HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-02/05/1991SCOTT L. HARRIS
FAX (516) 765 - 1823
TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1800
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
February 5, 1991
POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the public attending
shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to
agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given
time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to
address the Board on any given topic.
Call to Order.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Audit of Bills of February 5, 1991.
Approval of the Minutes of the Board Meeting of January 22, 1991
Next Board Meeting: February 26, 1991, 7:30P.M.
1. Southold Town Youth Board Report of Organizational Meeting.
2. Southold Wastewater Disposal District~ January 1-December 31, 1990.
3. Southold Town Justice Court Annual t990 Report of receipts and
disbursements, Justice Frederick J. Tedeschi.
4. Investment Activity Report, quarter ended December 31, 1990.
5. Southold Town Police Department Report, month of December, 1990.
6. Southold Town Building Department Report, month of January, 1991.
7. Town Clerk's monthly report, January, 1991.
8. Recreation Department Report, month of January, 1991.
9. Planning Board Report, month of January, 1991.
10. Justice Edwards' report for January, 1991.
11. Councilmen's Report.
12'. Supervisor's Report.
Southold Town Board
Agenda, February 5, 1991
Page 2
Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Metropolitan Suburban Bus
Authority public hearing with respect to proposais to change
passenger fares for travel on the lines of the MSBA on February 21,
1991, at Nassau County Board of Supervisors, One West Street,
Mineola, N.Y., at 4:00 P.M.
New York State DEC Legislative public hearing on the Department's
proposed new 6 NYCRR Subpart 360-9, February §, 1991,
8:30A.M. NYSDEC, Room 620, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York.
Written statements may be filled until February 19, 1991.
1. Letter from CAST.
2. Letter from Jacquelyn L. Tuxili, Stewardship Exchange.
POLICY: Individuals are allowed a maximum of ten (10) minutes to
address the Town Board at a public hearings; written comments of any
length in response to the public hearing will be accepted by the Town
Board at the public hearing and made part of the hearing file.
1. Proposed "Local Law in Relation to Accessory Building Setbacks",
February 5, 1991, 4:30P.M., Southold Town Hall.
IF/Grant permission to Recreation Supervisor to attend LI Recreation,
· /Parks and Leisure Services Association conference.
2~/ Accept the proposal of Elaine F. Kaldor, CPA, PC, to make an
audit of the books and records of the Southold Wastewater Disposal
District for the year ended December 31, 1990.
3~/~roposed Local Law No. 1-1991 "A Local Law in Relation to Residential
Recycling" be enacted.
4/Authorize and direct Supervisor to execute a CSE Day Care Program
budget modification between the County of Suffolk and the Town of
5~' Accept the resignation of Phyllis Lombardi, an EISEP Aide,
effective January 15, 1991.
6/Authorize an advance fee check for New York Mets tickets.
7~/Authorize and direct Supervisor to execute a Local Government
Records Management Improvement Fund Grants-In-Aid Project
Southold Town Board
Agenda - February 5, 1991
Page 3
8/ Adopt the 1991 Community Development Budget.
9/Engage the services of Andrew D. Stype to conduct an appraisal for
.~he Southold Town Open Space Committee.
10?Accept the bid of Terry Contracting Company for screened sand for
snow and ice removal.
Il/Accept the bid of Mullen Motors, Inc. Southold for supplying the
Highway Department with three pick-up trucks.
12/Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for repairs
to the Caterpiller 816B Compactor at the Southold Town Landfill.
13j/Grant permission to Village Commons Health & Racquet Club,
Cutchogue to hold their fourth annual North Fork Run and Ride
/~iathlon on May 18, 1991.
14¥ Authorize and direct Supervisor Harris to execute a lease extension
agreement between the Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk for
District Attorney's office.
15{/Authorize the approval of The Town of Southold Hazard Communication
Standard Written Program, retroactive to June 1, 1990.
16/Authorize and direct Supervisor Harris to execute a Decentralization
Fund Agreement between the Huntington Arts Council, Inc. and the
Town of Southold.
17. Accept the bid of Nytest
Laboratory Analytical Services
Hydrogeologic Investigation.
Environmental Inc. for performing
in connection with the Southold Town
18. Accept the bid of R & L Well Drilling for well drilling services in
connection with the Southold Town Hydrogeologic Investigation.
19/Grant trailer permit renewal for single family farm worker house
20~/Grant permission to Recreation Supervisor to attend NYS Recreation
& Park Society Conference.
21fAppoint Robert McCaffery as a part-time Gate Attendant at the
Southold Landfill.
22/Appoint Peter Bubb as a Home Aide.
23/Create the position of part-time Data Processing Clerk in Central Data
Southold Town Board
Agenda - February 5, 1991
Page 4
24/Authorize budget modification to the General Fund-Whole Town 1990
25/Authorize 1990 budget modification to the Genera Fund-Part Town.
26/Accept the resignation of Thomas E. Samuels as member of the
Southold Town Solid Waste Management Task Force.
27/Authorize change in Town of Southold Benefit Booklet.
28~uthorize waiver of landfill fee.
29F/Set 8:00P.M., Tuesday, February 26, 1991 for a public hearing on "A
Local Law in Relation to Lessee Landfill Permits".
30/Set 8:05P.M., Tuesday, February 26, 1991 for a public hearing on "A
Local Law in Relation to Peddling, Soliciting and Transient Retail
31/~elease the performance bond for Mount Beulah Acres.
32g Create Site Plan Reviewer position.
33gAppoint Board of Appeals member.
34/Request Cramer & Voorhis to review revised
and Southold Commons.
35/Authorize Lewis t~o conduct an appraisal.
36/Enactment of Local Law No.
Accessory Buidling Setbacks".
DEIS for Jem Commons
2 1991, "A Local Law in Relation to
1. Set date to interview applicants for Conservation Advisory Council.
2. Association of Towns recommendation for letter writing in regard to
revenue sharing.
3. Appoint a member of the Southold Town Board of Appeals.
4. National Estuary Program.
5. Landfill charges to Sound Shore Excavation.
6. Landfill vehicle permit for a seasonal lessee.
7. Proposed Local Law in Relation to Peddling, Soliciting and 'Transient
Retail Merchants.
8. Cielatka unsafe building.
Southold Town Board
Agenda - February 5, 1991
Page $
Bill Baxter
Baxter Building
Victor Lessard
Jack Sherwood
Suggested site of Shelter relocation
ll:00A.M. Bill Mullen