HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-11/13/1990SCOTT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TELEPHONE ($16) 765 - 1800 TOWN OF SOU'I~OLD AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD November 13, 1990 7:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given thne, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of November 13, 1990. Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of October 23, 1990 Approval of the Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of October 16,1990 Next Meeting Date: November 27, 1990, 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. Police Department Report, month of September, 1990 2. Community Development Report, September, 1990. , 3. Building Department Report. 4. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Report, October, 1990. 5. 350th Committee Financial Report through October 31, 1990. 6. Town Clerk's Monthly Report, October, 1990. 7. Justice Court Report for month of October,1990, Justice Raymond W. Edwards. 8. CSEA Benefit Report, October, 1990. 9. PBA Benefit Report, October, 1990. 10 Justice Court Report for month of October, 1990, Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi. 11. Recreation Department Report, month of October, 1990. 12. Councilmen's Report Southold Town Board Agenda, November 13, 1990 Page 2 I. REPORTS (con*t) 13. Supervisor's Report II. PUBLIC NOTICES e N. Y. S. D. E.C. Notice of Complete Application to maintenance dredge a 1200' x 60~ channel to 6~ below mean low water. Project is located at the end of Pine Neck Road (Jockey Creek), Southold, New York. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice, Clarification of the Phrase "Normal Circumstances" as it Pertains to Cropped Wetlands. Expires December 31, 1993, unless sooner revised or rescinded. 3. N.Y.S.D.E.C. Notice of Application for Permit to Process Fish in the Internal Waters of the State of New York. Southold Town Fall Clean-Up Week, November 26-30, 4. Public Notice: 1990. New York State Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, Assembly Standi~ Committee on So~'f~! Services, Public Hearing on msnRgement of multi-agency funding streams for holistic alcoholism and drug abuse services. Tuesday, November 13, 1990, ll:00A.M., State Commission on Investigation, Room 2527, 270 B~oadway, New York City. e III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. None IV PUBLIC HEARINGS: POLICY: Individuals are allowed a maximum of ten (10) minutes to address the Town Board at a public heartngsl written comments of any length in response to the public hearing will be accepted by the Town Board at the public hearing and made part of the hearing file. 1. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Mooring Permit Fees", November 13, 1990, 8:00PM, Southold Town Hall. 2. Public Hearing on 'A Local Law in Relation to Sewer Rent", November 13, 1990, 8:02P.M., Southold Town Hall. 3. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Change of Zone Petition Fees", November 13, 1990, 8:05P.M., Southold Town Hall. V..RESOLUTIONS: / 1 ~/Authorize 1990 budget modification to the Fishers Island Sewer District. Southold Town Board Agenda - November 13, 1990 Page 3 V. RESOLUTIONS: (eon't) 2~/Accept, with regret, the resignation of Joseph H. Sawicki from the Southold Town Board of Appeals. 3~/Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a member of the Southold Town Board of Appeals. 4g/ Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whole Town 1990 Budget. 5/Authorize and direct Supervisor Harris to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and the CSEA Employee Benefit Fund. 6~/Accept the Letter of Credit posted by Mohring Enterprises, Inc. 7F/ Grant permission for renewal of watchman trailer permit. 8~/Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for bid the sale of three (3) used Police Department vehicles. /A - 9 uthorize and direct the Supervisor to execute a contract for ousehold Battery Disposition .Services. 10¥ Adopt Bond Resolution authomzing the reconstruction of the Gull Pond Bulkhead. Il/Accept the bid of A. Reilly & Sons for the sale to the Town of one used 1988 GMC Model 7000 dump truck. 12~/~uthorize and direct the Town Cleric' to ~eadvertis~ for bids for the sale of the Town's Series III, Model $0 IBM copy machine. 13~/Accept dedication of a certain road on Fishers Island, New York. 14~/~uthorize and direct Town Clerk to give public notice of consideration of proposed amendments to the Community Development Program Budgets at the Regular Meeting to begin at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, November 27, 1990. 15F/~rent renewal of single family watchman house trailer permit. 16/Appoint individuals as part-time Gate Attendants at the Southold Town Landfill. 17/Accept the proposal of E.F. Kaldor, C.P.A., P.C. to audit the books and records of the Town of Southold. 18/Authorize Police Officers to attend a Highway Drug Interdiction ?nstructor Program.. 19V Grant renewal of single fatally house trailer permit. Southold Town Board Agenda, November 13, 1990 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS (eon't) 20fi/Elect to assume the additional cost required to provide the reopening of the twenty year plan (384-d) and/or the twenty-five year plan (384) for the purpose of including Police Officer Fohrkolb and Police Officer Ginas. 21P/~ccept the proposal of Hoppy's Cleaners & Laundry, Inc. for cleaning uniforms of the members of the Southold Town Police Department. / 22~/Accept the bid of Manno Uniform and Security Equipment Corp for furnishing to the Town of Southold Police Department Uniform Clothing for fiscal year 1991. 23F//Authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to accept the bid of Thames Shipyard & Repair Co. 24/Accepts the bid of Arshamomaque Dairy Farm, Inc. for providing the Nutrition Center with 1/2 pints of homogenized milk for fiscal year 1991. 25~/Accepts the bid of Oak Street Trucking, Inc., Cutchogue, for supplying 10,000 yards of soil for covering purposes at the Southold /~/o w n Lsndffll. 26~/Accepts the bid of Agway Energy Products, Riverhead, for supplying the Town with Gasoline for fiscai year 1991. 27}/~ccepts the bid of Agway Energy Products, Riverhead, for supplying the Town with Diesel Fuel for fisca1 year. 1991. , 28 ccepts the bid of Agway Energy Products, Riverhead, for supplying the Town with Heating Fuel Oil for fiscal year 1991. 29~/'Authorizes the Superintendent of Highways to purchase from the Suffolk County Department of Public Works, a 12 ft. Spreader. 30/Set 8:0~ P.M., Tuesday, November 27, 1990, for a public hearing for a proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in Relation to Parking Regulations". 31/Amend resolution authorizing Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a provisional Clerk Typist. / 32F/Advocate consideration of Southold Town residents in the Cedarfield project for Farmer's Home Administration Loans. 33/Extend Solid Waste Management Plan, DGEIS, to November 27, 1990. 34~Authorize Supervisor to sign 1991 Juvenile Aid Bureau and Recreation Grant Application. Southold Town Board Agenda - November 13, 1990 Page 5 V. RESOLUTIONS (con't) 35.b/Authorize Supervisor to execute agreement with East End Towns to retain Beveridge & Diamond, P.C., as counsel with regard to the 1983 Landfill Law. 36./Accept bid of New York Tire Recycling Co., for removal of scrap tires. 37~/Accept bid of Franza's Universal Scrap Metal Inc., for removal of scrap metal. 38F/Authorize Supervisor to execute Intermunicipal Agreement for Recyciables. 39k/Authorize Supervisor to draw on Performance Bond for The Woods at Cutchogue. 40Y/Enact Local Law No. 25, 1990, "A Local Law in Relation to Mooring Permit Fees". 41~/Enact Local Law No. 26, 1990, "A Local Law in Relation to Change of Zone Petition Fees". VI. FOR DISCUSSION 1. Mattituck Youth Activities Building. _ 2. Possible Resolution. Review of SEQRA Declaration with Respect to the Long Environmental Assessment For]n. submitted by ~BP Wreckers, Ltd. 3. Resumes received for Youth Board. 4. Water Study for Fishers Island. 5. Tipping Fee charge to the Southold Fire District. 6. FMHA financing of income eligible applicants. 7. Thompson & Grey Change of Zone Petitions. Possible Resolution. Set 8:00PM, November 17, 1990 for Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse Use". e Possible Resolution. Set 8:00P.M., December 11, 1990 for a Public Hearing for the purpose of considering a proposed contract with the Vfliage of Greenport for fire protection and emergency service to be furnished by said Village to the Fire Protection District established in said Town and known as "East-West Greenport Fire Protection District, Town of Southold, New York. Southold Town Board Agenda, November 13, 1990 Page 6 VI. 10. 11 FOR DISCUSSION (con't) Request by Robert Marshal for refund of building permit fee. Possible Resolution to accept the bid of New York Tire Recycling Co. to remove tires from the Landfill site. 12. Possible resolution to accept the bid of B.P. Wreckers, Ltd., to remove all scrap newspapers deposited at the Landfill Site. 13. Possible resolution to accept the bid of Franza's Universal Scrap Metal Inc. to remove all scrap metal deposited at the Landfill Site. 14. Possible resolution. Intermunicipal Agreement for recylables. 15. Possible resolution. Architectural Review. 16. DEIS, Southold Commons, Southold, New York. 17. DEIS, Jem Commons, Stifling, New York 9:30A.M. 10:00A.M. 2:30 APPOINTMENTS WITH BOARD Warren Goldstein NFEC Mr. Magill, Mr. Morris Re: Scavenger Waste Frank Kujawski Ft. Corchaug EXECUTIVE SESSION 3: 00P.M. Scott Dobriner