HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-07/17/1991SCOTT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1800 OFFICE OFiTHE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD July 17, 1991 7:30P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of July 17, 1991. Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of July 2, Next Board Meeting: July 30, 1991, 4:30P.M. 1991 Recognition of Meritorious Service. I. REPORTS: 1. Justice Raymond W. Edward's report for month of June, 1991. 2. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility report, month of June, 1991. 3. Report from General Wholesaler on vending machines. 4. Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi's report for month of June, 1991. 5. CSEA Health Benefit report, month of June, 1991. 6. PBA Health Benefit report, month of June, 1991. 7. Health Department Beach Inspection Reports. 8. Town Clerk's monthly report, June, 1991. 9. Tax Receiver's reconciliation of return of unpaid taxes with warrant. 10. Community Development Report, June, 1991. 11. Police Department Report, month of June, 1991. tax Southold Town Board Agenda - July 17, 1991 Page 2 I. REPORTS (eon't) 12a. Board of Town Trustae's report for May, 1991. 12b. Board of Town Trustee's reportt for June, 1991. 13. 14. 1~. 16. II. 1. Recreation Department report for June, 1991. SupervisoFs Monthly Budget Report, month ended June 30, 1991. Coun-~men's Report. Supervisor's Report. PUBLIC NOTICES: U.S. Army Corps of Engineer. Appl/cation of Renato Startle to construct a fixed, elevated pier, inst,/1 three mooring piles in Jockey Creek, Southold, New York. Expires August 2, 1991. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Application of Paolo Lavagetto to construct a fixed elevated walk, ramp and floats; install three mooring piles in Haywaters Cove, Little Peconic Bay, Cutchogue, New York. Expires August 9, 1991. N.Y.S. Division of Construction Management. Notice of intent to convert balance of threatened funds to a federal capitalization grant for the State revolving fund. III. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter from Legislator Caracciolo. 2. Letter from Nassau Point Property Owners Association. 3. Letter from Sen/or Citizens Club of Southold Township. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: POLICY: Individuals are allowed a maximum of ten (10) minutes to address the Town Board at a public hearing; written comments of any length in response to the public hearing will be accepted by the Town Board at the public hearing and made part of the hearing fi~e. 1. Proposed "A Local Law in Relation to Off Street Parking Regulations", 8:00P.M., Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. 2. Proposed "A Local Law in Relation to Sign Regulations", 8:02 P.M., Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. V. RESOLUTIONS: 1~' Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whola Town 1991 Budget. Southold Town Board Agenda - July 17, 1991 Page 3 41 5/ RESOLUTIONS (con't) Authorize the closure of Sound Avenue, Mattituck for the purpose of the Mattituck Presbyterian Church Fair and Auction. Appoint Joyce Wilkins as Secretary to the Southold Town Land Preservation Committee. Adopt 1991 Budget for the Consolidated Highway Improvement Fund. Adopt 1991 Budget for the Southold Employee Health Benefit Plan. Assign Christine Schriefer as a full-time seasonal Clerk in the Supervisor's Office and the Trustees' Office. Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whole Town 1991 Budget for allowance for reductions in State Aide. Authorize the following 1991 Budget modification to the General Fund-Part Town to make allowance for reduction in anticipated Planning Board fees. Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whole Town 1991 Budget to' allow for reduction in State Revenue Sharing. / 10 ~/ Authorize budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1991 Budget. 11~/Authorize 1991 Budget modification to the General Fund - Part Town to allow for reduction in State Revenue Sharing and Juvenile Aide Bureau Aid. 12~/Authorize Deputy Town Clerk to attend a workshop for records management. / 13/Authorize budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1991 budget. 14/Rescind resolution no. 12 adopted May 21, 1991. 15/Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for bid for purchase of ,10,000 linear feet of snow fence with pickets. / 16~Approve the revised amount of $144,170 for a bond for roads and improvements of Cornfields. 17 g/Authorize advance check fee. / 18~Approve bond amount for Southold Villas, Phase I & II. 19~/Set 4:30PM., Tuesday, ~ugust 13, 1991 for public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Jem Commons. Southold Town Board Agenda - July 17, 1991 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS (con't) ~.0g/Set 4:3§P.M., Tuesday, August 13, 1991, for public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Southold Commons. 21t,/Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for volunteers to work on recycling education at the landfill. 22 ~/Environmental Assessment with Relation to Hotel or Motel Uses". ~.3/Refer proposed "Local Law in Southold Town planning Board planning. 24/Amend Resolution No. 27 of June 4, 1991. respect to proposed "Local Law in Relation to Hotel or Motel Uses" to and Suffolk County Department or 25/Appoint Kevin J. Lynch a Police Sergeant. 26~/~ppoint a Beach Attendant. 27/Decision on Proposed "Local Law in Relation to Off Regulations". 28/Decision on proposed "Local Law in Relation to Signs". Street parki,~g VI. FOR DISCUSSION 1. Bond estimates for Southold Villas. 2. IGHL. Deem complete the DEIS submitted by Jem Realty Company and set 4:30P.M., Tuesday, August 13, 1991, Southold Town Hall, Southold, New .York as time and place for public hearing on DEIS submitted by Jem Realty Company. Deem complete the DEIS submitted by E.M. Kontokosta and set 4:35P.M., Tuesday, August 13, 1991, Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York as time and place for public hearing on DEIS submitted by E.M. Kontokosta. 5. Beach personnel payroll. 6. Recycling. 7a. Home Occupation Law. b. Home Business Office. Se Letter to Matthew Kiernan regarding Coastal Erosiion Hazard Areas Management Program "Local Law in Relation to Coastal Eresion Hazard Areas. Southold Town Board Agenda - July 17, 1991 Page 5 VI. FOR DISCUSSION (eon't) 9. Minimum lot size for hotel or motel uses, Fishers Island. 10. Request from NFEC. 9:30 A.M. 2:00P.M. APPOINTMENTS WITH TOWN BOARD Donald Stanton Kenny's Beach Erosion Control Walter Stockman IGHL EXECUTIVE SESSION