILDING W FARM COMM. I IND. CB. MISC. · Mkt. Value LAND /0 ~0 IMP. ~ ~ ~ ~zS~ _- ... : , ,. Value FRONTAGE ON ROAD ~ /2¢~ , BULKHEAD AGE NEW Farm Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland 32- aa TOTAL BUILDING CONDITION NORMAL BELOW Acre Value Per Acre Brushland House Plot Toro I ' Foundation ~..., /?, Bath Basement Floors 3~3 ~ Ext. Walls Fire Place Porch Interior Finish Patio Porch Roof Type Rooms 1st Floor Rooms 2nd Floor Garage ~ Driveway Dormer Jill M. Doherty, President James F. King, Vice-President Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. John Bredemeyer BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Town H~lAnnex 54375M~nRoad P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 MAR I 0 zO,O BtDG DEN TO~,V~ O? SOU[HOED # 0526C Date February 24, 2010 THIS CERTIFIES that the demolition of the single-family dwelling, construction of a new single-family dwelling with additions, new porch, garage, driveway, new retaining walls, removal of brick walk and wood retaining walls, removal of decking~ new sanitary system~ gutters and drywells At 595 Clearwater Lane, Cutchogue Suffolk County Tax Map #118-2-14.1 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 7/24/07 pursuant to which Trustees Wetland Permit #6695 dated 8/22/07 was issued and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for the demolition of a single-family dwelling, construction of a new single-family dwelling with additions, new porch, garage, removal of portions of the driveway, new retaining walls~ removal of brick walk and wood retaining walls, removal of deckinE~ new sanitary system~ gutters and drywells. The certificate is issued to JOSEPH & NORA FLOTTERON owners of the aforesaid property. OCT~lS-808Y 11:4~ FROM:JMO CONSULTING 65335q8 TO:SGI1884 P.4 BOARD OF $OUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOWFHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 669~ DATE: ~ ISSUED TO: JOSEPH & NORA,FLOTTERON PROPERTY ADDRESS: 595 CLF_~RWATER LANE~ CUTC~O~UE SCT1~118-.2-14.1 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 and/or Clmp~r t 1 ! or,he Town Code of the Town of Southold and/~ accordance w/th the l/~olufion of flt~ Bo~d of Trustee~ adopted at the meet/~g held on ~ and in cm~aidera~ion of appl/cation f~e in the sum of $250.00 oald by ~ and subject to the Terms and Conditions as staled/n ~ Resolution. fl~e Souflmld Town Board of Tn~tees an~o~izes and peri.ts the following: Wetland Permit to demolish the existing single=family dwelling located 31' from the wetland boundary, and constrnct a new single=family dwedlfnoo with additions 50' landward of the wetland lmnndary, construct new porch, garage, remove portions of drive, instoil new drive, add new retaining walls, remove existing brick walk and wood retaining walls, remove decking, abandon and fill existing snnitary system, Install a new snnitnry system to be located greater than 100' from the wetland boundary, property, with the condition dr/wells and garters are installed to contain the a line of staked hay bales and silt fence is in place during construction, 30' from the wetlnnd line, and as depicted on rite site plan prepared by Frederick R. Weber last ~ August 20, 2007. IN Wl'I'NN~$ WHERF~F, the snid Bonrd of Tms~e~ hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these pxesents to be subscribed by a majority of th~ sa/d Board as of th/s da~. lqEW ¥O~ ~['A~E DEPAI~ OF I~NI~AL DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-4736-00745/00006 FACILITY/pROGRAM .NUMBER(S) pERMIT U~r ~ E~vk~m~ml C~r~ 14w g;FFt~2TIVE DATE · July 24, 2008 ~IRATION DATE(S) July 23, 2013 TYPE OF PERMIT III New ClRm~n~ O~odi~,~tionQl~'mittoC~ma~a rn;'..a;HoO~ 0/utie3e 15, Title $: Ftote~on of Wie~ [3 Articl~ 15, Title 15: Water Supply [3 Ar6cle lS, Titlc 15: Wa~r'fransport [] Attide tS, TRI~ 15: Lone l~hnd Wci~ ~ Article [§,TiRe 27: Wild, Somic~nd R~o~att0tu~ giv~s [3 Article l?,Titl~ 7~$; SPDES O At~ek 19:. Air Pollmlon CouttoI [] .~,a~clc 2.3, Title 27: Mined land [] A.nic~ 24: ~ Wetlmds 0 /micle 2?,'ritl, 9; 6HYCRR373: [~ At~le 34: Coastal Egoaion O ArficIo ~6: Floodplain [3 Afficlea 1,3, 17, 19, 27. 37; 6NYC~R 380: Eadi~n Comtol CONTACT P.~R$ON FOK pER/vll t ! ~u WORK gMO £nviront~,, ~nml Con.r, ultin~ PO ~x ~7, Quos, NY 119~9-0~7 Flo~emn ~o~, 595 CI~~ ~ho~ ~ 1~11~-14.1 Suffo~ So~.., ~ off P~nic B~ [TELEPHONE NUMHL~R 609-430-1040 TF~PHONE NUMBF. R 631-653-0607 NYTM COOP~D~4A~S DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORITI:.D ACTIVITY: Demolish existing structures, construct a neTM dwelling, deCks, garage, drivoway and septic system All work shall be done in acco~darme with the attached plans stamped NYSDEC approved on July 24, 2008. N0_tg: The property laadwatd of tho 12' uL*'vation camtour is beyond Atticlo 25 jurisdiction. By acceptaneo of this permit, th~ permitt~ agr~s that the permit is contingent upon strict complianc~ wi~h t~e ECL, all applicable ~gulations, the G~eral Conditions spe=ified and any Special Condition* included as part of this ~ermit. DEPUTY PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: Mark Catrara AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ]ADDRESS ]Rog/on ] Headquartem, SUNY ~ Stony Brook, 50 Cin:le Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790 -3409 July 24, 2008 Page 1 of 4 Ed L, ktSS:~[ ~130E O~'5n~ : 'ON X~3 NOc~±±Oq3:N0~3 Dist. 1000 Sec. O0 Block 02.00 Lot 014.001 Standard N.'~B.IU. Form 8002* -Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant against Grantor's Acts--Individual or Corporation (Sin~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 81GNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THISINDENTURE, madethe 15th dayof December ,19 92 BETWEEN SANFORD HANA~ER ASSOCIATES INC., a New York corporation with offices at 130 Woodbury Road, Woodbury, New York 11797 party of the first part, and JOSEPH FLQTTERON III and NORA FLOTTERON, his wife, both repiding at 69 Roanoke Road, Belle Mead, New Jersey 08502 party of the secopd part WlTNESSETH, that the party of the'first part, in consideration of Ten ($10.00) DolIars and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of-the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, !Ting and being at Nassau Point or Little Hog Neck, Suffolk County, New York, and known and designated as Lot 107 and the Southerly 1/2 of that certain strip of land 25 feet in width formerly known as Clearwater Lane between Lot 117 on the Northwest and LOt 107 on the Southeast on map entitled, "Amended Map "A" of Nassau Point, owned by Nassau Point Club Properties Inc., situate in the Town of Southold, Long Island, New York," surveyed 6/28/22 by Otto W. VanTuyl, C.E., and Surveyor, Greenpoint, New York, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County~ New York, 8/16/22, file #156 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the division line of the premises about to be described and the westerly side of Lot 106 where smne intersects the southeasterly side of Clearwater Lane; RUNNING TH~I~CE South 42 degrees 35 high water mark of the Lagoon; TH~CE North 71 degrees 53 minutes Lagoon 127.96 feet to the center line of THENCE North 43 degrees 25 minutes Clearwater Lane, 281.39 feet to a point; THENCE still along the center line minutes 50 seconds West 469.00 feet to the 30 seconds West along a tie line along the Clearwater Lane; 40 seconds East, along the center line of of Clearwater Lane North 48 degrees 28 minutes East, 68,27 feet to the Westerly side of Bayberry Road; TH~CE South 41 degrees 32 minutes East along the Westerly side of Bayberry Road, 12.5 feet to the Southeasterly side of Clearwater Lane; TH~CE North 70 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds East along the Southeasterly side of Clearwater Lane, 197.32 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND IN£~NDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to Grantor by deed dated 12/13/91 and recorded 12/26/91 in Liber 11391 cp 485. This conveyance does not constitute all or substantially all of the assets of Grantor and is made in the regular course of business. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. SUBJECT to covenants, restrictions, reservations, easements and agreements of record. AND the party of the f rst part covenants that the Party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first pad, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN P,~ESENCE OF HANAUER ASSOCIATES INC. PreSident STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY,OF" On the ~ day of 19 , before me personal!y came to me known to be the individual ,~ described in and who executed the {oregoing nstr.Ument.and acknow edged that exeduted the same· ,; ~ ~; ~,,' .... ~ ~i:~,,!, ,, , .... , STATE OF NEON YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: Onthel~Sth dayof December. , 19 92 ,beforeme personally came SANFORD HANAUER to me known, Who, being by 'me duly sWorn, did depose and saythat he resides at 130 Woodbury Road, , ~ Woodbury, NY 11797 ; . that he is the President of SA~FORD HANAUER~ASSOCIATES INC. ; the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said cpr-~qrationi !hat the seal affixed to said instrument is such c.~por~te'seal, that it was so affixed by order of~the board/of ~l~rectOr~ Of said corporation, and that he signe~o'by like order. OualifiedinNsssauCounty //,'..//,~) Cammismon Expires~ ' l/~17 BARG/~!N AND SALE DEED WITH CovEN~,NT AGAINST GRAN, TOR'8 ACTS Title No. _ SAN~OR5[ H, ANAUER ASSOCIATES iNC. TO JOSEPH,~ilI and NORA~FLOTTERON Sta.dar~ F~rm o Ne~'Yor~ BOal~ o Title Underwr ers [ i~,~, i DbtriButedby : " r [connnonwealth. ~i! La~dTitle Insurance Company STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came SS: 19 , before me to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the f0rego!ng instrument, and acknowledged that · executed the same. :' STATE OF NEW yORK, COUNTY OF SS: On the day of 19 ,before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at ; that he knows to be'the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; lhat he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness. at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of ~' COMMONWEALTH LAND i TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO Mr, Gar. y~F. Olsen, Esq. P.O. Box 706, Main Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 IUILDING PERMIT EX,~/INER CHECKLIST CTM# 1000- I - - 4 { SllbdlvlSlOll; Z, olle . , 9 -Z / C/0 Z- , Infl): _ BP ___.-Z / C/0 Z- , [nfo: BP _ _-Z C/0 Z-~__ [nfo Ilngle & Separate Search Required? Y or'Determination: mQ. Lot Size:MO0~{) ACT. Lot Size: q ~q~ ~ ~Q. Lot Cov.~ ¢ ACT. Lot C0v. ~ ~Q. Front~ ACT. Front /~Q Side ( ~ ACT. Side ~ ~Q. Rear :(~ PROP. Rear ~- ~Q. Hetght~ AC F. Height ~ 'rojeetDescription: ¢&~ tjX__ ,%~ [~C~S~_~~ ~aterfr~nC~r N? -, ~ ~ If no, certification required: Y or N Receive(}: Y or N By: ~outhold I ~tts(~es ,:~ Z,I/A: h' ~ llate: / /' Permit fi: Notes: ........ ¢outhohl ~outhohl Pla,nmg: Yo~Date: / / PermitS: -Notes:~ rown Landlnark C of,~ ~TE: / / ~ *~S {~I)E Compliance (page 2): Y o, ~ee Structure: Cp,~ulation: First Floo~: ~ k~] / S,I: .~ / - + [nilial Fee: $ Second Floor: ,~ 2~i SF~I~. , / + Additional Fee ~ ~: $ Total: -- .... SF ' '~ 4 Initial F~T: $ ~O -- ~9';¢ ¢ Additional Fee ( ):$ NEW YORK STATE CODE COMPLIANCE CHECIOLIST CLIMATIC/GEOGRAPHIC pESIGN CRITEKI. A' Grountl Snow Load 45~w:~Wind 8 peed: 120MPH.~ / '~"DD ecay' Weathering: Severe Frost Depth: 36" '"/ Tert~?e: M~H Design Temp: 11___ Ice Shield Underlay: YlgS L/ I~lood Hazards: USE/OCCUPANCY CLASSH~,CATION ~--~ . HEIGIklT/FIP, E AREA: S~- t' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: [~,_DOG~ gcCk_~?-rt--~ FULL FRAMING DESIGN ELEMENTS r,~fN ~ Seismic Design Category: B IlEAl)ERS: Y/N h'VAI,I, ,qTU-DS: Y/N CELL, lNG JOISTS: y/IN FLOOR JOIS FS: LUN'IBER SPECIES AND GRADE: Y/N DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS'~/N LIVI,;: Y/IN DEAD: k'Fr~ SNOW: Y/N SEIS5'[[C: GIffLD EI'.S: ¥,qN ROOF [LA?TER. S: Y/N '~Eqlq D: WI]qDO\V A~D DOOR SCHEDUI.E 541,~SLE TEST LIGHT VENT 4 % ~N NA[LI~/CONSTRUCNON SCHEDULE ME~S O~ PI.UMB~G [~SER D[AGf~d4 [.OCATION OF FITLE PROTI¢CTION I~Q[JIPMIiNT: 7RU.q$ DE.-~I.JN Y.N CERTIFICATION Y/N ENERGY CAL(8' /N F )TAL COMPLIENCE? Y/N (RETURN TO PAGE ONE) Authorization Letter I, Joseph Flotteron, owner of the property at 595 Clearwater Lane, Cutchogue, New York, (SCTM# 1000-118-02-14.1) hereby authorize Frederick Weber, Architect to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved in filing for and obtaining a Building Permit from the Town of Southold. Signature: ,~/~~ Sworn before me this / ~ day of August, 2008, Notary Stamp: 5 I37.5 Main Road P.(). Box 11751 Southokl, NY 11 Tclt phone 1631) 763-18t)2 Fax (631) 76,5-9,502 B1 ~II,I)IN(; I)I';PAI/TMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 15, 2010 Burger Construction Inc PO Box 934 Cutchogue, NY 11935 RE: 595 Clearwater Lane, Cutchogue TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The following items are needed to complete your Certificate of Occupancy: __ Application of Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) Electrical Underwriters Certificate. __ A fee of $25.00 __ Final Health Department approval. __ Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) Trustees Certificate of Compliance. Final Planning Board approval. Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshal. Final Inspection from the Building Dept. Final Landmark Preservation approval. Building Permit: 34152-Z New Dwelling LOT 107 AND 1/2 OF CLEARWATER LANE AMENDED MAP "A" OF NASSAU POINT $1TUAT£ OUTCHOGUE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. ROAD S 41 '32'00"E 12.50' (2) OL£ SURVEYED FOR: JOSEPH FLOT/-ERON NORA FLOT1-ERON EM# 156 DATE FIL£D AUG 16, 1922 TM# 1000-118-02-0~4.1 GUARANTEED TO: ,JOSEPH FLO1TERON III NORA FLO~IERON NOTE: N 62' 12'06"W 58.27' AREAS: I TOTAL LOT AREA = 44,?85 SF OF~ 1028 ACRES SURVEYED: 14 NOVEMBER 1992 UPDATED: 24 OCTOBER 2006 SCALE 1"= 50' AREA = 44,785 SF. OR 1028 ACRES SURVEYED BY STANLEY d. iSAKSEFJ, JR. P.O. BOX 294 NEW SUF~OL_K. N.Y. 1 1 u~¥S Lic. ~o. 4Jr273 92~594 I EXCAVATION INSPECTION REQUIRED I FO~R2ANITARY SYffrEM ,' .,N , =' .,,,× ! ~Y H=ALTH ~M~T PROPOSED ~ ~-.~w ................ SANITARY 5YSTE~ ~ALL~.D~T.~H~TH~V~E~AT~N~,~ ~ - ~1~ ..... -- N 44GooN Abandonment of existing sanitary system must be, ia' comformance with depar~A~ent requirement Submit completed form WWM-~(.~ as proof. [ ~ ...... o~ ocro*~ ' ~plgES TRR:c Y ~ CL~R~A~ LA~ xO 51TE PLAN ~ ~,.~ ROAD JUNE 14. 2001 I GRADING PLAN AND/OR PLOT PLAN EX/STING ~ELL IN J~E$1DENCE © TO I~E PUMPED OUT, BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN SAND AND ABANDONED PIPE /o \ \ EXISTING CESSPOOL ~ETLA BEL O~L"'- / Drainage MOLE / / / EL /~ / ~Exp) EL PROPOSED GARA.GE ..... ...... · EL = 18.4' / / ''EL 20 / / / / / / / / / / / ONC MON / / / / / / PARTIAL NORTH 51TE PLAIN, I"= 20'-0' F~EDERICK ~EBE~, ARCHITECT EAST HAPLE ROAD ~R¢~,~d: ~u~Y 2~, :oo~ SEPTIC SYSTEM TIE MEASUREMENTS FOR MAIN HOUSE HOUSE HOUSE ~ CORNER [] CORNER E~! SEPTIC TANK OUTLET COVER 28' 62' CESSPOOL COVER 1 126' 72' CESSPOOL COVER 2 152' 64' CESSPOOL COVER 5 112' 52' DISTRIBUTION BOX COVER 108' 59' ,/ Z4 COo/V ,,~1 I I I I I o o cO~C SURVEY OF LOT 107 & CLEARWATER LANE AMENDED MAP"A" OF NASSAU POINT FILE No. 156 FILED AUGUST 16, 1922 ZI TUA T~' CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-118-02-14.1 1000-118-02-14.1 SCALE 1"=40' NOVEMBER 14, 1992 (SURVEY BY STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, JR., L.S.) DECEMBER 19, 2009 POOL HOUSE FOUNDATION LOCATION JANUARY 27, 2010 UPDATE SURVEY FOR S C D.H.B. COVENANT AUGUST 7, 2010 CORRECTED NORTH PROPERTY LINE OCTOBER 28, 2010 STAKE PROPERTY LINE ALONG CLEARWATER LANE DECEMBER 8, 2010 REVISE TO SHOW RELOCATED WATER LINE AREA = 40,466 sq, ff. 0.929 ac. CERTIFIED TO: JOSEPH FLOTTERON Ill NORA FLOTTERON PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE W~TH THE MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR TITLE SUiR A~'~E' SHED L LALS. AND T,LB ASSBBIATm/'~,,~i,/ ' NYIS Lic. No 50467 Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor E6 J. ~AY - ~ BLOG DEPL UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF FHE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVE~f IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNME~;TAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDING INSTI- TUTION CERTWICATION$ ARENOT TRANSFERABLE THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. Successor To: Stanley d Isoksen, Jr LS Joseph A Ingegno LS Title Surveys -- Subdivisions Site Plons -- Construction Loyout PHONE (631)727-2090 Fox (651)727 1727 OFFICES LOCATED AT MAILING ADDRESS 1586 Main Road PO Box 16 Jomesport, New fork ]1947 Jamesport, New fork 11947 REScheck Software Version 4.2.0 Compliance Certificate Project Title: Flotteron Residence Energy Code: 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code Location: Suffolk County, New York Construction Type: Detached 1 or 2 Family Heating Type: Non-Electric Glazing Area Percentage: 23% Heating Degree Days: 5750 Construction Site: 595 Clearwater Lane Cutchogue, NY 11935 Owner/Agent: Compliance: 5.3% Better Than Code Maximum UA: 950 Your UA: 900 DesignedContractor: Frededck Weber Architect 41 East Maple Road Greenlawn, NY 11740 631 754-5555 Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E Door 1: So{id Door 2: Solid Door 3: Glass Floor 1: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space Floor 2: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air 2945 38.0 0.0 88 627 30.0 0.0 21 5364 21~0 0.0 233 1010 0.310 313 40 0.390 16 34 0.440 15 200 0.290 58 2771 19.0 0.0 130 801 30.0 0.0 26 The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications, and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the 2007 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. When a Registered Desig~ page, they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge, belief, and professional judgment, such plans or s Name - Title t ' Sig~ture ~~Date~/~/O ~ Project Title: Flotteron Residence Report date: 09/10/08 Data filename: UntiSed.rck Page 1 of 4 REScheck Software Version 4.2.0 Inspection Checklist Ceilings: Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss, R-38.0 cavity insulation Comments: [] Ceiling 2: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic), R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: Above-Grade Walls: Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" c.c., R-21.0 cavity insulation Comments: Windows: [] Window 1: Wood Frame:Double Pane with Low-E, U-factor: 0.310 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Comments: Yes No Doors: Door 1: Solid, U-factor: 0.390 Comments: [] Door 2: Solid, U-factor: 0.440 Comments: r~ Door 3: Glass, U-factor: 0.290 Comments: Floors: Floor 1: Ali-Wood Joist/rruss:Over Unconditioned Space, R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: Floor 2: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Outside Air, R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: Air Leakage: [] Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building envelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. [] Recessed lights are 1) Type lC rated, or 2) installed inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5" clearance from combustible materials. If non-lC rated, fixtures are installed with a 3" clearance from insulation. Vapor Retarder: [] Installed on the warm-in-winter side of all non-vented framed ceilings, walls, and floors. Materials Identification: [] Materials and equipment are installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. [] Materials and equipment are identified so that compliance can be determined. [] Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating equipment have been provided. [] Insulation R-values and glazing U-factors are clearly marked on the building plans or specifications. [] Insulation is installed according to manufacturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value without compressing the insulation. Duct Insulation: [] Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to at least R-8. Project Title: FIotteron Residence Report date: 09/10/08 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 2 of 4 Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside the building are insulated to at least R-4. Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces are insulated to at least R-8. Return ducts in unconditioned spaces (except basements) are insulated to R-2. Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construction: [~ All joints, seams, and connections are securely fastened with welds, gaskets, mastics (adhesives), mastic-plus-embedded-fabric, or tapes, Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 181B. Exceptions: Continuously welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams on ducts operating at less than 2 in. w.g. (500 Pa). [] The HVAC system provides a means for balancing air and water systems. Temperature Controls: ~l Each dwelling unit has at least one thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space temperature set point of the largest zone. Electric Systems: [] Separate electdc meters exist for each dwelling unit, Fireplaces: ~1 Fireplaces are installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doom, Fireplaces have a source of combustion air, as required by the Fireplace construction provisions of the Building Code of New York State, the Residential Code of New York State or the New York City Building Code, as applicable. Service Water Heating: Water heaters with vertical pipe risers have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the water heater has an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. [] Cimulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Circulating Hot Water Systems: [] Cimulating hot water pipes are insulated to the levels in Table 1. Swimming Pools: All heated swimming pools have an on/off heater switch and a cover unless over 20% of the heating energy is from non-depletable sources. Pool pumps have a time clock. Heating and Cooling Piping Insulation: [] HVAC piping conveying fluids above 105 degrees F or chilled fluids below 55 degrees F are insulated to the levels in Table 2. Project Title: Flotteron Residence Report date: 09/10108 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 3 of 4 Table 1: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Non-Circulating Runouts Circulating Mains and Runouts Heated Water 1" Temperature (°F) Up to Up to 1.25" 1.5" to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-169 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-139 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minimum Insulation Thickness for HVAC Pipes Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Fluid Temp. Piping System Types Range(OF) 2" Runouts 1" and Less 1.25" to 2.0" 2.5" to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201-250 1,0 1,5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate (for feed water) Any 1.0 1,0 1,5 2,0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water, Refrigerant and 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD: (Building Department Use Only) Project Title: Flotteren Residence Report date: 09/10/08 Data filename: Untitled.rck Page 4 of 4 EXISTING LUELL IN RESIDENCE 0 EXlSTINC, ,~ANITARY' ~Y~TE~ ~1t'~ TO BE PUMPED OUT, BAC~FILLED ~ITH CLEAN 5AND AND ABANDONED EX'/$TING CESSPOOL I I OONC WETL \ \ ..p e ,.,o~,,e ,, ¢% Gu A D4Cd'~O O N o ~E~fLfSLTING ×:' / ;;--"' ( I~ .5'"" 7' Rm?' (Tsp.) , HOLE '" · ,L. // PROPOSED .~/ ~x~¢.o~ ....... x /~.% ...... /¢ 51TE D E~RIVE~A y 'F .... /UTILITY "EL 20 EL 18 .% PLAN 7 = 20'-O' NORTH HON POLE O~,O~'L',~ TOLIJN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING: ALL CONSTRUCTION TO OCCUR IN FLOOD ZONE X ~ EXIETING CONTOUR ..... REVISED CONTOUR PROPERTY OLUNER: JOSEPH and NORA FLOTTERON FMtt I~a, DATE FILED AUG, I~, 1922 LOT IO1 and I/2 AMENDED MAP',~," of NASSAU POINT SITUATE: CUT'ROGUE TOtLfN OF 5OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTy, NE~ YORK SURVEY INFORNAT[ON. STANLEy IDAK~EN, LAND $URVEYOR : PO ~OX 2fl4, NED SUFFOLK, NY SURVEYED: NOVEN~ER I~, UPDATED: OCTOBER 24, 2OD& ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N,GV,D. of' 1~2'~'DATUM ENTIRE PARCEL IS FOUND TO BE IN FLOOD ZONE "X" BASED ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NO 3&tO3CB02 Ca F~EDERIcE ROBERT ARCHITECT 7 0/ I I O DRAEIINC~ TITLE: · -SIT;= PLAN JOB; RECONSTRUCTION/ADDITION FLOTTERON RESIDENCE ~ CLEARWATER LANE CUTCHOGUE. NT TOBN OF 80UTHOLD ~CTH# IOOO-IIB-O2-14.1 ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. I[IEBER 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD QREENLA~JN, NY 11140 B2 NOYAC PATH EATER HILL, NY 11~'14 TEL &~l FA)( ,~,1 2&I-IO84 ~EALr 12 ~o~tour JUNE 1&,200¢ REV,= AU~ 20,2OO] DATP': JUNE 14, :OO1 SCALE; I" = 20' JOB NO: m2OO&O4 D~A~ING NO. A OF Al Y MIN. ~ 2' MAX. CONCRETE CHIMNEY DEPTH 4"~ APPROVED PIPE, I/4" PER FT. MIN. PI CH FF HOUSE INVERT EL +20.00' EL +14.O b FLO - INVERT e J ~AFFLE HOUSE 8L DISTRIBUTION ~ , LOCKING CAST BOX GR E EL 4-1(,.O iRON COVER SLAB , INVERT , ........ ~1' b~TM EL +1~.~ % I] ~lE Ir EL ~- ~ ~ I~, , /!~. ~, 't ,11~. SEPT C ~ ~ O~tet TANK ~ L4"~ APPROVED (1~OO ~L,) ~p~, I/8" ~E~ FT, ~COLLAR MIN, PITCH PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM MEET5 REQUIREMENT5 FOR (4) BEDROOM 5INGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE )BOQ GAL. SEPTIC TANK 400 5.F, 51DEDALL AREA OF LEACHING POOL5 (3) POOLS, I0' DIAMETER x 4'-0" DEEP MEET ALL 5.C. DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES REGULATIONS. EXISTING SANITARY SYSTEM TO BE PUMPED OUT, FELLED U/ CLEAN 5AND AND ABANDONED 51TN DRAINAGE: AREA VOLUME fReqerred) DRAINAGE STRUCTURE5 VOLUME (Provided) House/Gara~ 13) 8' Dm. x ~ H~¢ ~/ IA,E,C PorcheJDeck~ 420~ d x .1~' Ram = ~3 cf Dome Top ITraff~c~eann~) ~3 cf 8' ~m~: 42.2B d/FI of Height JEOT. OF GROUND DATER EL +S.T TRAFFIC ~EARING GRADE EL +13.O' r~ /~CONCRETE ~r~l~COVER LEACHING POOLS ('~' Eft¥ctlve Depth) ~OOL ~0'-0" ~ to ~el{ ~, \ \ EXISTING ~ELL IN RESIDENCE EXISTING SANITARY SYSTEM TO BE PUMPED OUT, BACKPILLED D/TH CLEAN SAND AND ABANDONED cONC /Vd N oN EL od, "y ¢. ./ / /.? / pc~r~ .//Au / -- EEL [B HOLE PROPOSED 20 U :. GARAGE .... TOUR 2O ?S Os'-. g,,~/ ~L /g 51TE PLAN NORTH I" = 20'-0" UTILITY POLE TEST HOLE DUG BY McDONALD GEOSCIENCE SOUTHOLD. N.Y. ON OCTOBER IS, 200~ ORIGINAL GROUND EL = 14,~ DATE~ EL +3.T' BRODN SILTY 5AND SM 2' PALE BROWN FINE SAND 5P IO.8' UJA TER IN PALE BROWN FINE SAND SP MON V \A PLUMBER OERTIFICA TIGN ON LEAD CONTENT BEFORE CERTIFICATE O~ OCCLIPANCY SOLDER USED IN WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM CANNOT EXCEED 2/10 OF 1% LEAD. ( UPANCY OR Ur [ (8 UN WFUL :OUT CERTIFICATE OF 6COUPANC¥ DO NOT,PROOEED,WffH FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY OF EOUNDATION LOCATION ?~AS SEEN APPROVED. ARPROVED AS NOT,ED.. NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT 765-1802 8AM TO 4PM FOB THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS: 1. FOUNDATION ' TWO REQUIREB FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSULATION 4. RNAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.G, ALL CONSTRUOTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODES OF NEW YORN STATE. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUOTION ERRORS, TOUJN OF 5OLiTHOLD ZONING: ZONING: R-40 yARDS [PRINCIPAL): FRONT SO' SiDE (ONE): I~' REAR: E'O' MAXIMUM HEIGHT [PRINCIPAL): 35', (2 I/:2 STORIES) ALL CONSTRUCTION TO OCCUR IN FLOOD ZONE X B -"---'~_ EXISTING CONTOUR 8 ~RESTORED OR NED CONTOUR B "*'"'".,... REVISED CONTOUR ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODE8 OF NEW YORK STATE, RETA1N STORM WATER RUNOFF PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 236 OF THE TOWN CODE. PROPERTY OUJNER: JOSEPH and NORA FLOTTERON FM~ lB4, DATE FILED AUG. 14, IR22 LOT 10'1 and 112 of Clearwater Lane in AMENDED MAP "A" of NASSAU POINT 51TUATE: CUTCHOGUE TODN OF 5OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NED YORK SURVEY INFORMATION: STANLEY IEAKSEN, LAND SURVEYOR PO BOX 294, NEd SUFFOLK, NY SURVEYED: NOVEMEEER 14, lffff2 UPDATED: OCTOBER 24, 2004 FLOOD ZONE COMPLY WITH CHAPTER "46" FLOOp!DAMAGE PREVENTION SOUTHOLD TQWN CODE. ' pLUMBiNG ALL pLUMBING WASTE ~ WATER LINES NEED TESTING BEFORE CoVERiNG ELEVATION5 ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V.D. of lfl2q DATUM ENTIRE PARCEL 15 FOUND TO BE IN FLOOD ZONE "X" BASED ON FLOOB INSURANCE RATE MAP NO. ~(,10~CE02 G 5CTM~ 1OOO-II8-O2-14.1 LOT AREA: 44JSB S.F.N.028 ACRES) cERTiFICATiON OF?"~' NAILING & cONNECTIONS COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF NEW YORK STATE & TOWN CODES A8 REQUIRED &ND OONDITIONS OF $oLrrHOLD TOWN SOLFFHOLD TOWN PLANNING ~AFID -, t~, $OUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES 1/ N,Y.S. DEC FREDERICK ROBERT ARCHITECT Ill i I II DRAOJING TITLE: SITE PLAN JOB= RECONSTRUCTION/ADDITION FLOTTERON RESIDENCE $q$ CLEARWATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TO~N OF EOUTHOLD 5CT~t 1000-118-02-14,1 ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. ItlEBER EAST MAPLE ROAD GREENLAmN, NY 11'140 S2 NOYAC PATH EIATER HILL, NY Ilq'1& TEL L~l FAX SEAL.' Sanitarg AUG 21. '9008 12' contourJUNE I&, :2008 REV..' AUG 30, 3OO1 DATE: JUNE 14, 2001 SCALE: l" = 20' JOB NO~ e200~04 DRAUJING NO. A OF Al 11'-8" 24'-O" 12'-4" 3" 18 Ga./ ? ~¢1 /( Pool Tat Remf. IRECREA ON RooMi Tile d B~mt. FloOr El. /-" Ebb m/ '"1~" cc Each NOTE,5: I- DOUBLE ALL FLOOR JOIST5 AND FRAMING UNDER PARALLEL PARTITfONS AND AROUND ALL OPENINGS. Wall ~/ {2) :~B Bars Top t B,,ot. and ~;4 2- CONCRETE TO BE SOOO P5I AFTER 28 DAY5. 5- ALL ElALLS SEPARATING GARAGE FROM HOUSE TO BE I-HOUR FIRE RATED (~/8" TYPE "X" GYP. 4- ALL STEEL GIRDERS BEARING ON P.CONC. FOUNDATION WALL TO HAVE 4"x&"xl/2' B,PL. B- ALL COLUMNS TO HAVE ~"xlO"xl/2" B.PL. PROVIDE I/2" EXPANSION JOINT AT SLAB PERIMETER. 7- STEEL SHALL E~E ASTM A-~& fEXCEPT II PIPE COL WHICH SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM ABS ROUND PIPE). STEEL ~ORK SHALL II CONFORM TO THE LATEST AISC SPEC. II 8- PROVIDE FOUNDATION PERIMETER DRAIN TO CONSIST OF LANDSCAPE FABRIC OVER LAYE~ OF GRAVEL AND ~," DTA. PERFORATED PrPE. PIPE TO DRTLUELLS, [~ Uhndoad . Grade)I 4" Stud LUall Around Inaulaoe S I/2" El 8 x 40~lrdbr ~/ L 3 112" Steel Column on 30 x30 x14 -- ~ 8 x 40 G~rd~r ~ 2x~ PI HWd Do~n 8" B¢Io~ T§I~cW B~mt, LUall STORAGE 3" 18 Ga./ ~' R~bar~ 12" o, / ~J 8 x 40 GINer a/ 2x¢, ROOh Tde 'I d 4" P. C'x&" WWF Remf. (T FOUNDATION I/4" = I'-0" io" P. cone. Foundation x Top ¢ B,?t. and ~:4 ~ Bars. 48 oc Vert. -- (Typ.) H'-O" u, nd. tgalI Gr~. ~r~Pacted - -e~ Under Slab ~. ,,' Cone Slab FREDERICK ROBERT BEBER ARCHITECT I DRAIIIING TITLE: FOUNDATION JOB,: FLOTTEEON RESIDENCE Sfl~ CLEARUJATEE LAHE CUTCHOGUE, NY TOUJN OF SOUTHOLD 8CTI'I# IOOO-Illi-O'~-HJ ARCHITECT: FREDERICK 41 EAST HAPLE ROAD GREENLAmN, NY IIl"fO PAX &3,l 2&1-1084 REV..' DATE: AUG "JI, 2008 SCALE.- I/4' = r-o" .JOB NO: 12OO&O,i DRAILIING NO. A2 OP Amc 24'-0" 2'-0" I Flue FRAMING NOTES: I. ALL FRAMING LUMBER 5HALL BE GRADE STAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH 5TRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BETTER 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED, EXPOSURE I. ~/8" MIN. THICKNE55 OR A5 NOTED. Tapered Column ul11 ~ ~ ~u ,, ~ ~ T ~ ~ i~CoJumn Pilaster COATS ~ ~. ~, ~5tructur~l Drop eeam n $'-0" 3. ALL 5UBFLOORING TO BE APA RATED 5TURD-I-FLOOR, EXPOSURE L 3/4" MIN. THICKNE$5. ALL EDGE5 OF pLyDOOD TO BE 5ET ON 50LID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL PLyDOOD 5UBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS. 4. ALL HEADER5 &'-O" AND OVER 5HALL BE SUPPORTED t~ITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS, f'-O" AND OVER WITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADER5 5HALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-2x8 IN 4" WALL t ~-2x8 IN (," IUALL OR A5 5HODN ON DRADINGS. ~. 50LID BLOCKING 5HALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOISTS AND FLOOR BEAM5 AB PER N.Y,5, CODE OR A5 NOTED ~ 8'-0" O.C. PROVIDE 2" 5PACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. (,. DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND OPENING5 ISk~hflhb~, Stems, et.c.) OR A5 NOTED ON DRADINGS. ~. DOUBLE UP FRAMING UNDER ALL POST5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR AS NOTED ON DRADINGS. 8. ALL FLUSH DOOD CONNECTIONS SHALL BE FASTENED UJITH RATED GALVANIZED METAL CONNECTORS BY "SIMPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. fi. NAILING SCHEDULE 5HALL BE A5 PER THE N.Y.5. BUILDING CODE A5 A MINIMUM, ALL 2x(, STUD5 5HALL RECIEVE S-IOD NAIL5 AT 5ILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERIOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. I0. PLYIUOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED DITH 8D a 4', O.D. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND &D ~ 12" O.D. INTERMEDIATE. II. ALL ROOF RAPTER5 5HALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND STUD UJITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 BT "51MPSON' OR APPROVED EQUAL. 12. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUMBER 5HALL BE "TRUE5 JOIST" T J[ SERIES DOOD-I-BEAM5 AND LVL PRODUCTS OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDER5 AND HEADERS SHALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENER5 INSTALLED A5 PER MANUFACTURER'5 RECOMMENDATfON5. DEB STIFFENER5 SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINT5 AT A MINIMUM. A 5INGLE I 3/4" LVL RIM JOIST 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS. HANDLING, STORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COMPONENT5 5HALL BE AS PER MANUFACTURER5 RECOMMENDATIONS. I3. ALL MULTIPLE LVL PRODUCT5 D/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 ROD50P I/2" DIA, GALV. MACHINE BOLT5 ~ 12" O.D. 14. PROVIDE FIRESTOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. SQUARE FOOTAGE: IST FLOOR: 2TH 5F 2ND FLOOR: 3221 SF TOTAL LIVING: Sff2 SF GARAGE: fCC BF FRONT PORCH: 224 SF PORCH IA: 14L SF PORCH lB: 120 SE TOTAL PORCHES; 4fO 5F DECK 2A: 4E 5F TERRACE: 2~GE SiP [Beyond Porches) . (2) 2a UooF, 0,1 WINDOW SCHEDULE Unit. Model ~; ~.O. Ppng~ (~) DH~O2~ e DH2(,24 2'-8" x E'-I" No (~ DHB'44410 '4'-&' x ~'-I" No (j~ DH3022 B'-O" x 4'-E" No (~ DH~020 5'-0" x 4'-I" No (~ DH2&20 2'-8" x 4'-I" No (~ WI2 2'-0 l/2"x 2'-0 112" No (~ FC2-O 2'-0 I/2" D No ~ DHT4412* 4'-/," x I'-&" No {~ 281(, 2'-~i 3/8" x I'-(," No (~) WI4 2'-0 I/2"x 4'-O 112" No (~ 4020 4'-O 1/2"x 2'-O 1/2" No Model Numbers refer to "Kolbe", Her~tafle/Sterhng Berles, Double-Hun~/Aanlng/F~xed Wood tlJindolus with K-Kron DOOR SCHEDULE LUrdth i Height "Kolbe", Heritage Berlea, Z-ID I, Premier Intone French Door, 28(,8R 2'-8"x &'-D' [Door) FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/4" I'-O" i ~11~ln JBack.: of f'-8 I'" / ~ -~ ~ Garage FREDERICK ROBERT EBER ARCHITECT I II DRAIIIING TITLE.' FIRST FLOOR JOB: FLOTTERON RE,51DENCE Sq; CLEAR[UATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TOOJflOPBOUTHOLD ~CTH# 000-8-O3-M. ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. ~EBER 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD GREENLAIN, NY 11140 E2 NOYAC PATH · ATER MILL, NY IIfll~ TEL ~,$1 1;4-r"g;g FAX &~l 2&1-1084 DEAL: REV.= DATE: AUG 21. 2008 ECALE= I/4" = I'-O" JOB NO: a2OOt,,O4 DRAmlNG NO. A3 OF AIO 28'-0" Root Pitched Flat. Pitched Cerhng IDBCK 261 Puli O o~ur~ I ,© / / / HALL[ 7/8" SQUARE FOOTAGE: I/2" 7-8" ,SECONE) FLOOF PLAN 114" = I'-0" 2ND FLOOR. 2~4L 5F OVER GARAGE. ~15 SF TOTAL 2ND FLOOR: 5221 5F DECK 2A: 45 EF FRAMING NOTES: I. ALL FRAMING LUMBER 5HALL BE GRADE 5TAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No, 2 OR BETTER 2 ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED, EXPOSURE I, 5/8" NJN. THICKNE55 OR A5 NOTED, 3 ALL 5UBFI-OORING TO BE APA RATED 5TLJRD I-FLOOR, EXPOSURE I, 3/4" HIN, THICKNE55. ALL EDGE5 OF PLYWOOD TO BE 5ET ON 5OLID BLOCKING, GLUE AND NAIL PLYWOOD 5UBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS. 4, ALL HEADER5 C-O" AND OVER 5HALL BE SUPPORTED WITH DOUDLE UPRIGHTS, ~'-O" AND OVER DITH TRIPLE LJPRIGHTE, ALL HEADER5 5HALL BE A MINrNUrl OF 2 2x8 IN 4" WALL i 5-2x8 IN C' WALL OR A5 5HODN ON DRAWING5 5, SOLID BLOCKING 5HALL DE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOIST5 AND FLOOR BEAI'i5 A5 PER N Y.5, CODE OR A5 NOTED @ 8' O" D.C. PROVIDE 2" 5PACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS, (, DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND OPENING5 15k§kEht~, 5t.a~rs, e[c.) OR A5 NOTED ON DRA[UINGE. 7 DOUBLE DP FRAMING UNDER ALL POET5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRALJINGE, 8, ALL FLUSH DOOD CONNECTION5 5HALL BE FASTENED LUITH RATED GALVANIZED HETAL CONNECTOR5 By "ErrlPEON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. fl. NAILING SCHEDULE 5HALL BE A5 PER THE N.Y.5. ~EUILDING CODE A5 A HINIMUM. ALL 2x(~ STUD5 5HALL RECIEVE 5 lCD NAIL5 AT 5ILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERfOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. IO PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED [tilTH 8D ~ 4" O,C. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND (,D · 12" DC INTERMEDIATE. II. ALL ROOF RAFTERE 5HALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND STUD [UITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 By "51fIPEON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. 12. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUiJBER 5HALL BE "TRUE5 JOIST' TJI EERIE5 WOOD~I~BEAIJ5 AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDER5 AND HEADERS 5HALL HAVE BEARING ETIFFENER5 INSTALLED A5 PER HANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. WEB STIFFENER5 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINT5 AT A [JINI~1U[1, A SINGLE I 3/'~' LVL RrH JOIST 5HALL E~E REQIJ[RED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS. HANDLING, 5]'ORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COMPONENT5 5HALL BE A5 PER I~ANUFACTURER5 RECOHHENDATIONE. rE. ALL MULTIPLE LVL PRODUCT5 W/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 ROW5 OF I/2" DIA, GALV MACHINE BOLT5 ~ 12" O.C, 14. PROVIDE F[REETOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATrONE, / / / I/2" \ \ \ ..... \ / / / ! / WINDOW SCHEDULE No No DOOP--. SCHEDULE I/2" 0'- 'i" Root P. oot FREDERICK ROE~ERT WEBER ARCHITECT ltl © !11 111 I I II DRAOJING TITLE; SECOND FLOOR JOB." FLOTTERON RESIDENCE S"I~ CLEARWATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TOLIJti OF ,SOUTHOLD · ECTI'I# IOOO-II8-O:2-14.1 ARCHITECT.' ~ EAST HAPLE ROAD GREENLAmN. N'I' 11140 B2 NO'¥AC PATH ~JJATER HILL, NY PAX Z~,l DATE: AUG 91, :2008 BCALE: l/4" = ?-O" JOB NO: ~200&04 DRAIIIING NO. OF AID ,4 +12 rJ 12 TT ........... mT L, ELEVATION SOUTHWEST I/,4" = I'-O" 1 ~tuc¢o Finish on Extreme Angle Wall on LL Bluestone Porch Floor on Concrete 81ab, NORTHEA,ST ELEVATION .4 V2 Chlmne[I ~aper~d Square FREDERICK, ROBERT WEBER ARCHITECT I I! DRAUIING TITLE.' ELEVATIONS FLOTTEEOH RESIDENCE Efts CLEAEIUATEE LANE CUTCHOGUB. NY T08N OF 50UTHOU~ 5CTM# IOOO-IIE-O=-I'kl ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. WEBER 4l EAST MAPLE ROAD GREENLAWN. N¥ II1~0 ~2 NOYAC PATH WATER TEL &BI 3G4-SGGG FAX &BI 2&l-lOB4 REV.~ DATE; AUG 21, 2008 SCALE: I/'}' = I'-O" JOB NO~ e200&04 DRAWlN,Q NO. OF AIO II NORTHIJJEST ELEVATION 114" = I'-0" J ___J L__. L ...... J L ..... NORTHUJEST ELEVATION [/4" = I'-O" L ..... j ........ J Face al' Garage Wing as Viewed Head-on t \ -Blues one Porcf Floor II Stone I I El LT__ ~"[ Z ........................... ~T---- [~ ~ V letU ~ar- R ~-a~ --~n k___ L___ I Drop Foot4ng FREDERICK ROBERT WEBER ARCHITECT DRA~JlNG TITLE.' ELEVATION,% JOB: FLOTTERON RE$1DEHCE SflS CLEARIIIATEE LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TOIIJti OF -~0UTHOLD ECTI'~tt IOOO-II8-O2-1~J.I ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. UlEBER 41 EAST I'IAPLE ROAD GREENLAOJN, NY 11140 E2 NOYAC PATH EIATER HILL, NY TEL /-31 1E,~-EEEE FAX ~-~1 2&I-IDB4 REV..' DATE: AUG 21, 2008 SCALE.- I/4' = I'-O' JO~' NO: m200&04 DRA~ING NO. OF froot' Shingle's Lathe,, fTgp.- All Ret`ters)x ,9_ P~tch Grade 'El +2~' ._J SECTION DE) I/4" = I'-O" {2) 2x]2 -Interior ~., Root' Shingles B/4x4 Lathe 8" f.G, F.G. R38c, T~p, Plgwood Top I[Jatl ~ (T~D.) 2xlO Galv. 14" LVL T§~. ot' 5ubfl, S/4" Ptgwd. 5u 14" E-Joists. -lC' oc, ~p. I-Joint /3) Il '118" Header ILIEH~AR¥] ~/'~" Plytud. 14" Alcove Wrndo~ Seat ~" P. Cone. 51ab LUUJF Remnt`. ITyp.) CELLAR HALLI ~ SECTION CC IO" R. C~onc. :ound] Walll m/ Cont. fTyp.- All 12 2xB C.J. I/2 ~ I(," oc, Typ. IGREAT RO, (S) II 3/8" w/ f2) D/4" x I1" Steel PI. ot' 5ubt'L Girder 51ab LVL F.J. P. Cone. Foundat,o~ Walls Top at` Slab EL +lO'- O" SECTION AA 12 I/2 I~.' oc. T~p. FREDERICK ROBERT ~EBER ARCHITECT DRA~ING TITLE: SECTION5 JOB= FLOTTEEON RESIDENCE S~lS CLEARIUATEE LANE CUTCHOGUE. NY TOiUN OF 50WTHOLD $CTtl# IOO0-118-O2-H.I ARCHITECT~ FREDERICK R. 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD QREENLA~N, NY 11~40 $2 NOYAC PATH · ATER MILL, NY FAX ~EAL: REV.: DATE: AUG 21, 200B ~CALE: I/4" = I'-O" JOB NO= e2OO&O~ DRAIIIING NO. OF FINISH SCHEDULE 8PACE I=LOOR BASE CHAIR CROIIIN IIJALL$ CEILIN6 HGT. GREAT ROOH ~ I I I I I ~'-8" CorDr~ Beam Cemlmg DINING ROOH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl'-8" Carfare8 Beam Cedmg BUTLERS PANTRY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ KITCHEN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fl'-8" FAMILY ROOM I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ 9'-8" Coffered Beam HALL I I I I I I t fl'-8" ~mnscobng f4'-&" CLOSET m · I t I I BATH I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'-8~ ~amne¢o&r.g, (~' High) HUD~OO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'-8~ Bamns¢ot*.g H'-C Hie) LAUNDRY I ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ 9'-8" MAIN ~TAI~ I ~ t I I Van~ ~amn~cotm~, [He,et Vanes) REA~ 5TAI~ I t I V~rles ~m~otm~, (Hem~ht V~rme~) UPPER HALL I I I I ~[ I MASTER BEDROOm/Alcove I ~ ~ I I t 0'-0" Tra~ Cetlmg 8'-O" 8'-O' BEDROOM 2/C~o~et~ I ~ I ~ I~ ~'-O" ~mn~c¢tm~, f~' Hr~D BATH 2 I I I I ~ I I0'-O" T~/ ~e~m Ce~lm~ BEDROOM ~/CIo~et t I I I I I BATH ~ I I I I I t I t 8'-0" Bamsco[mg, (3' High) BEDROOM 4 I I I I I I I0'-O" T?~ C~mhng/Oumta? HALL 2 I I I t I t'-O" EXERCISE t I I t I ~ 8'-O" Tr~ CedfnQ RECREATION t I t I I I/ ¥-o' Barn Board {4'-C' High) STORAGE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e'-O" GA~E ~OO~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8'-O' Barn Board ~4'-&" H~gh) W2 BATH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8'-O" Bern Board f~' ~ 5TO~AGE 2 ~ ~ e ~ ~ 5TO~A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e'-O" BASEmEnT HALL ~ ~ ~ ~ 8'-O" ct- A. m C, ~, E ~ ~ ~ ~ 8'-o" ELECTRICAL CL. ~ ~ ~ ~ 8'-O" 118" ~" CROL.UN Half Full Half Full 't" CROUJN Half Full 5tz~ BASE Half Full Size LUINDOLU HEAD Half Full Bmze _BACK BAND Note: %_ ~Jhere ~lmd0m Sills Exten~ Bacb~p~a~h tom Underside of 5111 SILL Half Full Size BEAM-TYF). IJJINDOLLI/DOOR CASIN~- T"r' P. Half Full SIZe lt2" I/8" CASING MULTIPLE UNITS Half Full ~ GYP. ~ ~%INBCOTING CHAIR RAIL ( LUIN DOLIj SILL- ELEVATION FREDERICK ROBERT WEBER ARCHITECT DRAIIIING TITLE; SCHEDULES INTERIOR TRIM JOB,: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE I;alS CLEARIIIATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY T011J~ OF $0UTHOLD SCTI'IS IOOO-II8-O2-H.I ARCHITECT.- FREDERICK R. I. IJEBER 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD GREENLAIIJN, NY 11140 B2 NOYAC PATH IIJATER PIILL, NY II~'f& TEL &gl I$4-EEEE FAX &SI 2&1-1084 SEAL: REV.: DATE: AUG 21, 2008 E~CALE: ~/4" TM I'-O" JOB NO: 12OOTO4 DRAUJlNG NO. A9 OF AIO 51MPSON LSTA - 20 GAGE DGE 5TRAP - ALL ROOF RAFTERS '~ x /" TIE s EACH RAFTER SIMPSON H2 HURRICANE __ CLIP NAILED. FROM RAFTER TO STUD. - TYPICAL ALL RAFTER5 5 - 8d NAIL5 EACH END APA RATED PLY3OOD TO-- EXTEND TO TOP DP TOP PLATE. PLATE STUD5 2 - 1~5 REBAR SEE FOUNDATION D[UG. FOR DESIGN/REINFORCING SECTION __ICE SHIELD UNDERLAYMENT REQUIRED ~ 24" FROM EDGE POSITION OF HURRICANE CLIP USE SIMPSON H5 PROVIDE 8d COMHON NAIL5 e ~" O.C. AT EXTERIOR EDGE OF ALL SHEATHING, EHEATHING TO LAP TOP LgALL PLATE5 -=TAL 5TRAP e JACK POST MST2'l e STUDS a/ 't - 8a NAIL5 e-'IS" D.C. EACH END - TYP. ySOOD SHEATHING TO OVER LAP BOX BEAH - TOP + BOTTOM. .-51MP50N MTSA 18-Z 3/ / (/") 8d NAIL5 TOP l BOTTOH · 32" O.C. SIMPSON LTP~-Z 3/ -Iz-) 8d NAIL5 TOP t BOTTOM e 32" O.C. SHEATHING TO SILL PLATE 8d NAILS e -~" O.C. [SHEATHING TO LAP SILL PLATE) 2 x /" 5ILL PLATE5 ACQ TREATED. (HOT DIPPED GALV. OR STAINLESS STEEL) ISOLATE 3ASHER FROM 5ILL PL 3/ FELT 5TRIP HURRICANE CLIP TYPICAL. FLOOR JOIST HEADER .... IST31 METAL STRAP ~ ALL JACK POST5 m/ ~ - 8~ NAIL5 EACH END - TYP. - ~d NAIL5 TYPICAL 51MP5ON MST2] I/2" UJIDE - 12 GAGE METAL STRAP e32" OC. MAXIMUM. HTSA 18-Z ~/ I/") 8~ NAIL5 TOP 1 BOTTOM e 32" O.C. SIMPSON LTP,~-Z I/") 8d NAIL5 TOP BOTTOM e TOP OF FOUNDATION ELEVATION HOLD DOWN + SHEAR CONNECTION CRITICAL PATH ROOF FRAMING Palter to Top Plate (Toe-nailed) 3 - Od per rarer Ceiling Joi~ fo Top Plata (Toe-nailed) 3 - 8d per joint Ceiling Joist to Parallel Ir (paea-nefied) 3I1od each lap Ceiling Joist I. ape over 'Par~iinea (Fa~e-noitad) 4 - 16d each lap Collar Tis to Rafter (Faea-noiled) 2 - Od par lie Bincldng to Palter (Tea-nalin¢l) 2 - Od each end Rim Board to Rafter (End-noiled) 2 - 1od each end WALL FRAMING Top Plate to Top Plate (Face-nailed) 2 - 1od ~ per foot Top Pla'me at Intomeouons (Feea-nalied) 4 - 1od jointa-each side sind to Stud (Foea.na~ed) 2 - 1od 24" Header to Header (Fove-ooiind) 1od 1~' D.C. along edges Top or Battam Ptafo fo Stud (End.ailed) 2 - 1od par 2x4 stud 2 - 16d per 2x6 m~Jd 2 - t 6d per 2x8 stud Bottom Plate fo Floor Joi~B~ndJol~En~oist or sioddng (Face-nollsd) 2-1od ~'~ par foot FLOOR FRAMING JolM fo Sill, Top Plate or Girder (Tea-nallsd) 4 8d per joist Bddging to Joia* (Tea-noiled)I 3 - Od each end BincWng fo Joist (Toe-noiled) 2 - Od each end Blocldng to Sill or Top Plate ( Tea-flailed) 3 ~ 1 ~:1 each bleak Ledger sirlp to Beam (Face-naiaD') 3- t~d each joist Jdnt on Ledger to Paarn (rea-ealtad) 3 - Od p~r joist Band Jolot to Jol~t (End-nailed) 3 - 1od per Joist Bond Joist fo sill or Top Ptota (Te~-nmJl~l) 2-1od ~ par foot ROOF SHEATHING simoiuml Panels Od 4" o.c. perimeter zone oihor 6' o.c. edgea of panel, 12" D.C. inteNor Dleaeaoi Board SheafiNna of panel l"x 6" or'l" x 8" 2 .ed par ~uppa~t 1" x ~0" or wk~r 3-od per ~uppar~ CEIUH(~ ~HE~THING Gypaum Woilpaard Od 7" edge / 10" field WALL SHEATHING S%'uoiund Peaols 8d (eea table 3.9) Flbet'oo~cI P~rlels 7116" Od 3" edge / 6" ttold 2513Z' 8d 3" edge/6" fioid Gypeum Wstlbeard 5d 7" edge / t0" field Hootboard 8d (see table 3.9) Pa~clebeard Panels 0d (eeo table Dlsgeeal Beard ~heathing l"x6"or 1"x8" 2-8d par support 1" x 10" or wld=: 3; fid par support FLOOR SHEATHING 1" or less 8d 6" edge / t2" field greeter than 1" 1od 6" edge / 6" field Dlegoeal Beard Sheathing 1" x 6~' or 1" x 8" 2 - ed per auppo;t ~ Nailing mqulrementa sm he~d on wall cheafolng nalied 6" on-cantor nt th~ Mmst edge. If W~li cheathing in nali~l 3" on-center at the penoi edge to ~b~In higher cheer c~paclfie~, noillng redulremen~ for stmMurat momhem eheli he doubled, or ;~fomate conneoiom, each ea cheer ptata~, shoil he u-.ed to maintain t~ lsed path. ~Whea wafi eheathlea lo cootlnuou~ over connected n~mpam, toe tabulated number of nails ehoil he permitted to F L,A,N NOTE: HIGH PRESSURE ZOiflE5 ARE ALL AREAS '1'-0" FROM ANY RIDGE, HItP DE GABLE END COMPONENT AND CLADDIING PRESSURE ZONES 1 I/'~" x 20 GA. GALV. 5TRAP · / 5-8a COMHON NAIL5 IN EACH END el/." O.C. ,-~1 I/~" x 20 GA. GALV. 5TRAP (~/ 5-8d COMMON NAIL5 TO FDN. el/," O.C, ~2 - 8d COHHON CANTILEVER OVER FOUNDATION I I/4" x 20 GA. GALV. 5TRAP m/ 5-8d COMMON NAIL5 IN EACH END ~lt," D.C. /-~1 I/4'" x 20 GA. GALV. 5TRAP [ ~/ 5-8d COMMON NAILS IN EACH END e,I/"" O.C. 2'-0" MAX. CANTILEVER OVER FIRST FLOOR DESIGN CRITERIA: GROUND 5N03 LOAD - 45 PEP. FIRST LEVEL - 40 PSF. L.L. LIVING AREA5 - ~O PSF. L.L. BEDROOM5 - 30 PSF. L.L 31ND SPEED -120 MPH SEISHIC DESIGN CATEGORY - ~ t~EATHERING - 5EVERS FROST LINE DEPTH - 5/"" TERMITE - MODERATE TO HEAVY DECAY - 5LIGHT ICE SHIELD UNDERLAYMENT REQUIRED - YE5 DESIGN CRITERIA: DESIGN IN ACCORDANCE UJITH AMERICAN FOREST PRODUCTS 300D FRAME CONSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR I + 2 FAMILY HOUSE - ENGINEERED DESIGN METHOD. WINDOWS - GLAZED OPENING EXTERIOR LJIND035 5HALL HAVE GLAZED OPENING PROTECTION FOR ~IND-BORNE DEBRIS TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LARGE MISSILE TEST OF ASTM E Iff~/" AND OF ASTM E 188/" REFERENCED THEREIN. IN LIEU OF IHPACT RESISTANT GLAZING, UJOOD STRUCTURAL PANELS ~JITH A HINIMUM THICKNESS OF 1/I/"" AND A MAXIMUM SPAN OF 8' SHALL BE PERMITTED A5 OPENING PROTECTION. ATTACHMENT5 5HALL BE 3 I/2" ~8 ~OOD 5CREUJE, I/"" OC FOR SPAN5 UP TO /"' AND 12" DC FOR 5PAN5 BETWEEN 4' AND 5' GARAGE DOORS TO BE RATED FOR 120 MPH 31ND LOAD. ARCHITECT 7 I II DRAWING TITLE.' CODE DETAIL5 CUTCHOGUE, NY TOmN OF SOUTHOLD 5CTI~S 1000-118-02-14.1 ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R, WEBER 41 EAST I'IAPLE ROAD GREENLAWN, NT 11140 S2 NOYAC PATH WATER PflLL, NY TgL Z~l =~i14-66EB FAX &~,l 2/,1-1084 REV.: DATE: AUG 21, 2008 SCALE: I/4" = I'-O; JOB NO: e200&04 DRAWING NO. OP AID 2x8 C.J., I(.'1 Dc / FRAHING NOTES: L ALL FRAMING LUI'IBER 5HALL BE GRADE 5TAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BE:TTER 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED, EXPOSURE I, 5/8" filN. THICKNESS OR A5 NOTED. $, ALL 5LIBFLOORING TO BE APA RATED 5TURD-I~FLOOR, EXPO51~RE I, $/4" illN. THICKNE55. ALL EDGE5 OF PLYNOOD TO BE 5ET ON 50LID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL PL¥111OOD 5U~SFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS, 'L ALL HEADER5 C-O" AND OVER 5HALL BE SUPPORTED NITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS, ¢1'-0" AND OVER NITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADER5 5HALL BE A IIlNII1UM OF Z-2x8 IN 4" HALL t 5-2x8 IN ~" WALL OR A5 5HOtUN ON DRA~JiNGS. 3. 50LID BLOCKING 5HALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOI5T5 AND FLOOR BNAM5 A5 PER N.¥.5. CODE OR AS NOTED ~ 8'-0" O.C. PROVIDE :2" 5PACE POR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. 1.. DOUBLE FRAHING AROUND OPENING5 fSkfll~gl~t~, 5tarry, et.c.) OR A5 NOTED ON DRANINGS. J I Ii 14" TJI E(.O, I(." D.c. ~ Iii // 8, ALL FLUSH HOOD CONNECTIONS 5HALL BE FASTENED lUlTH RATED GALVANIZED HETAL CONNECTORS BY "511'IPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. '-~ I ' ' I ~'I' .¢ ~. NAILING 5CH~DUL~ 5HALL ~E A5 P~R THE N,Y.5. ~UILDING COD~ A5 A ~[NIHUH. ALL 2x~ STUD5 5HALL RECIEVE ~-IOD NAIL5 AT 5ILL ~ ~ I / ~ AND PLATE, ALL EXTERIOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED., a I mx JI [I II ~111: I I ~l'l~ih r~ IO. PLYWOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED ~ITH 8D ~ 40.C. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND &O s 12 C.C. INTERMEDIATE. , L : ..... J L ............ ~.1 ~ Ih / IL ALL ROOF RAFTER5 5HALL ~E ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND STUD ~ITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 BY "SIHPSON' ~ ........... ~ ~ II j ~// i2. ALL p~E-ENG~NEERED LUHBER 5HALL BE TRU55 JO 5T TJ 5ERIE5 ~OOD-I-BEAH5 AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL ALL JOISTS, ~ ~l i ~ GIRDER5 AND HEAD,R5 5HALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENER5 INSTALLED A5 PER HANUFA~TURER 5 RECO~HENDATIONS. ~B STIFFENERS , ,, . ,.' = ',i', N I 5MALL 5E REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINT5 AT A HINIHUH. A SINGLE I 3/~ LVL RIH JOIST 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR _ ~ I I ~ ~ I I ~ ['~ ~ III PERIHETERS. HANDLING, STORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COHPONENT5 5HALL BE A5 PER HANUFACTURER5 RECOHHENDATION~. ~ ~[II ~. ~11 ~"ll =rh~ I'1 [3. ALL HULTIPLE LVL PRODUCT5 ~/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 RO~5 OF I/2" DIA, GALV. HACHINE ~OLT5 · 12" C.C. ~ ~ I i ~ ~ i I O I ['l M. PROVIDE FIRESTOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. I M" TJI ~40 I&" c.c. ~l I _l~ : x Ill : F. ,. * ....... ..... ........ LVL F rS) 11 'l/E" LVL Hdr. (S) II q/se L I$) II 1/8! LVL Hdr. Z 2xlO Ri.R. I(,"oc~ TJI 340. I/." rS) II q/8" LVL Hdr. d d STF UCTURAL FIF $T FLOOF -- O DO PLAN I/4" = I'-0" FREDERICK ROBERT ARCHITECT DRAWING TITLE: STRUCTURAL FIRST FLOOR JOB: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE S95 CLEAEOIATEE LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TOIIIN OF 50UTHOLD 5CTI~I~ IOOO-II8-O:2-14.1 ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. WEBER 41 EAET HAPLE ROAD GREENLAWN, NY II1~O E2 NOYAC PATH mATER ~IILL, NY lift1& TEL &SI 1;4-EE=E FAX &SI 2Zl-IOE4 REV..- CATE: AUG 21, 2008 SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" JOB NO: ~2OO&O4 DRAWING NO. $1 OF ~2 / / Roof P~tched C~hn~ ~ P~tched of Rid~e J Line of ~dge 'x /~) II 1fiB" LVL Hdr. h 55TF UCTU AL ECOND FLO0 PLAN I/4" = I'-O" 129,,3/4"×11F 5:1 I~ R~ot' (3: 2xlO H, dFi FRAHING NOTES: I, ALL FRAHING LUHBER 5HALL BE GRADE STAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BETTER 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED. EXPOSURE I, S/8" "{IN THICKNE$5 OR A5 NOTED 3, ALL 5UBFLODRING TO BE APA RATED 5TLJRD-bFLOOR, EXPOSURE I, 3/4" MIN. THICKNE55. ALL EDGES OF pLyBJOOD TO BE 5ET ON 50LID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL PLy~JooD 5UBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS. 'i, ALL HEADER5 ~'-0" AND OVER SHALL BE SUPPORTED OJITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS, W-O" AND OVER L~ITH TRIPLE dPRIGHTS. ALL HEADER5 5HALL BE A MININLJi~ OF 2-2x8 IN '~" ~IALL t 3-2×8 iN (,,r [[JALL OR A5 5HO[JJN ON DRAQJlNGS. B 50LID BLOCKING 5HALL BE PROVIDBD FOR ALL JOISTS AND FLOOR BEAMS AS PER N.Y.S, CODE OR A5 NOTED e 8'-0" O,D PROVIDE 2" 5PACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. (~ DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND OPENING5 fSkflllghL~, 5tarry, eLc.) OR A5 NOTED ON DRA~INGS. ~. DOUBLE UP-FRAMING UNDER ALL POST5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRAWLING5 8 ALL FLUSH L~OOD CONNECTION5 SHALL BE FASTENED ~JITH RATED GALVANIZED METAL DONNECTOR5 BY "SIMPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. ~. NAILING SCHEDULE SHALL BE A5 PER THE N.Y.5. BUILDING CODE A5 A MINIMUM. ALL 2x(, STUD5 SHALL REDIEVE B-IOD NAIL5 AT 5ILL AND PLEATS. ALL EXTERIOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. I0 pL¥~UDOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED LUITH BD ~ ~" O.D. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND ¢,D e 12" 0 C INTERidEDIATE. LU ALI- ROOF RAFTER5 SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND STUD LUITH GALVANIZED HLIR~ICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 BY OR APPROVED EQUAL, IZ ALL PRE-ENGiNEERED LUMBER 5HALL BE r'TRU~$ JOIST" TJI 5ERIE5 LIJOOD-I-BEAM5 AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDER5 AND HEAOER5 5HALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENER5 INSTALLED A5 PER HANUFACTUREW5 RECOMMENDATIONS, [UEB STIFFENER5 $HALL BE i,~EQL~IRED AT ALL LOAD AND 5EARING POINT5 AT A MINIMUH. A 5INGLE [ 3/4" LVL RIH JOIST 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS' MANDLINd, STORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COHPONENT5 5HALL BE AS PER HANUFACTdRER5 RECOMMENDATIONS. 13. ALL HUL~.IFLE LVL PRODUCT5 ~/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE :2 RO~I5 OF 1/2" DIA, GALV. MACHINE BOLT5 ~ 12" O.D. H PROVIDE flRESTOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. fled / \ /45, / -L o FREDERICK ROBERT ~EBER ARCHITECT 111 DRAWING TITLE: STRUCTURAL SECOND FLOOR FLOTTERON RESIDENCE ~q~ CLEARWATER LANE CBTCHOGUE, NY T0aN OF 50UTHOLD 5CTH~ 1000-118-02-14.1 41 EAST ~IAPLE ROA[~ GREENLAOIN, NY II1~10 S2 NOYAC PATH tlIATER MILL. NY Ilqlt TEL &'~l 'IB4-=~=B &3,1 2&1-1084 REV.: SEPT S, 2008 DATE: AUG 21, 2008 SCALE; I/4" = I'-0" JOE, NO: a200&04 $2 OF S2 I I To Post To -- OOO zz'r ELECTRICAL [Plumbing) FIRST FLOOR PLAN ELECTRICAL NOTE.S: I- RECEPTACLES t SWITCHES TO BE "DECORA" (LEVITON), WHITE. 2- DIMMERS TO BE "DIVA" (Slide Control), WHITE. 5- ALL WIRING FOR OVERHEAD DOORS TO BE CONCEALED IN CONSTRUCTION. 4- ELECTRICIAN TO SCHEDULE "WALK-THRU" WITH OWNER PRIOR TO BEalNNING WORK:. ~- ALARH CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE, INSTALL AND WIRE ALL 5HOKE, HEAT, CO AND LOW TEMPERATURE DETECTOR5 PER CODE IMINIMUM) A5 WELL A 5ECLJRITY ALARM SYSTEM. PROVIDE CENTRAL STATION MONITORING. (.- AUDIO/VISUAL CONTRACTOR 5HALL INSTALL AND WIRE ALL TELEPHONE JACKS, TV CABLE OUTLETS, AND INDOOR/ OUTDOOR SPEAKER CONNECTIONS. ALL SPEAKER WIRES TO BE "EOMERUNS". (OWNER TO PROVIDE SPEAKERS). q- ON SHINGLED WALLS. WALL idOUNTED FIXTURES TO BE MOUNTED ON CEDAR WALL PLATE. 8- ELECTRICIAN TO VERIFY ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLIANCES ~[ EQL~IPMENT. ELECTRICAL FrXTU!RES: OWNER TO PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING FIXTURES fINSTALLATION BY CONTRACTOR): ~- UN~ERCAB,NET KITCHEN FIXTURES APPLIANCES: CONTRACTOR P LUi"IBING NOTES: I- PLUMBER 5HALL TEST ALL DRAIN LINE5 AND ALL WATER SUPPLY PIPING BEFORE ENCLOSING WALLS. 2- ALL EXPOSED FEEDS AND ESCUTCHEON PLATES FOR ~JATER CLOSET5 SHALL BE CHROME PLATED BRAES. $- INSULATE ALL HOT WATER PIPING PER ENERGY CODE AND ALL COLD WATER PiPiNG TO PREVENT SWEATING. 4- ALL DRAIN PIPES RdNNING THROUGH IST FLOOR WALLS SHALL BE CAST-IRON TO REDUCE 5CUED LEVELS. 5- ALL HOSE BIBS 5HALL BE "FROST FREE" WITH SHUT-OFF VALVES IN BASEMENT, 4- PLUMBER TO RUN AND CONNECT PROPANE PIPING FOR RANGE AND GRILL, · Zi£Z ..... g_ i i i ELECTRICAL 5YHtSOL5 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ~ DUPLEX RECEPTACLE (~ OLp. DUP.REC,-WATERPROOF (~ C,~l DUP.REC.-GROUND FAULT [~ DUP.REC,-FLOOR (~ DUP,REC.-fDSWITCH OPER. (p SPECIAL OUTLET O SURFACE MTD.-CLG. Op SURFACE MTD.-CLG. (Porcelain) ~ RECESSED-CLG. ~C) WALL MOUNTED (]~ DUP, FLOOD C~ HIGH INTENSITY, S~IiZEL, RECESSED ~ CLOSET LIGHT (~ SHOWER LIGHT fWet Location) G UNDERCAB. FIXTURE (~ /~ DOORBELL/CHIME [] EXHAUST FAN PADDLE FAN c>~ PADDLE FAN / LIGHT ATTIC FAN ~ SPEAKER ~ TELEPHONE O CABLE VISION ~ COMPUTER fCable t Phone) ~ LIGHT LU/ HEAT/FAN/NIGHT LIGHT (~) THERMOSTAT ~ FAN/LiGHT (~) SMOKE DETECTOR (~co CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR '~ SWITCH ~ SWITCH S-WAY ~ 4 SWITCH 4-WAY '~o SWITCH W/ DIMMER ~ ~ SWITCH WATERPROOF dS JAMB SWITCH [~] KEY PAD EX EXISTING / FREDERICK ROBERT ARCHITECT E] 111 Z I II DI~AIIJlNG TITLE; ELECTRICAL PLUI'/BING FIRST FLOOR JOB.- FLOTTEROH RESIDENCt ~:"'1~ CLEARIIIATER LANE CUTCHOGUE. NY TOtlJN Ct= ,~OUTHOLD ~CTtI# IOOO-II8-O2-1'~.1 ARCHITECT~ GREENLAIUN, NY B2 NOYAC PATH I'IILL. NY II"~'l& PAX z~,l 2&1-10~4 REV.: DATE.' AUG 21, 2008 · SCALE.* I/4' = I'-O' ,JOB NO.' m200&04 D~AWING NO. El/PI OF E21P2 o® ~ ELECTRICAL 5YHBOL..=, 5¥~ESOL DEECR[PT[ON ~ DUPLEX RECEPTACLE ® m.P DUP.REC.-WATERPF~OOF ®6~1 OUP.REC.-GROLIND FAULT [] DUP.REC.-FLOOR ~ DUP.REC.-¢DSWITCH OPER. (~ SPECIAL OUTLET O SURFACE HTD.-CLG. Dp SURFACE MTD.-CLG. (Porcelain) ~ RECESSED-CLG. KD WALL MOUNTED ~ DUP FLOOD O~ HIGH INTENSITY, 5~IIZEL, RECESSED E~ CLOSET LIGHT (~ Q DOORESELL/CHiHE F~ LIGHT UJ/ HEAT/FAN/NIGHT LIGHT (~ THERMOSTAT (~) SMOKE DETECTOR ELECTRICAL (Plumbing) SECOND FLOOR PLAN FREDERICK ROBERT WEBER ARCHITECT /, I o, DRAUlING TITLE= ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ,SECOND FLOOR JOB,: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE Sfl$ CLEARWATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NT TOEN OF 50UTHOLD SCT~# lOOO-II8-O2-14.1 ARCHITECT= FREDERICK R. BEBER 41 EA,~T IIAPLE ROAD GREENLABN, NY' 11140 =2 NOYAC PATH UJATER IfflLL, NY I1~11/, TEL /-31 164-666=; FAX &3,1 2/-1=1084 REV..' SEPT Ii, 2008 DATE: AUG 21, 2008 SCALE.' I/4" = I'-O" JOB NO: ~200&04 DEAL[lING NO, E2/P2 OF E2/P2 d d I u ...... L ...... J IS) II q/8" LVL Heir. L~[ I 14" Ill/ TJI ~LO, IL" D.c. IS) II 1/8f ..... ] L ............. J (S) Il q/8'~ LVL Hdr. IS) II '1/8" LVL HEr. d d ]1 (¢) II '1/8" LVL STRUCTURAL FIR5 FLOOR PLAN l/4" = I'-0" FRAMING NOTES: I. ALL FRAMING LUMBER 5HALL BE GRADE 5TAMPED DOUGLAS FIRILARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BETTER 2. ALL 5HEATFlING TO BE APA RATED, EXPOSURE I, B/t" f'IIN. TFliCKNESS OR AS NOTED. 3. ALL 5UBFLOORIN( TO BE APA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR, EXPOSURE h 3/4" ]lIN. THICKNESS. ALL EDGES OF PLyIIIOOD TO BE 5ET ON 50LID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL PL¥~JOOD 5UBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS, 4. ALL HEADER5 z-'-O" AND OVER 5HALL EE SUPPORTED IUITFI DOUBLE UPRIGFITS, T-O" AND OVER LtJlTFl TRIPLE UPRIGFITS. ALL FIEADER5 5HALL bE A HINIHLUJ OF 2-2x8 IN 4" UIALL t 5-2x8 IN C' BALL OR AS 5HOUJN ON DRALUINGS. i. 50LID BLOCKING 5FlALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOISTS AND FLOOR BEAIJS AS PER N.¥.S. CODE OR A5 NOTED · 8'-0" O.C. PROVIDE 2" SPACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. &. DOUBLE FRANING AROUND OPENING5 fSk¢lflht.~, Stairs, etc.) OR A5 NOTED ON DRAtUINGS. '1 DOUBLE UP FRAHING UNDER ALL POSTS AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRADJINGS. 8. ALL FLUSFI IIJOOD CONNECTION5 5FlALL BE FASTENED OJITFI RATED GALVANIZED HETAL CONNECTOR5 BY "51HPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. el, NAILING SCHEDULE 5HALL tEE A5 PER THE N.¥.S. BUILDING CODE A5 A NINIIlUH, ALL 2~ STUDS 5HALL RECIEVE $-IOD NAIL5 AT 5ILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERIOR NAILS 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. I0. PLYBOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED LUITH iD e 4" O.C. EXTERLOR EDGE5 AND /.D · 12" O,C. INTERI1EDIATE. II. ALL ROOF RAFTERS SFlALL BE ATTACFlED TO THE PLATE AND STUD I~ITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTORS BY "SINPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL, 12. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUMBER 5HALL BE "TRUSS JOIST" TJI SERIES UJOOD-I-BEAM5 AND LVL PRODUCTS OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDERS AND HEADERS SHALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENERS INSTALLED AS PER I1ANUEACTURER'5 RECONHENDATIONS. tUEB STIFFENERS 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINTS AT A ~INIHUH, A 5INGLE I 3/4" LVL RIM JOIST 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIHETERS. HANDLING, 5TORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COHPONENT5 5HALL BE A5 PER HANUFACTURER5 RECOHHENDATIONS. ~. ALL flULTIPLE LVL PRODUCT5 ~/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 ROB5 OF I/2 DIA, GALV. NACFIlNE BOLT5 ~: t2 O.C. 14. PROVIDE PIRESTOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. J / :~xlO ~.R., It,"oc~ 2x8 Cil., I~." DC (33 II //I P' Con~, ~Dron : / l/ FREDERICK ROBERT ~EBER ARCHITECT DRAUJING TITLE: STRUCTURAL FIRST FLOOR JOB: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE z=q~ CLEARmATEE LANE CUTCHOGUE, NT TOIIIN OF ,50LITHOLD ,SCTII# IOOO-IIa-O~-14.1 ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. 41 EAST t'IAPLE ROAD GREENLAUIN. NY 11140 1=2 NOYAC PATH mATER tIILL, NY SEAL: REV..' DATE: AUG 21, 2008 SCALE.- I/4' = I'-O" JOB NO.' m2OO&O4 DRAUJING NO. S1 OF 52 © IO F~.R., l&" o¢ ¢C.J., lC' ¢c 2xlO R.R., ¢ P~tched Ceftin§ ~ Pitched Ceiling :2) 'iL 2xlO R.F~. / / / I Line of' Ridge II II II q/18" LVL STRUCTURAL SECOND FLOOR PLAN I/4" = I'-O" Roof f2'k,~/4"xJll" SU, F~ FRAMING NOTES: L ALL FRAHiNG LUPIBER 5HALL BE GRADE STAI1PED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No, 2 OR BETTER 2 ALL SHEATHING TO BE ARA RATED. EXPOSURE L ~/8" "lIN. THICKNESS OR A5 NOTED. 3 ALL ~UBFLOOR[NQ TO BE ARA RATED BTURD-[-FLOOR, EXPOSURE l. ~/4" idlN. THICKNESS. ALL EDGES OF PLYLIJOOD TO BE EDT ON EOLID BLOCKING, GLUE AND NAIL PLyIUOOD SUBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOfSTS, 4. ALL HEADER~ z'-O" AND OVER 5HALL BE 5LIPPORTED BITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS, ~' O" AND OVER t~ITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADER5 SHALL BE A f'[INIMUI1 OF 2-2x8 IN 4" UALL i S-2x8 IN &" UALL OR A5 ~HOIIJN ON DRA~INGS. ], SOLID BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOIST5 AND FLOOR BEAfJS AS PER N,¥.S. CODE OR AS NOTED ~ 8'-0" O.C PROVIDE 2" SPACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. ~ DOUBLE FRAi~ING AROUND OPENINGS fSk§ll§hLs, S~alr~, ¢Lc.) OR AS NOTED ON DRA~INGS. q DOUBLE UP FRAlllNG UNDER ALL POST5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRAtUINGS. 8 ALL FLdSH BOOD CONNECTIONE 5HALL BE FASTENED DITH RATED GALVANIZED HETAL CONNECTOR5 BY "SII1PSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL, fl, NAILINC SCHEDULE 5HALL BE A5 PER THE N.Y.S, BUILDING CODE AS A HfNIHUM, ALL 2x¢ 5TUD5 5HALL RECIEVE B-IOD NAILS AT SILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERIOR NAILS 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. I0 PLyI~OOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED DITH 8D e 4" O,C. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND ¢,D e 12" O C INTERHEDIATE. II. ALL ROOF RAFTER5 EHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND 5TUD L~ITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTORS BY "51HPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL, 12. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUilBER SHALL BE "TRUE5 JOIST" TJI 5ERIE5 DOOD-I-BEAHS AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDER5 AND HEADERS 5HALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENERS INSTALLED A5 PER ilANUFACTURER'5 RECOHHENDATIONS. DEB STIFFENERS SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINT5 AT A IIlNIMLIII, A 5INGLE I ~/4" LVL Rill JOIST SHALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIHETERS. HANDLING, STORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COHPONENTE SHALL BE A5 PER ffANUFACTURER5 RECOHHENDATIONS. 13. ALL IIULTIPLE LVL PRODUCTS UI/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 ROUJ5 OF I/2" DIA, GALV. NACHINE BOLTS · 12" O.C, 14. PROVIDE FIRESTOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. bed / ~ Hdr. - - - HrJr ~ FREDERICK ROBERT ~EBER ARCHITECT I II DRAI,UING TITLE: ,STRUCTUtRAL SECOND FLOOR J JOB: I FLOTTERON RESIDENCE ~qB CLEARWATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TOIIIN OF ~50UTHOLD 5CTII~ IOOO-II8-O2-14.1 ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R, UlEBER 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD GREENLAUIN. NY 11'140 S2 NOYAC PATH UlATER MILL. NY Ilql& TEL PAX /,~,1 2zHO84 REV.: ,SEPT Ii. 2008 DATE= AUG 21. 2008 SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" JOE, NO: w2OO(.O4 DRAUJING NO. S2 OF ,52 2'-0" I 2'-O" 3'-5" ~ 'I Flue From Room E © FOROH EHu~stone LTERRACE I 24'-0" T-4" Chlmne§ !AT: ROG oak olumn I (T~p.) L ROOM] Structural Drop Ream Do~r, S BtructurW Drop ~am · I 4'-O" 8'-0" Oak, n~ I L~ ~1,1~ Door (T (:2) I[4 FOYERI .... Oak .., Structural Drop ~eam ye ST/ E, UTLER Oak 4-0" 4'-/." Ref,/ -- FFeEz~F I~land FIR`ST FLOOR- PLAN 114" I'-O" Tapered Square Column IS" (ParWlel to 8!-0" POF FRAMING NOTES: h ALL FRAMING LUMBEE 5HALL BE GRADE 5TAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BETTER 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED, EXPOSURE I. ~/8" MIN. THICKNE55 OR A5 NOTED. 5. ALL 5UBFLOORING TO BE APA RATED 5TURD-I-FLOOR, EXPOSURE h 3/4" MIN. THICKNE55. ALL EDGE5 OF PLYYJOOD TO BE 5ET ON 5OLID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL pLYUIOOD 5dBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS. 4. ALL HEADER5 ~'-O" AND OVER 5HALL BE SUPPORTED ~JITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS, 9'-O" AND OVER UJITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADERS 5HALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-2x8 IN 4" ~ALL I 3-2xB IN &"OALL OR AS 5HOUJN ON DRA[UINGS. ~. 5CLIP BLOCKING 5HALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JO[5T$ AND FLOOR BEA~95 A5 PER N,Y.5. CODE OR A5 NOTED · 8'-0" O.C. PROVIDE 2" 5PACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. 4. DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND OPENING5 (SkghGhts, SI. arcs, etc.) OR AS NOTED ON DRAIUINGS. q, DOUBLE UP FRAMING UNDER ALL POST5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRAIUING5. 8. ALL FLUSH QIOOD CONNECTION5 5HALL BE FASTENED BITH RATED GALVANIZED METAL CONNECTOR5 BY "SIMPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL, ~. NAILING SCHEDULE 5HALL BE A5 PER THE N.Y,5. BUILDING CODE A5 A MINIMUM. ALL 2x(. STUD5 5HALL RECIEVE ~-IOD NAIL5 AT 5ILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERIOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED, IO. pL¥[UOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED WITH 8D ~ 4" D.C. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND &D~ ~2" D.C. iNTERMEDIATE, If. ALL ROOF RAFTER5 5HALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND 5TUD IUITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 BY "5[MPSON° OR APPROVED EQUAL. 12. ALL PRE-ENGiNEERED LUMBER $HALL B~= "TRL~SS JOIST' TJI 5ERIES UJOOD-I-BEAM5 AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL ALL JOISTS, GIRDERS AND HEADERS SHALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENER5 INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'5 RECOMMENDATIONS. WEB STIFFENERS SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINT5 AT A MINIIIUH. A 5INGLE I 3/4" LVL RIM JOIST SBALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS. HANDLING, STORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COMPONENTS 5HALL BE A5 PER MANUFACTURER5 RECOMMENDATIONS. IS. ALL HULTIpLE LVL PRODUCT5 ~/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 RO~J5 OF I/2° DIA, GALV. HACHINE BOLT5 s 12" D.C. M. PROVIDE FIREETOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS, 5QUARE FOOTAGE: lET FLOOR: 2991 5F 2ND FLOOR: ~221 5F TOTAL LIVING: B992 5F GARAGE: 900 SF FRONT PORCH: 224 5F PORCH iA: 14~ 5F PORCH lB: 120 SF TOTAL PORCIHES~ 4fid 5F DECK 2A: 4E 5F DECK 2B: ~& 5F DECK 2C: 44 5F TOTAL DECKS; I~ 5F TERRACE: 5~8 5F [Be§on8 Porches) WINDOW SCHEDULE Unit Mod~l (~ DHSO24 S'-O" x ~'-I" Yes I~) DH2(,2G 2'-8" x E'-I" No {~) DH544410 4'-G" x E'-I' No ; (~1 DH~O22 S'-O" x 4'-E" No (~ DH2&22 2'-8" x 4'-E" No (~! DHSO20 3'-O" x 4'-I' No (~I DH2~20 2'-8" x 4'-I" No (~) 2G2¢~ 2'% I/2" x 2'-& 1/2" No (~ WI') 2'-O 1/2"x 2'-O I/2° No (~ FC2-O 2'-0 I/2" ~ No ~ DHT2U2* 2'-8" x I'-C No (~ DHT4412* 4'-(," x I'-C' No (~) 281(~ 2'-9 9/8" x I'-C' No No 5~ LUI4 2'-O 1/2°x 4'-0 1/2' No ~ 4020 4'-0 1/2"x 2'-O 112" No Model Numbers refer to "Kolbe", Hermta~e/Bterhn~ Benes, Doub[e-Hun~/Amnlng/F~xed Wood Windows with K-Kron FltlmEh and Plywood Panels rot Impact DOOR SCHEDULE to 'O'Ve 12' -I" L~all * Verlf~ Operation ¢~0 I/2 x ¢-I0 lB/lC P- ConE: A~ron *'-o' I j I FREDERICK ROBERT ~EBER ARCHITECT I II DRAUIING TITLE: FIRST FLOOR JOB: FLOTTERON RESIDENCE SgE CLEARWATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TOIIIN OF ROUTHOLD 5CTf'IS IOOO-IIa-OS-14J ARCHITECT: FREDERICK R. ~EBER 41 EAST MAPLE ROAD GREENLAIIIN, NY 119~O E2 NOYAC PATH UIATER MILL, NY PAX &31 2&l-IOE4 REV.: DATE, AUG 21, 2008 SCALE.' I/4" = I'-O"' JOB NO: w2OO&O4 DRABING NO. OF AID 2'-¢ 2'-8" H'-8" 2'-8" Roof Line Ridge Abo~e1 " Line I- / ? SECOND FLOOR PLAN I/4" = I'-O" 8'-0" HALL J / / I/2" SQUARE FOOTAGE: 2ND FLOOR' 2~4~ 5F OVER GARAGE. (~1~ 5F TOTAL 2ND FLOOR: $22[ 5F DECK 2A, 4~ 5F DECK 2B. 5~ 5F DECK 2C: 44 5F FRAHING NOTES: I ALL FRAMING LUMBER 5HALL BE GRADE 5TAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BETTER 2 ALL SHEATHING TO BE ARA RATED, EXPOSURE I, ~/8" MIN THICKNE55 OR A5 NOTED. 3 ALL 5UBFLOORING TO BE ARA RATED STURD-I-FLOOR, EXPOSURE I, 3/"J" MIN. THICKNE55. ALL EDGES OF PLY~JOOD TO BE 5ET ON EOLID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL PLyttJOOD SUB, FLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTE. 4. ALL HEADER5 (2-0" AND OVER 5HALL BE SUPPORTED L~ITH DOUBLE LJpR[GHTS. fl' O" AND OVER LUITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADER5 5HALL BE A I'IlNI~TUil OF 2 2x8 IN 4" LtlALL l 5-2x8 IN (." tlJALL OR A5 5HOLUN ON DRAtUINGS. ~. 5OL[D BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOIST8 AND FLOOR BEA[1S AS PER N.Y.5. CODE OR AS NOTED · 8'-O" O.C. PROVIDE 2" 5PACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS. ~. DOUBLE ERA'lING AROUND OPENINGS (Skgk§l~t.s, 5tmr~, et.c.) OR A5 NOTED ON DRAtUINGS. '1. DOUBLE UP FRAHING UNDER ALL POST5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRABJING5 8. ALL FLUSH UIOOO CONNECTION5 SHALL BE FASTENED LUiTH RATED GALVANIZED HETAL CONNECTOR5 BY %rHPEON" OR APPROVED EQUAL fl. NAILING SCHEDULE 5HALL BE AS PER THE N.Y.5. BUILDING CODE A5 A ilINIMU't. ALL 2x4 STUD5 5HALL RECIEVE ~HOD NAIL5 AT SILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERIOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. IO pLytUOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED I~ITH 8D s 4" O.C. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND &D @ 12" O.C INTERMEDIATE. II. ALL ROOF RAFTER5 5HALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND STUD [~ITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 ~Sy "51MPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. 12. ALL PRE-ENGiNEERED LIJtlBER 5HALL BE "TRUE5 JOIST" TJI 5ERIE5 ILIOODH-BEAM5 AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTE. GIRDER5 AND HEADER5 5HALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENER5 INSTALLED A5 PER ilANUFACTURER'5 RECOII'IENDATIONS. DEB STIFFENERS SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINTS AT A illNIMUI'I. A SINGLE I 3/4" LVL Rl~i JOIET 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS. HANDLING, STORAGE. AND ERECTION OF COMPONENT5 SHALL BE AS PER HANUFACTURERS RECOHMENDATIONS. 15. ALL HULTIPLE LVL PRODBCT5 ttJ/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 ROLJ5 OF I/2" DIA. GALV. ilACHINE BOLT5 14. PROVIDE FIRESTOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. / \1/ ® , Roof \ \ \ UJINDOUJ SCHEDULE Area (~No Model Numbers refer to "Kolbe', Hemtage/Sterhng 5eries, Double Hung/Aanlng/Fixed LJoed LUmdoa~ ~th K-f(ron Fmmh and F~lg~ood Panels for Impact DOOF SCHEDULE I PREDERICK ROBERT W~BER ARCHITECT DRAftING TITLE: ..SECOND FLOOR JOB= FLOTTEEON RESIDENCE ~1~; CLEARUJATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NT TOIIJN OF 80UTHOLD 8CT~# IOOO-II8-O:3-14.1 ARCHITECT.- FREDERICK R. [IJEISER "tl EAST I'IAPLE ROAD GREENLAIIJN, NY 11140 ~:2 NOYAC PATH BATER I'IILL. NY 11"/1/, PAX J E~EA L,- REV.: SEPT =;, 200B DATE: AUG 21, :2008 gCALE: I/4" = I'-O" JOB NO: ~u2OO/,O4 DRAWING NO. A4 OF AID [T§p.- All Rafter~)~ A~ag 2xlO Iiood F~oo? Shingles /4x4 Lathe xlO R.R,, I&" Dc :al 2nd Floor ._Top o?, 5ubfL,, lop of 51ab EL +lB'-3 I/4" SECTION DD I/4" = 1'-O" f2) 2xl2 Vent Roof: Roof S hln~les $/4x4 Lathe ~xlO ~ J ~ I , I&" oc IHALL 21 Galv. 14" 1-Joists, -lC' DC, Tgp, "Bag" 14" LVL or Subfl. = LIBRARy] PIg~d. 4. I-Jo~sts, & oc, Tgp. I-Joint rS) II 9/8" He~der Alcove 5eat 4" P. Conc. Slab - ~/ &"x&" IO/IO ~BF RelnP, fTgp.) CELLAR HALLI SECTION CC Top of f2)2x& ~ ?or Bearln of to [Uall I~ 5of hr (Tgi).) I0" F~. Cone. Wall f2) ~t~ Top I~ ~ot. Cont,. 112 Grade ~4, 28'-0" lTgp.- Ali 9 I/2 12 2x8 C,J. I&" oc, T§p. Roof Shingles Lathe R.R., I&" Dc 12 I&" oc, Typ. &" F.G. Batts [BATH 2]R21, Tgpl% d'-O" l'-B" IJ LGREAT RO, of Subfl. Slab P. Cone. Foundatron tU alls Top or Slab EL +10'-O" LVL P.d. SECTION AA 12 ~"~ "~ V2 I& DC, T~p. ~ 22"x10" Cont. P. Cone. Pootln~ 'FREDERICK ROBERT ~E~ER ARCHITECT Z I ii DEAl!lING TITLE= SECTION5 JOB= FLOTTERON RESIDENCE $qlll CLEARIIIATER LANE CUTCHOGUE, NY TommmN OF ~OmlTHOLD -qCTII# IOOO-II8-O2-14.1 ARCHITECT= FREDERICK R. IIJEBER ~1 EAST MAPLE RO^O GREENLAIIIN, NY 11'140 S2 NOTAC PATH mATER ~ILL. NY II91z TEL &SI 'l=4-fC!;li FAX &~,l 2i1-1084 REV.~ DATE: AUG 21. 2008 SCALE= I/4' '= I'-0" JOB NO: ~200&04 DRAWING NO. O~ I/4" = I'-O" I/4" = I'-O" Ln I I Extend Hdr.~ Hdr, 2x¢. ~ / 2xlO ~i.R., 9/8" LVL 14" LVL Flush Hdr ~) II 1/8" LVL Hdr. : 14" TJI 3GO, I(." o.c. / LVL Hdr. d d , GO0 STRUCTURAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN I/4" = I'-O" FRAMING NOTES: I. ALL FRAMING LUMBER 5HALL BE GRADE 5TAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BETTER 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED, EXPOSURE L 5/8" MIN. THICKNE55 OR A5 NOTED. ~. ALL SUBFLOORING TO BE APA RATED 5TURD I-FLOOR, EXPOSURE I, ~/4" MIN. THICKNE55. ALL EDGES OF PLTUJOOD TO BE 5ET ON 5OL[D BLOCKING· GLUE AND NAIL PLTtUOOD SUBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS. 4, ALL HEADER5 (.' 0" AND OVER 5HALL BE SUPPORTED BITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS, T-O" AND OVER ~JlTH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADER5 5HALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-2x8 IN 4" ~JALL ~ 3-2x8 IN C' ~IALL OR A5 5HOUJN ON DRAUIINGS, ~. SOLID BLOCKING 5HALL BE PROVIDEO FOR ALL JOIST5 AND FLOOR BEAM5 AS PER N.Y.5. CODE OR A5 NOTED ~ 8'~0" O.C. PROVIDE 2" 5PACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOF5. & DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND OPENING5 fSk~ll~¢ts, Stirs, etc.) OR AS NOTED ON BRAWLINGS, 9. DOUBLE UP FRAMING UNDER ALL POST5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRA~ING5 8. ALL FLUSH UJOOD CONNECTIONS 5HALL BE FASTENED BITH RATED GALVANIZED METAL CONNECTORS BT "51MPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. ~, NAILING SCHEDULE 5HALL BE AS PER THE N.Y.5. BUILDING CODE AS A MINIMUM. ALL 2x~ STUDS SHALL RECIEVE B-IOD NAILS AT SILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERIOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. IQ. pLyUIOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED ~JiTH 8D e 4" O.C. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND (.D ~ 12" O,C. INTERMEDrATE. il. ALL ROOF RAFTER5 5HALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND 5TUB BITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 BT "SltlPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. 1:2. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUMBER SHALL BE "TRUSS JOIST" TJI 5ERIE5 ~OOD-I-BEAMS AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDER5 AND HEADER5 SHALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENER5 INSTALLED A5 PER MANUFACTURER'5 RECOMMENDATIONS. UJEB STIFFENERS SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINTS AT A MINIMUM· A SINGLE I $/4" LVL RIM JOIST 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS. HANDLING, STORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COMPONENT5 5HALL BE A5 PER MANUFACTURER5 RECOMMENDATIONS, IS. ALL MULTIPLE LVL PRODUCT5 ~J/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE :2 RO~5 OF I/2" DIA, GALV. MACHINE BOLT5 a 1:2" O,C. 14. PROVIDE FIRESTOPPING AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. NOTE: MINIMUM HEADER SIZE ON 1ST FLOOR TO ~E (2) 2xlO ' I " J%t P., / I FREDERICK ARCHITECT 7 I II DRAIUING TITLE= ,~TRUCTURAL FIR,ST FLOOR JOB: FLOTTERON RE,SIDENCE S~CLEAE~ATEE LANE CUTCHOGUE. NY TOaN OF 5OIJTHOLD 5CTHI IOOO-II-O2-14.1 At~CHITECT; FREDERICK R. 01EBER 41 EA,ST MAPLE ROAD I GREENLAIIIN, NY 11'140 $2 NOYAC PATH [UATER MILL. NY Ilql& TEL FAX &3,l 2&1-1084 ~B~ cI FEB ~;. 200fl c,,, ~r JAN 2. 2DOff r~,.: w,.~,.~. NOV 20. 2006 s~=~* OCT 21. 200S REV.=~=~ SEPT ~. 2008 DATE= AUG 21, 2008 SCALE.' 1/4" = I'-O' JOB NO.- NO. OF 52 / / Flat -Ox 2xl2 /~1 2xlO C.J., I(." o¢ ~1 /I · C.J., IA" DC rE) 2xlO Hdr. I II '~/8" LVL Hdr. '2) 314%11' 2xlO .R., I¢." DC 2xlO R F~.,Jlz'' .4:4) Ox(. 2xl2 .~me 2xlO FAR. IS) II 1/18" LVL Hdr I 2x]2 / j ~- F~-t STRUCTURAL 5ECOND FLOOR PLAN I/4" = I'-O" FRAMING NOTES: I. ALL FRAMrNG LUMBER 5HALL BE GRADE 5TAMPED DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH STRUCTURAL GRADE No. 2 OR BETTER 2. ALL SHEATHING TO BE APA RATED, EXPOSURE I, 5/8" MIN. THICKNE55 OR A5 NOTED. ~. ALL 5UBFLOORING TO BE APA RATED 5TURD-I-FLOOR, EXPO5URE I, S/'F' MIN. THICKNE55. ALL EDGE5 OF PLyCUOOD TO BE SET ON SOLID BLOCKING. GLUE AND NAIL PLyUJOOD 5UBFLOOR TO FLOOR JOISTS. 4. ALL HEADER5 ~'-0" AND OVER 5HALL BE SUPPORTED LUITH DOUBLE UPRIGHTS. T-O" AND OVER t~ITH TRIPLE UPRIGHTS. ALL HEADER5 5HALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2-2x8 IN 4" BALL I S-2x8 IN ~" BALL OR A5 5HOLUN ON DRALUINGE. ~. SOLID BLOCKING SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL JOIST5 AND FLOOR BEAM5 AS PER N.¥.S. BODE OR AS NOTED · 8' 0" O.C. PROVIDE 2" SPACE FOR AIR CIRCULATION IN ROOFS, (,. DOUBLE FRAMING AROUND OPENING5 fEk~llm~bt~, 5talr~. etc.) OR A5 NOTED ON DRAUINGE. ~. DOUBLE UP FRAMING UNDER ALL POET5 AND PARALLEL PARTITION5 OR A5 NOTED ON DRALtJlNGE. 8. ALL FLUSH tUOOD CONNECTrON5 5HALL BE FASTENED tUITH RATED GALVANIZED METAL CONNECTORS BY "SIMPSON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. % NAILING SCHEDULE 5HALL BE AS PER THE N.Y.5. BUILDING CODE A5 A HINrHUM. ALL 2x& STUD5 5HALL RECIEVE B-lOB NAIL5 AT 5ILL AND PLATE. ALL EXTERIOR NAIL5 5HALL BE GALVANIZED. 10. PLyttJOOD SHEATHING TO BE NAILED UITH 8D ~ 4" D.C. EXTERIOR EDGE5 AND (~D" 12" D.C. INTERHEDIATE. ]1. ALL ROOF RAFTER5 5HALL BE ATTACHED TO THE PLATE AND STUD BITH GALVANIZED HURRICANE TYPE CONNECTOR5 BY "51MP5ON" OR APPROVED EQUAL. 12. ALL PRE-ENGINEERED LUMBER 5HALL BE "TRU5S JOIST" TJI 5ERIE5 UJOOO-I-BEAM5 AND LVL PRODUCT5 OR EQUAL. ALL JOISTS, GIRDER5 AND HEADER5 5HALL HAVE BEARING STIFFENERS INSTALLED AS PER MANUFACTURER'5 RECOMMENDATIONS. UJEB STIFFENERS 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL LOAD AND BEARING POINT5 AT A MINIMUM, A 5LNGLE I S/4" LVL RIM JOIST 5HALL BE REQUIRED AT FLOOR PERIMETERS. HANDLING, STORAGE, AND ERECTION OF COMPONENT5 5HALL BE A5 PER HANUFACTURER5 RECOMMENDATIONS. iS. ALL MULTIPLE LVL PRODUCT5 LU/ STEEL PLATE5 TO HAVE 2 ROLU5 OF I/2" DIA, GALV, MACHINE BOLT5 e 12" D.C. 14, PROVIDE FIREETOPP[NG AT ALL LEVEL PENETRATIONS. NOTE: MINIMUM HEADER BIZE ON 2ND ELOOR TO BE f2) 2x8 Roof Side 'x~xx f4) 2xl2 J Root' FREDERICK ROBERT ARCHITECT 7 DRAINING TITLE= STRUCTURAL ~ECOND FLOOR FLOTTERON RE,SlDENCE Sq$CLEAR~ATER LANE CUTCHOGUE. NY T0~N OF 80UTHOLD 5CTH~ 1000-11-02-14.1 ARCHITECT: FREDERICK: R. IIJEI~ER 41 EA,~T MAPLE ROAD GREENLAOJN, NY 11140 I~2 NOYAC PATH mATER MILL. NY IIq'1& TEL &.%l 'Ie:4-~Bt;G FAX SEAL: a.~ e~r JAN 2, 2DOff r~,~= ,,,.~,. NOV 20. 2008 s~,.=.,. OCT 21. 2008 ]~$.""~ SEPT II;, 2008 REV.:T~, 5EFT ~. 200B DATE: AUG 21, 2008 SCALE: I/4" -. F-O" JOI=' NO: i2OOZO4 DRAIIJlNG NO. $2