HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-11/29/1994THOMAS IL WICKHAM SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD NOVEMBER 29, 1994 4:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Aliegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of November 29, 1994. Approval of minutes of November 15, 1994 Town Board Meeting. Approval of minutes of November 16, 1994 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 13, 1994 at 7:30 P.M. 4:30 PM - Present Proclamation to Eastern Long Island Hospital proclaiming today, Tuesday, November 29, 1994 as Eastern Long Island Hospital Donor's Day in recognition of the great service these individuals give to our community. I. REPORTS 1. Town of Southold Supervisor's Budget Report for October 1994. 2. · Town of Southold Dog Shelter Report for August, September,and October 1994. Southold Town Board meeting Agenda - November 29, 1994 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES IV. · FOR DISCUSSION Please Note: All "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AM to 4:30 PM Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order Business. of 1, Appointment to the Board of Assessment Review-. 2. Discussion of insurance proposal of Val Stype and Sons, Inc. 3. Discussion of our efforts on YOUTH and where are we going with same. 4. Discussion of ENTEK Contract. 5. For possible resolution, reappointments to the Planning Board and to the Board of Appeals. 6. Discussion of request from Electrical Inspectors, Inc. for designation as electrical inspectors for the Town of Southold. 7. Discussion of DEC comments on our SWMP 8. Discussion of establishing minimum fees for Code Enforcement. 9. Discussion of the proposed Ordinance Inspector. 10. Discussion of establishing criteria for not-for-profit organizations. 11. Discussion of the abolished position in the Human Resource Center. 12. ' Discussion of resumes received for the Dablevision Advisory Committee. 13. Discussion of the cancellation of the afterschool latch-key program as of December 31, 1994. 14. Discussion of a buy-out price for the blood pressure monitor in Town Hall. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - November 29, 1994 Page 3. IV. FOR DISCUSSION (Cont'd.) V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At this time the Supervisor will invite the public to speak out on the following resolutions. 1,/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a 1994 Budget modification to the General Fund Part Town to transfer donated funds for D.A.R.E. items. /. 2 Resolved that the Town Board sets 8:00 PM Tuesday, December 13, 1994, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a public hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Stop Signs. Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Gabrielli Ford Truck Sales and Services, Inc., Medford, NY for one used 1994 Ford LN8000 Dump Truck. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute a lease agreement between Rothman's Dept. Store and the Town for the lease of their parking lot located on the southerly side of Traveler Street in Southold for a term of two years to commence on June 1, 1994 m and end on the 31st day of May, 1996 for an annual rent of $125.00. Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to Conservation Advisory Council Member Betty Wells to attend a conference entitled "The Public Trust Doctrine on Long Island, Public and Private Rights in Coastal Areas" on Thursday, December 15, 1994 at MacArthur Airport, Ronkonkoma and the $40.00 registration fee per person Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - November 29, 1994 Page 4. V~. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd.) 6/ 8/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the New York State Department of State and the Town of Southold for a $25,000 grant for the development of a Town of Southold Harbor Management Plan under the Local Waterfront Revitalization Project. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the New York State Department of State and the Town of Southold for a $25,000 grant for the development of a final draft Local Erosion Management Program under the Local Waterfront - Revitalization Project. Resolved that the Town Board in accordance with Section 48-2.C(4) of Chapter 48, Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse, of the Code of the Town of Southold sets the following prices for the sale of the new Mini Town Garbage Bag, which is 22"x24", .06 mils, 10 microns - $.50 and $.45 wholesale to the retailers who will be reselling the bags. 9/ Resolved that the Town Board sets 8:02 PM Tuesday, December 13, 1994 at Southold Town Hall as time and place for a public hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Tipping Fees. 10/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a budget modifieation to the General Fund - Whole Town 1994 Budget to appropriate Fishers Island Conservaney's donation for overdrawn expenditure line for Fishers 'Island Mosquito Program. Il/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a Clerk for the 1994-1995 Tax Colieetion season for the office of the Tax Receiver at a salary of $6.35 per hour. 12/Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to Deputy Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville to attend a Documentary Heritage Program Grants Application Workshop on Thursday, December 1, 1994 from 10 AM to 4 PM at SUNY Farmingdale. 13/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Lawrence Healthcare to pay the Eastern Long Island Hospital, North Fork Radioog~r P.C., and Lawrence Walser, M.D., for medical care of retiree Edna Brown, which claims were received by Lawrence Healthcare more than 90 days after the date of service. 14/Resolved that the Town Board appoints Stephanie Graseck as a seasonal part-time Clerk Typist in the Assessor's office, effective December 19, 1994 through January 13, 1995 at a salary of $6.50 per hour. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - November 29, 1994 Page 5. V~. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) 15/Resolved that the Town Board approves the Enactment of Local Law No. 25-1994, "A Local Law in Relation to Signs. 16/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of ram Moore, EISEP Aide for the Human Resource Center, effective December 14, 1994. 17~/' Resolved that the Town Board terminates the employment of James C. McMahon as Director of Program Evaluation, effective November 29, 1994. 18~/ Resolved that the Town Board abolishes the position of Director of Program Evaluation, effective immediately. 19/Resolved that the Town Board appoints James C. McMahon to the exempt position of Executive Assistant, effective November 29, 1994, at a salary of $47,595.21. 20v/ Resolved that the Town Board rescinds resolutions no. 7, adopted on August 23, 1994 appointing Ruthanne Woodhuli as Exempt Secretary to the Town Attorney, effective September 1, 1994 at a salary of $26,780.00 per annum. 21/Resolved that the Town Board abolishes the position of Exempt Secretary to the Town Attorney, effective immediately, 22/ Resolved that the Town Board creates the position of Senior Stenographer in the office of the Town Attorney and sets a salary of $26,780.00 per annum for said position. 23/ Resolved that the Town Board appoints Ruthanne Woodhuli as a Senior Stenographer in the office of the Town Attorney, as a transfer from her position of Senior Stenographer with BOCES, effective September 1, 1994 at a salary of $26,780.00 per annum. 24/ Resolved that the Town Board establishes the policy that all employee related hiring, terminating, promoting or demoting actions shall be reviewed by the Accounting and Finance Department to determine 'applicable Civil Service Requirements before any such action is taken by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. 25/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to retain William C. Ridgway III for a period of two months, at a rate of $2,500 per month, effective November 14, 1994 to refine existing software and develop additional programs for the new administrative computer system. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - November 29, 1994 Page 6. V. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) 26/ Resolved that the Town Board appoints Phyllis Atkinson as a member of the Board of Assessment Review. 27/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a member of the Planning Board and a member of the Board of Appeals. Resolved that the Town Board amends the Cablevision Advisory Committee membership f~om five to three and appoints S three members to that committee. 29,//Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a 1994 budget modification to the General Fund-Part Town for D.A.R.E Donations. 30/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the proposal of Val Stype & Sons, Inc. for 199 5 Insurance Converage. 31p/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the discontinuance of the After School Latch-Key Program offered by the Southold Town Human Resource Center due to low participation. 32/Resolved Pressure that the Town Board authorizes buy-out of Vita-Stat Blood monitor. 33/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes an increase in landfili tipping fee to $0.045 per pound effective Jan. 1, 1995. 34p/Resolved that the Town Board approves the enactment of Local Law No. 26-1994, "A Local Law In Relation To Wineries". 35P/Resolved that the Town Board approves the enactment of Local Law No. 27-1994, "A Looal Law in Relation To~ County Route 48". VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:00 PM - Public Hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Country Route 48 5:05 PM - Public Hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Wineries EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:45 - NFAWL and Ft. Corchaug - T.Wickham Southold Town Board Work Session November 29, 1994 ORDER OF BUSINESS 9:00 AM APPOINTMENTS WITH TO~N BOARD No appointments scheduled 9:00 AM - PLANNING AND ZONING ISSUES 9:00 - B & Bs 9: 20 - Signage 9:40 - Lighting (COFFEE BREAK) 10:00 AM SOLID WASTE 10:00 - DEC comments on SWMP - T. Wick_ham (IV- 7) 11:00 AM - PERSONNEL 11:00 - Finalize appointments to the Board of Assessment Review 11:05 - Finalize reappointments to Planning Board and Board of Appeals 11:15 - Discussion of Abolished Position in Human Res. Dept 11:30 - Resumes received for Cablevision Advisory Committee (IV- 1) (iv- 5) (IV-II) (IV-12) (BREAK FOR LUNCH) 1:30 PM - FINANCE 1:30 - Insurance Coverage for the Town - J. Townsend 1:45 - Advertising/Publicity Re: Not-For-Profit Funding-A.Hussie 2:00 - Criteria for Funding Not-For-Profit Agencies 2:15 - Discussion of Minimum Fees for Code Enforcement (IV- 2) (IV-10) (IV- 8) 2: 30 PM - Other 2:30 - Discussion of ENTEK Contract - A. Hussie 2:45 - Youth - Where are we going? - J. Townsend 3:00 - Request from Electrical Inspectors, Inc. 3:15 - Discontinuance of the After School Latch Key Program 3:25 - Buy-out price for Town Hall Blood Pressure Monitor 3:30 - Go over Resolutions for tonight's Meeting. (IV- 4) (iv- 3) (IV- 6) (IV-13) (IV-14) EXECUTIVE SESSION - Personnel, Contracts, Negotiations 3:45 - NFAWL and Ft. Corchaug - T. Wickham (BREAK PRIOR TO START OF 4:30 PM MEETING)