HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-08/09/1994THOMAS H. WICKHAM SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AUGUST 9, 1994 4:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of August 9, 1994. Approval of minutes of July 26, 1994 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meetings: Tuesday, August 23, 1994, at 7:30 PM 4:35 PM - Present Proclamation to Eagle Scout S. Marc Boken I. REPORTS 1. Town of Southold Program for the Disabled - July 1994 2. July Report from the Southold Town Justice Court - Judge Price 3. July Report from the Southold Town Justice Court - Judge TedescbJ 4. Report from the Office of the Town of Southold Building Inspector 5. July Report from the Southold Town Clerk's Office. 6. Town of Southold Health Report for July 1994. 7. Town of Southold PBA Health Report for July 1994. 8. July Report from the Town of Southold Justice Court - Judge Evans Southold Town Board meeting Agenda - August 9, 1994 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES N.Y. District Corp of Engineers has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). III. COMMUNICATIONS DEC letter of thank you to the Highway Department and Community Development office regarding Goldsmith's inlet cleanup. Citizen letter of praise for Ms. Santacroce regarding her exemplary service. IV. FOR DISCUSSION Please Note: All "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AlVl to 4:30 PM Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order Business. 1. 2. 3. of Discussion of proposed Ethics Code. Request for nominees for Council on Environmental Quality vacancy. Request for funding for emergency power capability at Mattituck High School. 4. Discussion of possible resolution to grant permission for Town Garbage Bag Delivery Program to Town merchants. 5. Discussion of possible resolution to appoint reappoint members to the Town Agricultural Committee. 6. Dlacusssion of revisions to Procurement Policy Resolution. 7. Discussion of possible resolution proposing a local law in relation to junior license for commercial shellfishlng. 8. Discussion to resolve amendments to sign ordinance. 9. Discussion of replacement for Planning Department Intern. 10. Discussion of John Raynor's attendance at an Disaster Preparednedd Conference in September. 11. 1995 Budget timetable. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - August 9, 1994 Page 3. IV. FOR DISCUSSION (Cont'd.) 12. Discussion of a Local Law in RElation to Bend and Breakfast Facilities. 13. Daniel Karpen update on Energy Conservation Projects. 14. Daniel Karpen update on State Energy Office Grant - Town Hall. 15. Possible resolution regarding authorization of an expenditure of up to $1,000 to engage the services of a contractor to remedy a dangerous situation on South Beach, FI. V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At this time the Supervisor will invite the public to speak out on the following resolutions. 1~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes budget modifications to the General Fund. Resolved that the Town Board appoints William S. Zebroski as a Custodial Worker 1. Resolved that the Town Board commences the Lead Agency Coordination process in the matter of Fl~nk Cichanowicz's petition for a zone change. Resolved that the Town Board engages Cramer, Voorhis & Associates to review the Assessment Form with respect to the petition of Resolution #S. Resolved that the Town Clerk transmits Resolution #3 to the Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning. Resolved that the Town Board accepts the rosignation of Irene Oliver as EISEP Aide and SNAP Weekend Driver, effective July 29, 1994. Resolved that the Town Board appoints Dwayne Farley as an EISEP Aide, effective immediately. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a Yard Sale Per,it refund. Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Mary Louise Santacroce effective August 12, 1994. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - August 9, 1994 Page 4. 10~/ Resolved that the for supplying 500 11/ Resolved that the a Public Hearling 12/Resolved that the as Lifeguards for 13/Resolved that the General Fund for skateboard rink. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd.) Town Board accepts the bid of Akzo Nobel Salt Inc. tons of bulk salt. Town Board sets Tuesday, August 23 at 8:07 PM for on a Local Law in Relation to Aquaview Avenue. Town Board appoints Christ Deppoliti and Dave Smith the remainder of the summer season. Town Board authorizes a budget modification to the Park and Recreation funds for lumber for the / 14~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorzies a budget modification to the General Fund to approriate donated funds for the Tree Committee. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a budget modification to the General Fund to appropriate Kaplan Grant Funds for Stewardship Task Force expenses. 16/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the proposal of Rehn & Fore, CPAs, to audit the Statement of Expenses as prepared by the Village of Greenport for the Southold Wastewater Disposal District for the year ended December 31, 1993. 17/Resolved that the Town Board requests the NYS Dept. of Transportation to conduct a traffic survey on Stars Road, East Marion, for the purpose of reducing the 40 mpr speed limit. 18t/ Resolved that the Town Board approves a change order for reduction in bid amount for RCS Air Duet Cleaning Inc. for work at the Human Resource Center. / 19/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid and enters into contract with Kolb Merohauioal Corp. for installation of new heating, air conditioning and ventialtion equipment at the Human Resource Center. 20~// Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a contract with Brompton Service Corp. and Kolb Meehauical Corp. for work under the Energy Conservation Pregram at Town Hall and Police Headquarters. 21F'/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes implementation of providing purchase of garbage bags at Town Hall for merchants. 22/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes attendance at a New York State Disaster Preparedness Conference by 2 Employees. 23/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a budget modification for the Consolidated Local Straet ant Highway Improvement Program account. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - August 9~ 1994 Page 5. V. RESOLUTIONS (Conttd) 24/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes budget modifications to the Fishers Island Ferry District account. / 25 ~/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a budget modification to the Examining Boards account. 261//Resolved that the Town Board sets 8:05 PM, Tuesday, August 23, 1994 for a public hearing on a "Local Law in Relation to Junior License for Commercial Shellfishing. / 27~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes expenditure to contribute to emergency power oability to the shelter at the Mattituck High School. 28~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes reappointments to the Southold Town Agricultural Advisory Committee. 29~//Resolved that the Town Board authorizes espenditure to remedy a dangerous situation at South Beach, Fishers Island. / 30~Resolved that the Town Board approves the hiring of E~ic Mealy~ a replacement intern for the Planning Department, through the end of August. 31~/ Resolved that the Town Board enacts Local Law No. 16-1994~ A Local Law In Relation to Burning. 32~/ Resolved that the Town Board enacts Local Law No. 17-1994~ A Local Law In Relation to Whistler Avenue. 33/Resolved that the Town Board appoints Kristen Blindenhofer as an Intern in the Town Attorney's Office through the end of August. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - August 9, 1994 Page 6. V. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd) VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing on a Local Law ~n Relation to Burning. Public Hearing on a Local Law in Relation to parking Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island. restrictions on APPOINTMENTS WITH TOI~rN BOARD 1. 9:00 AM - Daniel Karpen EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. 4:00 PM - Personnel, Settlements and Contracts Southold Town Board Work Session August 9, 1994 ORDER OF BUSINESS 9:00 AM APPOINTMENT WITH TOWN BOARD Daniel Karpen - Update on Energy Conservation Effort (COFFEE BREAK) (IV 13 & 14) 10:00 AM - SOLID WASTE ISSUES 10:00 - Garbage bags for merchants - J. Terry; J. Bunchuck 10:30 AM - PLANNING AND ZONING ISSUES 10:30 - Bed and Breakfasts 10:45 - Signs and Illumination - R. Oliva 11:00 - STF: Further Agenda for P & Z Committee - J. Townsend * (IV- 4) (IV= 8) 11:15 AM - PERSONNEL ISSUES 11:15 - Nomination for Legislative Council on Environmental Quality 11: 20 - Summer Intern for Planning Department 11:30 - J. Raynor's attendance at Disaster Preparedness Conf. (IV- 2) (IV= 9) (IV-10) (BREAK FOR LUNCH) 1:30 PM - POLICY AND FINANCE 1:30 = Policy: Recommendations from TB Members on Board Meetings* 1:45 - Policy: Proposed Ethics Code - T. Wickham (IV- 1) 2:00 - Policy: Procurement (IV- 6) 2:15 - Policy: Possible change in LL in Rel.to Jr. Shellfish License (IV- 7) 2:30 - Finance: Budgets - T. Wickham (IV-11) 2:45 PM - OTHER 2:45 - Review Resolutions scheduled for upcoming meeting 3:00 - Peconic County Update - T. Wickham * 3:15 - Emergency Preparedness: Evac. Center at Matt. High School-J. Ray-nor (IV- 3) 3:30 - Agricultural Advisory Committee - Update - T. Wickham (IV- 5) EXECUTIVE SESSION 3:45 - Personnel, Settlements and Contracts (BREAK PRIOR TO START OF 4:30 PM MEETING) * Items for discussion requiring no supporting documentation.