HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-10/03/1995SUPERVISOR Town Hall, ~095 Main Read P. O. Bax 1179 Southold, New York 119'/1 Fax (516) 76~182~ Telephone (516) 766-1889 AGI~IDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OCTOBER 3, 1995 4:30 POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the atte~di-~ public is encouraged to briefly address the Town. Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of October 3, 1995 Approval of minutes of September 19, 1995 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 17, 1995 ,a,t 7:30 P.M. 4:35 PM - Present Pro~l--tetion in Honor of Fire Prevention Week PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDLrr. Er~: 5:00 PM - Loe~/ Law in Relation to Flea Markets 5:05 PM - Local Law in Relation to Members of Architecture/ Review Corem. I. REPORTS 1. Town of Southold Police Department Report for August 1995, 2. Town of Southold Community Development Office Report for September 1995 3. Town of Southold Animal Shelter Report for August 1995 4. Town of Southold Office of the Building Inspector Report September 1995 Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 3, 1995 Page 2 II. PUBLIC NOTICES State of NY-DOT Notice of Order amending the 40 MPH Speed limit to extend 1500+ feet east of the Cutehogue Elementary School. NY District, Corps of Engineers public notice of public information meetings pertalniug to Regulatory Programs. III. COMMUNICATIONS None IV. FOR DISCUSSION Please Note: Ali "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AM to 4:30 PM Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order of Business. 1. Discussion of well monitoring and water quality testing. 2. Discussion of compensation for former Town employee. 3. Discussion of motion in favor of Town purchase of ,Commoners property. Possible resolution authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the County of Suffolk, Dept. of Public Works and the Town for the installation of traffic control devices at Cry. Rd. 48, Middle Road and Horton Lane. Possible resolution authorizing a budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town Police Department 1995 Budget to provide additional funds for the purchase of tires. o Discussion of East-West Fire Protection District Firemen's Service Award. 7. Discussion of Town Code in Relation to Farmstands. 8. Discussion of Emergency Medical Dispatch Instructor Training. 9. Reappointments and additions to the Substance Abuse Committee. 10. Proposal for Environmental Evaluation of YMCA Site. 11. Set Public Hearing for Local Law in Relation to Landfill Permit Fees by Resolution. 12. Request for additional telephone at Human Resource Center to handle the increased volume coming in for Retreat. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 3, 1995 Page 3. IV. FOR DISCUSSION 13. Set interview dates for Home Health Aide, School Crossing Guard and Records Management Clerk 14. Possible resolution authorizing the installation of a street light in the Shorecrest Subdivision. 15. Possible resolution authorizing a budget modification for maintenance of the Blood Pressure Machine. V. RESOLUTIONS 1/ Resolved that the Town Board in accordance with Section 76-23 of Chapter 76 of the Code of the Town of Southold, determines that the FI Sewer District rent by A. J. Gada Contracting which remains unpaid, shall be levied against the realty property of A. J. Gada Contracting and shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as Town Taxes. Resolved that the Town Board appoints Lucia Farrell as a temporary p/t Clerk Typist for the Justice Court effective September 22, 1995 to fill in during the sick leave of Theresa Zimnoski. 3~/Resolved that the Town Board engages the services of Andrew D. Stype to conduct an appraisal of property located in Greenport at the recommendation of the the Land Preservation Committee. 4~-'/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Board of Assessors to follow through with specific reductions for the 1995-96 tax year. 5~// Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a modification to the Whole Town General Fund, Central Data Processing to allocate funds for the purchase of a 486 PC for Engineering Inspector James Richter. 6~/ Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to Town Trustee Martin Garrell and Site Plan Reviewer Robert Kassner to attend a one-day workshop on "Designing Stormwater Wetlands". Resolved that the Town Board engages the services of David C. Wimpelberg, to conduct an appraisal of property located in Mattituck at the recommendation of the Land Preservation Committee. Resolved that in accordance with Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same is given to the Superintendent of Highways to make an order laying out the highways known as Evergreen Drive and Vineyard Drive, to consist of lands described in application and be it further resolved that the Town Clerk be authorize to forthwith cause the dedication, release and deed to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 3, 1995 Page 4. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) Resolved that the Town Board accepts responsibility for the two (2) street lights which were required to be installed by the developer in the subdivision of "The Woods at Cutchogue". 10/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to readvertise for bids for the purchase of 500 tons of Bulk Ice Control Rock Salt for the Superintendent of Highways. Il/Resolved that the Town Board amends resolution no. 22 adopted 9/19/95 pertaining to expenses incurred by individuals from the NYS-DMV in travelling to Fishers Island to process the renewal of driver's licenses. 12g/ Resolved that the Town Board approves a budget modification for the Huu~m Resource Center. 13~//Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Board of Trustees to retain Timothy Collins, AICP, Environmental, Planning & Land Development Consultant, East Hampton, as an Environmental Consultant to the Trustees and authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement with same in accordance with the Town Attorney. 14,/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the National Association of Drug-Free Employees, Inc. and the Town to provide drug and alcohol testing for Town employees in possession of a Commercial Drivere License who are covered by the Federal Highway regulations. / 15 ~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes demolition of the Thelma York Aanestad house in Orient. 16. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the demolition of the Aanestad house. 17//Resolved that the Town Boards permission to the Cutchogue Fire Department to use Town roads for a Halloween Parade. 18/Resolved that the Town Board approves a budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town for the purchase of tires for police cars. 19/Resolved that the Town Board approves a budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town for msintenance of the blood pressure machine. 20/ Resolved that the Town Board grants permission for 3 PSD's to attend Emergency Medical Dispatchers Instmlctor course. / 21 V/Resolved that the Town Board reappoints Substance Abuse Committee members. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 3, 1995 Page 5. V. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) 22~/Resolved that the Town Board approves a budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town to provide for installation of a telephone for the Office for Women. 23/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the offer of the land owned by the Commoners. 24/Resolved that the Town Board sets 8:00 PM, Tuesday, October 17, 1995 at Town Hall for a Public Hearing on A Local Law in Relation to Landfill Permit Fees by Resolution." 25/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes an agreement with r,lnda Knoersehild for teen nights. 26~/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes attendance at an IBM Seminar on October 11, 1995. 27~-~Resolved that the Town Board amends a September 19, 1995 resolution pertaining to expenses for a conference in Connecticut to provide for hotel accommodations. 28~,/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Super~visor to execute an agreement for installation of traffic control devices at CR 48 and Horton Lane, Southold. 29/Resolved that the Town Board engages the services of Charles Voorhis & Associates to provide environmental planning services with regard to Town property at Laurel Lake under consideration for a YMCA. 30~'/Resolved that the Town Board engages the services of Jonathan Rosner to defend the Town in the matter of the Village of Greenport and Mayor. David E. Kapell, individually and on behalf of the resident of Greenport against the Town of Southold, the Town Board, the Town Police Department, and the PBA. 31~. esolved that the Town Board enacts Local Law #20-1995, a Local Law in Relation to Flea Markets. 32~"~Resolved that the Town Board enacts Local Law #21-1995, a Local Law in Relation to Members of the Architectural Review Committee. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 3, 1995 Page 6. V. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:00 PM - Hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Flea Markets 5:05 PM - Hearing on a Local Law in Relation to Members of the Architectural Review Committee. APPOINTMENTS WITH TOWN BOARD 9:00 AM - Unsafe Building Hearing 9:30 AM - Committee on Local Taxes Southold Town Board Work Session October 3, 1995 ORDER OF BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS WITH THE TOWN BOARD 9: 00 - Unsafe Building Hearing 9:30 - Committee on Local Taxes ( CO~'~'~ BREAK) 10:15 - FINANCE 10:15 - 1996 Budget - T. Wickham 11:00 11:10 11:30 11:35 11:40 - Budget Modification to purchase tires for Police Dept. - East-West Fire Protection Service Awards - J. Cushman - New phone installation at Human Resource Centar-V.McKeighan - Authorize Streetlight Installation in Shorecrest Subdivision - Budget Modification for Blood Pressure Machine Maintenance 11:45 - PERSONNEL 11:45 - Emergency Medical Dispatch Instructor Training 11:50 - New and Reappointments to Substance Abuse Committee 11:55 - Set interview dates for 3 positions 12:00 - OTHER 12:00 - Well monitoring and testing-T. Wickham 12:15 - Compensation for former Town Employee (LUNCH BREAK) 2:00 - PLANNING AND ZONING 2:00 - Town Code in relation to Farmstands 2:15 - Land Owned by Commoners 2:30 - Update on Anabel/Galgon Meetings re: Traller-E.Forrester 2:45 - SOLID WASTE 2:45 - Set Public Hearing for Local Law on Landfill Permit Fee 2:50 - Testing for Contamination at FI Metal Dump-L. Evans OTHER 3:00 3:10 3:30 - Installation of Traffic Light Rt. 48/Hortons Lane - Proposal for Environmental Evaluation of YMCA Site-L. Dowd - Review Resolutions for Town Board Meeting (IV- 5) (IV- 6) (IV-12) (IV-14) (IV-15) (IV- 8) (IV- 9) (IV-13) (IV- 1) (iv- 2) (IV- 7) (IV- 3) (IV-11) (iv- 4) (iv-10) SUPERVISOR'S BRIEFING Waterfront RevitaLization Program EXECUTIVE SESSION Litigation: Police Hiring Litigation: Sludge Disposal Fees