HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-07/25/1995THOMAS H. WICKI-IAM
Town Hall, 53095 Main 1~ad
P. O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (516) 765-1823
Telephone (516) 765-1889
JULY 25, 1995
7:30 P.M.
POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meeting, the attending public is
encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions
prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the
conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board
on any given topic.
Call to Order.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of the Audit of Bills of July 25, 1995
Approval of minutes of July 11, 1995 Town Board Meeting.
Next Town Board Meeting: on Fishers Is., Wed., August 2, 1995 at 1:00 PM
Next Town Board Meeting in Southold: Tuesday, August 8, 1995 at 4:30 PM
8:00 PM - Change of Zone Request by Strong's Marine, Inc.
1. Town of Southold CommuIlit~r Development Report - June 1995
2. Town of Southold Justice Court Report, L. P. Evans - June 1995
3. Town of Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility - June 1995
4. Town of Southold Board of Trustees Report - June 1995
5. Town of Southold planning Board Report - May 1995
6. Town of Southold Healthcare Report for the Town - June 1995
7. Town of Southold Healthcare Report for the PBA - June 1995
8. Town of Southold Planning Board Report - June 1995
9. Town of Southold Police Report - June 1995
Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 25, 1995
Page 2
NYS/DEC Notice of Complete Application for modification of existing
permit to include a pair of 315 ft. pile supported rails to facilitate
movement of an antenna test platform at the Naval Undersea Warfare
Center, Wilderness Point, Fishers Island.
NYS/DEC Notice of Complete Application for proposal to construct a
single family dwelling, septic system and driveway adjacent to the
Right of Way off Peconic Bay Blvd, Laurel.
NYS/DEC Notice of Complete Application for proposal to construct a
single family dwelling with attached deck and garage, driveway,
walkway, well and septic system at Majors Pond Road, Orient.
Please Note: All "For-Discussion" items are discussed during the 9 AM to
4:30 PA Town Board Work Session at the times listed on the Order
Possible Resolution modifying the General Fund Whole Town 1995
Budget to appropriate funds from the insurance recovery for the police
car that burned earlier this year.
Possible resolution regarding a change of zone request by Frank
Cichanowicz III.
Possible resolution authorizing the submission of an application for
State assistance for Landfill Closure pursuant to Title 5 of Article 54
of the NYS Environmental Conservation Law.
Discussion pertaining to the possible implementation of a Town noise
5. Discussion of property owned by William S. Midgley, Jr.
6. Greenport parking restrictions/Front & Main Streets.
7. Town Building repairs, changes and improvements.
8. Town Funding for the Greenport Softball League.
Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 25, 1995
Page 3.
9. Discussion of itinerary for Fishers Island Town Board Day.
10. Set Dates to interview applicants for 2 EISEP Aides and applicants for
Architectural Review Committee.
11. Discussion of Cameron EnKineering Proposal for Solid Waste Management
12. Appointment of P/T Clerk Typist for the Police Department.
13. Possible resolution appointing Clerk for Accounting & Finance
Request for Code addition pertaining to park/ng near fire wells.
Special Note: At this time the Supervisor will invite the public to speak
out on the following resolutions.
1~/ Resolved that the Town Board sets 5:00 PM, Tuesday, August 8, 1995
at Southold Town Hall as time and place for a public hearing on A Local
Law in Relation to Land Clearing.
2/ Resolved that the Town Board sets 5:05 PM, Tuesday, August 8, 1995
at Southold Town Hall as time and place for a public hearing on A Local
Law in Relation to Front Yard Setbacks.
3V/ Resolved that the Town Board creates a Southold Town Anti-Bias Task
4/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a modification to the General
Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to a~proprlate funds for the computer
system analysis under the Central Date Processing_]~udget.
5/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Lucia Farrell
as P/T Clerk Typist for the Board of Appeals.
6 ~g/~ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the transfer of Noreen Frey,
P/T Records Management Clerk for the Town Clerk's office to the
position of P/T Clerk Typist for the Board of Appeals.
7/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise
for resumes for a P/T Records Management Clerk.
Resolved that the Town Board request the NYSDOT to conduct a
traffic survey on Eugene's Road, Cutchogue from Rt. 25 to Skunk
Lane, for the purpose of reducing the speed limit.
Resolved that the Town Board accepts the resignation of Patricia A.
Eskaserp, member of the Town Conservation Advisory Council.
Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 25, 1995
Page 4.
V~. RESOLUTIONS (Continued.)
10v/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise
for resumes for one member of the CAC.
ll~esolved that the Town Board authorizes a modification to the General
' Fund Whole Town 1995 Budget to cover costs for additional beach
12/ Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget to appropriate funds for recent payment to a PBA member.
13/Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget to appropriate funds for the final bill from Eastman Kodak
on the west end copy machine at Town Hall.
14~/ Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget to correct the appropriation for School Crossing Guards.
15~/ Resolved that the Town Board modifies the 1995 Solid Waste Management
District Budget.
16~/Resolved that the Town Board modified the General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget to appropriate additional monies from the NYS record
archives grant.
17~/Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget to cover overdrawn appropriations.
18/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Corazzini Brothers,
Inc., for supplying Sand Mix Asphalt with AC20 and mineral filler to be
used, furnished and placed at the discretion of the Superintendent of
19/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Corazzini Brothers,
Inc to furnish and place Asphalt Concrete within the Town of Southold
for a period of 1 year.
/R ·
20 esolved that the Town Board authorizes the closure of Sound Avenue,
Mattituek, from intersection of NYS Rt. 25 to Westphalia Road, on
Saturday, August 12, 1995 between the hours of 9 AM and a PM
during the annual Summer Fair of the Mattituek Presbyterian Chureli.
21~/Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget to cover costs for beach telephones.
22/Resolved that the Town Board modifies the General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget for park and beach equipment.
23~//Resolved that the Town Board amends Res. 14 adopted July 11 deleting
Charles M. Muffin from the Committee on Local Taxes.
Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - July 25, 1995
Page 5.
V~. RESOLUTIONS (Continued)
24/Resolved that the Town Board amends Res. 15 adopted July 11
extending Charles M. Muffin, member of the Committee on Local Taxes
until Oct. 12, 1995.
25/Resolved that the Town Board grants change of zone from Residential
Office to General Business on the property of Frank Cichanowicz III,
subject to certain covenants and restrictions.
26/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes submission of an application
for State assistance for Landfill Closure.
27/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the proposal of Dvirka &
Bartilucci for engineering services for modeling the water infiltration
into the landfill with a vegetative cover.
28/ Resolved that the Town Board accepts the bid of Nytest Environmental,
Inc. for laboratory analytical services for the Landfill.
29/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to readvertise
for hamlet members for the Architectural Review Committee.
30/Resolved that the Town Board appoints Kerry Paash as a P/T Clerk
Typist for the Police Department.
31~/Resolved that the Town Board appoints Connie D. Solomon as a F/T
Clerk for the Accounting & Finance Department.
32/Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget Modification to appropriate funds from the insurance
recovery for the police care that burned earlier this year.
33/Resolved that the Town Board grants $500 to the Greenport Softball
League for 1995 expenses.
34. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise
for bids for treatment of the Human Resource Center water supply.
35. Resolved that the Town Board authorizes the Town Clerk to advertise
for bids for repair or replacement of air-conditioning system in east
end of Town Hall.
36/Resolved that the Town Board accepts the proposal of W. P. S.
Consulting Engineers, P.C. to investigate and evaluate kitchen exhaust
modifications at the Human Resource Center.
3~Resolved that the Town Board requires that the Southold Police
Department enforce Greenport Village parking regulations.
Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - 3uly 25, 1995
Page 6.
V. RESOLUTIONS (Continued}
38~' Resolved that the Town Board authorizes a General Fund Whole Town
1995 Budget Modification for $500 Grant to the Greenport Softball
39A/ Resolved that the Town Board authorizes Lawrence Healthcare
Administrative Services, Inc. to pay the medical bill of a Town
employee which was submitted by the provider more than 90 days after
date of service.
8:00 PM - Change of Zone petition by Frank Cichanowicz III Hearing on
9:00 AM - Barbara Sommers of North Fork Women's Resource Center
9:30 AM - Rosemary McCamish of Parish Outreach Center
Southold Town Board Work Session
July 25, 1995
9:30 - Rosemary McCamish - Parish Outreach Center
10:00 - Change of Zone Petition by Fr-nk Cichaniwicz III
10:15 - Town acquisition of Midgiey Property
10:30 - Land Preservation Referendum
(IV- 2)
(IV- 5)
11:00 - Update on Landfill Closure - J. Bunchuck, T. Maher
11:15 - Application for State Assistance for Landfill Closure
11:30 - Scavenger Waste/Cameron Engineering Proposal-R.Oliva
(IV- 3)
11:45 - Set interview dates: EISEP Aides and Architectural Review Comm. (IV-10)
11:50 - Appoint P/T Clerk Typist for Police Dept. (IV-12)
11:55 - Appoint Clerk for Accounting and Finance Dept. (IV-13)
1: 30 - FINANCE
1:30 - 1996 Budget - T. Wickham
1:45 - Budget modification for Police Department
2:00 - Funding for lighting for Greenport Softball League
2:15 - Criteria for funding Not-for-Profit Organizations
(IV- 1)
(IV- 8)
2:30 - Enforcement of Greenport Parking Restrictions
2:45 - Repairs/Improvements to Various Town Buildings-J. Richter
3:15 - Fishers Island Town Board Meeting - L. Evans
3:30 - Code Change re: Parking near fire wells
3:45 - Review Resolutions for Town Board Meeting
(IV- 6)
(IV- 7)
(IV- 9)
Discussion of a Noise Ordinance
Status of Cross Sound Ferry and Southold Town
(IV- 4)