HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-10/22/1991SCOTT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1800 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OFSOUTHOLD AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD October 22,1991 4:00P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of October 22, 1991. Approval of minutes of October 8, 1991 Town Board Meeting. Approval of minutes of October 9, 1991 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meeting: November 12, 1991, 4:00P.M. Special Proclamation, Proclaiming October 28 - November 1 School Board Recognition Week in the Town of Southold. I. REPORTS: 1. Board of Town Trustees Report, September, 1991. 2. Supervisor's Monthly Budget Report, September, 1991. 3. Southold Town's Developmentally Disabled Recreation P~ogram for October, 1991. 4. Southold Town Police Department Report, September, 1991. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Notice of Complete Application, N.Y.S.D.E.C. Permit applied for to construct split rail fence in area adjacent to freshwater wetlands of Great Pond, Kenney's Road, Southold, New York. Comments submitted in writing no later than November 1, 1991. Public Notice, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Application for permit to maintain as completed fixed docks, a filler dock section, deck and walkway' install accessory equipment; mitigation in Greenport Harbor, Gardiners Bay and Shelter Island Sound, Town of Southold. Comments submitted in writing on or before November 18, 1991. Southold Town Board Meeting - October 22, 1991 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES (con't) Notice of Cancellation of Public Hearing,NYS DEC, in anticipation of new application by The Lagoon Association. October 17, 1991, Southold Town Hall. III. COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Thank you from Helen DeVoe. 2. Tb~nk you to Supervisor Harris on behalf of Umbrella Senior Home Service. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law in Relation to No Stopping Zone" October 22, 1991, 4:35PM, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. V. RESOLUTIONS 1/Grant permission to the Southold Parent Teachers Association to use Oaklawn Avenue, Southold for purpose of holding Annual Halloween Parade, on October 31, 1991. 2~/Grant permission for renewal of greenhouse watchman trailer permit. 3~/Grant permission to Cutchogue Fire Department to use Depot Lane and New Suffolk Road on October 31, 1991. 4/Authorize an advance fee check for Circus at Nassau Coliseum. 5/Grant permission for renewal of single family house trailer permit. 6//Authorize an advance fee check for Islander game. 7./ Grant permission for renewal of single family house trailer permit. 8,/ Withdraw acceptance of bid of John T. Montecalvo, Inc. 9F/Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whole Town 1991 budget. 10g/Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Part Town 1991 budget. Il/Grant permission for Detective and Police Officer to attend a course for Police Juvenile Officers. 12/Grent permission for Police Officer to attend a Dare Instructor Seminar. 13/Appoint three EISEP Aides. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 22, 1991 Page 3 V. ,i~,~LUTIONS (eon't) 14~Ai)point substitute driver. 15~/Determination that Fishers Island Sewer District unpaid rent owed by T. Gordon shall be levied against the real property tax and collected at same time and manner as Town taxes. i6/Determination that Fishers Island Sewer District unpaid rent owed by T. Shillo shall be levied against the real property tax and collected at same time and manner as Town taxes. 17/Appoint Stepahnie Graseck as a season part-time Clerk Typist in the Assessors Office for a period of four weeks. 18,/Authorize budget modification to Fishers Island Sewer District 1991 budget. 19~/Order calling for Public Hearing, 4:30P.M., November 12, 1991, Southold Town Hall, for increase and improvement of facilities of Southold Wastewater District. 20F/Appoint· Susan Ravenhail a School Crossing Guard. 21 ~/Grant permission to Mattituck Lions Club to use Town Roads for Annual Halloween Parade. 22F/Authorize two street lights on Elijahs Lane, Mattituck. 23~/Rejeet bid for repair of D-6 Bulldozer. 24g/Advertise for bids for repair of Dresser Payloader. 25r/Authorize refund of a portion of a subdivision application filing fee. 26~/Reappointments to Substance Abuse Committee. 27//Increase fee for Certificate of Marriage. 28~,/Authorize distribution of Tercentenary Calendar Booklets. 29~/Reschedule hearing on PBA Grievance: Squad Assignments & Choice of RDO's. 30~[lloeate $100.00 to The Landfill (~uestionnaire Fund. / Sir/Enactment of Local Law No. 25-1991, "A Loeai Law in llelation to No Stopping Zone". VI. FOR DISCUSSION 1. Questionnaire from Town of Washington. VI. 2. 3. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 22, 1991 Page 4 FOR DISCUSSION (eon't) Request for street lights. 9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. :10:30 A.M. Authorize refund which represents three-quarter of application fee, in accordance with recommendation of the Southold Town Pl~nn~ug Board. 4. Appoint a member of the Southold Town Board of Assessment Review. 5. Shorecrest at Arshamomoque. 6. Purchase of Carey Tank Farm with Open Space Funds. 7. Reappoint members of the Southold Town Substance Abuse Committee. 8. Farmers Bill of Rights. 9. Set date, time and place for a public hearing on proposed "A Local Law in Relation to Recycled Cardboard". 10. Increase fee for certificate of the issuance of a marriage license and for certificates of marriages, in accordance with p~ovisions of Domestic Relations Law. 11. Southold Town Farmland Preservation Committee. 12. Recycling. 13. Proposed 'A Local Law in Relation to Commerical .Recycling. 14. Police Contract Agreement hearing date. 15. Petition to Southold Town re: Norman Klipp Marine Park. 16. Possible Resolution: Grant permission for Town Clerk to distribute Southold Town Tercentenar~r Calendar Booklet to the public free of charge. 17. Possible Resolution: Set time and place for continuation of hearing with regard to Police Contract Grievance 18. NYNEX Mobile Communications Application. APPOINTMENTS WITH TOWN BOARD Tony Conetta, Dvirka & Bartilucci Recycling Building Raymond Jacobs, Superintendent of Highways John Cameron, Mark Wagner Omni EXECUTIVE SESSION 22. Authorize two street lights on Elijahs Lane, Mattituck. 23. Reject bid for repair of D-6 Bulldozer. 24. Advertise for bids for repair of Dresser Payloader. 25. Authorize refund of a portion of a subdivision application filing fee. 26. Reappointments to Substance Abuse Committee. 27. Increase fee for Certificate of Marriage. 28. Authorize distribution of Tercentenary Calendar Booklets. 29. Rechedule hearing on PBA Grievance: Squad Assignments & Choice of RDO's. 30. Allocate $100.00 to The Landfill Questionnaire Fund. 31. Enactment of Local Law No. 25 - 1991, "A Local Law in Relation to No Stopping Zone".