HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-09/19/1995TI-lOMAS H. WIGWAM SUPERVISOR Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P, O, Box 1179 Southold, NewYork 11971 Fsx (516) 765-1823 Telephone (516) 765-1889 AGENDA $OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD SEPTEMRER 19, 1995 7:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of September 19, 1995 Approval of minutes of September 5, 1995 Town Board Meeting. Next Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, October 3, 1995 a..t 4:30 P.M. None PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED: I. REPORTS 1. Town of Southold Town Investigator Report - August 1995 2. Town of Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Report-August 1995 3. Town of Southold Town Clerk Report - August 1995 4. Town of Southold Justice Court Report: F. J. Tedeschi - August 1995 5. Town of Southold Recreation Dept. Report - August 1995 6. Town of Southold Board of Trustees Report - August 1995 7. Town of Southold Community Development Report - August 1995 8. Town of Southold Justice Court Report: L. P. Evans - August 1995 Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 19, 1995 Page 2 I. REPORTS (Continued) 9. Town of Southold Justice Court Report: W. H. Price - August 1995 10. Town of Southold Healthcare Report: Town - August 1995 11. Town of Southold Healthcare Report: PBA - August 1995 12. Town of Southold Planning Board Office Report - August 1995 II. 1. PUBLIC NOTICES NYSDOT Notice of Order establishing 30 mph on Stars Road in East Marion. NYSDOT Notice of Order amending existing area speed lime to exclude Stars Road. Negative Declaration Notice of Determination of non-significance with NYS-DEC as lead agency regarding the removal of debris from the face of bluff and construction of 190' restraining wall and 2 returns at tow of bluff. III. COMMUNICATIONS - None IV. FOR DISCUSSION Please Note: All "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AM to 4:30 PM Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order of Business. Possible resolution appointing I. Bernard Jacobson a member of the Southold Town Transportation Committee effective immediately through April 5, 1996. Discussion of current permit fees for shellfish, beaches, and landfill. Discussion pertaining to the reappointment of Jonathan Wiggins to the Board of Assessment Review. Possible resolution authorizing the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the County of Suffolk Dept. of Public Works and the Town for the installation of traffic control devices at County Road 48, Middle Road and Horton Lane, South,id. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 19, 1995 Page 3. IV. FOR DISCUSSION 5. Discussion of the cost of the Town's yellow garbage bags. 6. Discussion of possible TDR program. 7. Discussion of proposal from Cameron Engineering pertaining to the Scavenger Waste Treatment facility. 8. Discussion of Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility operational costs. 9. Possible resolution regarding disposal of debris pertaining to the Third Annual Hands around the Bays Beach Clean-up. 10. Discussion of the application form for Town Grants. 11. Discussion of FI Sewage District. V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At this time the Supervisor will invite the public to speak out on the following resolutions. 1/ 2/ 3/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Lawrence Healthcare Administrative Services, Inc. to pay the medical bill of two former employees. Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to provide for insurance consultant retained through 12/31/95 and for audit of Police Department time records. Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to the Southold P.T.A. to use Oaklawn Avenue for their annual Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 31, 1995 between 4 PM and 4:30 PM. Resolved that the Town Board creates a second position of Data Entry Operator. 5~'/Resolved that the Town Board changes the title of Patricia Garsik, P/T Clerk Typist at Police Headquarters to P/T Data Entry Operator and increases her hourly salary accordingly. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for applicants for the position of Gate Attendant at the Disposal Area. Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to accommodate miseelianeous items for the Nutrition Center. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between Comprehensive Geriatric Services, Inc. and the Town of Southold to provide Home Health Aides at the Human Resource Center. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 19, 1995 Page 4. V~. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) 9~// Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Solid Waste Coordinator James Bunehuck from membership on the Southold Solid Waste Task Force, effective immediately. ? 10~' Resolved that the Town Board sets 5:00 PM, Tuesday, October 3, 1995, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a public hearing on A Local Law in Relation to Flea Markets. Il/Resolved that the Town Board sets 5:05 PM, Tuesday, October 3, 1995, Southold Town Hall, as time and place for a public hearing on A Local Law in Relation to Members of the Architectural Review Committee. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to appropriate donated funds for the installation of a plaque and litter receptacles at Silversmiths Corner. 13~Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an amendment to the agreement between the State of NY, Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities and the Town for the 100% Day Training Contract with the LI Developmental Disabilities Services Office. 14~Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the release of a performance bond for roads and improvements in the major subdivision of The Woods at Cutchogne. 15~/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Corrazzini Asphalt Inc., for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment for the reconstruction and restoration of all roads and drainage facilities in the Lands End Subdivision, Orient; and be it further resolved that the Town board authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the Town and Corazzini Asphalt Inc to accomplish this project. 16. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of a forklift truck for the Solid Waste Management District. / 17~/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes modifications to the 1995 Solid Waste Management District Budget. la/ Resolved that the Town Board grants permission to Councilwoman Ruth Olive, Senior Planner Valerie Scopaz and Transportation Committee Chairman Neboysha Brashich to attend the American Planning Assn. 1995 Northeast Region Conference. 19/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a modification to the Central Data Processing 1995 Budget. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 19, 1995 Page 5. V~. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) 20~/ Resolved that the Town Board supports and endorses the proposed delay of the start of the 1995 Bay Scallop Season to October 30, 1995. 21/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the submission of an application for a Local Waterfront Revitalization Grant. 22/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the payment of one-half cost of airfare for the Dept. of Motor Vehicles to travel to Fishers Island to renew drivers licenses. 23/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the proposal of Cameron Engineering, P. C., for engineering design services relating to underground storage tanks at the Scavenger Waste Treatment Plant. 24/ Resolved that the Town Board waives the Landfill fees for disposal of garbage from the Third Annuai Around the Bays Beach Clean-up. Resolved that the Town Board appoints I Bernard Jacobsen a member of the Southold Town Transportation Committee. Resolved that the Town Board reappoints Jonathan Wiggins a member of the Southold Town Board of Assessment Review. 27 Resolved that the Town Board protests planned dumping of dredged materials into Long Island Sound by the U. S. Navy and will join litigation initiated to prevent such disposal as a named plaintiff, at no cost to the Town. 28/Resolved that the Town Board appoints Helen Rosenblum as Special Counsel to the Town Board for the period of September 5-15, 1995 without compensation. 29~/Resolved that the Town Board appoints James E. Baker to represent the Town in the matter of Charters vs. the Town of Southold. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - September 19, 1995 Page 6. V. RESOLUTIONS (Continued) VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS APPOINTMENTS WITH TOWN BOARD 9:00 AM - Unsafe Building Hearing 9:30 AM - Bob Costanza - Umbrella Care 10:00 AM - Paul Galgon, Timothy Annabel, Ed Forrester 10:30 AM - Rev. Fulford, Cutchogue Baptist Church Southold Town Board Work Session September 19, 1995 ORDER OF BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS WITH THE TOWN BOARD 9:00 - Unsafe Building Hearing 9:30 - Bob Costanza - Umbrella Care 10:00- P. Gaigon, T. Annabel, E. Forrester re: Trailer Permit 10:30 - Rev. Fulford of the Cutchogue Baptist Church (COFFEE BREAK) 11:00 - FINANCE 11:00 - Letter and Application for Town Grants 1I:15 - Review of current permit fees (iv-10) (iv- 2) 11:30 - PLANNING AND ZONING 11:30 - Discussion of 2 TDR Reports - J. Townsend (IV- 6) (LUNCH BREAK) 1:30 - LANDFILL/WASTE 1:30 - FI Sewage District - L. Evans 1:45 - Cost of Town yellow garbage bags - A. Hussie 2:00 - Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility - T.Wickham, R.Oliva 2:45 - Possible Resolution on beach clean-up debris at Landfill (IV-11) (IV- 5) (IV-7 & 8) (IV- 9) 3:00 PM - PERSONNEL 3:00 - Appointment to Transportation Committee 3:05 - Reappointment to Southold Town Board of Assessment Review 3:10 - Personnel Scheduling - J. Bunchuck (IV- 1) (IV- 3) OTHER: 3:15 - Installation of Traffic Light Rt. 48/Hortons Lane/Middle Road 3:30 - FI: Problems with dredging off Connecticut and FI - L. Evans 3:45 - Mandatory Drug Testing - J. Cushman 4:00 - Review Resolutions for Town Board Meeting (IV- 4) SIiPERVISOR'S BRIEFING Peconic County EXECUTIVE SESSION Personnel testimony at litigation Other, to be specified