HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-09/06/1994THOMAS I~ W[C~HAM SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (519) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD SEPTEMBER 6~ 1994 4:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Boa~,d on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of September 6, 1994. Approval of mi,~utes of August 23~ 1994 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meetings: Tuesday, September 20, 1994 at 7:30 PA I. REPORTS 1. Town of Southold Community Development Office Report - July 1994 2. Town of Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Aug. Report 3. Town of Southold Building Inspector Report 4. Town of Southold Program for the Disabled August Events 5. Town of Southold Town Clerk's Monthly Report for August 6. Southold Town Justice Court - Judge Tedesehi's monthly report. Southold Town Board meeting Agenda - September 6, 1994 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES NY District of the Corp of Engineers has received an application for a Dept. of Army permit from the Wunneweta Pond Assoeiation to dredge with upland disposal Wunneweta Pond on Little Peconic Bay in Cutchogue, NY. NY District of the Corp of Engineers has received an application for Dept. of Army authorization to construct a pier and ramp leading to a float secured to pilings. NY District of the Corp of Engineers has received a request for Dept. of Army authorization to reconfigure 7 private pier assemblies to a common main float secured to pilings and with 6 finger floats and 5 mooring piles accessed by a fixed walkway with ramp. III. COMMUNICATIONS NONE IV. FOR DISCUSSION Please Note: All "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AM to 4:30 PM Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order of Business. 1. Proposal for a New Southold Town Animal Shelter. 2. Possible resolution on the subject of the Town Of Southold Procurement Policy. 3. Possible resolution of a Local Law in Relation to Bed and Breakfast Facilities. 4. Possible resolution of a Local Law in Relation to Sig~s. 5. Possible resolution of a Local Law in Relation to Lighting. 6. Possible resolution of a Local Law in Relation to Aquaview Avenue. 7. Possible resolution of a Local Law in Relation to Wineries. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 6, 1994 Page 3. IV. FOR DISCUSSION (Cont'd. } 8. Possible resolution of a Local Law in Relation to Public Entertainment and Special Events. 9. Discussion of Town Board policy on waiving Landfill fees. 10. Discussion of 5 Town proposal for generic aspects of LILCO severance. 11. Possible resolution to appoint individuals to the Tree Committee. V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At this time the Supervisor will invite the public to speak out on the following resolutions. 1 */ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids on items for the Nutrition Center. 2/ Resolved that the Town Board amends resolution no. 33 adopted June 28, 1994 creating the Southold Town Youth Support Committee, by increasing the number of members from ten to fifteen. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 6, 1994 Page 4. V. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd.) Resolved that the Town Board appoints Connie D. Solomon and Lindsey Scoggin as members of the Southold Town Youth Support Committee. 4v/ Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to the Knights of Columbus to use Depot Lane from NYS Route 25 to Sacred Heart Cemetery for a procession on October 22, 1994 beginning at appx. 11:15 AM. 5/ Resolved that the Town Board sets 8 PM October 4, 1994, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold as time and place for a public hearing to obtain Citizen's Views on looal needs to be met with the 1995 Community Development Block Grant Funds. 6/ Resolved that the Town Board appoints Annette Jordon as a part-time Account Clerk in the Accounting and Finance Department effective September 12, 1994. 7~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the closure of Case's Lane between 9-5:30, October 1st, 1994 during the Mattituck Lionness Harvest Festival. 8p~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for a member of the Board of Assessment Review, effective September 30, 1994 through September 30, 1999. 9~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Southold Town Police to sponsor an Emergency Medical Dispatch Program at Southold, on October 17 and 18, 1994. 10 ¥~ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Renee Simchick, Day Care Aide, effective August 19, 1994. 11/Resolved that the Town of Southold authorizes purchase of money order by Recreation Department in the amount of $252.25. 12~/ Resolved that the Town of Southold commences the Lead Agency Coordination process in the matter of the Fishers Island Metal Dump Remediation. 13t~Resolved that the Town of Southold hereby appoints Kim Deppoliti as a lifeguard effective September 2, 1994. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 6, 1994 Page 5. V. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) 14F/Resolved that the Town of Southold authorizes agreements between the Town and business people for the fall recreation program. 15/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Covazzini Asphalt for the Shoreerest at Arshamomaque Subdivision. 16~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for a new payloader and new tractor truck for the Disposal Area. 17~/Resolved that the Town Board accept the resignation of Records Management clerk Jennifer Shank. 18~/Resolved that the Town Board authorize Supervisor Wickham to execute application for participation in the Local Government Telecommunications Initiative Project. 19/Resolved that the Town Board authorize location of three temporary office trailers, one in New Suffolk and two on Robins Island, on property of Louis M. Bacon. Resolved that the Town Board authorize $50,000 Bond Resolution for construction of raod improvements in Shoreerest at Arshamomoaque subdivision. 21~/Resolved that the Town Board adopt the policy on criteria for Waiving Disposal Fees. 22~//Resolved that the Town Board declares that the proposed "Local Law in Relation to Bed and Breakfast Facilities" and will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. Resolved that the Town Board transmits proposed Law in Relation to Bed and Breakfast Facilities" to Town and County Planning Boards. 24F/Resolved that the Town Board declares that the proposed "Local Law in Relation to Signs" will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. 25/Resolved that the Town Board transmits proposed "Local Law in Relation to Signs" to Town and County Planning Boards. / 26/Resolved that the Town Board declares that the proposed "Local Law in Relation to Lighting" will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. 27/ Resolved that the Town Board transmits proposed "Local Law in Relation to Lighing" to Town and County Planning Boards. 28/Resolved that the Town Board waives tipping fees for American Littoral Society's beach clean-up on September 17 and 18, 1994. 29~/Resolved that the Town Board declares that the proposed "Local Law in Relation to Wineries" will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. 30/Resolved that the Town Board set 8:00PM Tuesday, September 20, 1994, for a public hearing on a "Local Law in Relation to Wineries". 31/Resolved that the Town Board set 8:0§PM, Tuesday, September 20, 1994, for a public hearing on a "Local Law in Relation to Public Entertainment and Special Events". 32 ~/ Resolved that the Town Board appoint Tracy LePre as a School Crossing Guard. 33/Resolved that the Town Board adopts an amended Procurement Policy. 34/Supervisor Wickham appoints new Police Standing Committee. 35/Resolved that the Town Board reappoints certain members of the Southold Town Tree Committee. 36/Resolved that the Town Board authorize the Town Clerk to advertise ,~r~ resumes for three new members of the Tree Committee. 37~solved~ that the Town Board enact Local Law No.~1994, "A Local *- Law in Relation to Designation of Parking Areas". 38/Resolved that the Town Board enact Local Law No.~-1994, Local Law in Relation to Scallops". Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 6, 1994 Page 6. V. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. 5:00 PM - Local Law in Relation to Designation of Parking A~eas on Gagens Landing Road and Little Neck Road. 2. 5:05 PM - Local Law in Relation to Scallops. APPOINTMENTS I~rITH TOWN BOARD 9:00 AM - Edward siegmann - Re: Tax exemptions for Senior Citizens 9:30 AM - Oak Gentry - Re: Application for 3 trailer permits 9:45 AM - STF Sub committee - Re: TDRs EXECUTIVE SESSION Contracts, Negotiations and Personnel 3:45 PM - DEC Settlement 4:15 PM - Update Fishers Island 911 Bill. Southold Town Board Work Session September 6, 1994 ORDER OF BUSINESS 9:00AM 9:00 - 9:30 - 9:45 - APPOINTMENT ~rITH TOWN BOARD Ed Siegmann - Re: Senior Citizen Tax Exemptions Oak Gentry - Re: Trailer permit STF Sub committee - Re: TDRs 10:30 AM - SOLID WASTE ISSUES 10:30 - Waiving of Tipping Fees for groups-J. Bunchuck 10:40 - Summer Intern - W. Coster 10:45 - Fishers Island Metal Dump 11:00 AM - PLANNING AND ZONING ISSUES 11:00 - LL in Rel. to Bed and Breakfast Facilities - T. Wickham 11:15 - LL in Rel. to Signs and Lighting - T. Wiekham 11:30 - LL in Rel. to Parking on Aquaview Avenue - R. Oliva 11:45 - LL in Rel. to Wineries - R. Oliva 11:50 - LL in Rel. to Public Entertainment & Special Events - R. Oliva (IV- 9) (IV- 3) (IV-4,5) (IV- 6) (IV- 7) (IV- 8) (BREAK FOR LUNCH) 1: 25PM - PERSONNEL ISSUE 1:25 - School Crossing Guard 1:30 PM - POLICY AND FINANCE 1:30 - Policy: Proposed Ethics Code - L. Dowd, L. Evans, A. Hussie 1:45 - Policy: Procurement Procedures 2:00 - Finance: Proposed utility feasibility study - A. Hussie, T. Wiekham (IV- 2) 2:10 PM - Other 2:10 - Proposed Animal Shelter Contract - L. Dowd 2:25 - Police Committee Membership- T. Wickham 2:30 - Supervisor's briefing: Human Services E911 2:40 - Review Resolutions scheduled for this evening's meeting EXECUTIVE SESSION (IV- 1) 3:00- Fishers Island Telephone - L. Dowd 3:10- Supervisors Briefing re: possible open space acquistions 3:30- Southold/DEC settlement - F. Islet (BREAK PRIOR TO START OF 4:30 PM MEETING)