HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-10/23/1990SCOTT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TP.I.17PHONE (516) 765 - 1800 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hail, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD October 23, 1990 7:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to add~ess the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Alleg~,~ee. Approval of the Audit of Bills of October 23, 1990. Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of October 9, 1990 Approval of the Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of October 10,1990 Next Meeting Date: November 13, 1990, 7:30 P.M. I. REPORTS: 1. PBA Benefit Analysis Report, September, 1990. 2. Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report, month ended September, 1990. 3. Board of Town Trustees Report, September, 1990. 4. Justice Court Report for the month of September, 1990, Judge Wlillam H. Price, Jr. 5. Cablevision Report, month of September, 1990. 6. Councilmen's Report 7. Supervisor's Report II. 1. PUBLIC NOTICES: N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of Complete Application. Proposal to construct a 10" diameter well with a pump capacity of 400 gallons per minute.. This project is located at Main Road, Cutchogue, Town of Southold. Southold Town Board Agenda, October 23, 1990 Page 2 III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Congratulations from Automobile Club of New York for pedestrian safety. IV PUBLIC HEARINGS: POLICY: Individuals are allowed a maximum of ten (10) minutes to address the Town Board at a public hearings; written comments of any length in response to the public hearing will be accepted by the Town Board at the public hearing and made part of the hearing file. A Public Hearing on the proposed Solid Waste Management Plan/DGEIS, at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold on October 30, 1990, from 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. and from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. 2. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Dogs", at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold on October 23, 1990, 8:00 P.M. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Peddling and Soliciting Fees", at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold on October 23, 1990, 8:02 P.M. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Shellfish Permit Fees", at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, on October 23, 1990, 8:05 P.M. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Landfill Permits", at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, on October 23, 1990, 8:07 P.M. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Parking at Beaches Fee", at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, on October 23, 1990, 8:10 P.M. Public Hearing on "A Local Law in Relation to Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse Fees", at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, on October 23, 1990, 8:15 P.M. V. RESOLUTIONS: 1/Grant permission to First Baptist Church of Cutchogue for renewal of their single family house trailer permit. 2/Grant permission to Ange & Barbara Boursiquot for renewal of their single family house trailer permit. / 3g/Appoint Edward Scroxton to replace John Przyborowski, as member of the Southold Town Council on Veterans Affairs. Southold Town Board Agenda - October 23, 1990 Page 3 V. RESOLUTIONS: (con't) 4/ Grant pe~nission to P~ncipal Account Clerk and Insurance Consultant to attend NYS Department of Civil Service Regional Meeting. 5/Authorize Supervisor to execute a lump sum consultant agreement between the Town and Calocerinos & Spins. 6~/ Authorize an advance check fee. 7~/ Accept, with ~egret, ~esignation of an EISEP Aide. 8/ Grant ranewal to Sophie T. Saundera of single family house tt~dler permit. 9~/ Accept bid of Truia, Inc. for Model 60 Baler, as well as the optionA! oil heater. 10/Authorize budget modification to the Budget. 11 ~/Authorize 1990 budget modification District. General Fund-Whole Town 1990 to the Fishers Island Sewe~' 12~/Authorize 1990 Budget modification to the General Fund-Part Town. 13~/Grant permission for PO Wilson to attend the interview and the training course for the DARE Program. 14~/Authorize placement of a street light. 15/Reappoint individuals to the Southold Town Tree Committee. iS/Engage the services of Scott Dobriner as an independent contractor. 17/Grant permit renewal for watchman trailer to David S. Horton and Gerry S. Horton. 18~/Grant permission to the Cutchogue Fire Department to use Depot Lane and New Suffolk Road for their annual Halloween Parade. 19~/Grant permission to Engineering Inspector to attend a workshop. 20r/Accept bid of Major Materials, Riverhead for screened sand. 21v/Authorize and direct Supervisor to execute a grant of Open Space Conservation Easement. Southold Town Board Agenda, October 23, 1990 Page 4 V. /RESOLUTIONS (con't) 22~/ Give consent to abendon a portion of Indian Neck Lene that extends to the southerly side of Indian Neck Road. 23~/Grant permission to Principal Account Clerk and Supervisor to attend Suffolk County Comptrollers Association Luncheon. 24~/Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whole Town 1990 Budget. 25~/Authorize 1990 budget modification to the General Fund Part Town. 26~/Authorize 1990 budget modification to the Highway Fund Part Town. 27~/Authorize budget modification to the General Fund -Whole Town 1990 Budget. 28e/Authorize a change of hours for Coordinator of EISEP. 29~/Reappoint and appoint individuals to the Southold Town Substance Abuse Committee. 30~Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whole Town 1990 Budget. 31~ccept proposal of BOCES II for Right-To-Know/Hazard Communication Training. 32 v/Appoint members to the Southold Town Dog Shelter Relocation Committee. 33/Authorize Richard ~ron to settle Tidal Properties, Inc. tax certiorari matter. 34/Set 2:00PM, November 8, 1990, for Police Contract Grievance hearing. 35f/~et 8:05PM, Tuesday, November 13, 1990 for a public hearing on proposed "A Local Law in Relation to Change of Zone Petition Fees". 36Y~Local Law No. 19-1990 be enacted: "A Local Law in Relation to Dogs". 37YLocal Law No. 20-1990 be enacted :"A Local Law in Relation to Peddling and Soliciting Fees". 38~/~ocal Law No. 21-1990 be enacted : "A Local Law in Relation to Parking at Beaches Fee". 39y~ocal Law No. 22-1990 be enacted: "A Local Law in Relation to Shellfish Permit Fees". Southold Town Board Agenda - October 23, 1990 Page 5 V..RESOLUTIONS (con*t) 40V'Looal Law No. 23-1990 be enacted: "A Local Law in Relation to Landfill Permits". 4Ii/Local Law No. 24-1990 be enacted: Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse Fees". VI. 1. 2. "A Local Law in Relation to FOR DISCUSSION Action on the minutes of October 9, 1990. Possible Resolution: Appointment of individuals to the Dog Shelter Relocation Advisor~r Committee. 3. Appoint School Crossing Guard for the Fishers Island School. 4. Southold Town Board standing committee functions. 5. Request for refund of bufldlng permit fee. 6. Reconstruction of Gull Pond bulkhead. 7. Letter from William Tufano regarding Federal Flood Map Zones. 9:15AM 9:30AM 10:00AM 10:30AM ll:00AM ll:30AM 12:00 Noon 2:15 APPOINTMENTS WITH TOWN BOARD Scott Dobriner JoAnn Gajak~ Stanley Searl, Eastern Suffolk School of Music Jim Bunchuk Planning Board Charles Cuddy~ Re: Russell Mann Change of Zone Jim Monsell~ Re: Scavenger Waste Plant Venetia McKeighan, Senior Services EXECUTIVE SESSION John Halsey~ Peconic Land Trust: Conceptual Plan