HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/07/1991SCOTT L. HARRIS
FAX (516) 765 - 1823
TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1800
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
May 7, 1991
POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the public attending
shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to
agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given
time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to
address the Board on any given topic.
Call to Order.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Audit of Bills of May 7, 1991.
Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of April 23, 1991
Next Board Meeting: May 21, 1991, 7:30P.M.
1. Southold Town Dog Shelter Report for April, 1991.
2. Building Department Report, month of April, 1991.
3. Planning Board Report, April, 1991.
4. Southold Town Clerk's Report, April, 1991.
5. Justice Court Report, Justice William H. Price, Jr., April, 1991.
6. Recreation Department Report, April, 1991.
7. Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Report, month of April,
8. PBA Benefit Report, April, 1991.
9. CSEA Benefit Report, April, 1991.
10. Justice Court Report, Justice Raymond W. Edwards, April, 1991.
11. Councilmen's Reports.
12. Supervisor's Report.
Southold Town Board
Agenda, May 7, 1991
Page 2
II. Public Notices
1. Letter from Mattituck-Cutchogue School District.
2. Letter from Eric Heacock, regarding "home business law".
3. Letter from Ben Burns regarding "business law".
POLICY: Individuals are allowed a maximum of ten (10) minutes to
address the Town Board at a public hearings; written comments of any
length in response to the public hearing will be accepted by the Town
Board at the public hearing and made part of the hearing file.
1/ Authorize Assessor to attend an education program.
~./ Request for enactment of Senate Bill No. 4331 and Assembly Bill No.
7210, entitled "An Act Amending the Highway Law, in relation to
increasing the amount permitted to be raised by taxes for certain
highway equipment in Suffolk County".
3/ Grant permission for two employees to attend AT&T meeting.
4/Authorize allocation of additional $10,000 to Dvirka & Bartilucei.
5~/ Authorize an expenditure, not to exceed $600.00, for security at the
well drilling operation at the Landfill.
6~/ Authorize an increase of $14,210.00 to the contract between the Town
of Southold and R&L Well Drilling to provide extraction of steel
easing in cabletool method of borehole construction, as recommended
by the N.Y.S.D.E.C.
7/ Authorize Dvirka & Bartilueci to retain services of Hager-Richter
Geoscience, Inc. directly under subcontract to them, to conduct
geophysioal logglng, as required by the N.Y.S.D.E.C.
8 Grant permission to the Fishers Island Fire Department to close roads
for fund-raising marathon.
9g' Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for bids for screened
sand for snow and ice control for the Highway Department.
Southold Town Board
Agenda - May 7, 1991
Page 3
10/Authorize and direct
Supervisor to execute an Indemnification
Grant renewal of single family watchman house trailer permit
12~/Authorize the Town Clerk to provide 22 complimentary copies of the
350 Anniversary Journal to the Mattituck High School German class
students to present them to German students during student exchange
13~/~eject the bids with respect to supplying Highway Department with
Asphalt Road Materials and readvertise for bids.
14/Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for bids for upgrade of Police and
Fire Emergency Medical Services Communications Systems.
15~/Accept resignations of Robert A. Villa.
16~/Authorize agreement for vending machines to benefit Southold Town
Human Resource Center.
17~/ Authorize a new street light on Fishers Island.
18F~et 3:00P.M., May 21, 1991, for Police contract Grievance hearing.
19/Retain Smith, Finkelstein, Lundberg, Islet & Yakaboski as counsel to
the Town Board with regard to the Landfill Htigation.
20/Appoint two summer Traffic Control Officers.
21V/Authorize Deputy Superintendent of Public Works Bunchuck to travel
to Tompkins County.
22. Reappoint members of Conservation Advisory Council.
23/Advertise for resumes for committees.
24p/~ppoint Mark McDonald as Southold Town Advocate for Suffolk County
Preservation or Open Space Funds.
25 ~/~uthorize Police Chief to sign Motor Vehicle Certificates of Title.
26/Accept proposal of Cameron Engineering, P.C., to prepare bid
documents for the Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility.
Southold Town Board
Agenda May 7, 1991
Page 4
9:30 A.M.
1. Request for 1% college credit under the PBA contract.
2. Local Law No. 10
3. Request for installation of one or two street lights near Fishers
Island School.
4. Possible Resolution: grant the Southold Town PBA a postponement of
the hearing scheduled for May 7, 1991.
5. Request from Fishers Island Civic Association, Conservancy and
Development Corp in regard to "hamlet business" area.
6. Possible Resolution. Appointment for CAC members.
7. Possible Resolution. Advertise for resumes to fill vacancies.
Appointments with Town Board
Executive Session
Unsafe Building Hearing: Stimpson
Tom Mahr, Dvirka & Bartilueci
Mark Rollins, re: vending machines
Herman Miller, Suffolk County Water Authority
Chris Stavropoulis, re: affordable housing application
Village of Greenport, Scavenger Waste Plant