HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-06/29/1993SCOTT L. HARRIS SUPERVISOR . FAX (516) 765 - 1823 TELEPHONE (516) 765 - 1800 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR .TOV~N OF $OUTHOLD AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD June 29, 1993 7:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the public attending shall be allowed five (5) minutes to address the Town Board in relation to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time, at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda, to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of June 29,1993. Approval of minutes of June 15, 1993 Town Board Meeting. · Next Town Board Meeting: July 13, 1993, 4:00 P.M. I. REPORTS 1. SoUthold Town Police Juvenile Aid Bureau Annual Report, 1992. 2..'Board of Town Trustees Report, Month of May, 1993. 3. Councilmen's Report. 4. Supervisor's Report. II. PUBLIC ~NOTICES New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application. Applicant proposes tO dredge to 6 feet below mean low water approximately 100 cubic yards of sandy material from the entrance to Fair Haven Creek, Cedar Beach Creek and Little Peconic Bay, Southold. Written comments no later than 07/15/93. 2** New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Notice of Complete Application. 'Applicant proposes to construct a single family dwelling (SFD) with associated septic system and previous driveway, 365 Westwood Lane, Greenport. Written comments no later than 07115/93. ** U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice. Application to replace bulkhead, repair pier and dredge with upland disposal, Greenport Harbor, Gradiners Bay, Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. Written comments prior to July 16,. 1993. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda.- June 29, 1993 Page 2 III. COMMUNICATIONS NONE IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS POLICY: Individuals are allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes to address the Town Board at a public hearing, written comments of any length in response to the public hearing will be accepted be the Town Board at a public hearing and made part of the hearing file. "A Local Law in Relation to Detached Dwelling", 8:00 P.M., June 29, 1993, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. "A Local Law in Relation to Exceptions to Yard Requirements", 8:02 P.M., June 29, 1993, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. "A Local Law in Relation to Fees for Sign Permits", 8:05 P.M., June 29, 1993, Southold Town Hall,. Main Road, Southold, New York. "A Local Law in Relation to Hotel or Motel Resort", 8:07 P.M., June 29, 1993, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. "A Local Law in Relation to Definitions", 8:10 P.M., June 29, 1993, Southold Town Hail, Main Road, Southold, New York. V. RESOLUTIONS 1~/' Authorize 1993 Budget modification to the General Fund - Part Town. 2V/ Accept the bid of Corazzini Brothers, Inc., for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with One Thousand (1,000) tons, more or less as may be needed, of Sand Mix Asphalt. 3/Accept the bid of Corazzini Brothers Inc., for the purchase and application 75,000 gallons, more or less as may be needed by the Superintendent of Highways, of Grades RC-2 and MC-2 Asphalt Road Materials. / 4V/Accept the bid of Corazzini Brothers, Inc. to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold. 5/Authorize and direct Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an extension agreement between the County of Suffolk Office for the Aging and the Town of Southold for the Community Services for the Elderly (CSE) Housekeeper/Chore Services Program. 6/Authorize and direct Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an extension agreement between the County of Suffolk Office for the Aging and the Town of Southold for the Expanded In-Home Services /.or the Elderly (EISEP) Housekeeper/Chore Program. 7]/ Authorize budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1993 Budget. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - June 29, 1993 Page 3 V. RESOLUTIONS (eon't) 8/Authorize budget modification to the General Fund - Whole Town 1993 /budget. 94 Authorize and direct Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an Indemnification Agreement between the Town of Southold, Office for Women, and Women's Outreach Network, Inc. for a Mammography Program. 10~//Authorize the purchase, from Sayville Ford Fleet & Government Sales, two (2) 1993, Eight Passenger Vans. ll~/'Authorize and direct Town Clerk to advertise for bids for 10,000 cubic yards of soil to be used for covering purposes at the SouthOld Town Landfill. 12~/Authorize Special Counsel Richard J. Cron to accept the proposed settlement in the Founders Village v. Assessors certiorari proceedings. 13~uthorize Special Counsel Richard J. Cron to accept the proposed settlement in the Snargate Development Company of Greenport Ltd. v. Assessors certiorari proceedings. 14~/Appoint 1993 Lifeguards, Water Safety Instruetora, and Beach Attendants. 15~'~AAuthorize and direct Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute a Highway Safety Program Grant Application to the New York State Governor's Traffic Safety Committee. 16~/~ceept bids of used police vehicles. 17k'~uthorize and direct Supervisor Scott L. Harris to execute an extension of the lease agreement between St. Agnes Church and the /town of Southold. . 18¥ Authorize and direct Supervisor to execute Recreation Instructor Agreements. 19/Authorize Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to engage services of part-time deckhands. 20F/Authorize Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to employ additional full-time personnel and wages effective commencing June 24, 1993. 21V/Authorize Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District · to set wage rates for part-time and/or seasonal employees, effective June 10, 1993. 22Y/Environmental Assessment on proposed "Local Law in Relation to Standard Yield Requirements". Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 29, 1993 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS (eon't) 23/Transmit proposed "Local Law in Relation to Standard Yield Requirements" to Southold Town and Suffolk County Departments of Planning. 24/Extend sign amnesty for. 60 days. 25. Authorize Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the constrUction of Runway 7-25 and 12-30 Overlay at Elizabeth Field Airport, Fishers Island. 26~uthori~e standardized off-premises directional signs on Town sign posts. 27~nactment of Local Law No. 11-1993, "A Local Law in Relation to Detached Dwelling". 28~nactment of Local Law No. 12-1993, "A Local Law in Relation to Exceptions to Yard Requirements". 29~nnactment of Local Law No. 13-1993, "A Local Law in Relation to Fees for Sign Permits". 30~nactment of Local Law No. 14-1993, "A Local Law in Relation to Hotel or Motel, Resort". 31~nnactment of Local Law No. 15-1993, "A Local Law in Relation to Definitions". VI. FOR DISCUSSION 1. Possible Resolution: Authorize the printing and distribution of a Zoning Use Chart. 2. Memorandum re proposed site plan for FIDCO. 3. Possible Resolution. Selection of Deferred ComPensation Plan. 4. A Local Law in Relation to Standard Yield Requirements. 5. Possible extension of moratorium on temporary signs. 6. possible Resolution: Scenic Highway Designation. 7. Stardardized off-premises directional signs. 8. Recreation Department Personnel. 9. · William F. Gasser and the American Armoured Foundation Change of Zone. 10. Use of Recreation Center property, Peconic Lane, for skate board & roller blades. Southold Town Board Meeting AGenda - June 29, 1993 Page 5 9:30A.M. Executive Session Frank Islet Appointments with Town Board 10:30A.M. Lorraine Terry. Scenic Road Designation